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Environmental Impact Assessment Review 102 (2023) 107188

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Environmental Impact Assessment Review

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A causal network approach using a community well-being framework for

an initial impact assessment of large-scale energy infrastructure projects
Yuwan Malakar *, Luk J.M. Peeters, Andrea Walton, Dan O'Sullivan
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Organisation (CSIRO), Australia


Keywords: Impact assessment as a discipline continues to evolve and search for ways to address challenges that are wicked,
Impact assessment methodology systemic, and unconventional. More guidance however is required on integrating multi-disciplinary and novel
Social impact assessment approaches without losing the richness of impact assessments. This paper explores integrating the causal network
Environmental impact assessment
approach, underpinned by a community well-being framework, into environmental and social impact assess­
Hydrogen energy
ments. We do this by using a hypothetical scenario of large-scale green hydrogen industry in Australia and
engage an interdisciplinary team of experts representing a broad experience across the social, economic, and
environmental sectors, via interviews and a workshop. The result is a complex detailed causal network, depicting
both environmental and social risks and opportunities associated with the hydrogen industry. We discuss using
simple and complex versions of causal networks as both are needed to when communicatng with all relevant
stakeholders. We found that the causal network approach is useful for the initial scoping of potential social and
environmental impacts, especially for a multi-disciplinary team. Three areas were identified to further strengthen
such an approach to facilitate a fully-fledged impact assessment in a real case. First, causal relationships need to
be evaluated to assess the magnitude of the impacts and identify mitigation measures and incentives. Second,
stakeholders, including local communities, should be involved throughout the assessment process, beginning
from the conceptualisation of such assessments. Third, the causal network approach presented in this paper is
likely to benefit from incorporating ecological frameworks (or similar) to expand environmental pathways in the

1. Introduction (1) environmental and social risks and the associated impacts that a
development may cause, and (2) actions necessary to manage these risks
The assessment of any impacts a project may cause to the environ­ and maximise opportunities (du Pisani and Sandham, 2006; Emerson
ment and society is a critical first step to a successful delivery of the et al., 2022; Zhang et al., 2013).
project. Environmental impact assessment (EIA) and social impact The biophysical environment and human society are intertwined;
assessment (SIA) are two key approaches in this regard. Although both hence, their risks and impacts are also interconnected (Grace and Pope,
approaches existed since the 70s (Esteves et al., 2012; Vanclay, 2020), 2021; Slootweg and Vanclay, 2001). Scholars and practitioners there­
the Brundtland Report and the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, which fore see value in approaches that enable a system level assessment of
introduced the idea of sustainable development (George, 1999; Hajian environmental and social impacts of planned interventions (Dendena
and Jangchi Kashani, 2021), further emphasised the need for assessing and Corsi, 2015; Hacking and Guthrie, 2008; Josimović et al., 2021).
the impacts of developmental projects on human and nature collectively Our focus in this paper is to explore an approach that facilitates a sys­
(Morgan, 2012; Wood, 2013). Since then, EIA and SIA have been rec­ tems view of environmental and social impact assessments (ESIAs),
ognised as instrumental in achieving sustainable development, which unlike traditional conceptual models that typically lack practical gran­
has fuelled the rapid institutionalisation of these assessments (Reynolds, ularities and nuances that systems hold (Suter, 1999). Without a deeper
2023). In many jurisdictions, legislative requirements necessitate such understanding of a system that may be impacted by a development, it is
assessments, albeit as separate entities, for any development approvals. extremely challenging to achieve and render the assessments of impacts
Two central objectives of EIA and SIA are to inform decision-makers of (Audouin et al., 2015; Perdicoúlis, 2016). Such ESIAs are, therefore, at

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (Y. Malakar).
Received 27 February 2023; Received in revised form 6 June 2023; Accepted 10 June 2023
Available online 16 June 2023
0195-9255/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
Y. Malakar et al. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 102 (2023) 107188

risk of leading to the generation of mitigation measures that are too materialised (Aven and Thekdi, 2021). To reiterate, this paper explores a
broad and reflect general narratives, creating difficulty to act upon those causal network approach and does not carry out an impact assessment of
measures (Singh et al., 2020). large-scale hydrogen production in Australia.
A limited number of approaches exist that enable a systems under­
standing of risks and the associated impacts of a development. Kelly 2. Overarching theoretical framework
et al. (2013), for example, explored five such approaches namely, system
dynamics, Bayesian networks, coupled component models, agent-based 2.1. Causal network approach
models, and knowledge-based models. The authors feature these ap­
proaches from the perspective of a model developer and focus on inte­ The causal network used in this study formally encodes a cognitive
grated environmental assessment and modelling. System dynamics and map or conceptual model of a system into a signed directional acyclic
Bayesian networks are well-known and widely used in impact assess­ graph (DAG) (VanderWeele et al., 2008; VanderWeele and Robins,
ments; they enable an understanding of the cause-and-effect relation­ 2007). A DAG consists of a set of nodes, connected by links, also referred
ships between the elements of a system. For example, Grace and Pope to as edges. Each link represents a causal relationship between two
(2021) and Audouin et al. (2015) illustrate the use of system dynamics in nodes. For instance, a causal relationship between civil construction and
cumulative social impact assessment. Sperotto et al. (2017), for employment opportunities is captured as:
example, explore Bayesian networks to assess climate change impacts on
civil construction→employment opportunities
natural and human systems. Although both approaches are network-
based, system dynamics favours feedback loops, whereas Bayesian net­ The direction of the link expresses the assumed causality; civil con­
works relies on causal linear relationships. In this study, we employ a struction activities cause employment opportunities and not the other
causal network approach, which uses causal linear relationships like way around. The combination of all the nodes and links forms a network
Bayesian networks, to explore to what extent such an approach can of causal relationships. A causal pathway is the set of nodes and links
improve understanding the reality of multiple relations, especially the that connect a starting node with an end node. Causal networks are
risks a development may ensue on the social and the biophysical envi­ acyclic, i.e., a causal pathway cannot link back to a parent of a node. An
ronment. In particular, we explore the causal network approach often discussed drawback of DAGs is the issue of not representing
described by Peeters et al. (2022) in their study to assess environmental feedback loops and bidirectional multi-conditioning (Suzuki et al.,
impacts associated with a large unconventional gas resource 2020). The choice of DAGs as theoretical underpinning of causal net­
development. works necessitates the adoption of a strict logical interpretation in which
Impact assessment as a discipline is continuously evolving, with the a cause always needs to precede its effect (Dambacher et al., 2002).
proliferation of different impact assessment types, Morrison-Saunders Feedback loops and interactions are inconsistent with this as encoding
et al. (2014) argue that there is a risk of creating silos and dilute the these in a causal network will break the causality (a feedback loop will
value of interdisciplinary work. They suggest increased integration of result in an effect preceding a cause). Representing such features in a
approaches in impact assessment instead of creating a new branch. Our causal network is possible by explicitly acknowledging the time
key objective in this study is to integrate a causal network approach in component, for instance through ‘direct employment opportunities’ and
ESIA and explore logical pathways to distinguish causes and effects ‘indirect employment opportunities’. It is challenging to capture these in
(Chen, 2009) and provide insights into cause-and-effect relationships a causal network and that is exactly one of the strengths of this
between development activities and their impacts (Vanclay, 2003). approach. It enforces researchers to be very explicit about the direction
A causal network approach is a technique to study multiple re­ of causality and the sequence of events.
lationships between activities and impacts of complex systems (Brismar, The final part of the definition is that the links in the causal network
2004; Niemeijer and de Groot, 2008b; Voegeli et al., 2019). It provides a are signed (VanderWeele and Robins, 2010). An edge labelled with ‘+’
holistic perspective of the phenomenon under study by identifying indicates a direct causal connection, i.e., an increase in the starting node
complete chains of relationships between the elements of a system leads to an increase in the end node, or vice versa. An edge labelled with
(Ackermann and Alexander, 2016; Ortiz-Lozano, 2012). The causal ‘-’ indicates a link has an inverse causal connection, i.e., an increase in
network is an articulation of thought processes that facilitates iterative the starting node leads to a decrease in the end node, or vice versa, a
improvement (Eden, 1992; Qazi et al., 2023). Importantly, Perdicoúlis decrease in the starting node leads to an increase in the end node.
and Glasson (2006) highlight that such an approach is necessary to The structure of the network allows to systematically assess for a
effectively explore where and how impacts (direct, indirect, or accu­ causal pathway, i.e., a sequence of logical cause-and-effect relation­
mulated) arise as the consequences of a planned development. However, ships, if an increase in the start node will lead to an increase or decrease
some theorists argue that a causal network approach is best suited to in the condition of the end node. Causal pathways for which an increase
predict and detect impacts on the biophysical environment; its scope in a starting node leads to an increase of an end node are labelled ‘op­
falling short when it comes to assessing impacts on the social environ­ portunity’ pathways, and causal pathways for which an increase in a
ment (e.g., Serje, 2017). Limited attempts have been made to concep­ start node leads to a decrease of an end node are labelled ‘impact’
tualise and implement a consolidated assessment of social and pathways. This is illustrated in Fig. 1. An opportunity causal pathway is
environmental impacts using causal networks (Aledo et al., 2015; Aledo a causal pathway in which all the signs are ‘+’ or where there is an even
et al., 2021). number of ‘-’ signs, while an impact causal pathway has an odd number
We aim to address this gap by exploring a causal network approach of ‘-’ signs. These results can be aggregated to make statements of the
and identify any challenges associated with such assessments. Using a overall direction of the effect of a starting node on an end node when
hypothetical case of large-scale hydrogen production facility establish­ there are multiple causal pathways between the start and end node. In
ment in regional Australia, we examine whether a causal network Fig. 1, both causal pathways between node A and node G are opportu­
approach can: (1) be comprehensive and logically consistent such that it nity pathways, as all the links along these pathways are direct causal
allows identification of actionable mitigation measures; (2) be suffi­ connections denoted with the ‘+’ sign. It can therefore be stated that an
ciently contextualised and adequately reflect the reality; and (3) increase in A will lead to an increase in G. Both pathways between node
represent social and environmental dimensions in a balanced way. In so A and node I are impact pathways as they each have an odd number of
doing, we define an impact as any positive or negative consequence inverse causal connections. An increase in node A will therefore result in
resulting from an activity; opportunities refer only to favourable out­ a decrease in node I. There are four causal pathways linking node A and
comes (ISO, 2018). Similarly, risk refers to a possibility of occurring any node H. Two of these are opportunity pathways (A→B→E→H and
+ + +

impact and the uncertainties with respect to the impact being

Y. Malakar et al. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 102 (2023) 107188

Fig. 1. Identifying impact and opportunities pathways; (a) shows a signed causal network diagram and a table with corresponding opportunity, impact and un­
defined pathways listed in (b).

A→C→E→H), and two are impact pathways (A→C→F→H and

+ + + + + − activities, stressors, processes, and endpoints (Peeters et al., 2022)
(Fig. 2).
A→D→F→H). In this situation it is not possible to unequivocally state
+ + −
The driver is a physical entity, the presence of which is likely to alter
whether node H will increase or decrease due to an increase in node A.
the existing social and environmental dynamics. Simply put, the driver is
Despite the use of the ‘+’ and ‘-’ sign, we refrain from using the terms the planned development that causes the changes in the social and
‘positive’ and ‘negative’ to describe the pathways as this can lead to
biophysical and social environment. It is the crux of impact assessments,
ambiguity and confusion in the interpretation of the results. For the development of which create the risks and impacts that need iden­
instance, civil construction leading to an increase in employment op­
tification and evaluation.
portunity leads to a decrease in poverty. This is an impact pathway, as The development of a driver causes multiple planned activities, which
there is an odd number of inverse relationships; hence, an increase in
are essential for a successful development. To systematically map the
civil construction will lead to a decrease in poverty. A decrease in potential impacts of a driver, it is critical to identify all the involved
poverty is generally considered a positive outcome, so it would be
activities so that no causal pathways are left unidentified (Aledo-Tur and
counterintuitive to denote this as a negative pathway. It is apparent from Domínguez-Gómez, 2017). This requires an in-depth understanding of
this example that the terms used to define nodes have a large influence
what is required in the planning, construction, operation and decom­
on the sign assigned to causal links. We attempted to wherever possible missioning of a project. Activities are planned and intentional. For
use neutral terms to describe nodes and avoid value laden terms, for
instance, civil construction, such as earthworks, is an essential activity
instance by choosing the term ‘cost of living’ instead of ‘poverty’. The set to realise an infrastructure project and is therefore planned and
of causal impact and opportunity pathways for a causal network can be
used to identify inconsistent or counterintuitive impact or opportunity Stressors are the changes, both intentional and unintentional, in the
pathways, which often points to nodes and links that are poorly defined
social and biophysical environment caused by the activities. Stressors
and require refining (Niemeijer and de Groot, 2008a; Perdicoúlis and put pressure on the social and biophysical environment by changing the
Glasson, 2006). We have discussed examples of such pathways in the
characteristics of the system. For example, the activity civil construction
discussion section. can cause an increase in the stressor vehicle movements, which is
It is important to note that the analysis above is limited to the di­
planned and intentional. Civil construction can however also lead to the
rection of the change, not the magnitude of the change. It allows as­ stressor accidental spills during refuelling of earthmoving equipment.
sessors identify which causal pathways have potential to lead to a
This stressor is neither planned nor intentional but needs nevertheless to
material increase or decrease in the end nodes. Assessing if these be accounted for in the causal network.
changes are material and required mitigation (for impact pathways) or
Processes are the dynamics that are naturally occurring in the system,
which would benefit from incentives (for opportunity pathways) is even without the existence of the project. Stressors cause changes in
beyond the scope of the present study. Peeters et al. (2022) provide an
these processes affecting the characteristics of the social and biophysical
approach to assess materiality and mitigation strategies for impact
environment. For example, traffic accidents (a process) occur on all
pathways, but not for opportunity pathways. Drawing from causal net­
kinds of roads. The increase in vehicle movement (a stressor) due to
works used in environmental impact assessments, causal networks
project activities could potentially increase the number of traffic
benefit from a structured categorisation of node types into drivers,

Fig. 2. Components of a causal network approach.

Y. Malakar et al. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 102 (2023) 107188

Endpoints are the elements of the social and biophysical environment Table 1
that we care about and are the ones potentially impacted by the estab­ Domains of the community well-being framework.
lishment of the project. Domains Description Dimensions

Environmental Refers to the quality of the • Environmental

2.2. Community well-being framework as endpoints well-being biophysical environment in which quality
people live. It reflects the quality • Environmental
To conceptualise a causal network approach for the assessment of of interactions between human management
and the biophysical environment
social and environmental impacts we use the concept of well-being. This
(e.g., water, soil, air, noise, nature
concept has been used in the impact assessment literature previously. reserves, parks and biodiversity).
Smyth and Vanclay (2017), for example, propose the ‘Social Framework’ Social well-being Refers to the quality of a person's • Personal safety
as a conceptual model for identifying impacts of large projects on peo­ life in the social sphere. It includes • Local trust
ple's well-being, for which they list eight categories: land, people, all the aspects that make a person • Community spirit
feel a sense of belonging in the Community cohesion
community, culture, livelihoods, infrastructure, housing, and the envi­

community, in which the person • Community
ronment. Grace and Pope (2021) also highlight that well-being has a trusts others and vice versa. participation
central role in the process of cumulative social impact assessment, in • Social interaction
which impacts on the biophysical and social environment are collec­ Political well- Refers to the environment in • Local decision making
being which members of the community and citizen voice
tively assessed. Additionally, they identify natural, economic, social,
feel empowered to voice their
and human capitals as dimensions of well-being. Furthermore, the In­ concerns in decision-making
ternational Principles of Social Impact Assessment recognise the well- processes about the issues that
being of the community should be a core indicator against which im­ matter to them.
pacts of a planned intervention should be assessed (Vanclay, 2003). Physical well- Refers to the quality of and the • Services and facilities
being access to essential infrastructure • Town appearance
In this study, we employ a community well-being framework
and services, such as roads, • Roads
(McCrea et al., 2015, 2016; Walton and McCrea, 2020) to inspire the hospitals, schools, shopping
definition of endpoints. Community and well-being are two key compo­ centres. It also includes the quality
nents of this framework. Community represents the notion of collective of visual appearances of local
actions, living together, and shared social values and place, whereas areas.
Economic well- Refers to income sufficiency and • Income sufficiency
well-being reflects the collective sense of satisfaction felt by the mem­ being opportunities for employment and • Employment and
bers of the community at a point of time (McCrea et al., 2015). Inherent businesses among the community business
to the sense of satisfaction is the subjective evaluation of what the place members. opportunities
offers and what is expected from the place, as such a positive evaluation Health well-being Refers to maintaining sound • Physical and mental
physical and mental health of the health
reflects a higher level of satisfaction and hence greater well-being.
community members.
Therefore, Forjaz et al. (2011, p.734) defines community well-being as
“the satisfaction with the local place of residence taking into account the
attachment to it, the social and physical environment and the services and to play a significant role in the decarbonisation of heavy transport,
facilities.” Similarly, Schirmer et al. (2021) underscores the services shipping, domestic and industrial natural gas use, electricity generation,
needed to support a high quality of life for the members of a community steel making and the production of urea for fertilisers and explosives
and are key to community well-being. Impact assessments are connected (Abdel-Basset et al., 2021; Baykara, 2018; IEA, 2021; IRENA, 2019). In
with the context in which a development is proposed or under devel­ 2019, Australia released its National Hydrogen Strategy with a vision to
opment (Bond et al., 2022), community well-being provides the con­ establish “a clean, innovative, safe and competitive Australian hydrogen
textualised information of a community, the evaluation of its industry” (Commonwealth of Australia, 2019, p.27). To enable hydrogen
interactions within the members and with the natural and physical en­ industry development, the strategy aims to reform national regulations
vironments. For the evaluation purpose, community well-being can be for all jurisdictions and review Commonwealth laws. Additionally, the
divided into several domains (Christakopoulou et al., 2001; Sirgy et al., national strategy prioritises expediting technology development and
2010), we, however, employ the six domains of community well-being commercialisation through hydrogen research and development. The
proposed by McCrea et al. (2015) and Walton and McCrea (2020). strategy committed considerable funding for hydrogen projects together
These six domains and the associated 15 dimensions are presented in with enabling regulatory arrangements and technical capability. The
Table 1. number and scale of hydrogen related projects are likely to grow rapidly
A community well-being framework provides a broad structure to in the country. As at 2022, there were >100 hydrogen projects at various
identify potential social impacts, where social impacts refer to “the scales either in operation or under development in Australia (CSIRO,
impacts experienced by humans in either corporeal (physical) or 2022). Furthermore, a recent study finds Australian public generally see
cognitive (perpetual) sense” (Vanclay, 2002, p.191). For example, an hydrogen energy as a favourable future energy source (Scovell and
increase in population, due to a development, results in effects on the Walton, 2023).
community's well-being, be it the loss of community cohesion (social Hydrogen production, distribution, storage, and use necessitate a
well-being) or the addition of new services and facilities (physical well- complex set of activities, including, for example, establishing new in­
being). The change in population is a social change process, a de­ frastructures, accessing water and electricity, and import of essential
mographic process, which results in social impacts (Vanclay, 2002). In materials. Therefore, decision-making around hydrogen production
light of this, we see the use of a community well-being framework as must account for any environmental and social impacts that may arise
endpoints in the causal network are relevant, irrespective of the effects well before the industry has established. Against this backdrop, we
of development acting directly or indirectly on wellbeing. developed a large-scale hydrogen production scenario (Box 1), inspired
by some of the large-scale projects that are currently proposed in
3. Methods Australia. We used this scenario to engage with our research participants
to develop a causal network for the assessment of the potential social
3.1. Large-scale hydrogen production as a hypothetical scenario and environmental impacts. We purposefully kept the scenario infor­
mation relatively at high level and broad and made no direct reference
In this study, we used the development of a large-scale renewable to any existing brownfield sites, even though we recognise that context
hydrogen project in regional Australia as a driver. Hydrogen is expected

Y. Malakar et al. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 102 (2023) 107188

Box 1
Large-scale hydrogen production scenario

This establishment is a brownfield development, aiming to produce 100,000 t of ammonia from hydrogen per year in an industrial hub. The
energy requirement is >1 GW and will be sourced from a combination of wind turbines and photo-voltaic solar panels. The combined spatial
footprint will exceed 10,000 ha. A desalination plant will produce the required 1.5 GL/year from seawater and the brine will be disposed
There is access to basic infrastructure, such as national highway and gas pipelines, capable of transporting hydrogen, as well as a local regional
workforce. The construction phase is expected to last 5 years and will create >5000 direct jobs, while the operational phase will last up to 50
years, requiring 1000 ongoing local jobs. The current local community is of medium size (>10,000 population), and the main economic activity
in the region hosting the project is industry employment and tourism.

will play a significant role in understanding impacts. Note that the hy­ assessing social and environmental impacts, we relied on bringing
pothetical scenario assessed here only considered the hydrogen devel­ together the knowledge of experts across multiple disciplines. We argue
opment impacts and not existing brownfield infrastructures already in that the real-life use of this approach warrants involvement of com­
place. munity stakeholders. Having said this, we also want to acknowledge that
the use of experts in identifying potential impacts associated with a
3.2. Network development process large-scale project is common and has both advantages and drawbacks.
There are models that exist such as “knowledge-based models” that use
The development of the causal network topology with renewable expert knowledge elicitation to map potential impacts of an activity
hydrogen as a driver and the community well-being framework as a (Kelly et al., 2013).
structure for the network's endpoints, started with a causal network
structure that was based on a previous causal network for environmental 4. Results
impact assessment of unconventional gas resource development (Peeters
et al., 2022). This initial network in combination with the large-scale This section describes (1) the causal network of large-scale hydrogen
hydrogen production scenario provided the starting point for individ­ production in regional Australia that resulted from the interviews and
ual interviews with twelve experts. The experts represented a broad the workshop and (2) the formal identification of causal pathways be­
range of experience across the assessment of social, economic, and tween the driver and the endpoints. Noteworthy to reiterate that the
environmental risks and opportunities in relation to hydrogen energy. purpose of our engagement with the experts was to explore a causal
All participants were purposefully selected to cover all aspects necessary network approach in identifying and assessing environmental and social
for establishing and operating a large-scale industry. To select the par­ impacts, using large-scale hydrogen production as an example. The
ticipants, a list of potential experts was prepared (using publicly avail­ actual impact assessment of the development is beyond the scope of the
able information), and invitations were sent out via email and paper. The results we present here are to exemplify how a causal
telephone. The snowball method (Marshall and Rossman, 2011) was network approach could apply in such assessments. The limitations and
used to identify and recruit additional participants. On average, the future work are explained in Section 6.
duration of the interviews were 60 min. An ethics approval was obtained Fig. 3 shows the causal network diagram after the workshop. The
before the interviews and consents sought prior to the interviews to diagram reads from left to right (Driver → Activities → Stressors →
record audio. Three core objectives of the interviews were to: (1) Processes → Endpoint) and shows the cause-and-effect relationships
examine the use of a causal network approach for an integrated ESIA; (2) between the large-scale hydrogen production (the driver) and the end­
get feedback on the hydrogen development scenario and the structure points (social, environmental, physical, economic, political, and health
and logic of the network (3) explore the use of community well-being well-being). There are nine activities identified that are required to
framework as endpoints. establish the industry, linked to 12 stressors, 24 processes, and six
A convergent interviewing approach (Jepsen and Rodwell, 2008) endpoints. The colour coding of the edges (or links) reflects direct (blue)
was used to gradually refine the development scenario and the causal and inverse (red) relationships between nodes. The causal network has
network structure. Each interviewee was provided the network that 187 links, resulting in 2360 unique causal pathways connecting the
resulted from the interviews with the previous experts, meaning the driver and the endpoints.
network grew organically with experts commenting on others' inputs Table 2 summarises the number of impact and opportunity causal
helping overcome the complexity and challenges. After all interviews pathways between the driver and the endpoints that contain each of the
were finished, all the interviewed participants were invited for a half- stressors. Most of the stressors lead to both opportunity pathways, i.e.,
day hybrid workshop (in person and online). A total of 11 participants where an increase in hydrogen development leads to an increase in the
including two hosts attended the workshop. The objective of this endpoint condition, and impact pathways, i.e., where an increase in
workshop was to provide an opportunity for participants to provide their hydrogen development leads to a decrease in the endpoint condition.
inputs on the final version of the draft causal network. The workshop The stressors that are only connected to the well-being endpoints via
discussion was mainly focused on the structure of the network, checking impact pathways are accidental ignition, accidental release, invasive
the cause-and-effect logic embedded in the network, and providing an species, waste disposal and water extraction. Accidental ignition of fires
opportunity to further refine the network. The latter was especially due to industrial activities can cause bushfires, smoke and air pollution
important as the gradual refinement of the network (during interviews and can affect workplace safety (see Fig. 3). These in turn can affect
and the workshop) meant that the network that resulted from the series biodiversity, heritage, tourism, cost of living, debt, and emigration,
of interviews had evolved from the network the experts had seen in their which are linked to all well-being endpoints. Accidental release is any
individual interviews. A copy of the draft network was supplied to the uncontained spillage of chemicals. This can affect water quality and
participants prior to the workshop. Consents were sought to video re­ workplace safety, which in turn affects the economic, health and envi­
cord the workshop discussion. ronmental wellbeing endpoints. The spread of invasive species can affect
As we intended to explore an approach and its functionality in biodiversity and heritage condition, which links this stressor to the

Y. Malakar et al. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 102 (2023) 107188

Fig. 3. The causal network diagram showing social and environmental implications of large-scale hydrogen production.

Table 2
Summary of the number of impact (− ) and opportunity (+) pathways for each stressor and endpoint combination.
Stressors Endpoints Total

Economic Environment Health Physical Political Social

− 1 +1 − 1 +1 − 1 +1 − 1 +1 − 1 +1 − 1 +1

Accidental ignition 21 21 28 7 28 56 161

Accidental release 7 14 14 35
Invasive species 2 2 2 6
Waste disposal 6 18 6 6 6 42
Water extraction 3 9 3 3 3 21
Vegetation removal 6 3 9 5 2 2 6 2 8 5 48
GHG emissions 10 11 6 12 8 10 2 4 9 12 17 19 120
Land acquisition 2 3 1 1 2 1 5 2 4 5 26
Vehicle movement 18 6 18 18 4 10 18 4 32 10 138
Operation of industrial machinery 21 14 28 28 7 28 14 56 14 210
Demand for goods & services 128 48 64 32 8 104 32 200 88 704
Industry employment opportunities 136 64 88 32 136 40 232 120 848
Total 358 149 126 12 263 82 37 4 345 106 616 261 2359

environmental, political, and social well-being endpoints. The stressors condition of the economic, health, political and social well-being end­
waste disposal and water extraction are mostly associated with the points. The above pathway therefore suggests that vegetation removal
desalination activity, respectively the disposal of desalination brines and contributes to greater well-being. Since GHG emissions contribute to
extraction of water for desalination. These stressors are linked to water climate change, this pathway also follows s1, resulting in an opportunity
quality, biodiversity, and heritage, which in turn can negatively affect pathway. This pathway, however, seems counterintuitive to the general
the economic, environmental, health, political, and social well-being understanding of how vegetation removal affects the social and envi­
endpoints. ronmental system. We present this pathway as an example of counter­
The remaining stressors have both opportunity and impact path­ intuitive pathways that may emerge during the network development
ways. Vegetation removal is mostly associated with impact pathways as process. We explain the occurrence of pathways in Section 5.3 of the
it can lead to decrease in biodiversity, water quality, heritage condition discussion section.
and tourism. Vegetation removal is also linked to an increase in climate Land acquisition has only a few pathways associated with it. Impact
change. Decreases in these processes lead to decreases in all well-being pathways are associated with potential land price increases, changes in
endpoints they are connected to. The opportunity pathways however all land use and heritage condition, which eventually can lead to a negative
include the following sequence (s1): change in the economic, environmental, political, social and physical
well-being endpoints. Opportunity pathways on the other hand are
+ +
climate change → land use change → off − farm income associated with off-farm income generated by land use change. Usually,
Climate change puts pressure on farmers to seek off-farm income land acquisition has been identified as a significant issue in regional
generating options, which changes the way they use their land. An in­ areas (Vanclay, 2017), particularly if it overlaps with the interest of
crease in off-farm income is encoded to lead to an increase in the Aboriginal peoples in Australia (O'Faircheallaigh, 2009). This illustrates
that the number of pathways does not necessarily reflect the actual

Y. Malakar et al. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 102 (2023) 107188

impacts of land acquistion on society and the environment. pathways. This level of details was beneficial, as it allowed the network
The vehicle movement stressor is mostly associated with impact to represent very nuanced viewpoints but resulted in some counterin­
pathways, as it can lead to an increase in bushfires, climate change, tuitive or redundant pathways.
traffic accidents and light, air and noise pollution and a decrease in An illustration of a counterintuitive pathway is a positive effect of
public infrastructure condition and workplace safety. Opportunity hydrogen development on economic well-being due to an increase in
pathways that contain vehicle movement are limited to the pathways greenhouse gas emissions. This is counterintuitive as renewable
that can potentially lead to an increase of the condition of endpoints hydrogen production is seen as a way to decarbonise the economy. A
through the links between climate change, land use change and off-farm closer inspection of the causal pathways highlights that there is a posi­
income (s1). tive link from civil construction to climate change as earth moving
The operation of industrial machinery has mainly impact pathways equipment emit carbon dioxide. The stressor climate change increases
via the processes bushfire, biodiversity and light, air and noise pollution. land use changes, which increases off-farm income, which increases
Opportunity pathways arise through the potential decrease of land price, economic well-being. This causal pathway was not explicitly discussed
which can lead to an increase in cost of living and debt. by any of the interviewees and is considered an artefact of coding the
The demand for goods and services stressor features in over 700 cause-and-effect relationships in the causal network.
causal pathways to all endpoints except environmental well-being. Out An example of redundant pathways is the following pair of pathways:
of these, 504 are impact pathways and 200 are opportunity pathways. −
The main impact pathways are associated with increases in cost of Cost of living → Economic well − being
living, availability of services and facilities, labour shortages and de­ + −
creases in the availability or quality of public infrastructure. The main Cost of living → Debt → Economic well − being
opportunity pathways are associated with increases of regional capacity The first pathway captures in a general way that an increase in cost of
development and off-farm income. These pathways however can also living decreases economic well-being, while the second pathway high­
lead to indirect impacts or opportunities. For example, an increase in lights a specific way in which an increase in cost of living decreases
labour shortage can lead to an increase in regional capacity develop­ economic well-being, namely through an increase in household debt. To
ment, which ultimately increases economic, social, health and political identify impacts and opportunities, this more nuanced pathway does not
well-being. An increase in regional capacity development on the other present an added value in which hydrogen development can affect
hand, can lead to an increase in cost of living. economic well-being, it is a more nuanced expression of a pathway that
The stressor industry employment opportunities are included in 592 is already represented.
impact pathways and 256 opportunity pathways. The main opportunity The above examples of counterintuitive and redundant pathways
pathways are to the economic well-being endpoint, via an increase in illustrate challenges that a causal network approach may encounter
regional capacity development, immigration or off-farm income, or via a during the network building process. A deeper engagement with the
decrease in debt. Off-farm income also increases health well-being and experts will most likely help identify and resolve these issues. To reit­
regional capacity development increases social well-being. The main erate, the objective of this study was not to perform a complete impact
impact pathways are to economic well-being, via increased cost of assessment but to explore how a causal network approach using com­
living. Like the demands for goods and services stressor, the indirect munity well-being endpoints performs in developing the causal re­
pathways feature the same processes as the direct pathways, but they lationships of a driver with and among the endpoints. Therefore, no
can lead to an opposite effect. Immigration for instance is on the main further expert engagement to critically test what is encoded in the
opportunity pathway, but the association of immigration with increased network was conducted in this regard.
inequality and crime rate, can lead to decreases in economic, social and The iterative, nuanced development of the causal network, capturing
political well-being. When considering the above linkages and interviewees narratives, resulted in deviations from the well-being
comparing them to the needs of assessors involved in impact assess­ framework as initially proposed by Walton and McCrea (2020). For
ments it becomes clear how complex it is to map out all the connecting instance, political well-being in the original framework is about citizens
opportunities, impacts, causes and effects. The discussion now turns to having a say in local decision making and trust in local government. In
how this study and its participants shared their knowledge to improve the causal network, the political well-being endpoint is affected by
on this situation and add to the development of improved assessment processes such as land price, inequality, crime rate, land use change and
frameworks. heritage.
In order to address the three issues above (counterintuitive & long
5. Discussion pathways, redundancy in pathways and deviation from the original
well-being framework), we simplified the causal network by mapping
The discussion section focuses on the extent to which the causal the process nodes onto the 15 dimensions of the well-being framework
network and representation of the well-being framework as endpoints, (Table 3), such that there is only one process node between a stressor
addresses the main requirements for assessing environmental and social and endpoint.
risks and opportunities, namely, (1) comprehensive and logically Table 3 highlights that some dimensions of the well-being framework
consistent causal pathways; (2) contextualised reflection of reality; and did not readily correspond to process nodes in the causal network, such
(3) balanced representation of social and environmental opportunities as local trust, community participation, social interaction, town
and impacts. appearance and local decision making and citizen voice. Conversely, it
was difficult to find a corresponding dimension for the process node
5.1. Comprehensive and logically consistent causal pathways heritage. Based on the interviews and the workshop, we chose to add
heritage as a dimension to the social well-being endpoint.
The community well-being framework with its six dimensions pro­ In the simplified causal network (Fig. 4), we added two activities and
vides a good starting point to capture environmental and social aspects two stressors to create pathways to some of the social dimensions that
of a region. Using this framework as endpoints of a causal network were not well represented. The activity community engagement cap­
enabled the inclusion of a wide variety of aspects, ranging from local tures the interaction between the proponent and the local community.
economy to biodiversity, workplace safety and climate change. This leads to stressors community consultation, which describes infor­
To capture the narratives for cause-and-effect relationships vol­ mation sharing and discussion with the community on the planned ac­
unteered by interview participants, the resolution of the network was tivities, and corporate citizenship, about how the proponent participates
increased by adding process nodes. This led to detailed, but long causal

Y. Malakar et al. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 102 (2023) 107188

Table 3 (underlined in Fig. 4). This can be an artefact of the mapping and iter­
Mapping of causal network process nodes to the well-being framework ative network topology elicitation if cause and effect relationships are
dimensions. missed. An example can be town appearance. No interviewee discussed
Well-being Dimensions Causal network process potential impact on town appearance, but it is feasible that the growth in
endpoints construction work and vehicular movements can impact the appearance
Social Personal safety Crime rate, Bushfires of a town. It is also equally feasible that increased demand for goods and
Community cohesion Emigration, Immigration, Cultural services may increase income for town council, which can be used to
diversity restore the town appearance. Isolated nodes can however also be a
Community spirit Inequality
genuine result of the network analysis, indicating that these dimensions
Local trust N/A
Community participation N/A are not affected by large scale hydrogen development. Social in­
Social interaction N/A teractions are potentially affected if support for the development is
N/A Heritage contested within the community and the community becomes frag­
Environment Environmental quality Light, air & noise pollution mented or divided in its views affecting social relationships and social
Environmental Land use change, Biodiversity,
management Climate change, Water quality
Economic Income sufficiency Cost of living, Debt, Off-farm The path analysis in Table 4 identifies 185 unique pathways. This a
income, Land price fraction of the pathways in the full network. This highlights that
Employment and Labour shortages, Tourism, replacing the original process nodes with the well-being framework
business opportunities Regional capacity development
considerably reduces the complexity of the network. Even so, the overall
Physical Services and facilities Public infrastructure, Services &
infrastructure facilities insights are still evident in the simplified version with the majority of
Town appearance N/A opportunity pathways associated with economic well-being and the
Roads Traffic accidents majority of impact pathways associated with environmental well-being.
Health Health Diseases and illness, Workplace The simplified network also retains the feature of a social well-being
endpoint dominated by impact pathways, even though there were a
Political Local decision making N/A
and citizen voice substantial number of opportunity pathways leading to social wellbeing.
The additional activity and stressor nodes allow the network to
incorporate aspects of community engagement, which in the full
in the community, for instance through sponsorship of local sports clubs. network was not identified as a prominent feature, despite being
The activity regulatory approval describes the process to obtain mentioned by many of the interviewees. There are fewer counterintui­
approval from the relevant authorities for the planned activities, which tive causal pathways in Fig. 4. However, the abstraction of long chains of
is also linked to the stressor community consultation. Table 4 lists the processes into a single process node that corresponds to a dimension of
impact and opportunity pathways derived from the simplified network. the well-being framework loses some nuance, and the cause-and-effect
The dimensions of the well-being framework that could not be relationship is not intuitively apparent.
matched to processes in the full causal network result in isolated nodes, Finding the balance between a very detailed, but complex network
with no incoming links, in the simplified network appearance and a simplified network with limited nuance is an ongoing challenge in

Fig. 4. Simplified representation of the causal network, using the well-being framework dimensions as process nodes.

Y. Malakar et al. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 102 (2023) 107188

Table 4
Summary of the number of impact (− ) and opportunity (+) pathways for each stressor and endpoint combination for the simplified causal network.
Endpoints Economic Environment Health Physical Political Social Total

Stressors − 1 +1 − 1 +1 − 1 +1 − 1 +1 − 1 +1 − 1 +1

Accidental ignition 14 7 7 28
Accidental release 7 7 14
Community consultation 2 2 4
Corporate citizenship 2 2
Invasive species 2 2
Waste disposal 6 6 12
Water extraction 3 3 6
Vegetation removal 1 1 1 3
GHG emissions 1 2 1 2 1 2 9
Land acquisition 1 1 1 3
Vehicle movement 2 2 2 6
Operation of industrial machinery 7 7 14
Demand for goods & services 16 8 8 8 8 32
Industry employment opportunities 16 8 8 32
Total 3 34 44 2 31 0 10 0 0 2 37 22 185

developing network representations of systems (Barbrook-Johnson and framework also highlights the need for engaging local people as they
Penn, 2022; Buede and Ferrell, 1993; Marche et al., 2022). The highly have the local knowledge to evaluate what their place offers (Darling
detailed network was invaluable in understanding the system and et al., 2023; McCrea et al., 2015; Sirgy et al., 2010). There are benefits in
providing a scaffold for capturing discussions with the interviewees collaboration between various actors, including academic experts and
(Voegeli et al., 2019). The simplified network however is a first step for practitioners (Pope and Morrison-Saunders, 2022). In our study, we
the scoping purpose and making it amenable for a complete impact engaged experts as participants to assess potential social and environ­
assessment that considers materiality of impact and opportunity path­ mental impacts, using the community well-being framework. Since we
ways, as well as mitigation strategies and incentive schemes. used a hypothetical scenario to test the methodology, the involvement of
experts seemed valid. However, to run the same processes in the real-life
5.2. Contextualised reflection of reality context, it would be challenging to define the extent of involvement of
local communities, as the causal network approach is a resource inten­
Impact assessment approaches that restrict a systems view are sive approach, like most participatory system mapping exercises (Bar­
argued to be limited in scope because they lack contextual details (Bond brook-Johnson and Penn, 2021; Barbrook-Johnson and Penn, 2022).
et al., 2022). We used the community well-being framework with two
intents: (1) to consolidate environmental and social impact assessments; 5.3. Balanced representation of social and environmental dimensions
and (2) to help draw out the information that reflects the reality of the
context. Proponents of a community well-being framework argue that it To assess social and environmental risks and the associated impacts,
enables a deeper understanding of the location and the people that live we have argued in the earlier sections, an important criterion is the
in it (Brown et al., 2022; Christakopoulou et al., 2001; Forjaz et al., ability to reflect the two dimensions in a balanced way, which means
2011). Based on our exercises (interviews and the workshop) with the balanced representation of impact and opportunity pathways relating to
participants, we found merit to this claim. The causal network approach social and environmental endpoints. The community well-being
did provide a platform to reflect the place-specific impacts and oppor­ framework puts all the six dimensions on the same footing, which,
tunities likely to be ensued by the industry. For example, the region seemingly, provided a balanced way to investigate causality between the
being a brownfield, participants identified the availability of local skills driver and the endpoints. However, the causal network that we facili­
necessary to operate industrial machinery. Similarly, as the industry tated to develop has more social and economic pathways than envi­
aimed to desalinate seawater for electrolysis, participants raised ronmental. Although, both opportunity and impact pathways were
possible impacts on waste management and water quality, which were identified to be associated with the endpoints, the impacts outnumbered
already under pressure due to existing industries. the opportunities. A limited number of opportunity pathways were
We also found that the causal network approach suitable for found to be associated with the environmental well-being endpoint.
reflecting the contextualised reality, as the identification of causal re­ Here, we see two challenges remain to be addressed.
lationships relies largely on inductive processes (Perdicoúlis et al., First, one of the strengths of the community well-being framework is
2007). Using this causal network approach, we were able to unpack the its six dimensions. We have argued before that they reflect the basic
underpinning industry context and the possible effects that this industry aspects of a community to sustain and thrive, which helps to draw the
would have on a surrounding region and the host community. The contextualised reality of the community. Although, all dimensions are
ability to define the nodes and edges and put these in one place dia­ interconnected and work together to shape the well-being of the com­
grammatically provided a useful medium to describe the industry- munity, the dimensions may seem lopsided if we try to group them into
specific impacts. For example, the accidental release stressor refers to social and environmental dimensions. That is, five dimensions (social,
any spillage of chemicals that are specifically used in the hydrogen in­ political, physical, economic, and health well-being) can be grouped
dustry. Similarly, the labour shortage process refers to the unavailability into socio-economic dimensions as opposed to only one dimension for
of human resources with skills and expertise necessary for the hydrogen environmental well-being. This might have affected the causal network
industry. These examples emphasise the criticality of defining nodes and developed in this study as it has more socio-economic pathways than
edges so that the stakeholders who make decisions based on such as­ environmental. We also take this opportunity to identify a limitation.
sessments have a realistic picture of the industry context. The community well-being framework is largely a social framework,
However, context also encompasses place-based issues. It is well- with the biophysical environment given consideration only insofar as it
established in the impact assessment literature that local communities affects human well-being. The integration of other ecological frame­
are the best source of localised information (Aguilar-Støen and Hirsch, works, such as ecosystem services (La Notte et al., 2017), may help
2017; Gulakov et al., 2020; Vanclay, 2003). The community well-being strengthen the environmental aspects in the network. The network

Y. Malakar et al. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 102 (2023) 107188

development process may also benefit from an additional series of group Second, we found the engagement of multi-disciplinary experts is
interactions among a wider range of disciplinary experts. Moreover, key to identify possible risks and opportunities. However, for a fully-
providing sufficient opportunities for interdisciplinary interactions and fledged impact assessment, such approaches will require involvement
sharing of perspectives through multiple workshops could also ensure a from extended stakeholder engagement, including local communities
more balanced outcome between social and environmental pathways who have high stakes in any development in their region. It is possible
(Partidário et al., 2023). that causal networks developed with local communities based on real
Second, the fundamental premise of causality is to explain effects, case examples may look different because their contextual circum­
both opportunities and repercussions, by finding the causes of a stances can vary. Although our engagement with experts shows some
particular event (Barbrook-Johnson and Penn, 2022). Irrespective of positive signs that the causal network approach can accommodate
this, causal networks are mostly studied to identify negative conse­ contextual differences, a real case impact assessment will further pro­
quences to a large extent (Schmidt et al., 2005). We would like to argue vide an opportunity to test the usefulness of this approach.
that there may have been an epistemological influence. That is, the Third, the causal network approach presented in this paper though
advent of ESIAs was primarily guided by an objective to examine ‘what effective at identifying social effects was less effective at identifying
could go wrong’ because of a new development. It is believed that doing potential environmental impact pathways. The use of a community
so would allow decision makers to compare benefits of the development wellbeing framework as its end points under-represented the diversity
with negative consequences. This epistemology lens can be problematic and number of possible environmental impacts from the hypothetical
if the goal of a study is to assess impacts (positive and negative aspects of development. Incorporating ecological frameworks, such as ecosystem
a development). Therefore, there was, we suspect, a framing issue in our services or similar with the community wellbeing framework would
engagement with experts. We believe that more opportunity pathways strengthen and balance this causal network approach. Given the com­
would have been identified if we had asked more explicitly about the plexities associated with social and environmental domains, a shift from
potential of hydrogen energy industry opportunities instead of focussing an impact-oriented framing to a more holistic framing that encourages a
on its potential negative impacts (Vanclay, 2002). balanced discussion of risks and opportunities would enable the devel­
opment of a balanced causal network.
6. Conclusion
Author statement
This study contributes to the impact assessment literature by
exploring a causal network approach to identify and assess social and YM and LP designed the overall study, collected the data, performed
environmental risks and the associated impacts in relation to a devel­ the analysis, and drafted the manuscript; AW and DO contributed to
opmental project. To do so, we used the six dimensions of a community design the study, collect the data, and revise and edit the manuscript.
well-being framework as endpoints of the causal network to examine
social and environment impacts of a hypothetical scenario of large-scale
Declaration of Competing Interest
hydrogen industry. We examined whether the causal network approach
was able to show comprehensive and logical causal pathways, suffi­
The authors declare no conflict of interests.
ciently contextualised reflection of reality, and appropriately balanced
social and environmental dimensions. We found that a causal network
Data availability
approach along with the community well-being framework provided a
strong foundation to scope and initially assess social and environmental
The authors do not have permission to share data.
effects of a project on people. The approach was particularly useful in
identifying negative consequences though more limited in identifying
opportunities of the project.
Our study suggests that even though detailed networks are very
This project was funded by CSIROʼs Responsible Innovation Future
effective at accommodating most causal pathways, establishing a
Science Platform and CSIRO's Deep Earth Imaging Future Science Plat­
simplified network representing aggregated causes and effects is also a
form. The authors would like to thank all the participants for contrib­
valuable step for communicating and using the network practically. A
uting to this research.
simplified network provides a general view of the impacts for decision
makers to act on, without burdening them with a complex and detailed
network that is most suitable for practitioners. This would also help References
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