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Q.) Study the following information carefully and answer the given
Seven persons M, N, O, P, Q, R and S works in different banks. They work in
three different departments i.e., Sales, Inspection and Investment. They work
in seven different banks i.e., SBI, BOI, BOB, PNB, OBC, UBI, and BOM but not
necessarily in the same order. At least two persons work in the same
M is not in Sales department. Q works in SBI but is not in Sales department. P
works in BOM and is in Sales department. The one who works in BOI is not in
Investment department. M does not work in OBC. R works in BOB but is not in
Sales department. No one from Sales department works either in PNB or OBC.
S works in UBI and is in Inspection department only with N.

सात व्यक्ति M, N, O, P, Q, R और S विविन्न बैंक ों में काम करते हैं । िे तीन अलग-अलग
वििाग ों यानी वबक्री, वनरीक्षण और वनिेश में काम करते हैं । िे सात अलग-अलग बैंक ों
यानी एसबीआई, बीओआई, बीओबी, पीएनबी, ओबीसी, यूबीआई, बीओएम और
आईओबी में काम करते हैं ले वकन जरूरी नहीों वक इसी क्रम में ह ।ों कम से कम द व्यक्ति
एक ही वििाग में काम करते हैं ।

M वबक्री वििाग में नहीों है । Q एसबीआई में काम करता है ले वकन वबक्री वििाग में नहीों है ।
P BOM में काम करता है और वबक्री वििाग में है । ज व्यक्ति बीओआई में काम करता है
िह वनिेश वििाग में नहीों है । M ओबीसी में काम नहीों करता है . R BOB में काम करता है
ले वकन वबक्री वििाग में नहीों है । वबक्री वििाग से क ई िी पीएनबी या ओबीसी में काम नहीों
करता है । S, UBI में काम करता है और केिल N के साथ वनरीक्षण वििाग में है ।

1. Who among the following is in the same department as O?

वनम्नवलक्तित में से कौन O के समान वििाग में है ?

A. Only P
B. Only M and Q
C. Only R
D. Only M
E. None of these

2. Who among the following is not in Investment department?

वनम्नवलक्तित में से कौन वनिेश वििाग में नहीों है ?

A. M
B. O
C. Q
D. R
E. None of these

3. Who among the following works in PNB?

वनम्नवलक्तित में से कौन पीएनबी में काम करता है ?

A. O
B. M
C. Either M or O
D. N
E. Either M or N

4. In which of the following bank does O work?

O वनम्नवलक्तित में से वकस बैंक में कायय करता है ?

B. Either (A) or (C)
E. None of these

5. Which of the following combination is true?

वनम्नवलक्तित में से कौन सा सोंय जन सत्य है ?

A. O-OBC-Inspection
B. Q-SBI-Investment
C. M-BOI-Investment
D. N-PNB-Inspection
E. None of these


1. A
2. B
3. B
4. A
5. B

Persons Departments Banks
M Investment PNB
N Inspection OBC
O Sales BOI
P Sales BOM
Q Investment SBI
R Investment BOB
S Inspection UBI

Q.) Study the following information carefully and answer the given
Seven persons i.e., F, H, K, G, J, I, and E are living one above another in a
seven story building. Each person contains different number of fruits i.e., 18,
25, 36, 40, 45, 64 and 70. All the above information is not necessarily in the
same order.
Five persons are living between the person who has 64 fruits and I.Three
persons are living between H and F. F is living below H. Two persons are living
between K and the person who has 36 fruits, who is living below K. Only one
person is living between the person who has 36 fruits and 40 fruits. I has 5
fruits more than H and is not living on seventh floor of the building. E has fruits
which is a perfect square of a number. E is living immediately above G. G has
double number of fruits than J.

सात व्यक्ति अथाय त्, F, H, K, G, J, I और E एक सात मोंवजला इमारत में एक के ऊपर एक

रह रहे हैं । प्रत्येक व्यक्ति के पास अलग-अलग सोंख्या में फल हैं , यानी 18, 25, 36, 40,
45, 64 और 70। उपर ि सिी जानकारी जरूरी नहीों वक इसी क्रम में ह ।ों

64 फल िाले व्यक्ति और I के बीच पाों च व्यक्ति रह रहे हैं । H और F के बीच तीन व्यक्ति
रह रहे हैं । F, H के नीचे रह रहा है । K और 36 फल िाले व्यक्ति, ज K के नीचे रह रहा है ,
के बीच द व्यक्ति रह रहे हैं । 36 फल और 40 फल िाले व्यक्ति के बीच एक व्यक्ति रहता
है । मेरे पास H से 5 फल अविक हैं और मैं इमारत की सातिीों मोंवजल पर नहीों रहता हों । E
में फल हैं ज एक सोंख्या का पूणय िगय है । E, G के ठीक ऊपर रहता है । G के पास J की
तु लना में फल ों की सोंख्या द गुनी है ।

1. How many persons are living above the person who has 70 fruits?

वजस व्यक्ति के पास 70 फल हैं उसके ऊपर वकतने व्यक्ति रह रहे हैं ?

A. Three
B. One
C. Two
D. More than four
E. None

2. Who among the following is living immediately below J?

वनम्नवलक्तित में से कौन J के ठीक नीचे रहता है ?

A. E
B. The person who has maximum number of fruits
C. I
D. The person who has 36 fruits
E. None of these

3. What is the difference between number of fruits E and J possess?

E और J के पास मौजू द फल ों की सोंख्या के बीच क्या अोंतर है ?

A. 20
B. 15
C. 7
D. 10
E. None of these

4. Which of the following is not true about I?

I के बारे में वनम्नवलक्तित में से कौन सा सत्य नहीों है ?

A. I is living on the bottommost floor

B. G has 12 balls less than I
C. I has 45 fruits
D. Only three persons are living between I and E

E. Both (B) and (D)

5. Who among the following has second lowest number of fruits?

वनम्नवलक्तित में से वकसके पास गेंद ों की सोंख्या दू सरी सबसे कम है ?

A. E
B. H
C. G
D. J
E. None of these


1. D
2. B
3. C
4. B
5. A

Floor Person No. of fruits
7 K 64
6 H 40
5 E 25
4 G 36
3 J 18
2 F 70
1 I 45

Q.) Study the following information carefully and answer the given
Seven persons i.e., U, K, T, S, A, C and X are living on seven different floors of a
building in such a way that the ground floor is numbered as 1 and the top floor
is numbered as 7. Each of them likes different colours i.e., Blue, Yellow, Pink,
Grey, Black, Silver and Golden but not necessarily in the same order.
S does not like Blue. The one who likes Golden lives on the fourth floor. The
one who likes Black lives below the one who likes Yellow. Three persons are
living between U and the one who likes Grey. Not more than one person lives
between the one who likes Pink and the one who likes Black.The one who likes
Blue lives just above K who lives at even number foor. The one who likes Pink
lives above the one who likes Silver but below the one who likes Black. A lives
just above C who does not live on odd numbered floor. More than three
persons live between S and T. S lives above T and both of them lives at odd
numbered floor. U lives on an even numbered floor.

सात व्यक्ति अथाय त्, U, K, T, S, A, C और उसे अलग-अलग रों ग पसोंद हैं यानी नीला, पीला,
गुलाबी, ग्रे, काला, वसल्वर और सुनहरा ले वकन जरूरी नहीों वक इसी क्रम में ह ।

S क नीला रों ग पसोंद नहीों है . िह व्यक्ति वजसे सुनहरा रों ग पसोंद है िह चौथी मोंवजल पर
रहता है । िह व्यक्ति वजसे काला पसोंद है िह पीला पसोंद करने िाले व्यक्ति के ऊपर
रहता है । U और ग्रे रों ग पसोंद करने िाले व्यक्ति के बीच तीन व्यक्ति रहते हैं । गुलाबी रों ग
पसोंद करने िाले और काला रों ग पसोंद करने िाले व्यक्ति के बीच एक से अविक व्यक्ति
नहीों रहते हैं । नीला रों ग पसोंद करने िाला व्यक्ति K के ठीक ऊपर रहता है , ज वक चौथे
स्थान पर रहता है । िह व्यक्ति वजसे गुलाबी रों ग पसोंद है िह चाों दी पसोंद करने िाले व्यक्ति
के ऊपर रहता है । A, C के ठीक ऊपर रहता है ज विषम सोंख्या िाली मोंवजल पर नहीों
रहता है । S और T के बीच तीन से अविक व्यक्ति रहते हैं । S, T के ऊपर रहता है और
द न ों विषम सोंख्या िाली मोंवजल पर रहते हैं । U सम सोंख्या िाली मोंवजल पर रहता है ।

1. Who among the following person likes Black?

वनम्नवलक्तित में से वकस व्यक्ति क काला रों ग पसोंद है ?

A. U
B. C

C. A
D. K
E. None of these

2. Who among the following person lives on the second floor?

वनम्नवलक्तित में से कौन सा व्यक्ति दू सरी मोंवजल पर रहता है ?

A. The one who likes Golden

B. T
C. X
D. The one who likes Grey
E. None of these

3. How many persons live between A and T?

A और T के बीच वकतने व्यक्ति रहते हैं ?

A. One
B. Four
C. Three
D. Two
E. None

4. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence form a group,
find the one which does not belong to that group?

वनम्नवलक्तित पाों च में से चार एक वनवित तरीके से समान हैं और इसवलए एक समूह बनाते
हैं , िह ज्ञात करें ज उस समूह से सोंबोंवित नहीों है ?

A. T-X
B. K-C
C. A-X
D. U-C
E. X-K

5. Who among the following person lives just above the one who likes Golden?

वनम्नवलक्तित में से कौन सा व्यक्ति सुनहरा रों ग पसोंद करने िाले व्यक्ति के ठीक ऊपर
रहता है ?

A. The one who likes Black

B. K
C. A
D. The one who likes Yellow
E. None of these


1. A
2. D
3. C
4. E
5. C

Floor Person Colour
7 S Yellow
6 U Black
5 A Pink
4 C Golden
3 X Blue
2 K Grey
1 T Silver

In the following question assuming the given statements to be true, find
which of the conclusion among given conclusions is/are definitely true/false
and then give your answers accordingly.

1) Statements: D ≤ I < G ≥ H > C > Y > U < P = N

I. U ≤ G
II. G > U
a. Only conclusion I follows.
b. Only conclusion II follows.
c. Either conclusion I or II follows.
d. Neither conclusion I nor II follows.
e. Both conclusions I and II follow.

2) Statements: I ≥ K ≥ W = D ≤ A = Z > E = M
I. I ≥ A
II. Z > W
a. Only conclusion I follows.
b. Only conclusion II follows.

c. Either conclusion I or II follows.
d. Neither conclusion I nor II follows.
e. Both conclusions I and II follow.

3) Statements: P = J > V > T > Q > B ≥ W ≤ I < G

I) P > G
II) G ≤ P
a. Only conclusion I follows.
b. Only conclusion II follows.
c. Either conclusion I or II follows.
d. Neither conclusion I nor II follows.
e. Both conclusions I and II follow

4) Statements: R > K ≤ B ≥ G = N ≥ D ≥ C < X = W

I) B > C
II) C = B
a. Only conclusion I follows.
b. Only conclusion II follows.
c. Either conclusion I or II follows.
d. Neither conclusion I nor II follows.
e. Both conclusions I and II follow

5) Statement: K < J ≤ C = Y ≤ V = G > B = F < O


I. F < C
II. C ≤ F
a. Only conclusion I follows.
b. Only conclusion II follows.
c. Either conclusion I or II follows.
d. Neither conclusion I nor II follows.
e. Both conclusions I and II follow


1. B
2. D
3. D
4. C
5. C

Q.) In each of the questions below few statements are given followed by two
conclusions. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they
seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions
and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follow from the
given statements disregarding commonly known facts.

1. Statement:
Only a few chips is snack
No snack is kurkure
All Kurkure is puffs

I. Some chips is not kurkure
II. Some snack is not chips

Options :
A. Only I follows
B. Only II follows
C. Either I or II follows
D. Neither I nor II follows
E. Both I and II follows
2. Statements:
All beans is rice
All rice is wheat
Only a few wheat is ragi

I. Some beans is ragi
II. No ragi is beans

Options :
A. Only I follows
B. Only II follows
C. Either I or II follows
D. Neither I nor II follows
E. Both I and II follows

3. Statements:
Only a few kangaroo is giraffe
Some giraffe is not camel
Some camel is not zebra

I. Some giraffe is not zebra

II. Some kangaroo is not giraffe

Options :
A. Only I follows
B. Only II follows
C. Either I or II follows
D. Neither I nor II follows
E. Both I and II follows

4. Statements:
No painting is sketching
All sketching is drawing
Only a few sketching is craftwork

I. Some painting can be drawing
II. All craftwork can be sketching

Options :
A. Only I follows
B. Only II follows
C. Either I or II follows
D. Neither I nor II follows
E. Both I and II follows

5. Statements:
Only a few bottle is tiffin
No tiffin is lunch
All lunch is dinner
Only a few dinner is breakfast

I. Some breakfast is tiffin
II. Some dinner is not bottle

Options :
A. Only I follows.
B. Only II follows
C. Either I or II follows
D. Neither I nor II follows
E. Both I and II follows


1. A
2. C
3. B
4. E
5. D

Q.) Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions

In a certain code language,

‘perfume fragrance attract store’ is coded as ‘iv nv uz wl’
‘scent fragrance attract cologne’ is coded as ‘hl oz nv iv’
‘perfume spray store’ is coded as ‘gv wl uz’
‘scent fragrance aroma store’ is coded as ‘iv hl uz tz’

1. Which of the following word is coded as ‘gv’?

A. perfume
B. fragrance
C. spray
D. store
E. None of these

2. What is the code for the word ‘cologne’?

A. hl

B. oz
C. nv
D. iv
E. None of these

3. Which of the following word is coded as ‘tz’?

A. scent
B. fragrance
C. aroma
D. store
E. None of these

4. Which of the following word is coded as ‘hl’?

A. scent
B. fragrance
C. aroma
D. store
E. None of these

5. ‘Store’ is coded as which of the following code?

A. iv
B. tz
C. uz

D. wl
E. None of these


1. C
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. C

Q.) Answer the questions based on the information given below:

There are ten members in a family of three generations with three married
couples. I is the uncle of D and is unmarried. E is married to J who is the son-in-
law of O. M is the father of H who is the sister of I. U is the niece of H. E is the
mother of A who is the grandson of O. D is the daughter of L. M has three
तीन वििावहत ज ड ों िाले तीन पीव़िय ों के एक पररिार में दस सदस्य हैं । I, D का चाचा है
और अवििावहत है । E का वििाह J से हुआ है ज O का दामाद है । M, H का वपता है ज I
की बहन है । U, H की ितीजी है । E, A की माों है ज O का प ता है । D एल की बेटी है । M
के तीन बच्चे हैं ।

1. Who is the father of U?

U का वपता कौन है ?

A. Husband of O
B. Husband of H
C. Brother of H
D. J
E. None of these

2. How O is related to H?
O, H से वकस प्रकार सों बोंवित है ?

A. Grandmother
B. Mother

C. Aunt
D. Niece
E. None of these

3. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence forms a group,
find the one that does not belong to that group?
वनम्नवलक्तित पाों च में से चार एक वनवित तरीके से समान हैं और इसवलए एक समूह बनाते
हैं , िह ज्ञात करें ज उस समूह से सोंबोंवित नहीों है ?

A. O
B. D
C. U
D. E
E. A

4. How D is related to A?
D, A से वकस प्रकार सोंबोंवित है ?

A. Brother
B. Sister
C. Either (A) or (B)
D. Cousin
E. None of these

5. How many females are there in the family?

A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. More than four
E. None of these


1. D
2. B
3. E
4. D
5. D


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