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Dear Valued Customer,

As per your request, below is a copy of the laboratory results for the system(s) of interest. This
document contains excerpts from the full third party report summarizing the specified coating
system(s) and third party laboratory conclusion(s).

For additional information, please contact your local PPG representative

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COT bv

lndependent advice,
research and
management Íor
construction and
independent industry

Testing of the system LaboÍatory
SIGMAFAST 278 / SIGMADUR 550H (DFT 200/60 pm)
on blasted steel panels Jan Tademaweg 40
according to ISO L2944-6:2018 C5 High, Performance tests 2031 CV Haarlem
and ISO 1812-1, Chemical Resistance P.O. Box 2113
2002 CC Haarlem
The Netherlands
T +31 23-53L9544
F +31 23-5277229
Haarlem, December 3rd, 2O2O I

Client PPG Protective and Marine Coatings

Kopraweg 35 Westpoort 7615
LO47 BP Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Contact person: Mrs. C Tessont

Project number 20L30222

Report number LAB2O-0437-REP

Handled by Mr. N. Blokker

The system SIGMAFAST 278 / SIGMADUR 550H on blasted steel panels, dry fitm
thickness 200/60 pm (COT sample number 2L-LO-73/0489-9) meets the Performance
requirements of ISO 12944-6:2018 C5 High and ISO LeL2-t, Chemical Resistance.

All rights lerved, This report contains 9 numbered pàges. No part of this publiction may be repoduced and/or published without written consnt oÍ COT
bv. Submitting the complete report by the client for inspection to paÍtiês who have a direct interct is pemitted. when not agred in the by COT bv
prcvided order confirmation, our Ru16 of S€ryice are applicable. COT bv is Gponsible Íor all information in this report, qcept for infomation dêlivered by
the clieot. Infomation frcm the client could have influene on the validity of the results. COT bv is not Ígponsible for the smpting. All r6ults in this report
are only applicable for the empls as Geived by COT bv.

IBAN NL74 ABNA 0528095455 r BIC code ABNANL2A I KvK Haarlem 34069959

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