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Internship Opportunity to become GUESSS India College Ambassador

Dear Students,

Through this letter, I invite you to become a College Ambassador for GUESSS India 2023 - an
entrepreneurship research project aimed at assessing the entrepreneurial intent of students in
NIRF-2023 ranking colleges in Delhi.
Who can be a College Ambassador?

1. A student member of the Entrepreneurship Cell (or a similar body of the institute that
promotes entrepreneurship/innovation) or
2. A student having a strong interest/inclination toward entrepreneurship or
3. A student who has active enrollment in your institution (current student). The student
must be diligent, responsible, and entrepreneurial.

What are the responsibilities of a College Ambassador?

1. The College ambassador will be responsible for popularising the survey to enable data
collection during January 2024.
2. The College ambassador will be responsible for executing the web-based survey at
his/her own college over the next month.

What are the incentives for the college ambassador?

1. The College Ambassadors will be acknowledged on the GUESSS India website.

2. The College Ambassadors across the country with the highest responses will win
Amazon gift coupons worth INR 5000/-
3. The college ambassador will have the following benefits based on the number of
survey responses from his/her university:
a. For 300+ responses: Exceptional Performance Certificate
b. For 150-300 responses: Good Performance Certificate
c. For 100-150 responses: Performance Certificate
4. There may be opportunities for the selected college Ambassadors to engage in
research internships on the GUESSS India Project, based on interest and availability.
This can lead to a longer research association.
5. There may be an opportunity for the selected College Ambassadors to become
National Team Members if they are interested in contributing significantly to the
Apply here:

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