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Save Trees Essays for Class 3

 Trees are like the lungs of the earth. They are the assets that keep the mother earth healthy.

 Trees play a significant role in our existence. They consume carbon dioxide and provide us with
fresh oxygen to breathe.

 Human beings and herbivores are largely dependent on them as they are the source of food,
fruits and vegetables.

 We get medicines, timber, wood, gum, fibre, rubber, latex, and so many other things from trees.

 They offer shadow and shelter not only to humans, but also give habitat to wildlife.

 They try to maintain environmental balance. For instance, when it gets too hot, the trees help in
bringing rainfall. They fight severe climate changes.

 Trees make the mother earth look beautiful and relaxing. They nourish various life forms in
many ways. Planting more trees will also add to the earth’s natural beauty.

 Trees fight water pollution and prevent soil erosion. They prevent pollutants from flowing into
water sources.

 The only way we can defend global warming and environmental pollution is by saving and
planting trees.

 Taking action towards saving trees is not something we would merely do for saving them, but to
protect our own lives. Save trees, save lives!

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