231025+ +JBS+3Q23+Earnings+Preview VF

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Equity Research: Agri, Food and Beverages October 26, 2023

Agri, Food and Beverages / Meatpackers

JBS (JBSS3) | Buy; TP R$ 39.0/sh.

3Q23 Earnings Preview: better, though not exciting
We forecast results sequentially improving, but earnings should not be a trigger

We forecast JBS to report better results sequentially with the highlight being Poultry and Pork operations,
both in the US and in Brazil. On the negative side, we expect JBS Brazil and Australia down QoQ, while we
model US Beef improving marginally QoQ. All-in, we project net revenue of R$ 90.8bn (+3% QoQ) and adj.
EBITDA of R$ 5.2bn (+18% QoQ), with earnings still down YoY. Investors’ demand for JBS’s investment case
is increasing, but our forecasted improvement in the Company’s earnings should not be enough to trigger a
positive reaction in the share price, in our view, as the pace of recovery across the Company’s business
units is still unclear, in addition to the uncertainty regarding the dual listing and leverage.
The positive highlights should be Poultry and Pork operations. For Leonardo Alencar
Seara, we project topline nearly flat QoQ with better domestic (fresh Agri, Food and Beverages
and processed) prices offsetting lower export prices. We project
adj. EBITDA margin better QoQ, improving 90bps, with the recovery Pedro Fonseca
Agri, Food and Beverages
underperforming peers, as the decrease on feed prices is yet to be pedro.fonseca@xpi.com.br
reflected in the Company’s financials.
Figure 2. Key
Minerva FiguresKey Figures
The positive surprise should be US Pork which should take
advantage of better prices as the demand was boosted by retailers Target Price (R$/sh.) 39.00
anticipating purchases as a means of avoiding the prop. 12 effects. Current Price (R$/sh.) 19.30
As a result, we forecast topline improving 5% QoQ and adj. EBITDA Upside (%) 102%
margin almost back at historical levels, which we model at 8.3% Market Cap (R$ bn) 42.6
# of shares (million) 2,220
No news on US Beef, for which we project net revenue nearly flat Free Float (%) 28%
QoQ despite the decrease of the cut-out. We project adj. EBITDA
Figure 3. Performance vs. IBOV
margin of 1.8% reflecting the adjustment of recent operational
Ibovespa JBSS3
JBS Brazil and Australia should be the lowlights as lower cattle 110
prices were not enough to offset lower export prices. For JBS Brazil, 100
we project net revenue and adj. EBITDA margin decreasing 1% and 90

20bps QoQ, respectively. For Australia, we forecast net revenue flat 80

QoQ, and adj. EBITDA margin decreasing 100bps QoQ.

Figure 1. XP Estimates

3Q23E 3Q22E YoY 2Q23A QoQ

Net Revenues R$ mn 90.841 98.928 -8% 88.110 3%
Gross Profit R$ mn 10.462 16.159 -35% 9.798 7%
Gross Margin % 11,5% 16,3% -482bps 11,1% 40bps
Adj. EBITDA R$ mn 5.287 9.546 -45% 4.481 18%
Adj. EBITDA Margin % 5,8% 9,6% -383bps 5,1% 73bps
Net Income R$ mn 724 4.264 -83% -198 -465%
Net Margin % 0,8% 4,3% -351bps -0,2% 102bps

Sources: Company data and XP Research. 1

Equity Research: Agri, Food and Beverages October 26, 2023

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Equity Research: Agri, Food and Beverages

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