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Experimental Investigation into the Quality of Rebars Used in Uganda’s Construction Industry




B.Eng. Mechanical & Manufacturing Eng. (KyU)



1.1 Background to the Study
Reinforcement steel bars, commonly known as rebars, are essential for reinforcing concrete structures
(Munyazikwiye, 2010). The construction industry is increasingly opting for high-strength Thermo-
Mechanically-Treated (TMT) steel bars for projects like flyovers, bridges, and tall buildings due to their
optimal mechanical properties (Ssempijja, 2019). If the rebars used in construction fall short of the
required properties, structural failures are bound to occur before their expected lifespan (Joshua et al.,
2013). Examining the quality of reinforcement steel bars, especially addressing production challenges
related to recycled metal scraps in Uganda's industries, holds great importance. Munyazikwiye's
research (2010) underscores the crucial role rebars play in extending the service life of construction
buildings and structures. However, the use of recycled metal scraps poses a significant issue, as noted
by Tariku Achamyeleh (2022), who highlights variations in mechanical properties due to feed
inconsistency and impurities. This situation has led to a premature conclusion that locally produced
reinforcement bars may be substandard, influencing consumer purchasing behavior (Tariku, 2020).

Despite existing research shedding light on challenges in producing reinforcement bars, a knowledge
gap persists regarding the causes of structural failures in developing nations, as emphasized by Nkem
Ede et al. (2014). The ongoing concern of durability issues with TMT rebars due to corrosion, outlined
by Dey et al. (2022), remains unresolved. Despite interventions using TMT bars to enhance durability,
uncertainties linger about the potential presence of substandard rebars in the market, posing risks to
construction projects (Joshua et al., 2013). Senfuka et al. (2011) highlighted a major challenge faced by
the Ugandan steel industry: the quality and quantity of appropriate steel scrap, leading to the use of low-
quality scrap and resulting in poor-quality steel. The lack of technical awareness in material testing for
construction steel may lead to design expectations falling short, affecting site control and compliance
(Arinaitwe & Nkubana, 2018). Uganda faces structural failures, causing fear and evacuations. Currently,
there is insufficient information on the actual behavior of reinforcing steel bars in Ugandan construction
(Namara, 2015).

Concerns about the quality of steel used in Uganda arise from suspicions about imported steel
reinforcing bars in neighboring countries (Arinaitwe & Nkubana, 2018). Building upon Ssempijja's
(2019) examination of 20mm TMT ribbed steel bars, this study will investigate the mechanical
properties of commonly used rebars in Uganda, including chemical composition, microstructure, tensile
strength, and bendability, to fill a knowledge gap.
1.2 Problem Statement
Uganda faces challenges in its construction industry, with over eight local steel companies producing
rebars and other steel products. Construction engineers encounter quality issues with locally produced
rebars, as some develop cracks during bending processes needed for structural designs. In heavy
construction projects like the Karuma dam and standard gauge railway, Uganda resorted to importing
rebars due to the quality of locally manufactured ones, incurring significant costs. The country has
witnessed the collapse of buildings and bridges, often attributed to poor-quality construction materials,
including rebars and cement. Despite such incidents, there is a lack of sufficient information on the
causes of these infrastructure failures. Examples include a collapsed building in Kazinga-Bweyogere
and another in Kisenyi-Kampala, and many others resulting in fatalities and financial losses for clients
while also damaging the reputation of engineers. Additionally, corrosion issues with supplied rebars
have been raised by clients, and construction artisans attribute the problem to improper storage.
However, investigations into the causes of such corrosion problems remain limited and unpublished.
This situation has led to a widespread blame game surrounding the quality of construction materials. To
address these issues, an investigation will be conducted to assess the quality of rebars, focusing on
parameters such as weight per meter, chemical composition, mechanical properties, and microstructure.
The results will be compared with industry standards, and provide valuable insights for policymakers
and stakeholders in the construction sector.
1.3 Main and Specific Objectives
1.3.1 Main objective
The main objective of this proposal is to investigate the quality of rebars used in Uganda’s construction

1.3.2 Specific objectives

1. To analyze the chemical composition of rebars used in Uganda’s construction industry
2. To determine the essential mechanical properties(tensile strength, yield strength and bendability of
rebars used in Uganda’s construction industry
3. To determine the microstructure of rebars used in Uganda’s construction industry
4. To compare chemical and mechanical properties to Uganda - East African standard, US-EAS-412-
2-2019, BS 4449:2005, and ISO-15630-1-2019.

1.4 Research Questions

1. How do variations in the chemical composition influence the overall quality and performance of
2. Do the eessential mechanical properties (e.g., tensile strength, yield strength) of the rebars under
investigation conform to the quality standards based on US-EAS-412-2-2019, BS 4449:2005,
and ISO-15630-1-2019?
3. Does the microstructure of rebars procured from different outlets conform to quality standards
based on US-EAS-412-2-2019, BS 4449:2005, and ISO-15630-1-2019?
4. Do the chemical and mechanical properties of steel conform to the standards?

1.5 Significance
Investigating the quality of reinforcement bars in Uganda's construction sector holds the utmost
importance for various reasons. This research aims to thoroughly examine the existing quality
parameters within the industry, contributing to the enhancement of construction practices. The
economic implications are substantial, as substandard rebars may result in premature deterioration,
leading to increased project costs. Upholding high-quality materials is crucial for establishing a positive
industry reputation, attracting investors, and fostering overall growth. Moreover, advancements in the
evaluation of reinforcement bar quality can drive innovations in materials science and construction
techniques, ultimately shaping the future of civil engineering in Uganda. This study seeks to provide
valuable information to rolling mills, regulatory bodies, and end-users of reinforcement steel bars
regarding potential causes of quality disparities in these bars. Additionally, it aims to suggest alternative
methods for improving the quality of bars produced from scrap materials
1.6 Justification
Ensuring the quality of reinforcement bars (rebars) in Uganda's construction sector is essential to
guarantee the stability, safety, and durability of buildings. This is critical for minimizing risks, adhering
to industry standards, and preventing premature structural failures caused by inferior rebars. Beyond the
immediate safety concerns, there is a sound economic rationale for prioritizing high-quality rebars, as
this can reduce the likelihood of costly repairs or replacements in the future. Additionally, maintaining a
reputation for using superior materials can attract investments, stimulate industry growth, and positively
impact the socio-economic well-being of local communities. The findings from such an investigation
will offer valuable insights for stakeholders in the construction and steel sectors, policymakers, and
consumers. Furthermore, initiating research on material quality can spur advanced studies in academia,
contributing to ongoing advancements in materials science.

1.7 Scope of the study

The study aims to comprehensively evaluate the quality of rebars of diameter size (8, 10, 12mm) bought
from four different hardware outlets utilized in Uganda’s construction industry. The focus will be on
various aspects, including the chemical composition, mechanical properties, and microstructure of

1.8 Conceptual frame work

This conceptual framework provides a structured approach to comprehensively investigate the quality
of rebars in Uganda’s construction industry by exploring various independent variables, dependent
variables, and anticipated outcomes aligned with the stated research objectives.

Independent Variables Dependent Variables Research Outputs

Type of rebars, grade, Properties (Tensile  Microstructural
size strength information of
Yield strength rebars
Bendability  Insights into the
Bending Angles, 1600
and 1800 Chemical composition relationship
between chemical
Microstructure and mechanical
 Testing apparatus and properties
 Heating and cooling rates

Intervening variables
Fig. 1.1: Conceptual framework

LITERATURE REVIEW (Still in development phase….)

Deo investigated the mechanical performance of Ugandan-made carbon steel bars (20mm TMT ribbed
bars) used in structural constructions. It revealed variations in carbon content, indicating a lack of
chemical composition control. The investigation included analysis of the chemical composition,
microstructure, tensile strength, and bendability, comparing results with BS 4449:2005 and East African
standard EAS 412-1:2005 based on ISO 6935. It was noted that the Universal testing machine was used
for bendability tests with fabricated jigs in this research. Three steel companies (coded as A, B, and C)
were studied, with carbon equivalent values falling within acceptable ranges. Mechanical performance
met standards, but carbon equivalent values showed variations in the 20mm steel bars. Deo’s Research
was closing the missing knowledge gap of 20mm TMT bars.

The literature will be reviewed in the outlined headings below

Causes of Structural Failures in Developing Nations
Steel Companies in Uganda
Rebar sizes and their Applications
Manufacturing processes of steel
Raw Materials Used in the Rebar Manufacturing Processes
Influence of chemical Composition on the quality of Rebar
Influence of Mechanical Properties on the quality of rebar
Bending Angles Used in Rebar Quality Tests
Influence of Microstructure on the Quality of Rebar
Alloying Elements
Relationship between the Rebars Produced from Recycled Scrap and Imported billets
3.0 Introduction
This chapter presents the experimental setup and the procedures for investigating mechanical properties
(tensile strength, yield stress bendability), analyzing chemical composition, microstructure of rebars,
and bendability of rebars.

3.1 Analyzing the Chemical and Mechanical Properties of each Set of Samples
Experimental Framework
The investigation will be conducted across two distinct laboratory settings, namely the chemical and
physical laboratories, with the primary objective of analyzing the chemical composition and mechanical
attributes (including tensile strength, yield stress, and elongation) of selected rebars. Rebars of varying
sizes (8, 10, and 12mm) will be procured from four hardware outlets. These rebars will undergo a series
of tests, and their performance will be juxtaposed against the standards outlined in US-EAS-412-2-
2019, BS 4449:2005, and ISO-15630-1-2019

3.2 Testing the Mechanical Properties of Rebars

Experimental Procedures for Testing Mechanical Properties of Rebars from Four Hardware Outlets will
involve the following.
1. Sample Selection:
Two rebars of each size (8mm,10mm, and 12mm) from four different hardware outlets will be obtained
and marked A, B, C, and D The rebars will be chosen randomly and will represent the variety available
in the market.

2. Material Labeling
Each rebar with the outlet identifier and size will be labeled as Fn where F will denote the hardware
outlet while n as rebar size and any other provided material specifications from the hardware outlets
will be recorded.

3. Preparation of Samples
The rebars will be thoroughly cleaned to eliminate surface contaminants and each rebar will be cut to
the required length for testing, ensuring uniformity across samples.
4. Universal Testing Machine
The universal testing machine will be set up according to standard procedures and configured for tensile
testing, considering the specific dimensions of each rebar. Tensile tests on each 8mm, 10mm, and
12mm rebar from hardware outlets A, B, C, and D using the universal testing machine will be
conducted. The ultimate tensile strength, yield strength, and elongation for both samples of each size
from each outlet will be recorded.

Overview of the Universal Testing Machine Setup and Procedure

1. A sample of rebar will be selected and its size and outlet identified as well.
2. A 500mm sample will be gripped between the upper jaws
3. Right and left-hand valves will be closed on the machine
4. Right-hand valve will be opened until the load drops to zero to remove the dead weight
of the machine
5. The hand valve will then be closed
6. The rebar will be gripped between the lower jaw and lock with a lock nut
7. The machine will then be started
8. The load will be tared and reset to zero
9. The file will have to be created on the computer program for testing
10. The file will then be saved
11. Parameters will be checked and the start test clicked from the computer
12. The hand valve of UTM will be opened slowly until the load is 20KN
13. Then the lock nut will be loosened
14. The rebar will then break at the maximum load
15. Remove broken samples and measure the extended and reduction in area
16. Values will be input into the computer and ok will be clicked for the results to be displayed on
the screen
17. The right-hand valve will be closed
18. And left hand valve will be opened to release hydraulic pressure.
The above procedure for testing other rebars each of sizes 8mm, 10mm, and 12mm, procured from four
hardware outlets marked A, B, C, and D will be repeated
Tabulation of results
After the tests, the results will be tabulated in the provided table below and then analyzed.
Rebar size Tensile Yield Tensile Strength Displacement Elongation
and outlet strength(Mpa) Stress(Mpa) to Yield Stress (%)














The results of yield stress against displacement will be plotted on the graph for proper analysis

Results and discussion

The results will then be discussed while comparing them with the standards stated to check if there is
conformity or non-conformity.

Conclusion and Recommendations

The conclusion will be made based on results standards and recommendations suggested to guide
different stakeholders, policymakers, and consumers
Experimental Procedures for Bendability Testing of Rebars
1. introduction
The rebars of different sizes 8,10,12mm picked from different hardware outlets will be subjected to a
bending machine at different angles of 160 and 180 degrees to check the rebar structure and flexibility.

2. Sample Collection
Different rebars each of sizes 8mm, 10mm, and 12mm from four different hardware outlets will be
obtained to ensure a diverse sample subjected to bending tests at specified angles above.

3. Preparation of Specimens
The specimens will be free from any visible defects or deformities.

4. Bendability Testing Procedure

Each specimen with its size and source outlet will be labeled like Fn where F will denote the hardware
outlet and n as rebar size.
Bendability tests will then be performed on the specimens using the bending machine as follows:

a) One-metre sample of the bar will be cut from each of the procured rebars of sizes 8, 10, and

b) The correct mandrel size shall then be placed on pins to guide obtaining the correct angle. the
tests will be carried out at a 160-degree angle

c) The stopper shall be clamped in position

a. The sample shall then be placed along the stopper at the correct position

b. The machine shall then be started

c. The bend test will then be carried out with the help of the foot lever

d. Cracks or deformities will then be visually checked

The procedure will be repeated for other rebar sizes after which remove and place the mandrel at 180
degrees in a different position to obtain bending at 180 degrees while following the same procedure.
Tabulation of Results
The observations per the tests at 160 degrees angle and 180 degrees will be recorded respectively

Rebar size and Observations Rebar size and outlet Observations

outlet At 160
At 180 degrees angle
degrees angle

A8 A8

A10 A10

A12 A12

B8 B8

B10 B10

B12 B12

C8 C8

C10 C10

C12 C12

D8 D8

D10 D10

D12 D12

7. Quality Assessment

The quality of rebars will be evaluated based on their bendability performance.

Results will be discussed, and the conclusion and recommendations made as well.

3.3 Analyzing the Chemical Composition of Rebars

A draft of experimental procedures for analyzing the chemical composition of two rebars each of sizes
8mm, 10mm, and 12mmpurchased from four different hardware outlets using spark emission
spectrometry will be as follows:
1. Sample Preparation
Representative segments will be cut from each rebar size obtained from the four hardware outlets and a
flat, clean surface will be prepared on each sample for spark emission analysis.

2. Identification and Documentation

a. Each sample will be labeled with information including rebar size and source outlet
b. Any visible features or anomalies on the surface of the rebars will be documented.

3. Calibration of the Spark Emission Spectrometer

a) Calibrate the spark emission spectrometer using certified reference materials with known
b) Verify that calibration will be guaranteed to encompass the pertinent components found in the
reinforcement bars under analysis.

4. Spark Emission Analysis

a) Each prepared rebar sample will be positioned in the spark emission spectrometer.
b) Spark discharges will be initiated on the sample surface to excite atoms, producing characteristic
emission lines.

5. Elemental Analysis
a) The emitted spectra will be captured and analyzed to identify and quantify the concentrations of
elements present.
b) Major elements such as iron, carbon, manganese, and other alloying elements will be focused

6. Verification of Conformance
a) The obtained elemental concentrations will be compared with industry standards and
b) Identify any deviations will be identified and their significance assessed in terms of material

7. Repeat Measurements
Multiple spark emission analyses will be conducted on each rebar sample and results recorded in the
table below
Rebar size C Mn P S Si Al Nb Cr Ni Mo V Ti Sn B Ca Pb CEV

and outlet













The Results will be analyzed and compared to US-EAS-412-2-2019, BS 4449:2005, and ISO-15630-1-
The conclusion will be made and recommendations suggested to significantly guide all stakeholders
including policymakers.

3.4 Microstructure Analysis of Rebars

The objective of this experimental procedure is to assess the quality of rebars through microstructure
analysis using microscopy techniques. This will include the description of microscopy techniques
employed, sample preparation methods, and the identification of key microstructural features and their
Materials Required
 Rebar samples (different grades and conditions)
 Optical microscope
 Metallographic polishing equipment
 Mounting press
 Resin for mounting
 Grinding and polishing discs with varying grits
 Etchants (appropriate for steel)
 Safety equipment (lab coat, gloves, safety glasses)

1. Sample Preparation:
a) Representative samples will be cut from the rebars to be investigated
b) The samples will be cleaned thoroughly to remove any contaminants or surface impurities.
c) The samples will be mounted in resin using a mounting press to create a stable platform for
further processing.
d) the mounted samples will be grounded with progressively finer grits of grinding discs to achieve
a smooth surface.

2. Metallographic Polishing
a) The samples will be polished using metallographic polishing equipment to enhance surface
b) The polishing process will be ensured not to introduce artifacts or distort the microstructure.

3. Etching:
a) Appropriate etchants will be selected for steel based on the desired contrast in microstructural
b) The samples will be etched for the required duration, following established etching procedures.

4. Optical Microscopy
a) The polished and etched samples will be examined under an optical microscope.
b) Key microstructural features such as grain size, phase boundaries, and inclusions will be identified
and documented.
c) Microstructural variations will be recorded between different rebar sizes
5. Data Analysis
a) Microstructural features will be compared across different rebar sizes The significance of identified
features will be evaluated in terms of mechanical properties and overall quality.
b) a comprehensive report detailing the findings, supported by microscopy images will be captured in
the table below
Rebar size and outlet Microscopy Images Remarks
At 160 degrees angle












1. Abiography Nkubana (2018). Engineering and Technology (A High Impact Factor. International
Journal of Innovative Research in Science, 7.
2. Olaniyi et al, (2019). Tensile and Flexural Properties of Common Steel Reinforcing bars in
Southwestern Nigeria for Concrete Structures.
3. Ssempijja, (2019). Investigating into mechanical performance performance of Ugandan Carbon
Steel Bars

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