Algorithms and The Social Organization of Work - Paper LSE - Ifeoma Ajunwa and Rachel Schlund - Oxford Handbook of Ethics of AI

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Algorithms and the Social Organization of Work

Algorithms and the Social Organization of Work

Ifeoma Ajunwa and Rachel Schlund
The Oxford Handbook of Ethics of AI
Edited by Markus D. Dubber, Frank Pasquale, and Sunit Das

Print Publication Date: Jul 2020 Subject: Law, IT and Communications Law
Online Publication Date: Jul 2020 DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190067397.013.52

Abstract and Keywords

This chapter argues that the proliferation of automated algorithms in the workplace rais­
es questions as to how they might be used in service of the control of workers. In particu­
lar, scholars have noted machine learning algorithms as prompting a data-centric reorga­
nization of the workplace and a quantification of the worker. The chapter then considers
ethical issues implicated by three emergent algorithmic-driven work technologies: auto­
mated hiring platforms (AHPs), wearable workplace technologies, and customer relation­
ship management (CRM). AHPs are “digital intermediaries that invite submission of data
from one party through preset interfaces and structured protocols, process that data via
proprietary algorithms, and deliver the sorted data to a second party.” The use of AHPs
involves every stage of the hiring process, from the initial sourcing of candidates to the
eventual selection of candidates from the applicant pool. Meanwhile, wearable workplace
technologies exist in a variety of forms that vary in terms of design and use, from wrist­
bands used to track employee location and productivity to exoskeletons used to assist em­
ployees performing strenuous labor. Finally, CRM is an approach to managing current
and potential customer interaction and experience with a company using technology.
CRM practices typically involve the use of customer data to develop customer insight to
build customer relationships.

Keywords: automated algorithms, workplace, machine learning algorithms, algorithmic-driven work technologies,
automated hiring platforms, wearable workplace technologies, customer relationship management, hiring
process, customer data, customer relationships

The Social Organization of Work

MUCH organizational theorizing has been conducted on the role of brokers and institu­
tional intermediaries in connecting disparate groups within organizations1 or in occluding
lacunae in the network of corporate entities.2 More recently, scholarly attention has shift­
ed to the role of technology as an intermediary, mediating both access to work and the ex­
perience of work.3 As Shoshana Zuboff observed, the introduction of new technology
“wields the power of the slow-moving hand at the turning rim of a kaleidoscope.” Zuboff
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Algorithms and the Social Organization of Work

argues that technology can never be introduced without an effect—rather any new tech­
nology must be parsed for both its affordances and foreclosures.4

Harry Braverman’s seminal analysis of technology, Taylorist management, and the labor
process demonstrated how managerial control is exerted through technology, and as
Michael Burawoy noted in his ethnography, the most visible control technology in a
(p. 806) factory was the assembly line.5 The line coerced workers to keep pace or risk

penalties both monetary and social. The proliferation of automated algorithms in the
workplace raises questions as to how they might be used in the service of control and co­
ercion. As some scholars have argued, machine learning algorithms have “prompted a da­
ta-centric reorganization of the workplace” and a quantification of the worker in a man­
ner and to a degree, previously unseen in history.6 This chapter considers ethical issues
implicated by three algorithmic-driven work technologies: (1) automated hiring plat­
forms, (2) wearable workplace technologies, and (3) customer relationship management.

Automated Hiring Platforms

Automated hiring platforms (AHPs) are “digital intermediaries that invite submission of
data from one party through pre-set interfaces and structured protocols, process that da­
ta via proprietary algorithms, and deliver the sorted data to a second party.”7 The use of
AHPs involves every stage of the hiring process, from the initial sourcing of candidates to
the eventual selection of candidates from the applicant pool. This section describes how
AHPs assist companies through each stage of the hiring process—sourcing, screening, in­
terviewing, and selecting.8

During the initial sourcing stage of the hiring process, companies use AHPs to source or
find attractive candidates using targeted advertising or matching technology.9 Targeted
advertising involves the use of machine learning algorithms to build predictive models
based on data from job seekers and their online activity to automatically generate a pool
of jobseekers with predetermined, sought-out characteristics that companies can use to
target or exclude job seekers from viewing advertisements.10 In the case of matching
technologies, companies typically use personalized job boards to automatically generate a
list of potential job candidates who match the characteristics the company is looking for
in a job candidate.11

Following the initial sourcing stage of the hiring process, companies typically use
(p. 807)

AHPs to screen candidates—assessing candidates’ potential to excel in the job position

using predictive models.12 For example, companies may embed behavioral or personality
assessments within AHPs to predict how likely a job candidate is to work well with others
or steal from the company.13 Companies can also use AHPs to automatically review job
candidates resumes to predict how closely a given resume matches a company’s mini­
mum or desired qualifications.14 During the screening stage, AHPs typically cull the bot­
tom 20 percent or so of the applicant pool before transmitting the remaining applicant
pool to the interview stage of the hiring process.15

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Algorithms and the Social Organization of Work

AHPs aid during the interviewing stage of the hiring process by creating interview guides
for hiring managers based on areas of concern indicated by the assessments used in the
screening process.16 AHPs may also make use of video interviews—job applicants’ inter­
views are recorded and their responses, vocal tone, and facial expressions are analyzed
using machine learning algorithms, which compare current job applicants’ responses to
past interview responses from the company’s top employees.17

During the final step in the hiring process, the selection phase, employers use AHPs in
making the final hiring decision by automating background checks and helping to negoti­
ate job offer terms. Automated background checks typically assess if a job applicant has a
criminal history and is authorized to work.18 Recently, some AHP vendors also offer social
media background checks—a job applicant’s social media and online history is deployed
to predict how likely the job candidate will engage in toxic workplace behavior such as
bullying, sexual harassment, or drug use.19

Employers can also use AHPs to help negotiate job offer terms. For example, some AHPs
can use companies’ data regarding previous job offers and acceptances to create predic­
tive models to assess how likely a given job candidate will accept a given job offer.20
Further, the predictive models can provide companies with potential ways in which to in­
crease the likelihood a given job applicant will accept a given job offer such as by increas­
ing salary, bonus, and other benefits.21

(p. 808) Current State of Use

The use of AHPS is on the rise. According to the Society for Human Resource Manage­
ment, in 2016 approximately 22 percent of organizations used automated screening to re­
view job applicants’ resumes. A survey conducted by Deloitte University Press in 2017 re­
vealed approximately 56 percent of companies surveyed were in the process of redesign­
ing their human resources (HR) programs to utilized digital and mobile AHPs. Further, 51
percent of companies surveyed in 2017 were in the process of redesigning their compa­
nies to use digital business models. Additionally, 33 percent of the HR teams included in
the survey were using artificial intelligence (AI) to implement HR solutions. The survey
included data from 10,447 companies across the world, including Western Europe (25
percent), Latin and South America (17 percent), Asia (15 percent), North America (14
percent), Africa (10 percent), Central and Eastern Europe (8 percent), Nordic countries
(7 percent), Oceania (3 percent), and the Middle East (2 percent). The companies sur­
veyed were also from a variety of industries, including professional services (16 percent),
financial services (13 percent), consumer business (13 percent), technology, media, and
telecommunications (12 percent), manufacturing (11 percent), energy and resources (7
percent), life sciences and health care (6 percent), real estate (1 percent), and other (12
percent).22 Thus, the use of AHPs is worldwide and spans a variety of industries.

Criticisms and Pitfalls

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Algorithms and the Social Organization of Work

Coercive and Hierarchical

By design, AHPs resemble hierarchical and coercive structures aimed to maximize profit
—clearly diverging from public and democratic social relations.23 AHPs are coercive as
they necessitate that workers consent to the information asymmetries and command
structures embedded in the design of AHPs in order to gain employment, which one must
attain to afford basic needs such as housing and food.24 One can view the coercive and hi­
erarchical nature of AHP design as the descendant of technologies of control that have
dictated the social organization of work since the rise of scientific management in the
nineteenth century.25 Although the technologies of the nineteenth century, such as the as­
sembly line and stopwatch monitoring, illustrates overt forms of technical control,
(p. 809) AHPs, although less overt, also exert technical control by coercing job applicants’

consent to hierarchical information asymmetries.

Information Asymmetry
The use of AHPs results in steep information asymmetries between job applicants and em­
ployers since job applicants must provide volumes of personal information to attain em­
ployment. However, employers do not reciprocate the information and insight they attain
about job applicants—employers do not share the information they attain about job appli­
cants with the job applicants, and the job applicants do not receive additional information
about employers.26

Privacy Concerns
Coercing consent from job applicants to take part in personality assessments and to re­
veal identifying information that is used to gather additional information on applicants
from third-party vendors renders an enormous amount of personal information. This in­
formation is stored, analyzed, and shared among industry partners, in ways unknown to
the job candidate.27 The collection, distribution, and storage of job applicant’s personal
information create numerous privacy concerns regarding the security and confidentiality
of sensitive employee data.

Encoding of Bias
AHP designers claim that automating the hiring process will reduce hiring bias. The
promise of reduced hiring bias derives from the belief that automated hiring systems are
blind to protected characteristics such as gender, age, ethnicity, and sexual orientation.28
However, the AHP is not an autonomous agent. The predictive models used to select em­
ployees from applicant pools are built from training data selected by the company. Train­
ing data is typically derived from the company’s current high-sales employees’ data,
which is then used to detect patterns in the data to build predictive models to select simi­
lar job applicants—a process sometimes referred to as “cloning your best people.”29 The
process of “cloning your best people” can result in encoding human bias. The idea being
that “systematically biased data produces systemically biased analyses, regardless of the
quality of those analyses.”30 For example, if women and racial minorities were underrep­
resented in a company’s demographics, then (p. 810) training data would create a predic­

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Algorithms and the Social Organization of Work

tive model that would similarly undervalue applicants from those underrepresented

The encoding of human bias in predictive models used by AHPs can lead to discriminato­
ry hiring practices. During the initial sourcing stage of the hiring process, the use of tar­
geted advertising can result in discrimination when employers use protected characteris­
tics such as ethnicity, gender, and age to target advertisements. Targeted advertising can
also result in discrimination when employers use variables that are correlated with pro­
tected characteristics to target job advertisements, such as zip code.32 During the screen­
ing stage of the hiring process, discrimination can result from using biased training data
to predict minimum qualifications.33 Furthermore, behavioral and personality assess­
ments used in the screening process have been demonstrated to discriminate against peo­
ple of color.34 During the interview stage of the hiring process, the use of video interviews
to analyze job applicants responses, vocal tone, and facial expressions can lead to dis­
criminatory outcomes for people with regional and nonnative accents, speech impedi­
ments, visible disabilities, and darker skin tones due to the design flaws in speech recog­
nition and facial analysis software.35 During the selection phase of the hiring process, the
use of social media background checks can reveal information about job applicants that
employers are not legally permitted to use to inform hiring decisions, such as ethnicity,
sexuality, disability, or pregnancy status.

Wearable Workplace Technologies

Wearable technologies designed for the workplace—wearable workplace technologies—
exist in a variety of forms that vary in terms of design and use, from wristbands used to
track employee location and productivity to exoskeletons used to assist employees per­
forming strenuous labor.36 Examples of wearable workplace technologies include (p. 811)
smart glasses, wrist- and finger-worn wearables, smart caps and helmets, and exoskele­
tons—among many others.37

Wearable workplace technologies in the form of smart glasses exist in a variety of de­
signs, including see-through smart glasses with enhanced visual aid, smart glasses
equipped with a thermographic camera, artificial reality glasses, and smart glasses with a
monocular view.38 See-through smart glasses with enhanced visual aid essentially consist
of glasses with the properties of a static computer—allowing employees to consult manu­
als or guides, transcript notes, or look up records. A variety of industries use see-through
smart glasses with enhanced visual aid, such as construction, manufacturing, field ser­
vice, and healthcare, among others.39 Smart glasses equipped with a thermographic cam­
era are typically used in construction and manufacturing to assess machine fatigue by
monitoring surface temperature and temperature distribution to predict when a machine
will overheat. Artificial reality (AR) smart glasses project virtual information onto an
employee’s physical surroundings, allowing the employee to distinguish between virtual
information and physical information. To illustrate, factory employees who fix machines

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Algorithms and the Social Organization of Work

can use AR glasses to project visual markers and schematics to guide their work.40 Smart
glasses with a monocular view afford employees a wider viewing angle of their surround­
ings and can produce high-resolution images. Many industries have implemented smart
glasses with a monocular view, including telemedicine, remote assistance, and warehous­

Wrist- and finger-worn wearable workplace technologies also come in a variety of designs
and provide different affordances. Examples of finger-worn workplace wearables include
rings equipped with scanners and Bluetooth technology that allow employees to scan in­
ventory and communicate hands-free.42 Examples of wrist-worn workplace wearables in­
clude bracelets and bands equipped with GPS to track employee location, biosensors to
record and analyze employee biometric data such as heart rate, accelerometers that track
employee movement and activity, and wearable computer interfaces.43 (p. 812) Wrist-worn
workplace wearables are used across a variety of industries, with global market revenue
projected to reach US$70 billion by 2020.44

Smart caps and helmets designed for the workplace can be equipped with augmented re­
ality, Bluetooth technology, voice recognition, and even sensors to detect brain activity.45
For example, smart caps and helmets equipped with augmented reality can be used to
project blueprints and instructions for employees performing tasks such as welding and
construction.46 Further, smart caps and helmets equipped with sensors to detect brain ac­
tivity can be used to measure an employee’s level of fatigue or alertness.47 A variety of in­
dustries have adopted smart caps and helmets such as fieldwork, transportation, con­
struction, manufacturing, and product design.48

Wearable workplace technology in the form of exoskeletons are essentially wearable ro­
botics that are typically designed to assist employees performing arduous tasks by in­
creasing their strength and agility.49 For example, exoskeletons used in construction and
manufacturing can assist employees in lifting heavy tools.50 Some exoskeletons are even
equipped with technology that allows employers to monitor their employees’ location,
mood, and physical health.51 A variety of industries have implemented exoskeletons such
as construction, manufacturing, and geriatric care.52

Current State of Use

Wearable workplace technology has proliferated in the workplace. A report by Frost &
Sullivan revealed that between January 2013 and December 2015 approximately 2,955
patents were registered in the United States for wearable technology designed for
(p. 813) the workplace—illustrating the flourishing development of wearable workplace

technologies.53 Further, the majority of the 2,955 patents registered in the United States
for wearable workplace technologies between January 2013 and December 2015 consist­
ed of patents for wrist- and finger-worn wearables, such as wristwatches, ring scanners,
and wrist bands—indicating wrist- and finger-worn wearables designed for the workplace
remain a significant trend.54

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Algorithms and the Social Organization of Work

The implementation of wearable workplace technologies is also on the rise. A survey con­
ducted by Forrester in 2016 revealed 23 percent of information workers use wearable
work technologies, demonstrating a 63 percent increase from 2015.55 Further, an addi­
tional survey conducted by Forrester revealed that 62 percent of telecommunications or­
ganization executives described the implementation of wearable workplace technologies
is a priority for their organization, which has grown from 52 percent in 2014.56

Adoption of wearable technology in corporate wellness programs is also increasing. A

survey conducted by WorldatWork revealed that in 2016 approximately 27 percent of the
organizations surveyed used wearable technology to encourage employee health and
wellness.57 A report by Gartner revealed that in 2017 an estimated 60 percent of corpo­
rate wellness programs include the use of wearable technology.58 This trend is only pre­
dicted to increase—Gartner estimates that by 2021, 90 percent of wellness programs will
include wearable technology.59

Criticisms and Pitfalls

Privacy Concerns
The increased use of wearable workplace technologies presents numerous privacy con­
cerns regarding employee data. Wearable technologies collect volumes of sensitive, per­
sonal data from employees, creating issues regarding the collection, use, and distribution
of employee data by employers.60 Further, wearable workplace technologies (p. 814) typi­
cally afford employers the ability to observe and track their employees’ location and phys­
iological activity—a practice that may violate the National Labor Relations Act.61
Moreover, wearable workplace technologies collect large amounts of sensitive employee
data, which remains stored on companies’ servers—leaving sensitive employee data vul­
nerable to hacking by third parties.62

Wearable workplace technologies also present concerns regarding discrimination. Since
wearables collect employee health data, such technologies could potentially reveal med­
ical information that could be used to discriminate against employees. For example, the
use of wearable technologies could facilitate discrimination against employees who have
a medical condition or disability that prevents them from reaching productivity
standards.63 Additionally, wearables used in corporate wellness programs collect employ­
ee data outside of the workplace such as activity levels, weight, heart rate, and sleep
quality.64 The collection and use of employee data regarding health and lifestyle outside
of the workplace present further discrimination concerns as this data could be used to de­
termine employee benefits and compensation.65

Employee Safety and Compensation

Wearable workplace technologies can improve worker performance, but this can lead to
reductions in workers’ compensation for injuries. For example, wearable workplace tech­
nology designed to assist workers in arduous tasks may allow injured workers to return to
work sooner than they would have without the wearable technologies assistance, reduc­
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Algorithms and the Social Organization of Work

ing paid leave for workplace injuries.66 Further, the use of data collected by wearable
workplace technology could be used to deny employee compensation claims.67 For exam­
ple, if an employee causes an accident that leads to injury at work, an employer could use
biometric data collected by wearable workplace technology to determine if the employee
was sleep-deprived, shifting the blame onto the employee.68

Wearable workplace technologies also present concerns regarding employee safe­

(p. 815)

ty. For example, wearable workplace technologies such as see-through smart glasses with
enhanced visual aid or virtual reality glasses can cause distractions, which could lead to
injury.69 Furthermore, poorly designed exoskeletons could potentially damage muscles,
tendons, and nerves.70 Injuries caused by wearable workplace technologies could lead to
employee lawsuits against employers.71

Inaccurate Predictions
Data collected by wearable workplace technologies are not always accurate. For example,
employees can “game” wearable workplace technology design flaws to skew the results of
the data.72 The use of wearable workplace technology is also a form of surveillance,
which could make some individuals nervous, thus skewing the accuracy of the data col­

Customer Relationship Management

Customer relationship management (CRM) is an approach to managing current and po­
tential customer interaction and experience with a company using technology.74 CRM
practices typically involve the use of customer data to develop customer insight to build
customer relationships.75 Customer data is collected from a wide range of resources: a
company’s website, telephone, email, live chat, advertising, social media, industry part­
ners, and other third parties.76 The primary purpose of CRM is to improve (p. 816) a
company’s relationships with customers—increasing customer value—to attract potential
customers, retain current customers, and increase sales growth—increasing company val­

The definition of CRM implementation and use remains debated in academic literature.78
Pennie Frow and Adrian Payne conceptualize CRM implementation and use as five inte­
grated processes: (1) strategy development, (2) value creation, (3) multichannel integra­
tion and consumer experience, (4) information management, and (5) performance assess­
ment. The strategy development process involves assessing a firm’s business strategy to
develop a customer strategy that creates a base for implementing CRM. The value-cre­
ation process involves utilizing a firm’s business and associated customer strategy to de­
termine what value the firm can offer customers, what value customers can offer the firm,
and how to integrate the exchange of both customer and company value. The multichan­
nel integration and customer experience process involves deciding what channels (e.g.,
ways in which a firm interacts with customers) to use and integrate to improve customer
experience. The information management process involves the collection, analyzation,

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Algorithms and the Social Organization of Work

and use of customer data to develop customer insight to inform marketing practices. Fi­
nally, the performance assessment process involves evaluating the implementation and
use of CRM to ensure it is achieving the intended results outlined by a firm’s business

Michael Fayerman provides an alternative conceptualization, describing the implementa­

tion and use of CRM as consisting of three components—operational, analytical, and col­
laborative. Operational CRM involves the integration and automation of sales, marketing,
and customer support. The analytical component of CRM involves the collection, analyza­
tion, and utilization of customer data to develop customer insight to inform marketing
strategy and practice. Finally, collaborative CRM involves creating partnerships with
third parties to share customer data across organizations, which firms can then use to en­
hance customer experience through customization.80

Current State of Use

Customer relationship management is widely used by organizations, a trend that is only

increasing. According to a survey conducted by Forrester in 2018, approximately 50 per­
cent of small and medium-size organizations, defined as organizations with twenty to
ninety employees, surveyed use CRM software, and 19 percent planned to implement
CRM in (p. 817) 2019.81 Further, an estimated 65 percent of large organizations, defined
as organizations with one thousand or more employees, surveyed use CRM software, and
18 percent planned to implement CRM in 2019.82 Additionally, organizations are increas­
ingly implementing the use of social media into their CRM strategy. For example, a survey
conducted by the Aberdeen Group in 2012 revealed that 86 percent of organizations use
social media to advertise to consumers.83 Additionally, A survey conducted by MIT Sloan
Management Review revealed that in 2013, approximately 65 percent of organizations
used social media to develop insight into market shifts.84

Criticisms and Pitfalls

Differential Treatment of Customers

CRM claims sales and profits will increase by focusing on enhancing company-customer
relationships; however, the practice of CRM leads to differential treatment of customers,
focusing on enhancing certain company-customer relationships at the expense of
others.85 The idea being that favoritism of the most profitable customers will lead to in­
creased profits.86 However, in practice favoring certain customers at the expense of oth­
ers leads to inequality and may not increase profits.

Favoritism results in an unequal distribution of outcomes—the favored group of cus­

tomers receive explicit targeting and promotions, while the group of customers that are
not favored do not receive explicit targeting and promotions. The unequal distribution of
outcomes caused by favoritism may lead to perceptions of unfairness, which may cause
favored customers to feel guilty or uneasy about their advantaged position, while cus­
tomers who are not favored may feel angered or outraged about their disadvantaged posi­

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Algorithms and the Social Organization of Work

tion.87 Essentially, the use of CRM to favor certain groups of customers at the expense of
others leads to perceptions of unfairness, which can damage a company’s reputation,
leading some customers to disengage with the company and spread negative (p. 818) in­
formation about the company.88 In effect, such targeted promotions could also be seen as
a form of digital redlining that disadvantages lower income customers, a population that
has large overlaps with racial minorities.89

Exploiting Customer Relationships

A premise of CRM is “dual creation of value” for the company and the customer through
information reciprocity.90 The idea being that customers give companies their information
which companies reciprocate by providing an enhanced shopping and buying
experience.91 Essentially companies attain customer information so that they can cus­
tomize and enhance the customer’s shopping and buying experience, which increases the
likelihood the customer will continue to purchase from the company—creating both value
for the customer (i.e., enhancing their shopping and buying experience) and the company
(i.e., customer retention and increased profits). However, in practice, customer informa­
tion is not reciprocated and leads to information asymmetry between the customer and
the company because the customer is not always aware of when and how their data is be­
ing collected and used by the company.92 The information asymmetry between the cus­
tomer and the company may cause the customer to distrust the company with their infor­
mation.93 The Facebook–Cambridge Analytica data scandal presents an illustrative case.94
In 2018, it was revealed that Facebook permitted the data analytics firm Cambridge Ana­
lytica to collect information on millions of Facebook users in order to target political cam­
paign ads to those users.95

Information Misuse and Privacy Concerns

An essential component of CRM entails the collection and storage of consumer data. Con­
sumers are typically unaware of when and how their data is collected and used by (p. 819)
companies, which creates numerous privacy concerns. Furthermore, companies will sell
customer data to other firms without the customers’ knowledge or permission, exacerbat­
ing privacy concerns.96

CRM practices may sometimes entail misleading and confusing customers by hiding rele­
vant information, which may cause customers to make buying decisions at their disadvan­
tage. For example, companies can use CRM to generate complex pricing schemas that
make it difficult for customers to compare pricing from other service providers. Addition­
ally, companies can use CRM to generate continuous price and rate changes so that cus­
tomers do not have time to compare pricing alternatives from other service providers ac­
curately. Further, CRM performance measurement systems and employee reward struc­
tures can encourage dishonest company behavior, such as overcharging and upselling

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Algorithms and the Social Organization of Work

Collecting and analyzing consumer data to generate consumer insight to inform market­
ing practices, such as targeted advertising, constitutes an essential component of CRM.98
Companies collect and analyze consumer data to predict who their most profitable cus­
tomers are and then target advertisements and promotions to those customers and other
customers who share similar characteristics.99 This practice of targeted advertising using
predictive analytics leads to certain groups of customers to receive targeted advertising
and promotions, while excluding other groups of customers, known as “digital
redlining.”100 Digital redlining can lead to discrimination when companies exclude cer­
tain groups of customers based on protected characteristics, such as ethnicity,101 (p. 820)
religion,102 pregnancy status,103 and gender104 or proxies for protected characteristics.105
For example, a ProPublica investigation revealed that companies were excluding cus­
tomers by ethnic group from viewing targeted advertisements on Facebook using “ethnic
affinity groups,” a feature on Facebook that used online customer behavior to determine
customer ethnicity—a proxy for the protected characteristic of ethnicity.106

Future Directions for Research

There has been recent empirical research investigating bias on online hiring platforms
and also on CRM.

Customer Relationship Management

Hannak et al. investigated the effect of race and gender on online freelance market­
places.107 Specifically, Hannak and colleagues examined if perceived gender and race in­
fluence worker evaluations by customers, if the language of worker evaluations by cus­
tomers differed for workers of different perceived genders and races, and if workers’ per­
ceived gender and race significantly associate with their search result rankings in online
freelance marketplaces.108 Overall, the findings demonstrate support for the effect of
race and gender or bias in online freelance marketplaces. Hannak and colleagues hypoth­
esized that biased customer evaluations of workers might indirectly cause the biased
ranking of workers. In other words, since customer evaluations of workers revealed bias
as a function of perceived race and gender, and worker rankings also revealed bias as a
function of perceived race and gender, biased customer evaluations of workers might also
cause biased rankings of workers.

Hannak and colleagues argue that online freelance marketplace designers should
(p. 821)

actively seek to mitigate the biases present in online freelance marketplaces. Hannak and
colleagues present several examples, including, limiting the number of customer evalua­
tions of workers that can be viewed, limiting customers’ ability to pick workers by having
the process automated, and adjusting individual workers’ ratings when they are a prod­
uct of systematic biased evaluation by customers.

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Algorithms and the Social Organization of Work

Furthermore, Hannak and colleagues call for future research to investigate the impact of
working conditions on the propensity for women and people of color to leave the free­
lance workforce. The researchers also call for future research to investigate the causal
mechanisms behind the effect of biased customer evaluations of workers on hiring deci­

Automated Hiring and Recruitment

Chen and co-authors conducted an audit study of three resume search engines. Notably,
they conducted experimental studies to investigate if the resume search engines directly
used inferred gender to rank job seekers’ posted resumes.110 The findings support the ex­
istence of indirect gender discrimination at both the individual and group level for re­
sume search engine rankings—presenting several key implications. Chen and colleagues
argue for the adoption of ranking algorithms that account for indirect discrimination by
making ranking algorithms “group fair by design.” In other words, hiring websites that
use ranking algorithms should ensure their ranking algorithms rank both male and fe­
male job candidates at a rate proportional to the distribution of the population. Further­
more, Chen and colleagues call for future research to investigate other hiring websites
and how actual hirers or recruiters use resume search engines.111

Ajunwa, Ifeoma. “The Paradox of Intervention as Anti-Bias Intervention,” Cardozo Law
Review, no. 41 (forthcoming, 2020).

Ajunwa, Ifeoma. “Age Discrimination by Platforms.” Berkeley Journal of Employment &

Labor Law 40, no. 63 (forthcoming, 2019).

Ajunwa, Ifeoma. “Algorithms at Work: Productivity Monitoring Platforms and Wearable

Technology as the New Data-Centric Research Agenda for Employment and Labor Law.”
St. Louis Law Journal 63, no. 1 (forthcoming, 2019).

Ajunwa, Ifeoma, and Daniel Greene. “Platforms at Work: Automated Hiring Platforms and
Other New Intermediaries in the Organization of Work.” Research in the Sociology of
Work 33, no. 1 (forthcoming, 2019): 1–53.

Boulding, William, Richard Staelin, Michael Ehret, and Wesley J. Johnston. “A Cus­
(p. 822)

tomer Relationship Management Roadmap: What Is Known, Potential Pitfalls, and Where
to Go.” Journal of Marketing 69, no. 4 (2005): 155–166.

Greenbaum, Joan M. Windows on the Workplace: Technology, Jobs, and the Organization
of Office Work. 2d ed. New York: Monthly Review Press, 2004.

Nissenbaum, Helen and Heather Patterson. “Biosensing in Context: Health Privacy in a

Connected World.” In Quantified Biosensing Technologies in Everyday Life, edited by
Dawn Nafus, 79–100. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2016.

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Pasquale, Frank. The Black Box Society: The Secret Algorithms That Control Money and
Information. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2015.

Srnicek, Nick. Platform Capitalism. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press, 2017.

Zuboff, Shoshana. In the Age of the Smart Machine: The Future of Work and Power. New
York: Basic Books, 1988.


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(3) Hyman Louis, Temp: How American Work, American Business, and the American
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“Platforms at Work: Automated Hiring Platforms and Other New Intermediaries in the Or­
ganization of Work,” Research in the Sociology of Work 33, no. 1 (forthcoming 2019): 1–

(4) Shoshana Zuboff, In the Age of the Smart Machine: The Future of Work and Power
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(5) Harry Braverman, Labor and Monopoly Capital: The Degradation of Work in the Twen­
tieth Century, 25th anniversary ed. (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1998); Michael Bu­
rawoy, “Between the Labor Process and the State: The Changing Face of Factory Regimes
under Advanced Capitalism,” American Sociological Review 48, no. 5 (1983): 587–605.

(6) Ifeoma Ajunwa, “Algorithms at Work: Productivity Monitoring Platforms and Wearable
Technology as the New Data-Centric Research Agenda for Employment and Labor Law,”
St. Louis Law Journal 63, no. 1 (forthcoming 2019).

(7) Ajunwa and Greene, “Platforms at Work: Automated Hiring Platforms and Other New
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(8) Miranda Bogen and Aaron Rieke, “Help Wanted: An Examination of Hiring Algorithms,
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(11) Sirui Yao and Bert Huang, “Beyond Parity: Fairness Objectives for Collaborative Fil­
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(12) Bogen and Rieke, “Help Wanted: An Examination of Hiring Algorithms, Equity, and

(13) Ajunwa and Greene, “Platforms at Work: Automated Hiring Platforms and Other New
Intermediaries in the Organization of Work.”

(14) Mariotti and Robinson, “Society for Human Resource Management 2017 Talent Ac­
quisition Benchmarking Report,” (SHRM, 2017).

(15) Ajunwa and Greene, “Platforms at Work: Automated Hiring Platforms and Other New
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(16) Id.

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(19) Nathan J. Ebnet, “It Can Do More Than Protect Your Credit Score: Regulating Social
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(22) Jeff Schwartz et al., “Rewriting the Rules for the Digital Age 2017 Deloitte Global Hu­
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(23) Ajunwa and Greene, “Platforms at Work: Automated Hiring Platforms and Other New
Intermediaries in the Organization of Work.”

(24) E. Anderson, Private Government: How Employers Rule Our Lives (and Why We Don’t
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(25) Burawoy, “Between the Labor Process and the State: The Changing Face of Factory
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(26) Ajunwa and Greene, “Platforms at Work: Automated Hiring Platforms and Other New
Intermediaries in the Organization of Work.”

(27) Id.

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(28) J. Meredith, “AI Identifying Steady Workers: E-Recruiting Firm Offering Tool to Deter­
mine How Long Job Seeker Will Stay Around,” Chicago Tribune (July 16, 2001), http://

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(30) Ajunwa and Greene, “Platforms at Work: Automated Hiring Platforms and Other New
Intermediaries in the Organization of Work.”

(31) Ajunwa, “Algorithms at Work: Productivity Monitoring Platforms and Wearable Tech­
nology as the New Data-Centric Research Agenda for Employment and Labor Law.”

(32) Kim and Scott, “Discrimination in Online Employment Recruiting.”

(33) Ajunwa and Greene, “Platforms at Work: Automated Hiring Platforms and Other New
Intermediaries in the Organization of Work.”

(34) Craig Haney, “Employment Tests and Employment Discrimination: A Dissenting Psy­
chological Opinion,” Industrial Relations Law Journal 5, no. 1 (1982): 1–86.

(35) Rachael Tatman, “Gender and Dialect Bias in YouTube’s Automatic Captions,” in Pro­
ceedings of the First ACL Workshop on Ethics in Natural Language Processing (ACL,
2017), 53–59; Joy Buolamwini and Timnit Gebru, “Gender Shades: Intersectional Accura­
cy Disparities in Commercial Gender Classification,” Proceedings of the 1st Conference
on Fairness, Accountability and Transparency, PMLR 81, no. 1 (2018): 77–91.

(36) Timothy L. Fort, Anjanette H. Raymond, and Scott J. Shackelford. “The Angel on Your
Shoulder: Prompting Employees to Do the Right Thing through the Use of Wearables,”
Northwestern Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property 14, no. 2 (2016): 139–170;
Dov Greenbaum, “Ethical, Legal and Social Concerns Relating to Exoskeletons,” ACM
SIGCAS Computers and Society 45, no. 3 (2016): 234–239.

(37) Ajunwa, “Algorithms at Work: Productivity Monitoring Platforms and Wearable Tech­
nology as the New Data-Centric Research Agenda for Employment and Labor Law”; Frost
& Sullivan, “Wearable Technologies for Industrial Applications: Smart Glasses, Wrist-
Worn Devices, HUDs Improve Productivity and Efficiency in Industrial Sector” (Frost &
Sullivan, June 30, 2017); Greenbaum, “Ethical, Legal and Social Concerns Relating to Ex­

(38) Frost & Sullivan, “Wearable Technologies for Industrial Applications”; J.P. Gownder,
“The Technology-Augmented Employee: How Emerging Technologies Like Artificial Intel­
ligence Are Reshaping the Future of Work” (Forrester, 2018),
report/The+TechnologyAugmented+Employee/-/E-RES125811; Ajunwa, “Algorithms at
Work: Productivity Monitoring Platforms and Wearable Technology as the New Data-Cen­
tric Research Agenda for Employment and Labor Law.”

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(39) Frost & Sullivan, “Wearable Technologies for Industrial Applications.”

(40) J.P. Gownder, “The Technology-Augmented Employee: How Emerging Technologies

Like Artificial Intelligence Are Reshaping The Future of Work.”

(41) Frost & Sullivan, “Wearable Technologies for Industrial Applications.”

(42) Id.; Fort, Raymond, and Scott, “The Angel on Your Shoulder: Prompting Employees to
do the Right Thing through the Use of Wearables.”

(43) Frost & Sullivan, “Wearable Technologies for Industrial Applications”; Ajunwa, “Algo­
rithms at Work: Productivity Monitoring Platforms and Wearable Technology as the New
Data-Centric Research Agenda for Employment and Labor Law”; Fort, Raymond, and
Shackelford. “The Angel on Your Shoulder: Prompting Employees to do the Right Thing
through the Use of Wearables.”

(44) Frost & Sullivan, “Wearable Technologies for Industrial Applications.”

(45) Id.; Karen Turner, “Are Performance-Monitoring Wearables an Affront to Workers’

Rights?,” Chicago Tribune (August 7, 2016),
technology/ct-wearables-workers-rights-wp-bsi-20,160,807-story.html; Ben Coxworth,
“SmartCap Monitors Workers’ Fatigue Levels by Reading Their Brain Waves,” New Atlas
(January 13, 2012),

(46) Ajunwa, “Algorithms at Work”; Frost & Sullivan, “Wearable Technologies for Industri­
al Applications”; Turner, “Are Performance-Monitoring Wearables an Affront to Workers’

(47) Ajunwa, “Algorithms at Work: Productivity Monitoring Platforms and Wearable Tech­
nology as the New Data-Centric Research Agenda for Employment and Labor Law”; Ben
Coxworth, “SmartCap Monitors Workers’ Fatigue Levels by Reading Their Brain Waves.”

(48) Frost & Sullivan, “Wearable Technologies for Industrial Applications.”

(49) Greenbaum, “Ethical, Legal and Social Concerns Relating to Exoskeletons.”

(50) Ajunwa, “Algorithms at Work: Productivity Monitoring Platforms and Wearable Tech­
nology as the New Data-Centric Research Agenda for Employment and Labor Law”;
Greenbaum, “Ethical, Legal and Social Concerns Relating to Exoskeletons.”

(51) Ana Viseu, “Simulation and Augmentation: Issues of Wearable Computers,” Ethics
and Information Technology 5, no 1 (2003): 17–26.

(52) Greenbaum, “Ethical, Legal and Social Concerns Relating to Exoskeletons.”

(53) Frost & Sullivan, “Wearable Technologies for Industrial Applications.”

(54) Id.

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(55) Boris Evelson and Michael Facemire, Enterprise Business Intelligence: Now Always at
Hand on Your Smartwatch (Forrester, 2016),

(56) J.P. Gownder, “Deliver Digital Operational Excellence and Digital Customer Experi­
ence Innovation with Wearables” (Forrester, 2017),

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(58) Christy Pettey, “Wearables Hold the Key to Connected Health Monitoring” (Gartner,

(59) Id.

(60) Ifeoma Ajunwa, Kate Crawford, and Joel Ford, “Health Meets Big Data: An Ethical
Framework for Health Information Collection by Corporate Wellness Programs,” Journal
of Law, Medicine, and Ethics 44, no.1 (2016): 474–480.

(61) Ajunwa, “Algorithms at Work: Productivity Monitoring Platforms and Wearable Tech­
nology as the New Data-Centric Research Agenda for Employment and Labor Law”;
U.S.C, “National Labor Relations Act,” 29 § 157 (2012).

(62) Frost & Sullivan, “Wearable Technologies for Industrial Applications.”

(63) Ajunwa, “Algorithms at Work: Productivity Monitoring Platforms and Wearable Tech­
nology as the New Data-Centric Research Agenda for Employment and Labor Law.”

(64) Helen Nissenbaum and Heather Patterson, “Biosensing in Context: Health Privacy in
a Connected World,” in Quantified Biosensing Technologies in Everyday Life, ed. Dawn
Nafus (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2016), 79–100.

(65) Alexander H. Tran, “The Internet of Things and Potential Remedies in Privacy Tort
Law,” Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems 50, no. 2 (2017): 263–298.

(66) Greenbaum, “Ethical, Legal and Social Concerns Relating to Exoskeletons.”

(67) Ajunwa, “Algorithms at Work: Productivity Monitoring Platforms and Wearable Tech­
nology as the New Data-Centric Research Agenda for Employment and Labor Law”;
Antigone Peyton, “A Litigator’s Guide to the Internet of Things,” Richmond Journal of Law
& Technology 22, no. 3 (2016): 1–20.

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(68) Ajunwa, “Algorithms at Work: Productivity Monitoring Platforms and Wearable Tech­
nology as the New Data-Centric Research Agenda for Employment and Labor Law.”

(69) Jeremy P. Brummond and Patrick J. Thorton, “The Legal Side of Jobsite Technology,”
Construction Today (June 22, 2016),

(70) Garry Mathiason et al., “The Transformation of the Workplace through Robotics, Arti­
ficial Intelligence, and Automation: Employment and Labor Law Issues, Solutions, and the
Legislative and Regulatory Response” (Littler, 2016),

(71) Ajunwa, “Algorithms at Work: Productivity Monitoring Platforms and Wearable Tech­
nology as the New Data-Centric Research Agenda for Employment and Labor Law.”

(72) Ifeoma Ajunwa; Kate Crawford, “When the Fitbit Is an Expert Witness,” The Atlantic
(November 19, 2014),­

(73) Oliva Solon, “Wearable Technology Creeps into the Workplace,” Sydney Morning Her­
ald (August 7, 2015),

(74) Pennie Frow et al., “Customer Management and CRM: Addressing the Dark Side,”
Journal of Services Marketing 25, no. 2 (2011): 79–89.

(75) William Boulding et al., “A Customer Relationship Management Roadmap: What Is

Known, Potential Pitfalls, and Where to Go,” Journal of Marketing 69, no. 4 (2005): 155–

(76) Musfiq Mannan Choudhury and Paul Harrigan, “CRM to Social CRM: The Integration
of New Technologies into Customer Relationship Management,” Journal of Strategic Mar­
keting 22, no. 2 (2014): 149–176; Satish Jayachandran et al., “The Role of Relational In­
formation Processes and Technology Use in Customer Relationship Management,” Journal
of Marketing 69, no. 4 (2005): 177–192.

(77) Jayachandran et al., “The Role of Relational Information Processes and Technology
Use in Customer Relationship Management”; William Boulding et al., “A Customer Rela­
tionship Management Roadmap: What Is Known, Potential Pitfalls, and Where to Go.”

(78) Id.

(79) Adrian Payne and Pennie Frow, “A Strategic Framework for Customer Relationship
Management,” Journal of Marketing 69, no. 4 (2005): 167–176.

(80) Michael Fayerman, “Customer Relationship Management,” New Directions for Institu­
tional Research 113, no.1 (2002): 57–68.

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(81) Kate Leggett, “The Five CRM Trends In 2019 That Will Shape Engagement, Relation­
ships, And Revenue” (Forrester, 2019),

(82) Id.

(83) Sumair Dutta, “Social Media and Customer Service: From Listening to
Engagement” (Aberdeen Group, 2012),

(84) David Kiron et al., “Social Business: Shifting Out of First Gear,” MIT Sloan Manage­
ment Review 55, no. 1 (2013): 1–32.

(85) Boulding et al., “A Customer Relationship Management Roadmap: What Is Known, Po­
tential Pitfalls, and Where to Go.”

(86) Bang Nguyen, Sooyeon Nikki Lee-Wingate, and Lyndon Simkin, “The Customer Rela­
tionship Management Paradox: Five Steps to Create a Fairer Organization,” Social Busi­
ness 4, no. 3 (2014): 207–230; Bang Nguyen and Lyndon Simkin, “The Dark Side of CRM:
Advantaged and Disadvantaged Customers,” Journal of Consumer Marketing 30, no. 1
(2013): 17–30.

(87) Monroe Xia and J. Cox, “The Price Is Unfair! A Conceptual Framework of Price Fair­
ness Perceptions,” Journal of Marketing 68, no. 1 (2004): 1–15.

(88) Nguyen and Simkin, “The Dark Side of CRM: Advantaged and Disadvantaged Cus­
tomers”; Jennifer Lyn Cox, “Can Differential Prices Be Fair?,” Journal of Product & Brand
Management 10, no. 5 (2001): 264–275; F.M. Feinberg, A. Krishna, and Z.J. Zhang, “Do
We Care What Others Get? A Behaviourist Approach to Targeted Promotions,” Journal of
Marketing Research 39, no. 3 (2002): 277–291.

(89) Margaret Hu, “Algorithmic Jim Crow,” Fordham Law Review 86, no. 2 (2017): 633–
696; Cathy O’Neil, “No Safe Zone: Getting Insurance,” in Weapons of Math Destruction:
How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy (New York, NY: Crow,
2016), 161–178.

(90) Satish Jayachandran et al., “The Role of Relational Information Processes and Tech­
nology Use in Customer Relationship Management”; William Boulding et al., “A Customer
Relationship Management Roadmap: What Is Known, Potential Pitfalls, and Where to Go.”

(91) Jayachandran et al., “The Role of Relational Information Processes and Technology
Use in Customer Relationship Management.”

(92) Pennie Frow et al., “Customer Management and CRM: Addressing the Dark Side.”

(93) William Boulding et al., “A Customer Relationship Management Roadmap: What Is

Known, Potential Pitfalls, and Where to Go.”

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(94) Carole Cadwalladr and Emma Grahm-Harrison, “Revealed: 50 Million Facebook Pro­
files Harvested for Cambridge Analytica in Major Data Breach,” The Guardian (March 17,

(95) Id.

(96) Pennie Frow et al., “Customer Management and CRM: Addressing the Dark Side”;
Joseph Turow, Lauren Feldman, and Kimberly Meltzer, “Open to Exploitation: America’s
Shoppers Online and Offline” (Philadelphia: Anneberg Public Policy Center of the Univer­
sity of Pennsylvania, 2005); Detlev Zwick and Nikhilesh Dholakia, “Whose Identity Is It
Anyway? Consumer Representation in the Age of Database Marketing,” Journal of Macro­
marketing 24, no. 1 (June 2004): 31–43; Lilian Edwards and Michael Veale, “Slave to the
Algorithm? Why a ‘Right to an Explanation’ Is Probably Not the Remedy You Are Looking
For,” Duke Law & Technology Review 16, no. 1 (2017): 18–84; Ifeoma Ajunwa, “Workplace
Wellness Programs Could be Putting Your Health Data at Risk,” Harvard Business Review
(January 19, 2017),

(97) Pennie Frow et al., “Customer Management and CRM: Addressing the Dark Side.”

(98) Id.; Anthony Danna and Oscar H. Gandy, “All That Glitters Is Not Gold: Digging Be­
neath the Surface of Data Mining,” Journal of Business Ethics 40, no. 1 (2002): 373–386.

(99) Id.

(100) Margaret Hu, “Algorithmic Jim Crow”; Cathy O’Neil, “No Safe Zone: Getting In­
surance”; Marcia Stepanek, “Weblining: Companies Are Using Your Personal Data to Lim­
it Your Choices—and Force You to Pay More for Products,” Bloomberg Business Week
(April 3, 2000),

(101) Elliot Zaret and Brock N. Meeks, “Kozmo’s Digital Dividing Lines,” MSNBC (April 11,
373212.asp?cp1=1; Latanya Sweeney, “Discrimination in Online Ad Delivery,” Communi­
cations of the ACM (May 2013); Julia Angwin and Terry Parris Jr., “Facebook Lets Adver­
tisers Exclude Users by Race,” ProPublica (October 28, 2016), https://

(102) Samuel Gibbs, “Google Alters Search Autocomplete to Remove ‘Are Jews Evil’
Suggestion,” The Guardian (December 5, 2016),

(103) Kashmir Hill, “How Target Figured Out a Teen Girl Was Pregnant Before Her Father
Did,” Forbes (February 16, 2012),
how-target- figured-out-a-teen-girl-was-pregnant-before-her-father-did/.

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(104) Amit Datta, Michael Carl Tschantz, and Anupam Datta, “Automated Experiments on
Ad Privacy Settings: A Tale of Opacity, Choice and Discrimination,” Proceedings of the
15th Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (2015): 92–112.

(105) Angwin and Parris Jr., “Facebook Lets Advertisers Exclude Users by Race.”

(106) Id.

(107) A. Hannák, C. Wagner, D. Garcia, A. Mislove, M. Strohmaier, and C. Wilson, “Bias in

Online Freelance Marketplaces: Evidence from Taskrabbit and Fiverr,” Proceedings of the
2017 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing
(2017): 1914–1933.

(108) Id.

(109) Id.

(110) L. Chen, A. Hannak, R. Ma, and C. Wilson, “Investigating the Impact of Gender on
Rank in Resume Search Engines,” Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human
Factors in Computing Systems (2018).

(111) Id.

Ifeoma Ajunwa

Ifeoma Ajunwa, Associate Professor, Labor Relations, Law, and History Department,
Cornell University ILR School; Associate Faculty Member, Cornell Law School; Facul­
ty Associate, Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University

Rachel Schlund

Rachel Schlund, Department of Organizational Behavior, Cornell University

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