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YOUNG AGE TILL DATE… You are the best parents any
child could ask for…




OLUKOYA. “Daddy, thanks for your fatherly love and
interest in me”.


















©Opeyemi Akintunde
As inspired by the LIVING WORD

Dr. Jemimah, Vincent, Ade Damino and the others who had
broken into Chuks’ room were standing at the reception waiting for
the Doctor to come out with the news.

As a Doctor, Jemimah knew that the body she brought into the
hospital was 99.9% dead, but because she felt a little pulse around
his neck, she believed he could still have a chance to live.

Ade Damino had been the one who rushed down to meet her at the
praying centre and had told her “I think we have a problem. Mr
Chuks is not waking from his sleep”

Jemimah had run up the stairs like a mad person. She and Mr.
Chuks had formed the kind of friendship that existed between a
Doctor and a patient.

Recently he had been telling her that he was getting stronger by the
day. So to hear that he was asleep and couldn’t be woken up was
not a news she wanted to hear on such a day like this; the second
day of a program that has been electrifying, to say the least.

She dashed into the room and had tried to do a manual CPR, but
he wasn’t responding.
“We need to get him to a hospital very close-by. A standard one. I
think we should get him to Trinity now” Jemimah had said.

Shola who had seen the way she dashed out of the prayer meeting
had followed her. Jemimah was his heart, anything that troubled
her, troubled him.

“Babe, What’s wrong? What’s wrong?” Shola had said on entering

into Mr Chuks’ room

“We need to get him into Trinity now” Jemimah emphasized again

Ade Damino and the others had carried him up and put him
cautiously into one of the Lighthouse vehicles.

“Please, we do not want any form of distraction, let us do this

cautiously.” Ade Damino had said.

Dr. Jemimah entered into the car as well and they drove out of the

So here they were, expecting a response from the Doctor.

Dr. Jemimah had identified herself as a Doctor and gave out Chuks’
medical history and every other thing they needed to know.

It was already twenty minutes since they took him in and yet they
had not heard anything from the Doctors.
Jemimah saw a Doctor approaching them and as he closed up on
them, Jemimah couldn't help the rate at which her heart was
racing. She prayed in her heart that she wouldn’t hear any bad

“The patient you brought in here is now stable” The Doctor said.

“Oh, thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus”

Each of them gave their own versions of "Thank you Jesus!"

Jemimah knelt on the floor, giving thanks to God.

“But we might need to keep him here because he suffered a cardiac

arrest. But how he was able to survive it without having a stroke or
paralysis still beats my imagination, but he still needs a lot of rest
and not moving up and down. He needs to be on the bed and have
a long rest” The Doctor said

“That’s fine.” Dr. Jemimah said “Can I see him? Is he okay? I’d just
like to see him”

“That’s part of it, we won’t be entertaining lots of guest but since

you’re a medical doctor I’ll only permit you”

“Thank you. Thank you”

Jemimah faced others and said “Please let me go in, I’ll be back”
Jemimah walked into the ward and saw Uncle Chuks. As she
entered, his eyes opened and he managed to speak...

“Dr. J, what happened to me?”

“I can’t tell” Jemimah replied. “It was Vincent and Ade Damino
that called my attention to your room. They said you passed out
and you weren’t waking up. So from what the Doctor just told me,
it seems you had a cardiac arrest in your sleep. We thank God all
that is gone”

“So is that how I would have died?” Chuks said faintly

“Chuks, can you see that truly only God owns our lives.” Chuks said
to Himself.

“I know what God is trying to tell me. He’s simply telling me that if
I will not let Favour and Akanbi get married in my presence, He
will do it in my absence” Chuks added

Dr. Jemimah was lost.

She didn’t know where that was coming from. She was totally lost.

"What was he saying? Was he beginning to hallucinate?" Jemimah

said to herself
“Uncle Chuks, I think you need to take a nap. When you’re much
better, we will have whatever conversation you want us to have”
Jemimah said

“Dr. J, I’m not hallucinating. You think I don’t know what I’m
saying” Chuks said to Jemimah when he heard her response to him

“No, I’m not saying you are hallucinating. What I am saying is you
don’t need to overthink anything right now; You just need to rest.
That’s what I’m trying to say Uncle Chuks.”

“Dr. J, one thing I want you to know is that what has happened to
me has shown me that nobody can stand in the way of God. I was
trying to stand in the way of God, I was saying NO to what God was
saying YES to. Listen, the message from Aunty Favour yesterday,
about following God’s will, specifically about if God wanted you to
marry somebody else and all of that is about us. It’s about myself,
herself and Mr. Akanbi Damino."

Jemimah's eyes popped wide open.

"I didn’t sleep all throughout the night because I couldn’t wrap my
head around it all. Around Five O’clock, I decided to sleep when I
saw that she had come back from her overnight stay with Mercy.
As I lay down to sleep, I remember, just before sleep took me over I
remember saying..

"God I can’t be alive to see Favour marry Akanbi.... Please God, not
when I’m alive please."
"Dr. J, I just said it casually. I know the power of words and to
think that I know that my strength lies in my words. God has given
me the gift of authority and I just used it carelessly. I can see it’s
mercy that brought me back. God told me He wants Akanbi to be
with Favour and I carelessly used my tongue of authority to say not
when I’m alive."

Jemimah was blown away to say the least.

"My being alive right now feels to me like it is temporary, it seems

like I’m going to die again. Maybe God just wants me to pass this
message to you"

" Don't say a thing like that" Dr Jemimah said with tears in her
eyes. Favour-Chuks was definitely something everyone had been
looking forward to.

To be continued…


Inspired by the TRUTH REVEALER
Written by Opeyemi Akintunde
Fb@Opeyemi Akintunde Tv.
©Opeyemi Akintunde
As inspired by the LIVING WORD
"Dr J, please don't cry. This is entirely my fault, what I need from
you is for you to pray the Prayer of Mercy for me. I have so much to
do Dr. J."

" Yeah! You have a lot to do. God's Mercy will speak for you"

"If I want to live, I need to let Favour go, if God believes that
Akanbi is the best person for her, I willingly let her go. In fact I
need to get out of this hospital. Dr. J, I need to ensure that she gets
married and I will facilitate it. She must get married, that is God’s
will for her, she must marry Akanbi Damino, that is God’s will for
her. I’m sorry, I feel suddenly tired, can I sleep a little?” Chuks said

Dr. Jemimah stood frozen on the spot. All the while he was talking
with so much energy and authority that she could not even tell him
to stop. He was talking from a deep place, he was talking from
knowing that this was what it had to be.

Everything was confusing. Yeah, she knew that a few times she had
seen the way Mr. Akanbi looked at Aunty Favour, but it was not
something that she gave too much thought to.

Even Shola had jokingly said it a few times that Akanbi definitely
was smitten by Aunty Favour but casting her mind back, Jemimah
remembered thinking it was mere appreciation of her personality
and not some serious love that would translate into them spending
their lives together forever.

Therefore, hearing Uncle Chuks talking about Mr Akanbi marrying

Aunty Favour meant she had been lost all the while being locked
in her sickbay/clinic. She didn’t even know there was a love

“Okay Uncle Chuks, I’ve heard you and you will be alive to see Mr.
Akanbi marry Aunty Favour if that is God’s will, but if you want to
be alive to see that, which I know that God has had mercy on you,
you need to relax, you need to rest. You need the energy so you can
gladly walk behind her on that day down the altar.” Dr Jemimah

“Exactly, exactly what I drew. I saw myself standing behind her like
a chief bridesmaid...or like her brother. I know that’s what God
wants. I’ll rest like you said, but if I do not wake up after my rest,
tell Favour all that I have told you, so that she doesn’t bring wrath
upon her life. Tell her she has to marry Akanbi Damino. She has


Adekunle knew that something had definitely happened to him.

His legs felt brand new. His other leg that he had been carrying all
these while felt like it had been removed out of him and this new
one had been drilled into him.
“God, what is happening to me? What has gone right? Because I
know this is not wrong, what has gone right?” He began to speak in
tongues, worshiping God, thanking God for another deliverance
session. Every fire session had always brought up something new.

He continued to appreciate God for what God had done.

Simultaneously, Mabel laid on the floor screaming “My legs, my


She couldn’t control what she felt. The burning sensation was so
hot on her legs, and without her knowing how she was doing it, she
saw herself removing an invisible rope wrapped around her legs.

She kept saying “I cut it off. I remove it. Whatever that is delaying
me, that is not allowing me to progress, I cut it off” She kept
shouting it

Aunty Favour walked up to her and began ministering to her.

“I cut off that string of delay. That string of slow progress, I cut it
off. Begin to walk, you’ll not only walk, begin to run. I put speed in
your legs”

As Aunty Favour declared, Mabel began to run round the praying

hall. She began to run so fast that some volunteers had to hold her
She began to shout “Yes I run, I’m free, I’m no more bound. The
string has been cut off. I excel in my academics. I excel in life”

The Holy Ghost came upon Mabel and she began to speak in
tongues. She kept wondering why she was speaking in a strange
language but she felt too overwhelmed to stop.

Olive could not shut her eyes. She marveled at what was happening
to Mabel. She realized Mabel was speaking in tongues and the
words were rushing out of Mabel’s mouth like fireworks.

Olive kept wondering what was wrong with her.

'Was this how I was behaving? Was this what Mabel talked about?'

Olive got more dumbstruck when she heard a voice different from
Mabel’s voice speaking through her.

“Leave her alone, she is mine. She is my daughter. Her mother got
her from the waters. Yes, I gave her to her mother, so leave her”

Favour got mad in her spirit.

“She cannot be your daughter. She is the daughter of the Most

High God. Can the devil create anything? No way. Only God has
the copyright in creating humans. He made the first man and the
first woman, and He gave the first command that they should go
multiply, so any child that comes out as a seed from the loins of
men and women belongs to God. You did not give her to her

Favour got really mad in her spirit and began to tackle the spirit
and the spirit spoke again.

“You do not know the agreement we entered into when I gave her
the child, I appeared to her mother in her dream and we had an
agreement that if she had a child from us, the child will be limited
in some ways. We will only let her become great but not too great.
The mother signed and she agreed.

As a result, we tied the baby's leg and thereafter returned her into
the mother's womb, so who are you to say no for her?" The demon
in Mabel fumed. "This thing that you have done, you have
destroyed our future plans for her. We were waiting for her in the
future. In the future, she won’t be able to get married or have
children at the time her mates are doing so. We have tied her legs
because if we let her go, she will become too great.” The spirit
continued angrily
Favour said “Lighters, I want you to shout this prayer Loud and
Clear whatever has been planted in my life, waiting to manifest in
the future, wherever you are, rush out by fire and be destroyed in
the name of Jesus”

To be continued…
©Opeyemi Akintunde
As inspired by the LIVING WORD

As Favour closed her eyes intently, she saw a female teenager who
someone was pouring a slimy liquid all over her body.

Favour looked deeper and she saw someone else at a far distance
working with Snails, draining the liquid out of the snail. It was the
liquid from the Snails that was poured on the young girl's body.

Favour snapped out of it and the word "Slow progress" dropped in

her spirit.

She called out the prayer and said "There's someone here, you're
experiencing slow progress. You're not able to pick up academically
like your friends. Even when you're talking with people, it takes
you a lot of time to process what is being said. And when you want
to answer questions, it takes you a while. I want you to open your
mouth wide and pray this prayer loud and clear." Favour said

"Powers fighting me with the spirit of slow progress, today is your

end, release me and die in the name of Jesus Christ." The teenagers
prayed loudly.

"Or are you here and you find yourself eating Snails in your dream.
The enemy is projecting the spirit of slow progress in your life, the
spirit of not achieving things on time or the spirit of failure. You
know, when it takes people five minutes to solve that mathematics,
you will still be on it for thirty minutes and still you won't even get

We are therefore going to be saying the second prayer .... Spirit of

Snail hovering over my destiny, catch fire, release me in Jesus

The whole house caught fire again as everyone prayed fiercely, but
as Favour kept praying, it still was in her spirit to know why Chuks
was not yet in the meeting.

She suspected that he had been carried away in that Lighthouse


"Did he breakdown?" She asked within herself

God had told her to continue the work. Favour reminded herself.
However, She was torn between focusing on the program or asking
someone what was really wrong, but she decided to honour God
who had told her to concentrate on her work.

She continued the program.

Another prayer dropped in her spirit and she knew she had to call
it for the children.
" Ancestral battles that my parents fought, that my grandparents
fought and is already manifesting in my life. I am a child of peace, I
want peace. Therefore , collide with the Rock of Ages and
disappear by fire"

Favour heard that prayer in her Spirit man and she called it out for
all the children and teenagers to pray. Little did Favour know that
God was about to do something mighty in their midst.

The next one hour felt like hours to Favour because a lot was

To Be Continued….

To follow our series, follow the author on Facebook @Opeyemi

Akintunde Tv, Instagram @Opeyemiakintunde, and to watch our
movies, follow us on YouTube @DEEP THOTS FILMS.
God bless you abundantly. Feel free to share but please do not
tamper with the credit of the Author.


Inspired by the TRUTH REVEALER
Written by Opeyemi Akintunde
Fb@Opeyemi Akintunde Tv.
©Opeyemi Akintunde
As inspired by the LIVING WORD

The first place Aunty Favour was thrown into was a farmland, a
very big one at that. She saw two farmers fighting. It was a war of
words. At first it was just mere words being thrown at each other,
but suddenly the one of the farmers got so angry that he threw his
hoe at the other farmer and Aunty Favour saw how the other
farmer fell to the ground and blood started flowing on that land.

Aunty Favour joined the villagers who had gathered around the
man, and they were trying to resuscitate him, Aunty Favour also
saw herself trying to resuscitate him while the other farmer on
seeing that the farmer had died, started running.

We can see the other farmers trying to chase him to catch up with
him. “Ajanaku, Ajanaku, ma lo o. O ti pa yan” (Ajanaku, don’t go o,
you have killed someone). Ajanaku ran into the forest with no one
catching up with him.

Aunty Favour snapped out of the revelation and she wondered

what this had to do with her and what was the message in there,
and she heard “The field of blood” She kept hearing this repeatedly
“The field of blood, the crying blood”
Aunty Favour remembered the scripture that said that the blood of
Jesus, speaks better things than the blood of Abel, that meant that
there are some bloods that always speak.

Aunty Favour began to receive the insight into what God was trying
to make her understand and she heard it in her spirit that,

" A particular blood has been crying against Ajanaku's family. That
blood in the ground had been crying from generation to generation,
standing against anyone from Ajanaku's lineage."

The Lord began to expand it in her heart.

" Those from his lineage are always facing bitterness or suffering,
they are always facing oppositions at the gate of their blessings."

The moment she heard "at the gate of their blessings" in her Spirit,
she was taken into another realm and she saw a young boy who
was trying to come out of a gate. It was like a Nursery and Primary

The boy was trying to come out of the gate to get into the next

She read the sign of the next compound and saw that it was a
secondary school.

She watched in pain how the boy would want to come out of the
gate but it would shut itself against him.
Other students who wanted to come out of that gate would
successfully come out of the gate, but when the boy made an
attempt, the gate would shut itself against him.

Aunty Favour snapped out of it and said "Oh my God!.

"In Jesus name we've prayed"

To Be Continued….

To follow our series, follow the author on Facebook @Opeyemi

Akintunde Tv, Instagram @Opeyemiakintunde, and to watch our
movies, follow us on YouTube @DEEP THOTS FILMS.
God bless you abundantly. Feel free to share but please do not
tamper with the credit of the Author.


Inspired by the TRUTH REVEALER
Written by Opeyemi Akintunde
Fb@Opeyemi Akintunde Tv.
©Opeyemi Akintunde
As inspired by the LIVING WORD

"Lighters, the next prayer I want you to pray needs more intensity.
Peradventure you have been noticing that what other people would
ordinarily do with ease, you do it with so much hardness. It's like
the world is against you. I saw a revelation right now of a boy, a
young boy who is trying so hard to get out of primary school into
the secondary school but there is no way for him to go. I don't
know who you are, maybe you're having difficulties in your
academics, and even though you've passed nursery and primary
school age, as you get into the secondary school, it seems like your
brain is just locked up, it feels like you cannot even understand
what secondary school is all about."

Adebayo, a twelve year old Jss 2 boy opened his eye sharply. From
where he stood praying the previous prayer point casually, the
latest prayer point hit him so hard, it sounded like something that
had to do with him.

From far back as when he was in primary one to primary six, he

was the best student in his primary school, but the moment he got
into secondary school, it felt like the entire world was against him.
He felt like what they were teaching in the secondary school was
Arabic or Spanish or Latin, the language he could not understand.
He tried to read at night, he would try reading during the day at
school, he would deny himself of his break time just to read. As
much as he tried, he realized that he couldn't understand anything
in his academics anymore.

As he tried to follow what Aunty Favour was saying, he heard

Aunty Favour say "So you will shout this prayer loud and clear;
Any blood in my foundation, that is crying against me, that is
crying against my advancement in life, blood of Jesus, silence this
blood, silence this speaking voice in the name of Jesus"

Aunty Favour continued...

"Pray! there's a blood crying against somebody here, that blood

keeps crying. I need you to pray that the Lord will silence that
blood by His mercy"

Aunty Favour was thrown into the spiritual realm again and she
saw the blood from the ground, it became a full fledged human
being. She watched in amazement how the blood that was now in
form of a man would go into the houses of the generation of

Aunty Favour saw how it tormented generations after generations,

she followed about five generations. A particular one struck her the
most; she saw the blood walk into a library.
She looked at the book on the table and she saw Professor Ajanaku.
She saw how the blood entered into that library in form of a human
and spat darkness on his files, on his books.

Aunty Favour watched in amazement again, how the Professor

walked into his office and sat down. In tears, he was speaking on
the phone.

"My sister, you know how much I have toiled, I have toiled in this
life, Aunty mi, I have toiled. I deserve to get the position of the
Minister of Education, but see how I was just removed at the very
last minute. Why is this happening to our family? Look at you, you
were about to be the Chief Justice eight years ago, that was how
they said you were not qualified; they came up with the fact that
you're a woman and that they wanted a man to become the Chief
Justice that time around."
"Aunty mi, I don't know what is happening with us but I know
there's a whole lot of problem."
Aunty Favour shook her head and she looked to the wall frame on
the wall and saw a boy that looked familiar, as one of the
grandchildren of this professor.

To Be Continued….


Inspired by the TRUTH REVEALER
Written by Opeyemi Akintunde
Fb@Opeyemi Akintunde Tv.
©Opeyemi Akintunde
As inspired by the LIVING WORD

Aunty Favour snapped out of her revelation and she looked around
looking for the face of the boy she had seen in the wall frame in the
Professor's office.

She had the feeling she had seen the boy among the campers, so
she began searching for him.
After searching for few minutes without seeing him she said

"You're a boy here, your grandfather is a Professor. One of your

grand aunties is a very big lawyer in the country and you know that
you're having problems academically, I want you to raise your
hand up."

Adebayo immediately put his hands up. How did this woman know
everything about him? Without waiting for her to call him forward,
he ran forward and started sobbing and saying

"I want God to touch me, I want God to touch me, something is not
right with me, I want God to touch me" He sobbed bitterly

Aunty Favour said to him "Stand up" She faced everyone and said..
"Everyone I want you to pray loud and clear, 'Powers in my
foundation, making life difficult for me, release me and die in the
name of Jesus Christ."


The blood figure appeared into the prayer meeting fuming and
Favour could see so much anger in his eyes. The anger spoke

" What is your business with him? I have no seed because of what
his forefather did to me. I died in my prime with no seed of mine,
till date I have no one from my lineage but his fire father went
ahead to get married to three different women and from his loins,
over 2000 seeds have been birthed. I am not as evil as their fore-
father, or else I would have wiped them all out , but instead I chose
to get my revenge by stopping them at every junction of sucess.
Isn't that fair enough?" The blood asked Aunty Favour in Yoruba

Aunty Favour could feel the pain of the bloody man .

" I understand your pain, but you are suffering the innocent

" At least he has Children...I don't "

" Lord, in your Mercy ,appeal to the blood crying against me and
my family in Jesus name..." Aunty Favour called out and the
Children attacked the prayer with all intensity...

Adebayo and everyone present groaned in prayer. Aunty Favour in

particular shut her eyes tightly in intercession. The bloody image
needed to be appeased.

To Be Continued….

To follow our series, follow the author on Facebook @Opeyemi

Akintunde Tv, Instagram @Opeyemiakintunde, and to watch our
movies, follow us on YouTube @DEEP THOTS FILMS.
God bless you abundantly. Feel free to share but please do not
tamper with the credit of the Author.


Inspired by the TRUTH REVEALER
Written by Opeyemi Akintunde
Fb@Opeyemi Akintunde Tv.
©Opeyemi Akintunde
As inspired by the LIVING WORD

Still in the intercessory mood, Aunty Favour perceived the

entrance of a great light into the prayer meeting. Aunty Favour
could sense that divinity had paid them a visit.

The bloody figure was also aware of the entrance of the light and he
was not having it...

"No...No... Imole(Light) do not ask me to forgive these ones, they

cut short my life.... they cut short what I could have ever turned out
to be.... they cut short what my generation could have ever
amounted to. I know you, I know whatever you ask from anyone, it
will be given to you because you have been given authority by the
Heavenly father. Please, I beg of you do not ask me to let go. His
unborn Children must continually suffer for this that he has done
to me, none of his seed should enjoy a good life to the fullest." He
said with so much pain in his voice.
He fell to his knees pleading with Jesus Christ who stood by him.

"You have to forgive, I know what it feels like to be killed in your

prime I was also killed in my prime. I was murdered by the very
people I came to save so I know what it feels like to be murdered in
your prime but take heart, I know you want to throw punches at his
lineage, use me as your punching foam.'
Aunty Favour watched in amazement how Jesus appealed to the
dead man and that broke him down..

"Who am I to throw punches at you? Imole ( Light), because you

have asked of me I forgive them and I will no longer cry against his
generation." The blooded figure said and disappeared.

Jesus looked at Aunty Favour and said to her...

"Well done! you just saved a generation"

Favour felt deep down in her the deep kind of compassion and love
that could never exist on earth bursting forth out of Jesus. The
current of love and relatability to humanity's pain was something
she had never experienced in her life, it was just so tangible.
Jesus understood the pain of the man and instead of rebuking him ,
he pleaded with him. Favour wept.

" Thank you Jesus! Thank you Jesus ! Thank you Jesus! For your
intervention" She kept saying repeatedly in tears as she reflected
on the different times Jesus must have appealed to angry spirits
about humans.

Suddenly, Aunty Favour was transported to a completely new


She saw a humongous school building, but what Aunty Favour

found weird was the fact that it was painted in Black. The entire
school building was black, the students were all dressed in black as
well, including black socks, black shoes,e.t.c.

" Where on earth is this?" Aunty Favour asked within herself as she
turned in circles.

Aunty Favour noticed she was the only one dressed in white. It was
hard to tell the difference between teachers and students as all the
people she could see; young and old were dressed in black

She decided to walk in deeper into the school, hoping to find out
more. She found a signboard that read "FOR ENQUIRIES COME

Aunty Favour followed the arrow to where the "COME HERE" was
leading to and on getting there she saw two ladies who looked like
Front Desk officers or Customer service personnel seated.

"Hello! Welcome to the school of failure, how may we help you?

Would you want to be enrolled here or do you want to enrol
someone here?"

Aunty Favour was taken aback...and right there she said within

" I refuse to be enrolled in the School of Failure in Jesus name"

To be continued…
©Opeyemi Akintunde
As inspired by the LIVING WORD

"I am not here to enrol anyone here...God forbid!". Aunty Favour


"She is with me!" Aunty Favour heard a familiar voice say.

The two customer service representatives jumped from their seats

on hearing the voice.

"OK sir!" They said bowing.

Aunty Favour looked up at the owner of the voice, it was Jesus...

" Come Daughter!" Jesus said

Aunty Favour moved towards Jesus. Obviously with him, she could
enter anywhere in this odd place.

" What are we doing here Sir?" Favour asked respectfully

" To complete the deliverance of Adebayo and the others"

" Come with me" He said

Aunty Favour walked into the lobby and she was shocked at the
large number of people there. Jesus told her to follow him up the
stairs. A man passed by Aunty Favour and she perceived a terrible
odour from him. The odour was very terrible and killing...

As she turned to look at the man, she saw a screen at his back.
Aunty Favour paused to see what was showing on the screen...

She saw a man marking examination scripts and the moment he

got to a particular script, we see irritation all over his face. As a
result the man marked the script down...

" I don't like this handwriting, it is irritating!" The teacher said

" As a student in the school of failure, he has been plagued with a

bad odour and everything about him stinks. He has been writing
this professional exam for the past five years" Jesus said to Aunty
Favour, explaining what she had seen.

" Oh Wow! But if it is a computer based exam, he would be lucky?"

Aunty Favour said

Jesus gave a dry smile...

" Failure does not respect technology, Failure has its way of getting
a man. It is highly possible for the computer system to shut down
or malfunction just so that a student does not pass."
" Hmmm... God! Deliver me from the plague of odour and rejection
attracting failure into my life in Jesus name"

" Come, this is not why we are here." Jesus said

Aunty Favour followed Jesus. As she walked up the stairs, she saw
different calibre of people in the school of failure and she could not
help but wonder what their story was. The one that baffled her was
a baby...She couldn't let that go ..

" Sir, What has the innocent baby done to deserve this?"

" His mother enrolled him here!" Jesus replied

" Ha! Can a mother be that evil to her child?" Aunty Favour said
very bewildered

" Some can be Deliberately, while others may be through mistake!"

" What is the case of the baby?" Aunty Favour asked

" His mother dedicated him to a dark world. See..." As Jesus

replied, a small screen popped up in her front and she saw a
woman in front of a priest...

" I don't want to lose this child, it has been prophesied that he will
die through an accident" the woman said concerning her baby...
" is deep...this boy is going to be so rich , he would be
manufacturing cars, but he will be assassinated through a staged
car accident."..The priest replied

" So it is true, you are also confirming it!" The desperate mother

" Yes! That is his destiny!" The priest replied

" No! that is not my child's destiny, I reject it! Baba please help me"
" The only way out is for us to stop him from becoming a car
manufacturer. That means he must not attend school,
Or go near education!" The priest said

" Yes, as long as he stays alive" the mother agreed...

The video pop up closed!

" Ha! My God!" Aunty Favour exclaimed...

" Oh Lord , deliver me from the School of Failure my parents
enrolled me into in Jesus name."
Aunty Favour called out the prayer from the vision the Lord was
showing her and the children prayed it violently...
To be continued....

ANNOUNCEMENT: We hold real life Lighthouse

Children/ Teenage camps every holiday and we get to
hold FIRE sessions alongside the fun and media
activities they enjoy.Chat +234-9069926797
©Opeyemi Akintunde
As inspired by the LIVING WORD

Aunty Favour followed Jesus up the stairs. They got to the first
floor and were about going to the second floor, when Aunty Favour
sighted a door sign that read.." CLASS OF STAGNATION".

That literally made her freeze on the spot as well.

"There are many classes in the school of failure." Jesus said to her

" Can I check out the class?" Aunty Favour asked

" Sure!"

Aunty Favour opened the small door, but her eyes met a rude
shock. The class was a very large class. It was more of a hall, there
were lots of people in the hall, ranging from children to adults.

Aunty Favour moved into the hall and further realized that the
class had subs. The students were segmented into groups, and
they had a badge-like stickers on their heads which differentiated
them. Aunty Favour tried to read what was written on their heads.
She placed her hand over her mouth when she read what was




Aunty Favour stopped by that group and her heart bled when she
saw beautiful ladies who were already ageing in the sense of the
word, tied down to their chairs. Aunty Favour watched in
amazement at how detailed the kingdom of darkness went about
their oppressive work. Aunty Favour was able to know all about
them by the badges on their foreheads.

-60 years old and still counting
-Raped at 5 years old."

The video played in front of her..

Aunty Favour saw how the Kingdom of darkness planned the lady
being raped at a tender age so as to keep her stagnant maritally.
The lady from a young age developed phobia for sexual intercourse
and that made her dread men.

" JESUS!" Aunty Favour exclaimed.

" Powers that tampered with my future during my infancy, Oh

Lord , arise and deliver me from their chains in Jesus name" Aunty
Favour prayed...
Aunty Favour walked further into the hall and saw a middle-aged
woman in the Business Stagnation group. She was wailing

" I am tired..." She kept screaming ...

" What is her story?" She asked Jesus.

"She has invested in over 12 businesses and they have all failed
massively." Jesus answered

"Though she is married to a very wealthy man, who gives her more
than enough to keep her business floating, the business keeps
drowning because she is a student in the class of Stagnation in the
school of Failure. She has all the opportunities to be a successful
person, but they have pegged her hands to the ground."

" My God! I will not fail despite having so much opportunities to

prosper in life in Jesus name..."

Aliyah knew that prayer was for her...She knew it within her. She
had every opportunity to be a success but she was struggling…

To Be Continued…


Inspired by the TRUTH REVEALER
Written by Opeyemi Akintunde
Fb@Opeyemi Akintunde Tv.
©Opeyemi Akintunde
As inspired by the LIVING WORD

Aliyah prayed like her life depended on it. She knew she was a
creative mind, but her sleep disorder was affecting her productivity.
Her husband was giving her all the money she could possibly need,
but that was not satisfying for her . She was not getting her
fulfilment because she knew her creativity was not at the level it
ought to be, hence she wasn't making the kind of money she ought
to make, instead her husband was bankrolling her...

"It's one thing to be creative, hard-working, intelligent and you

have the financial support you could ever need, but it's another
thing for you to be applauded for your creative work. There are
some of you here, that without your parents name attached to
yours, you are nothing. As a teenager , can it be said concerning
you that "Femi, the guitarist came here today" or is it "Femi, the
Bible study teacher's son came here today" Aunty Favour said from
the Spiritual.

The woman who was been held down with business Stagnation was
feeding off her husband's wealth and popularity.

“There are people feeding off other people's popularity, because

they are still in chains..." Pray to get out of your chains and
maximize your glory to the fullest" Aunty Favour screamed with
her eyes tightly shut as she was deep in the spiritual realm.
Aliyah wanted the chains of sleep disorder to be broken.

Aliyah fell to her knees sobbing hard as she prayed...

"Oh Lord, God of Heaven who does great and mighty things
that I have seen, please be merciful and break the chains of sleep
disorder from my life so I can live a productive life." Aliyah
prayed ...

Favour suddenly felt pulled out of the class of Stagnation like a
vacuum cleaner sucked her in and she found herself in a dark large
room, however, the room was lit up by small lights enclosed in
bottles. The bottles were placed on shelves and the shelves went up
the tall roof...

" What are these lights in bottles?" Aunty Favour voiced out..

To her surprise, Jesus was already by her side.

"This is the Light Storage Room of the Light Collection center.

They trade in Lights. Their agents steal lights and sell it in
exchange of money, power and fame. Someone's prayers brought
us here" Jesus said


" Aliyah! The Artist at the Lighthouse"

" Oh! Kenneth 's client!"

" Yes! Her husband has been stealing her light!"

Favour turned in shock!

"Is that why he was stuck to the ground?"

"He came to the Lighthouse to capture lights" Jesus said smiling.

"My God! How can she be free when her enemy is her own

"Good News is that, He is ready to stop the evil way. That is his
shelf over there"

Favour looked towards the direction Jesus was pointing to and she
saw a long shelf that touched the tall ceiling. The bottles on his
shelf were close to five hundred

"Are those people's lights?" Aunty Favour asked

" Yes..."
The revelation about someone covering Aliyah became clearer.
" How can we help her?" Favour asked compassionately.

"Her prayers have helped her" Jesus replied and in that same
instant, one of the bottles broke and the light in it escaped..
To be continued…
©Opeyemi Akintunde
As inspired by the LIVING WORD

" Oh Lord, whatever any one close to me has ever stolen from me, I
recover them all in Jesus name" Aunty Favour called out.

Frigo knew that prayer was for his wife. He had been instructed to
return all the Lights he had stolen. He would be so happy if the
prayers could pull out the Light from him.

It felt like a tornado hit him. He had not yet completed his line of
thought when the strong force hit him. He fell and he felt
something being sapped out of him. Simultaneously, Aliyah felt
like a ball being thrown at her and a feeling of electricity ran down
her spine...Her eyes were shut and in that darkness, she saw light
and sense of fullness. It felt like she had been loaded with

A transaction had happened. Frigo knew it, something had left him
and entered his wife.

Favour returned back to the realm with Jesus.

" Thank you for that restoration. I believe there is no need to tell
the wife that her husband was the one who enslaved her.
" No! Since the husband is repentant, Let bygones be bygones "

" Hmm...." Favour was wowed

"Let's go back to the school of failure and withdraw those who

needs to be withdrawn" Jesus said

Favour found herself back in the Class of Stagnation. She really
wanted to explore the hall to know more about the school, but
Jesus definitely was on a mission here and they had to get to it

Favour stepped out of the hall and as hard as she tried to force it,
she couldn't help but see the door sign of another class...


“Please Sir, can I check the class ‘Failure At The Edge Of


Jesus smile and nodded His head. Favour walked into the class
‘Failure At The Edge Of Breakthrough’ and there again she saw a
very large hall with different people seated there.

She suddenly saw a familiar face, and she looked intently to see if
she knew the face.
The girl was a teenager and she couldn’t place where she knew her
from, but she knew definitely she had seen that face before.

Favour moved closer to her and tried to read the label on her

‘Carol, sixteen, Failure at the edge of breakthrough transferred

through sex’

Aunty Favour hit her head “Ah, these teenagers. How exactly did
she get herself into this?” she thought

And as expected, a screen popped out in front of her and she found
herself journeying into the world back again.

Aunty Favour was walking on the road, and she sighted Carol with
three of her friends and she could hear their discussions

“Carol, why are you stalling on Pelumi’s proposal?’

“Of course I’m not ready to have a boyfriend now, that’s why. It’s
not like I’m stalling, it’s just that I’m not ready and I’ve told him no”
Carol replied her friend

“Jesus….ehhhh. If Pelumi were to ask me out, before the word even

drops out of his mouth, I would have said yes a million times” one
of her friends replied
“Ehen, that’s you now” Carol replied “As for me, I have made up
my mind that I am not going to have a boyfriend till I am through
with secondary school and I’m still in SS2, so copy that” Carol said

The third friend who had been quiet all along said

“Hmm, Carol, na pity I pity you o (I pity you). In this time when
people have started bagging husbands for themselves from
secondary school, you’re here playing hard to get. Give me reasons
why you don’t want to have a boyfriend?”

“Reasons why I don’t want to have a boyfriend?” Carol asked

“Yes, just give me three reasons”

“Okay, number one Bible says don’t awaken love when it’s not yet

Her friends laughed “Carol the preacher. It’s like that Lighthouse
that you usually go to to see your Cousin, it’s like they’ve brain-
washed you.” The friend said

“Because every time you go there during the holiday and you come
back to school, you’re always a brand new person”

Aunty Favour immediately remembered who Carol was. Carol was

not a Lighthouse live in person. She had a cousin Bolaji who was
leaving in the Lighthouse, so Carol would always come during the
holidays, to spend time with Bolaji.

To Be Continued….

To follow our series, follow the author on Facebook @Opeyemi

Akintunde Tv, Instagram @Opeyemiakintunde, and to watch our
movies, follow us on YouTube @DEEP THOTS FILMS.
God bless you abundantly. Feel free to share but please do not
tamper with the credit of the Author.


Inspired by the TRUTH REVEALER
Written by Opeyemi Akintunde
Fb@Opeyemi Akintunde Tv.
©Opeyemi Akintunde
As inspired by the LIVING WORD

Now, she remembered where she knew her from. Aunty Favour
decided to concentrate on the conversation to know what really
happened that made her have failure at the edge of breakthrough.

“Ehen, na you sabi (Whatever)” Carol replied “The Lighthouse

teaches me the right things to do and it has been helping me.
Remember that before, through out my Junior Secondary School, I
was always the second from the last position, but now I am topping
the class, all thanks to the prayers I use to pray in The Lighthouse
during the holidays. So, why am I going to get blessed at the
Lighthouse and not pay attention to the instructions of the

“Preach it Pastor” The second friend said again

Aunty Favour was getting impatient. She just felt like she could
fast-forward to the conversation that led to her getting failure at
the edge of breakthrough. And it felt like Jesus was actually
listening to her heart.

“You want to skip this part” Jesus said smiling

“Exactly, I want to know what actually led to her being enrolled in

the school of failure.” Favour said smiling
And it felt like someone fast-forwarded them and they were
moving very fast to the point where Aunty Favour wanted to hear.

The first friend that started up the topic about her dating Pelumi
said “Babes, babes, babes, can we go back to the topic? Carol, listen
and listen good. You can date him and you don’t have to have sex if
that’s what you are afraid of.”

“The worst you may do is a few kisses here and there, but listen
Pelumi is the real deal. This guy is the potential head boy next

“He is every girl’s dream my babe. He is smart, nice and I mean

nice to a fault. He is caring, I mean, look at the last Inter-house
sport we had and Ada fell down, see how he rushed to her, how he
carried her. My God, at that point I felt like I should be the one in
Ada’s shoe, let me have the injury and have Pelumi carry me like
that. He literary carried Ada like his wife to be and he stood by her
in the sick-bay”

“Everybody said he was there for her even when they were trying to
dress Ada’s wound. Ada later said he held her like her boyfriend
and ever since then, Ada has been crushing madly over him.”

“But no, Pelumi left all the girls in this whole school and decided
that he wanted you. Carol, can you be smart and say yes and build
a great future for yourself. Pelumi is the kind of guy that will
become rich ooo. Number one he comes from a rich family and this
guy is not proud, he is humble and yet he is smart. He is not like

Another girl cut in..

“ Yes ooo, Buchi that his father is filthily rich and yet he comes last
position and he doesn’t care. But no, Pelumi is rich and yet he
takes his academics very seriously, so I’m seeing a great future for
this guy so it’s better you quickly jump on the ride. Do you get us?”

At that point, Carol was actually quiet, and it felt like all they’ve
said actually entered into her head.

“I’ve heard you guys, I’ve heard, don’t worry. I’ll think about all
that you’ve said” Carol said

Aunty Favour found herself in the bedroom and saw Carol on her
bed thinking deeply about what her friends had said. And Aunty
Favour could hear the contrasting thoughts in her head. She could
literally hear her messages being played back in her head.

She heard all the things that she had taught The Lighthouse
children and teenagers about teenage dating playing back in
Carol’s head. However, it was warring against all that her friends
had said

At the end of the day, all that her friends had said won the battle
and she heard Carol say to herself “Well, let me give it a try, as long
as we do not have sex”
Aunty Favour was fast-forwarded again to the next day in school
and Pelumi stood at corner waiting for Carol. Carol joined him and
Pelumi said “A junior said you wanted to see me”

“Yes” Carol replied “I’ve thought about all that you’ve been asking
me and I want to say that I like you too and I’ll like to give it a

Before she could even say the but Pelumi squealed and literary
hugged her tight

Carol still said “But, wait. I have rules, no kissing, no smooching,

no sex. Deal or no deal?”

“No kissing? How then do I let you know that I love you? Yeah I
can agree to no sex definitely, I can agree to no smooching but at
least there has to be a form of intimacy between us that at least
makes you different from every other girl to me”

Carol thought about it for a few minutes and she said “Short

Pelumi smiled “Alright, we can start with that”

“What do you mean we can start with that?” Carol said

“Well, what I’m saying is that I cannot promise that I will not kiss
my girlfriend passionately, but I can promise that we will not have
sex, we will not smooch but at least, do you know how long I’ve
been dreaming about your lips? Do you know how long I have
fantasized about kissing your lips? And then you being my
girlfriend and I can’t kiss you, take you to the beach and we hug
and all of that. I’m not going to lie, you’re the most beautiful girl
I’ve ever seen in my life and to see that and not be able to kiss you,
no, I’m not going to lie about that” Pelumi said smiling and Carol
fell for it

From where Aunty Favour stood, she felt like slapping Carol

“Can’t you see this is just teenage nonsense” Aunty Favour said
To Be Continued….

To follow our series, follow the author on Facebook @Opeyemi

Akintunde Tv, Instagram @Opeyemiakintunde, and to watch our
movies, follow us on YouTube @DEEP THOTS FILMS.
God bless you abundantly. Feel free to share but please do not
tamper with the credit of the Author.


Inspired by the TRUTH REVEALER
Written by Opeyemi Akintunde
Fb@Opeyemi Akintunde Tv.
©Opeyemi Akintunde
As inspired by the LIVING WORD

Carol fell for it and right there and there, Pelumi looked around
and saw that there was no one coming and he planted a kiss on her

“That’s for saying yes to me. Thank you so much” Pelumi dashed
off excitedly

Carol stood there touching her lips and she said “Oh my God, hope
I haven’t made a mistake? My God”

Right there she told herself “I will not have sex with him, I will not
have sex with him” She kept repeating it over and over so as to
convince herself that she will not do it

Aunty Favour was transported again to a few weeks later. She

could see that weeks had passed because Carol’s hairstyle had
changed though they had met at that usual spot

“Carol, a friend of mine is having a party and I want you to come.

He doesn’t attend our school and I’ve told him so much about you”

“My mum won’t let me go to a party so I cannot attend the party”

Carol responded
“Well, we can cook up some lie” Pelumi said “like you coming over
to my house for a group study. Everyone knows I’m brilliant and
I’m sure your mum knows I am”

“And let me give you the reply my mum would give me. My Mum
would say why don’t you have female friends that you can go do a
group study with”

“And let me tell you the reply you’re going to tell your Mum”
Pelumi said with his witty smile. “You’re going to tell your Mum
that you do not have female friends who are as smart as Pelumi”

“See pride, see pride” Carol replied “Well, I cannot promise, but let
me see how it goes, let me try, I’ll try and ask my mum. If she
agrees, I’ll go, if she doesn’t, I’m sorry but you’d have to go to the
party all by yourself”

Aunty Favour was once again transported to Carol’s house. They

were having dinner on the dinning-table.

Aunty Favour stood and watched Carol trying to see how she was
going to tell her mum about the party.

She summoned up courage after rehearsing a lot of lines in her


“Mummy, that reminds me, there’s this group study that I want to
join. It has been organized by the most brilliant boy in our school. I
don’t know if you remember him, his name is Pelumi Ajibade. He
is very very brilliant”

“Oh, the one that gets all the gifts during your prize giving day”

“Mummy, you see you remember him. You know because we are
having our WAEC, he decided that he wants to help his co-students.
He said if we can be coming to his house every Friday after school
and we’d read together till like around 7pm or 8pm, or like 6pm
because I told him that even if mummy would allow me come, I
cannot stay till 7pm so maybe like 6pm, so when we close by 2pm,
we’ll do whatever we have to do from 2pm to 6pm. So I wanted to
ask if you’ll let me go so I can give him the reply”

“Well, if it’s your education, and you’re sure that you’re going there
to read, especially if it’s that boy, then no problem, I permit you”

Aunty Favour saw that Carol literally wanted to jump from her
chair. It took a lot to control herself.

“Thank you Mummy, I’ll tell him tomorrow. So that means on

Friday, the driver does not have to come pick me. I’ll find my way.
His driver will pick us up. Then from there, I’ll come home by
myself from 6pm”

“Alright, you really need to have good grades in your WAEC”

To be continued
©Opeyemi Akintunde
As inspired by the LIVING WORD

Aunty Favour was further transported to a party. It was a club and

Aunty Favour immediately knew what would have happened. That
was definitely the Friday where the boy had asked that they meet

Aunty Favour began to search for her subjects; the main focus of
her being at that club.

As she looked around, her mind was blown to say the least;
Children and Teenagers, she will call them children because she
was seeing girls as young as 13 years of age in sexy clothes dancing.

Some were even smoking, some were getting high on Cocaine,

some were taking a whole lot of things that children of that age
should not indulge themselves in.

She looked at her side and there again was Jesus standing by her
and Aunty Favour couldn’t help but say “My Lord Jesus, why
would children be doing this, where are their parents?”

Jesus smiled and said “The devil never rest, he is going all out to
capture as many young people he can, and that is why we need
more of you on earth. More of you that can recruit soldiers, end
train soldiers for us.”
“Among these young ones are Governors, Senators who are meant
to change the policies to favour the people. Among these ones here
are teachers, people who are meant to train the future generation
but here they are.”

“The devil knows what he is doing. It’s an agenda, as he keeps

corrupting their minds, he makes their purposes bleak. He makes
them not to walk in the light of what they have been created to do.
When a child takes drugs to a point, he begins to doubt him or
herself. He begins to feel unworthy and when they feel this way,
they are not able to walk in line with their purpose, they begin to
say to themselves “Can anything good still come out of me?’… It’s
an agenda"

“When the devil tries to make a young person get addicted, it’s not
because the devil wants to actually just destroy that life. The devil
wants to make sure that person sees him or herself as unqualified
for the divine assignment.”

“He knows that no matter how sinful a man is, once he ask for
forgiveness he is forgiven and he can still fulfil destiny. But the
devil makes them deep in sin and then binds them with the spirit
of inadequacy, they begin to see themselves as inadequate. So I
want more of your kind Favour” Jesus said to Favour and she felt
his passion. She felt the pain, she could see into his heart that He
wanted all to be saved….that ALL may be saved.
To be continued…
©Opeyemi Akintunde
As inspired by the LIVING WORD

“I’m sorry Lord, I feel your pain. I hope to raise more soldiers for
you, more that will dominate the entire earth for you, and we will
dominate, we will dominate” Aunty Favour said

That word dominate made a lot of sense and she knew that was
what The Lighthouse was all about. It was about raising young
ones and delivering them because if you do not deliver them, they
cannot go out there and save. So they needed to be delivered and
that was why the fire session was necessary.

So whenever they were delivered, they could go out and manifest

and in the process of manifesting, they birth their kinds and when
they birth their kinds, they are able to dominate and spread all
over the earth.

Aunty Favour focused on why she was there again. She kept
looking around, looking for Carol and the supposed Pelumi boy

As she moved, she saw a VIP section and as she thrust deeper into
that place, she saw them committing the abominable act right
there and she literally wanted to slap Carol and say “But you said
you were not going to have sex, but before she could think too
much over it, she saw the cause of her losing her senses and her
resolve, there were hard drugs on the table in front of them…
She had been heavily drugged.

In the twinkling of an eye, Aunty Favour was transported to


" What am I doing here?' She wondered

" Watch!" She heard the voice of the Lord

Aunty Favour saw a young couple discussing over a laptop.

" I don't think Carol should be the beneficiary of this Grant..." The
husband said

" Why?" His wife asked

" I don't know...I just have this feeling she won't make good use of
the opportunity, why don't we give your cousin Sope. You told me
she has been awaiting admission for two years. This Grant will
serve her better..." The husband said

"Ha! But hope your sister won't take an offence. You have been
planning this for your Carol your niece for over two years."

"There will be another opportunity for her, I just feel this

uncertainty about her, besides she is still in SSS2" The husband
Aunty Favour clasped her hands over her head...

She could see the reason why Carol was in the class of Failure at
the edge of breakthrough… Her Grant has been given to another.

" This girl needs prayers!"

" Yes! She does. You should get her to the camp" Jesus replied

Aunty Favour snapped out of the vision and the person she wanted
to quickly speak to was standing right in front of her. Bolaji, Carol's
cousin was at the front weeping.

Aunty Favour wondered why she was weeping...

" Bolaji, tell your cousin Carol to leave everything she is doing and
come to camp as it has something to do with Pelumi her school

Aunty Favour could see the surprise on her face. Bolaji definitely
knew who Pelumi was judging from the Look on her face.

" Ok ma! " She replied as she dashed out of the prayer place.

Favour knew it was time to close to service that morning but she
knew that Jesus took her to that school of Failure for a purpose
and she was yet to fulfil that purpose.Favour shut her eyes tightly
and said ..

" There is still a lot God wants to do in our midst, but time will not
permit. So I will advice you to pray this prayer. Oh Lord, in any
area of my Life where I still need your touch, Lord please touch
They all roared in prayer.

To Be Continued….

To follow our series, follow the author on Facebook @Opeyemi

Akintunde Tv, Instagram @Opeyemiakintunde, and to watch our
movies, follow us on YouTube @DEEP THOTS FILMS.
God bless you abundantly. Feel free to share but please do not
tamper with the credit of the Author.


Inspired by the TRUTH REVEALER
Written by Opeyemi Akintunde
Fb@Opeyemi Akintunde Tv.
©Opeyemi Akintunde
As inspired by the LIVING WORD

Favour was transported back to the School of Failure. She heard

the voice of her saviour loudly.

" Let's get to the main reason for being here."

Aunty Favour followed Jesus with the intention of going to where

Ajanaku Family were, but another door caught her attention. The
door labeled "The Class of the Cursed Ones" loomed before Aunty
Favour, radiating an ominous aura that sent shivers down her
spine. She looked at Jesus without saying anything, but Jesus
could read what she was asking. Jesus Nodded in response. With
the backing of Jesus, she took a deep breath and stepped through,
embracing the eerie quietness that enveloped the hall. The
Occupants all sat quietly like obedient students.

In a corner, hunched over with a heavy heart, sat a girl. Aunty

Favour read her name from her forehead. It read Arewa. She saw
the details about her on the forehead.

A once-vibrant artist

Aunty Favour saw some canvases, once alive with vivid strokes of
colors, now lay desolate at her feet, devoid of life or inspiration.
Approaching Arewa cautiously, Favour sensed the weight of chains
that bound her. As she drew nearer, Arewa’s tear-streaked face
looked up, her eyes reflecting a mix of desperation and hope.

"What is her story?”Favour Asked Jesus.

Through their conversation, Jesus poured out the history of her

family's curse—a pact made by an ancestor in a distant past. The
flashback unfolded like a haunting tale, transporting them to a
dusty African village, where a gathering of young men sealed a pact
in exchange for prosperity.

The ancestral dialogue echoed in the flashback, revealing the

solemn promises exchanged amidst flickering candlelight.

"For wealth and prosperity, we bind our artistic talents and gifts
for generations to come," murmured an ancestor, sealing the pact
with a drop of blood on an altar.

“At that time, artists were not appreciated in this village, only
hunters, warriors got the most beautiful women to marry. One of
her ancestors was in love with a fellow villager but the young lady
refused his proposal because he didn’t have the wealth she wanted
to live in. This distraught man decided to exchange his artistic gift
for money. He rallied other young men like him from his family
and they sacrificed their artistic abilities for material wealth”Jesus
said pointing to the ancestor that sealed the pact.
Returning to the present, Arewa’s anguish was palpable.

"She and every talented artist in her bloodline have been

languishing under the curse "

Aunty Favour raised her voice in a prayer that resonated through

the spiritual realms and echoing loudly into the Physical realm.

The Lighters heard the Prayer loud and clear…

“Generational curses standing in the way of my creative

manifestation, break in the name of Jesus.”

As their voices rose in fervent prayer, an bright light began to

permeate the darkness around Arewa. Chains that had bound her
loosened and fell away, clattering to the floor.

Favour was surprised as to how her prayer had effect on the girl
she didn’t know. She knew she was not a part of the camp program.

“That’s the power of prayer. If you are praying, and your prayer
charges are high, it can set people around you free, even if they are
not saved”.

With tear-filled eyes and a trembling hand, Arewa picked up a

brush. Colors, vibrant and alive, flowed effortlessly onto her canvas,
a proof to the chains finally breaking.
Favour returned to the physical realm, she wondered about the
new dimension she had discovered in God. She could intercede for
people she didn’t know. Her Prayer charges could actually set
people free without even knowing them.

Arewa woke up from what felt like a nap, she had seen a strange
woman and a man in white who shone brightly removing chains
from her hands, and as odd as it felt, she had the sudden urge to
paint. It had been a long time she painted.
She went into her room, picked up her brush and her hands felt
like it had been dipped in oil, because the painting felt so seamless.

“Something has happened to me. I think I saw Jesus!”

To Be Continued….

To follow our series, follow the author on Facebook @Opeyemi

Akintunde Tv, Instagram @Opeyemiakintunde, and to watch our
movies, follow us on YouTube @DEEP THOTS FILMS.
God bless you abundantly. Feel free to share but please do not
tamper with the credit of the Author.


Inspired by the TRUTH REVEALER
Written by Opeyemi Akintunde
Fb@Opeyemi Akintunde Tv.
©Opeyemi Akintunde
As inspired by the LIVING WORD

Indeed God wanted her to do His work, because Aunty Favour

found herself back in the Class of the Cursed ones as she shut her
eyes again.

Walking through the quiet interior of the cursed hall, Aunty Favour
felt a subtle pull, drawing her toward a young man with the head
information reading Daniel. His countenance spoke volumes of
disappointment and despair. Walking by her side, Jesus pointed
out Daniel’s struggle. .

Approaching Daniel, Favour noticed Dusty Closed notebooks lay

forgotten beside him.

Jesus made Favour understand the depth of Daniel's journey—a

series of shattered dreams and unfulfilled ambitions. Jesus
revealed Daniel’s battles by showing her a screen. The screen
revealed the painful rejections and failures that had scarred his

"Every endeavour of his ends in disappointment, he is stuck in this

cycle of defeat."

Favour saw how he was being punched by different evil spirits.

“The cause of this cycle of defeat and failure is the countless curses
that has been issued on him by several girlfriends he has used and
dumped” The Lord revealed to Favour.

“Oh wow! He looks quite young to be dating” Aunty Favour said

“He is 21 years old and he has been dating since he was 12 years old,
he gets to use them emotionally and financially, thereafter dumps
them. The girls who have fallen victim of his escapades have issued
curses on him, and remember a curse causeless shall not stand, but
in these cases, he is very guilty” Jesus said to Favour.

“Can my Prayer charges help him?”Aunty Favour asked

“Sure! But the challenge with praying for someone who is not
saved is that when the evil spirit backing the curses comes back to
check on the place he has been sent from, if the person is not born
again, his case would be worse, because he would bring in worse
demons, so Favour channel your prayer charges for him to be

“Oh Lord, do not let my Spiritual state stand in the way of my

deliverance in Jesus Name.”Aunty Favour voiced as she left Daniel.

She had the intention of leaving the Class of the Cursed Ones, but
felt a pull toward a lady. She had a guitar beside her. The musical
instrument lay untouched.

"What is her story?” Aunty Favour asked passionately.

“Self inflicted Curse”Jesus replied

Jesus Opened his palm and the hole in there showed the Lady’s

“If I die, you will marry someone else!” A handsome man said to
the Lady with the instrument.

“Never! You don’t know what you mean to me.” She replied

“What do I mean to me?” The man asked

“Life! Even my Music is not as important as you are to me, Darling

if you die today, I would stop singing. My Music ends that day!”

Aunty Favour shook her head in pity. Jesus revealed the tragedy
that had muted her melody. The man had died two years after their

“Her music died with him, she can't find the notes anymore.” Jesus

“Careless words, I have spoken in the moment of passion, joy or

even during grief that has become a curse upon my life, oh Lord
render it null and void in Jesus name.” Aunty Favour shouted the
Prayers loud and clear.
“Chains of grief holding me down in the school of failure, break in
the name of Jesus”

“Creative or mental stagnation loose your grip over my life in

Jesus name”

Akanbi Damino kept watching Favour and he couldn’t help but

wonder where all those deep prayers were coming from.

“God, this woman is blessed!”he said under his breath.

To Be Continued….

To follow our series, follow the author on Facebook @Opeyemi

Akintunde Tv, Instagram @Opeyemiakintunde, and to watch our
movies, follow us on YouTube @DEEP THOTS FILMS.
God bless you abundantly. Feel free to share but please do not
tamper with the credit of the Author.


Inspired by the TRUTH REVEALER
Written by Opeyemi Akintunde
Fb@Opeyemi Akintunde Tv.
©Opeyemi Akintunde
As inspired by the LIVING WORD

Still Within the spiritual interior of the cursed hall, Jesus pointed
towards a youth with the head name badge showing his name was
Michael. Aunty Favour looked at the person Jesus was pointing at,
he had an athletic stature.

“That’s another example of Self Inflicted Curse”

Aunty favour noticed His trophies and accolades.

"Who is he and what is his story?" Aunty Favour asked

As Usual, the Lord showed Favour what she wanted to see.

Aunty Favour saw the younger version of the boy, about four years
younger than he was…

“In this Sports career, if I can just win 10 trophies I will be okay for
life” The young boy said.

“He placed a curse of limitation upon himself. When humans are in

need, they say a lot of things they don’t mean or know the gravity.”
In a spiritual communion with Jesus, Favour understood the depth
of Michael's struggle—a pursuit of excellence yet limited by his past

“Oh Lord, past words from me that has become a curse over me in
my present, break and loose your hold over my life in Jesus name”

Aunty Favour’s eye caught sight of another lady, her countenance

laced with traces of confusion,fear and sadness. Walking towards
her, Jesus told Aunty Favour the Lady’s story…

“Sarah lives in a cursed house, it is her dream home, But turns out
to be a nightmare" Jesus said to Favour.

Aunty Favour’s eyes opened and she saw the house. Indeed, it was
a dream house, very beautiful. However, beyond the beautiful walls,
evil spirits & demons had threaded their way into the fabric of the
building. Everything in the house had been ominously affected.

With divine insight, Favour saw the spiritual oppression veiled

within the walls of the cursed house, encroaching upon Sarah's life.

Aunty Favour saw how the Spirits were farting on all her properties,
including her clothes, so whenever she wore the clothes, she began
to smell offensive to others.

“Why is the house cursed?” Favour asked

Aunty Favour’s eyes opened…

The original owners of the house; a couple built the house together.
Aunty Favour saw how the beautiful couple worked hard
individually to bring in money during the construction of the house.
Love was very evident in their eyes, but few years down the line,
the husband betrayed his wife by bringing another woman to the
house after chasing her out.

Aunty Favour watched how the broken-hearted wife went on a

revenge mission. She visited an evil priest who gave her a charm to
bury in the house. Before burying the charm, she was told to
release curses on it, of what she wants happening to occupants of
the house.

She did as she was instructed…

“Every one who lives in this house would not have peace, they live
in pain, distress, abject poverty, failure. The thoughts of suicide
plagues them.” The woman issued a lot of curses on the charm and
when the husband and mistress were not at home, she buried it in
the compound.

“Ha!” Aunty Favour exclaimed

“Houses harbouring evil Spirits, I refuse to make it a home in Jesus

name, and even if I make it home, Bible says as soon as they hear
of me, they will flee out of their closed places, therefore Evil Spirits
living in my place of abode, rush out by fire and return to the
bottomless pit in Jesus name.” Aunty Favour called out.
Aunty Favour’s heart was so heavy with sadness at the large
number of lives in bondage. She willingly walked out of the Class of
the Cursed ones, only to find herself at a door named “EVIL

“Is this where the Ajanakus are?” She asked Jesus.

“ No!, but one of the Children praying at the Lighthouse needs to

pray for her mother. Her mother is a student of the School of
Failure.Her once-thriving trade has become barren”
To Be Continued….

To follow our series, follow the author on Facebook @Opeyemi

Akintunde Tv, Instagram @Opeyemiakintunde, and to watch our
movies, follow us on YouTube @DEEP THOTS FILMS.
God bless you abundantly. Feel free to share but please do not
tamper with the credit of the Author.


Inspired by the TRUTH REVEALER
Written by Opeyemi Akintunde
Fb@Opeyemi Akintunde Tv.
©Opeyemi Akintunde
As inspired by the LIVING WORD

Favour walked into the EVIL ARROWS Hall, and Jesus pointed at
a woman she knew well.

“Mrs Rebecca James; Beatrice’s Mum” Aunty Favour exclaimed as

recognition hit her.

Favour saw how her business was having an inexplicable shroud of

rejection, her customers fleeing as if repelled by an unseen force.
Jesus revealed the spiritual affliction gripping Rebecca’s trade,
planting seeds of abandonment and isolation.

"She has done everything she could” Jesus said as Rebecca's

anguish was tangible.

Favour was interested in the origin of Rebecca's affliction. She

wanted to know the source of the evil arrow of rejection the devil
had aimed at her trade, a demonic force driving customers away
and strangling her business.

"Favour, this woman’s trade has been under siege by spiritual

forces, An Arrow was fired by a rival trader, you need to call a
prayer point in line with this, so that her daughter prays it on her
behalf." Jesus spoke with a tone of deep concern.
"Yes Lord. The devil has injected her trade with rejection, isolation
and barrenness," Favour replied, her heart heavy with

Aunty Favour returned to the Physical realm…

“If you know your mother is a trader and she has been complaining
of slow patronage, you need to pray this prayer for her…Arrow of
Rejection, bareness and isolation fired at my mother’s business,
backfire in Jesus name. Beatrice, you should pray this for your
mother.” Aunty Favour Said.

The Lighters thundered the prayer.

Favour returned to the Evil Arrows hall, and in gratitude, she

watched how a light burst forth from Jesus and broke the chains
upon Rebecca’s hands.

“Can we go to the Reason why we are here?’ Aunty Favour asked.

Her heart was getting too heavy to handle all she was seeing.

‘Sure!” Jesus said smiling

Aunty Favour found herself at the entrance of a gated room. She

wondered where she was. She saw Adebayo in the room. The place
looked like a cell. This time around, Aunty Favour didn’t need any
explanation from Jesus, she could tell this was a case of collective
captivity or family captivity. Through Adebayo’s presence at the
Lighthouse, he was about to deliver his family line.
Jesus stretched his hand towards the gate and the lock melted and
Adebayo rushed out, followed by a few others, while some
remained in the cage.

“Why?”Favour asked

“Some have given up on themselves, while others love their

captivity” Jesus replied briefly

Still in the twinkling of an eye, they all found themselves outside

the gate of the school of failure. They all tele-ported.

“You are free!”Jesus said and on hearing that, they all ran off in
To Be Continued….

To follow our series, follow the author on Facebook @Opeyemi

Akintunde Tv, Instagram @Opeyemiakintunde, and to watch our
movies, follow us on YouTube @DEEP THOTS FILMS.
God bless you abundantly. Feel free to share but please do not
tamper with the credit of the Author.


Inspired by the TRUTH REVEALER
Written by Opeyemi Akintunde
Fb@Opeyemi Akintunde Tv.
©Opeyemi Akintunde
As inspired by the LIVING WORD

Aunty Favour concluded the Prayers and was walking towards

Tina. The question in her head was obvious to everyone who knew
what had happened to Chuks. From Where Akanbi Damino Stood,
he knew he had to save the day. There had to be a way the news
had to be broken to her, so he moved quickly to intersect her.

“Mr Chuks was rushed to the hospital, but Ade just called to tell me
he is now stable” Mr Akanbi said

“Oh My God!I need to see him ASAP.”

“Let me drive you down” Akanbi offered

“He is fine !”Tina said to Favour as soon as she reached her.

Favour responded in faith by nodding in acknowledgement.

Dr. Jemimah stepped out of the ward to inform the others that Mr.
Chuks was stable and resting, but he needed some time alone.

“You all can return to the Lighthouse. I will stay with him” Dr. J
said “We need to inform Aunty Favour”
“I already called my Dad to Inform him about the situation, I
believe he would have informed others”. Ade said

As they were preparing to leave, they all saw Favour approaching,

her eyes filled with concern and worry. She was in the company of

" Aunty Favour, he's resting right now. He's stable but needs some
time alone," Jemimah said gently, knowing Favour's eagerness to
see Chuks.

"I just want to see him for a moment, Dr. J. I promise I won't
disturb him," Favour pleaded with a mix of anxiety and hope.

"All right, but please keep it brief," Jemimah conceded, allowing

Favour a momentary visit, while speaking with the Nurse in charge.

Favour tiptoed into the room, her heart pounding with

apprehension. She approached Chuks' bedside, noticing the frailty
that had replaced his recent vigor. His eyes met hers, holding a
depth of emotion she understood so well.

" Chuks..." Favour's voice quivered, filled with concern.

"Favour," Chuks managed a weak smile. "I didn't expect to see you
here. You should be at the camp"
"I heard what happened, and I couldn't stay away. I was so
worried," Favour said, her voice trembling with emotion.

Chuks gestured for her to sit by his side. "Sit, please. I need to tell
you something important."

Favour settled in the chair beside his bed, her eyes fixed on Chuks,
waiting for his words.

"Favour, what happened to me... It was a wake-up call," Chuks

began, his voice barely above a whisper. "I realized I've been
standing in the way of God's plans, particularly regarding you and

Favour's eyes widened in surprise, a mix of confusion and curiosity

taking over her expression. She wasn’t ready to hear whatever he
had to say. She was scared it was something she was afraid to hear.

“Can we talk about this later? Please!”

"I had a moment of revelation, Favour. I've been opposing God's

will, resisting what He's been orchestrating," Chuks continued, his
gaze fixed on her.

Favour felt a rush of emotions flooding her heart. She listened

intently, her heart pounding as Chuks unravelled his thoughts.

"I asked God, I pleaded, not to let me see you marry Akanbi,"
Chuks confessed, his voice heavy with remorse.
Favour's eyes welled up with tears, the weight of Chuks' words
sinking deep into her soul. She reached out and gently clasped his
hand, a silent understanding passing between them.

"I never meant to interfere or influence God's plans, Favour. But I

see now that my words might have spoken louder than my
intentions," Chuks said, his voice barely audible.

"Chuks, please don't blame yourself. Can we not talk about this
now? Your well-being matters more than anything else," Favour
said softly, her heart aching at his vulnerability.

Chuks let out a sigh, his eyes conveying a mix of relief and regret.
"God has shown me that I've been careless with my words of
authority. He wants Akanbi in your life, and I might have
unknowingly opposed that."

Favour wiped away a tear streaming down her cheek. "Chuks,

Your health is what matters now." Favour said again

Chuks nodded weakly, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Please

promise me, Favour, follow God's will, no matter how difficult it
might seem. Even if I don’t make it out of this hospital alive"

“Misusing your words again!”Favour said

“I am sorry… but promise me, you will do what God ask of you”
"I promise," Favour whispered with tears saying more than her

As they shared a moment of silence that spoke volumes, Favour

cast her mind back on her encounter with Jesus at the program
earlier and how little mistakes caused big mistakes for these
individuals and their generation. She was not about to let that
happen to her because of her disobedience.
To Be Continued….

To follow our series, follow the author on Facebook @Opeyemi

Akintunde Tv, Instagram @Opeyemiakintunde, and to watch our
movies, follow us on YouTube @DEEP THOTS FILMS.
God bless you abundantly. Feel free to share but please do not
tamper with the credit of the Author.


Inspired by the TRUTH REVEALER
Written by Opeyemi Akintunde
Fb@Opeyemi Akintunde Tv.
©Opeyemi Akintunde
As inspired by the LIVING WORD

Favour stepped out of Chuks' room and found Akanbi waiting

anxiously. He glanced at her, concern etched across his face.

"Is he okay?" Akanbi asked, his voice laced with worry.

"He's resting now," Favour replied softly, her thoughts swirling in a

whirlwind of emotions.

Akanbi's expression softened as he studied Favour's face, sensing

the tumult within her. "Do you want me to go in?"

Favour nodded, a silent agreement passing between them. Akanbi

entered the room, his presence welcomed by Chuks' gentle smile.

"Hello, Mr Akanbi," Chuks greeted, his voice faint but filled with

"Mr Chuks," Akanbi replied respectfully, taking a seat beside

Chuks' bed.

Chuks observed Akanbi's earnest concern etched on his face.

"Favour mentioned you were the one who brought her here."
"Yes, sir. I wanted to make sure she arrived safely," Akanbi
responded with sincerity. “Knowing how much you mean to her, I
couldn’t let her drive herself”

Chuks nodded in acknowledgement, his gaze fixed on Akanbi.

"I want to talk to you about something important, Mr Akanbi."

Akanbi listened intently, he didn’t know what to expect from him

"I've known Favour for a long time.” Chuks began, his voice heavy
with emotion. “I see the way she looks at you and recently I just
discovered that it is God’s will for you both to be husband and

Akanbi's eyes widened, a mix of surprise and unbelief crossing his


"I want you to promise me something, Mr. Akanbi," Chuks

continued, his words filled with earnestness. " I want you to take
care of her, support her in every way."

Akanbi felt a lump form in his throat, the weight of Chuks' words
hitting him deeply. "I promise, Mr. Chuks. I care deeply for Madam
Favour, and I'll do everything in my power to support her and
make her happy."

Chuks nodded, a sense of peace settling within him. "Thank you,

Akanbi. I trust you."

Exiting the room, Akanbi found Favour waiting outside, her eyes
searching for answers.

"He's resting now, Madam Favour" Akanbi said, approaching her

with a comforting side embrace, which didn’t last long. Every other
person had left except Dr. J

"Thank you for being there," Favour whispered to Dr J.

“All thanks to God, I will join you at the Lighthouse much later. I
want to have an extensive discussion with the Doctor.


The drive back from the hospital was quiet, the weight of unspoken
thoughts hanging in the air between Akanbi and Favour. Akanbi
navigated the road in silence, his mind wrestling with a plethora of

As the miles passed, Favour's voice broke the silence, her words
heavy. "I will marry you, Akanbi, since it is God's will. We are both
mature, there is no point beating about the bush"

Akanbi felt a rush of emotions sweep through him, but he

remained silent, the weight of her words echoing in his mind as he
grappled with his thoughts.
In the corner of his mind, he pondered her statement. What does
she truly mean? Was it out of obligation? Or was it a choice born
out of love?

Favour's words lingered, hovering like a delicate promise amidst

the silence. Akanbi contemplated her feelings, hesitant to respond

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he turned to Favour, his

eyes carrying a mix of earnestness and vulnerability. "Do you mean
you don't like me?"

Favour's heart skipped a beat at the question, the emotional weight

of her unspoken feelings surfacing. "It's not that I don't like you.
It's just... complicated."

Akanbi nodded, understanding the depth and weight of her

emotions concealed behind her words. "I wouldn't want a
relationship with you if you didn't even like me a bit." Akanbi
voiced his concern.

Minutes stretched like an eternity as they journeyed in silence,

each lost in their own thoughts and emotions. Favour wrestled
with her inner turmoil, battling the knot of emotions that held her
heart captive.

Finally, with a tremor in her voice and tears brimming in her eyes,
Favour voiced her truth.
"I do like you, Akanbi. But it's not just about that... It's about the
depth of friendship, the unspoken love, the intention of marriage...
It's about everything I've shared with Chuks, the good and the bad

Her confession hung in the air…heavy with unspoken sentiments

and the complexities of her heart's allegiance.

Akanbi felt a surge of emotions swell within him, yet he forced

himself to understand the depth of her struggle. From what he had
gathered at the Lighthouse, Favour and Chuks had come a long
way, even longer than most married couples…

"Favour, I promise to give us a chance. I'll wait for you, for as long
as it takes."

To Be Continued….

To follow our series, follow the author on Facebook @Opeyemi

Akintunde Tv, Instagram @Opeyemiakintunde, and to watch our
movies, follow us on YouTube @DEEP THOTS FILMS.
God bless you abundantly. Feel free to share but please do not
tamper with the credit of the Author.


Inspired by the TRUTH REVEALER
Written by Opeyemi Akintunde
Fb@Opeyemi Akintunde Tv
©Opeyemi Akintunde
As inspired by the LIVING WORD

As the car pulled up to the Lighthouse, Favour's mind was crowded

with a lot of emotions. Her conversation with Chuks and Akanbi
interchangeably lingered in her thoughts.

Rushing into her room, she shut the door behind her, seeking
solace in the confines of her bedroom cum sanctuary. Her mind
raced with conflicting emotions.

Tina, her ever-loyal friend, knocked softly on the door, concern

etched on her face. "Favour, are you okay?."

"I need some time alone, Tina. Please," Favour's voice was faint,
but firm, as she requested solitude.

Tina sighed, sensing Favour's need for space, and reluctantly left,
hoping her friend cum sister would find solace in the Holyspirit.
She couldn’t imagine the state of her heart. A lot had happened in
the past few days; she had battled losing her child, she also became
a grandmother within the same period, and just few hours ago, she
almost lost her best friend in the world.
The moment Dr. Jemimah touched base at the Lighthouse, She
pulled Shola, her fiancé and Akanbi's Personal Assistant, aside as
she arrived back at the camp. She felt compelled to share the
weighty conversation she had overheard between Chuks and

"Shola, there's something important I need to discuss with you," Dr.

J said in a serious tone, pulling him away.

Shola listened intently as Dr. J recounted Chuks' heartfelt

conversation about Favour at the hospital. His eyes widened in

At that time, the children and teenagers were in their rooms,

animatedly discussing the impact of the prayers during the prayer
sessions. Excitement and awe filled the air as they reflected on the
spiritual encounters they had experienced.

In her room, Favour couldn’t help herself again, she felt her heart
wanted to burst out of her body so she picked up her phone and
dialled Mercy’s number, her heart racing.

"Hi, darling," Favour's voice trembled with emotion as she spoke to

Mercy. "God wants me to Marry Akanbi, it is confirmed."

As she spoke, tears welled up in her eyes. She confided in Mercy

about the complexities of her emotions. Mercy however responded
with …
“ Mummy, Let God’s Will be done”
To be continued…
©Opeyemi Akintunde
As inspired by the LIVING WORD

Few hours after locking herself in her room, Favour emerged from
her solitude, her focus redirected to the camp's closing moments.

As the final hours of the camp commenced, the atmosphere buzzed

with bittersweet emotions. The children and teenagers, who had
formed unbreakable bonds during the camp, now faced their heart-
breaking reality with tearful farewells. Hugs lingered longer, and
laughter was intermingled with touching goodbyes.
Their hearts, now deeply touched by the spiritual encounters and
shared experiences, struggled to bid farewell. Some of them knew
going home may drain their Spiritual life.

Mabel and Olive were not returning the same way they came. They
had decided to go off social media for a year so as to cut off from
the cult they had unknowingly entered into.

Frigo and Aliyah bid their goodbyes too, they promised to stay in
touch and Aunty Favour connected them to a pastor friend of hers
in their country for proper follow -up.

Carol, Bolaji’s cousin who had joined them towards the end of the
program, also felt better after the prayers. Aunty Favour had told
her what she had been shown in the Spirit realm, Carol testified to
it and as a result she prayed the single prayer point Aunty Favour
gave her for hours.

“Oh Lord, deliver me from the yoke of Failure at the edge of

breakthrough in Jesus Name”

As the last of the young ones departed, Favour gathered the leaders
for a private meeting. She wanted to set the records straight for
transparency sake.

Gathering them in a quiet space, she looked around at the familiar

faces, each reflecting a myriad of emotions - anticipation, curiosity,
and a hint of concern.

"Thank you all for your dedication and support throughout this
camp," Favour began, her voice carrying a blend of certainty and

Silence lingered, pregnant with anticipation, as she paused,

gathering her thoughts. With a deep breath, she continued, "I need
to share something important with all of you."

A hush fell over the room as the leaders attentively waited for
Favour's revelation.

"I've sought God's will regarding my personal life," Favour

announced, her voice steady yet tinged with emotion. "And it's
been made clear to me that Akanbi is the one I'm meant to be

The room fell into a charged silence, the weight of Favour's

declaration sinking in. Mixed emotions danced across the faces of
the leaders — surprise, uncertainty, and a hint of understanding.

Favour's heart swelled with a sense of relief. She had let the cat out
of the bag, finally.

To Be Continued….

To follow our series, follow the author on Facebook @Opeyemi

Akintunde Tv, Instagram @Opeyemiakintunde, and to watch our
movies, follow us on YouTube @DEEP THOTS FILMS.
God bless you abundantly. Feel free to share but please do not
tamper with the credit of the Author.


Inspired by the TRUTH REVEALER
Written by Opeyemi Akintunde
Fb@Opeyemi Akintunde Tv.
©Opeyemi Akintunde
As inspired by the LIVING WORD

In the wake of Favour's revelation to the leaders, She and Akanbi

found themselves drawn together.

Around others, Favour wore the mantle of leadership, a composed

and guiding figure. But in Akanbi's presence, she felt an
unexpected lightness, shedding her facade to reveal the unguarded
version of herself.

Their interactions were on an emotionally matured level.

In the weeks that followed, they discovered shared interests and

aspirations, each conversation a brush-stroke in painting the
portrait of their growing connection.

"Being around you is my soul food," Akanbi confessed one evening

in her office, his gaze tender and sincere.

Favour's heart skipped a beat at his words. " Well, You make me
forget about everything else when I'm with you. It's like time
stands still." Favour replied

Their bond grew deeper with each passing day, and amidst their
budding affection, they made it a ritual to visit Chuks regularly.
Chuks, though weakened, observed the unspoken love radiating
from their gazes.

Weeks later, Favour received a call from Dr. J, bearing news that
brought a surge of hope. "Chuks is ready to be discharged," Dr. J
announced over the phone, her voice tinged with a sense of relief.

Favour's heart jumped with gratitude at the news. She shared the
update with Akanbi, and together they made plans to ensure
Chuks' smooth transition home.

As they left to bring Chuks back from the hospital, their joy knew
no bounds.

Chuks' return home was celebrated with excitement. Favour and
Akanbi orchestrated a warm welcome party. Laughter and joy filled
the air as they celebrated Chuks' return and his miraculous

However, as the days passed, Chuks began having discreet

meetings with everyone. He was taking the marriage matter very
seriously. He wanted God to see his sincerity in releasing Favour.
He started planning their wedding without their knowledge.
Everyone became involved in planning the wedding, except for
Akanbi and Favour. Behind closed doors, Chuks meticulously
choreographed every detail of the impending ceremony.
For three months, Chuks worked diligently, unbeknownst to the
soon-to-be-wedded couple.

A week before the wedding day, Chuks summoned Favour and

Akanbi for an unexpected meeting. Their faces reflected a mix of
curiosity and anticipation as they entered the room, unaware of the
surprise that awaited them.

With a glint in his eyes and a warmth in his voice, Chuks addressed
them, "It's time you both know about the final touches we've put
into your wedding."

Their brows furrowed in confusion…


“Yes, we know there will be a wedding soon, but we decided to help

you plan the wedding”

Before they could inquire further, Chuks continued, "We need the
names of the Special guests you'd like to invite to the wedding."
Chuks was expecting some big names…
Without missing a beat, Favour and Akanbi exchanged a knowing
glance… "You and everyone in the Lighthouse and every child and
teenager that has ever passed through Lighthouse are our special
guests," Aunty Favour replied and Akanbi Damino nodded in
Chuks' heart warmed by Favour’s selfless response.
To be continued..
©Opeyemi Akintunde
As inspired by the LIVING WORD

The ambiance at the Lighthouse was nothing short of beautiful as

the day of Favour and Akanbi's wedding arrived. The air hummed
with anticipation and love, every corner of the venue was adorned
with flowers and joyful laughter.

The day before the wedding, Favour had sought a private moment
with Chuks in his room…

"Will you stand behind me on the wedding day?" Favour had


Chuks' fought back his tears, their years of friendship, unspoken

love, and Favour’s unwavering support flashed before his eyes. His
prophetic painting was about to come to pass.

"It would be my honor," he replied, his voice laced with gratitude

and emotion. He had to swallow the lump in his throat to avoid his
tears from dropping.

On the wedding day, Chuks stood proudly, a male bridesmaid, a
symbol of friendship and support as Favour walked down the aisle,
radiating beauty and grace.

Akanbi's first son, Ade Damino, stood tall as his father's best man,
an embodiment of pride and joy. The exchange of vows between
Favour and Akanbi echoed with heartfelt promises and
declarations of unwavering love, sealing their commitment in the
presence of their Lighthouse family.

Amidst the ceremony, other couples seized the opportunity to

share intimate moments about their own relationships. Tina and
Vincent shared their aspirations for a wedding in the coming year,
their eyes shimmering with dreams of a shared future.

Dr. J and Shola stood together, their hearts brimming with

gratitude. "My boss found a wife at the Lighthouse, and I am
blessed to have found you here too," Shola whispered drawing
giggles from Dr.J .

Mercy alongside her husband Kenneth, holding their little bundle

of Joy already Christened as Faithful were also present at the
wedding. Mercy's eyes met her mother's with a tenderness that
transcended words. A knowing smile and nod that spoke volumes
was exchanged.

Mercy however found a moment with her mother and she

whispered, "I'm happy you're happy, Mom. God finally settled you.
Thank you for the sacrifices you made in raising me without a
father. You did an amazing job."

Favour's heart swelled with emotion, overwhelmed by Mercy’s

understanding and validation. A silent tear trickled down her

Meanwhile, within the joyful ceremony in the Lighthouse, Ajaara,

found herself entangled between two hearts—Ade Damino and
Tobi Bakare. They were both present at the wedding. As she
thought about her own love triangle, she knew a resolution loomed
on the horizon, one that demanded introspection and courage. She
could guess where God was leading her, but courage was needed to
give in.

Amidst the emotional currents swirling around the Lighthouse,

Ropo received news from Gloria, news that promised to change the
course of his life. The anticipation in his eyes mirrored the depth of
the news he had received.

“I choose you, not Pastor Sammy!” Gloria had written on a napkin

and had sent it through one of the younger Lighters. She had been
talking to Pastor Sammy in that moment at the wedding and she
saw how Ropo’s eyes traced her every move. She decided to give
him the reply he had been asking for…

“Yes! Yes!” Ropo Screamed from where he stood and he started

dancing off beat due to the excitement that gripped his heart.
As love stories intersected and hearts sought resolutions, a bright
light shone from heaven upon the Lighthouse. Favour Saw it and
she whispered to God…

“Thank you for organizing this beautiful wedding for me and

thank you for attending my wedding. I never thought, trees could
grow on my dry land, but here I am having fruits from my trees”
Favour looked around and couldn’t help but be amazed at the
destinies intricately woven into the fabric of the Lighthouse's ever-
evolving story.

This is definitely not the end of the Lighthouse Story, but the
beginning of a new dimension to the Lighthouse ever -evolving

THE END…. ( For Now)


 God! Deliver me from the plague of odour and rejection

attracting failure into my life in Jesus name"
 Powers that tampered with my future during my infancy, Oh
Lord , arise and deliver me from their chains in Jesus name
 My God! I will not fail despite having so much opportunities to
prosper in life in Jesus name
 Oh Lord, whatever any one close to me has ever stolen from me,
I recover them all in Jesus name
 Oh Lord, in any area of my Life where I still need your touch,
Lord please touch me."
 Generational curses standing in the way of my creative
manifestation, break in the name of Jesus
 Oh Lord, do not let my Spiritual state stand in the way of my
deliverance in Jesus Name
 Careless words, I have spoken in the moment of passion, joy or
even during grief that has become a curse upon my life, oh Lord
render it null and void in Jesus name.” Aunty Favour shouted
the Prayers loud and clear.
 Chains of grief holding me down in the school of failure, break
in the name of Jesus
 Creative or mental stagnation loose your grip over my life in
Jesus name”
 Oh Lord, past words from me that has become a curse over me
in my present, break and loose your hold over my life in Jesus
 Houses harbouring evil Spirits, I refuse to make it a home in
Jesus name, and even if I make it home, Bible says as soon as
they hear of me, they will flee out of their closed places,
therefore Evil Spirits living in my place of abode, rush out by
fire and return to the bottomless pit in Jesus name.
 Arrow of Rejection, barrenness and isolation fired at my
business, backfire in Jesus name.

If this story has blessed and touched your life, remember to say a
Word of Prayer for the Author, Mrs Opeyemi Akintunde the
writer of this story as INSPIRED by the HOLY SPIRIT... that
God never departs from her Life and Home...
And for your free gift of Love to her and the ministry in other to
publish or produce more of these lifechanging stories and movies,
your gifts are welcomed in cash and Kind...

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• Facebook @ Opeyemi akintunde Tv OR Opeyemi
Ojerinde Akintunde
• Instagram@ Opeyemiakintunde

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 HIM, HER & I ( A Love Triangle)

Please feel free to send the testimonies of how this story has helped
your life and Marriage to or
WhatsApp +2348151103646 or drop them in the comment
section of her Facebook post.


Totally Inspired by REVELATION from the MOST


Written by OPEYEMI AKINTUNDE Facebook@

Opeyemi Akintunde Tv
@Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde

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