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First essay:

In the upcoming decade, my ambitious goal is to embark on a transformative

academic journey that will blend my passion for medicine and administration. The
initial milestone involves pursuing a medical degree in the United States, drawn by
the country's cutting-edge technology and renowned medical programs. This
endeavor is set to commence immediately after the completion of my current degree.
I am going to immerse myself in the vibrant academic and cultural landscape of the
U.S., with the expectation of beginning my medical studies within the next te years.

However, this pursuit is accompanied by its share of challenges, particularly the

perceived difficulty of the medical curriculum and the financial strain associated with
such a demanding field. As I chart my course, I anticipate encountering the
formidable hurdle of managing the high costs associated with a medical education. I
will be going to secure scholarships and will be exploring financial aid options to
mitigate this obstacle. Additionally, balancing the rigorous academic demands with
potential work opportunities will be crucial for sustaining myself economically during
this period.

Following the successful completion of my medical degree, I will be planning to

broaden my expertise by pursuing a postgraduate program in administration in
Canada. This strategic move, which will unfold in the subsequent five years, aligns
with my desire to merge medical knowledge with managerial acumen. The
challenges associated with obtaining a Canadian visa and navigating the nuances of
a different educational system will be formidable. Nevertheless, with meticulous
planning and adherence to immigration regulations, I am confident that I will
overcome these hurdles and will be embracing the enriching educational experience
that Canada offers.

In conclusion, my vision for the future involves a sequential pursuit of academic

excellence in the U.S. and Canada. The timeline, spanning the next decade, outlines
a strategic approach to achieving my dual dream. While recognizing the potential
difficulties ahead, I am steadfast in my commitment, armed with the conviction that
with perseverance and strategic planning, I will be transforming my aspirations into a

Second essay:

I am an eighteen-year-old girl who is going to university. Entering my third semester,

I enrolled in a daunting course known as Descriptive Statistics. Renowned for its
complexity and demanding evaluations, the class was made even more formidable
by a stringent professor. Despite my earnest efforts, my peers and I constantly faced
low grades, and the professor's unwavering standards left little room for redemption.
As the final assessment loomed, I found myself on the precipice of failure, needing to
secure an 11 out of 10 to pass. Although I implored the professor for understanding
and compassion, my plea fell on deaf ears. The ensuing despair was palpable; I
believed my efforts had been in vain, and a cloud of self-doubt enveloped me.

While many in my position might have resigned themselves to the outcome or

perhaps reconsidered the course before the final evaluations, my parents'
unwavering support encouraged me to persevere. Their belief in my dedication,
despite the unfavorable outcome, spoke volumes. The inclination to withdraw or
abandon the course entirely is a common response to such challenges, and while it
may offer temporary relief, it often denies the opportunity for personal growth and
resilience. In retrospect, I acknowledge the necessity of this struggle in my academic

In such moments, maintaining composure and cultivating a broader perspective is

imperative. The judicious use of modals to express degrees of necessity becomes
apparent – I should have strived to tranquilly understand that the outcome was not
entirely within my control. While my immediate reaction was one of despair, I now
recognize the importance of resilience and the need to continue demonstrating my
capabilities. Thus, in the face of adversity, it is not only the course content that one
must master, but also the art of navigating challenges with grace and determination.

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