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camps in the eastern Bosnian town of Foča.

Their strategy was recognised as “mostly expulsion

Kunarac, Kovač and Vuković through terror”.

Case A campaign of sexual abuse began as soon as Bosnian Serb soldiers entered Foča. Women were
captured and transferred to various locations where they were detained. These locations were kept in
intolerably unhygienic conditions and women were subjected to multiple forms of abuse and violence..
Vuković frequently visited these centres, committing rape, gang-rape and transferring women to other
locations where he knew they would suffer the same treatment. One of these detention centres,
Warning: This case deals with topics that are especially grave and may cause trauma invoked by Partizan Sports Hall, was next to Foča’s municipal police building. The local police force helped guard
memories of past abuse. If you have experienced violence and need assistance, please refer to this the women and in some cases, joined in the brutal abuse when women came to them for help.
list of country help lines provided by UN Women.
Some women were moved from the main detention centres into private accommodation, which they
were not allowed to leave without a soldier accompanying them. Kunarac and Vuković took part in
The Foča Trial: first convictions of rape as a form of torture and sexual enslavement as crimes against
relocating the women and Kovač held women and girls in his flat, where he and other soldiers
continually raped, beat, humiliated and degraded them. Kovač also frequently sold women and girls to
Rape, sexual violence, sexual enslavement
other soldiers. Kunarac frequently visited various private locations, raping women or encouraging
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
others to do so. His crimes were characterised by their explicit discriminatory intent, telling multiple
women that they would now carry Serb babies.

During the late 1980s and early 1990s, the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Kunarac, Vuković and Kovač were arrested and their trial began on 20 March 2000. During an eight
experienced a period of intense political and economic crisis. At this time, the non-aligned federation month trial, sixty-three witnesses came forward to testify, including sixteen survivors of rape, gang-
consisted of: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia. In rape and sexual slavery.
addition to the six republics, Kosovo and Vojvodina held the status of autonomous provinces within
the Republic of Serbia. What was the decision?

As a consequence of the growing crisis, central government was weakened and the Federation grew
increasingly divided. Political leaders began promoting nationalist rhetoric to break citizens from the What the evidence shows, is that the rapes were used by members of the Bosnian
shared Yugoslav identity and build mistrust amongst ethnic groups. By March 1992, a referendum for Serb armed forces as an instrument of terror. An instrument they were given free rein
Bosnia and Herzegovina’s independent was introduced. More than 60 percent of Bosnian citizens to apply whenever and against whomsoever they wished. … What the evidence
voted for independence – Bosnian Serbs had boycotted the vote. Almost immediately conflict broke shows, are Muslim women and girls, mothers and daughters together, robbed of the
out, as Bosnian Serbs declared the territory a Serb republic with the support of the Yugoslav People’s last vestiges of human dignity, women and girls treated like chattels, pieces of
Army and Serbia. Bosnian Croats soon followed, declaring their own republic with the support of property at the arbitrary disposal of the Serb occupation forces, and more specifically,
Croatia. In the middle of a three-sided fight, civilians of all ethnicities became the victims of at the beck and call of the three accused.
horrendous crimes. It is estimated that more than 100,000 people were killed and two million people
were forced to flee their homes as a result of the war. Judgment hearing, Kunarac, Vuković and Kovač

In May 1993, the United Nations Security Council established the International Criminal Tribunal for
the Former Yugoslavia in response to the mass atrocities taking place in Croatia and Bosnia and Through its analysis, the ICTY found Kunarac, Vuković and Kovač guilty on multiple counts:
Herzegovina. It was the first international war crimes tribunal since the Nuremberg and Tokyo
Tribunals. Kunarac

What happened? | What was the decision? | Learning from other institutions | Significance Torture, rape and enslavement as crimes against humanity
Torture and rape as violations of the laws or customs of war


What happened? Rape and outrages upon personal dignity as violations of the laws or customs of war
Enslavement and rape as crimes against humanity
Dragoljub Kunarac, Zoran Vuković and Radomir Kovač participated in a campaign by Bosnian Serb
forces in Foča, an area located south eastern Bosnia and Herzegovina. Kunarac was the leader of a Vuković
reconnaissance unit and soldier who had access to the highest military command in the Foča area.
Radomir Kovač and Zoran Vuković were members of a military unit known as the “Dragan Nikolić Torture and rape as violations of the laws or customs of war and crimes against humanity
Unit”. Together, the three men played a prominent role in organising and maintaining a system of rape
 
These multiple convictions were thanks to the bravery of the witnesses who came forward to testify Evidence presented throughout the trial demonstrated the crimes had been committed under
about the crimes committed by Kunarac, Vuković and Kovač. Their testimony was supported by the conditions of enslavement. According to the ICTY, factors to be considered in determining whether
ICTY’s Rules of Procedure and Evidence. In particular, Rule 96 of the Rules of Procedure and enslavement was committed included (para. 543):
Evidence departed from domestic standards to protect survivors of sexual violence from further
trauma and stigmatisation when testifying: Control of someone’s movement
Control of someone’s physical environment
Psychological control
In cases of sexual assault: Measures taken to prevent or deter escape
Force, threat of force or coercion
no corroboration of the victim’s testimony shall be required; Duration
consent shall not be allowed as a defence if the victim Assertion of exclusivity
1. has been subjected to or threatened with or has reason to fear violence, duress, detention Subjection to cruel treatment and abuse
or psychological oppression, or Control of sexuality
2. reasonably believed that if the victim did not submit, another might be so subjected, Forced labour
threatened or put in fear;
Some of the women who testified had been taken out of detention centres and held against their will
before evidence of the victim’s consent is admitted, the accused shall satisfy the Trial Chamber in in privately owned apartments and houses, sometimes for 5-6 months at a time. While there, the
camera that the evidence is relevant and credible; women were treated as property and denied their freedom of movement. They were forced to cook,
prior sexual conduct of the victim shall not be admitted into evidence clean and serve residents, who were Serb soldiers. They were repeatedly raped, beaten and
subjected to other humiliating treatments. Kunarac, for example, had invited a soldier into one of the
houses to rape a woman for 100 Deutschmark. Kovač had sold two women who he had detained in
Rule 96 changed the standards for evidence in cases involving sexual violence and produced a more his own apartment. Control, including psychological control, made escape an unrealistic option for the
equitable atmosphere in the courtroom. Kunarac, Vuković and Kovač were not only kept from enslaved women. Women were aware of the dangers they faced if they attempted to flee and many
intimidating witnesses through reference to their previous sexual conduct, they were also generally knew they had nowhere to go if they did manage to escape.
kept from using “consent” as a defence. Taking account of the coercive and life-threatening nature of
armed conflict, ICTY justices stated “…consent will be considered to be absent in those
For these reasons, the ICTY determined that enslavement captured the entirety of women’s
circumstances [outlined in 96(ii)] unless freely given” (para. 464). When the three men did try to argue
experiences while detained in the private locations and constituted a crime against humanity.
consent was given freely, the ICTY assessed the context of the surrounding circumstance to dismiss
their claims. Because of the threats made against the women and, in many cases, the fact that of their
captivity, the overall circumstances negated the possibility that the women could consent of their own Learning from other institutions
free will.
Throughout the text of the case document, the ICTY’s decision was supported by what other
The severe mental and physical pain and suffering by survivors also indicated the gravity of the institutions and authorities had said about rape, sexual violence and criminal responsibility. This
crimes committed, and was recognised in the ICTY judgment that “Rape is one of the worst sufferings reinforces the legal value of international standards on gender equality, and helps build a unified
a human being can inflict upon another” (para. 655). Kunarac, Vuković and Kovač had directly global commitment to tackling VAW. Some of the references to these institutions and authorities
committed acts of rape and had aided and abetted other acts of rape by transferring women between included (numbers correspond to paragraphs within the case document):
locations where they knew the risks they faced. Through survivors’ testimony, it was also clear beyond
reasonable doubt that in some cases the rapes were perpetrated with the intention to intimidate and Jean-Paul Akayesu Case: 428-9, 437, 483, 487, 497
discriminate against Muslims in general. In these cases, the ICTY concluded that rape had amounted Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women: 536
to acts of sexual torture. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights: 480-1, 533 537
Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment: 466-
In the Appeals Chamber decision on this case, the identification of rape as a form of torture was made 488
absolutely clear: European Convention on Human Rights: 533-5
American Convention on Human Rights: 475-6, 533
African Charter on Human and People’s Rights: 533
Severe pain or suffering, as required by the definition of the crime of torture, can thus
be said to be established once rape has been proved, since the act of rape Significance
necessarily implies such pain or suffering.
The convictions of Kunarac, Vuković and Kovač brought attention to women’s experiences of armed
Prosecutor v. Kunarac, Kovac and Vukovic IT-96-23 &IT-96-23/1-A (12 June 2002), conflict and the gravity of rape and sexual violence.
paragraph 151
The Foča Trial is considered a landmark case for many reasons. It was the first time that an
Enslavement international criminal tribunal brought charges exclusively for crimes of sexual violence. It was also
 the first time rape was convicted as a form of torture and sexual enslavement as a crime against

humanity. Prior to the ICTY’s establishment, sexual violence committed during armed conflict had
been largely invisible in international humanitarian law. While the use of rape and sex slavery in other
conflicts (namely, the Japanese “comfort women”) had been acknowledged, it had never been
formally recognised or prosecuted by an international criminal court.

Want more? You can read through the Foča Trial judgment and other related documents
on the ICTY website

Additional resources:

Human Rights Watch: “A Closed, Dark Place” – Past and Present Human Rights Abuses in Foca
Women’s Access to Justice for Gender-Based Violence: ICJ Practitioners’ Guide (2016)

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