Assignment Title - Bhandari

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Bhandari 1

Tishan BhandariMrs. Summers


14 - 11 - 2023

“Totem” by Thomas King

The conflict presented in "Totem" by Thomas King mirrors the real-life tension between

First Nations and the Canadian Government, revealing an unresolved struggle. The central

conflict revolves around Society versus Person, symbolized by the museum's attempt to silence

the Totem due to its disruptive voices. The museum, representing society, perceives the Totem as

an annoyance and takes action to remove it, drawing a parallel to historical attempts by

colonizers and the government to marginalize the First Nations.

When straightforward removal proves ineffective, the story takes another turn towards an

unresolved outcome. The line, "Maybe if we ignore it, it will stop singing" (2), captures the

museum's attempt to sidestep the issue, reminiscent of the government's historical strategy of

turning a blind eye to the challenges faced by the First Nations, hoping for self-resolution. In

essence, neither eliminating nor ignoring the problem contributes to a satisfactory resolution.

In conclusion, "Totem" offers a glimpse into the mishandling of conflicts in both its

fictional narrative and real-life historical context. The story prompts reflection on how a different

approach, rooted in dialogue and understanding, could have led to a more constructive

resolution, contrasting with the historical mishandling that perpetuated issues rather than

addressing them.

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