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Frome cress (AVES OF ANE Grordord_ yeeRers” smeamas Recor Fam gecion $2 Wat the sjondoed OBE VEECS wn gstace are (> C4 ee vecwoss cath fave lens yond Ne oo Mak Gwen net WB demores the ot oak Vandy, v, ken 8. wv 9 OU Ww ese, S0C8) can be rewrieter os Musetl = at Vth tu 200 cos pong) MWA WN C1 cos 8) ee om PIN” gin 6 XVI elu Iil sine Remon 1 nes yenbot uy) LV) RW Makes 10) Sense | becanse. cle came Fotea 4 tects. pleduck OF a Scalar end & YeCEEE nhs no aminguny ereses ue wane UV us cam MAG UACVHU -HEORLEN EDC crorRY que WIT =v: (wav) “inc Me 343. dtemnants eo ees hese protects con be cotorned {HOM On another by we row Wmetcronges CUetty >. these Felottensmp can be rememb ered! by moving the vectors UV. and W crocue ase Orewne the VCHICES Of the AManaKe Figure 3.s-6 IS fioure Geomesc merPreraton OF Deters The NIL Yheoten prOMGEE a USETU! Geome frie mer Prevohom OF a¢aand 343 determinants. Theorem 205-4 = (a. 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