Auto Sorting System

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847 stackable (to 64) items in mc

Per item sorted is the following
10 chests- 80 wood
6 hoppers-48 wood+30 iron
1 comparator-1 quarts, 3 redstone, 3 sticks, 3 stone
1 repeater- , 3 redstone, 3 sticks, 3 stone
1 torch- , 1 redstone, 1 stick
1 Redstone- , 1 redstone,
6 random blocks- 6 stone

IN TOTAL for 1 item sorted- 128 wood, 30 iron, 1 quarts, 8 redstone, 7 sticks, 12 stone
Times every stackable item x847
IN TOTAL FOR EVERY ITEM-108416 wood, 25410 iron, 847 quarts, 6776 redstone, 6929
sticks, 10164 stone
IN STACKS OF 64- 1694 wood (423 logs), 397.5 iron, 13.5 quarts, 106 redstone, 108.5 sticks,
and 159 stone

Finished project items-8470 chests, 5082 hoppers, 847 comparators, 847 repeaters, 847
redstone torches (sep. from total), 847 redstone (sep. from total) and 5082 stone (sep. from

In stacks- 132.5 chests, 80 hoppers, 13.5 comparators, 13.5 repeaters, 13.5 redstone torches,
and 80 stones.

For every 3 sorters, we need the following

1 packed ice- 283 in total
1 button- 283 in total
Water bucket- 283 in total

+ We need at least five of every item in the game

+ Alot of glass, I think about 1600 at most, we already have it tho
For the initial deposit station
2 hoppers
1 dropper
1 comparator
1 repeater
2 redstone torch
2 redstone
9 stone
43 glass
2 chest

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