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Group Work Rules:

The general rule

All the group members are expected to contribute fairly to the team's work,
and will be evaluated equally for the report and the presentation.

Peer Evaluation Form Upon Request

If severe free-riding behaviors happen, a group can request to launch a peer-
review process to evaluate each team member's performance. The following
shows the sample peer evaluation form. This form will only be used upon
group members' request. As long as one member of the team requests the
peer evaluation, the form will be sent to each member of the group for
feedback. The process is anonymous to group members and your name is
identifiable only to the instructor. An individual member's report mark will be
the group report mark adjusted by his/her contribution to the group work (i.e.,
his/her score from the peer evaluation).

Parameters for evaluation

1. Attended group meetings regularly and arrived on time.
2. Contributed meaningfully to group discussions.
3. Completed group assignments on time.
4. Prepared work in a quality manner.
5. Demonstrated a cooperative and supportive attitude.
6. Contributed significantly to the success of the project.

Group Member Divorce

The following behaviors are prohibited. If detected, a group can decide to
divorce the member. The divorced member may not receive a mark:
 The member fails to respond to group emails.
 The member fails to attend most of the pre-scheduled group meetings.
 The member fails to meet group deadlines and puts the group at significant
How to divorce a member: If the group wishes to divorce a non-active
member, the group leader must send a formal email to notify the group
member. If the member is not responding, the group leader should send
another email after 24-48 hours to avoid problems in email delivery.

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