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Adrenal Fatigue

- Animal protein
- Coffee
- Black tea
- Alcohol
- Cigarettes
- Sugar (apart from fruit)
- All other stimulants
- Wheat/ gluten
- Dairy

Every 90 minutes to 2.5h apart from main meals and should contain potassium, sodium and fruit/veg

potassium sodium fruit/veg sugar

A date 2 celery sticks An apple
Avocado Spinach An orange
Sweet potato Parsley Lemon squeezed on kale

Juicing foods for potassium:

Beet greens, Swiss chard, spinach, beetroot, broccoli, fennel, carrots, kale, celery, romaine lettuce, cantaloupe melon, summer
squash, asparagus.

Healing Foods:

FOOD ROLE Week 1 Week 2

Wild blueberries Help restore the central nervous system and flash EBV neurotoxins
out of the liver
Sprouts High in zinc and selenium to strengthen the immune system
against EBV
Asparagus Cleanses the liver and spleen; strengthens the pancreas
Garlic Antiviral and antibacterial that defends against EBV
Raspberries Rich in antioxidants to remove free radicals from the organs and
blood stream
Romaine lettuce Stimulates peristaltic action in the intestinal tract and helps
cleanse EBV from the liver
Blackberries Restore the central nervous system, strengthen and rebuilt
hydrochloric acid in the gut
Red-skinned apples Immune system rebuilders that also strengthen the blood
Kale High in specific alkaloids that protect against viruses such as EBV

Healing Herbs and Supplements

Supplement Role Am Noon Pm Make of the

Licorice root Adaptagen- breaks the cycle of NSPUK
overproduction of adrenalin. Helps balance
the body’s levels of cortisol and cortisone.
Contains chromium (NSPUK)
Spirulina Adaptagen- breaks the cycle of Health Elements
overproduction of adrenalin. Contains high NSPUK
levels of SOD (superoxide dismutase) and
chromium for adrenal strength
Ester-C A form of vit.C that lowers inflammation and Nutri
soothes adrenal glands enlarged from
Chromium Helps balance insulin levels. Strengthens NSPUK
adrenals, thyroid and pancreas. Helps with
depression during adrenal exhaustion
Siberian ginseng Adaptagen- breaks the cycle of NSPUK
overproduction of adrenalin, enhances the
body’s ability to react and adapt. Protects
the adrenals from overexertion due to
Schisandra Helps to supress kidney spasms, which in NSPUSA- Mood
turn reduces adrenal gland stress Elevator
Ashwagandha Helps to balance the production of
testosterone, DHEA
(dehydroepiandrosterone) and cortisol
Magnesium Lowers anxiety, calms an overactive nervous NSPUK
system reducing adrenal gland stress.
Reduces muscle and soft tissue pain-
Fibromyalgia (NSPUK) and muscle spasms.
5-MTHF (5- Helps strengthen the endocrine and central Cytoplan as
methyltetrahydrofolate) nervous system, which reduces the stress on Methylfolate
adrenal glands
Cordyceps A type of mushroom. Renews the strength
of the Gall Bladder and liver so these organs
can more effectively process excess cortisol
in the blood
Rose hips Natural form of vit. C. Strong antioxidant- Health Leads
lower inflammation, soothe the adrenals Higher Nature
enlarged from overexertion
Barley Grass juice Increases the hydrochloric acid in the Creative Nature
extract powder stomach, which strengthens the digestive
and the immune systems and the adrenals.
Astragalus Strengthens the immune system and the
whole endocrine system
Lemon Balm Replenishes the nervous system and helps Epigenetics
regulate the insulin production
Rhodiola Optimises adrenal function
Bioflavonoids Natural form of vit. C. Antioxidant- lower NSPUK
inflammation, soothe the adrenals enlarged
from overexertion
Niacin Soothes the nervous system and a busy mind Cytoplan
Pantothenic Acid Soothes the nervous system and a busy body Cytoplan

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