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P.O.B 175, Port of Spain, Trinidad, W.I.

Research Paper- An Examination of Crime in Trinidad and Tobago and its Impacts on
Human Development

An Assignment
Presented in Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Course
PSYC220-02 Human Development Lifespan

INSTRUCTOR: - Imo Bakari


Saralee Sookoo

December 1, 2023



An extensive examination of Trinidad and Tobago's crime rate for the years 2021 and

2022 is given in this paper. It compares the crime rates between these two years and investigates

the overall number of crimes recorded in each year. It also evaluates how Trinidad and Tobago's

crime rate compares against those of its surrounding countries and other nations worldwide. In

addition, the narrative assesses the economic strain that the high crime rate places on the nation

as well as how it affects individuals' safety and well-being. In summary, this section offers a

thorough grasp of Trinidad and Tobago's crime rate and its consequences for the nation.


In Trinidad and Tobago, a relatively small Caribbean country of around 1.4 million

citizens, crime is a significant societal issue. With 37.5 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants in

2021, Trinidad and Tobago held the position of the second-highest rate in the Americas, after

Venezuela, and the sixth-highest homicide rate globally, as reported by the United Nations

Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). The issue became worse in 2022 when the nation had

reported 599 killings, 151 more than the 448 documented the year before. The goal of this essay

is to examine Trinidad and Tobago's high crime rates in 2021 and 2022 and compare them with

regional and worldwide crime trends. It also aims to investigate the impacts of high crime rates

on the nation's economy and human development in Trinidad and Tobago. This research paper

offers a thorough grasp of Trinidad and Tobago's crime rate and its consequences for the nation.

The paper will use data from various sources, such as the Crime Index, The Global Peace

Index (GPI), and the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service, as well as relevant literature on crime

and development.

Literature Review

Crime and violence have substantial detrimental impacts on human development in

Trinidad and Tobago. The decline in mental and physical health is one of the key repercussions.

According to studies, those who have experienced violence or been the victim of crime are more

likely to experience mental health problems such anxiety, sadness, and PTSD (Brazier, 2023).

Consequently, this may impede their capacity to excel in the classroom or at work, eventually

restricting their general development.

Moreover, a decrease in social cohesiveness and trust in local communities is also a result

of crime and violence. This may result in a person being more alone and engaging in less social

activities, which might have an impact on their general social development. Furthermore, a

culture of fear and insecurity brought about by the frequency of crime and violence may deter

foreign investment and hinder the nation's economic growth.

Beyond individuals and communities, crime and violence have an influence on human

development. It also has an impact on the nation's general growth, including the healthcare and

education systems. For example, a fear of violence might cause students to skip class or quit

altogether, which would leave them without the knowledge and skills necessary to support

economic growth. Similarly to this, when a greater number of individuals need treatment for

psychological and physical traumas brought on by crime and violence, the strain on healthcare

systems grows.

Chapter 15 of “Unleashing Growth and Strengthening Resilience in the Caribbean” by

Srinivasan et al. (2017), highlights the economic impacts of crime. It states that Crime can

drastically impact economic prospects because it frequently requires substantial resources from

the public and commercial sectors to both prevent it and cope with its negative effects. Crime

comes with a number of direct and indirect consequences. Specifically, direct costs include

injury, damage, and loss; public and private spending on security; and reactions to crime, which

includes the cost of the criminal justice system (Srinivasan et al., 2017).

The three main costs of crime to be considered are public spending, private spending and

the social costs. Public spending includes the cost of security, policing services, criminal justice,

and prison administration, Private refers to the cost of security by private firms and social costs

of crime refers to victims’ and prisoners’ forgone income (Srinivasan et al., 2017).

Trinidad and Tobago’s public image is also affected by the high crime rate, which in turn,

negatively impacts the tourism industry. Trinidad and Tobago is among the least safe Caribbean

countries, emerging at number 88 on the GPI. It is second only to Jamaica in the Caribbean for

having one of the highest murder rates. Robberies and assaults are frequent instances of violent

crime, along with drug trafficking as an additional issue. Pickpocketing, fraud, and small-time

criminals prey on tourists (Expatriate Group, 2023). It is recommended that visitors use caution

in order to be safe. Additionally, rising crime rates have damaged confidence among investors

and decreased competitiveness internationally by bringing in significantly higher expenses in the

form of extra security or transactional fees, according to the Caribbean Council (2014).

Furthermore, young people are particularly impacted by violent crime, both as victims

and offenders. The majority of homicide victims are young persons, often between the ages of 18

and 35. According to Sutton and I. Ruprah (2017), 60% of homicide arrests include youths

within this age range. Gang activity, a faltering economy, and corruption all play a part in the

vicious cycle of poor growth, limited job possibilities, and elevated rates of youth criminality.


Existing research regarding crime and violence in Trinidad and Tobago offers a detailed

and insightful overview of the nation's ubiquitous and incredibly disconcerting issue that scourge

the country. Countless rigorous studies have thoroughly investigated and analyzed the various

elements that contribute to the nation's chronically high rates of crime and violence. This paper

utilizes the data from research done by reliable sources such as academic journals and local

newspaper articles, as well as the statistics made available through reports provided by the

Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) in order to thoroughly analyze the crime situation in

Trinidad and Tobago as well as compare it to the regional and international crime rates.

The data was first sourced and compiled, and then visually represented into graphs for the

purpose of easy comparisons. The compiled data includes the total number of crimes committed

in Trinidad and Tobago over the most recent years of 2021 and 2022, the most prevalent crimes

being committed as well as statistics that compare the crime rate of Trinidad and Tobago to the

rest of the region and the world.

Furthermore, the Crime Index provided by Numbeo was also used to gather and compare

data pertaining to crime in both Trinidad and Tobago as well as other countries worldwide. The

data provided by this website is derived from surveys conducted by visitors to the website. These

surveys are created using questions that are meant to resemble those in various government and

scientific surveys. Each survey response is given a number between -2 and +2, where -2 denotes

a very bad view and +2 denotes a significantly positive perception. (Numbeo, 2009).

Filtering techniques have been put in place to recognize and eliminate any unwanted

content from the calculations in order to guarantee data accuracy. Users that behave in a spam-

like manner are flagged by the algorithms, and the data they provide are not used in the

computations. This preserves the data's integrity and yields accurate findings. The scale used to

show survey results ranges from 0 to 100. This size makes it possible to comprehend the data

simply and clearly, improving user experience and enabling insightful comparisons.

The current index is created using data that is up to 36 months old and is updated

continually. To guarantee statistical relevance, locations are carefully chosen for index inclusion

after considering a minimum number of contributors. Furthermore, the semiannual index is

computed twice a year by adding the most recent data to the past context.

The Crime Index is an estimate of the overall amount of crime in a certain city or

country. Crime levels below 20 are regarded as extremely low, those between 20 and 40 as low,

those between 40 and 60 as moderate, those between 60 and 80 as high, and those over 80 as

very high.

The Crime Index takes into account survey responses about:

1. General perception of crime levels

2. Perceived safety: replies to surveys asking locals and tourists how safe they feel to stroll

in the daytime and at night.

3. Concerns regarding particular crimes: Concerns about muggings, robberies, car theft,

physical attacks by strangers, harassment in public spaces, and discrimination on the

basis of skin color, ethnicity, gender, or religion are among the survey topics.

4. Property crimes: Evaluation of the volume of crimes pertaining to property, including

theft, vandalism, and burglary etc.

5. Violent crimes: An analysis of how violent crimes—such as sexual offenses, homicide,

and assault—are perceived.



Total Crimes Reported in Trinidad and Tobago in 2021 and 2022

Figure 1 Source: TTPS (2023)

A sum of 19,048 crimes were reported in Trinidad and Tobago within the years of 2021

to 2022. In the year 2021, there was a total of 8549 crimes and a 22.81% increase in 2022 with

10499 crimes reported.


Comparison of Offenses

Figure 2 Source: TTPS (2023)

From the graph, it is clear that robberies are the most prevalent crimes by a quite

significant margin. The prevalence of general larceny, and burglaries and break ins follow

closely. Within the years of 2021 to 2022, there was a sum of 3864 recorded robberies. There

were 1643 robberies in 2021 whereas 2022 saw a 35.18% increase with 2221 reported cases of


Homicide Rates of Latin American Countries and the Caribbean

Figure 3 Source: Statista (2023)

The graph above shows that Trinidad and Tobago ranks 3rd on a list of the highest

homicide rates within Latin America and Caribbean countries in the year 2022. Trinidad and

Tobago has a rate of 39.4 which has a 34.8 difference to the lowest ranking country, Chile, with

a 4.6 rating.

Crime Index by Country 2023 Mid-Year

Figure 4 Source: World justice Project (2023)

From the table above, it can be seen that Trinidad and Tobago ranks at 7th place on the

list that rates the crime indices of countries worldwide. According to which

conducted the surveys for this list, the country ranked last at 144th place was Qatar with a 14.4

crime index. This is a 56.4 difference to Trinidad and Tobago which has a crime index of 70.8.

Discussion and Analysis of Results

Crime is a serious and persistent problem in Trinidad and Tobago. According to the

available statistics, the country recorded 10499 crimes in 2022, a 22.81% increase from 2021.

This translates to a crime rate of 71.4 per 100,000 people, the sixth-highest in the world and the

highest in the region.

Trinidad and Tobago has high rates of crimes especially involving burglaries and break

ins, robberies and general larceny. Within the years of 2021 to 2022, there was a sum of 3864

recorded robberies. A sum of 2893 burglaries and break ins were reported within 2021 and 2022.

The year 2021 reported 1331 burglaries and break ins with a 17.36% increase in 2022 with 1562

recorded cases. There were 1643 robberies in 2021 whereas 2022 saw a 35.18% increase with

2221 reported cases of robberies. There was also a total of 3207 cases of General Larceny

recorded in Trinidad and Tobago during the years of 2021 and 2022. For the year 2021, there

were 1500 cases of General Larceny while the year 2022 recorded 1707 cases, a 13.80%

increase. Furthermore, in 2022, the homicide rate in Trinidad and Tobago stood at 39.4

homicide victims per 100,000 inhabitants. In Latin America and the Caribbean, Trinidad and

Tobago had one of the highest homicide rates that year, ranking 3rd on the list of nations. It is

important to note that these numbers are likely to be underestimated, as many crimes go

unreported or undetected.

Compared to the rest of the world, Trinidad and Tobago ranks poorly on most indicators

of crime and security. According to the Global Peace Index (GPI), which measures the level of

peacefulness in 163 countries based on various factors such as homicide rate, terrorism impact,

political instability, etc., Trinidad and Tobago ranked 88th in 2022, with a score of 2.005 (Vision

of Humanity, 2022). The country also scored low on the Rule of Law Index (RLI), which

measures how well countries adhere to the principles of justice, such as accountability,

transparency, fairness, etc., based on surveys of experts and citizens. Trinidad and Tobago has

been on a decline, dropping from rank 55 in 2020, to currently being ranked 70th in 2023

(WorldJusticeProject, 2023).

Following a sharp increase in crime and violence, Trinidad & Tobago is currently facing

several developmental obstacles. The estimated costs of crime and violence, according to

Alfonso (2009), range from expenses related to death, injury, and lost productivity to the added

strain on the legal system and law enforcement, the disruption of social services, business and

investment opportunities, tourism, and the reallocation of government funds and resources to

deal with the crime problem. Furthermore, crime lowers residents' quality of life by destroying

lives and livelihoods and creating a culture of violence and fear. Furthermore, it undermines

fundamental social institutions including families and communities as well as effective

government. Thus, it is now essential that the government take control of this persistent plague

that jeopardizes the population's fundamental rights to tranquility, safety, dignity, and wellness in

order to facilitate the development of each citizen as well as the nation as a whole..


Trinidad and Tobago's 2021–2022 crime rate provides numerous important insights.

Firstly, compared to 2021, there has been a substantial increase in the overall amount of crimes

recorded in 2022. This points to a worrying trend which calls for the governing body and law

enforcement to immediately take account of. Furthermore, it is very apparent that Trinidad and

Tobago has greater crime rates than its surrounding nations when comparing each of the

countries' figures. Trinidad and Tobago's high crime rate also puts the country at a disadvantage

globally. Comparing the nation's crime rate to other countries, it scores unfavorably which

highlights the necessity for effective policies to combat and lower crime.

In addition to this, it is impossible to overstate the effects of crime on the economy and

society. High crime rates have a detrimental impact on the public's general quality of life by

jeopardizing their safety and wellbeing. Additionally, crime has a major negative impact on

Trinidad and Tobago's economy by escalating poverty, impeding investment, and discouraging


In conclusion, the analysis of the crime rate in Trinidad and Tobago highlights the critical

need for efficient strategies to deal with crime and guarantee the security and well-being of its

citizens. Its detrimental impacts on varying aspects of the nation must be addressed in order to

facilitate the further growth and development of the citizens and the country.

Recommendations for Further Research

This research paper evaluated Trinidad and Tobago's high crime rates in 2021 and 2022

and compared them with regional and international trends. It has also investigated how high

crime rates impact human development in Trinidad and Tobago. Nonetheless, there are a few

shortcomings and voids in the current literature that call for more investigation.

Future research may look at the underlying factors that contribute to crime in Trinidad

and Tobago, such as social exclusion, poverty, inequality, corruption, drug trafficking, and the

involvement of gangs. Evaluating the success of the present initiatives, such as community law

enforcement, correctional services, rehabilitation, and social protection, in preventing and

reducing crime in Trinidad and Tobago is an additional avenue for investigation. Examining how

crime affects other societal groups, including women, minorities, youths, and the elderly, is a

further avenue of inquiry. Examining alternative solutions and strategies to deal with Trinidad

and Tobago's crime issue, such as bolstering the application of law, improving citizen

involvement, encouraging social cohesion, and stimulating economic growth, is also a possible



Alfonso, S. (2009) ACUNS Annual Meeting: Global Governance of Security and Crime

Prevention, Lessons from the Caribbean.

Brazier, Y. (2023). PTSD: What you need to know. In MedicalNewsToday.

Crime Statistics. Trinidad and Tobago Police Service. (2023).

Expatriate Group. (2023, May 17). The Safest Caribbean Islands (RANKED).



Numbeo. (2009). About crime indices at this website.

Srinivasan, K., Ötker, İ., Ramakrishnan, U., & Alleyne, T. (2017). Unleashing growth

and strengthening resilience in the Caribbean. In International Monetary Fund eBooks.

Statista. (2023). Homicide rate in Latin America by country | Statista.


The Caribbean Council. (2014, September 22). Crime is damaging Caribbean




World Justice Project. (n.d.). WJP Rule of Law Index.


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