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(Ale): Hey guys i was thinking that we could talk about some paranormal stories that
happened to us

(Pao): Yeah, i like that idea

(Pau): me too, can i start?

(Ale): of course

(Pau): OK so my story is that I was in my mother’s house one night

When I suddenly hear someone knocking the door.
she went to the neighbors house to ask for something,
so I thought well it must be my mother, but it was weird, because why would she will be
knocking the door?
but I don’t mind it, so I just go and open the door and when I open the door there was no

(Angel): uhhh, spooky

(Angel): My turn, my mom told me that when I was a kid, I used to play a lot with my
imaginary friend
I spent hours and hours playing and talking with him
one time my mom asked me how’s your friend? can you describe it to me?
And I started to describe my brother that died when i was born so I never got to know him

Ale): what really? Nothing very scary ever happened to me, just one time i clearly heard
some steps on the second floor,
but i was alone in my house that day

(Pao): Something similar happened to me, I was alone in my house while I heard some
noises on the second floor,
I went to check if there was someone on that floor
I didn’t saw anything so I opened the door of my room
and I saw a shadow that quickly disappeared from the room

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