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Burningman Incident Comment Sabrina Wallace

Sabrina Wallace [00:00:00] I have been sent multiple burning men, testimony, videos and
information all day. I put up the VR excuse me v i r a x app that they put out to a bunch of biotech
companies directly connected to the development of the Marburg and the Ebola, which they've
been threatening on common channels like t report for a while. See, when you understand that
the global information grid is real and that you have a real bio field that they work with, with
electrical transduction for data and that they've been at it since the nineties. Then you understand
if you've been selected on the death panel databases that the synergies know about, they're
going to be like, Oh fuck, Sabrina, I told you.

Sabrina Wallace [00:00:52] That's my.

Sabrina Wallace [00:00:52] My crazy here. I told you, I'm like, they have the death panel databases
and they're going to use them because nobody told on them. Nobody said no. Everybody said
go. So they're like, okay. And everyone was busy. This is a different video. I just finished Lying for
Money with the Q movement. So people just sat there. Of course, again, the signal in
cybersecurity jumps from one person to the next. Which way? Through the wireless? Well, maybe
that's the document I'm about to go over. But the body area network is the weapon per
cybersecurity. So you're standing next to somebody, the Ebola jumps in to you there. They all are
trading saliva, semen, food. I don't know if y'all know, but at Burning Man, the only things you can
pay for, like coffee and ice, I think everything else is traded between people. Okay, now what?
What were they trying to get going? The gay versus the Christians to eventually get in, The
Muslims versus the Christians to spend their war plan the whole time. So what better way when
you've got people like Malfoy, Mickey Adams lying like you breeze and telling people it's
witchcraft instead of JavaScript when they fucking know what they're doing, they know that it's
JavaScript. Because at the DOD symposium in September 2020, they were data labeling and data
curating to vendors like your bio labs. Your DNA where you are. Pay for play. Two companies.
Your dad giddy.

Sabrina Wallace [00:02:30] Is a set of feature.

Sabrina Wallace [00:02:32] Values and the vector of delivery as you are the data source. They get
a drone scan or they don't need to because they can get in faster with your bio sensors, which
are throughout your body and communicating on wireless sensor relays in multiple types of
computer networking w band protocols one more time. Since when again? Right. So I said the
death panel databases when the CGT report originally came out.

Sabrina Wallace [00:03:00] I'll come back to the metaphor thing here in a second.

Sabrina Wallace [00:03:02] When the ST report originally came out and was like, Oh, it's a three
point pass. I got livid, pissed. It was another one of those like the videos from this morning. I was
so angry. I'm like, Oh my God, why was I mad? Because I found out that COVID has its own body
area network and I started tell them the synergies. Yeah. Covid's on a data center somewhere
being rereleased into you. Sure is. And then I found the documentation and read it out loud. Then
Tori reposted it and her Tori says Telegram recently too.

Sabrina Wallace [00:03:30] Why? Because it exists.

Sabrina Wallace [00:03:32] So then a guy called into the American Journal in December 2021, and
he was listing out all this data and I'm like, Holy shit, you guys put all of this into various types of
three different types of injections. I was selling mutagenic, hyper mutagenic, and I'm like, Yeah,
with a selection in your feature values of what you want to activate that is already in their tissues.
Welcome to Wireless tissue Engineering. And I said synergies. This is all about wireless
biomedical tissue engineering. What's a UFO? Oh, I don't know. Radiate your bio field, sitting in
your house using heavy underground magnets, baseline carrier wave at the cable modem on your
drop outside for your cable modem or fly something over your house, rearrange your cellular
structure with the smart grid or just your biosensors. Welcome to the Global Information Network
centric Net warfare kill Grid. Then you think you're psychic because your neurons are being rattled
around and they're watching that with dynamics and dynamics. And if you get too much going on
in your morphological field, then you turn into something. You fall in a wormhole, disappear.
Maybe you had a bad time with the police officer randomly and you disappear that way. Whatever
way you're out of here, who's going to get you back? Right. Because nobody even knows that
you got a body part reporting, as were 2.1, 5.6 to a bunch of bros. Amazon was given permission
to mesh network with your body for faster shipping throughput in their databases. In August of
2021. See how that works. You're not even allowed to know it's body part. Amazon shipping
owes you a discount. So and so does your cable provider. EO 2.15.5 Wireless sensor networks
that are relaying with mesh networks. That's what it is. Then the bio sensors themselves, as I
mentioned, that's your eight or 2.15.40.

Sabrina Wallace [00:05:24] And just a second.

Sabrina Wallace [00:05:25] Trying to set this over here evenly so I can reach it easier. That's your
ETO 2.1, 5.4, and we're not done. I know it. Doesn't it suck? So cybersecurity. That's the original
thing I came out for with. I said, you're in serious trouble because if you don't feel your own body
there, that signal jumps and now you've got Ebola, too. So what better way to make sure that's
going on than the ubiquitous, pervasive and ambient computing for the metaverse is now full of
six G nano communicative technology to make sure at the nano millimeter scale we can do the
following alter the phase state focus that electromagnetic bio electromagnetic wave, change the
current frequency filter, steer it into you, make sure that your radio frequency absorption rates are
appropriate mathematically, and shove and shove until we get the nano and the new cellular
wireless tissue. Bioelectric code. By decoupling your electrical field and inserting our xeno code
into your body directly by cellular membrane. Not. Oh gee, I don't know. They just hit me with a
random signal. So when the CGT report came out, that's the sign I'm looking for. And they said,
Oh, it's a three point pulse. I said, Those are Obama's death panel databases. They've already got
everybody organized. They've got various different systems to kick it on or off for what they want
to do, test the forces, too. And how did they get all this? Because Lookingglass was using radio
frequency to look through your ass Long fucking time ago. Nobody told the truth about that. Then
they had everybody connected with radio frequency, an EEG, doing the hemi sync stuff, a
gateway. And then. And then they practice throwing people back and forth with specialized
concrete made up of bio photonics, the same way they've always done it throughout history. Now
it's a jump room. It's a.

Sabrina Wallace [00:07:13] Set of specialized.

Sabrina Wallace [00:07:14] Concrete to move your butt from one place to another. Come on.
Where are you hiding? Three point pulse. There we go. Okay, so the Obama death panel
databases, they said on the street report, it's like pathogen mutagen works into yeast, sugar and
fungus. So if you're obese, eat too much fast food, weak veins or low bone density, you get hit
with that type of signal. When a three point pulse is just the completion of the wave. And I said, If
you know how to use your bio field and your photonic resistance or you're too old and they don't
want to pay you, well, you need to be put out anyways because you're unvaccinated. That means
you're undeliverable to their smart cities. So it's time for you to die. Death Panel databases. Yeah,
thanks. Obamacare. Not a joke. Not even a little bit. How are they doing it? Combinatorial
synthesis libraries. What I call it derp cis DNA encoded solid phase synthesis. Welcome to your
wireless drugging Electroceuticals nano theory Gnostics therapeutics change out your
nucleotides, growling nucleotides, whatever they want to again is a reference. This was always
the plan. These are the notes. You can find the transcript link on the channel to the September
10th, 2020 Pentagon Artificial Intelligence Symposium with the Joint Artificial Intelligence
Commission at the time in which they said, We're making a real excuse me, we're making a real
for everyone. Everyone can and should implement artificial intelligence in everything they do. We
have customers across the Department of Defense. Again, please go watch the live footage.
These are my handwritten notes. They are accurate. That way you'll understand what I'm trying to
tell you. They said We're taking people into being A.I. pioneers and AI practitioners because we're
done with governance and ethics. And then they said, we've got an MQ nine reaper tethered to
ground on every single individual American. The trade wins projects and contracting tools with the
data max projects. And I'm like, What am I listening to? Data labeling and data curation. We have
web portals for purchase with partners and services readily available. We have vendors. And I
said, Who are these vendors and what are you selling? Vendors, Customers? What is this project?
Salus What did we learn back to product delivery? Give them the code. The Salus platform is
used by NORTHCOM with upgrades out to other vendors. The game changer will be the neural
prototype. Now, folks, I got an EEG since 2012. This all been out there for how long? Here. Oh,
look, the Burning Man has Ebola because it's Sodom and Gomorrah. That's what was on the front
of the drudge already this morning. Are we narrative? Striving to show the Christians with Flynn.
We're going to get. Yeah, get them. LGBTQ people are.

Sabrina Wallace [00:10:00] You did that to them. You lied to them. You shove them out into.

Sabrina Wallace [00:10:04] The streets with drugs. You did this on purpose, and now you've given
them Ebola and lock them into a mudslide. I said prima materia.

Sabrina Wallace [00:10:14] They melt people down into the mud. That's what the mud floods really
are. Oh. Oh.

Sabrina Wallace [00:10:33] Now, on the good side.

Sabrina Wallace [00:10:34] Some things I haven't shown in a while. You see this dress? I think
three more hairs just turn gray. But sort of back. It's fine. But on the good side, I showed the
synergies with a note that was left to our family about what to eat back in 2021.

Sabrina Wallace [00:10:50] And whatever it is.

Sabrina Wallace [00:10:51] That your prayerful practice or practice is guiding you to. This is.

Sabrina Wallace [00:10:59] Why I worked so hard to bring people.

Sabrina Wallace [00:11:00] Back to their own common sense and tell them trust yourself in your
own cerebrospinal fluid and get to Tony the Nano bucket Guide for actual ways to cleanse your
body of as much of this crap as you can. You're going to need the help of actual connectivity to
your bio field.

Sabrina Wallace [00:11:18] Because as they continue to scatter signals and do all they do.

Sabrina Wallace [00:11:21] If you can feel it, you can move, get out of the way, move into a
different part of your kill box. Even the people right there in the Burning Man. Yeah, they can
move. They can shield. The good part is a bunch of them know about their bio field.

Sabrina Wallace [00:11:35] How many people out there right now at Burning Man know how to
erect, to.

Sabrina Wallace [00:11:38] Shield and shunt the signal and block? I'm sure they're there. We will
probably hear their testimony in a few weeks. In the meantime, when we put out products with
companies that work with these same human databases that the DOD gets to talk about, do you
think it's about time to admit that they have it, that they are doing what Clausen then told you on
the stage they're already doing? Do you think it's about time to stop bitching about my hair yelling
at the Rumble Dad for his attitude to those of you out there that failed us. It's a wide body area
network. It's a body area network since 1995 on the Wikipedia. You could have told anybody at
any time. You failed us. Now, will you stand with us hoping to Von have an amazing presentation
for people who can't handle me. Look out for Charlie. Has the dirty electricity extremely low
frequency side. There are plenty of people with meters and metrics that are kind of scattered all
over the rainbow. Dead non Baxter for tow over there. He's got a ton of data, so you can go figure
out some metrics. The Synergy PDF has the basics for.

Sabrina Wallace [00:12:53] Bio electromagnetic.

Sabrina Wallace [00:12:54] Frequencies. W ban all that stuff at our synergies.

Sabrina Wallace [00:12:57] Telegram has triage.

Sabrina Wallace [00:12:59] In PDFs with real nurses.

Sabrina Wallace [00:13:02] 30 years, 20 years.

Sabrina Wallace [00:13:04] Etc..

Sabrina Wallace [00:13:06] Make use of what your.

Sabrina Wallace [00:13:08] Fellow civilians the kind like the rumble dad played in his video. Yeah,
that would be us out on the block, out on the street. Those of us who grew up poor, those of us
who know what's going on. Where he being right for this. Holy shit. But that's what I think it is.
They want to give the Christians.

Sabrina Wallace [00:13:31] Here we go.

Sabrina Wallace [00:13:33] That's why I'm so. Just constantly downtrodden about the fact that it's
our own people.

Sabrina Wallace [00:13:39] That are doing this to us. And when I realized that the Marine Corps
wouldn't come out here and tell anybody. I'm like, Holy crap, dude, you're going to go ahead with
all that stuff I saw as a kid. No way. Yeah. So God bless y'all out there. Please go ahead. And I
will. I'm going to work on right now a really quick block, shock, shunt and shield specific to cause
the hemorrhagic.

Sabrina Wallace [00:14:03] Stuff in the way that it hits inside.

Sabrina Wallace [00:14:06] Of the carrier wave derivatives at the gradients cellular.

Sabrina Wallace [00:14:09] Frequency level, and then it'll be stretched again across.

Sabrina Wallace [00:14:12] Who they're connected to and not that can be canceled out whether or
not you've connected. Like I said, that's a lot of.

Sabrina Wallace [00:14:18] Fucking sucking going on.

Sabrina Wallace [00:14:19] No offense, folks, but orgies are orgies. So energy workers, those of
you that can get a message to your people over their shields and make sure you get people out of
your bio field that are graphic dated if you can, in order to do it. And then make another layer like
the graphic you did energy workers one time only or whatever, put them on an outside circle, put
in the middle circle your people that know how to actually push. They will hold the field, use
crystals that are attenuated directly to you that you work with to additionally echo the field back to
your bio field. Circulate that energy in a four point radii pulse. Like this. That also will shunt the
metamaterials temporarily, that you're going to need a generator, an empathic generator. They're
usually bigger people because they just that's just usually how their bodies can naturally do it,
have them pull from the nodes in the ground. I know where this is in Nevada. It's going to be
tough because you're surrounded in ways you can't imagine underground and above your head.
But the energy of the earth itself, in the nodes, in the lay lines is real. They use it to lyric tells you
are icy dig down you generative empaths feel through your feet pardon my nose pull the energy all
the way up and through you and shield those circle or that circlet of people Put your healers on
the polar polarization sides one there and one there, or you're transfused as if you have them. And
then your high frequency people that can feel and hear all that signal, they know how to.

Sabrina Wallace [00:15:51] Move it if you let them.

Sabrina Wallace [00:15:52] So you're healers. Keep healing them while you're the people on the
outside. Led by the generative shielding empath, the point person for keeping them all safe, they
can continue shunting the signal.

Sabrina Wallace [00:16:04] We did this in high school. I showed people some of this when I was at
my class. I'm telling you.
Sabrina Wallace [00:16:09] It's electricity through human bodies, just like we do on a circuit board.

Sabrina Wallace [00:16:13] And you're Masons know all about it. They didn't ever need to do this
this way. They did it so that they could control people by their DNA with a remote and clear.

Sabrina Wallace [00:16:24] Out with bio frequency weapons.

Sabrina Wallace [00:16:26] People that they didn't want around anymore. In the 13 families that
they're level.

Sabrina Wallace [00:16:32] Again, generative empath on the outside holding the shield the bio field
DNA concurrence because when it's in one person for security purposes and that's your
strongest shielding person, they will naturally block everything to protect you.

Sabrina Wallace [00:16:46] If if, if they actually love you, this is your real heart tissue or it don't
work. This is your real feelings enzymes or don't work. This is your real bloodstream or it don't

Sabrina Wallace [00:17:02] Healers on the polarized sides are transfused as if you have a high
frequency on the other two sides, and hopefully you have two of them because they're going to
see different things and they got to be able to call out to one another or telepathically be bonded

Sabrina Wallace [00:17:15] To shunt the wave and keep going.

Sabrina Wallace [00:17:17] Then you put that in your camper or the area and you secure it with
those crystals. Make sure everyone that's in that inner vicinity is away from anyone who's puking
and having issues plasma energy, water, clean, you know, obviously clean water source keep
circulating the energy. And this is something that's going to be hard, but you got.

Sabrina Wallace [00:17:35] To keep it moving. To shield. To keep the shield. We need to pray. Oh,
my word. That sense of energy, their way with our current is underneath Montana. I can feel it.
Hear it rather and feel it. Oh, okay. I'll be back with that in the meantime. There you go. Mark 536
m ET. I'm doing this on the fly.

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