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The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2018) 96:21–38


Advance on friction of stamping forming

Gui Li 1,2,3 & Xiaoyu Long 1,2 & Peng Yang 1,2 & Zhongkai Liang 1,2

Received: 22 August 2017 / Accepted: 26 December 2017 / Published online: 17 January 2018
# Springer-Verlag London Ltd., part of Springer Nature 2018

Stamping forming is a method of pressure processing that has been widely applied to automotive manufacturing, household
electrical appliance production, aviation, and other fields. Stamping friction plays a substantial role in the quality of stamping
forming and the service life of the die. However, the problem of friction in stamping forming has not yet been solved due to
several critical difficulties. In particular, with the application of hot forming technology and new lightweight materials in
stamping forming, such as advanced high-strength steel sheets, aluminum alloy sheets, and carbon fiber materials, stamping
friction has become more complex. Therefore, it is of paramount practical significance to study stamping friction. In this paper,
state of the art research concerning the mechanism and factors influencing friction in stamping forming is reviewed.
Investigations of the friction mechanism are described, starting by introducing the development process of traditional and modern
friction theory. The present friction mechanism fails to adequately describe the frictional process occurring in stamping forming
due to complex and variable factors. A survey of existing works reveals several gaps in the study of factors that influence
stamping forming: the friction model is very fragile; the accuracy is not high because only a few factors are considered; and more
importantly, some important factors are often ignored, such as temperature and coating. Therefore, different dynamic friction
models with multifactor coupling should be established for different stamping processes and materials to fully reflect the
characteristics and mechanisms of stamping friction. The present review is aimed at providing an insight into the shortcomings
of the existing research background, and it demonstrates the enormous potential for further investigation and innovation in the
field of friction of stamping forming.

Keywords Stamping forming . Friction mechanism . Friction model . Influence factors

1 Introduction forming and material flow are caused by non-linear sliding

contact between the sheet metal and tool under external pres-
Stamping forming of sheet metal is an important plastic pro- sure acting on the stamping die. Friction is an important
cessing method that has been widely used in the manufacture boundary condition in the process, and its causative process
of automobiles, particularly in automotive stamping, as well and mechanism are very complex, which has an impact on the
as in home appliances, aviation, and other fields. Plastic stamping formability, surface quality, and service life of the
die. Currently, problem of friction in stamping forming has not
been effectively solved. As reported by Avitzur [1], friction
* Gui Li has become one of the ultimate bottlenecks in the field of
stamping forming. With the application of high-strength steel
sheet, coated steel sheet, aluminum alloy sheet, carbon fiber,
Key Laboratory of Metallurgical Equipment and Control and other materials in automotive stamping, the impact of
Technology, Ministry of Education, Wuhan University of Science
friction on stamping forming quality has become increasingly
and Technology, Wuhan 430081, People’s Republic of China
prominent. Therefore, the study of stamping friction has im-
Hubei Key Laboratory of Mechanical Transmission and
portant theoretical and practical significance.
Manufacturing Engineering, Wuhan University of Science and
Technology, Wuhan 430081, People’s Republic of China Stamping friction mainly involves two considerations:
3 the friction mechanism and influencing factors of friction.
State Key Laboratory of Material Processing and Die & Mould
Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Coulomb friction theory and adhesion theory are the two
Wuhan 430074, People’s Republic of China theories that hold the greatest influence on the traditional
22 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2018) 96:21–38

view of mechanical friction, and they are also the basis of materials and the forming process. Therefore, the study of
modern friction theory. Stamping friction has its own par- friction is ongoing.
ticularities relative to traditional mechanical friction and
other plastic forming friction phenomena. In the process 2.1 Classical friction theory
of sliding contact with the die, substantial plastic defor-
mation and material flow occur in the sheet metal; thus, Stamping friction is an important branch of friction science. In
the surface quality of the stamping parts is high. Friction the earliest study of friction, Davinci proposed that the degree
plays a key role in the process of plastic deformation and of concavity or convexity of a solid surface is the fundamental
is influenced by various macro- and microscopic factors. cause of friction. In contrast, Amontons [2] attributed the fric-
Friction also affects the plastic strain capability of sheet tion force to the relative sliding of convex and concave contact
metal, as well as the surface quality of the die and surfaces when they are mutually fitted, as shown in Fig. 2.
stamping parts. The friction mechanism is not fully under- Subsequently, the Amontons-Coulomb friction model was put
stood, and the influence of various factors on friction also forward by Coulomb [3] on the basis of the above theory,
lacks corresponding research. The friction model is not which is widely used in the numerical simulation of stamping
comprehensive. Accordingly, it is very difficult to study forming. However, the theory of mechanical interlocking can
stamping friction. The mechanical properties, stamping only explain the cause of friction within a specified range, and
process parameters, and interface state of the sheet metal it cannot explain the phenomenon by which smooth surface
should be taken into consideration in stamping friction, contact also produces substantial friction. Therefore,
which is a multifactor non-linear coupling dynamic con- Desaguliers [4] proposed the theory of molecular adsorption,
tact friction process. Therefore, an effective way to settle which states that when the contact surface is smooth, the mo-
the problem of stamping friction is to establish a dynamic lecular spacing is very small and the intermolecular interaction
friction model with multifactor coupling. In this paper, the force is enhanced so that contact friction increases. Although
research background and current situation of stamping this theory was able to supplement the deficiencies of mechan-
friction are reviewed, and the development trends defining ical interlocking theory, it cannot explain the phenomenon by
the future of stamping friction theory and the associated which rougher friction surfaces on the friction pair correspond
model are analyzed in conjunction with the latest to a greater friction force. The adhesive deformation theory
stamping forming technology. This review provides some combines the above two theories and considers that the con-
reference for stamping forming and the associated friction tact surface will adhere and deform under loading. For a rough
research. contact surface, deformation resistance is the main factor caus-
ing friction; while for a smooth contact surface, adhesive re-
sistance is the main factor. The deformation and adhesion of
asperities on the contact surface also provide a theoretical
2 Friction mechanism in stamping forming explanation for the cases of sheet metal and die with different
Friction theory has long been studied, as shown in Fig. 1,
progressing from the initial exploration of the friction phe- 2.2 Modern friction theory
nomenon to the formation of the classical theory of friction
and from the establishment of prevailing friction theory to the The adhesion theory proposed by Bowden and Tabor [5] is
development of friction theory in various fields. In the assid- one of the representative modern theories of friction, as shown
uous study of friction by scholars, it is not difficult to find it in Fig. 3. According to this theory, the real contact area of
imperative to study friction. Friction theory is undergoing friction pairs under external pressure is much smaller than
continued improvement. The process of friction forming is the nominal contact area. Thus, in those areas, it is easy to
likewise becoming more sophisticated owing to changes in engender plastic deformation and adhesion phenomena, and

Fig. 1 Development history of friction theory

Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2018) 96:21–38 23

the cold-weld nodes form at those positions because of the 2.3 Study of stamping friction
extreme pressure incurred at the contact surfaces with peak
profiles. Moreover, a hard convex surface embeds further into Unlike the friction state of the contact interface in traditional
a soft surface and forms furrows in the soft surface as it slides, mechanical metal processing, the friction interface of the fric-
as shown in Fig. 4. The sum of the shear forces required to tion pair in the stamping process experiences a mixture of
destroy cold-weld nodes and form furrows on the soft surface friction and lubrication, and the typical contact model is
provides the friction resistance. Adhesion theory can explain shown in Fig. 5.
many friction phenomena, so it is accepted by most scholars. Friction occurs in four zones of the contact surface: the
However, adhesion theory simplifies the friction process and adhesion area (A), the boundary lubrication area (B), the
ignores the elastic-plastic deformation of steel sheets and the plowing area (C), and the lubrication pond area (D).
influence of interfacial temperature change. However, for Asperities on the surface of the friction pairs in the adhe-
high-strength steel sheets that require greater forming force, sive zone produce plastic deformation and molecular mo-
this effect cannot be ignored. Suh [6] proposed the tion under the action of an external force, resulting in in-
deformation-furrow-adhesive friction theory based on the stantaneous high temperature and forming adhesion nodes,
comprehensive results of previous studies. This theory pro- which are shared in the subsequent contact sliding. The
poses that friction is the result of the combined action of as- reciprocating process in which adhesion nodes are formed
perity deformation, asperity, and abrasive plowing effects on and sheared creates adhesion effects. Rough peaks of hard
the metal surface and adhesion effects. Compared with the metal in the plow zone are embedded in soft metal and
adhesion theory, this theory takes into account the elastic- push the soft metal in plastic flow to form an obvious
plastic behavior of the sheet metal and the effects of wear on groove, which is known as the plow effect. Because a lu-
friction. The above research results suggest that the study of bricant is rarely used in actual stamping, friction forces in
friction theory has always been an important subject in the the boundary lubrication area and the lubrication pond area
field of mechanical engineering. are very small. Therefore, stamping friction is mainly
Because of the complex variability of the friction formation caused by the adhesion and plowing effects [12].
process, the above studies cannot fully explain stamping fric- With the application of new lightweight steels such as
tion. The non-local friction theory proposed by Eringen [7, 8] advanced high-strength steel sheet, coated steel sheet, and
and Edelen [7] can explain the friction phenomena that cannot aluminum alloy steel sheet, the stamping contact condition
be explained by the traditional elasticity theory, and this ex- is increasingly complex. Because of its low yield strength,
planation is extended by non-local plasticity theory. Oden [9] easy adhesion, and strong alloying ability, aluminum alloy
revised the friction theory of Coulomb and established the steel more easily adheres to the die surface during
corresponding non-local friction theory. Pires and Trabucho stamping, resulting in more severe adhesive wear, and a
[10] applied non-local friction theory to the slippery field plastic forming friction that is a boundary friction or mixed
problem of metal contact surfaces. Mathrenhaltz et al. [11] friction between fluid friction and Coulomb friction. For
also used this theory to address the friction problem in rolling, galvanized high-strength steel, the higher pressure and
and it was found that the results obtained were reasonable and sliding friction produce higher interface temperatures dur-
effective compared with the local friction theory. Therefore, ing stamping. Small particles are formed due to the
non-local friction theory is an effective method for the study sintering of the exfoliated and powdered zinc coating un-
of friction, but microscopic friction, lubrication friction, and der the action of higher temperatures at the contact inter-
wear are not considered. Stamping entails intermittent contact face. During sliding, these small particles increased the
sliding friction between die and steel sheet. Each stamping plowing effect. Therefore, the friction force obtained by
process incurs friction between the fully new surface of the considering only adhesion effects is clearly erroneous.
sheet and the worn surface of the die, so the effects of wear on The stamping friction mechanism of these new steel mate-
friction cannot be ignored. rials remains to be studied further.

Fig. 2 Mechanical interlock friction model: a sliding model of mechanical interlocking, b microscopic model of mechanical meshing
24 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2018) 96:21–38

Fig. 3 Adhesion model: a sketch (a) (b)

map of concave convex contact
point, b diagram plastic
deformation adhesion of asperity

2.4 Influence of wear on friction stamping friction. However, at present, wear mechanisms
have not been considered in the current friction mecha-
Stamping is a reciprocating process in which the surface nism, which is not comprehensive or complete enough. In
of the sheet metal is always a raw surface without contact, summary, a perfect friction mechanism with higher accu-
but the die surface is always in a state of dynamic contact. racy and wider application must be explored in the future
As a result, surface materials from the die are lost and study of stamping friction.
transferred continuously in the process, the surface topog- In summary, the processes that determine friction during
raphy of the die changes, and some small particles are stamping are very complex, many factors must be considered,
produced between the contact surfaces, which effectively and the relationship between those factors cannot be ignored.
increase the friction force [13]. As the degree of wear Therefore, it is necessary to consider all influencing factors
increases and more small particles are produced, the fric- comprehensively and establish a corresponding multifactor
tion and plowing effect become more obvious. The plastic coupling dynamic friction model for different stamping pro-
deformation caused by asperities occurs because the local cesses and sheet metals and to deeply understand the mecha-
pressure exceeds the yield strength of the material, nisms of stamping friction.
resulting in the formation of an adhesive layer. Then, fa-
tigue wear, adhesion wear, and abrasive wear occur at the
contact interface, which affects the formation of friction. 3 Influence factors of stamping friction
The material, surface strength and hardness, contact state,
stamping speed, stamping frequency, and other processing There are many factors that affect the development of friction
parameters are the decisive factors affecting the wear of in cold stamping, which can be divided into three major cat-
the stamping die. Thus, friction and wear are closely re- egories including characteristics of friction pairs, parameters
lated and interact with each other. of the stamping process, and contact interface state, as shown
As shown in Fig. 6, the study of wear has a long his- in Fig. 7. Many of these factors are non-linear and interrelated,
tory dating back to the fifteenth century, and it is a rela- which makes the development of stamping friction more com-
tively independent research area. Through the efforts of plicated. Although scholars have studied the process for many
relevant scholars [14–18], a complete system of wear the- years, and some achievements have been realized (for exam-
ory has been developed. According to investigation, 70% ple, many friction models have been proposed on the basis of
of tool replacement is attributable die wear that intensified the classical Coulomb friction), many problems remain un-
friction. Therefore, there is a close connection between solved. In the ensuing discussion, these research achievements
wear and friction. Consequently, the study of wear forma- and problems will be outlined in detail.
tion mechanisms is of great significance to the study of
3.1 Influence of frictional pair characteristics

3.1.1 Surface hardness of die

The main friction pairs involved in stamping are dies and

sheet metal, whose characteristics, including the surface
hardness and roughness of dies and the strength and coating
of sheet material, have a great influence on the mechanism
of stamping friction. The effects of adhesion and plowing
and the friction between the contact surfaces decrease be-
cause the deformation resistance of asperities on the die
Fig. 4 Plow model surface increase and the production of the small particles
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2018) 96:21–38 25

Fig. 5 Microscopic model of contact between die and sheet surface

decreases when the surface hardness of die increases. Thus, influence of surface roughness on friction was studied in an
the hardness of die surface is an important factor that is experiment performed by Lee and Keum [24], and a friction
especially prominent when the stamping parts are high- model was proposed, as shown in Eq. (1). An investigation of
strength steel. Coating is one effective means to improve the interaction between surface roughness and adhesion force
the surface hardness of dies. The commonly used coatings performed by Achanta et al. [25] found that as the roughness
in the industry include PVD, CVD and TD coatings, DLC changed, the adhesive force fluctuated instead of decreasing,
coatings, and plasma nitriding. The damage characteristics as shown in Fig. 10, which also demonstrates the validity of
of P1000 were studied Cora et al. [19] with different sub- the theory. However, if Ry is within a suitable range, the fric-
strate materials (DC53, SKD11, DRM3, DRM51) and dif- tion will decrease with decreasing Ry, as confirmed in the
ferent surface coatings (PVD, CVD, and TD coatings) using experiment performed by Cristino et al. [26], the details of
a plate-slider test. The results show that the anti-damage which are shown in Fig. 11. Similar studies were also per-
performance of the TD coating was the best, and the wear formed by Feng et al. [27], Podgornik and Jerina [28], and
rates of DRM3 and DRM 51 mold samples with TD coat- Leu [29]; the results show that reasonable Ry can effectively
ings were lowest, as shown in Fig. 8. An experiment per- reduce friction and improve wear resistance.
formed by Wang et al. [20] found that the average friction
coefficient, wear resistance, and surface hardness of dies μ ¼ 0:24λ2 −0:246λ þ 0:252 ð1Þ
treated by TD were superior to those conferred by tradition-
where μ is the friction coefficient and λ is the surface rough-
al heat treatment and nitriding treatment, as shown in Fig. 9.
ness (mm).
DLC coatings also showed good frictional behavior in re-
search performed by Zeng et al. [21], Banerji et al. [22], and
Morita et al. [23]. These experiments all demonstrated that
3.1.3 Strength and hardness of the steel sheet substrate
hard coatings can significantly promote the wear resistance
of the die and improve the frictional state.
Friction is also impacted by the strength and hardness of the
sheet substrate. The work hardening capacity is higher for a
3.1.2 Surface roughness of the frictional pairs steel substrate with low strength, which leads to reduced plas-
ticity and toughness of the sheet and enhances the effects of
The surface roughness (Ry) of the frictional pair has an impact plowing due to the increased number of small particles. Much
on the formation of friction. The theory that large- and small- research in this area has been undertaken by scholars. An
scale roughness is harmful to the reduction of friction between experiment that studied the effect of sheet strength on its
contact surfaces is acknowledged by most scholars. The rea- surface friction coefficient was carried out by Michal et al.
son for this harmful effect is that plowing will be increased [30], in which friction was reduced for steel substrates with
between the friction pairs. When Ry is too large, the adhesive greater strength. This result was confirmed by sliding friction
force is enhanced by decreased molecular spacing and the tests [31], as shown in Fig. 12. The relationship between
lubricating oil cannot fully penetrate between the contact sur- friction and the strength of the steel substrate was established
faces when Ry is too small. To evaluate this theory, the by Wang et al. [32], as shown in Eq. (2). Further pin-on-disk

Fig. 6 Development history of wear theory

26 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2018) 96:21–38

Fig. 7 Friction influence factors

Fig. 8 Comparison of wear resistance: a different surface coatings (PVD, CVD, and TD coatings), b different substrate materials (DC53, SKD11,
DRM3, DRM51)

experiments were performed by Eriksson et al. [33]; the re- where A, B, and C are constants; σ0 is the yield stress; Pm is
sults of which show that the hardness of the steel substrate the nominal contact pressure; and f the friction factor.
has a profound influence on the wear of the coating. The
coating was not difficult to break and scratch because the 3.1.4 Influence of the coating
low hardness of the steel substrate determined the bearing
capacity, which affected the friction characteristics of the Galvanized steel sheet has a zinc coating on the steel substrate
coating and increased the friction coefficient, as shown in surface, which confers strong corrosion resistance. This sheet-
Fig. 13. These effects become more pronounced as the ing is widely used in the stamping of automotive panels. At
strength of the steel increases. Therefore, increasing the present, galvanized steel sheet accounts for more than 40% of
strength and hardness of steel substrate can effectively reduce automotive panels. Generally, the coating thickness is very
friction and wear. small, and it is easily ignored on the macroscale compared
     with the substrate thickness, but it has a fatal impact on the
f σ0 σ0 pm
μe ¼ pffiffiffi ⋅ A þ B ⋅ln þC ð2Þ stamping friction of the sheet metal [34]. The coating process,
3 pm pm σ0
mechanical properties and interface bonding characteristics

Fig. 9 Surface morphology of showing wear resistance with different coating: a quenched/tempered, b nitrided, c TD treatment
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2018) 96:21–38 27

Fig. 10 Relationship between roughness and adhesive force

Fig. 12 Comparison between GA-DP590 and BARE-DP590 under the

same friction test conditions
are important factors affecting the friction of the contact inter-
face. If these factors cannot be coordinated well, they lead to was performed by Duan et al. [32], which was used to deter-
cracking and powdering of the coating, which enhances the mine the relationship that describes the adhesion between dif-
effects of plowing and adhesion. The flat die tribometer test ferent substrates and different coatings, which would be ben-
and the stretch bending test, used to examine the influence of eficial for the development of more suitable coating and sub-
the iron content of the coating on the friction coefficient, were strate materials.
performed by Garza et al. [35]. The friction coefficient de- The characteristics of the friction pairs not only influence
creased with increasing iron content in the coating, as shown the friction but also influence the contact force and stress
in Fig. 14. Moreover, the effects of the elastic and plastic distribution of the steel sheet, thus affecting the accuracy of
behavior of the coating on the formability and friction charac- the numerical simulation of springback [37]. Moreover,
teristics of galvanized sheet were investigated by Lee et al. springback is the most difficult bottleneck in the application
[36]. The results show that the elastic and plastic behavior of of high-strength steel, and friction increases the uncertainty of
the coating influences the friction, as shown in Fig. 15. This springback prediction. Research on the springback of sheet
influence is attributed to the elastic and plastic behavior of the metal has made some progress [38–40]. However, the rela-
coating, which has a definite resistance to the exterior bound- tionship between friction and springback needs to be further
ary pressure that reduces the internal stress of the steel sheet. studied. Thus, it can be seen that there are many deficiencies
The interfacial bonding force is an important parameter to in the study of the characteristics of the friction pairs; for
determine the cracking and powdering of the coating. example, the damage mechanism, mechanical properties, fric-
Therefore, it is of crucial practical significance to study the tion mechanism, and model of the coating are not clear and
binding force and binding energy between the coating and definite, and the bonding form and the energy transfer process
substrate. A single pendulum impact scratch test (SPIST) between the coating and the steel substrate also lack relevant

Fig. 11 Relationship between

coefficient of friction and
28 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2018) 96:21–38

from which the effect of sliding velocity on friction can also be

determined. Equation (4) providing the relationship between
pressure and friction force was determined by Lee et al. [36].
In addition, in the uniaxial tensile test performed by
Trzepieciński and Fejkiel [43], the friction coefficient also de-
creased with increasing nominal pressure, as shown in Fig. 17.
In addition, the same conclusion was achieved in a deep draw-
ing test performed by Karupannasamy et al. [44]. Different
drawbead shapes (the radius of entrance) had a great influence
on the friction behavior of the material surface, which was
obtained through experiments and the finite element method
under the efforts of Samuel [45]. Likewise, many other scholars
Fig. 13 Influence of coating rupture on friction coefficient studied how technological parameters impacted friction, such
as Kim et al. [46], Yanagida and Azushima [47], Figueiredo
research. Moreover, the size scale effect and the crystal scale et al. [48], and Dilmec and Arap [49]. From the above discus-
effect caused by changes in the length, width, and thickness of sions, we can easily see that technological parameters have
the steel sheet are not considered in friction. The scale effect noticeable effects on friction.
makes the forming performance and deformation law of the
2 hvi
material completely different from the traditional stamping f t ¼ −μ⋅f n ⋅ arctan ð3Þ
π d
process, and the impact of this effect on friction also requires
further exploration.
where d is a constant, ν is the sliding velocity, and f is the
friction for
3.2 Influence of stamping technological parameters
(   1 = )
Stamping is a dynamic contact process between the steel sheet ΔP 2
μ¼ 1 þ 1 þ πβα =πβ ð4Þ
and the die. The related technological parameters controlling ΔN
the movement of these elements, such as sliding speed, pres- where α is the drawing ratio, β is a constant between 1.5 and
sure, shape, and position of drawbeads, have substantial influ- 3.0, ΔP is the punching load, and ΔN is the blank holding
ence on the friction during the contact process [41]. Therefore, force.
it is necessary to study the influence of these parameters on the
stamping friction. It was found that the friction coefficient de-
creased with the increase of sliding velocity and positive pres- 3.3 Influence of contact interface state
sure and ultimately trended toward a constant value in an ex-
periment reported by Wang et al. [31, 40], as shown in Fig. 16. In the stamping process, the friction pairs release heat due to
Equation (3) describing the relationship between sliding veloc- sliding contact friction under pressure, which causes the inter-
ity and friction force was established by Kobayashi et al. [42], face temperature to rise; this temperature increase then affects

Fig. 14 Relationship between friction coefficient and iron content of coating: a flat die tribometer testing, b bending-under-tension test
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2018) 96:21–38 29

Fig. 15 Relationship between friction coefficient and coating: a one-layer model, b multiple-layer model

the friction behavior of the friction pairs. The temperature can although the use of lubricants in actual stamping is very rare.
be reduced by applying a lubricant to the contact interface, and 8
more importantly, the friction and wear between the friction < μðU 1 −U 2 Þ=h ðh > 10σÞ
τ f ¼ ψ f μðU 1 −U 2 Þ=h ð30σ > h > 10σÞ ð5Þ
pairs can also be decreased in the same way. Thus, it is impor- :
τ α A þ τ p A þ τ h ð1−AÞ ðh < 3σÞ
tant to study how the characteristics of lubricants (oil film
thickness, viscosity, thermal stability etc.) affect friction. The
relationship between the lubricant film thickness and friction where h is the thickness of the lubricating oil film, σ is the
was presented by Wilson et al. [50], as shown in Eq. (5). The surface roughness, and A is a constant.
relationship between contact area ratio and lubricant film The interface temperature in cold stamping is very low rela-
thickness was also obtained through an experiment completed tive to hot stamping, which is frequently ignored, but large var-
by Wang et al. [51], the details of which are shown in Fig. 18, iations of temperature affect the friction and mechanical proper-
and the friction was strongly related to the contact area ratio. ties of the steel sheet. However, with the application of advanced
Figure 19 shows that the surface friction coefficient of hot dip high-strength steels (AHSSs), the interface temperature is higher
galvanized steel decreases gradually with the increase of lu- because the required forming force increases. A stamping test
bricant viscosity in an experiment performed by Abotani et al. was performed by Pereira and Rolfe [56] to study interface tem-
[52] and Gong et al. [53]. In addition, the same results were perature during the cold stamping of high-strength steel sheet.
likewise obtained by Velkavrh and Kalin [54] and The interface temperature increased as the strength of the steel
Karupannasamy et al. [55]. All of the above studies show that sheet and die increased; their maximum temperatures reached
the characteristics of lubricating oil have an effect on friction, approximately 180 and 109 °C, respectively, as shown in

Fig. 16 Comparison of friction coefficient under the different friction test conditions for BARE-DP590: a influence of varying pressure on friction
coefficient, b influence of varying sliding velocity on friction
30 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2018) 96:21–38

Fig. 17 Relationship between frictional coefficient and nominal pressure in different friction conditions: a test was carried out in dry friction conditions,
b test was carried out in lubricated conditions

Fig. 20. In the dry sliding test performed by Gåård et al. [57], shortcomings. For example, friction based on uniaxial tensile
temperature had an obvious influence on the adhesion of contact experiments cannot fully reflect the results of a multidirectional
surfaces, and adhesion wear tended to be serious with increasing deformation model. Moreover, due to the complexity of the
temperature. Okonkwo et al. [58] investigated the effect of tem- friction mechanism, simplified processing makes it difficult to
perature on paired steel materials by a pin-on-disk test. The reach agreement between experimental conditions and actual
results show that wear is minimized between 50 and 100 °C stamping forming. In addition, the correlation between the fac-
and that it may be possible to reduce the wear of tool steel by tors is not effectively reflected in the experiment, and the results
operating within a particular temperature range. Similar studies exhibit some deviation. The friction mechanism and the friction
were also conducted by Kim et al. [59], Groche et al. [60], and model cannot fully reflect the evolution process of stamping
Yan [61]. The results showed that changes of temperature had an friction. Accordingly, it is necessary to study the experimental
obvious impact on the wear mechanism. Therefore, the interface setup of dynamic friction models with multifactor coupling.
temperature should not be ignored in cold stamping when study-
ing the mechanism of stamping friction and wear. Especially
with the AHSSs widely used in stamping, the impact of temper- 4 Development trends of stamping
ature on friction should be considered. and friction
At present, there are many studies on the impact of stamping
technological parameters, lubricants, and temperature on fric- Lightweight technology is an important automotive develop-
tion. However, these studies and related friction models are ment trend that helps vehicles meet energy saving, emission
completed on the basis of experiments, and the experimental reduction, and fuel economy requirements. However, innova-
methods and frictional mechanisms also have many tion in stamping materials is important as an intrinsic driver of
lightweight technology. Currently, high-strength steels and alu-
minum alloy sheet are the main lightweight materials.
Additionally, carbon fiber will be used in automotive
manufacturing in the near future [62]. Compared with tradition-
al stamping, the stamping forming process and methods asso-
ciated with these new materials are quite different, such as hot
stamping forming. Thus, the frictional properties of these ma-
terials and methods are different from those of their predeces-
sors. In view of their application value and development pros-
pects, the study of stamping friction of lightweight materials is
an important research trend in the field of stamping.

4.1 Friction of hot stamping forming

Fig. 18 Relation between contact pressure and contact area (TL is the film Hot stamping is a new forming method used for AHSSs, one of
thickness) whose characteristics is high forming temperature. Thus, the
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2018) 96:21–38 31

Fig. 19 Relationship between frictional coefficient and viscosity of lubricant: a Abotani’s experiment, b Gong’s experiment

mechanical characteristics of the die and material are different Other scholars study the influence of high temperatures on fric-
from those encountered in cold stamping, and the characteristics tion and wear, such as Hardell et al. [68], Kondratiuk and Kuhn
of friction are also quite different [63, 64]. Therefore, some [69], and Meng et al. [70]. The above research results clearly
scholars have studied the influence of high temperature on fric- show that temperature is a decisive parameter affecting friction
tion. The friction and wear behaviors of different tool steels slid- during hot stamping. However, the mechanisms of these changes
ing against Al-Si-coated high-strength steel at elevated tempera- and their influence on the friction process are unclear, and further
tures have been investigated by Hardell and Prakash [65] using a studies are necessary to fully explain these mechanisms.
high-temperature version of the Optimol SRV reciprocating fric-
tion and wear tester at temperatures of 40, 400, and 800 °C. The 4.2 Friction during stamping forming of aluminum
results show that both the friction and wear are temperature de- alloy sheet
pendent, as shown in Fig. 21. Friction decreased with increasing
temperature, whereas the wear of the tool steel increased with The mechanical properties of aluminum alloy sheet are different
temperature. A hot strip drawing simulator was developed by from those of steel sheet and include the advantages of low
Yanagida et al. [47, 66] to measure friction during hot stamping. density, corrosion resistance, specific strength, and high specific
Tian et al. [67] also used this device to study the friction coeffi- stiffness. Therefore, the material constitutive model, mechanical
cient under different high temperature conditions, as shown in properties, and friction model of steel sheet cannot be applied to
Fig. 22. The results show that the friction coefficient remains aluminum alloy sheet, for which die sticking is the most impor-
almost unchanged until temperature reaches 500 °C. The friction tant problem. Furthermore, die sticking is a key factor in friction
coefficient then increases sharply as the temperature increases and wear. Therefore, the friction of aluminum alloy sheet is more
from 500 to 600 °C. The dominant wear mechanism is groove significant and more complex than that of other steel sheets. The
cutting at temperatures between room temperature and 500 °C, friction and wear of aluminum alloy sheet have been investigated
which changes to adhesive wear at temperatures above 500 °C. by many scholars. Experiments consisting of measurements of

Fig. 20 Relationship between maximum temperature and material strength

32 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2018) 96:21–38

aluminum alloy due to its die sticking characteristics, which

make stamping friction more complicated. The results showed
that the DLC coating provided superior performance. A similar
conclusion was obtained by Horiuchi et al. [72]. Another exper-
iment was also performed to develop low friction and low wear
rate extrusion die materials for aluminum alloy 5052 by
Murakami et al. [73], as shown in Fig. 23. The friction properties
of materials are closely linked to their surface characteristics.
Therefore, using a non-contact synthesis measuring profilometer,
profile measurement and topography modeling of the aluminum
alloy sheet surface were performed by Zhang and Li [74] in order
to study the laws governing its contact and friction behavior.
Other research based on a crystalline plasticity model and using
Fig. 21 Relationship between friction coefficient and temperature electron backscatter diffraction was carried out by Liao and Chen
[75] to explore the influence of the roughness and surface pro-
files of aluminum alloy sheet on the friction between contact
surfaces. Thus, from the above studies, it is not difficult to deter-
mine the complex friction characteristics of aluminum alloy.

4.3 Friction during carbon fiber stamping forming

Carbon fiber composite is a lightweight thermoforming mate-

rial. As the preferred material for the future automotive indus-
try, it has the advantages of high strength, good impact resis-
tance [76], good plasticity, fatigue resistance, corrosion resis-
tance, energy saving, and environmental protection, as shown
in Table 1. Recently, an innovative car frame made of carbon
fiber has been created by Magna International Inc. and Ford
Fig. 22 Relationship between friction coefficient and temperature Motor Company, conferring a weight reduction of 34% com-
pared with stamped steel, which fully demonstrates the light-
weight quality of carbon fibers. Of course, there are some
the strength of the adhesive junctions formed and the coefficients disadvantages, such as high development cost, long forming
of friction between AA5182 aluminum alloy sheet and different cycle, and poor numerical simulation technique. However, the
friction pairs were conducted by Riahiet and Alpas [71]. The aim application of this material in automotive manufacture and
of these experiments was to identify suitable stamping tools for other fields is a general trend because of its incomparable

Fig. 23 Result of the experiments. a Average friction coefficients of disk specimens sliding against aluminum alloy 5052 pin specimens. b Specific wear
rates of the disk specimens and their paired pin specimens. A negative value for a specific wear rate means an increase in the volume of the disk specimen
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2018) 96:21–38 33

Table 1 Lightweight material weight loss and relative cost Compared to traditional stamping steel sheets, the materials
Materials Cost of Part Weight loss discussed above, especially carbon fiber, have significant ad-
material cost rate/% vantages in strength, wear resistance, impact resistance, and
weight, which will bring a revolution to the stamping industry
Mild steel 1.0 1.0 COMPREF in the future. However, forming technology and the numerical
High-strength steel 1.1 1.0 10 simulation of these materials are not yet mature, the related
Aluminum alloy sheet 4.0 2.0 40–50 characteristics are not understood thoroughly, and their friction
GFRP (glass fiber reinforced 3.0 0.8 25–35 mechanisms and models are quite different from existing ones,
requiring further development and improvement. Therefore, it
CFRP (carbon fiber reinforced 10# 2.5 50–60
plastic) is urgent to study the stamping friction of these materials.

5 Discussions and conclusions

advantages. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to
study the characteristics of these materials, especially their In summary, although great progress has been achieved in the
friction characteristics. At present, some researchers have con- study of stamping friction, because of the complex dynamic
sidered the friction characteristics of these materials. friction, the forming process is difficult to fully describe
According to experiments performed by Friedrich [77] and through simple contact friction conditions, and the mechanism
Guo et al. [78], carbon fibers can reduce the wear rate and of friction and the friction model still have many unsolved
coefficient of friction of polymers, mainly because of excel- problems. The influence of the relevant parameters on friction
lent their load-bearing capacity, as shown in Fig. 24. These is at the macrolevel, and the indefinite factors in the model are
findings were further supported by the experiment performed difficult to determine in reality, making friction too complex
by Abadi et al. [79]. The relationship between the frictional and difficult to apply in practice. Therefore, in recent years,
properties of carbon fiber composites and temperature has progress in the study of stamping friction has been slow, and
been investigated, and the results show that the friction coef- stamping friction research has been insufficient, especially for
ficient increases with increasing temperature and carbon fiber new materials and new processes. Therefore, for macro- and
content (wt%), while the wear rate decreases, as shown in microstamping friction mechanisms that remain to be studied
Fig. 25. Similar studies were also performed by Zeng [80], further, it is necessary to summarize and develop the existing
Zhang et al. [81], and Zhou et al. [82]. From these studies, the stamping friction mechanism, perfect the existing relatively
conclusion is drawn that carbon fibers can greatly improve the mature friction model, and establish a dynamic friction model
wear resistance of composites. Therefore, the development of of multi factor coupling suitable for different stamping
carbon fiber polymers is highly promising. The study of car- methods and materials.
bon fiber materials will be a hot research area in the future. Table 2 provides a summary of the current status and de-
Friction as fundamental research, friction as the basic re- velopment trend of stamping friction. Since the development
search, and mechanisms and models of friction should be the of adhesion and plowing theory, stamping friction mechanism
research directions of greatest concentration for carbon fiber has not shown greater creativity. Although there are some
stamping. similarities between stamping friction phenomena at the

Fig. 24 The effect of carbon fiber specific gravity on the wear resistance and friction coefficient of polymers: a wear rate, b friction coefficient
34 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2018) 96:21–38

Fig. 25 Relationship between frictional property of composites and temperature, carbon fiber (wt%): a relationship between temperature, carbon fiber
(wt%), and friction coefficient of composites, b relationship between carbon fiber (wt%) and wear rate of composites

macroscale, the main factors determining the friction mecha- Table 3 provides an analysis of the importance of macro-
nisms of different materials and methods are different upon scopic influencing factors on stamping friction. The results
microscopic analysis. Therefore, the study of friction mecha- show that almost all parameters have different effects on fric-
nisms should be based on the general theory, and detailed and tion, and the most complicated case is galvanized steel sheet.
in-depth study should be applied to improve mechanisms suit- The existence of a zinc coating makes the stamping friction
able for specific materials and methods. fundamentally different from other types of friction, and
However, refinement and numerical simulation are the cur- stamping surface damage has become one of the first prob-
rent development focus relevant to stamping, and the friction lems to be solved in applications using high strength galva-
model is the core technology. The friction model that can be nized steel. There are many areas that require improved or
applied to the numerical simulation of stamping is highly de- more extensive research. Figure 26 provides an example of a
ficient, except for the well-known Coulomb friction model, stamping friction mechanism study for the most widely used
which has been unable to meet the needs of current refined advanced high strength galvanized steel sheet, which is a com-
numerical simulations. Therefore, it is urgent to build an ac- plex and comprehensive process. Based on macro- and micro-
curate dynamic friction model that can be applied to numerical methods, the plastic deformation mechanism and mechanical
simulation. Friction is a dynamic, complex process with mul- properties of galvanized steel sheet should be studied, and an
tiple factors, and the model must be able to accurately reflect interface bonding model and interface failure model between
the process. Most friction models have been proposed to ac- the zinc coating layer and steel substrate should be
count for single factors, such as the friction models that con- established. Further analysis should consider the zinc coating
sider pressure and velocity. However, they have not been layer and steel substrate in the stamping deformation of the
coupled with many factors, so they have not been applied surface morphology, plastic flow under the relationship be-
effectively in the numerical simulation of stamping forming. tween friction and roughness, surface temperature, pressure,

Table 2 Development trends of

friction mechanisms Stamping method and Friction mechanism Deficiencies and trends
sheet material

Cold stamping Adhesion and plowing effect Wear is not considered

Hot stamping Undefined Friction mechanism at ultra-high
temperature and wear
Low carbon steel sheet Adhesion and plowing effect Wear is not considered
High strength steel sheet Required correction based on Influence of temperature under
the adhesion and plowing effect high pressure and wear
Galvanized steel sheet Required correction based on Influence of coating under high
the adhesion and plowing effect pressure, high temperature and wear
Aluminum alloy sheet Required correction based on Influence of die sticking and wear
the adhesion and plowing effect
Carbon fiber sheet Undefined Temperature, material properties, etc.
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2018) 96:21–38 35

Table 3 Analysis of the importance of macroscopic influencing factors on stamping friction

Influencing factors Cold stamping Hot Low carbon High-strength Galvanized steel sheet Aluminum alloy sheet Carbon
stamping steel sheet steel sheet fiber sheet

Deformation (strength) ★★ ★★★ ★★ ★★★ ★★★ ★★★ ★★★

Temperature ★ ★★★ ★ ★★★ ★★★ ★ ★★★
Coating ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ★★★ ◊ ◊
(Steel sheet)
Pressure ★★ ★ ★★ ★★★ ★★★ ★★ ★
Velocity ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★
Hardness ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★★ ★★★ ★★★ ★★
Roughness ★★ ★★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★★ ★★
Wear ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★★ ★★ ★

★★★—very important, must be considered, ★★—greater influence, ★—little influence, ◊—negligible

Fig. 26 Technical route of research on friction mechanism of galvanized advanced high-strength steel sheet

velocity, hardness, roughness, and wear, with the ultimate Stamping tests should be performed by changing the pa-
purpose of establishing a dynamic friction model of multi rameter variables individually, and the laws describing the
factor coupling. The friction mechanism of other stamping influence of the variation of single parameter on friction
materials and methods must also consider a combination of should be summarized. The relationship between friction
macroscopic and microscopic factors to reflect the dynamic and each single influencing factor can be deduced, as
process of friction comprehensively. shown in Fig. 27. There is a lack of research on the in-
The establishment of a dynamic coupled friction model teractions and connections among various influencing fac-
is the ultimate goal of the study of stamping friction. tors. Coupling is needed according to the degree of

Fig. 27 Establishment method of friction model

36 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2018) 96:21–38

association between the factors. According to the laws and wear of friction materials: a case study with zircon
and quartz. Tribol Lett 37(3):637–644.
describing the influence of single factors on friction, a
multifactor coupling friction model can be established. 14. Archard JF (1953) Contacts and rubbing of flat surfaces. J Appl
Therefore, further study remains for the macro- and Phys 24(8):981–988.
microstamping friction. It is necessary to summarize and de- 15. Goddard J, Wilman H (1962) A theory of friction and wear during
the abrasion of metals. Wear 5(2):114–135.
velop the existing stamping friction mechanism, perfect the
existing relatively mature friction model, and establish a dy- 16. Suh NP (1977) An overview of the delamination theory of wear.
namic multifactor coupling friction model suitable for differ- Wear 44(1):1–16.
ent stamping methods and materials. 17. Wallbridge NC, Dowson D (1987) Distribution of wear rate data
and a statistical approach to sliding wear theory. Wear 119(3):295–
Acknowledgments We express our thanks to Guangdong Kelon Mould
18. Attia H (2009) A generalized fretting wear theory. Tribol Int 42(9):
Co., Ltd. for their great support during the project.
19. Cora ON, Ağcayazı A, Namiki K, Sofuoğlu H, Koç M (2012) Die
Funding information This work is supported by the National Natural wear in stamping of advanced high strength steels—investigations
Science Foundation of China (grant number 51505348), Open Research on the effects of substrate material and hard coatings. Tribol Int
Fund of the State Key Laboratory of Materials Processing and Die & 52(3):50–60.
Mould Technology (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 20. Wang W, Zheng X, Hua M, Wei X (2016) Influence of surface
grant number P2016-15), Open Research Fund of the Key Laboratory modification on galling resistance of DC53 tool steel against gal-
of Metallurgical Equipment and Control Technology, Ministry of vanized advanced high strength steel sheet. Wear 360-361:1–13.
Education (Wuhan University of Science and Technology, grant number
2015B08), and the Science and Technology Planning Project of Ronggui 21. Zeng Q, Yu F, Dong G (2012) Mechanism analysis of improved
(grant number RGJF(2017)27H-8). DLC films friction behaviors with liquid sulfidation treatment. Appl
Surf Sci 259(15):83–92.
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