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- PHP is written within <?php … ?> tags

- written in a file with extension .php
- PHP file can contain HTML
- any code outside PHP tags is HTML
echo “ ”;

<html lang="en">
// html body

‣ Variables & Datatypes:

- Variables are dynamically typed => no datatype declared before variables

- Variables are declared loosely => variable can be reassigned to different datatypes
- Preceded by $ on definition and on reference
- Datatypes:  boolean
 Integer
 float
 string
 Array
 Objects
$user= “Randy”;
$year = 1982;
$employed = true;
$price = 4.99;

 PHPConstants:
- Defined near thetop of the PHP file
- Once defined, it can’t be redefined or reassigned to another value
- After definition, referenced without $
- uppercase for constants is convention
define(Name, Value);

eg. define(“PI”, 3.1415);

$area = $raduis * ( PI ** 2 );

Referenced without $
‣ Output:

 echo() function
- is used to output something that will be seen by the browser
- HTML syntaxes & Variables within are comprehended by the browser
 echo("hello");
 echo "hello";  all HTML syntax are comprehended by the
 echo ‘hello’;  syntaxes including backslash ‘\’ are not
comprehended eg. \n,\t …
echo "<em> $firstName $lastName </em>";

 To escape characters used for syntax eg. “ $, precede with backslash ‘\’

eg. echo “ … \$ … ”
echo “ … \“ … ”

 Single quotations ‘ ’ within double quotations “ ” doesn’t need escape

eg. echo "<img src='$id.jpg' alt=' $firstName $lastName' >";

 printf() function:
- allows to apply special formatting eg. specific date/time formats or number of
decimal places

printf("The %s is %.2f pounds", $product, $weight);

placeholders same order of
Precision specifier placeholders
‣ String Concatenation:

Strings can be appended together using the concatenate operators

1- ‘ . ’
2- ‘ , ’
echo $lastName . “, ” . $firstName;
echo $lastName , “, ” , $firstName;
‣ Program Control:

 if . . . else:
- if ( condition ) { … } Alternate syntax:
else if ( condition
) { … } if ( condition ) : …
else { … } else if ( condition ) : …
else: …

 switch . . . case:
- switch ($artType) { Alternate syntax:
case "PT":
… switch ($artType) :
break; case "PT":
case "SC": …
… break;
break; case "SC":
default: …
… break;
} default:


 while and do . . . while:

- while ($count < 10) { Alternate syntax:

} while ($count < 10) :


- do {  executed atleast once

} while (condition);

 for loop:
- for ($count=0; $count < 10; $count++) Alternate syntax:
{ for ($count=0;
… $count < 10;
$count++) :

 foreach:
- foreach( $menu as $plate ){ Alternate syntax:

} foreach( $menu as $plate ):


‣ Functions:
forces input datatype forces return datatype
function funcName(datatype $arg = value):return datatype{

return … ; default value
}  used if value isn’t passed on
optional function call

 Argument are passed to functions as value

=> any changes on the variable within the scope of the function isn’t reflected to the
original variable
 Passing a variableto a function as reference => any updates to the variable is also
reflected on the variable outsidethe function scope
 To pass a variable as reference:

function changeParameter(&$arg) {


 Variable Scope:
- Variables defined within a function have function scope
=> accessible within the function only
- Variables defined outside a function(global scope) are NOT accessible within the
function  accessed using global keyword
function testScope() {
global $count;

‣ Arrays:
$arr = array( … );
$arr = [ … ];
- To define new array elements:
$arr[0] = "val1";  adds at specified index, if already defined =>
$arr[] = " val2";  adds at the index of first empty position

 Associative Arrays:
- arrays with entries in ‘key => value’ format
$days = array(0 => "Mon",
1 => "Tue",
2 => "Wed",
3 => "Thu",
4 => "Fri");

- key acts as index

$arr[key] = value;  to define
$arr[key]  to reference

 Multidimensional arrays:
$2D_arr[1D_arr][ 1D_arr_index]

$month = array(


$aa = [
"AMZN" => ["Amazon", 234],
"APPL" => ["Apple", 342],
"MSFT" => ["Microsoft", 165]
$bb = [ $
a "AMZN" => ["name" =>"Amazon",
r "price" => 234],
r "APPL" => ["name" => "Apple",
[ "price" => 342],
r "MSFT" => ["name" => "Microsoft",
o "price" => 165]
w ];
] $bb["MSFT"]["name"]

 Iterating through Array:

foreach ($forecast as $value) {  takes only values
echo $value . "<br>";

foreach ($forecast as $key => $value) {  takes keys and values

echo "day[" . $key . "]=" . $value;

 Array Functions:
- array_push()
- adds an element at the end of the array
array_push($arr, “str”)
- array_pop()
- removes an element at the end of the array
- returns the popped element
- array_shift()
- removes an element from the beginning of the array
- returns the popped element
- count()
- returns the number of elements in array
- array_values()
- return an array containing values of an array
- can be used to remove gaps from arrays
- array_keys()
- return an array containing keys of an array
- unset()
- used to delete an element of an array
- leaves a gap behind on the position deleted from

- isset()
- returnsTRUE if index is occupied
- can be used to check HTML form inputs

- print_r()
- displays the array structure and the values of each element in the array
Array ( [0] => apple, [1] => banana, [2] => cherry )
- extract()
- creates variables from array
- keys arethe variables names
- values of keys are values of the variables
$arr array("a" => "Cat","b" => "Dog", "c" => "Horse");

 $a = “Cat”
$b = "Dog"
$c = "Horse"

‣ Operators:

 Mathematical Operators
- Addition +
- Subtract –
- Multiplication *
- Division /
- Power **
- Modulus %

 Logical Operators:
- AND && :
- OR || :
- NOT ! :
 Inc/Dec Operators
- Increment
- counter++;
- counter+=2;
- Decrement
- counter--;
- counter-=2;
‣ Mathematical Functions:

- abs($a)
- round($a)
- ceil($a)
- floor($a)
- sqrt($a)
- pow($a,$b)
- max($a,$b,…)
- min($a,$b,…)
- pi()
- rand(min,max)

‣ String Functions:

 strlen()
- used to get the string length

 implode()
- returns a string from the elements of an array.
eg implode(“ ”, $arr)

 explode()
- function breaks a string into an array at specified delimeter
eg explode(“ ”, $arr)

 trim()
- removes any whitespaces from the edges
- removes chars of2nd arg if they exist at the edges
- breaks on first mismatch
eg. trim($username)
trim($username, $replace)

 str_replace()

 preg_match()
- function returns whether a match was found in a string.
- Uses regular expressions Case insensitive
$pattern = "/Farah/i";
preg_match($pattern, $str);

 Md5()
- calculates the MD5 hash of a string
- uses the RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm

 htmlentities()
- converts string into HTML entities if possible

eg. $str = '<a href="">

Go to</a>';

 header()
 die()
‣ Include files:

- includes a Copy of the content of a file (php/html/text) in the php file

- Reduces redundancy  Sections of website become reusable eg. footer
Changes only need to be made in one place
- Syntaxes used to include files: on include error:
1. include "somefile.php"; warning is displayed then
2. include_once "somefile.php"; execution continues
File won’t be included
if already included 3. require "somefile.php";
4. require_once "somefile.php"; error is displayed and
execution stops
 by convention files to be included have ‘.inc.php’ extension to imply that this is an
include file
 Variables defined within an include file will havethe scope of the line on which the
include occurs
‣ $_GET and $_POST Superglobal Arrays:

- PHP uses special predefined associative arrays called superglobal arrays that allow the
programmer to easily access HTTP headers, query string parameters, and other
commonly needed information
- The $_GET and $_POST arrays allow the programmer to access data sent by the
client through forms
- If form’s method is ‘GET’ then data can be retrieved from $_GET array and likewise
for ‘POST’ form method and $_POST array
- data is formatted such that: name of the form field is the key and value of the field is the
value at the key
key => value
name => value
OR user input if text
<input type=“…” name=“…” value=“…” />
- Data is accessed using field name
eg. $_GET[“name”]

 Determining If Any Data Sent:

- Same php file could be responsible for displaying form and processing input
- To insure that data is sent prior processing:
1- Check if a GET or POST request was requested
'REQUEST_METHOD' will be either empty or contain ‘POST’/ ‘GET’
- empty indicates no request
- ‘POST’/ ‘GET’ indicates a request
issued depending on the form method.


2- Check if any of the fields are set using isset() or empty()

- isset() may return true although field is empty(but not null)  “”
- better to use empty: returns true on null and on empty string “”

if ( isset($_POST["uname"]) && isset($_POST["pass"]) ) {
// process data

‣ Classes:

class className {
private $firstName;
visbility public $lastName;

All variables are declared within {} beforethe constructor.

 Constructor:
- constructors are defined as functions with the name __construct() (double
underscores _)
- assign input parameters values to local variables using this-> prefix

$this->localVar1 = $arg1;

function __constructor($arg1,$arg2){ + localVar : datatype
$this->localVar1=$arg1; …
… OR
} className (datatype,datatype…)

 Instantiate/Create Objects
$instName = new className(“val1”, “val2”);

 Parameters of an instance can be set and accessed by:

$instName->arg1  access
$instName->arg1 = “val”;  set

 Methods
- Are functions associated with a class and its instances
public function methName()


 Visibility
Class member (i.e., a property or method) can be public, private, or

 public(+): property/method is accessibleto any

codethat has a referenceto the object.
 private(-): sets a method or variableto only be
accessible from within the class.
 Static Members
- A property or method that all instances of a class sharethe value of
class className {
public static statVar = val ;

function __construct( … ) {


- static properties are referenced using the self:: syntax rather than $this->
- static variables are not associated with class instances
- can be accessed without any instance via className::$statVar
- Static properties & methods are globally accessible (if public)
- Static methods are called using the same double colon syntax

 Inheritance
class subclass extends superclass{ … }

- inheriting class is said to be a subclass or a derived class.

- inherited class is a superclass or a base class
- subclass inherits all of public and protected methods and variables
- private members are not inherited
- if subclass method requires additional parameters compared to the parent class,
you can define it with these additional parameters in the subclass and overridden
- Referencing Superclass Members:
 Inside Subclass:
- any referenceto a member in the base class requires the addition of
the parent:: prefix instead of the $this->

 Outside:

 Magic Methods
- interface (but not implementation) is always defined in a class
- must writethe codethat defines what the magic function will do.
__construct(), __destruct(), __call(), __callStatic(), __get(),
__set(), __isset(), __unset(), __sleep(), __wakeup(),
__toString(), __invoke(), __set_state(), __clone(),

- wherever the object is echoed, it will automatically call __toString()

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