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Copyright by Adedayo Emmanuel
@ 2022 ISBN: 987-987-310-465-7
Whatsapp: +234-8030533609

No portion of this ebook is permitted to be
duplicated or used in any form without the
permission of the Author.
“But the earth helped the woman, and the earth
opened its mouth and swallowed up the flood
which the dragon had spewed out of his mouth.”
- Revelation 12:16 (NKJV)

“O Land, Land, listen to God’s message. This is

God’s verdict: “write this man off as if he were
childless, a man who will never amount to
anything. Nothing will ever come of his life.
He’s the end of the line, the last of the kings.”
- Jeremiah 22:29 (MSB)
The devil is a war monger. It is costly to remain ignorant of the manner of warfare
and the types of weapons which the devil uses against men and women especially
in this modern times.

Many Christians are using blunt knives and cutlasses, when the devil is using
sophisticated missles, demonic nuclear warheads, terrible bombs and wicked
spiritual machine guns.

There is no denying the fact that many believers are attacked by the devil in areas
which they least expect. Many Christians and many non-believers are targets of
demonic attacks. Such victims do not know anything about what they are going
through. However, there is no premium on ignorance. To remain ignorant is to
prolong your suffering.

The bane of the modern age is spiritual ignorance. The devil has been able to
carry out wicked actions against millions of people because he has kept most of
his activities and operations secret. Believers who want to win the end-time
battles, must be ready to come out of their shells, cast off the garment of
complacency, and put on the armor of a fighter. If you want to experience victory,
you must also be ready to go into new areas of spiritual warfare. You must be
ready to match the devil skill for skill, fire for fire, strategy for strategy and
aggression for aggression.

It is interesting to note that, just as there are technological breakthroughs and

scientific discoveries in the physical realm, there are also secret, demonic
scientific breakthroughs which need to be uncovered and dealt with squarely.

The use of wicked and crude weapons have been responsible for acute poverty,
mysterious sicknesses, untimely death, non-achievement, inability to get married
and or experience peace in the family and all kinds of situations that defy human
logic. The devil has converted the dust into a weapon of destruction.
The Bible reveals to us that man is a product of the dust. God created everyone
of us from the dust. The only difference is that we became living souls because
God breathed into us.
“And the LORD formed man of the dust of the ground, and
breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man
became a living being.
Genesis 2:7 (NKJV)
The name ‘Adam’, “means of the earth” of “earthly.” It means somebody that
was taken out of the read earth or from the ground. The animals were also formed
from the dust or ground.

“In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread Till you
return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; For dust
you are, And to dust you shall return.”
Genesis 3:19 (NKJV)

No matter how long you live, no matter how well you love and no matter where you
live, you will go back to the earth at the end of your life.

The human body begins to travel towards the destination of death right from its from
moment on earth. The moment we are born into this world, we begin our journey by
heading towards where we came from ________ the dust of the earth. The only that
make a difference in us is the breath of God.
“All go to one place, all are from the dust, and all return
to dust”
Eccl. 3:20 (NKJV)
“Then the dust will return to the earth as it was, And the
spirit will return to God who gave it”
Eccl. 12:7

These two passages shows to us why people generally say “dust unto dust” and
“ashes unto ashes” when they bury men and women.


“So the LORD God said to the Serpent; “Because you
have done this, you are cursed more than all cattle, And
more than every beast of the field; on your belly you shall
go, And you shall eat dust All the days of your life.”
Genesis 3:14 (NKJV)

The pronouncement made against the serpent is spiritual rather than physical. Snakes
do not eat sand or dust.

The serpent was supposed to eat dust. Man was also made from dust. If we bring
these two facts together, we shall discover that when a man is operating under the
old Adamic curse, he becomes the food of the serpent. It is frightening to discover
that man is the food of the serpent. This is the secret behind what is written in
“When the wicked, even mine enemies
and my foes, came upon me to eat
up my flesh, they stumbled and fell.”
Psalm 27:2

This passage brings the secret of eaters of the flesh to the fore.
When any satanic agent tires to eat up anyone, what it sees in such a person is its
food – the dust. What it does is not a secret in the demonic realm. It knows that the
devil has been sentenced to eating the dust. It therefore carries out the will of its
father, the devil.
Dust is the final state of the human body. We all have to return to the earth. It is
indeed strange, that we have a destiny with dust. However, the importance of what
we have examined so far, is centred on a secret. What is the secret? Although the
dust looks ordinary, it can be used to summon a person or to cause a havoc in a
person’s life.

Many untimely deaths can be traced to evil manipulation of the dust. Powerful
satanic priests and demonic agents have carried out lots of evil assignments by using
the dust.

Demonic high priests and wicked fetish priests, pour libation on the ground and
speak against the lives of the victims because the earth was ear to hear the command
given to it. Some are able to raise evil spirits through incantations. Since they know
that man has been cursed to return to the grave, they have caused many people to die
prematurely by speaking to the ground.
1. The dust cannot move fast – If you throw dust or sprinkle dust, it does not
move fast. Satanic agents possess that knowledge, therefore they use dust to slow
down people’s progress in life. A lot of people are stagnated in life through satanic
manipulation of the dust against them.

2. Dust comes quietly and settles unnoticed – Wicked people who uses the
weapon of dust against their victims are generally able to programme subtle and
silent poison into the lives of their victim. That is why you see people reacting to
dust especially those under the attack of asthma and dust irritant triggered illness or

3. Dust is an irritant – Dust can be used to programme hatred, disfavor,

rejection and lack of help into people’s lives. When the weapon of the dust is used
against a person, people will find such an individual irritating.

4. Dust messes things up – Wicked powers are able to speak words to the dust
and the whole system of the body will begin to wage war against one another thereby
messing up the individual.

5. Dust is fragile – Dust can be used to drain the energy of a man or woman.
Wicked powers or demonic agents can use the weapon of the dust to affect anyone
with energy sapping and paralytic sicknesses. When such a weapon is used against
you, you will find it hard to sustain prosperity in any good thing that comes to your

6. Dust is common and weak – Dust can be used to demote a person and render
his or her destiny useless.
7. Dust can be thrown about or scattered by every bit of air movement
– Wicked powers can programme the dust into a person’s life in such a way that the
victims become a nonentity
– a rolling stone that gathers no moss. They are capable of using the dust to
intelligent men and women into vagabonds. They make such people move about
without a sense of direction.

8. Dust is generally useless – Dust can be used to programme uselessness into

the lives of men and women.

9. Dust does not have defense – Dust can be used to render a person powerless
and defenseless. Which translate to the fact that every aspect of our lives can be
affected by the dust negatively.

10. Dust is dirt – Dust can be programmed in a way to make a person’s spiritual
life dirty and polluted.
Powerful Satanic priests and demonic agents have carried out lots of evil
assignments by using the dust. Occult and witchcraft agents have spoken to the dust
of the earth using it against the lives of their victims. Since, they know that man has
been cursed to return to the grave, they have caused many people to die prematurely
by speaking to the ground.

The fact that Africans have discovered that the ground on which we walk has lots of
evil powers which can be made use of by members of the dark kingdom has remained
hidden for a long time.

It has been discovered that some people often bury live cows and goats in an attempt
to achieve success, power and fame. This is why we often come across men and
women who place sacrifices on the ground. Some people have the believe that some
evil beings can come from underneath the ground to accept such sacrifices.

As believers, we must be able to turn the weapon of the enemies against them. It is
however unfortunate that the children of the devil and demonic agents understand
this mystery about the dust than the children of God. The Bible declares, “The
children of this world are wiser in their own generation than the children of light.”

Have you ever thought about why people remove sand from underneath the feet of
their victims in order to harm them? There is a common evil practice among wicked
satanic agents. If they choose to make a person run mad, they will simply remove
some sand from underneath his feet, chant some incantations on it and blow the sand
into the air. The result is that, the victim will instantly run mad.

Sometimes they don’t make their victims mad, they simply made them walk away
and such people are never found. Just as the sand that is blown away can never be
recovered, the man who is made to walk into the bush or to an unknown place, will
never be found again.
1. Why do some people appease the ground and worship it?
2. Why do some idol worshippers pour libation on the ground?
3. Why do fetish priest press the sand in order to destroy the lives of their
4. Why do some people use the dust as a medium of finding out the destiny of
those who come to them for divination?
5. Why do sorcerers and fetish priests pay homage to the ground?
6. Why do they always praise the ground and appeal to it for favour as they offer
sacrifices, chant incantations and carry out evil assignment?
7. Why do people swear by the ground?
8. Why do some people use the soil as a charm?
9. Why do fetish priests use some soil as part of their sacrifice?
10. Why do soothsayers and fetish priests require certain things from the earth?
11. Why are people able to discover what lies ahead by inquiring from the soil?
12. Why do these people get answers to their evil questions?

The answer is very simple. These children of the devil understand the awesome
power which resides in the dust. They have been able to identify and know the power
of the dust and how to use it to carry out their evil activities.

The Bible actually makes it clear, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.”
The amount of knowledge which you have in this matter goes a long way in
determining whether you will survive in these last days or not. Witchdoctors,
sorcerers, witches and wizard use the dust to fight against mankind.
Ignorance is costly! We are living in an era when ignorance can be very destructive.
Therefore, we must learn how to turn the weapons of the enemy against them. There
are many believes who have attempted building houses but could not complete them
due to mysterious reasons. If you are going through such an experience, you must
learn how to use the weapon of the dust against those who are using it against you.

If you have tried to build a house and you happened to have abandoned it at a
particular level, you must use the weapon of spiritual warfare against the enemy and
the abandoned building will be completed. What you need to do is to rise up and go
to the site of your building and speak to the sand to co-operate with you in the name
of Jesus. You command the sand to refuse to co-operate with the power behind your
inability to complete the sand to refuse to co-operate with the power behind your
inability to complete the building.

There are hundreds of thousands of people who have failed to make progress in life
because the weapon of the dust had been used against them. It is unfortunate that our
enemies seems to have gone nuclear in their operations. These evil powers have
invented new satanic technologies, which they are using against us without blinking
an eye.


Moses was an example of a servant of God who used the weapon of the dust against
the enemies of God’s people.

He exercised power and authority over the enemies of God’s people. Immediately,
he took up the rod of God in his hand, he became a ruler and with that rod, he wrested
the kingdom from the hand of Pharaoh. If Moses could rule over his enemies, you
too should rule over your enemies as a believer.
“So the LORD said to Moses, “say to Aaron, ‘stretch out
your rod, and strike the dust of the land, so that it may
become lice throughout all the land of Egypt.”

And they did so. For Aaron stretched out his hand with his
rod and struck the dust of the earth, and it became lice on
man and beast. All the dust of the land became lice
throughout all the land of Egypt.
Exodus 8:16-17

We note here in above scripture that the dust became a weapon in the hand of Moses.
He sent it on a assignment and it was transformed into lice.

Secondly, Moses used the dust as a weapon again by converting ashes to dust and
dust to weapon, thereby afflicting the Egyptians with boils all over their bodies.

So the LORD said to Moses and Aaron,

“Take for yourselves handfuls of ashes from a furnace,
and let Moses scatter it toward the heavens in the sight of

And it will become fine dust in all the land of Egypt, and it
will cause boils that break out in sores on man and beast
throughout all the land of Egypt.

Then they took ashes from the furnace and stood before
Pharaoh, and Moses scattered them toward heaven. And
they caused boils that break out in sores on man and beast.
Exodus 9:8-10

Thirdly, Jesus Himself used the dust as a weapon to heal someone who was a victim
of satanic attack. He came across a man who was blind because his eyes were stolen
by wicked powers when he was in his mother’s womb. Jesus mixed his saliva with
the dust and rubbed his eyes.
When He had said these things, He spat on the ground and
made clay with the saliva; and He anointed the eyes of the
blind man with the clay.

And He said to him, “Go, wash in the pool of Siloam

“(which is translated, sent) So he went and washed, and
came back seeing.
John 9:6-7 (NKJV)

Jesus used the weapon of the dust to get to the roof of his problem. Many people
who are suffering today need to revisit their mother’s womb if they must experience
victory. You must take your warfare back to your mother’s womb and recover what
was stolen from you when you were in the womb.

Lastly, Jesus told his disciples to use the weapon of the dust against an unreceptive

“And whoever will not receive you nor hear you, when you
depart from there, shake off the dust under your feet as a
testimony against them. Assuredly, I say to you, it will be
more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of
judgement than for that city!”
Mark 6:11

Jesus specifically instructed the disciples to shake off the dust lender their feet
against those who refused the gospel. That action is very symbolic. Jesus wanted
them to use that weapon to counteract the government of the ungodly The shaking
off of the dust from their feet was both judgmental and the source of bringing
problems into the lives of the people.
A lot of Satanic embargoes have been place upon people’s businesses because of the
weapon of the dust. Many people’s good fortunes have been destroyed through the
weapon of the dust. Many people have failed to achieve anything because a covenant
has been made with the ground against their success.

Many people become vagrants and beggars because the ground has been cursed and
instructed to fight against them. Many people have been programmed into non-
achievement by their enemies who spoke to the ground and used it against them.

Do you know that you can use the ground against wicked men and women? Do you
want a fetish priest to fold up? All you have to do is to command the dust to begin
to work against him. When such a fetish priest stands up to chant incantation saying
“I pay homage to the ground,” the dust will rise up against him, if such a fetish priest
tires to mention your name in an attempt to use the dust against you, the dust will
turn against him.

You can spiritually sprinkle the dust against satanic priests you can command the
dust to be transferred to the houses of wicked satanic agents and command it to fight
against them. You can ask the wind of God to carry the dust to the house of demonic

If you pick up the dust by faith, speak to it and sprinkle it into the air, it will surely
be carried by the wind of the Spirit of God to the camp of those who are using it
against you.
1. To bring back a run away husband or wife, command the earth – sand – to
order his/her steps back home by reading the following Psalms 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7. Read each of the seven Psalms three times each at 3am for a period of
twenty-one days non-stop.

Call the name of your spouse seven (7) times and command him/her to come
back home and take his/her place in the family. No fasting is required. Your
faith is all you need and the sacrifice of staying awake at 3am to give order to
the earth to bring back your spouse.

Stir up the covenant that bind the two of you together – marital vow – and
command your partner to return home. You will testify if you carry-out this
prophetic exercise in faith in Jesus name.

2. Do you know you can call for your marriage partner as a single man or
woman? Location and distance is not a barrier when it comes to going order
to the earth – sand. The same sand is spread all over the face of the earth. As
long as men and women walk on it, it has control over them through faith-
filled words of command.

Get a home full of sand and read Psalm 24, 127, 130, 121, 23, 1 and 100.
Embark on a three (3) days fast without food and pray fervently at the
following prayer watch 9pm and 3am. Bread each of the above Psalms seven
(7) times each during each of the specified prayer watch. After you are done
reading the Psalms over the sand each day of your prayer, declare
prophetically that the earth will direct or bring your life partner to you
wherever you are pray that situations be arranged by God to bring your life
partner your way. You know what you want God to do for you, therefore pray
by faith in the word of God and believe you have your answer.

After the three days fasting and prayer, praying the Psalms over the sand, you
can return the sand to where you picked it from and give order to the earth to
search for the man/woman where ever he/she is upon the face of the earth and
bring him/her your way. If you do this in faith, you will testify in Jesus name.

3. To stop regular operation or attack of robbers in a community or a location –

speak to the sand/earth of the community by reading Psalms 24, 18, 29.

You will chant the Psalms at the city gate, community entrance etc. You can
do this prophetic action for your home too. Don’t forget that the prophetic
prayer action must be done with a day fasting from 6am – 6pm. If you do this
prayerfully, the prophetic action will produce miraculous testimonies in Jesus.
The robbers will stay clear of your territory or domain.

4. To raise the dust as a weapon as against the spirit of death, afflictions, satanic
attacks, diseases and out-break of epidemic – Read Psalms 16, 35, 68, 24 into
a portion of sand with a day fasting and prayer. After the fasting and prayer,
face the four cardinal points of the earth (North – South-East and West) and
sprinkle the sand in each of the direction and command the dust to fight all
the enemies coming against you in each of these direction.

5. If you desire to eat the good of the land of the city or the nation where you are
domicile – cut a handful of sand and read Psalm 67, 85, 72 and 23 into it three
(3) times each and pray commanding the land to produce for you the best it
carries within it. This is the secret of prosperous men. Give order to the earth
to release the blessings meant for you in your direction. You can do this
prophetic prayer action, the first three days of the month with fasting
inclusive. Nothing good comes cheap. It takes sacrifice to get the best out of
life. Do this prophetic action and you will see God in action on your behalf.

6. To redeem your business from the curse of the land where it is located
especially when you notice stagnation in your business.

Read Psalms 16, 18, 24, 72, 35 into the sand you got from your business
premises or location. Do this prayer with three days fasting to break the hold
of satanic curses operating against your business.

Command the record keeper of the earth to excuse your business from such
evil allocation. Once you are done with the prayers kindly throw back the sand
to where you picked it from and leave the rest for God to finish for you. You
will testify in Jesus name.

7. To cut off yourself from the foundational curses, evil allocations, evil
community pattern of your place of birth, village or land of nativity – Get the
sand of the place and read Psalm 24, 16, 29, 35 and 27 into the sand and pray
with three (3) days fasting. Enforce your liberty from such satanic collective
hold as a result of the death of Christ on the cross of calvary. After this prayer
you will experience the move of God and your life will never remain the same
in Jesus name.

8. For smooth Journey and accident free journey – on the day of the travelling,
touch the ground with your right hand and chant Psalm 23, 121, 91 and give
order to earth to ensure smooth journey and accident free travel. Ask the earth
to turn evil away from the high-way and keep evil men from your path. Ask
the earth to repel blood sucking demons on the high-way.
Note that you will give these prophetic command before you step out of your
home on the day you are to travel. If you do this regularly, your journey will
always be hitch free and trouble free to the glory of God.

9. To bring confusion into the camp your enemies and confuse their language –
Read Psalm 68 over a handful of sand seven (7) times at 12 mid-night and
pray asking God to turn the sand into the dust of confusion in the camp of
your enemy.

As you pray, declare that their language become confused and their counsel
turn to foolishness. After the prayer, divide the sand into four (4) portion.
Come outside of your house at 6am and release each sand into the four
cardinal points of the earth – North, South, West and East.

You will say, “I release the dust of confusion against my enemies in the North,
South, East and West. Face each direction and release the sand. If you do this
by faith you will see God at work against your enemies in Jesus name.

10. If you are denied access to a land that is rightfully yours which you bought
with your own money or a land you inherited. You hold your peace. All you
have to do is command the land to begin to fight all of them.

Get a handful sand from that same land and read Jeremiah 22:29, Psalm 94
and Psalm 109. Do a three (3) days vigil as you read the Psalms over the sand
from that land. Whatever you want God to do against them, go ahead and
declare it in prayers. Give order to the angels of God to go to work for you.

After the prayer vigil of three days, return the sand back to the land and let the
war begin in the camp of the enemy. If you do this by faith in God you will
hear from God and see how only Him can bring you salvation from the land
of those stronger than you.
11. You can fight your enemies with the sand using the following Psalms 109, 68,
24, 35, 94. While reading the Psalms, remove your shoes and stand barefooted
having contact with the earth.

As you read the Psalms, you must face the direction of the sun. After reading
the Psalms, then begin to release judgement upon the enemies of your progress
in life. Command that as the sun rises, let all the judgment of God upon the
wicked as revealed in the Psalms you have read become their portion.

Pray fervently and repeat this prophetic prayers for a period of seven (7) days.
Your enemies will regret ever daring you.

12. To take over a territory as a business owner or as a minister of the gospel of

Jesus Christ, Please locate strategic junctions and streets in your area and get
a minimum of seven (7) bottles or twenty-one (21) bottles of anointing oil
which you have prayed over using Psalms 24, 67, 121, 46, 127: 1 – 2, 18.
After reading the Psalms into the bottles of oil, pray and command territorial
powers to bow before you and release your portion in the land unto you in
Jesus name.

Note that you must pray over the bottle of oil for three (3) days with fasting
to consecrate the oil.

After the three days of fasting and prayer over the oil, you will prayer and
walk your territory locating those mapped out locations and anoint them with
the oil. By the reason of the anointing every satanic yoke shall be destroyed
and the land will open up for you in Jesus name.

13. If your church is not growing, address the earth of the location of your church
by getting the sand and read Psalms 1, 23, 24, 67, 127, 121, 68 and 91 into the
sand and pray as you desire over your church, commanding the earth to assist
your ministry work by ordering the feet of men and women into your church.

Carry out this prophetic action with twenty-one (21) days fasting and prayers.
You will experience visible and noticeable changes in the numerical strength
of your church in Jesus name.

14. If you are a farmer (crop or livestock) and you desire massive harvest in your
farm land, get the sand from your farm land and read Psalms 1, 67, 144, 127
and 100 into the sand and pray your desire over your farm land. You must do
this faithfully every first day of the week and every first day of the month on
your farm land and you will experience the release of great harvest of God in
Jesus name. Losses will be far away from you as you do this and your harvest
shall be great.

15. To break family curse or evil family pattern, go to your family compound or
fathers’ house and get the sand of your compound.

Read Psalms 1, 3, 7, 16, 18, 29, 35, 68, 94, 140 into the sand with three (3)
days fasting and prayer to break free from collective family captivity and
every satanic curse hanging over your family tree.

Once you are done with the three (3) days fasting and prayer get anointing oil,
communion wine, and salt and administer the prophetic element on the sand.

You carry out this prophetic action to destroy the yoke of curses using the
anointing oil, break evil covenant using the communion wine and bringing
healing upon your land using the salt.

Once you are done with this prophetic action, you can throw the sand away or
sprinkle it around your domain. As you complete this prophetic assignment,
you shall experience total victory over such evil family pattern in Jesus name.
16. If you own a shop/office and you are not making sales in your business, get
the sand of your office/shop premises or at the entrance of the shopping
– Just a handful will be enough. Read Psalms 24, 23, 72 into the sand and
command the earth to begin to assist your business by ordering the feets of
customers into your business place. Command the earth/sand to revoke
whatever evil has been programmed into the earth against your business. Once
you are done with the prayers, take your anointing oil and anoint the sand
before you return it to the place where you took it from or simply sprinkle it
outside your shop.

If you carry out this prophetic action, you will experience a great change in
your business. Note: you must do this with a day prayer and fasting.

17. If you are always dreaming or coffin, death or seeing dead relatives – Take a
handful of sand from your compound and read Psalm 16, 24, 35, 91, 121 into
it. Pray fervently with one day fast revoking the decree of death over your life.
Command the blood of Jesus to free you from the attack of death and demand
the arrow of death to return back to sender.

After you are done with the prayers, the covenant of death with the earth shall
be destroyed and your freedom shall be visible for all to see. You can throw
the sand away.

18. if you notice a gang-up against you in your place of work or some people are
plotting to remove you from your exalted position in your office – Get sand
from your place of work and read Psalms 24, 2, 7, 35, 68 into the sand and
pray your desire into it. Do this with a day fast. Once you are done with this
prophetic prayer action, return the sand to where you picked it from or throw
it away your enemies will be scattered and their plans over your life will fail

19. If you are always feeling very dizzy and it is as if the earth on which you are
standing is turning around you. This is the enemy using the earth against you.
Take a handful of sand and read Psalms 24, 2, 3, 35, 91.

Once you are done reading the Psalms, command dizziness to stop and the
satanic arrow fired at you to return back to sender. You will testify after do
this prophetic prayer in Jesus name.

20. To become popular and well known in your career, profession or business
– Get sand and read Psalm 19 and 24 into the sand. You will read each of the
Psalms twenty one (21) times.

This prophetic action will be carried out with a day fast once in a month. The
best day of the week to do this prophetic prayer is Monday.

Sand is universal. Everywhere humans are, you will find sand there.
Therefore, your voice shall be heard in every nation and city where we can
find sand and your feet shall step upon every land where we can find sand.

If you do this prophetically every month as directed, your voice shall be heard
across the world in a matter of time and you shall widely travel. Open doors
and blessings will fill your life.

21. To receive help daily from the earth – chant Psalm 24 before you leave your
home and command the earth to assist you in all that you do. Decree that the
earth will not work against you or accept any contrary instruction from anyone
against. Make your daily declarations and you will see the wonders of God on
a daily basis in your life.

Psalm 16:10, Rev. 12:16, Acts 2:27-30,
Jeremiah 22:29, Numbers 16:32, Psalm
67:6, Psalm 85:12, Job 20:27, Ecc. 5:9


1. Whatever evil has been done against me using the sand/ground expire right
now in Jesus name.

2. Every satanic incantation issued into the earth against me, go back to your
sender in the name of Jesus.

3. Every satanic contract between my household wickedness and earth, be

terminated by the blood of Jesus.

4. (point to the earth-sand) Every satanic agent working against my life, using
the earth as a source of power, I disconnect your source of power in the name
of Jesus.

5. Thou earth, hear the word of the Lord, you shall not work against me in the
name of Jesus.

6. All my goodness imprisoned by the grave, come forth in the name of Jesus.

7. I command witchcraft burial to expire in the name of Jesus.

8. Just as the grave could not detain Jesus, no witchcraft power shall be able to
detain my blessings in the name of Jesus.

9. Let every weapon and evil design against me from the earth fail woefully in
the name of Jesus.

10. I reject premature death programmed into the womb of the earth against me
in the name of Jesus.

11. I reject sudden destruction programmed into the earth against me in the name
of Jesus.

12. Powers stirring up the earth against my existence, be silenced in the name of
13. O earth, o earth, hear the word of the Lord, vomit all my breakthroughs that
you have swallowed in the name of Jesus.

14. O earth, o earth, you shall not swallow my testimony in Jesus name.

15. O earth, arise and help me in the name of Jesus.

16. O earth, o earth, open up and swallow the river of sorrow and bitterness sent
by the enemies against me in the name of Jesus.

17. Every satanic priest hired to curse my earth, you are a liar, fall down and die
in the name of Jesus.

18. Powers manipulating my earth, your time is up, expire in the name of Jesus.

19. Let the water of God soften my earth and remove every hardship in the name
of Jesus.

20. Rain of heaven fall upon my earth and break the fallow ground in the name of

21. I redeem my land from the hand of household wickedness by the blood of

22. I break every curse brought upon me by my parents by the blood of Jesus.

23. I unseat every power sitting on my land of inheritance in the name of Jesus.

24. I command the earth to open up and swallow all my stubborn pursuers in the
name of Jesus.

25. O earth, I command you to withdraw your support from my enemies in the
name of Jesus.

26. Let every tree of sorrow be uprooted from the garden of my life in the name
of Jesus.
27. Powers behind the extension and expansion of my battles be buried alive in
the name of Jesus.

28. O earth, o earth, direct me to the place of my blessings and turn around in the
name of Jesus.

29. O earth, order the feet of my helpers in my direction in the name of Jesus.

30. From today, the fruit of my labour shall not be swallowed by the earth in the
name of Jesus.

31. Any power using the sand to control my destiny, fall down and die in the name
of Jesus.

32. You ground, hear the word of the Lord, I command you to vomit and repel
every enchantment issued against me in the name of Jesus.

33. Any power mixing incantation with the sand against me, be wasted in the
name of Jesus.

34. O earth, arise and begin to fight all my enemies in the name of Jesus.

35. Angels of the living God, arise, search the land of the living and the land of
the dead and recover my stolen blessings for me in the name of Jesus.

36. I render impotent the controller of any land of bondage in my life in the name
of Jesus.

37. My blessings that followed wicked uncles, Aunties and parents to the grave, I
recover you by the resurrection power in the name of Jesus.

38. Bareness in any area of my life, receive healing by the salt of God in the name
of Jesus.

39. Satanic priest pouring libation on the earth for my sake, be wasted by fire in
the name of Jesus
40. Evil tree planted by household wicked powers to manipulate my destiny
wither and burn to ashes in the name of Jesus.

41. Evil gathering underneath earth against me, scatter in the name of Jesus.

42. Satanic warehouse in the underground harbouring my blessings, break into

irreparable pieces and let my blessings locate me in the name of Jesus.

43. Powers carrying sacrifice to the three road junction because of me, be wasted
by the thunder and fire of God in the name of Jesus.

44. Let the angels of God arrest and detain all satanic forces mandated to ensnare
me in the name of Jesus.

45. I revoke every satanic decree upon my destiny in the name of Jesus.

46. Every voice crying for revenge against me from the earth be silenced by the
blood of Jesus.

47. Blood of Jesus, deliver me from the evil cry of my family idol in the name of

48. Fire of God, consume every tare and destiny choking plants in the land of my
inheritance in the name of Jesus.

49. Father, position me in a land that is flowing with milk and Honey in the name
of Jesus.

50. O earth, o earth, from today you shall not respond to any evil call against me
in the name of Jesus.

51. I render impotent all evil forces, shedding blood on my behalf in the name of

52. Every satanic pot prepared against me, break into pieces in the name of Jesus.
53. I command my buried glory to receive the resurrection power of the Lord and
come out of the grave in the name of Jesus.

54. I withdraw my blessings from the hands of all dead enemies in the name of

55. I command all eaters of flesh after my life, to stumble, fall and never rise again
in the name of Jesus.

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