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Enabling Deep-Tissue Networking for Miniature

Medical Devices
Yunfei Ma1 , Zhihong Luo1 , Christoph Steiger2,3,4 , Giovanni Traverso2,3,4 , Fadel Adib1
1 MIT Media Lab 2 MIT Koch Institute 3 Harvard Medical School 4 Brigham and Women’s Hospital
ABSTRACT ACM Reference Format:
We present IVN (In-Vivo Networking), a system that enables Yunfei Ma, Zhihong Luo, Christoph Steiger, Giovanni Traverso,
Fadel Adib. 2018. Enabling Deep-Tissue Networking for Miniature
powering up and communicating with miniature sensors im-
Medical Devices . In SIGCOMM ’18: ACM SIGCOMM 2018 Con-
planted or injected in deep tissues. IVN overcomes funda-
ference, August 20–25, 2018, Budapest, Hungary. ACM, New York,
mental challenges which have prevented past systems from NY, USA, 15 pages.
powering up miniature sensors beyond supercial depths.
These challenges include the signicant signal attenuation
caused by bodily tissues and the miniature antennas of the 1 INTRODUCTION
implantable sensors. There is signicant interest in bringing wireless networking
IVN’s key contribution is a novel beamforming algorithm capabilities to an emerging breed of in-vivo sensors and actua-
that can focus its energy toward an implantable device, de- tors [19, 37, 42]. In contrast to traditional implantable medical
spite its inability to estimate its channel or its location. We devices such as cardiac pacemakers, which are relatively large
implement a multi-antenna prototype of IVN, and perform and have their own batteries, these new devices need to be
extensive evaluations via in-vitro, ex-vivo, and in-vivo tests much smaller: They are swallowed or injected into the human
in a pig. Our results demonstrate that it can power up and body and used for decoding brain circuits [21], delivering
communicate with millimeter-sized sensors at over 10 cm drugs [42], or monitoring internal human vital signs [61]. De-
depths in uids, as well as battery-free tags placed in a central spite the attention that these devices have received from the
organ of a swine. biomedical community, their networking capabilities are still
The implications of our new beamforming technology ex- very limited. This owes primarily to the very low power bud-
tend beyond miniature implantables. In particular, our re- get of these devices as well as their miniature form factor and
sults demonstrate that IVN can power up off-the-shelf passive biocompatibility requirements, which preclude incorporating
RFIDs at distances of 38 m, i.e., 7.6× larger than the operation batteries [27, 54].
range of the same RFIDs. Yet, empowering these sensors with networking capabili-
ties would create a signicant leap for in-vivo devices. Let
CCS CONCEPTS us take the example of optogenetics, the recently developed
• Networks → Cyber-physical networks; Mobile networks; biological technique that enables controlling neurons using
Sensor networks; light [21]. The vast majority of today’s optogenetic manipula-
tors that are implanted inside a brain need to be connected to
KEYWORDS an external source via a wire that passes through a drilled hole
Medical Implants, Deep-tissues, Power Delivery, RFID, in a skull [10, 66]. The wire is needed for communication and
Battery-free, Wireless Sensors for powering up the manipulators. State-of-the-art proposals
that do not require tethering insert a coil in the mammal’s
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for (e.g., mouse) skull and can only operate when the mammal is
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not placed inside a charged chamber of 10 cm diameter that can
made or distributed for prot or commercial advantage and that copies bear deliver power to the implantable coil [50].
this notice and the full citation on the rst page. Copyrights for components
This paper presents IVN,1 a system that enables powering
of this work owned by others than the author(s) must be honored. Abstracting
with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or up and communicating with in-vivo battery-free biosensors
to redistribute to lists, requires prior specic permission and/or a fee. Request and bioactuators. IVN introduces a multi-antenna technique
permissions from to remotely power up millimeter-sized in-vivo sensors and
SIGCOMM ’18, August 20–25, 2018, Budapest, Hungary communicate with them. To do so, it leverages frequencies in
© 2018 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to the sub-GHz radio frequency (RF) range (around 900 MHz)
the Association for Computing Machinery.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-5567-4/18/08. . . $15.00
1 IVN stands for In-Vivo Networking

SIGCOMM ’18, August 20–25, 2018, Budapest, Hungary Y. Ma, Z. Luo, C. Steiger, G. Traverso, F. Adib

which has been demonstrated to achieve maximal power trans- using off-the-shelf battery-free millimeter-sized sensors [8].
fer through human tissues to in-vivo sensors [28, 50]. How- Our experiments were approved by the Committee of Animal
ever, in contrast to existing solutions which can only deliver Care at MIT. Our results demonstrate the following:
power at supercial depths or in highly constrained settings • IVN can scale power delivery with the number of antennas
(e.g., mouse inside a cage), IVN can power up deep-tissue without channel knowledge and through multiple layers
sensors and in realistic indoor environments. of tissues. Moreover, in contrast to traditional beamform-
The key challenge in delivering this vision arises from the ing/beamsteering techniques, IVN maintains its gains even
ability to deliver sufcient power to the deep-tissue in-vivo in unknown media, and delivers up to 8.5× increase in
sensors. This challenge arises from three main reasons: power delivery over an optimized multi-antenna baseline.
• First, RF signals experience exponential attenuation as they • When tested with millimeter-sized battery-free sensors
propagate through the human body [23], which signi- placed in liquid, IVN can power them up and communicate
cantly limits the amount of power that can be delivered to with them at depths of 11 cm. In the absence of IVN, the
an in-vivo sensor. Unfortunately, signicantly boosting the sensors cannot be powered up beyond a supercial depth
transmitted power neither scales well nor is safe for human of few millimeters.
exposure [40, 57]. • We demonstrate that IVN can effectively power up and
• Second, these miniature medical devices have very small communicate with a deep-tissue battery-free sensor placed
form factor and as a result, they rely on millimeter-sized in a living pig’s stomach.
antennas, which have extremely low power harvesting ef- • Finally, we show that IVN’s beamforming approach is gen-
ciency [16, 49]. eral and can have signicant implications to the operation
• Finally, because IVN relies on battery-free sensors, it can- range of battery-free nodes like RFIDs. In particular, we
not obtain channel feedback from these sensors (it needs to demonstrate how the technique can achieve 7.6× increase
power them up in the rst place), and hence cannot focus in the range of powering up off-the-shelf RFIDs and demon-
its energy in their direction using traditional means such as strate a reading range up to 38 m with RFIDs which would
MIMO beamforming. This problem is further complicated otherwise be able to only operate within 5 m.
by the fact that different human tissues have different RF Contributions. We present the rst system that can power
propagation characteristics (due to changing dielectric con- and communicate with deep-tissue battery-free implants from
stants), leading to complicated in-vivo channels that cannot meter-scale distances outside the body. Our key contribution
be easily modeled. is a new beamforming technology that can focus its energy to-
ward an implantable device, despite blind channel conditions
To overcome these challenges, IVN introduces coherently-
and signicant attenuation from bodily tissues. Our design is
incoherent beamforming (CIB), a new beamforming tech-
implemented and evaluated to demonstrate communication
nology that can focus its energy to in-vivo sensors without
with millimeter-sized sensors in living mammals.
prior channel knowledge. At a high level, instead of phase-
encoding the transmitted signals from multiple antennas as in 2 THE PROBLEM
traditional beamforming, CIB frequency-encodes its signals.
In this section, we explain the challenge in delivering energy
Such frequency encoding enables it to focus its energy on any
to power up and communicate with miniature medical devices
point in 3D space, even in inhomogeneous media (e.g., multi-
through deep tissues. We rst describe the threshold problem
ple layers of tissues) and dense multipath due to reections
in RF power harvesting, then highlight why overcoming this
off different organs.
threshold is challenging for deep-tissue micro-implants.
IVN incorporates CIB into a full system that can optimally
deliver power to and communicate with deep-tissue biosen- 2.1 Primer on RF Power Harvesting
sors and bioactuators. In designing CIB, we show how we can We start by explaining the basic principle underlying RF
select frequency combinations that maximize power transfer power harvesting. To harvest energy, a battery-free sensor
to any point in 3D space. Our optimization function incor- needs to convert RF signals in the environment into a DC
porates communication constraints of battery-free sensors (Direct Current) voltage. The component which allows the
including modulation depth, power stability, and adaptive sensor to achieve such an RF-to-DC conversion is called an
duty cycling (as described in §3). We further extend IVN to energy harvester (or rectier).
deal with self-jamming caused by CIB transmissions through A simplied schematic of an energy harvester is shown in
an out-of-band communication design (described in §4). the top left corner of Fig. 1. In its simplest form, the harvester
We built a prototype of IVN and tested it with battery-free consists of two capacitors (C 1 and C 2 ) and two diodes (D 1 and
biosensors through in-vitro, ex-vivo, and in-vivo trials. Our D 2 ). The diodes allow current to ow only in one direction
prototype is built using USRP software radios [7] and tested (denoted by the triangle). In particular, when the voltage

In-Vivo Networking SIGCOMM ’18, August 20–25, 2018, Budapest, Hungary

Figure 2—Diode I-V curves. The curves show a diode’s current-voltage

(a) Energy harvester operation in negative cycle. relationship in the ideal (left curve) and realistic (right curve) scenarios.

(b) Energy harvester operation in positive cycle Figure 3—Signal power loss in tissues vs. in air. The right gure plots the
Figure 1—Energy harvesting circuit. The energy harvester utilizes a normalized loss (in log scale) as a function of distance in air and tissues.
diode’s rectifying effect to convert energy from RF to DC voltage.
whenever the voltage across it is negative. The left plot of
across the diode is positive, it allows current to ow, but when Fig. 2 shows this behavior by plotting the current (I) versus
the voltage across the diode is negative, it blocks the current. voltage (V) curve across an ideal diode.
To understand how the overall energy harvester works, we
consider what happens when the RF signal alternates between 2.2 RF Power Harvesting in Deep Tissues
its negative and positive half-cycles: Overcoming the threshold voltage in deep tissue implantables
• Operation in negative half-cycle (Fig. 1(a)): In the negative is challenging for two reasons. The rst is the attenuation of
half-cycle (i.e., Vin < 0), diode D 1 is on while diode D 2 is RF signals as they propagate in biotissues, and the second is
off. Hence, the current ows from the ground through D 1 their miniature form factor. In what follows, we describe both
and builds up charge in C 1 . In the steady state, the voltage of these challenges in detail.
across C 1 is Vs , which denotes the amplitude of Vin . Practical diodes, however, do not exhibit this ideal behavior.
• Operation in positive half-cycle (Fig. 1(b)): In the positive In particular, in order to conduct a current through a diode,
half-cycle (i.e., Vin > 0), diode D 1 is off while diode D 2 one must overcome an energy barrier, which is reected in
is on. Hence, the current ows through D 2 and charges C 2 . the threshold voltage. Said differently, the input voltage has
In the steady state, the voltage across C 2 is 2Vs , since it is to be larger than a threshold voltage Vt h to turn on a diode.
the summation of the peak of Vin and the built up voltage Whenever the voltage drops below the threshold, the diode
across C 1 during the negative half-cycle. switches off. As a result, the voltage that accumulates in the
The above description is simplied in two aspects: negative cycle is equal to Vs − Vt h , and the voltage that can be
• First, our schematic shows a single-stage power harvester. eventually achieved across C 2 is 2(Vs − Vt h ). When extending
Today’s power harvesters are constructed in multi-stage to an N -stage energy harvester, the maximum output voltage
structure, with each stage multiplying the voltage of the VDC can be written as:
previous one. Hence, the voltage at the output of an N -stage VDC = N (Vs − Vt h ) (1)
harvester is NVs .
• Second, the description assumes an ideal power harvester As can be seen from Eq. 1, due to the voltage barrier Vt h ,
where all the input voltage can be harvested. In practice, the energy harvester is signicantly more efcient with a
however, the performance of the energy harvester declines large input voltage than with a small input voltage. In fact
dramatically as the input voltage Vs decreases. This is due if Vs < Vt h , the energy harvester cannot harvest any energy.
to the diode threshold effect, which we explain next. For standard integrated circuits (IC) process, the threshold
voltage is usually between 200mV and 400mV [22, 26, 41].
2.1.1 Threshold Effect Indeed, it is this threshold voltage that places a fundamental
In our previous discussion, we assumed that a diode is on limit on the operation of RF power harvesters. For example,
whenever the voltage across it is positive, and that it is off a passive RFID today can only be powered up if it is within


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