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“As Digital Immigrants learn – like all immigrants, some better than others – to adapt to their
environment, they always retain, to some degree, their "accent," that is, their foot in the
past”. Prensky (2001)

“Digital Immigrant teachers assume that learners are the same as they have always been,
and that the same methods that worked for the teachers when they were students will work
for their students now”. Prensky (2001)

“Our students today are all “native speakers” of the digital language of computers, video
games and the Internet”. Prensky (2001)

“We need to invent Digital Native methodologies for all subjects, at all levels, using our
students to guide us.”

“...over 200,000 emails and instant messages sent and received; over 10,000 hours talking
on digital cell phones; over 20,000 hours watching TV (a high percentage fast speed MTV),
over 500,00 commercials seen- all before the kids leave college”

“They have been adjusting or programming their brains to the speed, interactivity, and other
factors in the games, much as boomers’ brains were programmed to accommodate
television, and literate man’s brains were reprogrammed to deal with the invention of written
language and reading”

“Their attention spans are not short for games, for example, or for anything else that actually
interests them. As a result of their experiences Digital Natives crave interactivity—an
immediate response to their each and every action.”


“Broos and Roe (2006) indicate that socioeconomic factors as well as race, gender and
educational background play an important role in how and how much people use

“... the access to technology and the utilization of it in both quality and quantity should be
something to take into great consideration”.

“We argue that the digital native learner sees these new generic tools as part of their
realities. Yet, when it comes to their educational use, many questions remain unanswered:
are educational standards rising, where is the “added value” in this normality and do we
have better language learners?”
“Social networks are more like mutual isolation networks that detach people from meaningful
interactions with one another and make them less human”.

“(...) The online social world is destroying real communication, dumbing down society and
leading to a society of people that have no idea how to actually function in the real world”.

“If individuals cannot learn to interact and develop meaningful relationships outside the
narcissistic, soap opera-environment of the Facebook “news feed”, then society is in for
some major trouble down the road”.


“This was another of our fears: that Life wouldn't turn out to be like Literature”

“It strikes me that this may be one of the differences between youth and age: when we are
young, we invent different futures for ourselves; when we are old, we invent different pasts
for others.”
― Julian Barnes, The Sense of an Ending

“What you end up remembering isn't always the same as what you have witnessed”


“...this community participation is how we become a part of the phenomenon -- either by

spreading it or by doing something new with it.”

“In a world where over two days of video get uploaded every minute, only that which is truly
unique and unexpected can stand out in the way that these things have.”

“Tastemakers, creative participating communities, complete unexpectedness, these are

characteristics of a new kind of media and a new kind of culture where anyone has access
and the audience defines the popularity.”


“Let me start with the observation that most of the sound around us is accidental; much of it
is unpleasant.”

“Music is the most powerful sound there is, often inappropriately deployed. It's powerful for
two reasons: you recognize it fast, and you associate it very powerfully.”

“Sound is complex; there are many countervailing influences. It can be a bit like a bowl of
spaghetti: sometimes you just have to eat it and see what happens.”

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