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How They Kiss

Anything in public will be a short and sweet forehead or cheek kiss, pulling you in by the
back of your neck. He’s not much for PDA.
At first, he will be light and gentle. Even his deeper kisses will be slow, he’s just trying to
savor everything. Lots of lingering kisses that leave you out of breath.
Later on, when he’s been in a relationship for a while, he will get needier for physical
affection from you. He’ll hold you close with an arm wrapped tightly around your waist and let
his fingers dip into the hair at the back of your neck.
He has a couple of kinks that he had buried out of shame, feeling like you might judge him
for them because they are a contrast to his normally aloof and passive personality. Biting is
one that he has stopped himself from doing and when there is finally enough trust that you
get him to admit that he wants to? And he hears that you want him to?
Long deep kisses that end in a sharp bite to your lower lip and nibbles and bites on your
neck that leave little bruises.


you’ll be the main reason why he sees light in all the darkness he surrounds himself with.
he’s a very reserved person and he’s used to dealing with his problems by himself, even if
they consume him, but every now and then he will crave your touch in a soothing way and
just want to lay his head on your lap as you run your fingers through his hair.
he’ll literally not even say a word. he’ll just get home, sit down next to you and slowly lay his
head on your lap and that’s when you’ll just know he needs your touch.
expect lots and lots of forehead kisses. he’s not much for physical touch but there’s
something comforting about pulling you close to his chest and kissing your forehead. he
really treasures knowing you’re safe with him.
he will never tell you, but sometimes at night he lays awake as you sleep, carefully taking the
view of your figure slowly rising up and down as you peacefully sleep and he wonders why
you’re even with him. he worries too much about his past and his actions, it makes him
doubt how someone like you could love someone like him.
he barely sleeps yet he’s always the first one to wake up, and one of the reasons why he
decides to wake up way earlier than you is so he can make you breakfast. that small detail
will make him feel better throughout the day for how sometimes he barely gets to see you
due to his demanding “job”.
his way of showing his love for you is by constantly asking questions about your day/life. “did
you sleep well?” “did you eat enough?” “have you trained today?” “do you need me to get
Itachi has no time for miscommunications so if there’s ever something going on or a
misunderstanding that could start a fight between the two of you, he’d rather talk about
whatever problem is going on in your relationship and try to figure it out as soon as possible.
if too much time has gone by without seeing each other, you better know that as soon as he
gets home to you he will be craving you, and when I say craving you, I’m saying you better
expect to stay up all night screaming his name..
he gets constant anxiety about losing you. he feels like you’re in danger most of the time for
the simple fact of being his s/o so he’s very overprotective of you.
he might love you with his whole entire heart but you better know that Sasuke will always be
his priority so you should make peace with it.
he soothes himself by imagining a future with you and what it would be like, even though it
breaks his heart to know it might not be possible due to his illness and life purpose.
overall he knows he has made terrible, traumatic decisions in his life but if there’s one thing
he’s sure he’s done right, it’s definitely you.


A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)

Aftercare is not optional. It is just as much a part of the experience as foreplay and the actual

Will he clean you up? Not religiously, like it’s something he’ll do every time, but yes, he
would. If you’re still feeling tired or lingering in bed by the time he’s gotten cleaned up, he
wouldn’t think twice and just take care of you as well. If you mention that you think it’s sweet
or you enjoy it, then… YES, he would absolutely start doing this religiously.

Expect hairstroking and holding you to his chest, letting you listen to his heartbeat. If you
want to share your 4 AM thoughts here, he’ll be down for it and let you know what he thinks
about your ideas. After you’ve fallen asleep he will stay awake sorting through his thoughts,
over what it means to have you by his side and the risks involved for you. This is pretty much
the only time in the day that it’s safe to be vulnerable with his thoughts and so, this is where
he will think about what you mean to him, and press a kiss to your forehead before finally
going to sleep himself.

B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)

Eyes, definitely. The eyes are known to be the windows to the heart and his own eyes define
so much of his life and his destiny, so yes, he could stare into his partner’s eyes for an
almost uncomfortably long time, drinking them in.

I can’t really say he’s a butt or boobs guy cuz that’s not how his mind is wired. He’s wired to
be mission-oriented and there’s no room in his mind for distractions but on his S/O he would
appreciate and worship every inch of her.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)

Um… breeding kink, anyone? Defo see him as having one. Is this an underlying
psychological thing because he was deprived of having a normal family? At the same time,
though, he’s in no rush to have children of his own, because he knows what a terrible place
this world can be. But the desire to spill his seed deep into his S/O’s womb is deeply
ingrained. Modern birth-control would really solve this problem.

Also, swallowing. *COUGH* If someone does this for him it will go straight to his head.
Prepare to be rewarded.

D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)

Hmm… I almost feel guilty about characterizing him like this, but I could see him somewhere
deep down having a desire to have his partner submit to him? Not in the sense that he would
ask for that, but if he had a wet dream about his S/O she would probably be on her knees,
and he would feel guilty about it the next day and be a little sweeter than usual to her.

E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)

Okay! So, this is an unpopular opinion, but I don’t think Itachi is inexperienced!

Even if we take Canon!Ita (but maybe age him up a little) I feel like there could be situations,
mission-related, or pursued by women he objectively finds appealing, where saying no is just
more inconvenient than going along with it. Especially if it’s for the sake of a mission, he
wouldn’t think twice. Or if he does it in order to not blow his cover. While he does largely turn
admirers away, more for their own good and because he’s generally not interested, I do
believe he could have realistically encountered situations in his travels that led to sexual
encounters. He hasn’t taken a vow of chastity, so I don’t see why he should go to
unreasonable lengths to say no?

So yeah, in my mind he definitely has some experience, but not a whole lot. Obviously, he
takes necessary precautions to ensure those brief dalliances stay just that.

F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)

Hahahaha, so I had to do some research to find out what this position is called. The
Mastery? Basically, it’s woman on top but the couple is in a seated position. Meaning, he
gets to look into your eyes and just basically, the heightened intimacy and closeness of this
position are what does it for him. Also, he has more control than in the normal girl-on-top
position, so he can control the pace somewhat and help you out.

But if you’re tired, he’ll pick you up and flip positions, he won’t wait for you to admit you’re
tired and he won’t listen to your protests. He wants to see you out of your mind in ecstasy,
not wondering whether or not you’re too tired to continue.

G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Alright, so it’s Itachi, right? He isn’t very jokey. That just is what it is. He might do something
unintentionally that might make you giggle, or you could laugh out of nervousness and while
he very much enjoys that sound he doesn’t really know how to provoke it from you. It’s just
not his area of expertise. (Sorry, Ita. Couldn’t give you this one.)

H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)

Hmm… well, Itachi definitely is clean by nature, and is definitely well-groomed and particular
in all aspects of his life, so… I’m going to go with trimmed. Neat and orderly. Just like
everything else about him.

I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)

I lowkey just want to link my oneshots to this, cuz they say it all, but alright! He will want to
be connected to his S/O. That means either being able to see her face, or if the position
doesn’t allow for it to hear her voice the entire time. He’s good at that. He’s so sweet and
considerate and perceptive. He knows what’s working for you and what isn’t even without
you saying a word, He may not have a whole lot of experience, but he has an innate talent
(because doesn’t he just… with everything?) and he’s an exceptionally quick learner. He will
legit ruin you for anyone else because if you ever ARE with anyone else and they snap at
you, “What do you think I am, a mind reader?” You’ll realize what Itachi was doing.

So, yeah. He wants to make sure you’re into it and you’re taken care of and you’re near
delirious with pleasure before he decides to let go himself. Being self-sacrificial and caring
for others is in his nature. So, yeah, you really need to man up and figure out what he needs
because he isn’t going to tell you. But you’re smart. You’ll work it out. (OR JUST READ THE

J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)

Sorry, no. Don’t see him doing this. You have to consider how disciplined the guy is, and how
insanely busy. It really is kind of a waste of time at the end of the day and if he wants it that
badly, he can just make the trip to see you.

K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)

Teasing, edging, getting you to beg. He feels bad for you, he really does. But how much
more can you take? You won’t know until you know. He’ll reward you for your patience
though. And let’s be honest, you’ll love it, teasing and all. Not to mention mindfucking you to

So, I went through an alleged “complete” list of 239 kinks to try and answer this question and
most of it was just… weird. So, let’s do this differently. What follows is an incomplete list of
things I could potentially see him being into or good at or have an interest in. In no particular
order: mirrors, sub/dom play (with a little coaxing and admitting to himself that this is even a
thing that he’s into. It would absolutely be limited to the bedroom, though), sensory
deprivation, and…. bear with me here, but… I could see him having a hand for Shibari.
THINK ABOUT IT. Those knots and things they learned to tie in the ninja academy? And we
know Itachi is the best of the best in everything he does. So, I don’t think this is beyond the
realm of possibility.

Generally speaking, though, he just doesn’t have the time for this stuff. BUT IF HE DID…

And now, this is exclusive to AM!Ita but he most likely has a praise kink. Being hated and
cursed for eons, and being disillusioned with his own role, if his S/O comes in and tells him
how great he is, how handsome, how wonderful. How good he is at what he does. How
wonderful he makes her feel. Mmmm. I can see that doing things to him. XD

L = Location (favorite places to do the do)

Ideally, in a lake or a river. Outdoor bathing spaces are generally approached with caution,
so even if someone were to come by they would call out and make sure no one is there first,
which means, less risk of getting caught. And I mean, this is Itachi… He’s an S-rank exiled
nin. HE KNOWS HOW TO NOT GET CAUGHT. LOL. But yeah, he spends a lot of time
out-of-doors. He’s more accustomed to the starry sky overhead than the roof of a house or
woodland cabin. In my interpretation, he feels very much at peace when surrounded by
nature and he would enjoy being intimate with you in that setting.

M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)

Confidence. Enthusiasm. Not necessarily seduction, if it’s a stranger he’s dealing with, this is
more of a turn-off than anything. But if it’s his S/O and she turns up the charm and crooks a
finger at him… You might even get a smile on that stoic face. I don’t see him being into the
shy and stuttering type. If you blush and say, “No! St- stop!” He’ll literally stop. And probably
apologize. AND NOT DO IT AGAIN.

If you try and explain to him that your no doesn’t mean no… Ah, yeah. He’s not into that. Be
straightforward. Say what you mean. Don’t play games with him. He’ll see right through you.

That being said, being a lonely fighter all his life means he’s very sensitive to your touch.
Just run a hand along his shoulder in passing and he’ll grab it and press a kiss to your palm,
and haul you in. I could see him being into your hands. It really isn’t hard to turn him on, it’s
hard to earn his trust and a position in his life that gives you the right to touch him and be
touched by him. But when you’re there, it’s the easiest thing in the world. A smile, a kiss, a
brush of your fingers over his collarbones. He’s a goner.

N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)

Pegging. This goes without saying. I can’t really think of much else he wouldn’t be into. I
mean, stuff that’s a little more out there. Watersports. Daddy/Mommy kinks. Actual
exhibitionism, (not genjutsu version) no way is he going to let anyone look in on your most
intimate moments. Impact play. He knows very well what his hands are capable of, and
there’s a lot of blood on them, so he really wouldn’t be into stuff that involves actually hurting
If his S/O likes it VERY rough, he might resort to genjutsu so that she gets what she wants,
but he doesn’t have to actually hurt her. Other than that, bruising, choking, the usual level of
roughness? Bring it on. Being adept with his hands also means he knows very well where
that fine line between pain and pleasure is.

Not to mention, he’s very perceptive, so he’ll figure out what you’re into even without you
saying it. He’s also very giving so he’ll focus more on your preferences than his own. But if
the day ever comes where you realize what submission does to him… The man would be
putty in your hands. Kukukukuku…

O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)


Giving, because he has absolute control over your pleasure, and because he enjoys how
easily he can drive you out of your mind. We’ve established that he’s a terrible tease, so
driving you to the brink and leaving you hanging, feeling every single one of your reactions…
It’s good stuff.

Receiving takes the cake though. Being that vulnerable with someone, even having
someone he can trust that much. It’s definitely something he’s very partial to, something that
makes him soft towards you, and something that plays into his forbidden desire of seeing
you submit, whether or not he’s aware of it. He’ll make sure to return the favor tenfold.

P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)

This is an odd question I think, because… doesn’t it depend? On how much time he has, on
how the two of you are feeling, on what the mood is?

Anyways, I’m going to go ahead and say slow and sensual because he really is a man who
likes to take his time with you. He likes to feel every one of your responses, hear every little
mewl and whimper and moan that crosses your lips. He definitely makes it an experience.

Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)

Not his preference, but he isn’t above having a quickie if that’s all that time allows. But he
would definitely follow up with a proper session at a later time, then.

R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)

Itachi is so nice. He really is. There’s nothing you could want that he wouldn’t be willing to try
at least once for your sake. I mean, apart from the stuff listed under “N”.

And would he take risks? YES, HE WOULD. Because his assessment of the risks varies
greatly from yours. So, something that you would think is very risky, might seem not risky at
all to him, because he knows exactly how to go unseen, unnoticed. You might think he’s
being risky, but he’s well aware there was a 0% chance you were going to get caught.
Because Itachi skillz.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)

Stamina! *insert sparkles* AM!Ita has been established in the works, so I think that needs no
comment. Canon!Itachi is a freaking fighter. An S-class exiled nin. Someone who claims
Itachi has no stamina wants to start something with me. DID YOU SEE HIM HAND
SASUKE’S ASS TO HIM? Despite his illness? He lost because he CHOSE to lose. I don’t
see the Akatsuki hauling out a wheelchair for Itachi to go on his missions, so don’t go telling
me nothing about Itachi having no stamina. SHAKE MY HEAD WHILE JUDGING YOU.

Dude is strong as hell. And you can’t tell me some bedroom fun is more physically taxing
than literal superhuman battles against huge ass tailed beasts! It’s just ridiculous. I’m not
here to rant. Better calm down.

I’m here to tell you our man can go for at least three rounds and you will *GUARANTEED*
always tire out before he does.

T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)

Yes. The sharingan. THE ONLY TOY YOU WILL EVER NEED. As mentioned above, he’s
not above using his skills to heighten your pleasure, and mess with your mind. But actual,
physical toys? Nah, the thought processes that would lead to considering, comparing, and
actually purchasing those are just so foreign to his thinking. It would never even cross his
mind. What can a toy even do that he can’t do better? (To his thinking anyway. Well, he’s not

U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)

He will make you beg. Absolutely. He’s totally unfair. He will have casual conversations with
you while driving you out of your wits. And then he’ll ask you why you’re not answering him.
Ask you what’s wrong. Ask you what you want. LIKE HE DOESN’T KNOW.

If you want him to talk, get on your knees and give him some head. Not kidding. Mentioned it
above already. He gets to let go, a lot of his secret kinks are getting fulfilled, he feels
vulnerable and is cool with it. He’ll dig his hands into your hair, cup your cheek, his eyes will
roll into the back of his head and he’ll tell you on a low moan what a good girl you are.

W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)

So, let’s say you’re waiting to talk to him and he’s busy meeting with some people or
whatever and you’re standing off to the side patiently. He just briefly glances at you before
turning back to his comrades and BOOM. Next thing you know, he’s got you by the neck,
has you pinned against his desk/table/whatever (this was originally a Hokage!Ita headcanon
so do with that what you will), and is doing unspeakable things to you in front of everyone.
No sooner does the encounter come to an end, than you suddenly wake up and find yourself
still standing right where you were, until it happens again, and this time he takes you against
the wall.

It’s an illusion wrapped in an illusion wrapped in an illusion more times than you can count
and when you finally do come to your senses, you can barely stand. The meeting is over.
Itachi turns toward you, “You wanted to speak with me?”

Ah, yes. Good old Itachi mindfuckery.

X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)

I mean, muscles, yes? Lots of them. Man’s fit as a fiddle. He’s a ninja. So, yes, the entire
delicious length of him is covered in lean, firm muscle. He’s clearly well-endowed because…
he just is. Maybe not the longest cucumber in the farmer’s market (which isn’t to say he isn’t
long, because he is… don’t claim I called him short) but thick and veiny and above all else,
attached to a man with a brain who knows how to use it efficiently. Thank you for coming to
my TEDtalk.

Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)

This is a tough one, because the constraints are not on his drive, but on his time. He’ll take
whatever chances he can to be with you. AM!Ita is established to have a very high sex drive,
but he also has restraint, so when you’re not into it, he’s cool with it. As if that would ever
happen. So, I would have to say, the actual encounters will unfortunately be far between
because of his lifestyle, but he will always make up for lost time.

Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)

Kind of already mentioned this above, that those moments afterwards with you are his most
vulnerable moments where he feels relatively safe and at ease, so he stays awake for a long
time after, sorting through his thoughts. Also, he won’t say this to you, but it’s his job to
protect you, so there is no way he’ll fall asleep before you do. Not gonna happen.

Itachi sub/dom or BDSM sexual acts.

Talking back or giving Itachi sass would be one of the quickest ways to get him into a
dominant position. “What are you going to do about it, Itachi? Spank me?”
Itachi’s eyes are really intense and eye-contact with his submissive s/o is one of his favourite
parts of being dominant in the bedroom. It’s one of the quickest ways to turn his s/o on and
he knows it. It also turns him on a lot too.
He loves undressing his s/o, loving the sight of you completely naked in front of him while he
is still mostly clothed. Itachi’s hands would roam your entire body, tracing every curve.
Itachi would definitely have slight daddy!kink.
One of his favourite things to do would be to tie his s/o up and/or blindfold you. Blindfolding
you heightens your other senses and Itachi loves running his hands along your body while
you’re blindfolded, randomly licking or sucking exposed parts of your skin.
Itachi would tease his s/o a lot. Expect edging or orgasm denial. Partly because he loves the
sight of his s/o writhing underneath him in pleasure and he doesn’t want it to be over too
Giving his s/o oral is one of Itachi’s favourite things to do. The way you moan and buck your
hips underneath him as he licks your slit, sucking your clit into his mouth. He’d love how
flushed your face looked while he was going down on you.
He’ll definitely make you beg before penetrating you, adding to his love for the daddy!kink.
“Tell daddy what you want princess.” while stroking his manhood along your wetness.
When Itachi is fucking his s/o, he’ll maintain eye contact but will also over-stimulate you by
rubbing your clit. Itachi definitely cares about your release more than his own and his aim is
to get you to come at least once before he does.
Itachi would cuddle after sex, pressing kisses against your face and making sure that you
were okay and you weren’t in any pain.
[5/12 16:51] On-Gi: Itachi pai

Headcannons of Itachi as a father

Itachi would like to be a father of two children. He would want his kids to have siblings much
like he did, so that they can experience that bond for themselves. The gender of his children
does not matter to him, but he would prefer to have a boy and a girl if he was lucky enough.
Itachi is a very patient, gentle, and a concerned father. He will try to shield his children from
the outside world as long as he can. He doesn’t want to introduce them to the horrors of war
or even mention death to them, but he knows he cannot avoid those subjects for long. He
knows he will have to prepare them for reality, but he would like to do so in a kinder way than
his father did to him.
Itachi treasures each moment he spends with his kids. He gives them his entire attention
and never intentionally ignores them. They will be his first priority. He will cook them meals
every night, make sure they wash up before bed, and will tuck them in with good night kisses
on their heads.
I can also see Itachi teaching his children chores early on in life. He will instruct them to
clean their room, clear the table, wash their laundry, and sweep the floors. He will want to
establish that discipline in them early on in life. That you have to work to get by in life and
that good things do not come easy.
Itachi loves to show off to his kids and teach them new tricks. He doesn’t give much verbal
instruction when he first shows his child how to do something. He wants them to learn and
come to conclusions on their own. He will never laugh or belittle his child for not being able
to complete a task that he can perform easily.
When his children become upset or mad, Itachi remains level headed and tries his best not
to let their attitude affect his own mood. He will help his children talk through what they are
feeling and help them figure out what the source of their problem is. If it’s something that
Itachi can aid them in he will, but he knows there are some battles his children will have to
face on their own.
Very rarely does Itachi get upset with his kids. When he is upset, his voice can become very
stern and level in tone. His eyes will not waver from their sharp scowl as he reprimands his
kids that have done something bad. Most of the time, one look from Itachi’s sharp eyes will
intimidate his child to stop behaving the way they are behaving. Because of this, Itachi’s kids
would be very well behaved.
•He’ll love his kids unconditionally and swear to always protect them, he’d never let anything
happen to them. But though extremely caring and devoted, he’d take his role as a father
from a moral standpoint too and raise them to be honorable but smart shinobi

•He’d discipline them, so he could at times be a stern father but it would only be out of a wish
to steer them in the right direction. Some of the policies and rules Itachi makes for his kids
may seem a little unorthodox or strict, but his kids’ future and well-being would be in his best

•Though sometimes stern, he would try to keep a good relationship with them so that they
could be open with him whenever necessary. He’d hope for his kids to come to him with
problems and concerns so he could give them advice. If it was a serious situation Itachi
might want to intervene, but he’d also want to see how they work out the problem on their
own because he doesn’t believe they should take the easy way out first

•When they’re much younger, Itachi will try to be with them as much as possible. He’d want
to be there when they first walk and when they first speak. It’s key events like that that he
wouldn’t want to miss, he thinks he needs to be there for important moments so they can
form a bond early on

•He’d definitely be the type to come into his baby’s room at night and hold them, just cherish
the intimate moment. Even when they’re older he might just peep in and watch them for a
little. At times when he can really sit and think about it, he realizes how much he loves his
child and makes a bunch of promises to them—how he’ll always be there for them and how
he’ll do anything to make sure he raises them right

To start things off, Itachi would be a great father and husband and nothing can change my
Patient, caring, kind, gentle, considerate. The list can go in basically when it comes to you
him. If anything, it’s almost sometimes annoying of how perfect this man can be
Many speculate for him to have a daughter first, but I honestly see him having a son if
Was a bit nervous since he didn’t want to raise his child the way his father did, all the way up
to your birth he secretly feared it but that all changed when he saw his son for the first time
An immediate understanding that he loved this child with every little bit of him and knew he
would be nothing like his own father
You swear you’ve never seen Itachi smile bigger in his life than when he was holding him for
the first time
Itachi is surprisingly protective once your son is born, for you and him. He knows he’s high in
the corps and is a well known enemy to other villages and Shinobi’s so the thought of
someone even laying a hand on one of you two makes him see red
He honestly doesn’t like leaving your son alone with anyone but you or him. His and your
parents are always an exception but even than he takes caution to make sure there’s always
a guard or someone around
After your son is born, he feels his responsibility as a Shinobi has been changed now due to
this. It isn’t in a bad way, but he takes less assignments and missions and even if he is to be
sent away somewhere he always makes sure that the top is a week at least. He feels
paranoid if he’s away for to long
Itachi is very observant of your son, constantly making sure he’s okay and breathing and
although it was cute at first, after a few weeks after he’s born it can grow to be tiring
“Shouldn’t we call a doctor ? He could be sick.”
“Itachi.. he just coughed.”
He lets his son play with his hair, honestly doesn’t even seem affected if he pulls on it but is
quick to make sure that your son doesn’t try to take a bite out of it
He’s a light sleeper, if he hears a noise or wakes up in the middle of the night the first thing
he’ll probably do is check up on your son to make sure he’s okay
Honestly, be prepared because your son will probably look a lot like Itachi and everyone tells
you. The Uchiha genes are strong.
Admires you a lot, whenever you’re not looking he’ll just stare when you interact with your
guy’s kid in any way.
Always making sure you’re not overworking yourself or exhausted, he knows pregnancy can
take a toll on a women’s esteem and exhaustion so he always makes sure you’re okay
Probably does laundry for you, cuts up some fruit and sometimes makes breakfast if he gets
up early
“If (son/name) ever gives you trouble make sure you just tell me alright?”
“Here, I’ll take care of that. Why don’t you take a rest?”
“It’s our duty as parents to make sure our son grows up happy and strong, but it’s my duty as
your husband to make sure you’re safe and alright.”
Always plays with your son, he wants to be different from his own father and show his kid
Lots of naps together. Don’t be surprised if you walk in to find them sleeping on the ground
together or your son sleeping on Itachi’s chest
Trying to resist to not scream of the cuteness
Lots of play dates with uncle Sasuke. He surprisingly loves Sasuke a lot. Although it can be
annoying for Sasuke’s that the important mission he was told about was nothing more than
baby sitting his nephew
“I’m a Shinobi, not a babysitter.”
“This could be a new learning experience for you.”
Itachi wants to be there for every first thing for his son. You’re aware of this and know how
disappointed he’ll get if he misses something so you couldn’t bare the thought of telling him
how your son took his first steps when he was away
Itachi rarely takes his son out of the home, if he does it’s mostly always with you
accompanying him since a lot of people went to see the baby Uchiha
Talks to your son a lot, although aware that he can’t response back to him but enjoys the
conversation either way
overall, Itachi loves your son immensely with everything in him and it won’t be long before he
suggest the idea of another one
[5/12 17:01] On-Gi: Marido
Honestly a great husband. Little to no drama, always understanding, always considerate,
always ready to provide for you. Itachi wouldn’t want to get married until he had dated his s/o
for a long, long time. So of course by that time, he’s completely devoted to them

•The very definition of a sacrificing spouse. He’s selfless, always. Would really do anything
for his spouse

•Protective of course. Once he’s a husband, he knows it’s his responsibility to take care of
his spouse even more than he did before. One main example of this would be when it comes
to his father. Fugaku could very well disapprove of this marriage. And it’s probable that he
would slander Itachi’s spouse in an effort to try and deter the marriage, maybe try to change
Itachi’s mind by pointing out all their flaws. But Itachi doesn’t allow that. There aren’t many
situations where he really takes a stand against his father, even at the risk of disrespecting
him, but these are one of those cases. He doesn’t tolerate anyone talking down on his
spouse. Especially not for the sake of trying to scorn their marriage. He sticks up for his
spouse no matter what

•The only negative to Itachi’s marriage is his work. Because of his sense of duty to the
village, he might not be around all the time. He’d take month long missions, even though he
knows his spouse will be lonely. Weeks will go by where he comes home in the middle of the
night, and leaves early in the morning, so his spouse hardly sees him

•It’s difficult to say whether he would apologize for his absences. He acknowledges how it
might be affecting his spouse, but he also expects them to know that he has Konoha’s best
interest in mind. He can’t apologize for wanting to do right by his village

An extremely devoted husband. A regular relationship with Itachi would be enough proof of
that devotion, but if you’re married to him then that’s pretty much a true testament and he’d
never fail to remind you of that devotion

•His idea of affection will always be subtle, even in marriage. When the time comes down to
it he’ll show you all the affection you need, but he’s a firm believer that marriage between
two people should be full of trust and companionship so he wouldn’t want to stifle you, and
honestly wouldn’t see the point in constant reassurance of his love for you because that may
seem forced to him, he doesn’t like that sense of dubiousness

•But like I said he’s very devoted, and it’s unlikely you’d ever feel that way unless missions or
work got in the way. But anytime he’d have off of work, he’d make certain he had time for
you no matter what. He’d be excellent at time management when it came to his spouse, and
he’d often plan nice dinners or surprises for you if he had more time than usual

•One of his favorite things to do is come home with groceries and help you make a nice
dinner together. He also enjoys asking you to go on walks with him. After a long day he just
likes to relax and the night sky really gives him a sense of peace
•But because you two would be close, that means he won’t hold everything back. He’s a
forward person as is, and doesn’t suppress anything unless it’s necessary. But being his
spouse, he’ll want to be honest, and that could lead to a few fights here and there just like
any relationship. But being that you’re married, he’d take the reparations for the arguments
very seriously and try to clean it up so there was no lingering tension. Serious as he can be,
he wouldn’t like the thought of the marriage being tainted by some unresolved issue, he
wants you happy and healthy

•Every once in a while Itachi may just need a couple of days off, and it would be a little
impromptu of him, but he’d tell you to pack some stuff and he’d take you out to a nice inn
where the two of you could just relax, maybe visit the hot springs at night. He values those
little intimate moments and thinks they’re vital every once in a while

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