Twee - Weekend Activities - Speaker's Experience

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Weekend Activities: Speaker's Experience

1 Answer the Questions!

00:00 - 02:19

1 What did the speaker do for the first time last weekend?

2 Where did the speaker go on Friday during Labor Day weekend?

3 What did the speaker do in Beverly Hills?

4 How did the speaker spend their day yesterday?

5 Why didn't the speaker have their kids with them?

6 What did the speaker find out this weekend?

7 What did the speaker do last minute on Saturday?

8 Where did the speaker go for Italian food?

9 What event did the speaker attend yesterday?

10 Who did the speaker go to Colombo's and the brewery art walk with?
2 Pick the Right Summary!
00:00 - 02:19

1 In the video, people talk about their weekend adventures. They mention going on a road
trip, visiting a theme park, and trying out new restaurants. Some of them went hiking,
attended a music concert, and had a picnic in the park. Others mentioned going shopping,
watching movies, and spending time with friends.
2 In the video, people are asked about their weekend activities. They mention going to the
casino, attending parties, and hanging out in Beverly Hills. Some of them went for walks,
did writing projects, and went to church. Others mentioned finding out the gender of their
baby and doing their taxes.
3 In the video, people talk about their boring weekend activities. They mention staying at
home, doing chores, and going to church. Some of them did their taxes and went for walks.
Others mentioned having a quiet time with their family.

3 Can You Fill in the Gaps?

The speaker and the listener are discussing their __________(1).
The speaker mentions buying a __________(2) for the first time.
The listener went to the __________(3), attended __________(4), and celebrated their friend's
The speaker caught up with their friends in Beverly Hills and had dinner at the __________(6).
The listener mentions being on __________(7) and feeling __________(8).
The speaker went for a walk around the __________(9), did some __________(10), and picked up
their __________(11).
The listener found out they are having a __________(12), did their __________(13), and went to
__________(14) and the __________(15).
The speaker went to an __________(16) and attended the __________(17) with their girlfriend

4 Let's Discuss There Interesting Questions!

1 Did you have a good weekend? What did you do?

2 Do you like going to parties and events?

3 Have you ever been to Beverly Hills? What did you do there?

4 How do you relax during your free time?

5 Have you ever done your taxes? How do you feel about it?
Correct Answers
1 Correct Answers:
1 The speaker bought a brand new car.
2 The speaker went to the casino.
3 The speaker caught up with their friends and met up at Cheesecake Factory.
4 The speaker went for a walk around the Silver Lake Reservoir and did some writing.
5 The speaker's kids were with their dad because the speaker and their dad are split up.
6 The speaker found out they are having a boy.
7 The speaker did their taxes.
8 The speaker went to Colombo's in Eagle Rock.
9 The speaker attended the brewery art walk.
10 The speaker went with their girlfriend Denise.

2 Correct answer:

3 Correct Answers:
1 weekends 2 brand new car 3 casino 4 parties
5 birthday in Beverly Hills 6 Cheesecake Factory 7 spring break
8 relaxed 9 Silver Lake Reservoir 10 writing for a project 11 kids
12 boy 13 taxes 14 church 15 park with their kids
16 Italian restaurant 17 Brewery Art Walk 18 Denise

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