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IRC: 18.2000 DESIGN CRITERIA FOR SED CONCRETE ROAD BRIDGES (POST-TENSIONED CONCRETE) PRESTRE! (Third Revision) THE INDIAN ROADS CONGRESS 2000 RC: 182000 DESIGN CRITERIA FOR PRESTRESSED CONCRETE ROAD BRIDGES (POST-TENSIONED CONCRETE) (Phird Revision) abled by ‘THE INDIAN ROADS CONGRESS (as packing & posiage) smc: 182000 Reprinted Repened Repent ‘Second Revision Reprint Reprinted Repines December, 1965 Octber,i969 February, 1978 Sanwa 977 Jay, 198 (nh Notions and ui per IRC 71) November, 1985 September, 1990 December 1997 (with test amendments) (cider, 2000 September, 2002 (th est amendens) (Rights of Publication and of Tramlation oe reserved) ‘Printed De Ky ites, New Deli 0015 1000 Capi» Sepeber 2002, Re CONTENTS. Composition of Bridge Spcitstons & Standards Commitee Notatons Clase No, Tateduton se Concrete onde aod Fores Suge Pretessag Pemmistible Scenes in Premensing Sel Secon Properties Mods of sty Lowes fa Petes ‘Uimue Steg Colsiston of Ultimate Seenth Shear and Torsion Minima Reinforcement {Cover and Spacing of Pretesing Stel End Bloke ‘Thickenlog of Webs of Gieders [Anchonge of Cables snd Seeing Spay of Cables in Plan and Minima Radius of (Cbs in Elevaton Sender Beans Energon CablesStands ‘Storage an Handing of Pressing Materia Prestesing Operation Grostng of Cables Appenices ‘Teron Shexting Ducts ‘essen Corugaed HDPE Sheathing Dots Speifcaton fr Sheathing Dut Joins Recommended Pacice fr Stages etd Handling of Prestesing Material Recommended Pracice fr Prestessing Operations Recommended Practice fer Grouting of Port Tensoned Cable in Presresed Concrete Bodget age No. oom Gyre IRC: 1.2000 MEMBERS OF THE BRIDGE SPECIFICATIONS AND ‘STANDARDS COMMITTEE, (eon 7.1299) 1 Riana DR) 8 A Sot, May of ut amt (meer (hea ings ame Bway Ren O00) 2 Methetiagaena) {vente sy oui rsp Een Menor) (on Wing pr han ee 60) a. SSSI”? Mine Br, fe Sr a, 4+ mo:rnr En Si, Se Eg tes C39 Pe 5 Nin et ‘ecu A Stay Ra) 3, Nida gen a we rae “ea Abt Mena Co, A, Such Pat IEE A Rowe Uae Ram ts on 1 NR Sate Be tage (0, heya Sate spe as Wag Tao Denner bh 0 8 mea te ‘a dee Bone ml au Rar aie, 0 % CH Almada ‘Charman A Maran. Dicer (STUP Comans Li {toc hat Chinen 3 Nema Foe Mem 1m osx rar Pi, a of Eee Ee, (avs of 1 Mx Bago Coser Eng Cintas (La Fs 2 PDW Smt han Pa ec Comminion, ik of rer 1B; Mime ea nL, am Howe 1 Niki ‘oe er ee Com 1 Maatris gig Die nan ea (La, 17, 1 oeTx stein Garman Crna Cone i 2 Flo ky 9 AK ia Extent (845), Rosh Dip & Se ‘rpm noe sat 28 AD Nain ‘Dien ln erp) & AMM So, MOST (heh Te Sor 8 woe 21 VR i Stes Da Get BER, BO) egg pon Tem ar rete! hPa Kor Dat "Sal cd an an A Sey Nay bates Tena o me: 18.2000 2 PK Sar it et, PO a) An, #0. Cain 4 snTate ‘San aa FD at 2 Pt Paar Mog, ‘py obra Wt hams es The Sey te an Ra epee Goeareea” Revs da fe onngeti10 ‘Recher (De Ra Mery ao gh rom Sas oan Sens ist ‘BeChet tine Ga Ra os open er Rl Ba Mebovieninchid (Reston) Manis FWD. BAR, Scr? Shapetions “eit Gent_ Ca ae Wee Dn, Nin hn ev De ‘wera ‘Recher ts Wag New eh ‘Recor eapaos (Ce Bhan) mayo See Toe a (ier gmap hee De ‘ReDim Fie Rena Sa Sa Pl and, ‘er Hate fin Mt ho, a “he Ch tener 080 Me ae Won pas Bp ‘he Cal pee O00 UP PD Lane ‘Re Cut apne 00 aj PH, BAR Deh, ane ExOffcle Members a Rj Tein capes Fae Da 0, {fonBowane) BORD) hl, uy Gt of aa, Say oS mo an Win. “angen es ew Das 0" Seem SC Sam, Tamed conee Seg, iy of te mgr nde Wa) ‘Sangre, ew eo Corresponding Members NV Me Tere ah 1 A Ne parse (acre Hs Conan Co Vino ince La ane Se Mary ‘im m0 en SES Ee moe 5 z zg 5, os IRC: 182000 NOTATIONS ‘ret of High Tense Set ‘Area o longa! reinfocement Crossctnal es of two Tos of isk ‘Aen of cones tel ‘ret enclosed y the ert Hie of meters forming box Bearing rx of he anchorage coavered in shape wa sq of cguivalent aes “Maximum are of the gute tat an be contained within he rember witout oveaping the coweponding es of he fijacent anchorages, and conic WR the Dearing re A ‘Wich ofa rectangle section or 1b ofa Tee, Lo / beam Side of anchor pate With of tang of Te o beam (Overt depth ofthe pie eased for top of deck sb to the roti of per Depth ofthe ier fom the maxima compresion edge othe entre of gravity of the tenons Diameter of pesrening wren Dept om erteme copresion re either the oan! tart or th seni of he tends, whichever ix reer Modulus of Elsi of concrete at 28 day Modul of Elatietyof estesing sel ‘Modulus of Basisy of Concrete tj dye G28 dy) ‘Base of Nepean Logins ‘Bursting tne force in end Nock ‘Average compresiv sues ia earl comprenve zone ‘Acad concrete cube suengh at day sujet aia wate off G28) (Chance compresive strength of 15 cm euber a 28 ye ‘Compressive sett cesiidl as due wo preues taken st pine Permissible conpresive contact sess in concrete inching ny prevailing sess as inthe case ofntermedate anchorages Ultimate tense seg of pressing see! ‘Sess dato peste only athe eile ibe tance om the cena ofthe concrete resin wy EEgETT rppe SSS oa AS AAAS So ee gen. 1.2000 “Maximum pacts sess in conte ¥, The caacesie sng ofthe vteasone se ‘Yield sues oflacptutnal re in compreson Yield strength of longituialrenfrcoment or 02 oot ese wich shoal be ken ao reser tan 415 MPL Yield tengo inka lforcement 2p et poo ress which shouldbe taken us nt greater than 418 MP Dead load Exper dimension of te section Sale dimension ofthe section ‘Wal icknea of members fbx ston whee tsoal ress is dremined Second moment of ae ofthe section Wobble co-ticem pir mete length of preesing see Lang of specimen ‘Bending masment a the ecton ‘Mega Pascale Crating momeat at th cont set considered ‘Moneat of son under timate loa conion ‘Name of test steagh resus 7 ‘ad in tendon oo Design ve loud iocating impact pot ‘Sander deviation (Sample) ‘ Superimposed dea loud Spacing of comers, ink spacing slong Be length of « member “Torsional moment de timate Toads Thiele of ange ofa Tee eam Shear force atthe section considered under wtimate fat, sal Yume of water Premeared quantity of water Balance guanty of wate It Urine shear reine of a cones sein ‘Ultimate shear resistance oft once secon ancracked in fesse ‘Volume of shenthing sample wed in wae lot sty Uline shear restance of aveoncrcte secon, caked Sa ‘enue st » 1c: 18-2000 ‘onvioal shear ss in cuneree seston uplo wich 0 {orion riforcement i required ‘Torso shear atest a soon ‘Utne torn ber Hest a eon istics in mee between poi of aperaton of ope and pe o ‘Smaller dimension of Hinks memued between cents of lps ‘Tena five dance Fam the cenod ofthe concrete seton ‘Side of lade sea of end Weck T Sie of end ook, + Larges dimension of links measured between cones of legs Deviation of individual test sungth fm the average test sength of fest eng seule Covent of fst between cable and duct [Cumulative angle in radian though which the tangent 10 the table profi has red betwen the points of operation of p> te pots) Sting eviaon (popuition) Sel seta be jacking end Stl Sees at pot, ditt x fm he aking end Teteral soa deh of sheathing ” ec 18.2000 1. yTRODUCTION ‘The Design Criteria for Prestressed Concrete Road Bridges (Post-Tensioned Concrete) was fist published in Decembes 1965, To cater for the technological developments which were ‘taking place in course of time, the Criteria were examined by the ‘Technial Committees ofthe IRC and revited in 1977 and 1985 in the light of their recommendations. In the light of further developments in the field of prestressed concrete, the task of reviewing the criteria and ‘carrying out required revisions was entrusted to the Committee for Reinforced, Prestressed and Composite Concrete. (B-6) consisting of the folowing personne! ina Kosi Conener AN. Dbodapiae 2 Member Sertary MEMBERS NK Sih Joe Karen 8. Jopekar PY Manure De TN Sith Rao ‘AS. Pads Rao Mik. Mhesee RA. Caudhary De, NG. Temankar GR Haas Shine Sara DD. Shama Mabe Tandon Digeor & Hen, Chil Eoge. SA Redd ‘Brea of Idan Sundar ‘abot Base (Vinod Kurs) 1. Vinwantan| EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS President RC ono) (CB. sors) (Pra Kum) Sere, IRC (SC Shama) ‘CORRESPONDING MEMBER PS. Tyan Rc: 182000 1. NTRoDUCTION ‘The Design Criteria for Prestressed Concrete Road Bridges (Post-Tensioned Concrete) was fist published in December, 1965, To cater forthe technological developments which were ‘taking place in course of time, the Criteria were examined by the ‘Technieal Committees ofthe IRC and revised in 1977 and 1985 inthe light of their recommendations. In the light of further developments in the field of prestressed concrete, the task of reviewing the criteria and ‘carrying out required revisions was entrusted to the Committee for Reinforced, Prestressed and Composite Concrete. (B-6) ‘consisting ofthe following personne! inan Kosi Conner AN. Died Member Sere MEMBERS Nx. Site Jose Karen 8. Jopekar PY Manure De TN Sith Rao ‘AS: Pad Rao Mik. Mhesee RA. Cuudhay De, NG. Tambankar GR Hanes Shine Sara DD. Stam Mabes Tandon Digctor & Head, Cil Boge. SA Redd ‘urea of Indian Sundar Dabok K Bast (Vinod Kurs) 7. Viewantan| EXOFFICIO MEMBERS President IRC oD) (EB. Rae) (Pfs Kum) Secreta, IRC (SC Shama) ‘CORRESPONDING MEMBER PS. Tyagi ‘The amendments as finalised by this Committee were considered and approved by the Bridge Specifications and Standards Committe in their meeting held at New Delhi on 7k December, 1999 and later approved by the Exeeutive Commitee in their meeting held at New Delhi on 14th December, 1999, ‘The draft amendments were diseussed and approved by the Couneil of the Indian Roads Congress at the 157th Council “Meeting held at Madurai on 4th January, 2000. I was also decided tha the document would be published sa fully revised Criteria after incorporating all the amendments The object of issuing this publication is to establish a ‘common procedure forthe design and construction of Prestressed ‘Concrete Road Bridges in India. The publication is meant 10 serve as a guide to both the design engineers and the ‘constriction engineers but compliance with the provisions therein doesnot relieve them in any way of the responsibility for ‘the stability, soundness and safety of the structures designed and ‘erected by them. The design and construction of road bridges require aa ‘extensive and thorough knowledge of science and technique involved and should be entrusted only to specially qualified engineers with adequate experience of bridge engineering, capable of ensuring careful execution of work 2. SCOPE These Criteria cover the design aspects for prestressed concrete (post-tensioned) road bridges (determinate structures ‘only). These are not applicable tothe design of members which fare subjected to direct compression like piers. IRC: 182000 34. Cemen Any of the following shall be used wit prior approval of ‘the competent authority (3) Owinay Portand Cement conforming wo 1S: 269 (0) igh Strength Potand Cement confooing to IS: 8112 (2) Ordinary Poland Cement conforming to 15:12269 (Grae 53) (@) Supe Resistant Portland Cement conforming to 11230, 3.2. Aggregates All coarse and fine aggregates shall conform to 1S:383 and tests for conformity shall be carried out as per 1S:2386 Parts I ‘0 Vill 32.1, Coarse aggregate 321.1. Coarse aggregate shall consist of clean, hard, strong, dense non-porous and durable pices of crushed stone, crushed gravel, natural gravel or suitable combination thereof ‘oF other approved inert material I shall not contain pieces of disintegrated stones, sof, flaky elongated particles, salt alkali, ‘vegetable matter or ther deleterious materials in such quantities 5 to reduce the strength or durability of the concrete, or 19 stack the embedded stel ‘The nominal maximum size of ageregates shall usually be restricted to 10 mum less than the minimum clear distance between individual cables or individual untensioned sect feinforcement or 10 mm less than the minimum cover to ‘untensionedstel reinforcement, whichever is smaller. A nominal size of 20 mm coarse aggregates shall generally be considered satisfactory for prestressed concrete work IRC: 1.2000 3.22. _ Fine aggregates : Fine aggregates shall conform to Clause 302.33 of IRC. 33, Water ‘Water used for mixing and curing shall be in conformity with Clause 302.4 of IRC:21 34, Admixtures may be used in conformity with Clause 302.2 of IRC21 35. Steel 35. The prestressing steel shall be any of the following: (6) Phin hard rvs! wie conforming 11S: 1788 (Par 1 and 1521785 (Pat (0) Cold den nde wie conforming 1 1:6003 (6) igh tensile el bar conforming t 182000 ()Uncoutl stesteleved sand eaofrming #186005, and (6) Uncoutd ates rene low relaraton sel conforming 0 Data in respect of modulus of elasticity, relaxation loss at 1000 hr., minimum ultimate tensile strength, stress-strain curve et, shall necessarily be obtained from manufacturers. Prestressing stce shall be subjected to acceptance tests prior to actual use on the works (guidance may be taken from BS:447). The modulus of elasticity value, as per acceptance tests, shall conform to the ‘design value which shall be within a range not more than S per ‘cent between the maximum and minimum, 352. Untensioned steel : Reinforcement used as untensioned steel shall be any ofthe following (3) Mid se! and media eases bars conform 16432 ent) RC: 18.2000 ©) High seegihdefomed steal hrs conforming 0 1:1786 and (2) Hard dawn see wie iri conforming 1 1:56. ‘The reinforcement bars bent and fixed in position shall be five from must or scales, chloride contamination and other corrosion products. Where cleaning of corroded portions is required, effective method of cleaning such as sand blasting shall be adopted 3.53. Prestressing accessories like jacks, anchorage, wedges, block plates, te. being patented items shall be obtained ‘rom authorised manufacturers ony. The prestressing components and accessories shall be subjected to an acceptance test prio t their actual use on the works (guidance may be taken from BS:4447), 36, Sheathing Ducts ‘The sheathing ducts shall be either in mild steel as per the sub-clause 3.6.1 of in HDPE as per sub-clause 3.62. They shall beim as long lengths as practical from handling and transportation considerations without getting damaged. They shall conform to the requirements specified in Appendix-IA/IB and a test certificate shall be famished by the manufacturer. The tests specified in Appendix-1B are to be performed as part of ‘additional acceptance tests for prestressing systems employing ‘comigated HDPE sheathing ducts and are not meant for routine site testing purposes, 36.1. MS sheathing duets 361.1. Unless otherwise svecified, the material shall be Cold Rolled Cold Annealed (CRCA) Mild Steel intended for mechanical treatment and surfice refining but not for quench hardening or tempering. Rc: 18.2000 ‘The material shall be clean and foe from rst and. ‘ormally of bright metal finish, However, in case of use in aggressive environment galvanised or lead coated mild steel Strips shall be adopted 3.6.13, The thickness of metal sheathing shall not be less than 0.3 mm, 0.4 mm and 0.5 mm for sheathing duets having intemal diameter upto 50 mam, 75 mm and 90 mm respectively For bigger diameter of dues, thickness of sheathing shall be based on recommendations of prestressing system supplier. 3.6.14. The sheathing shall conform tothe requirements specified in Appendix-14 and atest certificate shal be furnished by the manufacturer 3.61.5. The joints of all sheathing shall be water tight and conform fo the provisions contained in Appendix-2, 3.62. Corrugated HDPE sheathing ducts 3.62.1. Unless otherwise specified, the material forthe ‘ducts shall be high-density polyethylene with more than 2 per cent carbon black to provide resistance to ultraviolet degradation and shall have the following properties Specific Deny 0956 gem’ at 290 Yield Sexe 180 Nim? ‘Tense Senet 210 Nin ‘Shore Hardness DS se, vale | tise vue | St Notch impact seeogth at 26 | 10 bin? Are i Adin? Cocfcet of Thema! Expansion fc 200 "BOC 1.50x 10+? 3.62.2. The thickness of the wall shall be 23 + 0.3 mm 1s manufactured and 1.5 mm after los inthe compression test, for duet size upto 160 mm OD. IRC: 18.2000 3.62.3. The ducts shall be corrugated on both sides. The iets shall tansmit fll tendon stength from the tendon tothe surrounding conerete over a length not greater than 40. duct siameters 3.62.4. These ducts shall be joined by adopting any one ‘or more of the following methods, a¢ convenient {0 suit the individual requirements ofthe location, subject to the satisfactory Pressure tests, before adoption. Screwed together with le sd female heads + oining wih thick walled HDPE sik coupes with ee. This an alo be ued for connection with txpet ee + Weling wit loots coupes ‘The joints shall be able to withstand an internal pressure of 0.5 bar for S minutes as per test procedure given in Append 14, 4 CONCRETE, Concrete shall be in accordance with Clause 302.6 of IRc2i ‘5 LOADS AND FORCES 5.1. The loads and forces and load combinations as per IRC.6-1966 and as applicable forthe given structure shall be duly aecounted for 5.2. All etitical loading stages shall be investigated. The stages stated below may normally be investigated Suge pressing i) Consrution suger including tempera lang, anspor ning and erection or any occasional lis that may ost hing loeehing of idem cling pac i any ie: 182000 (i) The design loads as per load combination of 5.1 above including the following csr sages (@) Seve Dead Louth Pree with il lowes, (@) Service Dand Lond Live Loads Pretest wit full ots (is) For the cambination of loads with differential temperate ‘tient fet, mau 30 per cent five load tall Be ensiered and say tne eet sbll be taken ome of By provising sequstety donned unesvoned eel bet fe nck ih ine pte 9 RET hl py However inthe eae of precast septal consrstion tein stl be pemited under ths lad cumbnaton. (0) Urination, a per Chase 12. 6. STAGE PRESTRESSING ‘Stage presttessing is permissible, The number of stages of prestessing and grouting shall be reduced to the minimum, preferably not more than 2. However, concrete shall have tained a strength of not less than 20 MPa before any Prestressing i applied, 2. PERMISSIBLE STRESSES 1 CONCRETE 2. Permiible Temporary Stress ta Conerte ZAL1 These sess cleat afi acon for uM npopat es, earn tthe ge of conan, pe Cine Th 1112, The compresive sess produced du 1 ning mentioned in Cse 32 (i shal not enced 0. hich shall fore moc thr 20 Ma, whee fs be cone sangha thartine sijelo & msioum vals off ke: 18.2000 7.413, tall transfer the cube stength of concrete shall not be less than 0.8 f.. Temporary compressive stess in the extreme fre of concrete (including stage prestressing) shall not exceed 0.50 f, subject to a maximum of 20 MPa, 7.14. ‘The temporary tensile stresses in the extreme fibres of concrete shall not exceed I/10th of the permissible temporary compressive stress inthe concrete 72. Permissible Stress in Concrete during Service 721. The compressive stress in concrete under service loads shall not exceed 0.33 fy 722. No tensile sess shall be permitted. in. the ‘concrete during service. 723. If precast segmental elements are joined by prestessng, the stresses inthe extreme fbres of conerete during service shall always be compressive and the minimum compressive stress in an extreme fibre shall not be less than five per cent of maximum permanent compresive stress that may be eveloped in the same section. This provision shall not, however, apply to cross prestressed deck slabs. 7.24. The structure shall also be checked for 20 per cent higher time dependent losses like creep, shrinkage, relaxation, ete. Under this condition, no tensile stress shall be permitted, 73. Permissible Bearing Stress Behind Anchorages, ‘The maximum allowable stress, immediately behind the anchorages in adequately reinforced end blocks may be calculated RC: 18.2000 by the equation ere f ~ the pest compressive contit ses in conrete lncadng acy prevaing wrest in the cu of Intermediate anchariges = ‘he beanie aes ofthe ncbrage converte in shape o 2 Squte of equivalent ar ty ~ the maximum ae ofthese tat canbe cntind Wwithis the. member without overlapping, the conesponding area of adjacent ‘nchoriger, ted Eonceatic with te being ea 4, The above va of bering tess pene oly ‘tthe projection of cont ofa eat 30min whichever i more all und the anchorape, where eas shown in Fg a5 thy, 4 4 ig nc 18.2000 (i) Where embedded anchorages are provided, the ‘enforcement dei, comet sengt covet sna otc dimensions shal conor tote menace = Speciestane pci rte ‘iy The pease operating on he anchorage shal be taken ‘re lowing for lanes dc to eeep aad shane of concete an reataton of lec, bt ae along far tosses due 9 else shrening and sean orgs. 8. PERMISSIBLE STRESSES IN PRESTRESSING STEEL ‘Maximum jack pressure shall not exceed 90 per cent of 0.1% proof stress. For the purpose of this Clause 0.1% proof stress shall be taken as equal to 85% of minimum Ultimate ‘Tensile Suength (UTS), 9. SECTION PRoERTIES 9.1. For members consisting of precast as wel as east in- sit units, due consideration shall be given to the different ‘moduli of elasticity of concrete in the precast and insite Portions. 92. Openings in Concrete Section For the purpose of determining the flexural stresses both riot to and after grouting of the cables or tendons, the Properties of the section such as area, position of centroid and Moment of inertia may be based upon the full sccion of the concrete without deducting forthe atea of longitudinal openings left in the concrete for prestessing tendons, cable ducts or sheaths, No allowance forthe transformed area ofthe prestesing tendons shall, however, be made, Deduction shall be made for the holes of sransverse restressing tendons at setions where they occur, for determining the stresses before grouting of these holes, IRC: 16.2000 93. Minimum Dimensions 93.1. ‘7 beams 93.1.1, The thickness of the web shall not be less than 200 mm plus diameter of duct hole, Where cables cross within the web, suitable inrease inthe thickness over the above value shall be made, 9.3.12. The effective width ofthe flange of a 7’ beam shall conform to Clause 305.15.2 of IRC:21. 9.3.3. The minimum thickness ofthe deck slab including that at cantilever tips shall be 200 mm., In case of mulicbeam arangemeat, t last to cross girders, one at each suppor, shall be provided. For bridges, having beam and slab type of superstructure, the number of longitudinal beams shall ot be les than 3 except fr single lane and pedestrian bridges. The depth ofthe end cross gides shall be suiaby adjusted to allow acess for proper inspection of bearings and faitate positioning of jacks for future iting ofthe super-stactue. The thickness of exoss girders shall ot be less than the minimum web thickness of longitudinal girders. 9315, Incase ofcmposteconstrcton wit prestesed concrete girders and RCC deck sab, the soft of deck lb hall bein lin withthe top of the lange ofthe girders. 932, Box girders 93.2.1, ‘The thickness of the web shall not be less than 4136 plus twice the clear cover 10 the reinforcement pls diameter ofthe duct hole where ‘dis the overall depth ofthe box ptder measured from the top ofthe deck slab to the Botom ofthe soft or 200-mm plus the diameter of duct bole, 2 RC: 16.2000 Whichever is greater. Where cables cross within the web, suitable increase inthe thickness over the above shall be made, In case of cast in sity cantilever constuction, if the prestressing cables are anchored in the web, the web shall be locally thickened to not less than 350 mm nor less than that recommended by the prestressing system manufacturer, subject to design requirement. 9.32.2. The thickness ofthe bottom flange of box gitder shall be not less than 1/20th of the clear web spacing at the junction with bottom flange or 200 mm whichever is more. For top flange minimum thickness shall be as pee Clause 9.23. For top and bottom flange having prestessing cables, the thickness of such flange shall not be less than 150 ‘mm plus diameter of duct hole. 9.324. In box giders, effective and adequate bond and shear resistance shall be provided a the junction of te web and the slab, The slabs may be considered as an integral part of the Birder and the entire width may be assumed to be effective in ‘compression. For very short spans or where web spacing is excessive or where overhangs are excessive, analytical investigation shall be made to determine the effective ange width. For cantilever construction, preference shall be ssiven to box type cross section with diaphragms provided at supports. Sudden change in depth of superstructure should not bbe permitted. For reducing the thermal effsct suitable ventilation should be provided in box sections. 93.2.6, Haunches of minimum size of 300 mm (horizontal) snd 150 mm (vertical) shall be provided at the four extreme RC: 182000 inner comers of the box section. For all other comers fillets of suitable size may be provided. Tae minimum clear height inside the box girders shall be 1.$ m to facilitate inspection, 9.4, Diaphragms/Cross Girders Diaphragms shall be provided depending upon design requirements. The thickness of diaphragms shall not be less than the minimum web thickness 10. MODULI OF ELASTICITY 10.1. Modulus of Elasticity of Stee (E,) 10.1.1. For the purpose of design the following nominal values of modulus of elasticity can be assume except where the ‘manufacturers certified values or test results are available Tabet Type of weal Modus of cacy Phin tad wis (conforming 18:75 ad 15:50) nix igh tensile sel bars sled or eat ened (conforming 1152050) 20x 101 ‘Stans (cforms to 18606) 195 x 10 10.1.2, Representative values of modulus of elastieity as supplied by the manufacturers or as per test results based on one test of 3 samples for every lot of 10 tonnes or par thereof shall bbe used for verification of the elongation calculations, 102. Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete (E) Unless otherwise determined by tests, the modulus of lastcty, £, of concrete shall be assumed to have a value ‘The value of the modulus of etastityE, of the concrete 4 days may be taken to be, eon FZ 11, LOSSES IN PRESTRESS Decrease in presiress in steel due to fiction, seating of anchorages and elite shortening shall be deemed tobe instan- taneous, while that due to ereep, shrinkage and relaxation of| steel is time dependant. Both losses shall be caleulated on the following bass ILL Blastie Shortening ‘The loss due to elastic shortening of concrete shall be computed based on the sequence of tensioning. However, for design purposes, the resultant Toss of prestress im tendons tensioned one by one may be caleulated on the basis of half the product of modular ratio and the sess in concrete adjacent 10 the tendons averaged along the length. Altematvey the loss of prestess may be computed exactly based on sequence steessing 112, Creep of Concrete The strain due to creep of concrete shall be taken as specified in Table 2

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