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1) If a fluid of certain surface tension and diameter is used to create a soap bubble and a liquid
jet, which of the two will have greater pressure difference on the inside in excess outside? Justify
your answer.
2) Three fluids 1, 2 & 3 have bulk moduli of k1, k2, & k3 respectively. If k1>k2>k3, which
liquid will have the highest compressibility? Justify your answer.
3) At what depth is the hydrostatic pressure of mercury equal to the hydrostatic pressure for
water at the bottom of a 15 metre pool?
4) An open tank contains water up to a depth of 150cm and above it an oil of specific gravity
0.75 for a depth of 3m. Find the pressure intensity at the extreme bottom of the tank.
5) What is the height, in meters, of a column of water at 10oC equivalent to a pressure of 1 atm?
6) Determine the height of water column corresponding to a pressure of 154 kN/m2
Use this information to answer Questions 7-9 below
A cylinder contains a fluid at a gauge pressure of 350 kNm−2. Express this pressure in terms
of a
7) head of water (ρH2O = 1000 kg m−3)
8) head of Mercury (relative density 13.6)
9) What would be the absolute pressure in the cylinder if the atmospheric pressure is
101.3 kNm-2 ?
10) What is the maximum gauge pressure of water that can be measured by means of a tube 3m
11) A car driver measures a tire pressure of 220 kPa. What is the absolute pressure in the tire?
12) A diver descends from the surface of the sea to a depth of 30 m. What would be the pressure
under which the diver would be working above that at the surface assuming that the density of
sea water is 1025 kg m−3 and remains constant?

13) The pressure at a point in a fluid is 3.5N/cm2. Find the depth when the fluid under
consideration is an oil of specific gravity 0.85
14) A vacuum gauge connected to a chamber reads 40 kPa. If the atmospheric pressure at the
location is 100 kPa, find the absolute pressure.

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