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Clean Techn Environ Policy (2017) 19:1387–1402

DOI 10.1007/s10098-017-1337-x


Optimal planning for the supply chain of biofuels for aviation

in Mexico
Saúl Domı́nguez-Garcı́a1 • Claudia Gutiérrez-Antonio2 • Julio Armando De Lira-Flores2 •
José Marı́a Ponce-Ortega1

Received: 13 July 2016 / Accepted: 24 January 2017 / Published online: 7 February 2017
Ó Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

Abstract There are great challenges to replace fossil fuels List of symbols
by biofuels, including the development of efficient tech-
nologies and adequate strategic planning. For the manu-
facture of biofuels at the industrial scale, there is a need to Sets
optimize the overall associated supply chain. Among bio- a Aviation fuel markets
fuels, the global market for the aviation biofuel has i Cultivation sites used to obtain raw materials
increased drastically, mainly due to the forecasted growth i1 Processing sites used to produce the aviation biofuel
of the aviation sector. Nevertheless, the supply chain for and by-products
the aviation biofuel has specific characteristics, which are j Type of by-product obtained through each processing
different from the case of bioethanol and biodiesel. route
Therefore, this paper presents a general optimization m Type of raw material
approach for optimizing the supply chain of aviation bio- r Processing routes
fuels. A case study is presented accounting for the pro-
jection of the Mexican government for implementing the Continuous positive variables
use of aviation biofuel in the airport network. The appli- ANew
i,m New area available for cultivating
cation of the proposed approach generates very interesting feedstock
solutions, which are grouped in a Pareto front; from these Ai,m Total area used for cultivating feedstock
results, it can be highlighted that the demand for aviation Bi Aviation biofuel in each processing
biofuel in the Mexican market can be satisfied with a gross facility
economic benefit of M US$ 1681 per year, and savings of bi,a Aviation biofuel sent from the i plant to
93% of carbon dioxide emissions. The generated infor- the a market
mation can contribute to the establishment of the sustain- BTCO2 Produced emission by aviation biofuel
able supply chain for aviation biofuels in Mexico. consumption
Cost Feedstock cost
Keywords Biofuels  Aviation biofuel  Supply chain  Costprocessing Processing cost in biorefineries
Optimization  Mexican airport network Costtransportation Transportation cost
CapCost Capital cost
CMPCO2 Captured emissions through feedstock
& José Marı́a Ponce-Ortega cultivation Fi,m Raw material m sent to the processing
1 plant i
Chemical Engineering Department, Universidad Michoacana
de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, 58060 Morelia, Michoacán, fi,i1,m Raw material m sent from the cultivation
Mexico site i to the processing site i1
Faculty of Chemistry, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, fri,m,r Raw material distributed in the
76010 Querétaro, Querétaro, Mexico processing routes into the biorefinery

1388 S. Domı́nguez-Garcı́a et al.

Profit Profit TBTi,a Tons of CO2 produced for each ton of

Pi,m Raw material production m in site i aviation biofuel transported from site i to
PMPCO2 Emissions for raw material processing market a
Si,j,i1 By-products j from the plant i to the TSPi,j,i1 Tons of CO2 produced for each ton of by-
market i1 product j transported from site i to market i1
Sales Sales UCfeedstock
i,m Unitary cost of raw material m cultivated in
SPCO2 Emissions for consuming by-products the site i
TBa Aviation biofuel in the different markets UCprocessing
i,m,r Unitary cost for processing raw material
TSj,i1 Total by-product j in the different m in the pant i through the route r
markets i1 UTCfeedstock
i,i1,m Unitary cost for transporting raw materials
TMPCO2 Emissions for raw material transportation from site i to processing site i1
TBTCO2 Emissions for aviation biofuel UTCbiojetfuel
i,a Unitary cost for transporting aviation
transportation biofuel from site i to market a
TSPCO2 Emissions for by-products transportation UTCby-product
i,j,i1 Unitary cost for transporting by-product
TOTALCO2 Total emissions j from site i to market i1
i,m,r Unit cost for process equipment for the
Binary variables route r
yi Binary variable for the existence or non-existence of UCbiojetfuel
a Unitary price of aviation biofuel in the
processing plant in the site i market a
zr,i Binary variable for the use or not use of r processing UCby-product
j,i1 Unitary price of by-product j in the market i1
route in the site i am,r,j Conversion factor for raw material m to by-
product j
Parameters bi,m Factor yield for crop m in the site i
i,m Current area used for cultivating feedstock /m,r Conversion factor for raw material m to
i,m Maximum area available for cultivating aviation biofuel through each processing
feedstock route r
i Minimum production capacity of aviation
biofuel in the i processing plant
i Maximum production capacity of aviation Introduction
biofuel in the i processing plant
BTa Tons of emissions produced for each Nowadays the main energy sources are fossil fuels, whose
consumed ton of aviation biofuel in each reserves are uncertain to satisfy the future energy demand;
airport a in addition, the increment in the concentration of green-
CMPi,m Tons of CO2 captured for each hectare house gas (GHG) emissions has contributed to the global
cultivated of raw material m in the site i warming problem (Sanchez-Ramirez et al. 2016). The use
a Maximum demand of aviation biofuel in of biofuels is an alternative to satisfy the energy require-
the market a ments and reduce the GHG emissions. Today the most
j,i1 Maximum demand of by-product j in the known biofuels are bioethanol and biodiesel; however,
sitei aviation biofuel (i.e., biofuel for aviation) is an attractive
i,m,r Minimum flowrate of raw material for each option to replace the fuel in airplanes, which has attracted
processing route lower attention. Recently, the International Air Transport
i,m,r Maximum flowrate of raw material for Association (IATA) has determined to reduce the GHG
each processing route emissions associated with the aviation. In this context, the
FCBi Fixed cost for processing plant in the site i IATA recommends to increase the use of aviation biofuel
i,m,r Fixed cost for processing for the r route from 1 to 50% (Sepulveda-González 2012), in accordance
PMPi,m,r Tons of CO2 produced for each ton of raw with the maximum use of aviation fuel established in
material processed in the site i by the standard ASTM D7566. The use of aviation biofuel in
r route mixtures with fossil aviation fuel has been studied, and
SPj,i1 Tons of CO2 produced for each ton of by- several bioresources have been identified as attractive
product j consumed in each market i1 renewable raw materials (Hong et al. 2013).
TMPi,i1,m Tons of CO2 produced for each ton of raw Particularly, the strategic planning of the supply chain
material m transported from site i to associated with the aviation biofuel is an important task,
processing site i1 because this biofuel has very specific markets (airports). In

Optimal planning for the supply chain of biofuels for aviation in Mexico 1389

this way, the storage and distribution centers are located planning the supply chain to produce aviation biofuel,
near to the airports, also the used bioresources must be involving the total or partial substitution of fossil fuel. In
determined according to the available resources near to a this way, a potential solution for the environmental and
specific region; this point is very important since one of the economic implications associated with the market of the
main costs associated with the production process of avi- aviation fuel can be proposed.
ation biofuel is regarding to the transportation of raw
materials and products. Therefore, the location of dis-
tributed biorefineries must be determined considering Problem statement
simultaneously these aspects. In this context, recently
several optimization approaches for the strategic planning The increasing world population as well as the new human
for supply chains of biorefineries have been reported. Thus, habits has increased the demand of fuels; specifically for
Santibañez-Aguilar et al. (2011) reported an optimization the aviation fuel an annual increase of 4% is expected,
formulation for the supply chain associated with distributed while the production capacity is below that amount. Also,
biorefineries. Then, Santibañez-Aguilar et al. (2013) the decreasing petroleum reserves and the global warming
incorporated a biorefinery-based on water hyacinth, problem, associated with the combustion of fossil fuels,
whereas Murillo-Alvarado et al. (2015) accounted for have motivated the use of alternative fuels. In this context,
residues from the tequila industry in Mexico. Moreover, the aviation biofuel has been proposed as an alternative to
Moraes et al. (2014) implemented a study to determine the replace the fossil fuel used in the aviation. Several types of
socioeconomic aspects for the production of aviation bio- biomass have been investigated, and different bioconver-
fuel in Brazil, whereas Köhler et al. (2014) implemented a sion technologies have been proposed; however, the opti-
similar analysis for the worldwide case. On the other hand, mization of the supply chain associated with satisfying the
a mixed-integer linear programing (MILP) formulation for demand of aviation biofuel in a distributed system has not
optimizing the supply chain associated with bioethanol as been properly addressed. The aviation biofuel has associ-
fuel was reported by Dyken et al. (2010). Santibáñez- ated implications that differ from other biofuels. This is
Aguilar et al. (2014) proposed a multi-objective MILP mainly due to the specific markets, which correspond to the
formulation for optimizing biofuel supply chains incorpo- airports, the used feedstock and other raw materials
rating simultaneously economic and environmental (mainly hydrogen); the combination of these issues repre-
aspects. For the specific case of aviation biofuel, an anal- sents an important transportation problem. Furthermore,
ysis for several processing routes through different raw currently a proper infrastructure associated with the supply
materials was presented by Chiaramonti et al. (2014). chain for the aviation biofuel is not available. Therefore,
It should be noticed that none of the above-mentioned this paper proposes an optimization formulation that allows
works has addressed the optimal strategic planning of maximizing the overall profit while minimizing the asso-
supply chains of aviation biofuels. Therefore, in this paper ciated greenhouse gas emissions in order to satisfy a given
is presented a new optimization formulation for planning demand. In this formulation, the type and amount of
the supply chain associated with aviation biofuel, consid- feedstock, cultivation site, location, type and capacity for
ering the optimal selection of the raw materials (Jatropha the processing technologies, transportation and distribution
Curcas, Higuerilla and Camelina), processing technologies of raw materials and products can be selected.
(Hydrotreating, Fischer–Tropsch, Centia, Greasoline and Figure 1 shows schematically the addressed problem,
Bio-Synfining) as well as the site location for the pro- where the CO2 emissions are captured in the crops to be
cessing facilities; also, the optimal operation for the entire transformed into biomass, through the photosynthesis
supply chain is addressed, involving simultaneously eco- process. This biomass is used to produce aviation biofuel
nomic and environmental aspects. In spite of the different and other by-products; when these are consumed, the CO2
approaches that have been reported for other biofuels, the emissions are released in the atmosphere, starting, in this
proposed optimization formulation is needed because the way, the cycle again. Through this cycle, it is possible to
case of aviation biofuel involves different characteristics produce renewable energy, and therefore, this can be a
for consumers, production and distribution. A case study sustainable process.
from Mexico is presented in this paper; however, the pro-
posed model is general and it can be applied to other case
studies for aviation biofuel supply chains. The objective of Methodology
this paper is to propose alternatives for the supply chain of
aviation biofuel, simultaneously considering technical, In order to solve the addressed problem, a superstructure,
economic and environmental issues, whereas the scope of shown in Fig. 2, is proposed for the supply chain of avia-
this paper is to provide a simulation method that allows tion biofuels. In this superstructure, cultivation sites for

1390 S. Domı́nguez-Garcı́a et al.

Fig. 1 Schematic representation of the addressed problem

different raw materials (Jatropha Curcas, Higuerilla and Produced feedstock in the cultivation sites
Camelina) are considered; also different processing tech-
nologies (Hydrotreating, Fischer–Tropsch, Bio Synfining, The amount of feedstock produced in the cultivation site i
Centia and Greasoline) and locations for potential biore- for the bioresource m (Pi,m) depends on the efficiency
fineries are involved. There are also several by-products such factor (bi,m) and used area (Ai,m) as follows:
as non-condensable gases, LP gas, green diesel and naphtha. Pi;m ¼ bi;m Ai;m ; 8 i 2 I; m 2 M ð3Þ
Table 1 shows the data for the unit prices and costs used in
the mathematical model. The optimal solution must select The efficiency factor (bi,m) is determined by weather
the best network for aviation biofuel production that maxi- conditions and land properties.
mizes the profit and minimizes the environmental impact.
The proposed model formulation is presented as follows. Distribution of feedstock

The feedstock m from any cultivating site i (Pi,m) can be

Cultivation field areas
distributed to any processing facility located in the site
The area used for cultivating (Ai,m) any bioresource (m) in X
site (i) is equal to the sum of the existing area used for Pi;m ¼ fi;i1;m ; 8 i 2 I; m 2 M ð4Þ
cultivating (AExist
i,m ) plus the new area needed to satisfy the i1

demands of aviation biofuel (ANewi,m ):

Bioresources in the processing facilities
Ai;m ¼ AExist New
i;m þ Ai;m ; 8 i 2 I; m 2 M ð1Þ
The total amount of feedstock m in the processing facility
The total area used for cultivating (Ai,m) must be lower located in the site i (Fi,m) is equal to the sum of all the
than the one available in the cultivating site i for the bioresources sent from different cultivating sites
bioresource m(Amax
i,m ):   X
Ai;m  Amax fi1;i;m : Fi;m ¼ fi1;i;m ; 8i 2 I; m 2 M ð5Þ
i;m ; 8 i 2 I; m 2 M ð2Þ

Optimal planning for the supply chain of biofuels for aviation in Mexico 1391

Fig. 2 Superstructure for the supply chain of aviation biofuel

Distribution of the feedstock to different processing Produced by-products

Each processing route has associated several value-added
Each bioresource m in the processing facility i (Fi,m) by-products (Si,j), which depend on the associated effi-
can be processed using different technological routes ciency factor (am,r,j):
(fi,m,r ): XX
X Si;j ¼ fi;m;r am;r;j 8 i 2 I; j 2 J ð8Þ
route m r
Fi;m ¼ fi;m;r ; 8 i 2 I; m 2 M ð6Þ
The processing efficiency factor (am,r,j) is determined for
each route according to the involved technologies.
Produced aviation biofuel
Distribution of the aviation biofuel
The total amount of produced aviation biofuel in the pro-
cessing site i (Bi) is equal to the feedstock m processed The total amount of produced aviation biofuel in the pro-
through the route r (froute
i,m,r ), which depends on the process-
cessing facility i (Bi) should be distributed to the different
ing efficiency (/m,r): markets (bi,a), which correspond to the airports:
Bi ¼ route
fi;m;r /m;r ; 8 i 2 I ð7Þ Bi ¼ bi;a ; 8 i 2 I ð9Þ
m r a

The processing efficiency factor (/m,r) is determined for Where bi,a corresponds to the flow of aviation biofuel
each route according to the technology considered. from the biorefinery located in the site i sent to the airport a.

1392 S. Domı́nguez-Garcı́a et al.

Table 1 Unit prices and costs

Product Price $/t Maximum demand of aviation biofuel in the different
used in the mathematical model
Aviation biofuel 870
Green diesel 1044
The amount of aviation biofuel in the markets (TBa) must
Gases (C1-C2) 882
be lower than the maximum needed in each market
Gas LP 700
a ):
Naphtha 700
TBa  DBmax
a ; 8a 2 A ð13Þ
Raw material Cost
Maximum demand of by-products in the different
Jatropha Curcas 235.5
Camelina 226.6
Higuerilla 217.7
The maximum amount of by-products (DSmax
j,i1 ) is deter-
Transportation cost, $/ 1.87
t km
mined as follows:
TSj;i1  DSmax
j;i1 ; 8 j 2 J; i1 2 I1 ð14Þ
Route Cost $/t

Processing cost
Greasoline 44.1 Costs
Fischer–Tropsch 36.8
Hydrotreating 22.1
The raw material cost (Costfeedstock) is equal to the pro-
duced aviation biofuel (Pi,m) times the unit processing cost
Bio-Synfining 29.4
i,m ):
Centia 29.4 XX
Cost ¼ Pi;m UCfeedstock
i;m ð15Þ
i m

Distribution of the by-products The unit cultivation cost for feedstock UCfeedstocki,m is a
function of the amount of fertilizer and water used; also the
The produced by-products (Si,j) can be distributed to dif- labor cost must be included, and the unit cost is considered
ferent markets (si,j,i1): constant and equal to the current market price per ton of seed for
Si;j ¼ si;j;i1 ; 8 i 2 I; j 2 J ð10Þ each crop. It should be noticed that these prices are subject to the
i1 volatility of the market; therefore, it is recommended to develop
a stochastic optimization approach to address this problem,
Where si,j,i1 corresponds to the flow of by-product j from
based on the presented model, in a future work.
the biorefinery located in the site i sent to the market i1.

Processing cost
Total aviation biofuel in the markets
The processing cost (Costprocessing) is equal to the sum of
The total aviation biofuel in the airport a (TBa) is equal to the processed raw materials (fri,m,r) through the different
the sum of the aviation biofuel coming from the different routes times the unit processing costs (UCprocessing
i,m,r ):
processing facilities (bi,a): XXX processing
X Costprocessing ¼ fri;m;r UCi;m;r ð16Þ
TBa ¼ bi;a ; 8 a 2 A ð11Þ i m r
The unit processing cost UCprocessing
i,m,r depends on the
considered technologies.

Total by-products in markets

Transportation costs
The total amount of by-products in the markets (TSj,i1) is
equal to the sum of the by-products sent from the different The transportation cost (Costtransportation) accounts for the
processing facilities (si,j,i1): transportation of raw materials plus the transportation of
X aviation biofuel and by-products, involving the corre-
TSj;i1 ¼ si;j;i1 ; 8 j 2 J; i1 2 I1 ð12Þ
sponding unit transportation costs (UTC):

Optimal planning for the supply chain of biofuels for aviation in Mexico 1393

Costtransportation ¼ fi;i1;m UTCfeedstock
i i1 m
þ bi;a UTCbiojetfuel
i;a þ Si;j;i1 UTSbyproduc
i;j;i1 The total sales (Sales) are the sum of the sales of aviation
i a i j i1
biofuel multiplied by the aviation biofuel price in the
ð17Þ P
market ( aUCbiojetfuel
a TBa), plus the sum of the by-prod-
The transportation system considered in this work is by ucts multiplied by the by-product price in the
road; then, the unit transportation cost depends on the market ( j i1UCbyproduct
j,i1 TSj,i1):
distances from one place to another, and it may vary X XX
Sales ¼ UCa biojetfuel
TBa þ UCbyproduc
j;i1 TSj;i1
depending on the type of substance and involved risk (the a j i1
aviation biofuel and by-products are flammable or

Capital cost for the processing facilities Economic objective function

In order to determinate whether a biorefinery should be The total profit (Profit) accounts for the sales (Sales) minus
installed or not, binary variables are included in the the sum of the costs of feedstock (Costfeedstock), processing
mathematical model. The use of binary variables are rela- (Cost ), transportation (Costtransportation), and capital
ted to logical decisions; when a binary variable is equal to (CapCost):
one, a biorefinery should be installed, but if the value of the
binary variable is equal to zero the biorefinery is not Profit ¼ Sales  Costfeedstock  Costprocessing
installed.  Costtransportation  CapCost
There is a need for binary variables (yi) for activating
the existence of the processing facilities, which are acti-
vated when the produced aviation biofuel (Bi) is greater Carbon dioxide emissions
than the minimum (Bmin i ) and lower than the maximum
(Bmax ) allowed capacities: The captured CO2 emissions during the feedstock cultiva-
tion (CMPCO2) depend on the cultivated area (Ai,m) and
Bmin max
i yi  Bi  Bi yi ; 8 i 2 I ð18Þ the unit of captured CO2 emissions for each bioresource m
Also, binary variables are needed for activating of pro- (CMPi,m):
cessing routes (zi,m,r), which are activated when the pro- CMPCO2 ¼ Ai;m CMPi;m ð23Þ
cessed feedstock (fri,m,r) is greater than the minimum i m
(frmin max
i,m,r) and lower than the maximum (fri,m,r) amount
The parameter for the unit capture of CO2 emissions
(CMPi,m) depends on the compositions of the seeds, and it
min max
fri;m;r zi;m;r  fri;m;r  fri;m;r zi;m;r 8 i 2 I; m 2 M; r 2 R must be experimentally measured.
ð19Þ The produced CO2 emissions for the transportation of
raw materials (TMPCO2) are equal to the transported raw
The capital cost for the processing facilities involves material from site i to site i1 (fi,i1,m) multiplied by the factor
three terms to adequately represent the economies of scale. for the unit transportation emissions (TMPi,i1,m):
First a base installation cost (FCBi ), which is independent of XXX
the plant size; this is due to the cost of legal permits, land TMPCO2 ¼ fi;i1;m TMPi;i1;m ð24Þ
i i1 m
and others. There is also a capital cost (FCroute i,m,r ) for each
route installed in the biorefinery, and finally the cost for the The unit factor for the emission associated with trans-
biorefinery size (Croute
i,m,r ) must be considered. Then, the
portation depends on the fuel (diesel in this work) con-
capital cost for the processing facilities involves the fixed sumed per kilometer and the amount of material
and operating parts of the costs as follows: transported from one place to another.
X XXX The emissions associated with the transportation of
CapCost ¼ FCBi yi þ FCroute
i;m;r zi;m;r aviation biofuel from the different processing facilities to
i i m r
XXX ð20Þ the markets (TBTCO2) is equal to the transported amount
þ UCroute
i;m;r fri;m;r (bi,a) times the unit factor for transportation of aviation
i m r
biofuel (TBTi,a):
The capital cost was annualized considering a useful life XX
of 20 years, and an interest rate of 15%. TBTCO2 ¼ bi;a TBTi;a ð25Þ
i a

1394 S. Domı́nguez-Garcı́a et al.

The produced emissions for the transportation of by- SPCO2 ¼ TSj;i1 SPj;i1 ð29Þ
i m
products (TSPCO2) is equal to the transported by-products
(si,j,i1) times the unit transportation emissions (TSPi,j,i1): The unit parameter for the emissions SPj,i1 depends on
TSPCO2 ¼ si;j;i1 TSPi;j;i1 ð26Þ the carbon content in the by-products, and the combustion
i j i1 is considered complete.

The produced emissions associated with the processing Environmental objective function
of raw materials (PMPCO2) is equal to the processed
flowrate (fri,m,r) multiplied by the corresponding unit The total produced emissions associated with the entire supply
emissions (PMPi,m,r): chain (TOTALCO2) is obtained by summing the emissions
XXX associated with transportation, processing and use minus the
PMPCO2 ¼ fri;m;r PMPi;m;r ð27Þ captured emissions for the cultivation of raw materials:
i m r

The produced emissions associated with the use of

aviation biofuel (BTCO2) is equal to the used aviation
biofuel (TBa) times the unit emissions (BTa): Table 2 Economic results for the analyzed scenarios
BTCO2 ¼ TBa BTa ð28Þ Concept (M$/y) Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 Case 5
Feedstock cost 800 1000 9000 4000 2869
The unit emissions parameter (BTa) depends on the Processing cost 100 200 900 600 561
carbon content in the aviation biofuel, and the combustion Transportation cost 2000 5000 1000 2000 1809
is considered complete. Capital cost 100 200 2000 1000 998
The produced emissions associated with the use of by- Total sales 3200 4000 30,000 10,000 7919
products (SPCO2) is equal to the used by-products (TSj,i1) Profit 200 -3000 20,000 6000 1682
times the unit emissions factor (SPj,i1):

Fig. 3 Schematic solution for the solution of Case 1

Optimal planning for the supply chain of biofuels for aviation in Mexico 1395

Table 3 Aviation biofuel distribution for Case 1

Plant/market Distance from Tamaulipas (km) Demand (kt/y) Distributed (kt/y) % Satisfaction

Tamaulipas 0 35.6 35.6 100

Nuevo León 284 271 271 100
San Luis Potosı́ 332 17.4 17.4 100
Guanajuato 507 44.5 44.5 100
Zacatecas 516 14.4 14.4 100
Aguascalientes 518.9 18.8 18.8 100
Querétaro 523 17 17 100
Coahuila de Zaragoza 537 18.5 18.5 100
Hidalgo 634 1.53 1.53 100
Michoacán de Ocampo 652 21.7 21.7 100
Tlaxcala 670 3.58 3.58 100
Jalisco 684 390 390 100
Veracruz 688 54.9 54.9 100
Puebla 699 12.9 12.9 100
México 707 30.8 30.8 100
Distrito Federal 719 1210 540 45
Durango 803 10.8 0 0
Morelos 810 2.2 0 0
Colima 878 9.67 0 0
Nayarit 888 5.72 0 0
Guerrero 998 36.1 0 0
Chihuahua 1104 61.9 0 0
Oaxaca 1173 42.9 0 0
Tabasco 1184 41.3 0 0
Sinaloa 1261 73.1 0 0
Chiapas 1266 39 0 0
Campeche 1565 27.8 0 0
Baja California Sur 1703 140 0 0
Yucatán 1736 51.7 0 0
Quintana Roo 1758 626 0 0
Sonora 1796 52.7 0 0
Baja California 2323 164 0 0
Single point of processing and distribution (TAMAULIPAS)

TOTALCO2 ¼ TMPCO2 þ TBTCO2 þ TSPCO2 þ PMPCO2 that one of its main limitations is associated with the
þ BTCO2 þ SPCO2  CMPCO2 accuracy for the involved parameters.

Thus, the optimization formulation is aimed at maxi-
mizing the profit (given in Eq. 22) and minimizing the Results
emissions (given in Eq. 30), subject to the rest of the
equations, which yield a multi-objective mixed-integer This section presents the obtained results of the Mexican
linear programming (MILP) problem. To solve this multi- case to satisfy the demands of aviation fuel through bio-
objective problem, the epsilon constraint method was fuels accounting for the available resources, cultivating
implemented (see Santibañez-Aguilar et al. 2014). It is land and the markets that correspond to the existing air-
important to mention that the proposed optimization for- ports. Different scenarios are analyzed, considering dif-
mulation can be easily solved; also, it should be noticed ferent objectives and constraints. It is worth to mention

1396 S. Domı́nguez-Garcı́a et al.

Fig. 4 Schematic representation for the solution of Case 2

that the required data were obtained from reports by demand in all the considered markets, while the overall
PEMEX (2010), SAGARPA-SIAP (2011) and SEMAR- profit is maximized. The economic results for this scenario
NAT (2012). are shown in Table 2. The total sales for this scenario are
M$ 4000/y, whereas the total cost is M$ 7000/y, which is
Case 1: Maximum profit. First the case for maximum
constituted by 19% of feedstock cost, 2% of processing
profit was considered, without accounting for the emis-
cost, 76% of transportation cost and 3% of capital cost.
sions. The economic results for this scenario are shown
When the demand of aviation biofuel is completely sat-
in Table 2. The total sales for this scenario are M$
isfied, the contribution of transportation costs are greater
3200/y, whereas the total cost is M$ 3000/y, which is
than in the previous scenario. The schematic representa-
constituted by 31% by feedstock cost, 4% by processing
tion for this solution is shown in Fig. 4, where the main
cost, 59% by transportation cost and 6% by capital cost.
used raw materials are Jatropha Curcas and Higuerilla,
As can be seen, if maximum profit is the target, the
which are obtained from Tamaulipas. The involved
major contribution to the total cost is the transportation,
biorefineries are installed in Tamaulipas and Jalisco,
followed by feedstock cost. The schematic representation
whose capacities are 1.1 Mt/y in Tamaulipas and 1.7 Mt/y
for this solution is shown in Fig. 3, where the main raw
in Jalisco. The main markets where the aviation biofuel is
materials are Jatropha Curcas and Higuerilla, which are
distributed are all the states of México. Additional data
obtained from Tamaulipas. It is worth to mention that
for the supply chain associated with this scenario are
these bioresources have the major production potential in
shown in Tables 4 and 5. Results from this scenario make
Mexico, according to INIFAP (2016). The involved
evident that, in order to decrease the transportation costs,
biorefineries are installed in Tamaulipas, whose capacity
the aviation biofuel must be produced with the raw
is 1.5 Mt/y. The main markets where the aviation biofuel
materials that are cultivated near to the airport where it is
is distributed are Tamaulipas, Nuevo León, San Luis
going to be used.
Potosı́, Guanajuato, Zacatecas, Aguascalientes, Queré-
taro, Coahuila, Hidalgo, Michoacán, Tlaxcala, Jalisco, Case 3: Constrained solution A. This case considers
Veracruz, Puebla, México and México City. Additional maximizing the profit under the condition that all the states
data for the supply chain associated with this scenario of the country are considered as cultivation sites. In each
are shown in Table 3. state, there may be a processing plant having a maximum
production capacity and the minimum production capacity
Case 2: Full satisfaction for the demand in each mar-
equal to zero. In each processing plant, there may be up to
ket. This case considers the satisfaction for the full

Optimal planning for the supply chain of biofuels for aviation in Mexico 1397

Table 4 Processing and

Plant/market Distance from Jalisco (km) Demand (kt/y) Distributed (kt/y) % satisfaction
distribution from Jalisco
Aguascalientes 220.1 19 19 100
Baja California 2052 164 164 100
Baja California Sur 1140 140 140 100
Campeche 1673 28 0 0
Coahuila de Zaragoza 950 19 0 0
Colima 196 10 10 100
Chiapas 1373 39 0 0
Chihuahua 1167 62 0 0
Distrito Federal 537 1210 650 54
Durango 624 11 0 0
Guanajuato 272 45 45 100
Guerrero 775 36 36 100
Hidalgo 564 2 0 0
Jalisco 0 390 390 100
México 472 31 31 100
Michoacán de Ocampo 288 22 22 100
Morelos 566 2 2 100
Nayarit 206 6 6 100
Nuevo León 796 271 0 0
Oaxaca 997 43 0 0
Puebla 672 13 0 0
Querétaro 350 17 0 0
Quintana Roo 1858 626 0 0
San Luis Potosı́ 333 17 0 0
Sinaloa 687 73 73 100
Sonora 1354 53 53 100
Tabasco 999 41 41 100
Tamaulipas 684 36 0 0
Tlaxcala 646 4 0 0
Veracruz 799 55 0 0
Yucatán 1843 52 0 0
Zacatecas 341 14 0 0

five different processing routes, with different yields and are all the states of México. In this scenario, the raw
by-products. The markets are each state of the country, materials are cultivated in each state, being the feedstock
and the amount produced of aviation biofuel is limited by cost the major contribution to the total cost. An alternative
the demand for each state. The economic results for this for this case will be the mixed use of waste oil, which also
scenario are shown in Table 2. The total sales for this will have a positive impact on the environment. These
scenario correspond to M$ 30,000/y, whereas the total results are consistent with the initiative of Airports and
cost is M$ 10,000/y, which is constituted as 70% by Auxiliary Services of México, a government entity that
feedstock cost, 7% by processing cost, 8% by trans- supplies both fossil and renewable aviation fuel to the
portation cost and 15% by capital cost. The schematic airports, which are promoting the development of supply
representation for this solution is shown in Fig. 5, where chains for biorefineries in each state.
the main used feedstock are Jatropha Curcas and
Case 4: Constrained solution B. This case considers
Higuerilla, which are obtained from each state of México.
determining the supply chain that meets the demand for
The biorefineries are installed in each state of México,
each of the markets in Mexico under the following con-
except in Baja California and Baja California Sur because
siderations: In each state, there may be a processing plant
there is no available area for cultivating in these places.
having a maximum production capacity and the minimum
The main markets where the aviation biofuel is distributed

1398 S. Domı́nguez-Garcı́a et al.

Table 5 Processing and distribution from Tamaulipas

Plant/market Distance from Tamaulipas (km) Demand (kt/y) Distributed (kt/y) % Satisfaction

Aguascalientes 518.9 19 0 0
Baja California 2323 164 0 0
Baja California Sur 1703 140 0 0
Campeche 1565 28 28 100
Coahuila de Zaragoza 537 19 19 100
Colima 878 10 0 0
Chiapas 1266 39 39 100
Chihuahua 1104 62 62 100
Distrito Federal 719 1210 561 46
Durango 803 11 11 100
Guanajuato 507 45 0 0
Guerrero 998 36 0 0
Hidalgo 634 2 2 100
Jalisco 684 390 0 0
México 707 31 0 0
Michoacán de Ocampo 652 22 0 0
Morelos 810 2 0 0
Nayarit 888 6 0 0
Nuevo León 284 271 271 100
Oaxaca 1173 43 43 100
Puebla 699 13 13 100
Querétaro 523 17 17 100
Quintana Roo 1758 626 626 100
San Luis Potosı́ 332 17 17 100
Sinaloa 1261 73 0 0
Sonora 1796 53 0 0
Tabasco 1184 41 0 0
Tamaulipas 0 36 36 100
Tlaxcala 670 4 4 100
Veracruz 688 55 55 100
Yucatán 1736 52 52 100
Zacatecas 516 14 14 100

production capacity equal to zero. In each processing plant, California and Baja California Sur because there is no
there may be up to five different processing routes, with available land for cultivation. The main markets where the
different yields and by-products. The markets are the dif- aviation biofuel is distributed are all the states of México.
ferent states of the country, and the amount of aviation
biofuel is equal to the demand for each state. The economic
results for this scenario are shown in Table 2. The total Pareto solution
sales for these scenarios are M$ 10,000/y, whereas the total
cost is M$ 7000/y, which is constituted as 55% by feed- In this case, the epsilon constraint method is applied to
stock cost, 9% by processing cost, 22% by transportation obtain trade-off solutions for the profit and emissions; these
cost and 15% by capital cost. The schematic representation Pareto solutions are shown in Fig. 7. In this figure, the
for this solution is shown in Fig. 6, where the main used solutions above the curve are infeasible, whereas the
raw materials are Jatropha Curcas and Higuerilla, which solutions below the curve are suboptimal. This figure is
are obtained from each state of Mexico. The biorefineries very useful for the decision makers to determine the
are installed in each state of México, except in Baja solution that best satisfy the needs of the specific case.

Optimal planning for the supply chain of biofuels for aviation in Mexico 1399

Fig. 5 Schematic representation for the solution of Case 3

Fig. 6 Schematic representation for the solution of Case 4

1400 S. Domı́nguez-Garcı́a et al.

Fig. 7 Pareto curve, profit

versus CO2 emissions

Fig. 8 Schematic representation for the solution of Case 5

Solution closest to the utopian point utopian point are the maximum possible gain and the
minimum possible emissions, but these values cannot be
Figure 7 shows the Pareto curve corresponding to the together because there are some constraints between them.
production of the total demand for the aviation biofuel in Therefore, to reduce the emissions there must be accepted a
Mexico, where it is possible to locate the best solution (the level of deteriorating economic benefit; on the other hand,
point closest to the utopian point). The utopian point is the an increase in the economic benefit is associated with an
desired solution, but it is an unattainable point because this increment in the emissions. All the points that are marked
is located into the infeasible area. The coordinates for this in red color on the blue line are feasible and optimal

Optimal planning for the supply chain of biofuels for aviation in Mexico 1401

Table 6 Environmental results for case 5 through the supply chain. Two objective functions are
CO2 emissions (kt/y)
considered simultaneously, including the maximization of
the overall profit and the minimization of the associated
Growing raw materials -23,170 emissions.
Raw material transport 0 A case study from Mexico was considered under several
Aviation biofuel transport 9 scenarios and conditions. In this case study, the most
By-product transport 0 important factor for the supply chain is associated with the
Processing raw materials 3585 transportation of raw materials and products. The results
Consumption aviation biofuel 10,645 suggest that installing small processing facilities dis-
By-products consumption 10,721 tributed through the supply chain is a good option, con-
sidering the economic and environmental points of view.
Usually, the best processing routes include Bio-synfining
and Centia. The best raw materials are Jatropha Curcas and
solutions (determined through the epsilon constraint Higuerilla, whereas Camelina was the worst option.
method), while any point located below the blue line is a
feasible solution but it can be improved. According to the Acknowledgements Financial support provided by CONACyT,
through Grant 239765, for the development of this project is grate-
explanation presented above, the best feasible solution fully acknowledged.
(trade-off solution) is the nearest of the utopian point and
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