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BF Barbara Frum
Historical Atlases of South Asia, Central Asia, and the Middle East TM


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Historical Atlases of South Asia,
Central Asia, and the Middle East ™



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Amy Romano

The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc., New York

To facilitate understanding, acceptance, and peace.

Published in 2004 by The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc.

29 East 21st Street, New York, NY 10010

Copyright © 2004 by The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc.

First Edition

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without
permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data


Romano, Amy.
A historical atlas of Israel/ Amy Romano
p. cm. — (Historical atlases of South Asia, Central Asia and the Middle East)
Summary: Maps and text chronicle the history of Israel from the Biblical period to the
events of the present day.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 0-8239-3978-2
1. Israel —History —Maps for children. 2. Israel —Maps for children. [1. Israel — History.
2. Atlases.]
I. Title. II. Series.

G2236.S1R66 2003


Manufactured in the United States of America

Cover Image: The lands later known as Israel and its capital city Jerusalem (current and
nineteenth-century maps, center) have been host to many civilizations, including the
Canaanites, as evidenced in this jar fragment from 1600 BC (top right). Israel's first
prime minister, David Ben-Gurion (left) served from 1949 to 1953 and again from 1955
to 1963, while Ariel Sharon (bottom) currently holds this position.

Introduction 5
1. Ancient Israel 7
2. Searching for Unity 12
3. The Last Empires 21
4. The Prelude to Statehood 28
5. Independence and Crisis 35
6. War and Peace 42
7. Modern Conflicts 48
8. Israel Today 54
Timeline 60
Glossary 61
For More Information 62
For Further Reading 62
Bibliography 62
Index 63
territory claimed
by Syria and occupied
by Israel



under provisional status
since 1993




A s revered as it has been ravaged,

Israel's history is a complex weave
of conflict and harmony. Located
at the center of three continents — Asia,
Europe, and Africa —modern Israel lies
at the eastern edge of the Mediterranean
Sea. Predominantly a Jewish state, Israel
is entirely surrounded by Arab and
Islamic countries.
SAUDI Israel shares its eastern border with
ARABIA Jordan and the Palestinian territory
known as the West Bank. Lebanon bor¬
ders Israel to the north, and Syria lies to
its northeast. Egypt is Israel's southwest¬
ern neighbor, and the Mediterranean Sea
embraces its entire western border. The
southernmost tip of Israel also falls on
water, extending to the Gulf of Aqaba, an
arm of the Red Sea.
Predestined by its location to play a
more significant role in the region's his¬
tory than its modest size might suggest, the

Israel was created following the British withdrawal from Palestine after World War II. A 1948 partition was decided
by the United Nations but ultimately rejected by Palestinians. Tensions between the two groups continued, even¬
tually developing into a series of wars and uprisings. Subsequently, territories gained by the Israelis, such as the
Golan Heights, and portions of the West Bank and Gaza Strip have been occupied and/or settled since the 1960s.
The 1980s and 1990s brought about a series of peace treaties between Israel and other nations, including Egypt,
Jordan, and Syria. Violence continues to periodically erupt, however, between Israelis and Palestinians.
A Historical Atlas of Israel

This human skull dates back to the earliest Neolithic settlements

in Palestine, or approximately 7000 bc. The Neolithic Period
(8000-4500 bc) is the period in the Stone Age that archaeolo¬
gists and anthropologists believe was the time in which
settlers domesticated plants and animals and began making
tools and pottery. This skull was found in Jericho during the
1980s and is now housed in the Jordan Archaeological Museum
in Amman, Jordan. Jericho is considered the world’s oldest com¬
munity, having developed about 1,000 years before
mia (Iraq).

most famous of these prehistoric

cities, dating between 6000 and
10000 BC.
The burden of a young country
territory now known as Israel has having such an ancient history is not
endured centuries of invasion and a comparison that goes unnoticed by
conquest. At one time or another, Israel's population of six million.
all or part of Israel has been a Known as the State of Israel since
Roman province, a crusader king¬ 1948, present-day struggles between
dom, a territory of both Egypt and Israel and surrounding Arab nations
Turkey, and a British protectorate. have haunted the region for cen¬
Alexander the Great, Constantine, turies. Israel is a country where
and Napoleon Bonaparte, as well as everyday interactions are often
the spiritual figures Abraham, shaped by ancient conflicts.
Muhammad, Moses, and Jesus have Referred to at various times
all left an indelible mark on the throughout history as Canaan, Judah
country's evolution. (Judea), and Palestine, Israel has wit¬
The recorded history of Israel nessed the birth of world religions. It
begins in the Bible, around 2000 BC, has benefited from and suffered
with the story of Abraham. through history's greatest empires.
Archaeologists, however, have evi¬ Israel lies at the center of three major
dence of human civilizations in this religions (Judaism, Christianity, and
region dating back 1.2 million years Islam) and has been the battleground
at Ubeidiya in the Jordan Valley. in the world's longest-running
Located in the long-disputed area conflict. Israel is an ever evolving
of the West Bank, Jericho is the storybook of human history.

6 *

I srael's history begins nearly 10,000 years ago

with the birth of civilization. Known as Canaan,
historians agree that these lands are the present-
day sites of both Lebanon and Israel. This assump¬
tion is so universal, in fact, that it is nearly
impossible to discuss Israel's ancient history without
referencing the biblical stories of Abraham, Moses,
David, and Solomon. The impact of these thousand-
year-old stories of devotion and betrayal, sibling
rivalry, and hierarchy is still felt today.

With Trust in One God

Around 2000 BC, Abraham, the son of a Mesopotamian
merchant family in Ur (modern Iraq), led a group of
citizens known as Hebrews from Mesopotamia. The
Hebrews were trying to escape fighting between
Egyptian forces and the ruling Sumerians. The
Canaanites, a Semitic people who inhabited Canaan,
called Abraham and his people habiru, which
translated to "wanderers." "Hebrew" is derived from
this word.
As recorded in the Bible, God told Abraham to
lead the Hebrews out of Mesopotamia to neighboring
Canaan. Before doing so, God and Abraham made a
covenant (agreement). The terms of the covenant set
the stage for centuries of fighting surrounding Jewish
A Historical Atlas of Israel

welcomed at first, the Egyptian

pharaohs (kings) ultimately enslaved
the Israelites for nearly four hundred
years. It was on the backs of the
enslaved Israelites that the Egyptian
pyramids were built.
In 1300 BC, the longing of the
Israelites for the promised land
became stronger. Moses, one of
Judaism's prophets, acting on what
he believed to be direct instructions
This fragment of a painted jar dates to 1600 bc during
the Canaanite Period (3000-1200 bc), otherwise known from God, rallied the Israelites.
as the Middle Bronze Age. The Canaanites were a Moses persuaded the pharaoh to let
Semitic people who traded with neighboring settlements
in Mesopotamia and Egypt, domesticated animals, the Israelites return to Canaan. This
crafted terra-cotta wares such as this one, and estab¬ Exodus would take forty years.
lished various colonies, such as one that existed on the
island of Cyprus.
During this time, biblical recordings
recount the delivery of the Torah
claims on Israel as their divine and the Ten Commandments to
homeland. It also dramatically Moses atop Mount Sinai. A second
affected the evolution of religions in covenant with God further solidified
general. As the idea of polytheism the belief that the lands known
(the worship of multiple gods) was today as Israel belonged to the Jews.
abandoned and monotheism (the
belief in a single god) was embraced, Rise of the Israelites
these conflicts deepened. As the Israelites were returning to
God promised to protect Abraham claim Canaan as their promised
and his people in their new homeland land, a group of warlike seafaring
of Canaan. They journeyed to the wanderers known as Philistines
promised land and settled there, con¬ were settling south of Canaan along
tinuing to herd animals. The Hebrews the Mediterranean coast. Philistine
remained relatively undisturbed for power would ultimately give rise to
three hundred years until drought the name of Palestine.
and famine forced them to migrate. Upon the Israelites' return to
Poor living conditions caused Canaan, they met intense resistance
Abraham's grandson, Joseph, to lead from the native Canaanites. A long
the Hebrews — largely referred to as series of battles followed. By the
Israelites — into Egypt. Although early eleventh century BC, the twelve
Ancient Israel

Neither theologists nor historians can pin¬
point a date for the founding of Judaism. It
is widely accepted, however, that it origi¬
nated in Israel. It is the religious culture of
the Jews, and one of the world’s oldest
monotheistic religions.
Followers of Judaism believe that noth¬
ing humanity experiences is whimsical;
everything ultimately has meaning
because a single divine intelligence stands
behind it. A second major concept in
Judaism is that of the covenant, or contrac¬
tual agreement, between God and the
Jewish people. It is the belief that in return
for devotion to God and the agreement to
obey his laws, He would protect them.
Much Jewish thought has been preoccu¬
pied with the problem of affirming justice in This mosaic of a menorah dates from the
the face of injustice. In time, this problem fourth century ad. Today, Jews light the meno¬
was worsened by the belief that virtue would rah when celebrating Hanukkah, an eight-day
festival that occurs in November-December of
be rewarded and sin punished by divine
every year. The holiday, sometimes called the
judgment. This justice would be handed Festival of Lights, commemorates the rededi¬
down when God sent his Messiah to redeem cation of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem in 165
bc. In Hebrew, the word “hanukkah” means
the Jews. Known as messianism, this idea
has always been significant in Judaism.

Israelite tribes had defeated son-in-law, David — the fabled slayer

Canaanite forces and claimed much of Goliath—who succeeded in unify¬
of the territory. Success against the ing the twelve Israelite tribes to form
Philistines was not as easily won. the first nation of Israel.
The strength of the Philistine
army led the Israelites to unify and From Father to Son to Son
choose a king. As their first leader, After his father-in-law's death in
they chose Saul, who reigned from 1004 BC, David became king of
1023 to 1004 BC. Although Saul won Israel and reigned until 965 BC.
many military victories, it was his During this time he captured
A Historical Atlas of Israel

This nineteenth-century engraving of King Solomon,

by Gustave Dore, was taken from a 1865 illustrated
Bible commissioned by British publishers. As the
king of Israel from around 965 to 928 bc, he greatly
expanded his empire, dividing it into twelve sec¬
tions. His use of slave labor during the construction
of Solomon’s Temple led to growing resentment of
his policies.

parts. He made slaves of the remain¬

ing Canaanites and formed alliances
with Egypt and Hiram, king of Tyre
(present-day Lebanon).
Within Jerusalem, Solomon also
built the first temple for the worship
of God. It took seventy thousand
Jerusalem from the Canaanites and men seven years to complete.
proclaimed the holy city as his capi¬ Solomon's Temple and the city's
tal. David is also credited with cre¬ royal palaces became the center of
ating the Ark of the Covenant —the Solomon's empire.
chest believed to contain the stone
tablets on which the Ten A House Divided
Commandments were inscribed — Solomon's designs came at a high
and conquering the Philistines. price. His harsh treatment of the
Under David's rule, the Israelites Israelites and the heavy taxes he
developed a national identity and imposed in order to maintain the city
became a powerful political state. bred discontent among them. When
David's second son, Solomon, he died in 922 BC, an open rebellion
became king of Israel around 965 BC erupted across Israel and the king¬
and reigned for forty-four years. dom divided in two.
Solomon continued his father's suc¬ In the north, Israel was ruled by
cesses, ultimately extending his foreign kings from Samaria, an
domain north to the Euphrates River ancient city in Palestine located
and south to the Red Sea. He also north of Jerusalem, before being
reorganized his father's kingdom conquered by the Assyrians in 721
and governed largely through BC. The Assyrians were great war¬
administrative, not military, means. riors from the upper Tigris River in
Solomon divided Israel into twelve Mesopotamia, now a region in
Ancient Israel

This map shows King Solomon’s

divided kingdom after his death in 922
bc. The kingdom was originally
divided into two sections: Israel to the
north and Judah to the south. To the
far north, the Aramaeans controlled
the land from present-day Syria to the
banks of the Euphrates River, while
the Phoenicians were confined to the
Mediterranean coast.
— Sea of Galilee

northern Iraq. After the

Assyrians invaded, the ten AMMON
tribes of Israelites that JERUSALEM
comprised the kingdom of
Israel were exiled. They
scattered and would never
again become part of a uni¬
fied Jewish kingdom.
Southern Israel became
known as Judah (Judea),
with Jerusalem remaining
as its capital. Judah submit¬ After the Death of Solomon
ted without violence to Aram Judah
Assyrian advances and
was allowed to remain Ammon Philistines

independent. As a result,
Israel Phoenicians
Judah continued to thrive. I
Unfortunately, in 586 BC,
King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia, tion, Nebuchadnezzar exiled the
also in Mesopotamia, captured Judah Israelites of Judah back to Babylonia,
and burned Jerusalem, razing where they were enslaved for some
Solomon's Temple. After the destruc- forty years.


W hen the Babylonian Empire fell in 537

BC to the Persians, the Persian king
Cyrus I, allowed the exiles to return
to Judah. Once a powerful commercial entity,
the Jews —as the people of Judah were now
called — inhabited only a small province of the
Persian Empire.

Reunification and Rebirth

The Jews rebuilt Jerusalem and Solomon's
Temple under Cyrus, but they did not regain
independence. They were unified only in their
religious beliefs.
Persian rule in Judah came to an end in 331
BC with the advance of a Macedonian general
named Alexander the Great. At the time,
Alexander reigned over Judah and Palestine,
■* JIM $ili
. vjfl
and the Macedonian kingdom stretched from
Greece to India. After Alexander's death in

This panoramic map of Palestine was painted in 1853 on a Shivite, a decorative plaque on the eastern wall
of a synagogue to indicate the direction of prayer toward Jerusalem. Originally found in Constantinople
(present-day Istanbul), Turkey, it is now part of the collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New
York. .-...








Route of Alexander the Great (334-323 bc)

Macedonian Empire

Alexander's route (334-323 BC)

This map shows the extent of the Macedonian Empire under Alexander the Great. The inset map shows how
Alexander’s territories were divided into kingdoms after his death in 323 bc. His immediate followers, known as
the Diadochi, included Antigonus I, Ptolemy I, Seleucus I, and Lysimachus. (The conflicts between them for ter¬
ritory formerly under Alexander are known as the War of the Diadochi.) Divisions of his empire under
Cassander and Chandragupta came later.
:andria Eskhata

The Division of Alexander’s Empire Between 306-303 BC

|~j~| Antigonus I [~4~| Ptolemy I

|~2~| Seleucus I [~5~| Cassander

|~3~] Lysimachus [~6~| Chandragupta

-v-usurcm-— —■■■—

lexandria Aeria

A Historical Atlas of Israel

323 BC, his kingdom divided. The the region began. During
Seleucids won control over the land this period Judah and the
that extended from present-day surrounding territory was
Israel and Lebanon to Mesopotamia called Palestine.
and Persia. Judah fell to the Under Roman admin¬
Ptolemies and remained under their istration, Palestine re¬
control until 198 BC when the armies mained a self-governed
of Antiochus IV of Syria invaded. province with its own
During his reign in Judah, kings. The best known of
Antiochus tried to suppress Judaism. these kings was Herod
Under the leadership of Jewish priest the Great, who reigned
Mattathias and his sons the from 37 to 4 BC. During
Maccabees, the Jews revolted and this period Palestine
drove Antiochus from Jerusalem. In flourished. The Second
164 BC, Judas Maccabee led a revolt Temple of Jerusalem was
of the Jewish lower classes against built, and grand cities
the Syrian army and regained were constructed.
Judah's independence. This event is Herod's sons, how¬
commemorated today by the obser¬ ever, were not skillful
vance of Hanukkah. rulers. In AD 6, to bring an
Judah was again an independent end to the chaos caused
kingdom. The Maccabees sanctified by the weakening admin¬
Solomon's Temple and a century istration, the Romans
of Jewish prosperity followed. installed a puppet gov¬
Unfortunately, this would be the last ernment (one where
such period for nearly 2,000 years. appointed leaders are
mere figureheads and
Romans, Religion, have no power). The most
and Revolts famous of these officials was Pontius
In 63 BC, two brothers on opposite Pilate, whose name is infamously tied
sides of a brewing Jewish civil war to the trial and crucifixion of Jesus
had so divided Judah that when Christ. Jesus was born in Bethlehem
Roman armies invaded, the kingdom during the early years of Roman rule.
was unable to defend itself. With the As time passed, the Jews became
advance of the great Roman general increasingly unhappy with their
Pompey, 300 years of Roman rule in Roman governors. By AD 66, a group
Searching for Unity

The Romans incorporated Judah (present-day Israel) into their empire in 63 bc and placed the Jewish king¬
doms under the control of separate kings, of whom Herod the Great is the most famous. He was the leader
of the Jews from 37 to 4 bc. The ruins seen here are from one of his few palaces in Jerusalem.

of Jewish nationalists known as succeeded in defeating the Zealots.

Zealots staged the first of two Jewish His armies destroyed Jerusalem and
rebellions. After three years of terror¬ demolished the Second Temple.
ist attacks against the Roman legion, Titus left only one wall of the temple
Titus, the local Roman commander. standing. Today this wall is known

■ 17
A Historical Atlas of Israel

The mountaintop known as Masada rises out of the Judean desert and is revered as a place of Jewish inde¬
pendence. After the fall of Jerusalem, nearly 1,000 Zionist resisters fled Jerusalem to Masada, where they
withstood a two-year Roman-led siege. Finally, seeing no alternative by ad 73, 960 individuals chose to
commit suicide rather than be forced into a life of slavery. Seven people survived to tell the story of those
who had chosen to end their lives. Today, many Jews make a pilgrimage to Masada to honor their heritage.

as the Wailing Wall because it is An Identity Lost

where vigils are held to mourn the
temple's destruction. To protect against future Jewish
With this defeat the Zealots uprisings, Roman forces systemati¬
retreated to Masada, a mountaintop cally put Jewish leaders to death
fortress built by Herod outside of and disturbed Jewish communities
Jerusalem near the Dead Sea. Masada throughout Palestine. The Jews of
fell in AD 73, ending the existence Palestine were dispersed far and
of a recognized Jewish kingdom. wide. This scattering came to be
Although Jewish forces would revolt known as the Diaspora, derived
again between AD 132 and 135, an from the Greek word for dispersion.
independent Jewish state would not Jews called it the Golah. To make
reemerge for more than 1,000 years. matters worse, Jerusalem was
Searching for Unity

Christianity is the religion based on the life
and teachings of Jesus Christ (4 bc-ad 37).
It is currently the second-largest religion in
the Middle East with about fourteen million
The religion originated approximately 2,000
years ago in Judah (present-day Israel).
Christians are members of one of three
major sects (groups)—Roman Catholic,
Protestant, or Eastern Orthodox. These
sects have different beliefs about Jesus and
his teachings. Most Christians believe God
sent Jesus into the world as the savior, and
that humanity can achieve salvation
through Jesus. The influence of Christianity
can be seen throughout history in art, liter¬
ature, and philosophy.

This mosaic of Jesus Christ dates from the fourteenth century. Mosaics were often applied to interior
domes of Christian churches, and depictions of Christ were often prominent. Often highly luminous and
embellished with golden tiles, the mosaics from this era are recalled for their brilliance, artistic crafts¬
manship, and beauty.

renamed Aelia Capitolina by the Despite the oppression the Jews

Romans, and all remnants of Jewish suffered at the hands of the Romans
culture were destroyed. and later as a result of the spread of
Jews who were not executed at Christianity and Islam, Jewish culture
the hands of the Romans were either remained. Christianity soon took hold
exiled or enslaved. Others fled to in the region, however, and Jewish
Europe and parts of North Africa. presence in the Holy Land waned.
Some Jewish communities contin¬
ued to exist within Palestine, mostly Byzantine Rule
in Galilee. Galilee comprised all of In AD 330, Palestine came under the
what was then northern Palestine control of the Byzantine Empire.
west of the Jordan River and the Sea Little would change for Palestine
of Galilee (Lake Tiberias). administratively, but Constantine's
A Historical Atlas of Israel

This medieval map of Jerusalem, circa

1099, was taken from Robert Monk’s
Chronicle of the Crusades, written about
twenty-five years after the First Crusade
(1095-1099). In it, Monk describes the
speech given by Pope Urban II at the
Council of Clarmont in 1095 that inspired
the Crusades. One of the first Christian
maps of Jerusalem, it is pictorial in style,
portraying the Holy Land as a circular
walled city in a pattern typical of maps of
this period.

adoption of Christianity as the offi¬ But for a fourteen-year interrup¬

cial religion of his empire would tion beginning in 614 when Persian
have dramatic results. armies swept into Palestine and
While under Byzantine rule, captured Jerusalem, Byzantine rule
Constantine, largely through the pil¬ dominated until the seventh cen¬
grimages of his mother. Empress tury. In 641, Jerusalem would fall to
Helena, promoted the total Christiani¬ a new group of invaders who called
zation of the Roman Empire. Many themselves Arabs. The Arabs traced
churches were built, and many of the their ancestry to the nomadic tribes
sites where Christ had lived or was of the Arabian Peninsula. Arabs
believed to have performed miracles would control Palestine for some
were turned into shrines. 400 years.

20 ■

I n 641, an Arab bedouin (nomadic) army, led by

Caliph Omar, the second caliph of the Islamic
Empire, captured Jerusalem from the Byzantines.
Over the next 400 years, they turned Palestine into an
Islamic center. It is considered ironic by some people
that in the Holy Land, where Christ was born,
preached, and died, Christians are now a minority.

The Rise of Islam

Muslims built Islamic mosques throughout Palestine,
concentrating in Jerusalem. Like Christians and Jews,
Muslims also revered Jerusalem as a holy city.
Although Muslims allowed the practice of
Christianity and Judaism, these people did not have
the same rights as Arabs had. Over time, the popula¬
tion accepted the Islamic culture of their rulers, and
the Arab, Jewish, and Christian communities have
since sought control over the Holy Land. In 661, a
Muslim civil war created a split in the Muslim world
that lasts to this day. As a result of this conflict, two
sects of Islam, Sunni and Shia, were born.
With the election of Caliph Ali in 661, the Sunni
Muslim Umayyad dynasty was established. Eighty
years later, the Islamic world stretched from
Narbonne, a city in southern France, to Samarkand in
present-day Uzbekistan. By 750, another Sunni
A Historical Atlas of Israel

The power and endurance of Islam was so great that it

gained converts over three continents (Asia, Africa, and
Europe) within a few centuries of Muhammad’s death
in ad 632. Palestine, and therefore Jerusalem, was
largely absorbed into the Arab Empire under Omar
between 634 and 664. Under both the Umayyad and
‘Abbasid dynasties, Arabs would support and spread
their faith while incorporating some of the culture from
territories that they conquered. Arabs absorbed the
heritage of the ancient Egyptians, Persians, and Greeks,
and translated centuries of important literary,
scientific, and mathematical works into Arabic.

destroyed Jerusalem's Church of the

Holy Sepulchre.

The Crusades
The expansion of Islam was not lim¬
ited to Palestine. Muslim forces were

Islam is the name given to the religion
dynasty, the 'Abbasids, had come to preached by the prophet Muhammad,
power by overthrowing the ruling | beginning in ad 600. It is the world’s
second-largest religion after Christianity.
Umayyads. Now ruling from
In Islam, there are three historic divi- j
Baghdad, the 'Abbasid dynasty was sions built on the central concept of j:
an immense bureaucracy. tawhid, or the oneness of God. Any per- |
The 'Abbasids would rule, son who follows the teachings of Islam is
although not unchallenged, until called a Muslim.
977. At this time, the Shia Fatimids The majority of Muslims belong to
the Sunni sect. Sunni Muslims believe
from Egypt advanced northward
that Muhammad’s successor, or caliph,
under a leader known as al-Hakim should become the Muslim ruler after
and captured most of Palestine, his death. Most conservative or funda¬
including Jerusalem. Under the mentalist Muslims are Sunnis who fol¬
Fatimid caliph, trade and the econ¬ low a strict approach to religion,
omy flourished. The religious toler¬ rejecting modern and popular interpre¬
tation of Islamic law. The next largest
ance that the region had enjoyed for
division is the Shia, whose members
more than 300 years, however, was are called Shiites. Shiites believe that
no more. As a demonstration of only blood descendants of Muhammad
al-Hakim's dislike of Christianity, he should be permitted to rule.
The Last Empires




bHAlTA 'Seleucla .utiocb



First CruBade 4-4-4*4'4'+-f

Second Crusade
( “ ——— >
Fdk. Barbaros&a
Richard and
Ascalonj Philip Augustus-

The map on this page illustrates the routes of crusaders during the eleventh and twelfth centuries. The
First Crusade (1095-1099) led the Christians through present-day Syria and Turkey to conquer several
Muslim cities, including Jerusalem in 1099. During the Second Crusade (1147-1149), Christians attempted
to take Damascus but failed. By this time, Muslims under Saladin had united, and they retook Jerusalem
in 1187. During the Third Crusade (1189-1192), Christian forces occupied Cyprus and the city of Acre in
present-day Lebanon.

so strong that by 656, all of Persia Two years later, some 100,000
and the Middle East were ruled European troops arrived in Con¬
from the Muslim capital in Medina, stantinople. In 1099, they seized
Arabia. Muslim conquest was, in Jerusalem, slaughtering every man,
fact, sweeping the Holy Land. woman, and child. Within forty
In 1095, Pope Urban II launched an years, there was a strip of crusader-
appeal for a unified European force to controlled land that ran from
intervene and bring a stop to the southern Turkey to Aqaba.
spread of Islam. The goal was to In 1144, Muslim forces in north¬
restore Christian rule in Palestine and ern Syria started to diminish
to liberate Jerusalem. This Christian crusader territories. Arab success
holy war was known as the Crusades. inspired a wave of resistance that
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This print, one of the 1,800

woodcuts from the Nuremberg
Chronicle, depicts an imaginary
view of Jerusalem looking west¬
ward from the Mount of Olives, a
mountainside cemetery. The
Nuremberg Chronicle, compiled by
Hartmann Schedel, is a history of
the world from its creation until
1493 (the year of the book’s
publication) and remains one of
arCS sllpsp
rll v Hi*
the world’s most famous fif¬
1 * ITifa X , teenth-century books, along
with the Gutenberg Bible. It was
printed in Germany with the
assistance of the artist Albrecht
Durer, who used xylography, or
the art of making engravings on
wood for the purposes of print¬
ing. This view of Jerusalem
shows the city in six various
stages of destruction. Solomon’s
Temple is seen here in flames.
A Historical Atlas of Israel

united the Muslim world. The The Ottomans

Muslim goal was now a common In 1516, Mamluk rule was brought to
one —to oust the crusaders and an abrupt end when the powerful
retake Jerusalem and coastal armies of the Turkish Ottoman
Palestine. This was accomplished in Empire entered the region, led by
1187 under a young Kurdish officer Selim I. The Ottomans were follow¬
named Saladin. ers of Islam who created an empire
that included Palestine and stretched
Mamluks from Algeria to Austria. Selim's suc¬
Saladin's victories over the cru¬ cessor, Suleyman the Magnificent,
saders made him a hero among his revived the Palestinian economy and
people. After his death in 1193, how¬ rebuilt Jerusalem's city walls. Ruling
ever, Saladin's army, comprised the region for 400 years, the
largely of Mamluk slaves, became Ottomans were the last external
disenchanted with their Ayyubid power to have control of Palestine
rulers. Mamluks were generally and the entire Levant — modern-day
young slaves of Turkish or Mongol Lebanon, Israel, and parts of Syria
descent who had been purchased by and Turkey. "Levant" is a term that
the Ayyubids. By 1250, they had refers to the countries that lie on or
gained enough strength to be able to near the eastern Mediterranean Sea.
assume control not simply of the Like the Mamluks before them, the
dynasty, but of the region. Within Ottomans ruled Palestine as a
forty years, Mamluk forces suc¬ province of Syria and had little inter¬
ceeded in ejecting the last crusaders est in the area. European powers had
from Palestine. not yet determined the value of this
The Mamluks ignored Palestine Middle Eastern land, either. All this
for much of their reign. As a result, would change in 1801 when Napoleon
two relatively quiet centuries Bonaparte I of France landed his
passed under Mamluk rule. troops at Gaza, formerly a Philistine
During this time, the Jewish popu¬ city on the Mediterranean coast of
lation in Jerusalem grew. At the Palestine.
same time, as Europe was thriving Napoleon intended to conquer
and America was being discov¬ Palestine as part of his eastward
ered, the balance of world power quest to incorporate all of Asia into
began to slip further from the east¬ his empire. A joint British and
ern Mediterranean. Ottoman force defeated Napoleon,

I'irtitio Jv

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■ ililTHtxh S'okivh


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Even during the nineteenth century when Palestine was under Ottoman control, as seen in this 1826 map
of Turkey, the Jewish Zionist movement was already beginning in Europe. When the empire was in decline
after World War I (1 914-1 918), however, Britain—placed in control of Palestine by the League of Nations—
was assigned to help the Jews establish their homeland. About 85,000 Jews lived in Palestine in 1914 and
were then a minority group compared to the area’s vast Arab population.

however. After this victory, Palestine Palestine became a pawn in the

sank back into obscurity, not rising battles fought between the Turks and
to importance again until the end of the British during World War I
the Ottoman Empire. At this time. (1914-1918).

■ 27



O nly small Jewish communities had

remained in Palestine. The vast majority
Tel Aviv—

of the world's Jewish population lived

in communities in Europe, elsewhere in the
Middle East, Africa, and the Americas. Jewish
nationalism among these Palestinian commu¬
nities was growing, however.

Zionism and the First Aliyah

Beginning in the late nineteenth century, the
oppression of Jews in Eastern Europe set off
a mass emigration of Jewish refugees. These
people eventually became known as the first
aliyah. "Aliyah" literally means "ascent to the
land." During the aliyah and unified in the
belief that the Holy Land was theirs by destiny,
the Zionist movement was established. The
Zionists sought to make Palestine an indepen¬
dent Jewish nation.

This map shows Palestine and Transjordan (Jordan) under the British mandate and portions of Syria
under the French mandate, and illustrates Jewish settlements prior to and during the British-controlled
period (1881-1914). The terms of the British mandate obligated the British government to honor the
Balfour Declaration of I 91 7, which pledged a homeland for the Jews in Palestine. In 1 922, with the help
of Winston Churchill, Transjordan was established as a separate emirate in which Jewish settlement
was forbidden.

tiberilf Sea or BRITISH



Hebron .



Jewish Settlements 1881-1914

I I British Mandate (1921-1923)
I I French Mandate (1921-1923)

• Jewish
• Arab
• Mixed
Acquired Territory
A Historical Atlas of Israel

result of these actions, Jews who

Kibbutzim came to Palestine during the first
A kibbutz is a cooperative community
aliyah were able to set up agricul¬
where all property is collectively tural settlements based on individ¬
owned and work is collectively organ¬ ual land ownership, or moshavim.
ized. All members contribute as
workers and receive food, clothing,
The Second Aliyah
housing, and medical services. Dining
rooms, kitchens, and stores are cen¬ During the period of the second
tralized, and schools and dormitories aliyah (1904-1914), Zionists who
are communal. A kibbutz may be entered Palestine witnessed an
founded on agricultural, entrepreneur¬ evolution among Jewish communi¬
ial, or industrial projects and elects
ties. The moshavim gave rise to the
leaders based on a majority vote.
The kibbutz is a derivation of the
kibbutzim, villages where all property
moshav, a similar cooperative settlement and work are collectively owned and
consisting of independent farms or organized. These communities con¬
community-owned land, where each tributed to the economic growth of
family has its own house. Moshavim the region. The first kibbutz was
communities first appeared in Israel but
founded in 1909 at Degania, on the
gave way to the kibbutz when Britain
and the Palestinians limited jewish land coast of the Sea of Galilee.
ownership. The second aliyah was led by a
group of socialist Jews who pro¬
moted Jewish nationalism. Soon,
In 1897, the World Zionist however, the Zionist movement
Organization (WZO) convened in would be divided. Political Zionists
Switzerland. The aim of the WZO sought to gain international support
was to bring together international for the establishment of a formal
Jewry and publicize the cause of a Jewish state in Palestine. Practical
national Jewish homeland. In 1901, Zionists aimed to build the Jewish
the Jewish National Fund was community within Palestine as a
founded to assist emigrating Jews to source of spiritual support for
purchase land in Palestine. As a Diaspora Jewry.

This historic map, drawn by Joseph Perkins, shows boundaries in Palestine in 1826 when Ottoman Turks
controlled the region. Among the districts included are Galilee, Batanea, Samaria, Peraea, and Judah.
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A Historical Atlas of Israel

The Arab-Israeli Divide Balfour and McMahon

In the early 1900s, 90 percent of In 1917, the leaders of Zionist move¬
Palestine's population was Arab ments in Britain and Palestine were
Muslim. The Palestinians argued made a promise. Known as the
that since they were the majority Balfour Declaration, written by
and had lived in Palestine without British Foreign Secretary Arthur
disruption since the seventh cen¬ Balfour, it supported the creation of a
tury, they should be allowed to form national home for Jewish people in
an independent government there. Palestine. This promise was made in
By the onset of World War I, return for Jewish support against the
Palestine's population was about Ottoman Turks in World War I. Two
700,000. Only about 85,000 of these years earlier, however, the British
inhabitants were Jewish. entered into an agreement with
As World War I began. Great Middle Eastern Arabs that preyed on
Britain and her allies were looking their desire for an independent Arab
for support from the Arabs and the Palestinian state.
Jews to topple the Ottoman Empire. In a series of letters that came to be
The Ottoman ruler Muhammad V known as the McMahon correspon¬
aligned his empire with the dence, Britain secured Arab assistance
Germans. With the ongoing threat of in the ousting of Ottoman forces. In
war, the Allies were desperate for return, they were promised support in
Middle Eastern assistance. In return their efforts to obtain independence
for their support, both the Arabs and for Palestinian Arabs. In the end,
the Jews looked to Europe to neither agreement would be honored.
support their territorial claims on Then, unknown to both the Jews
Palestine. Both Jews and Arabs and the Arabs, Great Britain also
wanted complete control of the made an agreement with France and
Palestinian territories. Russia that divided the Middle East
By the end of the war, the Turks into permanent colonies to be ruled by
had been defeated and driven out Britain and France. Known as Sykes-
of Palestine, but independence for Picot, this 1916 agreement superseded
Palestine did not come. The British any other British promises regarding
government had made secret Arab independence or Jewish nation¬
promises to both groups that were alism. After the war ended, the
at best inconsistent and, at worst, League of Nations (United Nations)
deceitful. divided the Ottoman Empire into
The Prelude to Statehood

Haj Amin al-Husseini (1893-1974), exiled

grand mufti of Jerusalem and leader of the
Palestine Arabs from 1921, is pictured in this
photograph taken in Karayel, Syria, as he pre¬
pares to make statements about the future of
peace in the Holy Land. As president of the
Supreme Muslim Council and former leader of
Arab riots, he set upon following a pogrom to
eliminate the presence of Jews in Palestine. The
term “pogrom” means the willful devastation
or destruction of a minority group, most often
used when referring to the violent elimination
of the Jewish people.

mandated territories. The territo¬

ries of Mesopotamia (Iraq) and
Palestine were mandated to the
British, while Syria and Lebanon
were mandated to the French.
While the Allies were divid¬
ing the spoils of the war, Jewish
emigration into Palestine intensi¬
fied. By the start of World War II
(1939-1945), the population of
Jews living in Palestine would
jump from 70,000 to 450,000.

The Palestine Mandate

British control in Palestine began in The British government's fondness
1920. Under the terms of the man¬ for the idea of a Jewish-controlled
date, the British were to help the Jews state in the Middle East was wide¬
build a national home, promoting spread. Not so much because they
Jewish self-government. Within two favored the Jews over the Arabs, but
years, the League of Nations declared because they believed the Jewish state
that the boundary of Palestine would would be a British ally, or supporter.
be limited to the area west of the However, they underestimated the
Jordan River. The area east of strength of Arab nationalism and the
the Jordan River, the site of present- emerging economic importance of
day Jordan, was made a separate natural resources in the Middle East,
British mandate. such as oil.

■ 33
A Historical Atlas of Israel

This group of armed Jewish fighters

prepares to face Arab rioters in
Palestine during the 1938 Arab
Revolt. Haj Amin al-Husseini led the
Arab Revolt from 1936 to 1939,
killing more than 400 Jews. Arabs
under al-Husseini made specific
demands of the British administra¬
tion; Arabs wanted to end Jewish
immigration to, and land purchases
in, Palestine while increasing Arab
representation in the country’s gov¬
ernment affairs. By 1939, the British
government drafted the White Paper
agreement that $nded its 1918 com¬
mitment to Palestine.

Rising Jewish and Arab national¬ Radical Zionists, including the

ism tested both British and French Israeli terrorist group known as the
colonial rule. Despite growing ten¬ Stern gang, and the Irgun, part of
sions, Palestine saw nearly thirty the Jewish Revolutionist Party
years of development under David under Menachem Begin, made the
Ben-Gurion and his labor move¬ push to drive Palestinians from
ment. Ben-Gurion dedicated his life Palestine.
to establishing a Jewish homeland in Arab leaders like the Grand
Palestine and became the nation of Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin
Israel's first prime minister in 1948. al-Husseini sought support for the
Today, Ben-Gurion is regarded as termination of the British mandate
the father of modern Israel. and the elimination of all Zionist
activity in Palestine. Growing Arab
Arab Uprisings discontent culminated in the Arab
As British control in Palestine pro¬ Revolt of 1936 to 1939. At the
gressed, Arabs became concerned same time, thousands of Jews were
about its growing Jewish population. fleeing Germany to escape Adolf
The result of this concern was the for¬ Hitler's Nazi movement.
mation of a national Palestinian Arab In the years that followed, Israeli
movement. Riots and demonstra¬ groups intimidated Palestinians in
tions against both British policies and several massacres in which hundreds
the Jews themselves followed. of Arabs were killed.

W ith the onset of the Arab revolt, the British

realized their World War I promises to the
Jews and Arabs led to conflicting expecta¬
tions. Although the British tried to appease both
sides, the threat of war with Germany would soon
take precedence. The rise of Adolf Hitler's Nazi
movement would solidify the Arab-Jewish division in
Palestine. It would also unify Jewish communities
worldwide in their fight for an independent Jewish
state in Palestine.

World War II
With Hitler's declaration to rid Europe of its Jews,
hundreds of thousands sought refuge in Palestine. The
British government was concerned that this mass migra¬
tion would intensify an already delicate situation. Soon
the British limited Jewish immigration. In a controver¬
sial document known as the White Paper, Britain
imposed drastic restrictions on Jewish immigration and
land ownership. The 1939 White Paper document also
decreed that a joint Arab-Jewish government would be
installed within ten years. These leaders would repre¬
sent citizenry in proportion to the total population.
Zionist leaders viewed this document as a reversal of
the Balfour Declaration.
A Historical Atlas of Israel

The Jewish men in this photograph lined up to be searched and sent on to Cyprus after they attempted to
illegally enter Palestine in October 1947. Tensions between Arabs, European Jews, and the British were
intensifying as more and more emigrants left Europe for Palestine. Finally, one month after this photograph
was taken, United Nations officials recommended that Palestine be divided into separate Arab and Jewish
states. This decision eventually terminated the British mandate over Palestine on May 15 1948, effectively
creating the independent state of Israel.

The betrayal of the White Paper ing through Europe and imprison¬
declarations did not dissuade ing and murdering Jews, the
Zionist leaders from entering United States became a center for
World War II on the side of Britain Zionist activities. In 1942, a Zionist
and the Allied forces. The Arabs, conference took place in New
disturbed by Britain's ambiguity on York. The meeting resulted in the
the issue of an independent Arab establishment of the Biltmore
Palestine, entered the conflict in Program, which rejected British
support of the German Nazis. It restrictions in Palestine and called
quickly became the most devastat¬ for the fulfillment of the Balfour
ing war in human history. Declaration. The British did not
During World War II, with the subscribe to the terms of the
Nazi regime systematically mov¬ Biltmore, and restrictions on
Independence and Crisis

Jewish immigration intensified. Independence for Israel

Nevertheless, between 1945 and
On May 14,1948, the day the British
1948, about 85,000 Holocaust sur¬
mandate over Palestine expired,
vivors were brought to Palestine
Jewish authorities proclaimed an
by secret routes.
independent State of Israel. The dec¬
laration referenced the religious and
The Division of Palestine spiritual connections of the Jewish
In the aftermath of World War II, people to the land, yet it did not
Britain looked to divest itself of denote its boundaries. David Ben-
Palestine completely. It passed Gurion was named Israel's prime
administration of the region to the minister, and Chaim Weizman was
newly formed United Nations in
1947. A U.N. Special Committee on
Palestine was then formed. After
exhaustive debates, the committee
agreed on a plan for partitioning
Palestine between Arabs and Jews.
The Partition Resolution was
approved on November 29,1947. It
called for the creation of both an
Arab state and a Jewish state
within Palestine, west of the
Jordan River. Jerusalem was to be
governed by an international body.
Violence in Palestine increased
while the United Nations debated
partition. The result pleased no one.
Palestinian Arabs rejected it out¬
right. They claimed that too much
land was being given to the Jews, Israeli statesman David Ben-Gurion (1886-1973)
considering their limited presence was an active Zionist who led the political struggle
for an independent Jewish state after World War II.
in the region. At this time the Ben-Gurion eventually became the first prime minis¬
Jewish community comprised one- ter of Israel, serving from 1949 to 1953 and again in
1955 to 1963. Although he resigned twice after that,
third of the population. Although once in 1961 and again in 1963, he remained politi¬
the Jews accepted the decree, they cally active throughout his senior years, forming
political parties and writing about his experiences.
also had no intention of honoring it.
Haifa Sea of


c, '

■ ■■ i-> vV,

Nablus d>

Tel Aviv £



Negev Desert


Israel in 1949
Israeli Territory

Elia!#® Aqaba
Independence and Crisis

named its president. The United was divided between Israel and
States, the United Soviet Socialist Jordan, with the new city under Israeli
Republics (USSR), and many other control and the old walled city
nations recognized Israel. remaining in Jordanian hands.
Just one day later, however, the The new balance of power caused
nations of the Arab League attacked several hundred thousand Arabs to
Israel. The Arab League was then flee Israel for Gaza, the West Bank,
made up of seven Arab countries and neighboring Arab countries.
(Iraq, Saudi Arabia, the Lebanese Although permanent peace negotia¬
Republic, Yemen [San'a], Transjordan tions were supposed to follow the
[Jordan], Egypt, and Syria) and was cease-fire, they did not. The Arabs
created for the purpose of coordinat¬ refused to recognize, much less
ing international Arab policy. It was negotiate with, Israel.
also formed to curb aspirations for a
Jewish national state in Palestine. The A Period of Peace
combined Arab armies fought the The majority of the world, however,
Jewish-led Israel Defense Forces (IDF) did recognize the independence of
in what became known as the first the new nation. In May 1949, Israel
Arab-Israeli War. The fighting ended joined the United Nations, and its
in 1949 when Israel and each of its next seven years were largely
bordering states signed a cease-fire peaceful.
agreement. The truce also outlined the In 1950, Israel affirmed the right of
borders of the new State of Israel. every Jew to live in Israel, and pro¬
In addition to establishing bound¬ moted unrestricted immigration. In
aries, the first Arab-Israeli conflict also the first four months alone some
extended Israeli-controlled lands past 50,000 immigrants — mostly Holo¬
borders determined by the United caust survivors — arrived in Israel. By
Nations. Portions of the territory des¬ the end of 1951, that number neared
ignated for Palestinian Arab control, 700,000 and included Jews from
Gaza and the West Bank, ended up in Europe and Africa. Israel's Jewish
the hands of the Egyptians and population had nearly doubled. Mass
Jordanians, respectively. Jerusalem immigration compounded Israel's

This map depicts Israel after the War of Independence (1947-1949) against Lebanon and Syria in the
north, Iraq and Transjordan (Jordan) in the east, and Egypt in the south. More than 6,000 Israelis were
killed in the conflict. In 1948, the United Nations agreed to create an independent Jewish state. After
the war, the new State of Israel held its own, and by 1949, it had even increased its territories by
approximately 50 percent.
A Historical Atlas of Israel

The Arab-Israeli Conflict

The dispute between Arabs and Jews
over Palestine is referred to as the
Arab-Israeli conflict. This conflict has
led to a number of wars among Arab
nations, Palestinian refugees, and the
State of Israel. The Arab-Israeli War of
1948-1949 included the armies of
Egypt, Transjordan, Syria, Lebanon,
and Iraq as well as Palestinian guerril¬
las. In 1967, Egypt, Syria, and Jordan
massed their armies on Israel’s bor¬
ders for the Six-Day War. Also known
as the October or Ramadan War, the
Arab-Israeli War of 1973 had Israel
fighting the armies of Syria and Egypt.
Since that time several peace
accords have addressed the conflict,
beginning with the 1979 Camp David Former Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin makes
Accords, but a real resolution seems remarks on the South Lawn of the White House during
unlikely. one of his frequent visits to Washington, DC. Former
President Jimmy Carter is seen behind him.

economic strain, and the nation The Suez Crisis

searched for international support
from the United States and other In 1952 a young Egyptian army
countries. colonel, Gamal Abdel Nasser,
Israeli politics remained stable seized power in Egypt. Nasser pro¬
through the 1950s; however, the lack moted a highly emotional brand of
of peace settlements between Israel pan-Arabism. Pan-Arabism is a
and its neighbors caused continual movement for greater cooperation
tension. Skirmishes between Israelis among Arab or Islamic nations. The
and Arabs in Gaza and the West goal of pan-Arabism is to unify the
Bank were ongoing. Israel held Arabic-speaking masses into one
Jordan responsible for the attacks state powerful enough to take con¬
and engaged in retaliation. Soon trol of Palestine.
Syria and Egypt would also be One of Nasser's first actions was to
involved in these conflicts. nationalize the Suez Canal and refuse

40 ■
el Manzala
• El Mstariya to allow access to Israel. The Suez
Kh<ilii> cl Tinalt Canal connects the Mediterranean
(Bay affinal
Sea with the Red Sea. Early in his
reign beginning in 1956, Nasser
began to acquire weapons from
the Communist government of
Czechoslovakia and to intensify Arab
guerrilla campaigns against Israel.
Israel was being crippled by the
combination of increasing border
Sweet fighting and the restriction on
Sinai trade resulting from the closing of
Peninsula the canal. To fight back, Israel par¬
ticipated in secret negotiations
with Britain and France and
engaged in a plan to regain access
to the Suez.
On October 24, 1956, Israel
invaded the Gaza Strip and the Sinai
Peninsula. As had been agreed,
Britain and France demanded that
both Israeli and Egyptian forces
withdraw from the Suez. When
Nasser refused, British and French
forces bombed Egypt. The United
States and the USSR demanded an
El Suweis
X immediate cease-fire. Shortly there¬
after, the United Nations forced the
Suez Canal
Adabtya' entirety of British, French, and Israeli
forces out of the Suez. Finally, the
Egyptian government reopened the
Suez and Israel regained access to
the Strait of Tiran and the Red Sea.
This contemporary map illustrates the Suez Canal, a
120-mile-long (193-kilometer-long) canal—the
longest in the world—responsible for the second-
largest exchange of foreign trade. The Suez has been
the site of three wars: the 1956 Suez Crisis, the 1967
Six-Day War, and the 1973 Yom Kippur War.

l 6 AND

A decade of peace followed once the

Suez crisis ended, although no Arab-
Israeli negotiation talks resumed and
border incidents continued. Despite these
battles, Israel's economy and foreign
relations developed rapidly. Israel also
increased its military might. The United
States agreed to supply Israel with arms in
1962, and West Germany provided both
economic and military aid. EGYPT!
The Six-Day War and the PLO
By the mid-1960s, however, unresolved
issues from continual tensions between Israel
and the Arabs had intensified again. In 1964,
the Arab League created the Palestine
Liberation Organization (PLO) headed by
Yasser Arafat. The goal of the PLO was the
liberation of Palestine.

This map shows territories gained by Israel in the Six-Day War in 1967 and the Arab-lsraeli War of 1973.
The Israeli occupation of these territories increased the rate of Palestinian refugees who emigrated into
surrounding Arab nations, especially into Jordan.
Arab-Israeli Wars- 1967 and 1973 Beirur
Israel before 1967 war

Israeli-occupied territory, 1967 Sidon

^ Israeli-occupied territory, 1973
^ Egyptian occupied territory
Haifa SYR
Nazaret Height:


Port Said Ga ebron
Dead Sea



A Historical Atlas of Israel

The Palestine Liberation

The creation of the State of Israel in 1948
and the wars between Israel and Arab
nations displaced many Palestinians. The
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) is
the political body that represents the
Arab people of Palestine and was
founded in 1964 as a channel for
Palestinian demands for a state.
The PLO grew in regional and inter¬
national prominence after Arab armies
proved unable to defeat Israel in the
Six-Day War of 1967 and Israel occupied
the Gaza Strip and West Bank. Arab Yasser Arafat (1929- ) founded Al Fatah, an
governments designated the organiza¬ underground terrorist organization, in 1956, and
tion in 1974 as the “sole, legitimate in 1968, became the leader of the PLO. Having
become less of an aggressor by the 1980s, Arafat
representative of the Palestinian people.” recognized Israel as an independent state ini 988.
Later that year, the United Nations also After the Oslo Peace Accords in 1994, he went on
recognized the PLO as the representative to win the Nobel Peace Prize along with Yitzhak
of the Palestinian Arabs. Rabin and Shimon Peres of Israel. In 1996, Arafat
was elected president of the Palestinian Council
governing the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

In 1965, the Palestinians began taken control of the Golan Heights

armed attacks against Israel. Israel from Syria, the Sinai Peninsula and
responded with raids against Syria the Gaza Strip from Egypt, and the
and Jordan. In 1967, after creating West Bank and East Jerusalem from
alliances with Syria, Jordan, and Iraq, Jordan. Israel's new boundaries
Nasser moved his troops into the Sinai were short-lived, however, when the
Peninsula and again closed the Strait U.N. called for Israeli withdrawal
of Tiran to Israeli shipping. from the territories occupied at the
In retaliation, Israeli forces conclusion of the Six-Day War.
launched a military strike against The aftermath of the 1967 Israeli
Egypt on June 5, 1967. Both sides victory saw the emergence of con¬
accepted a U.N. cease-fire just six cealed Palestinian resistance in the
days later. In the end, Israel had form of terrorism. The PLO became
War and Peace

A member of the International Olympic Committee (bottom right) speaks with a masked Palestine Liberation
Organization (PLO) terrorist. Palestinian terrorists invaded the Olympic Village in Munich, Germany,
kidnapping and killing two athletes while holding nine other athletes hostage. The following morning all
nine Israelis were killed in a shootout between terrorists and West German police officers.

the sole representative of the ings throughout the 1970s. The most
Palestinian people and pledged to notorious was the massacre at the
liberate Palestine by any means neces¬ 1972 Munich Olympics in which
sary. To demonstrate their commit¬ eleven Israeli athletes were killed.
ment to Arab independence, the PLO Despite condemnation of PLO-
carried out bomb attacks and hijack¬ sponsored terrorism, the world did

■ 45
A Historical Atlas of Israel

recognize the Palestinian cause. In through diplomatic means. However,

1974, the Palestinian National Council negotiations failed. On October 6,
(PNC), the body responsible for elect¬ 1973, Yom Kippur, the holiest of
ing PLO leaders, decided to revisit its Jewish holidays, Egypt and Syria
policies for the attainment of a liber¬ attacked Israeli positions in Sinai and
ated Palestine. It decided to settle for the Golan Heights. Perhaps because
a Palestinian state in the West Bank of its swift victory in the 1967 Six-Day
and Gaza Strip. War, Israel suffered tremendous
The Yom Kippur War Within days, Egyptian forces had
Israeli and Egyptian forces engaged crossed the Suez Canal and swept
in intense border fighting along the through the Golan Heights. Despite
Suez Canal between 1969 and 1970. this success, Israeli forces were able
When Egyptian President Gamal to defeat the Arab army. The war
Nasser died in 1970, the newly elected ended a month later when, on
president, Anwar Sadat, attempted to October 25, 1973, a United States-
regain the Sinai Peninsula from Israel sponsored cease-fire went into effect.

Attempts at Peace
The shock of near defeat in the
Yom Kippur War motivated
Israel to negotiate a peaceful
compromise with its Arab neigh¬
bors. Unfortunately, it also moti¬
vated an investigation into
Israel's lack of leadership and
military strength. The results of
the investigation were highly
critical of the military and

The injured Israeli soldier seen in this photo¬

graph, taken by photographer David Rubinger
in the Golan Heights, was caught in an
ambush of gunfire in the first days of fighting
against Syrian soldiers in the Yom Kippur War
in 1973. Replacement Israeli soldiers were
being sent in to relieve the first soldiers who
had taken the brunt of the initial attacks.
War and Peace

Golda Meir (1898-1978) is seen in this photo¬

graph speaking at a National Press Club luncheon
in 1974. Meir was prime minister of Israel from
1969 to 1974, immediately following the death of
Levi Eshkol. Meir resigned from the post in 1974
following criticism she received for Israel’s lack of
preparedness after the Egyptian-Syrian invasion
during the 1973 Yom Kippur War.

prompted the resignation of Israeli

Prime Minister Golda Meir.
In 1977 the new Israeli prime
minister, Menachem Begin, called
for the leaders of Jordan, Syria,
and Egypt to end the dispute.
President Sadat of Egypt accepted.
That same year, Sadat made an
unprecedented visit to Israel. In
return for this gesture. Begin went
to Egypt. Two years later, in a deal
brokered by the United States, assassinated by one of his own men.
President Jimmy Carter led the his¬ His successor, Hosni Mubarak, had
toric Egypt-Israel Camp David been against the peace agreement.
Peace Treaty of 1979. Although he maintained the terms
The treaty was a framework for of the treaty, the relationship
peace across the Middle East, and it between the two countries was best
addressed the future of the West characterized as a "cold" peace.
Bank and the Gaza Strip, as well as Hostilities continued between
Israel's relationship with Jordan. Israel and other Arab nations.
Despite the promise of peace Israel's border with Lebanon, how¬
between Egypt and Israel, the two ever, had been relatively quiet dur¬
sides were unable to make substan¬ ing the previous Arab-Israeli wars.
tial progress. In fact, most Arabs Beginning in the 1980s, tensions
reacted negatively to the treaty. between Lebanese Muslims and
The members of the Arab League Christians were heightened by the
saw Egypt's formal recognition of arrival of both the PLO and Syrian
Israel as disloyal. In 1981, Sadat was forces into Lebanon.

■ 47

I n 1982, at the recommendation of Ariel

Sharon, Israeli minister of defense, Israel
launched a major military action into south¬
ern Lebanon. The objectives of the raid (called
Operation Peace for Galilee) were to ensure
security for Israel and to destroy the PLO bases
in Lebanon. Within months, the Syrian PLO
forces had been defeated and the PLO with¬
drew from Lebanon.
Afterward, hundreds of Palestinian men,
women, and children were massacred in
Lebanese Palestinian refugee camps at Sabra-
Shatila near Beirut. Christian Phalangists, a
right-wing Lebanese religious group, carried out
the killings, but the IDF failed to intervene. Israeli
outrage over the massacre resulted in Begin s res¬
ignation in 1983. Despite an overwhelming disap¬
proval of Israel's actions in Lebanon, Israel
maintained a military presence there until 1985

This map shows territories gained by Israel in the Six-Day War in 1967 and the Yom Kippur War of 1973. Israeli
forces continued to occupy the Gaza Strip and the Sinai Peninsula, and added the Golan Heights of Syria, the
West Bank, and East Jerusalem. This incursion against Egypt and Syria led to a response from Arab troops out
of Jordan. By 1973, Arab-led troops attacked Israeli positions in Sinai and the Golan Heights during the Jewish
holiday of Yom Kippur. Israeli troops continued to hold sway, however, and controlled the Suez Canal while driv¬
ing Syrian armies back toward Damascus. Israeli Minister of Defense Ariel Sharon (1928- ) (inset) became
Israel’s prime minister in 2001.


tel Aviv




Israel and the

Independent Territories
Israeli Territory

Territory occupied by Israelis

Independent Territories, 1994

Elia! )Aqaba
A Historical Atlas of Israel

A woman from Brussels, Belgium places candles forming the words “Sabra” and “Shatila” in this contem¬
porary photograph. Her efforts mark the twentieth anniversary of the Sabra and Shatila Massacre in which
hundreds of Palestinians were killed in refugee camps in Lebanon. This memorial service took place at the
Palace of Justine in Brussels on September 14, 2002.

through a six-mile-wide buffer zone. and Yitzhak Shamir, shared duties.

Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon Peres first served as prime minister.
would not occur until 2000. The unified government suc¬
ceeded. Israeli forces in Lebanon
A Unified Government were reduced, and inflation was
Yitzhak Shamir replaced Begin as brought under control (largely due
prime minister in 1983. When the elec¬ to a $1.5 billion loan from the
tions of 1984 failed to produce a clear United States and a new free trade
winner, the two main parties —the agreement). Several attempts at
Israeli Labor Party and the more con¬ securing peace across the Middle
servative Likud—agreed to form a East were also attempted.
unified government for fifty months. In 1987, in response to twenty
The two candidates, Shimon Peres years of Israeli rule and Jewish
Modern Conflicts

Yitzhak Rabin (1922-1995), prime minister of Israel

from 1974 to 1977 and 1992 to 1995, won the 1994
Nobel Peace Prize along with Shimon Peres and Yasser
Arafat for the negotiation agreements known as the
Oslo Accords. The accords recognized Israel’s right to
exist and the right of the Palestinians to be represented
by the PLO. Rabin served Israel publicly—both militar¬
ily and as a politician—for most of his life. An Israeli
student who sought to halt the peace process in the
Middle East assassinated him in November 1995.

settlement in the occupied territories,

Palestinian resistance efforts became
more aggressive. Under the PLO, riot¬
ing and unrest developed into the first
intifada, or uprising. As the movement
expanded, Israel's increasingly harsh
responses to Palestinian acts came
under international criticism. Efforts
by Israeli Defense Minister Yitzhak
Rabin and U.S. Secretary of State Another unified government would
George Schultz to initiate peace nego¬ be installed, however this time just
tiations failed. one leader would hold power. Shamir
After seven months of intense was to remain prime minister, and
fighting, responsibilities related to Peres became the minister of finance.
the Israeli-occupied, Jordanian- Rabin remained minister of defense.
controlled West Bank were ceded
to the PLO. In response, Israel The 1990s
immediately restricted the activi¬ In 1990, however, Israel's unified
ties of Palestinian institutions. In government began to collapse. The
response, the PLO unilaterally Knesset, the parliamentary legislature
proclaimed an independent state of of Israel, terminated the Shamir
Palestine, with Jerusalem as its government in the country's first-ever
capital, and recognized the right of no-confidence vote. Shamir became
Israel to exist by accepting U.N. the leader of a right-wing coalition
Security Council Resolution 242. committed to the preservation of a
The PLO's Arafat was named pres¬ Jewish Israel, not an integrated one.
ident of the State of Palestine. One month after the declaration of
When the 1988 elections took an independent Palestine, Israel
place, it was again too close to call. announced elections in the West Bank

m=====mmm=====mmm==^ 51
A Historical Atlas of Israel

and Gaza. The Israelis recognized the On February 24, 1991, the attack
need for greater Palestinian inde¬ of coalition forces began. Operation
pendence in the occupied region. The Desert Storm lasted precisely one
Israelis' proposal, however, raised hundred hours. In the end, Iraqi
little confidence. Many wondered forces were defeated and Kuwait
how the elections would be held and was liberated.
whether Israel's full withdrawal from
Palestine would be discussed. Before Quest for Peace
long, however, Iraq invaded Kuwait After Operation Desert Storm, the
and the resulting Persian Gulf War 1990s produced several milestones
again divided the Arab world. to peace. Iraq's defeat by the United
States-led alliance made peace in
The Persian Gulf War the Gulf region a priority. Soon,
In August 1990, Iraqi forces occupied the world's focus turned to the
Kuwait. This conflict
between Iraq and an inter¬
Persian Gulf War, 1991
national coalition of forces
led by the United States
raged throughout 1991.
As the war intensi¬
fied, Israel found itself
in an unusual position.
Although it was a war
between Arab countries,
Iraq's Saddam Hussein
needed to divide the
coalition, so he attacked
Israel. His goal was to
engage Israel in the war
and thus show his Arab
rivals as supporters
of Israel. The United
States-led alliance against
In 1991, Saddam Hussein attempted to drag Israel into the Persian
Hussein encouraged Gulf War by attacking the nation and forcing some Arab countries
Israel not to retaliate. such as Syria, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, and Saudia Arabia to
feel as though they were a part of a coalition that supported the
When it did not, Jewish nation.
Hussein's plan failed.
Modern Conflicts

Arab-Israeli conflict and inter¬

national peace initiatives.
United States Secretary of
State James A. Baker brought
together Israeli Prime Minister
Shamir and representatives
of Syria, Jordan, Lebanon,
Egypt, and a delegation of
Palestinians at the Madrid
Peace Conference. In the after-
math of these talks, much of
Asia initiated diplomatic rela¬
lames A. Baker 111 (1930- ), secretary of state under President
tions with Israel for the first George H. W. Bush from 1989 to 1992, made diplomatic strides
in the Middle East following the Gulf War (1990-1991). After
time. The United Nations also
many visits to the region, his efforts resulted in the invitation to
reversed a resolution that representatives from Israel, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, as
equated Zionism with racism. well as the Palestinians, to the Madrid Peace Conference in
1991. Besides the obvious issue of decreasing tensions in the
Unfortunately, progress region, the talks promoted a dialogue regarding environmental
slowed as Shamir and and economic issues.

his right-wing government

expanded Israeli settlements in the of the Palestinian people. The PLO
occupied territories. A confronta¬ also renounced the use of terrorism
tion with the United States was and other forms of violence, and it
narrowly averted by the election of agreed to resolve conflicts with
Yitzhak Rabin in July 1992. A year Israel through peaceful negotiations.
later, during a U.S. ceremony in The accords also delineated a
Washington, D.C., the Israelis and proposal for limited Palestinian self-
Palestinians signed a declaration rule in Gaza and the West Bank
known as the Oslo Accords. town of Jericho. It also stated that
Mediated by former President Bill within five years an agreement
Clinton, Arafat and Rabin sealed would be reached regarding all
the deal with a handshake. remaining territories in dispute,
The agreement outlined the including Jerusalem. The PLO
PLO's affirmation of Israel's right to established the Palestinian National
exist in peace and Israel's recogni¬ Authority (PNA) to administer
tion of the PLO as the representative these regions.

■ 53

I n October 1994, Israel and Jordan also

signed a peace treaty that focused on secu¬
rity, boundaries, and water resources. Both
parties agreed not to join, aid, or cooperate
with any party intending to attack the other
side and to work together to combat terrorism.
They also agreed to solve the problem of
Palestinian refugees. Finally, Israel recognized
Jordan's role as guardian of Muslim holy
places in Jerusalem. This angered Palestinians
because it seemed to undermine their agree¬
ment with Israel to later negotiate the status
of Jerusalem.
Although initial progress was substantial, the
process would derail in 1995 when an Israeli
student assassinated Prime Minister Rabin.
Shimon Peres, who had been serving as foreign
minister under Rabin, then became prime minister.
For several months, the peace process continued.

This current map of Israel shows its present boundaries, along with its occupied territories in the Golan
Heights (also claimed by Syria) and in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Despite years of peace initiatives
between Israel and surrounding Arab nations, violence continues to erupt between rival Israeli and
Palestinian forces. In 2002, Israelis reoccupied some areas of the West Bank that they had surrendered in
the 1990s. These sections, agreed Israel, would eventually be subject to Palestinian self-rule.
territory claimed
by Syria and occupied
by Israel



under provisional status
since 1993
A Historical Atlas of Israel

Progress Pauses formed a coalition government

determined to assure security for
Palestinian groups initiated terrorist Israel and insisted that the PNA
attacks against Israel in 1996. As ten¬ meet its obligation to prevent terror¬
sions intensified, Peres made fewer ism. The peace process again stalled.
compromises in the name of peace. The first Palestinian elections took
In May 1996, Likud leader Benjamin place in 1996. Yasser Arafat was voted
Netanyahu soundly defeated Peres in as both president and leader of the
in the country's general election. He PNA. Support for Arafat was not uni¬
versal, however. Many
people believed that his
negotiations with the
Israelis were not on
behalf of Palestine but
for securing his own
political future.
The main opposition
to Arafat and the PNA
comes from the Islamic
group Hamas. Hamas
was founded in 1988 as
a militant wing of the
Muslim Brotherhood, an
organization that advo¬
cates an increased role
of Islam in government,
and rejects Western
influences. They flatly
protest the peace pro¬
cess and, since self-rule
began in 1994, have
staged several terrorist
actions with the intent to
This map is a U. S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) map from 2001, stop it.
which shows Israel’s boundaries, as well as Israeli-occupied territories in
Former President Bill
the Golan Heights, West Bank, and Gaza Strip. These territories remain
subject to negotiation. Clinton attempted to
rekindle discussions in
Israel Today

1998 by bringing together Israel's

Netanyahu and Palestine's
Arafat. The men agreed to meet
but were unable to reach an
agreement. When Israel's 1999
elections came around. Labor
Party candidate Ehud Barak
defeated Netanyahu.
With Barak installed as prime
minister, so came the promise of
"bold steps" in forging a compre¬
hensive peace plan for the Middle
East. He focused on negotiations
with the Palestinians and
expressed eagerness to reach an
agreement with Syria. He also
promised to withdraw the
remaining Israeli troops from
southern Lebanon by 2000.
Although these steps brought
optimism to the long-stalled
process, ultimately they would
accomplish little to foster peace.
Barak did transfer some West Former President Biil Clinton stands between Yitzhak Rabin
and Yasser Arafat during the signing of the Israeli-
Bank territory to the PNA, but Palestinian Declaration of Principles, part of the Oslo
by November 1999 negotiations Accords, on the South Lawn of the White House on
September 13, I 993.
stalled again, with both sides
caught up in percentages of land
to be transferred. In December 1999, President Clinton also failed to end
Israel and Syria agreed to meet as the stalemate.
well, based on Barak's hint that he
would return the Golan Heights to The Second Intifada
Syria in exchange for peace. Talks Frustrated by increased terrorism in
held in January 2000, however, were the Middle East by 2000, the United
inconclusive and a follow-up States convened a summit in which
summit between Syrian President Clinton, Barak, and Arafat focused
Bashar Assad and former U.S. on peace agreements.
A Historical Atlas of Israel

The Golan Heights, an area stretching about 444

square miles (1,150 square kilometers) is a strategic
territory that has been occupied by Israeli forces and
settlements since 1 967. Still claimed by Syria and not
recognized as Israeli territory by international law,
the land represents about I percent of Syria’s overall
nation. The Golan Heights is a thriving area that
currently provides Israel with more than 30 percent
of its water supply.

An Ancient Divide
Sharon's government wanted to stop
the violence and restore security in
Israel. He firmly believed that the
violence must stop before negotia¬
tions for peace could continue.
Palestinian suicide bombings and
other terrorist activities continued in
Israel, however, and the peace
process seemed hopeless. The
The failure of the summit led to September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks
the outbreak of the second intifada, on New York and Washington, DC,
also known as the Al-Aqsa intifada reinforced the desperate need for
after the holy Al-Aqsa Mosque in peace in the Middle East.
Jerusalem. Unlike the first intifada, In 2002, Israeli forces swept into
the Al-Aqsa intifada was character¬ the West Bank and reoccupied key
ized by vicious Palestinian attacks on urban centers. During the three-
Israeli civilians and subsequent week operation, Israeli forces
Israeli military responses. In reaction arrested hundreds of alleged ter¬
to the second intifada, Israeli public rorists and destroyed weapons. At
opinion shifted to the right. Barak the time of this writing, devastating
resigned in December 2000, and in terrorist attacks against men,
February 2001 center-right politician women, and children were occur¬
Ariel Sharon, a vocal critic of return¬ ring with unfortunate regularity in
ing the West Bank and Gaza Strip to Israel. People of every religion and
Palestinian control, was elected ethnicity have been and are still
prime minister. being killed.
Israel Today

An Israeli border policeman (left) and a Palestinian scream at each other in this dramatic photograph taken
in the Old City of Jerusalem on October 13, 2000. Israelis prevented thousands of Palestinians’ entry to the
Al-Aqsa Mosque for Friday prayers over concerns of continued unrest and clashes between Israelis and
Palestinians following traditional Muslim services. Tensions between both groups intensified during fighting
in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

A Possibility for Peace need to address questions that may

be difficult to answer.
Considering the cycle of violence For now, Israel continues fighting
responsible for the shape of Israel for freedom. Although in its inde¬
today, true peace in the Middle East pendence it has achieved a national
may never be possible. Although Jewish homeland, Israel has not
each new government brings hope attained a declaration of independ¬
that the violence and bloodshed will ence of, or peaceful cooperation with,
end, Israel is a nation so rooted in the Arabs of Israel and neighboring
religion that a lasting peace would Arab nations.

■ 59

10000-6000 bc Human settlements are established in the Jordan Valley.

3200-2150 bc Writing develops in Mesopotamia; major cities of Jerusalem are built.
1550-1250 bc Time of Hebrew enslavement in Egypt.
1290 bc Hebrews receive the Torah at Mount Sinai.
1250 bc Moses leads the Israelite Exodus from Egypt.
1000 bc David conquers Jerusalem, bringing with him the Ark of the Covenant.
928 bc Division of the Israelite state into the kingdom of Israel and Judah.
586 bc Judah defeated by Babylonians under Nebuchadnezzar.
333 bc Alexander the Great conquers Jerusalem.
ad 30 Jesus Christ is crucified.
70 Roman Empire seizes Jerusalem; Jewish residents are sent into exile.
325 Constantine converts to Christianity; Palestine is recognized as the Holy Land.
644 Palestine becomes Islamic territory.
1099 Crusaders establish a kingdom in Jerusalem.
1187 Saladin defeats the crusaders.
1516 Palestine becomes part of the Ottoman Empire.
1880s Jewish immigrants begin to arrive in Palestine from eastern Europe.
1914-1918 World War I; Israel as part of Palestine sides with Germany.
1920-1948 Period of the British Mandate.
1947 U.N. recommends partitioning Palestine.
1948 The State of Israel declares independence.
1949 David Ben-Gurion becomes Israel’s prime minister.
1956 Israel sides with Great Britain and France to overthrow Nasser in Egypt;
invades Sinai and Gaza.
1967 The Six-Day War against Syria, Egypt and Iraq begins.
1973 The Yom Kippur War in October.
1978 The Camp David Accords are signed.
1981 Egyptian President Anwar Sadat is killed by Islamic militants.
1982 Israel invades Lebanon.
1987 The first intifada.
1990-1991 The Persian Gulf War.
1995 Rabin and Arafat sign interim peace agreement; Rabin assassinated.
1996 Benjamin Netanyahu becomes Israeli prime minister.
1997 Hebron is handed over to Palestinian control.
1999 Ehud Barak becomes prime minister.
2000 Second intifada.
2001 Ariel Sharon becomes prime minister.
2002 Israeli forces reoccupy the West Bank.
2003 Ariel Sharon reelected.

aliyah A Hebrew word meaning divided between Israel and the

to return. Israeli-occupied territories.
bedouin Wandering Arabs who live Palestine Liberation Organization
in the deserts of the Middle East. (PLO) A political body working to
Canaan The ancient name for what is create a state for Palestinian Arabs
now the State of Israel. in some or all of Palestine, a his¬
covenant Agreement. toric region now comprising Israel
diaspora Derived from the Greek and the Israeli-occupied West Bank
word meaning "to be dispersed"; and Gaza Strip.
refers to Jews forced into exile. Promised Land Refers to Israel as
Exodus The departure of the Israelites the land God promised to the
from Egypt under the leadership Jews in return for their promise to
of Moses. worship Him.
Gaza Strip A region in the Ramadan In the Islamic calendar, the
Mediterranean, bordered by ninth month of the year, made up
Egypt and Israel. of thirty days.
guerrillas Members of a band of regent A person who rules a country
fighters who harass the enemy by when the rightful ruler cannot,
sudden raids or ambushes. either because he or she is too
idolatry The worship of idols or young, out of the country, or ill.
false gods. terrorism The use or threat of
Jerusalem A historic city lying at the violence to create fear or alarm.
intersection of Israel and the West schism A split or division.
Bank; claimed by Israel as its capital. Torah The first five books of the Bible:
Levant The countries about the eastern Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,
Mediterranean Sea from Greece to Numbers, and Deuteronomy; a
Egypt, especially Syria, Lebanon, body of Jewish teachings.
and Israel. United Nations An international
Mamluks Slaves converted to Islam organization of countries created in
who advanced themselves to high 1945 to promote world peace,
military posts in Egypt. cooperation, and human rights.
masada A fortress; specifically, an West Bank Territory in southwestern
ancient ruined fortress in Israel. Asia, bounded on the north, west,
Muslim A follower of the Islamic and south by Israel and on the east
faith. by Jordan.
Palestine A historic region situated Zionism A worldwide movement,
on the eastern coast of the originating in the nineteenth cen¬
Mediterranean Sea in southwest¬ tury, that sought to establish and
ern Asia. Palestine is now largely develop a Jewish nation in Palestine.

Center for Middle East Peace

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This site is updated regularly. Please
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Cahill, Mary Jane. Israel (Major World Stefoff, Rebecca. West Bank/Gaza Strip.
Nations Series). Philadelphia: Philadelphia: Chelsea House
Chelsea House Publishers, 1999. Publishers, 1999.
Fisher, Frederick. Israel. Milwaukee: Wagner, Heather Lehr. People at Odds —

Gareth Stevens, 2000. Israel and the Arab World.

Green, Jen. Israel. Austin, TX: Raintree Philadelphia: Chelsea House
Steck-Vaughn, 2002. Publishers, 2002.
Landau, Elaine. Israel (Enchantment of
the World Series). New York:
Children's Press, 1999.


Fodor's Israel. 5th ed. New York: "Israel." CIA-World Fact Book. Retrieved
Fodors LLC., 2001. October 2, 2002 (http://www.cia.
Frank, Harry Thomas, ed. Atlas of the gov/ cia/publications/factbook/
Bible Lands. Union, NJ: Hammond geos/is.html).
World Atlas, 1990. "Israel (country)." Microsoft® Encarta®
Hellander, Paul, Andrew Humphreys, Online Encyclopedia 2002.
and Neil Tilbury. Israel and the Retrieved October 2, 2002.
Palestinian Territories. Australia: (http: / /
Lonely Planet, 1999. "Israel, country, Asia." The Columbia
Lee, Risha Kim, ed. Let's Go: Israel and Encyclopedia, 6th ed., 2001.
the Palestinian Territories. New York: Retrieved September 30, 2002
St. Martin's Press, 2002. (http://
Stannard, Dorothy, and Brian Bell, eds. Israel.html).
Insight Guide Israel. London: Insight "Israel." Retrieved
Guides, 1999. September 30, 2002 (http:/ / www.
Reich, Bernard. "Israel," World Book ce6/world/A08256
Online Americas Edition. Retrieved 47.html).
October 2, 2002 (http:/ /www. "Israel: a country study." Retrieved September 30, 2002 (http://lcweb2.
co/ ar282960.html).

'Abbasids, 22 France, 21, 26, 32, 33, Madrid Peace
Abraham, 6, 7-8 34, 41 Conference, 53
Alexander the Great, 6,12 McMahon
aliyah, first, 28, 30 G correspondence, 32
aliyah, second, 30 Gaza, 26, 39, 40, 41, 44, 46, Meir, Golda, 47
Antiochus IV, 16 47, 52, 53, 58 Mesopotamia, 7,10,11,
Arab-Israeli wars, 39, 40, 47 Golan Heights, 44, 46, 57 16, 33
Arab League, 39, 42, 47 Great Britain, 6, 26, 27, 30, monotheism, 8, 9
Arab nationalism, 33, 34 32-34, 35-37, 41 Moses, 6, 7, 8
Arab Revolt of Mubarak, Hosni, 47
1936-1939, 34 H Munich Olympics (1972), 45
Arafat, Yasser, 42, 51, 53, Hamas, 56
56, 57 Hanukkah, 16 N
Assad, Bashar, 57 Hebrews/Israelites, 7-11 Napoleon, 6, 26-27
Assyrians, 10-11 Herod the Great, 16,18 Nasser, Gamal Abdel,
Hussein, Saddam, 52 40-41, 44, 46
B Nebuchadnezzar, king of
Babylonian Empire, 12 I Babylonia, 11
Baker, James, 53 Iraq, 11, 33, 39, 40, 44, 52 Netanyahu, Benjamin, 56, 57
Balfour Declaration, 32, Islam, 6,19, 21-26, 56
35, 36 Israel, declaration of o
Barak, Ehud, 57, 58 independent state, Oslo Accords, 53
Begin, Menachem, 47, 37-39 Ottoman Empire, 26-27, 32
48, 50 Israel Defense Forces
Ben-Gurion, David, 34, 37 (IDF), 39, 48 P
Biltmore Program, 36 Palestine
J under Arab rule, 20,
c Jerusalem, 10,11,12,16, 21-26
Camp David Accords/ 17,18-19, 20, 21, 22, under British rule, 33-34
Peace Treaty of 1979, 23, 26, 37, 39, 44, under Byzantine rule,
40,47 53, 58 19-20
Canaan/Canaanites, 6, Jewish National Fund, 30 under Mamluk rule, 26
7-9,10 Jewish nationalism, 17, 28, under Ottoman rule,
Carter, Jimmy, 47 30, 32, 34, 26-27
Christianity, 6,19, 20, Jordan, 5, 33, 39, 40, 44, 47, partition of (1947), 37
21, 22 51, 53, 54 under Roman rule,
Clinton, Bill, 53, 56-57 Joseph, 8 16-19
Constantine, 6,19-20 Judah (Judea), 6,11, and World War II, 35
Crusades, 22-26 12-16,19 Palestine Liberation
Cyrus 1,12 Judaism, 6, 8, 9,16, 21 Organization (PLO),
42-46, 47, 48, 51, 53
D K Palestinian National
David, 7, 9-10 kibbutzim, 30 Authority (PNA), 53,
Diaspora, 18 Kuwait, 52 56, 57
Palestinian National
E L Council, 46
Egypt, 5, 6, 7, 8,10, 22, 39, Lebanon, 5, 7,10,16, 26, pan-Arabism, 40
40, 41, 44, 46, 47, 53 33, 39, 40, 47, 48-50, Partition Resolution, 37
Exodus, 8 53, 57 Peres, Shimon, 50, 51, 54, 56
A Historical Atlas of Israel

Persia/ Persians, 12,16, Solomon, 7,10 W

20, 23 Solomon's Temple, 10, 11, Wailing Wall, 18
Persian Gulf War, 52 12,16 Weizman, Chaim, 37-39
Philistines, 8-9,10, 26 Suez Canal crisis, 40-41, 42 West Bank, 5, 6, 39, 40, 44,
polytheism, 8 Sumerians, 7 46, 47, 51-52, 53, 57, 58
Ptolemies, 16 Sykes-Picot, 32 White Paper, 35, 36
Syria, 5,16, 23, 26, 33, 39, 40, World War I, 27, 32, 33, 35
R 44, 46, 47, 48, 53, 57 World War II, 33, 35-36, 37
Rabin, Yitzhak, 51, 53, 54 World Zionist Organization
T (WZO), 30
s terrorism, 44-45, 53, 54, 56,
Sadat, Anwar al-, 46, 47 57, 58 Y
Saladin, 26 Yemen, 39
Saudi Arabia, 39 U Yom Kippur War, 46
Saul, 9 Umayyad dynasty, 21-22 i

Schultz, George, 51 United Nations (League of Z

Seleucids, 16 Nations), 32, 33, 37, 39, Zealots, 17-18
Shamir, Yitzhak, 50, 51, 53 41, 44, 51, 53 Zionist movement/Zionists,
Sharon, Ariel, 48, 58 United States, 36, 39, 40, 41, 28-30, 32, 34, 35, 36, 53
Sinai Peninsula, 41, 44, 46 42, 46, 50, 52, 53, 57
Six-Day War, 40, 44 USSR, 39, 41

About the Author

Amy Romano is a freelance writer, author of numerous magazine articles on a
range of topics for both consumer and business-to-business publications. Also the
author of historical atlases of Afghanistan and Jordan in the same series, Amy lives
in Arizona with her husband, Don, and their children, Claudia, Sam, and Jack.

Many thanks to Don and my family, Andrea, Carolyn, Beth, Matt, and John and
Rita Rinas for their patience.

Photo Credits
Cover (map), pp. 1 (map), 4-5, 54-55 © 2002 Geoatlas; cover (background), pp. 1
(background), 56 courtesy of the General Libraries, the University of Texas at
Austin; cover (lower left), pp. 34, 37 © Hulton-Deutsch Collection/Corbis; cover
(top right), pp. 49, 50 © AP/Wide World Photos; cover (top right), pp. 8, 9,12-13
© AKG London/Erich Lessing; p. 6 © Archivo Iconografico, S.A./Corbis; pp. 10,
19 © Chris Hellier/Corbis; pp. 11,14-15, 22, 28-29, 38, 42-43, 48-49, 52, 58 Maps
designed by Tahara Hasan; p. 16-17 © Charles and Josette Lenars/Corbis; p. 18
© AKG London/Peter Conolly; p. 20 © Gianni Dagli Orti/Corbis; pp. 23, 33, 36,
45, 51 © Bettmann/Corbis; pp. 24-25 © Historical Picture Archive; pp. 27, 31 ©
Michael Maslan Historic Photographs/Corbis; pp. 40, 47, 57 © Wally McNamee/
Corbis; p. 41 ©; pp. 44, 53 © Peter Turnley/Corbis; p. 46 ©
David Rubinger/Corbis; p. 59 © Reuters NewMedia Inc./Corbis.

Designer: Tahara Hasan; Editor: Joann Jovinelly;

Photo Researcher: Elizabeth Loving

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