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Soups ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Main Dishes ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Ways with Cheese . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Vegetables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Salads and Salad Dressings . . . . . 14
Desserts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Frankly Fancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Quick Breads ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Cakes. ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Beverages .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Garnish with Grated. . . . . . . . . . . 31

(!j 71orden KITCH EN

'The generous use of milk and milk products is a quick, easy, low-
cost way to make meals for your family taste good, look good and be
good for them.

Dairy products add a wide assortment of health-givi ng nutrients to

our diets. They are a good source of high-quali ty protein, riboflavin
and thiamine, and when containing milk fat, also provide vitamin A.
Milk is our leading source of calcium. Since few foods are rich in this
mineral, diets are apt to be low in calcium unless· generous amounts of
dairy products are used.

Surveys show that the average Canadian family's diet today is low
in calcium more· often than in any other nutrient. This is why nutri-
tionists stress these recommend ed daily amounts of milk: 3 to 4 cups
for children, 4 or more cups for teen-agers, and 2 or more cups for adults.

The entire amount of the recommend ed milk intake may be con-

sumed in the form of fluid whole milk. But part or all of the intake may
come from milk products, provided the amounts used supply enough
calcium to equal the quantity of calcium in the recommend ed amount
of milk.

From breakfast to bed-time snack, from soup to dessert, there are

many glamorous , flavourful ways to use milk and milk products. On the
following pages are recipes developed in the famous Borden Kitchen.
All are rich in dairy products. You can profit by using them. And now
... Here's for good health and good eating!

The Borden Compan y, Limited

QUICK OYSTER BISQUE (Makes 6 to s servings)
1 cup oysters, f.resh, canned or frozen 1 teaspoon salt
51j3 cups Borden's Homogenized Milk 1,4 teaspoon paprika
1,4 cup minced onion Yeteaspoon pepper
th cup finely chopped celery 3 tablespoons butter
1 bay leaf % cup crushed salted crackers
2 sprigs parsley
Drain oysters; pour liquor into small saucepan. Chop oysters fine; return to
the oyster liquor; bring slowly to boiling point over low heat. Combine milk,
onion, celery, bay leaf, parsley, salt, paprika and pepper in 2-quart sauce·
pan; bring to boiling point; strain. Add oysters to hot milk mixture. Stir
in butter and crackers. Serve at once. If bisque is not to be served at once,
do not combine oysters and hot milk mixture until just before serving. Garnish
with parsley, if desired.
CREAM OF VEGETABLE SOUP (Makes 6 servings)

2 tablespoons butter 1 1f2 teaspoons salt
1 tablespoon minced onion Vs teaspoon pepper
2 tablespoons flour 3 cups Borden's Homogenized Milk
1% cups vegetable puree, your choice

Melt butter in 2-quart saucepan or top of double boiler; add onion; saute
over direct heat until soft but not brown, about 3 minutes. Remove from
heat. Combine flour, salt and pepper; blend with butter and onion. Gradu-
ally add milk, stirring constantly. Cook over low heat or boiling water,
stirring constantly, until thickened. Gradually stir in vegetable puree;
blend well. Continue heating until mixture is heated through, but do not
boil. Serve piping hot.

QUICK VICHYSOISSE (Makes 4 to 6 servings)

2 teaspoons minced chive Dash pepper

Vs teaspoon salt 4 cups Borden's Buttermilk, chilled

Combine all ingredients; mix well. Serve at once.


(Makes 6 servings)

1f2pound cooked shrimps, cleaned 1 tablespoon minced onion

and finely chopped 1 1f2 teaspoons prepared mustard
% cup finely chopped or 2 teaspoons sugar
grated cucumber 1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon minced fresh dill 4 cups Borden's Buttermilk, chilled

Combine all ingredients; mix well. Chill thoroughly. Serve at once.

"Milk in one or more of its various forms may well be part of every meal
and .•. it is quite clear that a decidedly increased prominence of milk
in the diet is an important step toward the best use of food."

Henry C. Sherman, Ph.D.


1 V2 cups (6 oz.) elbow macaroni, Ya teaspoon dry mustard

cooked and drained 1 teaspoon onion juice
3 tablespoons butter 2 cups Borden's Homogenized Milk
3 tablespoons flour Y, pound Borden's Chateau
1 teaspoon salt Cheese, shredded
Ya teaspoon pepper
Melt butter in saucepan. Remove from heat. Combine flour, salt, pepper
and mustard; stir into butter, blending well. Stir in onion juice. Gradually
stir in milk, blending well. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until
thickened. Add % of the cheese; cook over low heat, stirring constantly,
until cheese melts and mixture is smooth. Put macaroni in a buttered 1%
quart casserole. Pour cheese sauce over macaroni. Sprinkle remaining
cheese over top. Bake in moderate oven (350°F.) until browned, about 30

Homogenized milk may be used interchangeably with non-homogenized

milk in all cookery processes which call for whole milk.

SAVORY CORNED BEEF RING (Makes 6 servings)

1 tablespoon prepared mustard 2 cups (12 oz.) conned or cooked

1 cup soft bread crumbs corned beef, chopped
2 tablespoons finely chopped onion 1 cup Borden's Homogenized Milk
2 tablespoons finely chopped 2 eggs, slightly beaten
green pepper Cooked vegetables or salad greens,
2 tablespoons butter, melted if desired
Ya teaspoon pepper
Mix together mustard, bread crumbs, onion, green pepper, butter, pepper
and corned beef. Combine milk and eggs; add to corned beef mixture; mix
well. Pour into well-greased 1-quart ring mold. Place mold in baking pan
on rack in oven. Pour hot water into baking pan to depth of 1 inch. Bake
in a moderate oven ( 350°F.) until a knife inserted in ring comes out clean,
about 30 minutes. Unmold. To serve hot: fill center of ring with vegetables.
To serve cold: garnish with salad greens.

SWEDISH POT ROAST (Makes 6 servings)

4 pounds pot roast % cup diced onion

2 tablespoons bacon fat 1 garlic clove, sliced
2 teaspoons salt 1% cups Borden's Sour Cream
1h teaspoon pepper 1 package (6 oz.) fine or medium
2 tablespoons grated lemon rind noodles, cooked and drained

Brown roast in hot fat in skillet or Dutch oven. Add seasonings, grated
lemon rind, onion and garlic. Pour sour cream over all. Cover. Simmer
over low heat, 31j2 to 4 hours, basting once in awhile, with gravy. Serve
with noodles. Add noodles to sauce, 20 minutes before serving for added
flavor, if desired.

Cocoa and chocolate beverages made at home with homogenized milk

have a pleasingly heavier body and appreciably less cocoa solids settle
out during the normal drinking time than in those made with non-
homogenized milk.

CREAMY SCRAMBLED EGGS (Makes 6 servings)

6 eggs 1 tablespoon chopped chives or

1 cup Borden's Homogenized Milk parsley, if desired
1h teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons butter
Vs teaspoon pepper
Beat eggs slightly. Add milk, seasonings and chives or parsley; mix well.
Melt butter in skillet; pour in egg mixture. Cook over low heat, scraping
cooked portions from bottom and sides of pan with a spatula until mixture
i~ thick and creamy. Serve at once.

COTTAGE CHEESE CODFISH CAKES (Makes twelve 2-inch cakes)

2 (10V2 oz.) cans codfish 2 tablespoons Borden's

1 egg Homogenized Milk
V4 cup chopped parsley 1 egg
1 cup (8-oz. container) Borden's Fine bread crumbs
Creamed Cottage Cheese Tomato or tartar sauce

Combine codfish, one egg, parsley and cottage cheese. Shape into 2-inch
cakes. Beat together milk and one egg. Dip fish cakes into bread crumbs,
milk-egg mixture; again into bread crumbs. Saute cakes on both sides until
golden brown. Serve with tomato or tartar sauce.

CREAMY SHRIMP NEWBURG (Makes 6 servings)

1 V2 cups (1 0 oz.) frozen, 1 teaspoon salt

cooked and cleaned shrimps 13_4 cups Borden's Half and Half
3 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons cooking sherry,
3 tablespoons flour if desired
% teaspoon dry mustard *Curry flavoured popovers
% teaspoon black pepper
Cut shrimps in half lengthwise. Melt butter in saucepan over low heat;
blend in flour and seasonings. Remove from heat. Gradually stir in Half
and Half. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens.
Remove from heat; stir in sherry and shrimps. Serve in curry flavored
*Curry flavoured popovers: Add one teaspoon curry powder to recipe for
six popovers.

Milk should be stored at 35° to 40 °F. to safeguard its healthfulness and

flavour. Milk left standing in a sunny spot for several hours in summer
may increase in temperature as much as 1 0 ° to 20° F.

WELSH RABBIT (Makes 2 to 3 servings)

V. teaspoon salt % pound Borden's Chateau

Yateaspoon paprika Cheese, shredded
Dash of cayenne pepper 1 egg, if desired
% teaspoon dry mustard Toast or unsalted crackers
% cup Borden's Homogenized Milk
Combine salt, paprika, cayenne and mustard in top of double boiler; gradu-
ally stir in milk; blend well. Add cheese; cook over hot water, stirring
constantly, until cheese melts and mixture is smooth. For a thick rabbit,
stir a little of the cheese mixture into a slightly beaten egg; return to
remaining cheese mixture. Cook over hot water, stirring constantly, until
mixture is thick and smooth, about 3 minutes. Serve at once on toast
or unsalted crackers.

BAKED HAM AND COTTAGE CHEESE (Makes 4 to 6 servings)

% cup Borden's Homogenized Milk 1 egg

11h cups soft bread crumbs 1 pound uncooked ground ham
1 cup (8-oz. container) Borden's Parsley sprigs, if desired
Creamed Cottage Cheese

Combine milk, bread crumbs, cottage cheese and egg; blend well. Stir
in ham. Turn into 10 x 6 x 2-inch baking dish. Bake in moderate oven
(375°F.) until top is lightly browned about 45 to 50 minutes. Garnish
with parsley.
Variation: Before baking arrange 4 pineapple slices on top; sprinkle
with 2 tablespoons brown sugar.


1 small onion, sliced Dash pepper

2 tablespoons butter cup Borden's Sour Cream
1 pound round steak, cut in 2 tablespoons flour
V. inch strips Chinese noodles, cooked rice or
Ys teaspoon ginger peas, or toast points
1 teaspoon salt

Saute onion slices in butter; add meat strips, ginger and seasonings. Cook,
stirring constantly, until meat is browned and thoroughly cooked, about 10
to 15 minutes. Combine sour cream and flour; add to meat in skillet. Cook,
stirring constantly, just until sour cream is heated. Serve with crisp
Chinese noodles. rice, peas or toast point~.

To prevent milk from curdling when baking scalloped potatoes to which

no flour has been added, use a low to moderate oven temperature and
add only about half the cold milk when baking is started; add the re-
maining cold milk gradually during the baking period.



1 medium cauliflower 1 cup milk
1 cup water 1 cup Borden's Chateau Cheese,
Y2 teaspoon salt shredded
3 tablespoons butter 3 eggs, separated
3 tablespoons flour salt and pepper

Place the whole cauliflower in boiling salted water in covered saucepan. Cook
until almost tender. Do not overcook. Make cheese sauce by melting butter in
top of double boiler, then add flour, pepper and salt, stirring until blended. Add
milk slowly, stirring constantly. Add cheese, cook until smooth and thickened,
stirring. Remove from heat, pour cheese sauce a little at a time into slightly
beaten egg yolks. Beat egg whites until stiff; slowly pour cheese sauce into them
while folding. Separate cauliflower into tiny flowerets and add to egg and cheese
mixture carefully. Pour into casserole and bake in moderate oven 350°F.-
40 minutes. Serves 4 to 6.

1,4 lb. package Baumert Chive Cream Cheese
4 slices bologna

Allow cheese to soften at room temperatu re. Spread 3 slices of bologna with
cheese, using approxima tely 7i of cheese for each slice; stack one on top of
the other, placing the 4th slice of bologna on top. Press together gently so that
cheese is sandwiched evenly between meat slices. Chill.
At serving time, cut into 12 pie-shaped wedges. Serve with a pick through
each wedge.


1 8-oz. pkg. Baumert Plain Cream Cheese 1,4 teaspoon dry mustard
!12 cup Borden's Sour Cream 1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon Worcestersh ire Sauce 1 teaspoon onion juice
1,4 teaspoon salt 4 !12 oz. can deveined shrimp, flaked
Let cheese soften at room temperatu re. Add sour cream, beat together until
fluffy. Blend in remaining ingredient s. Chill.
Serve as a dip with crisp crackers or chips. Makes about 2 cups dip.

1 large onion 1 small onion
1 clove garlic 4 tablespoons shortening
6 sprigs parsley 3 tablespoons flour
1,4 cup salad oil !12 teaspoon salt
3 !12 cups canned tomatoes 1 cup shredded Chateau Cheese
1 small tin tomato paste 2 cups milk
2 bay leaves 2 egg yolks
1 teaspoon salt !12 pound lasagne noodles (2")
1,4 teaspoon pepper !12 cup grated Borden's Parmesan &
1 lb. ground beef Romano Cheese
Tomato Sauce- Chop onion, garlic and parsley; fry slightly in hot oil. Add
tomatoes, tomato paste, bay leaves, salt, pepper. Stir well. Add beef. Cover.
Simmer 45 minutes.
Cheese Sauce - Chop small onion and cook in shortening . Blend in flour and
salt. Add milk and cheese, simmer stirring constantly until cheese melts. Beat
egg yolks. Stir hot mixture into eggs. Cook few minutes longer.
Cook noodles until tender. Drain. Set oven at 325°F. Grease large pan (12" x 8").
Place layer of noodles, then tomato sauce and cheese sauce. Repeat - ending
with cheese sauce. Sprinkle with grated cheese.
Bake 1 hour.
Makes 12 servings.

CREAMY HASHED POTATOES (Makes 4 to 6 servings)

1 tablespoon butter 5 medium-sized cooked potatoes,

1 tablespoon chopped onion diced
1 teaspoon salt 3,4 cup Borden's Half and Half
1,4 teaspoon pepper

Saute onion in butter until golden brown. Stir in salt, pepper, potatoes
and Half and Half. Cook only until heated through. Serve at once.

POTATOES MARGARET (Makes 6 servings)

3 tablespoons fine bread crumbs 6 medium-sized cooked potatoes,

2 cups Borden's Sour Cream· sliced
2 tablespoons flour 3 hard-cooked eggs, sliced
2 tablespoons finely minced 1,4 cup butter
chives or onions

Lightly sprinkle one tablespoon of the bread crumbs in a buttered 12 x

7% x 1%-inch casserole. Combine sour cream, flour and chives or onions.
Place % of the potatoes in casserole; cover with one-half of the egg slices.
Dot with 1 tablespoon of the butter. Add one-third of the sour cream mix-
ture. Repeat layers ending with a third layer of potatoes. Top with remain-
ing sour cream mixture, sprinkle with bread crumbs; dot with remaining
butter. Bake in a moderate oven (350°F.) until thoroughiy heated, about
20 minutes.

COSMOPOLITAN CABBAGE (Makes five %-cup servings)

1% cups Borden's Half and Half 1 tablespoon butter, melted

4 cups finely shredded cabbage % cup sliced stuffed olives
1 tablespoon flour Paprika, if desired
1 teaspoon salt

Heat Half and Half in 1:Y2-quart saucepan. Add cabbage; simmer until
cabbage is tender but crisp, about 20 minutes. Combine flour and salt;
add to melted butter; blend well. Stir a little of the liquid from the cab-
bage mixture into the butter-flour mixture. Stir into remaining cabbage
mixture in saucepan. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until thickened.
Add olives; heat well. Sprinkle paprika on top before serving.

6 cups sliced raw potatoes 3 tablespoons grated onion

1 1j2 teaspoons salt 3 tablespoons butter
% teaspoon pepper 3 cups Borden's Homogenized Milk
3 tablespoons flour Y2 cup Borden's Grated Cheese

Place 2 cups of the potatoes in 1231 x 8 x 2-inch baking dish. Sprinkle one-third
of each of salt, pepper, flour, onion and butter over layer of potatoes. Repeat,
making three layers. Pour milk over all. Sprinkle on grated cheese. Bake in
moderate oven (350°F.) until potatoes are tender and top is golden brown,
about 131 hours.


% cup finely chopped onion 2 eggs, slightly beaten

2 tablespoons butter 1 teaspoon salt
1 1j2 cups chopped, cooked spinach 1f.J teaspoon pepper
1 cup (8-oz. container) Borden's % cup buttered bread crumbs
Creamed Cottage Cheese

Saute onion in butter in skillet until golden brown. Combine with spinach,
cottage cheese, eggs, salt and pepper; blend well. Place mixture in but-
tered 8-inch pie plate. Sprinkle bread crumbs on top. Bake in a moderate
oven (350°F.) until crumbs are golden brown, 35 minutes.

SAVORY CORN (Makes six %-cup servings)

3 slices bacon 3A cup Borden's Homogenized Milk

% cup chopped green pepper % teaspoon paprika
% cup chopped onion Salt
1% cups cooked corn or canned Pepper
whole kernel corn, drained 6 bread baskets or mashed potatoes
Y2 pound Borden's Chateau
Cheese, diced

Fry bacon in heavy skillet until golden brown. Remove bacon from skillet.
Cook green pepper and onion in remaining bacon fat until tender. Chop
bacon into small pieces. Add bacon, corn and cheese to green pepper and
onion; cook over low heat. Gradually stir in milk; cook, stirring constantly,
until cheese is melted. Add paprika, and seasonings. Serve at once in
bread baskets or with mashed potatoes.
Bread Baskets: Press 6 slices of bread into 6 buttered muffin cups so that
each slice of bread takes the shape of a basket. Brush with melted butter.
Bake in preheated hot oven (425°F.) about 10 minutes .. Remove from
muffin cups.

and Salad Dressings
2h cup Eagle Brand Sweetened 1 egg yolk
Condensed Milk Y:z teaspoon salt
1,4 cup vinegar or lemon juice Few grains cayenne
1,4 cup salad oil or melted butter 1 teaspoon dry mustard

Place ingredients in mixing bowl.*

Beat with rotary egg beater until mixture thickens.
If thicker consistency is desired, chill before serving. Makes lU cups. *Or
place in jar, cover tightly, and shake vigorously 2 minutes.
The mayonnaise recipe given above will carry an additional cup of oil if this
flavour is particularly liked. The vinegar may also be increased up to Y2 cup. TO
DOUBLE RECIPE-Use one whole egg instead of the egg yolk and double all
other ingredients. This makes 2Y2 cups.

1 cup (8-oz. container) Borden 's 1 tablespoon chopped parsley

Creamed Cottage Cheese % teaspoon salt
1j2 cup Borden's Sour Cream ~ teaspoon pepper
2 tablespoons finely 4 large tomatoes
chopped onion lettuce

Combine cottage cheese, sour cream, onion, parsley, salt and pepper; mix
well. Wash tomatoes. Place on cutting board, with blossom end down. Cut
each tomato into four equal lengthwise sections, being careful not to cut all
the way through the tomato. Spread sections slightly and place cheese mix-
ture between each section. Serve on lettuce.

3 cups cooked, diced potatoes
% cup thinly sliced celery
1 tablespoon chopped green pepper
(Makes 6 servings)

1 tea•pooo d•y m"'ta•d

1 tablespoon lemon juice or vinegar
% cup mayonnaise
1 tablespoon chopped pimiento ~ teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons minced onion 1 cup (8-oz. container) Borden's
1 teaspoon salt Creamed Cottage Cheese
Ya teaspoon pepper lettuce

Chill potatoes. Add celery, green pepper, pimiento and onion. Mix together
the 1 teaspoon salt, pepper, mustard, lemon juice and mayonnaise; add to
potato mixture. Combine the % teaspoon salt and cottage cheese; add to
potato mixture. Toss lightly until mixture is blended. Chill. Serve on lettuce
or in a salad bowl.


1 cup (8-oz. container) Borden's 1 (2~ oz.) can deviled ham
Creamed Cottage Cheese % teaspoon dry mustard
Combine all ingredients; blend well.

1 cup (8-oz. container) Borden's 2 tablespoons finely chopped pimiento

Creamed Cottage Cheese

Combine all ingredients; blend well.

1 cup (8-oz. container) Borden's 1 teaspoon curry powder

Creamed Cottage Cheese
Combine all ingredients; blend well.

1 cup (8-oz. container) Borden's 3 teaspoons chopped .chutney

Creamed Cottage Cheese
Combine all ingredients; blend well.

DUTCH CHOCOLATE MOCHA PUDDING (Makes four %-cup servings)

2 tablespoons cornstarch 2 cups Borden's Dutch

%cup sugar Chocolate Drink
1 teaspoon Borden's Instant Borden's Whipping Cream, whipped
Rich Roast Coffee and sweetened, if desired

Combine cornstarch, sugar and instant coffee in a 1-quart saucepan. Gradu-

ally stir in chocolate drink, keeping mixture smooth. Cook over medium heat,
stirring constantly, until mixture comes to a boil. Pour into individual serv-
ing dishes. Chill. Garnish with whipped cream just before serving.
FLUFFY MINT SUNDAES (Makes 9 servings.)

8 (1 inch) chocolate covered 1 cup Borden's Whipping Cream

mint patties 3 pints Lady Borden Vanilla
1 tablespoon water Ice Cream

Melt mints in top of double boiler over hot water. Add water; stir until
smooth. Cool slightly. Add melted mints to cream. Beat with rotary beater
until stiff. Serve with ice cream.

Frosty cool, fruit-flavoured sherbets served with meats, poultry, fish and game make any meal a
gala affair. Delicious flavour combinations ore:

Beef: Pineapple, raspberry, strawberry, grape sherbets

Pork and veal: Pineapple, orange, cranberry, raspberry, blackberry, lemon, tangerine, sherbets
Lamb: Lemon, lime, pineapple
Fish: Lemon, lime, orange, pineapple, tangerine
Poultry: Orange, cranberry! lemon, raspberry, tangerine

MINCE MEAT AMBROSIA PIE (Makes one 9-inch pie)

1 unbaked pastry shell (9 inch) 2 cups Borden's Sour Cream

2 cups of mince meat 2 tablespoons sugar
2 eggs, beaten 1 teaspoon vanilla
2 tablespoons chopped nut meats

Pour mince meat into pastry shell. Bake in a hot oven (425°F.) 20 minutes.
Combine eggs, sour cream, sugar and vanilla. Remove pie from oven. Pour sour
cream mixture over mince meat. Sprinkle with nut meats. Return to oven and
bake until cream mixture is almost set, 5 to 8 minutes. Remove from oven;
cool. Chill until firm, about lY2 hours. Serve cold.

DATED RICE DELIGHT (Makes 6 servings)

1% cups cooked rice 1f2 teaspoon vanilla

(% cup uncooked) 12 dates, chopped
%cup sugar 6 maraschino cherries, if desired
3% cups Borden's Homogenized Milk

Combine rice, sugar and milk in saucepan; blend well. Place over medium
heat, stirring constantly, until mixture comes to a boil. Reduce heat. Simmer
15 minutes, stirring once in awhile. Remove from heat; stir in vanilla. Place
dates in bottom of six individual serving dishes. Pour pudding over dates.
Chill. Garnish with cherries. Simmer until pudding is thick.

MARTHA'S BREAD PUDDING (Makes eight 112-cup servings)
3 cups diced stole bread, 2 eggs, slightly beaten
lightly packed 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind
2 cups Borden 's Homogenized Milk % cup sugar
1 cup raisins Cinnamon, if desired
1 cup sweetened apple sauce 2 tablespoons butter

Add bread to milk; stir in raisins and apple sauce. Add eggs and lemon rind;
blend well. Pour into buttered l :t;2-quart casserole. Sprinkle sugar and cinna-
mon on surface; dot with butter. Place casserole in shallow baking pan in
oven. Pour hot water in baking pan to depth of l inch. Bake in a slow oven
( 325 oF.) until sharp knife inserted near center comes out clean, about llJ!
hours. Serve hot or cold.


Regardless of when or how you ore serving cheese- in order to enjoy

its fullest flavour the cheese must be at room temperature - so remember
to remove the cheese from the refrigerator well in advance of serving time.

COFFEE ANGEL PIE (Makes 1 8-inch pie)

4 egg whites 3-4 drops almond extract

lla teaspoon cream of tartar Y2 pint (1 ~ cups) whipping cream
1 tablespoon Borden's Instant Coffee sugar
2f.J cup sugar 1 cup drained sweetened fruit

Beat egg whites until foamy; add cream of tartar and beat until blended. Add
coffee; beat until stiff but not dry. Add % cups sugar gradually, beating until
mixture stands in peaks. Fold in almond extract. Grease deep 8-inch pie pan and
dust lightly with flour. Turn mixture into pie pan, heaping the mixture in the
centre and sloping towards the edge. Bake in slow oven (325°F.) 20 minutes.
Cool. (This mixture puffs high during baking. As it cools the mixture settles.)
Cover with whipped cream which has been sweetened to taste and top with
slices of ripe peaches or fresh raspberries.

LAZY SUSAN SUNDAES (Makes 12 servings)
4 pints Borden's Ice Cream Banana slices
(vanilla, chocolate and Melon balls
strawberry flavours) Pear halves
Suggested toppings: Chopped nut meats
Maraschino cherries Borden's Whipping Cream, whipped
Crushed, sweetened pineapple and sweetened

Spoon ice cream into the well-chilled center bowl of a six-sectioned lazy
susan. Fill side dishes with suggested toppings. Invite guests to make their
own sundaes.

BRANDY MINCE .SUNDAES (Makes 1 V.. cups sauce or enough for 12 servings)

1 cup of mince meat 2 quarts Lady Borden Vanilla

!4 cup brandy or Ice Cream
brandy flavouring

Heat mince meat in saucepan; stir in brandy. Serve hot over vanilla ice cream.
ORANGE COCONUT PUDDING (Makes five %-cup servings)
3 tablespoons cornstorch % teaspoon vanilla
1h cup sugar % teaspoon grated orange rind
Ya teaspoon salt % cup shredded coconut, toasted
2 cups Borden's Homogenized Milk % cup diced orange sections
1 egg, slightly beaten

Combine cornstarch, sugar and salt in top of double boiler; gradually stir
in milk. Cook over boiling water, stirring constantly, until thick and smooth.
Reduce heat; cover pan; cook 15 minutes, stirring once in awhile. Stir a
little of hot mixture into beaten egg; slowly stir this into remaining corn starch
mixture. Cook over hot, not boiling, water, stirring constantly, 3 minutes. Cool
slightly. Stir in vanilla, orange rind, coconut and orange; blend well. Pour
into 5 individual serving dishes. Chill.


1% cups applesouce 1h teaspoon nutmeg
% teaspoon cinnamon 1 quart Borden's Vanilla Ice Cream

Combine applesauce, cinnamon and nutmeg in a saucepan. Heat over low

heat just until heated through. Serve hot·over vanilla ice cream.

APRICOT COCONUT BALLS (doubles for candy or cookies)

Tort and sweet apricots, Eagle Brand makes these bonbons a real taste-thrill. (Makes 32
candies 1 V.. 11 in diameter.)
1 Y2 cups dried apricots, ground
':1.1 cup ( Y2 15-oz. can) Eagle Brand
2 cups shredded coconut
Sweetened Condensed Milk
Confectioners' sugar
l. Combine apricots and coconut. Add Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk
and blend well. 2. Shape into small balls and roll in confectioners' sugar, if
desired. 3. Let stand until firm.

Cream whips best when:

1. Very cold;
2. The bowl and beater are chilled before adding the cream;
3. At least 24 hours old;
4. The amount whipped is regulated to the size of the beater- the blades of the
beater should not be completely covered, and .
5. 1t is whipped fast enough so it will double in volume in 2 to 3 minutes.

BAKED ALASKA (Makes 6-8 servings)

6 egg whites %cup sugar

Ya teaspoon salt 1 sponge layer cake
"h teaspoon cream of tartar 2 pints Borden's Ice Cream,
1 teaspoon vanilla

Beat egg whites until foamy. Add salt, cream of tartar and vanilla. Beat until
almost stiff enough to hold a peak. Gradually add sugar, beating until stiff
enough to hold sharp peaks, but not dry.
Cover wooden board with brown paper. Place cake on center of paper on
board. Cake should be at least 1-inch wider and longer than ice cream. Turn
ice cream out of containers onto center of cake. Cover ice cream and cake
completely with meringue. With a spoon, swirl surface to make peaks. Bake
in an extremely hot oven (500°F.) until light golden brown, about 3 minutes.
Remove from paper and board; place on a cold tray or cake plate; serve
at once.
NOTE: Baked Alaska may be prepared ahead of time and stored in freezer
for several days. In which case, prepare Ala·s ka but ·do not bake. The Alaska
should be frozen solid quickly and then wrapped in freezer-paper. Five min-
utes before serving, remove from freezer, remove freezer wrapping and bake.


1 Vl cups (15 oz. can) Eagle Brand Va teaspoon salt

Sweetened Condensed Milk 1 teaspoon vanilla
2 ~ cups (14 oz.) pieces of semi-sweet 1 cup chopped nut meats

l. Put Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk, chocolate and salt in top of
double boiler.
2. Cook over rapidly boiling water, stirring frequently, until thick (about 10
3. Remove from heat. Add vanilla and nut meats.
4. Pour into 8" x 8" x 2" pan which has been buttered or lined with waxed
5. Chill until firm (about 3 hours). Cut into squares.

COFFEE BAVARIAN (Makes a to 1o servings)

% cup sugar 2 eggs, separated
1 lj2 tablespoons Borden's Rich 2 cups Borden's Homogenized Milk
Roast Instant Coffee 1 teaspoon vanilla
1 envelope (1 tablespoon) 1 cup Borden's Whipping
unflavored gelatine Cream, whipped
1;4 teaspoon salt

Combine sugar, instant coffee, gelatine and salt in top of double boiler. Beat
egg yolks lightly; blend in milk. Stir into coffee mixture. Cook over hot
water, stirring constantly, until gelatine is completely dissolved, about 8
minutes. Stir in vanilla. Chill gelatine mixture over ice water, stirring con-
stantly, until syrupy. Beat egg whites until stiff but not dry; fold into gelatine
mixture. Fold in whipped cream. Pour into 2-quart mold which has been
rinsed in cold water. Chill until firm, about 3 hours. Unmold. Garnish with
whipped cream. if desire_d.
CREAMY APPLE ROLL-UPS (Makes about sixteen roll-ups)

2 cups Borden's Homogenized Milk 1 cup finely diced apple

1 egg, slightly beaten Spicy Cream
2 cups prepared pancake mix Icing sugar

Add milk and egg to pancake mix; beat until smooth. Stir in apple. Pour
1;4cup of mixture for each pancake on greased hot griddle. Brown on both
sides. Remove from griddle. Spread rounded tablespoonful of Spicy Cream
over pancake. Roll up. Sprinkle with confectioner's sugar. Serve warm.

SPICY CREAM (Makes 1 1f2 cups)

3 tablespoons sugar 1 1j2 cups Borden's Sour Cream

% teaspoon cinnamon

Combine sugar and cinnamon. Stir into sour cream; blend well. Use as filling
for Creamy Apple Roll-Ups. If prepared in advance, store in refrigerator.

RAISIN CORN MEAL MUFFINS (Makes 16 to 18 medium-sized muffins)
% cup seedless raisins 1 teaspoon salt
1 1f2 cups sifted all-purpose flour 'h cup brown sugar, firmly packed
2 cups yellow corn meal 1 cup Borden's Buttermilk
3 teaspoons baking powder 2 eggs, well beaten
1 teaspoon baking soda 'h cup butter, melted
Rinse raisins in hot water; drain. Sift together flour, corn meal, baking
po~der, soda and salt. Stir in brown sugar. Combine buttermilk, eggs, butter
and raisins. Add to dry ingredients; stir only enough to dampen dry ingredi-
ents. Fill greased muffin cups 2j3 full. Bake in a very hot oven ( 450°F.)
18 to 20 minutes.

Borden 's Creamed Cottage Cheese is a rich source of high-quality pro-

tein for building and repairing body tissues. lt is good for even very
young children because it is so easily digested.

CORN STICKS (Makes 12 cornsticks)

1% cups corn meal 2 teaspoons sugar
1f2 cup sifted all-purpose flour 2 eggs, well beaten
1 teaspoon baking soda 2 cups Borden's Buttermilk
1 teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons butter, melted
1 teaspoon baking powder

Sift together corn meal, flour, baking soda, salt, baking powder and sugar.
Combine eggs, buttermilk and melted butter; add dry ingredients; beat until
well blended. Fill well-greased corn stick pans 21.~ full. Bake in hot oven
(425°F.) 20 to 25 minutes.

Baked custards made with homogenized milk take a longer baking time
to thicken but are firmer than those mode with non-homogenized milk.

BUTTERMILK NUT BREAD (Makes one 9 x 4-inch loaf)
1 "h cups sifted all-purpose flour 2 eggs, well beaten ~·
% teaspoon salt Y2 cup sugar
% teaspoon baking soda 2 tablespoons butter, melted ~

1% teaspoons baking powder YJ cup molasses ~

1 cup whole-wheat flour 1 cup Borden's Buttermilk
1 cup chopped walnut meats

Sift together flour, salt, soda and baking powder. Add whole-wheat flour
and walnuts; mix well. Combine eggs, sugar, melted butter, molasses and
buttermilk; blend well. Add to dry ingredients; beat until smooth. Pour into
a buttered 9 x 4 x 3-inch loaf pan. Bake in moderate oven (350°F.) 50 to
60 minutes.
corr:::. :~.::s,~a<~:KE !Make• •ta a2·:~: ~;:an• '•~~-
crumbs, lightly packed 1hteaspoon lemon rind, ~
llh cups sugar if desired
1h cup butter, melted ~cup Borden's Whipping Cream
4 eggs 3 cups (three 8-oz. containers)
1h cup all-purpose flour Borden's Creamed Cottage Cheese,
1h teaspoon salt sieved

Combine cracker crumbs and lA, cup of the sugar; blend in butter. Press
mixture evenly on side and bottom of greased 8-inch spring form pan. Beat
eggs until thick; gradually beat in remaining l cup sugar; beat in flour and
salt. Stir in lemon juice and rind, heavy cream and cottage cheese; beat until
well blended. Turn into lined pan. Bake in slow oven ( 325 oF.) llA, hours.
Turn off oven heat; let cake remain in oven l hour with door closed. Remove
cake from oven; place on cake rack, in pan; cool. Remove side of pan. Chill
in refrigerator.
Borden's fresh, slightly tart, creamed cottage cheese is ready to eat at
a moment's notice ... and it's a no-waste food.

COFFEE ANGEL FOOD CAKE (Makes one 10-inch tube cake)

2 tablespoons Borden's Instant Rich Roast Coffee
1 package Angel Food Cake Mix

Mix instant coffee with cake mix. Prepare cake according to manufacturer's
directions on package.


* cup Borden's Whipping Cream
4 tablespoons Borden's Instant Chocolate Malted

Beat .cream with rotary beater until almost stiff enough to hold its shape. Add
instant chocolate malted and finish beating. Spread on cake.


(Makes two 8-inch layers or one 9"x9"x2" or one 3%" deep
9" tube or one 9"x5"x3" loaf or one 15%"x10"x23,4" cake.)

2 cups sifted cake flour 1 cup Borden's Whipping Cream

1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3 teaspoons baking powder 2 eggs
% teaspoon salt

Lightly grease cake pan ( s) , then line bottom with waxed paper and lightly
grease the waxed paper. Sift flour, sugar, baking powder and salt together
twice. Pour cream and vanilla into a deep 1-quart bowl; beat cream with
electric mixer or rotary beater just until stiff, about Il/2 minutes. Add unbeaten
eggs and beat just until blended. Add flour mixture and beat- if an electric
mixer is used, beat at low speed- just until batter is well blended. Turn
into pan (s). Bake in a moderate oven (350°F.) until center top of cake
springs back when lightly touched with finger, about
25-30 minutes for 8-inch layer cake 1 hour for loaf cake
35-40 minutes for 9-inch square cake 12-15 minutes for sheet cake
45-50 minutes for 9-inch ring cake
Cool cake in pan placed o~ cake rack for about lO to l 5 minutes , depending
on size of cake. Remove cake from pan, remove waxed paper, turn cake right
side up on cake rack and finish cooling. Frost with your favourite frosting.

1% cups sifted coke flour 1f2 cup cocoa

1 1j2 cups sugar % cup soft shortening
1 teaspoon baking soda 1 cup Borden's Buttermilk
1 teaspoon salt 2 eggs

Sift together cake flour, sugar, soda, salt and cocoa. Add shortening and %
cup of the buttermilk. Beat vigorously by hand, 300 strokes or beat with
electric mixer at medium speed, 2 minutes. Add remaining 1j 3 cup buttermilk
and eggs. Beat 2 minutes. Pour batter into two greased 8-inch layer cake
pans, lined with waxed paper and greased again. Bake in moderate oven
( 350 °F.) until center top of cake springs back when lightly touched with
finger, about 30 minutes. Cool 10 minutes before removing from pan. Frost
with your favorite frosting.

Puddings mode with commerci.ol mixes and homogenized milk usually •

ore creamier in texture than those mode with non-homogenized milk.


· Flavouring(s) 2/3cup(% pint) Borden's

1 tablespoon Borden's Ice Cream, Ice Cream
whipped cream or light cream 1 tablespoon whipped cream,
Carbonated water if desired

Mix together flavouring(s) and 1 tablespoon ice cream, whipped cream or

light cream in a 14-ounce glass. Fill glass % full with carbonated water; stir
slightly. Add the % cup ice cream. If glass is not full, fill with carbonated water.
Top with whipped cream.
*Flavour suggestions: 3 tablespoons chocolate syrup; 3 tablespoons minced
maraschino cherries and 1Yz tablespoons cherry juice; 3 tablespoons crushed,
sweetened, frozen or canned pineapple; 3 tablespoons crushed, sweetened,
fresh or frozen blueberries; or 4 tablespoons sweetened, fresh or frozen straw-
berries. Serve at once.

To prevent stirred or soft custard from over-cooking, remove the custard

from the heat as soon as done and pour it into a chilled dish placed in
a pan of cold water.


1% cups Borden's 2 tablespoons Borden's Instant

Homogenized Milk Rich Roast Coffee
1 pint lady Borden Vanilla 2 tablespoons Borden's Plain
Ice Cream Malted Milk

Pour milk into bowl. Spoon ice cream into milk. Sprinkle instant coffee and
malted milk onto surface; beat with rotary beater or electric mixer, about l
minute. Serve at once.

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ORANGE FROST (Makes 6 servings)

3 cups Borden's Homogenized Milk % teaspoon vanilla

1 pint Borden's Orange Sherbert

Combine milk, about 211 of the sherbet and vanilla in shaker or large jar with
tight fitting cover; shake until well blended. Pour into 6 serving glasses; top
each with a spoonful of remaining sherbet. Serve at once.

COFFEE MILK PUNCH (Makes ten %-cup servings)

3 tablespoons sugar 4 teaspoons rum flavouring

4 teaspoons Borden's Instant Cracked ice
Rich Roost Coffee 1 cup Borden's Whipping Cream, whipped
1 quart Borden's Homogenized Nutmeg
Milk, chilled

Combine sugar and instant coffee in large bowl. Add milk, rum flavouring
and cracked ice; stir until well blended. Top with whipped cream; sprinkle
with nutmeg. Serve at once.

BUTTERMILK TOMATO COCKTAIL (Makes eight %-cup servings)

2 cups Borden's Buttermilk, chilled lf.lteaspoon salt

2 cups tomato juice, chilled 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce

Combine all ingredients; blend well. Serve cold.

GRAPE BUTTERMILK (Makes 1 serving)

3 tablespoons grope juice 3,1,. cup Borden's Buttermilk, chilled

Stir grape juice into buttermilk. Serve cold.

For satin-smooth baked custards bake them in a 1-inch water bath. Be

sure the water is hot, not boiling. Otherwise, the custard will become
porous on the side and bottom surfaces.

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Garnish with Grated

an epicurean touch to ordinary foods . The secret is just a few shakes
of Grated Parmesan and Romano cheese and a new flavour treat is

Pou~ browned butter over asparagus or spinach and sprinkle well with
Grated Parmesan and Romano.

If you're serving frozen potato puffs - heat them according to directions

on the package, then sprinkle generously with the cheese.

Tossed green salads are made delightfully different and flavourful when
sprinkled with this zesty cheese.

Garnish yo ur meat platter with alternate slices of large tomatoes and

spanish onions - drizzle with French dressing and sprinkle with grated

Soups take to this cheese too, especially chicken and French onion -
so just before serving, sprinkle generously with cheese.

Cut each unpeeled tomato in half, crosswise. Place in greased baking

dish. Pour small amount of French dressing on cut surface; then sprinkle
generously with Borden's Grated Cheese. Bake in 350°F. oven or place
under broiler until tomato is heated and cheese slightly browned.

For a rea l fl a vour treat, try Borden's Dutch Chocolate Flavoured Drink on
cereals, sliced bananas and vanilla puddings.

J15'(t~S 31

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