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The Unsettled Law of Distraint Procedures in Pennsylvania
Posted on September 26, 2012 ( by Bernstein-Burkley

Bernstein-Burkley, P.C. 1/25/24, 8 41 PM
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The ambiguity of the legality of remedies available to a landlord when presented with a defaulting tenant has put the landlord in a difficult situation in
Pennsylvania. The Landlord and Tenant Act of 1951, 68 Pa.Stat.Ann. § 250.302 et seq (hereinafter “the Act”) was thought to be envisioned by the
legislature to afford a complete and exclusive remedy for a landlord seeking to vindicate his rights against a defaulting tenant. The Act provides for a
statutory lien on tenant’s goods for rents due up to one year and authorizes a distraint action, in which the landlord may lawfully take possession of,
and sell for arrearages of rent, a tenant’s personalty found on the leased premises. Under the Law of Distraint, no enforceable landlord’s lien arises
unless and until the statutory distraint procedures have been followed, which includes an appraisal and sale of the property within a reasonable period
of time. The issue of legality arises as to the procedure permitting the attachment by state officials of the tenant’s personalty based on the landlord’s
ex parte petition authorizing the Sheriff to hold a public sale of the tenant’s property.

The federal courts of Pennsylvania began raising questions about the unconstitutionality of the distraint procedures based on due process concerns
for the tenant: primarily the lack of notice and opportunity to be heard. In 1986, the Pennsylvania Superior Court held that the distraint process was
inoperative. Later, the Superior Court confirmed it had previously decided distraint was unconstitutional. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has since
explicitly recognized the Superior Court’s ruling. Even where distraint has not been explicitly recognized as unconstitutional, the courts have
emphasized that strict notice requirements must be adhered to prior to lawful possession and disposition of the goods.

The problem becomes then for the Landlord attempting to assert his rights, what is a lawful action. For example, a landlord was held liable for
conversion where he unilaterally took possession of a tenant’s equipment by physically barring the tenant from entering the premises and then selling
the goods to a new tenant. Thus, the question becomes raised whether a landlord proceeding in a similar manner as the distraint process authorizes
will be held liable in a tort action against the tenant for an unlawful act. Commentators have suggested that the Pennsylvania Supreme Court would
recognize a cause of action for trespass under the Act for a landlord who uses self-help instead of the legal process to evict a tenant.


Further confusion exists because any self-help repossession remedy (remedy utilized prior to the Act) has been effectively rendered inoperable. Self-
help eviction constitutes any acts undertaken to prevent a tenant from using the leased premises, other than by judicial process, including, but not
limited to removing the tenant’s personal property, using or threatening to use force or violence, reducing or disconnecting utility services, or removing
parts of the structure, such as doors and windows. Self-help repossession has been specifically enjoined in a commercial setting by the Pennsylvania
Court. However, on the same basis the distraint procedures are unconstitutional; the Pennsylvania courts have treated self-help repossession as
unconstitutional in that it involves the taking of property without affording a tenant notice and an opportunity to be heard.

Although many commercial leases commonly provide for landlord liens and may also include distress provisions permitting the landlord to sell the
tenant’s personalty as a remedy for delinquent rent, it does not appear simply including the provision in the lease would give a landlord an actual lien
without a court proceeding that includes notice and an opportunity to be heard. The Western Pennsylvania Bankruptcy Court has recognized the
conflicting authority on landlord liens, distress and distraint in Pennsylvania stating that the relevant issue does not become whether the lease
contains a distraint clause but whether the Debtor acted legally under Pennsylvania law. Thus, most commentators believe either the landlord’s lien
pursuant to the distraint process is unenforceable and/or that the only form of distress or distraint available to the landlord is to post the premises and
hope the tenant voluntarily surrenders the goods.

Thus, due to the current conflicting state of the law, it is suggested a landlord should not attempt self-help or seizure of a tenant’s property but rather
should commence an eviction action. Moreover, this is so assuming a landlord who is owed money would rather be the plaintiff in a collection action
against the tenant rather than a defendant in a conversion action brought by the tenant.

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