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b- Why is Harry sure he can succeed in this role?

a- Does Harry master any information technologies? Justify.

4-Sav to what or to who to the underlined words in the text refer: (lpt)
a-I (§2) —• ................. b- This role (§3) — ..................

1 Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to the following: (1pt)
a- Bad (§2) / ........................ b- Online (§2) /................................
2- Find in the text wards that are closest to the following: (1pt)
a- The best (§2) =... ... .............. ... ...... b- Positive (§3) = ... ................... ...
3- fietrrife the sentences usine the words between brackets (3 pts
a- I always feel nervous before any job interview. (quite)

b- We play games at work to break the routine. (sometimes)

c- I don’t like lazy persons. I don’t like careless persons. {neither ...... nor.............)

4- Complete the ollowine sentences with : ’in’, ‘on’, ‘at’ (2pts)

a. My family and I usually go on holidays..................May, beaches are less crowded then.
b.2023, I graduated from middle school and passed to high school.
c. My brother always wakes up early ... ...... Sunday, usually................6 a.m.
5- Mark intonation in the [rillowine sentences: (2pt)
• Can you send me a friend request on Facebook, please? (...............)
• What is your new email address? (.............)

C7 Fill in the eaps with the ollowing words: (4pts)

popular — important — interact — aware

Social media are .................. platforms where people connect, share, and communicate online. They

have become an ..................... part of our lives, allowing us to..........................with friends and


However, we have to use them responsibly and be........................of their negative side.
........................ Secondary School Level: First Year Literary Stream


Richard Jefferson
Boston Highway Street
Uber Technologies ,Inc.
Chicago. IL
United States

November 8t , 2023

Dear Mr. Hiring Manager

I am writing to you to express my deep interest to join the position of an Uber Driver in your
company. I have encountered your job announcement while I was scrolling through LinkedIn and I felt this is
the opportunity that suits me best.
I am Richard Jefferson, I am 25 years old and I live in Boston city, USA .I hold a bachelor degree
diplomat in civil engineering, as I graduated from Arizona State University at the top of my promotion
last year. Apart from that, 1 have some good experience in the transportation industry and a good driving
record. I have a B category-driving license and 5 years of driving experience, I never did a traffic accident
because I am very attentive on the wheel and 1 respect drivers as well as pedestrians.

I believe I can thrive in this role since I am comfortable using technology, I can easily use Uber application to
contact clients, impress them with the quality of our services and convince them to often use more in their
daily commute. Apart from English, I also speak French and some basic Italian, so I can also serve as a
tourist guide with clients who want to explore the city of New York.

Thank you for your time and effort considering my request. Please find my CV and picture attached to
this letter. Looking forward to hearing from you very soon,
Kind regards,

A/TEXT Comprehension:
1- the text above ‹s ‹i............................................(lpt)
a- A party invitation letter b-A job resignation letter c- A job application letter
2- Say whether the following .statement.S nFe TOUE or FALSE accor ling to the text. (2pts,i
a. Richard lives in the city of New York.
b. He doesn’t have experience in driving.
c. Richard has a masters’ degree in chemical engineering.
d. He can communicate in many languages.

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