Satwat Phy SLO 1

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= Chapter 4 “MeasurEMents_Salana Salat O__-= SLO 144 Describe the importance of paysis tne F me te ‘ mss science because if we don't understand. hoes | __ puy__univewse _searks we cant _beqin to. -exploxe—it. p ” | ide have to _umderstaind thal the Moon is body, thal. orbits tart — before ee could ‘think To Abe basics were shaded under physics | vWe also have Lo understand the laws of gravity andthe distances ] {and movements beliseen bedies in space which _were—all_prosided by — 1 4 pleysics - - Bates, i | | ae Saar NER with astronauls alse came asa} 1 an feteree tt alibi bag {result of discoveries — pha asa ul aed | Spit also _contcluttes. tothe Ledanclagical tufrasteucture thal is-usedd. ab te —space—Lechanlagy iets intackels. Tie basic —mechanits ~is_proviced. by Ba ee | | needed fox_space Ledhanlagyy suhicl is _prauided by _pysits | oy The —cadtadtion ond their effects and causes are ae fox Space Lect “ uancerevals and aualions., 381 Soy pistes | >, The solarwind “and it's infeicactian sith Earth and Easth-near | space, Lo_caleuldbe Abe Space weather; basic playsict is yriced. 1 F {ea sai he lendin thee| ae File ay te _Speed aid _movere: oor ees | mt -andeffecks pakeisie © olay axt provided — be oe _}.33 “We shape —ssize and hoor vil it Slows, —ulich sail be the = | easiessh all omalyzed under pi | 44 ie ttetmalina—and calculation fies vesislance, frickion and. thet } | nestmcat — ave —Abe fails of pps inact elping as [ | ag Easier ste a. Nechniquecalled_syast i. | wel change a dtivedlion of Lladalaapaecteae | | vewiaws Ahied Loses fox en eR con_e9al_ond opposite | isa Une f_tonrls where —impaix emeuks ave remedialed, ees fe_is_improved by “he help of inlewvesst W\__ these. are faite f24 2 tae pea isa —iedical seferate——— Ls Pharmacy is aver = field of medica sine ia ay im ‘he —eale inn “combtning the great concepts ef muiclea— pi i Guranlarn _medwnics to the oe of wacleax medicine ——— cs \nag am —inerikalale, impescailive_xole—in—vasious— fields of = _ science and _mosl. omy pepe im the ae - a =? Physio Therap | eobility is_gremeted ancy +t taminaiion, aliaqacsis— OF yt nih oy Thermodynamics Jerreod janes is the branch of aia science Mek deals it the elations Netuseen heat ond —sihor farms —af-enesy }——_—_— Key wale foe the ~ lend pats <= ——Plrysics plays —a fa bls oft he kaantege rats era a ra HS testis aod agile “4 colneatcay tee Baste eles eee iH Jee ee : “ston “49 “af ameleqle (vince ene spent sich basen heer some ee . [Sioa Define the falls of iad eae iE ar NG a ee th el ] SE base nether bara sna of fsinl —— eS wantities and ore nclfoomed. “= _eooabsinalions — of olbare—esi'S2 4: Bt devtveds: unite 8 2 site oe Tatton too Stal measucemenl —compsined of = cooabinaltans of = | |_| These ave also called qeornelrical oyuanl ities. These ave. the smit's —vahicl ave wmot_| qt _classifich as Rase_o_devived units. See eee = entif| the componenls_of SLo\21 for various - —— (Beck page 4,5) stele obiceraetl aie <3 SLOLS2 Solve coord problems related to the uncertainits isthe derived apautity.—_(Mamerteals) Stolk Define presiiow and —accarat Stor 42 Déffererdiste Sais -peecisisn — amd acest} Reecisio —»feaatacsy ref — Ai weement elu sacasucemess oud the alas eval ‘ seacasuneristeiahictes Sua gat represents ty the 1 withe ‘ths , C Lit sialic exey. fay nial dep! _smuallect value —thel cama tbe meas = Hythe measucitay instrument is called | lent coun. Or measured values ave Bien lew pla oly This lue For esonsple —| s f ier sallipen i f soicsmacher Sct

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