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Annexure R-2




Sub: Objections against Notification Under Section 4 done by the office of

Shri G. ajralingam, Principal Secretary to Govt., Punjab dated 05

04-2011 vide which Suhele Wala Minor is going to be extended

from R.D. 10930 to 45500 taking at R.D. 169800 Main Branch.

Respected Sir,

It is with reference to above mentioned subject I, the

undersigned applicant submits the following objections against
Notification under section 4 of Land Acquisition Act as under:
1. That the applicant has preferred-an' appeal against the order of
Divisional Canal Officer's order dated 19-02-2008 the same was
remanded by Learned S.C.O. Canal olony Ferozepur vide his
order dated 14-07-2009 and the D.C.O: had pleased to accept the

demand of the present objector along with other appellants for not
extending the Suhelewala Minor but to extend the Kalle Wala

Minor vide his order dated 07-06-2009 and no appeal was ever

preferred by anybody. Hence the order dated 07-06-2009 of the

D.C.0. Ferozepur become final. Again the D.C.0. Ferozepur passed
another order dated 30-09-2009 vide which he again order to

extend the Suhele Wala Minor. This order of D.C.0. was illegal,

null and void against the interest of the objector along with other
Landlords who's land fall under the Suhele Wala Minor if extended.

Thereafter the applicant/ objector along with other persons

preferred appeals before S.C.0., Canals Ferozepur who dismissed
the appeals filed against order dated 30-09-2009 vide his order

dated O04-05-2011. The present applicant/ objector has Civil Writ

Petition No 10686 of 2011 titled Smt. Kulvinder Kaur Versus SCO

Canals which is pending in the Hon'ble Punjab and Haryana High

Court at Chandigarh And other Landlords who's appeal was also
dismissed by SC.0are going to file the Writ Petition on the similar
footing in the Punjab and Haryana High Court at Chandigarh
2. That the applicant/ objector shall suffer loss of Rs. 100000

(Rupees One Lac) on account of Bore which will be demolished if

the Suhele Wala Minor is extended..

3. That the land of applicant /objector shall be bifurcated in to

smallpieces and it will be difficult for the applicant / objector to

irrigate the same as the land of applicant/ objector is already
bifurcated by Pucca Khal and Road. And the present extension will
leads to the small pieces of the land of the applicant/ objector.
Copy of Site Plan is attached herewith.
4. That Kalle Wala Minor is at a distance of about 7 acres and there

willbe a canger of same in this area and it will be better to extend

Kalle Wala Minor instead of Suhele Wala Minor as the level of land
at the xtension of Kalle Wala Minor is high whereas present
extension level is very low and there will be great problem in

irrigation the land.

5. That the new extension shall cross the existing Sem Nala which

will leads to the higher cost of construction which will leads to the

wastage of National resources.

6. That by the present extension there will be no passage to enter

the land of the applicant/ objector and bridges to all the land lord
can not be provided and this will be a irreparable loss to the

applicant /objector as the land of the applicant / objector is on


Kalle Wala Road. Moreover applicant/ objector is NRI and he will

suffer irreparable loss as every thing is done at his back by the

Department and he is unable to watch his interest in his absence.
7.That the land of applicant/ objector on Suhele Wala Kalle Walla
Main Road and it has Commercial Market Value and by the of

present extension the land of the applicant/ objector shall loose its
Commercial Value.

It is, therefore, prayed that the objections of the applicant/

objector may kindly be considered and the Suhele Wala Minor may
not be extended at all. And if it is deemed to be necessary then
Kalle Wala Minor be extended. And that only after the decision of
Writ Petition pending in the Hon'ble Punjab and Haryana High
Court at Chandigarh.

Submitted by:
Dated 13-06-2011 Beant Singh son of Shri
Gurpartap Singh resident of
village Suhele Wala Tehsil
Jalalabad District
Applicant/ Objector

True Copy
Sub Diyision officer
galalabad Canal Sub Division
C. C. Amirkhas

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