Day 10

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Day 10: 24 January – We build, we plant

Acts 20:32 NIV “Now I commit you to God and to the word of his grace, which can
build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified.

Colossians 2:7 NIV “rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were
taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”

Jeremiah 1:10 NIV “See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and
tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant.”

Building a new life where the old one has fallen is not an easy task because you first
have to admit the folly of the approach used previously. If you do not have new
advisors, or new materials or a new approach you might fail. When God told Jeremiah to
build and plant after uprooting, and destroying faulty principles, ungodly values and the
demonic influence, God expected his obedience. The faith of the Israelites was defiled
by ideas of the world leading them to disobey God and worship idols.

To build and plant represents a new start in life with specific emphasis on not doing
again what they did the first time that landed them where they were, dispossessed,
dislocated from Jerusalem, disconnected and disillusioned. God is clear we will never
“start all over” until we have thoroughly uprooted and overthrown the old. Admitting
that we were wrong is not the easiest thing to do. Admitting that we have used the
wrong principles that didn’t bring us the much needed glory and acceptance, is not easy.

It is time to use different building materials. I pray that if something is not working in
your life, you will change it now during the time of prayer and fasting.
Prayer points:

1. Ask God to build good work and business relationships for you.
2. Ask God to build good friendships for you, friendships that are a place of safety, a place
of support, a place of unconditional love and acceptance, a place of accountability.
3. Ask God to build sincere, godly and truthful people around you, people who will fight
for you, defend you and pray for you.
4. Ask God to build your name His way and for His glory.
5. Ask God to build your understanding of the love of God in-depth, all clean motives start
by understanding the love of God.
6. Ask God to build in you the character you need so that it can carry you and make you
shine where God is taking you and not embarrass you.
7. Ask God to make you a blessing to people through your gift. So that He can grace your
gift with impact and results.
8. Ask God to show you how to invest in your gift. A gift that is not polished and well
maintained does not scale the heights of competitive haters and brutal naysayers.
9. Ask God to build your faith and prayer coordination so that your prayers are the channel
of your faith. John 11v41-42.
10. Ask God to build your spirit and flesh coordination. Mastery over your flesh must
develop to such an extent that only the voice of the Holy Spirit must be your guiding voice
and not the voice of the desires of the flesh.
11. Ask God to help you know how to be quite in His presence so that you can silence the
voice of the flesh.
12. Ask God to build your mouth and discipline coordination. Pray for discipline bigger
than the dominance of your tongue so that you may always be able to hold it back.
13. Ask God to give you wisdom to know when to stop… talking, bragging, fighting your
partner, being selfish, promising and not fulfil.
14. Ask God to build a warrior out of you, so that you fight for what’s yours until the bitter
15. Ask God to help you build a new way of doing things, so that He may bring new ideas
of business through new networks

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