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Geothermics 38 (2009) 279–293

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Hydrothermal activity in the Tulancingo–Acoculco Caldera Complex, central

Mexico: Exploratory studies
Aída López-Hernández a,b,∗ , Gerardo García-Estrada a , Gerardo Aguirre-Díaz b ,
Eduardo González-Partida b , Hugo Palma-Guzmán a , José L. Quijano-León a
Gerencia de Proyectos Geotermoeléctricos, CFE, Alejandro Volta 655, 58290 Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico
Centro de Geociencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Campus Juriquilla, Querétaro, Qro., 76230, Mexico

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Mineral alteration and fluid inclusion studies of drill cuttings and core samples indicate that the sedimen-
Received 19 May 2007 tary basement rocks and the volcanic rocks associated with Tulancingo–Acoculco Caldera Complex have
Accepted 4 May 2009 been the site of two distinct and major hydrothermal events. The complex, located in the eastern portion
Available online 30 June 2009
of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, is formed by the Pliocene Tulancingo Caldera and the younger (Pleis-
tocene) Acoculco Caldera, which developed within the older depression. The volcanic rocks are underlain
by Cretaceous sedimentary rocks of the Sierra Madre Oriental. The earliest important hydrothermal event
occurred during the emplacement of Mid-Tertiary granitic intrusions that metamorphosed the sedimen-
Hidden system
Cold gas emissions
tary rocks; these intrusives are not exposed at the surface. However, granitic rocks were encountered at
Low permeability the bottom of exploratory borehole EAC-1, drilled within the Caldera Complex. The second main event
High temperature occurred during the formation of the Tulancingo and Acoculco Calderas. Both episodes lead to secondary
Volcanic Caldera mineralization that reduced the permeability of the reservoir rocks. A possible third hydrothermal event
Acoculco may be associated with the recent magmatic activity within the Acoculco Caldera.Thermal logs from
Tulancingo well EAC-1 display a conductive thermal gradient with maximum temperatures exceeding 300 ◦ C at
Mexico 2000 m depth. Although there are no active thermal springs in the area, there is extensive fossil surface
hydrothermal alteration and cold gas discharges with high He3 /He4 ratios.
© 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

1. Introduction by Polak et al. (1982), which suggested the presence of an active

magmatic source.
There are more that 500 geothermal areas in the Trans-Mexican The Acoculco geothermal system is located 130 km northeast
Volcanic Belt of central Mexico. Of these, two are presently under of Mexico City, in the eastern portion of the Trans-Mexican Vol-
commercial exploitation, Los Azufres and Los Humeros (Fig. 1); 10 canic Belt (Fig. 1). It lies within the Tulancingo–Acoculco Caldera
additional geothermal systems are currently being investigated to Complex, one of the major ones in that belt. Other Caldera Com-
determine their potential to produce electricity (Gutiérrez-Negrín plexes include La Primavera (Mahood, 1980), Huichapan (Milán et
and Quijano-León, 2007). During a regional exploration program al., 1993; Aguirre-Díaz et al., 1997), Amealco (Aguirre-Díaz, 1996;
conducted by the Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE) of Mexico, Aguirre-Díaz and McDowell, 2000), Los Azufres (Campos-Enríquez
the Acoculco area attracted attention because of the presence of and Garduño-Monroy, 1995), and Los Humeros (Ferriz and Mahood,
extensive surface hydrothermal alteration, cold acid springs and gas 1987).
discharges that sometimes killed animals when they approached to The geology of the Acoculco region was studied by De la Cruz and
drink (Romero and Hernández, 1981). The geothermal interest was Castillo-Hernández (1986), who suggested that the hydrothermal
reinforced when high 3 He/4 He values (R/Rair = 6.3) were measured activity was related to magmatism occurring within the previ-
ously unrecognized Acoculco Caldera. Additional investigations
were undertaken to find the best location for a deep exploration
borehole. These studies included DC Schlumberger surveys (Palma,
Abbreviation: CFE-GPG, Comisión Federal de Electricidad, Gerencia de Proyectos 1987) and geochemical analyses of spring fluids (Tello-Hinojosa,
Geotermoélectricos, Morelia, Michocán, México. 1986, 1987). The first exploratory well (EAC-1) was drilled near the
∗ Corresponding author. Present address: Facultad de Ingeniería Civil, Universi-
Los Azufres bubbling pond (Fig. 2), in an area with numerous gas
dad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Ciudad Universitaria, 58000 Morelia,
vents. Temperatures above 300 ◦ C were measured at 2000 m depth
Michoacán, Mexico. Tel.: +52 443 314 8841; fax: +52 443 327 3856.
E-mail address: (A. López-Hernández). (Gama et al., 1995).

0375-6505/$ – see front matter © 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

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280 A. López-Hernández et al. / Geothermics 38 (2009) 279–293

Fig. 1. Schematic geologic map of central Mexico showing the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, the Sierra Madre Oriental and the locations of the Tulacingo–Acoculco area and
of the main geothermal fields, Calderas, lakes and cities of the region. Calderas and geothermal fields: A, Amealco; H, Huichapan; LA, Los Azufres; LH, Los Humeros; LP, La
Primavera; M, Mazahua. Cities: G, Guadalajara; MC, Mexico City; Mo, Morelia; Pa, Pachuca. Tectonic features: CP, Cocos Plate; EPR, East Pacific Rise; OFZ, Orozco Fracture
Zone; PP, Pacific Plate; RFZ, Rivera Fracture Zone.

Subsequent studies have included a detailed evaluation of plex, and review drilling data and results of post-drilling
the downhole measurements and samples (Tello-Hinojosa, 1994; research.
Palma, 1995; García-Estrada, 1995), various geologic investiga-
tions (López-Hernández and Martínez, 1996), and an interpretation 2. Geological setting
of regional gravity data (García-Estrada, 2000). Here we sum-
marize the results of these unpublished studies (mainly CFE The east-west trending Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt is charac-
internal reports) on the Tulancingo–Acoculco Caldera Com- terized by Mid-Miocene to Quaternary volcanism, active faulting

Fig. 2. Geologic map of the Tulancingo–Acoculco Caldera Complex area, including the location of the geologic section as shown in Fig. 12.
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(Demant, 1978; Nixon, 1982; Pardo and Suárez, 1995; Suter et al., plateaus. The distribution of these volcanic rocks was controlled by
1995; Aguirre-Díaz, 2003), and numerous hydrothermal systems. NE–SW-trending normal faults and correspond to the northeast-
This volcanic belt has formed in response to the northward sub- ern continuation of the Tezontepec–Apan volcanic field, a regional
duction of the Cocos and Rivera Plates beneath the North American monogenetic volcanic province characterized by hundreds of sco-
Plate (Nixon, 1982; Pardo and Suárez, 1995; Aguirre-Díaz, 2003). ria cones and associated lavas of basaltic–andesitic composition
In its eastern portion the volcanic rocks overlie folded sedimentary (De Cserna et al., 1987; García-Palomo et al., 2002). The earlier-
rocks of the Sierra Madre Oriental, which host the deeper portions mentioned La Paila basalts and basaltic andesites, the latest volcanic
of active hydrothermal systems. products of Acoculco Caldera, are probably genetically related to
The volcanic rocks in the Tulancingo–Acoculco region are this regional volcanism.
calc-alkaline in composition and range in age from Pliocene to Although post-Caldera volcanic and alluvial deposits have
Pleistocene. K–Ar and 40 Ar–39 Ar dates of representative rocks buried the Calderas, their geometry can be inferred from the circu-
(López-Hernández and Martínez, 1996) document three periods of lar arrangement of volcanic eruption centers (Fig. 2) and is reflected
volcanic activity. The first two volcanic episodes were accompanied by the gravity survey data (see Section 3).
by Caldera collapse. The oldest of the two Calderas, herein referred Underlying the volcanic units is a sedimentary sequence of the
to as the Tulancingo Caldera, was last active between 3.0 and 2.7 Ma. Sierra Madre Oriental, which in the Acoculco region is composed
It is the larger of the two, with a diameter of 32 km (Fig. 2). The sec- mainly of folded Cretaceous limestone and shales (Morales and
ond, the 18 km diameter Acoculco Caldera, lies entirely within the Garduño-Monroy, 1984); this stratigraphic sequence is exposed
older structure; its volcanism lasted from 1.7 to 0.24 Ma. The third north of Tulancingo and east of Chignahuapan (Fig. 2).
and youngest episode is related to the monogenetic volcanism of Structurally, the Tulancingo–Acoculco Caldera Complex lies
the Tezontepec–Apan regional volcanic field (1.8–0.2 Ma). at the intersection of two regional fault systems, one trending
Units from the first of the volcanic episodes include the Las NE and the other NW (Fig. 2). We named the one striking NE
Minas Rhyodacite, the Alcholoya Ignimbrite (Fig. 3), the Acaxochit- the Apan–Piedras Encimadas fault system and suggest it repre-
lan Dacites (3.0 ± 0.3 Ma; K–Ar age), basaltic lava flows (represented sents the NE continuation of the Tenochtitlán Shear Zone (De
in the map under the same symbol as the Acaxochitlan Dacites) Cserna et al., 1987). The NW-trending system is herein called the
and the rhyolitic-to-dacitic Tulancingo domes that were accompa- Tulancingo–Tlaxco fault system; it represents the southeastern
nied by short-lived pyroclastic flows (2.7 ± 0.1 Ma, 40 Ar–39 Ar age). limit of the Mexican Basin and Range Province (Pasquaré et al.,
Eruption of the Alcholoya Ignimbrite resulted in the formation of 1991; Suter, 1991; Aguirre-Díaz et al., 2005). In the study area, this
the Tulancingo Caldera. The Tulancingo domes, representing the province is characterized by NW-striking regional faults and asso-
youngest volcanic phase related to the formation of the Caldera, ciated grabens that post-date the Late-Cretaceous to Early-Tertiary
were emplaced along the northern portions of the Caldera ring compressive deformation that created the Sierra Madre Oriental
structure, the same as the Acaxochitlan Dacites (Fig. 2). fold belt.
Volcanic rocks of the Acoculco Caldera include the Acoculco Rhy- In the Tulancingo–Acoculco area volcanic rocks cover the NW
olites (1.7 ± 0.4 − 1.36 ± 0.04; K–Ar age), the Cruz Colorada Dacite, and NE-trending regional fault systems, but to the SW, a NE–SW
the Cuautelolulco Basalts and the rhyolitic Acoculco Ignimbrite alignment of volcanic cones and medium-size composite volcanoes
(1.4 ± 0.2 Ma; K–Ar age), whose eruption resulted in the collapse can be observed. These volcanoes could be related to the NE-
of the Caldera. Rhyolitic activity continued with the emplacement striking Apan–Piedras Encimadas Lineament. The NW–SE-trending
of domes along the ring structure. One of these domes on the south- fault system is represented by subtle morphological lineaments
ern rim, named Tecoloquillo, was accompanied by small pyroclastic between the Pachuca and Apan regions (NW of the Acoculco zone).
flow eruptions that formed the Tecoloquillo Tuff. The interior of the The NW–SE and NE–SW-trending regional fault systems of cen-
Caldera was partially filled with lacustrine sediments. tral Mexico are evident in the regional gravity data interpretation
Caballero et al. (1999) reported the presence of two air-fall presented by García-Estrada (2000), which is discussed in Section
tephras at Lake Tecocomulco, located SW of the Caldera Complex 3. García-Palomo et al. (2002) and Campos-Enríquez et al. (2003)
(Fig. 2), that are intercalated between silt layers whose C-14 ages described NE trends in the Apan area and in the Tecocomulco basin,
are in the 42,000–31,000 year BP range. These authors suggested both located SW of the Tulancingo–Acoculco Caldera Complex
that the tephras could have been derived from the Tecoloquillo (Fig. 2).
dome (Fig. 2). However, newly obtained dates indicate that the The only faults exposed at the surface within the Caldera Com-
age of this volcano is 0.8 ± 0.1 Ma (40 Ar–39 Ar) (López-Hernández plex are short E-trending faults located W and SW of the town of
and Martínez, 1996); consequently, these air-fall tephras must have Acoculco (Fig. 2). These faults bound an apical graben related to
originated from another, much younger, volcano. the formation of a resurgent dome within the Acoculco Caldera.
At same time that the Acoculco Ignimbrite was deposited, the The absence of hydrothermal alteration along these faults suggests
ring fault of the Tulancingo Caldera was reactivated with the erup- they have no direct connection with the deep hydrothermal system.
tion of the rhyolitic Piedras Encimadas Ignimbrite (1.3 ± 0.2 Ma;
40 Ar–39 Ar age) at El Rincón (Fig. 2). Subsequently, a dacitic dome 2.1. Sources of permeability
was formed and basaltic flows covered these rhyolitic ignimbrites.
The Acoculco volcanic activity ended with the 0.24 ± 0.04 Ma The NW–SE and NE–SW-trending regional faults systems appear
(K–Ar age) La Paila formation (De la Cruz and Castillo-Hernández, to have been permeable fluid flow paths for ancient hydrothermal
1986) consisting of scoria cones and lava flows of basaltic and systems that formed in both Calderas. Studies at the Pachuca-Real
basalt–andesitic composition (López-Hernández and Martínez, del Monte mineral district, located NW of the Tulancingo–Acoculco
1996), that were emplaced over the NW and SE portions of the complex, confirm the presence of such regional structures; min-
Acoculco Caldera ring fault. eralization occurred through veins with both orientations during
Around the Tulancingo–Acoculco Caldera Complex the Acoculco the Pliocene (Geyne et al., 1963). At the surface these faults can
products were intercalated with 1.8–0.2 Ma Apan and Tecocomulco be inferred by the alignment of volcanic cones. Gravity and mag-
basalts and basaltic andesites (Nelson, 1997; López-Hernández and netic contour maps (next section) show the intersection of NW–SE
Martínez, 1996). The Apan and Tecocomulco volcanics pertain to and NE–SW trends at the center of the Acoculco Caldera; however
the third volcanic event, and consist of scoria cones, some shield self-sealing by mineral deposition appears to have decreased fault
volcanoes and associated lava flows that formed extensive volcanic permeability with time. This reduction, along with the absence
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of more recent tectonic or magmatic-induced faulting at the ity contours; this effect was isolated by making a regional–residual
Tulancingo–Acoculco Caldera Complex, has resulted in the present separation using a second-degree polynomial fitting procedure
low rock permeabilities. (Fig. 4).
This situation is anomalous when compared to other Mexican The −5 mGal contour in the residual map defines a NW–SE-
geothermal fields (e.g. Los Azufres and La Primavera), where recent trending low, bounded by two sectors of higher density located at
tectonic and magmatic deformation has resulted in high vertical the SW and NE corners of the study area. High and low gravity
permeabilities. In those areas, the high permeability is associated sectors are separated by elongated contours indicating a relatively
with intense fracturing generated by the superposition of magmatic steep gradient, perhaps a reflection of the Tulancingo–Tlaxco fault
and tectonic deformation events, particularly in zones of magmatic system (Fig. 4). The NW–SE elongated gravity low is disturbed
resurgence, where tensional stress is generated (López-Hernández, locally by three high gravity, NE–SW oriented anomalies. One of
1988, 1991, 1994). Similar cases have been reported in Philippine them is related to the Apan–Piedras Encimadas Lineament (Fig. 2).
geothermal fields (Reyes, 1990). We suggest that magmatic activity in the study area was focused at
Dissolution channels in the limestones may significantly control the intersection of these two trends (see below).
permeability at depth. These permeable features may form net- The −10 mGal contour has an elliptical shape with its major
works that provide flow paths connecting the deep hydrothermal axis oriented NW–SE, perhaps reflecting the combined effects
system at Acoculco and the hot springs of Chignahuapan, located of the Tulancingo Caldera gravity low and the NW–SE-trending
19 km to the SE (Fig. 2). In that place, hot water flows from cav- low-gravity contours, associated with the Tulancingo–Tlaxco fault
ernous limestones that are 790 m below the average elevation of system. Their combined effect is represented by the hachured
the Acoculco cold springs (see Fig. 3 and Section 5). contours in Fig. 4. The displacement of the low-gravity anomaly
associated with the trace of the Caldera fault is caused by the effect
3. Geophysical exploration that results from the superposition of the regional and local gravity
Gravity, magnetic, DC-resistivity and magnetotelluric (MT) sur- The Acoculco Caldera corresponds to a relative gravity high com-
veys have been conducted at Acoculco. The Bouguer anomaly posed of several separate positive anomalies within the Tulancingo
calculated using a reference density of 2.4 g/cm3 (García-Estrada, Caldera gravity minimum. The expected decrease of gravity asso-
1995, 2000) displays a dominant NW–SE trend, corresponding to ciated with the low-density tuff deposits in the Acoculco Caldera
the NW orientation of the fold system of the Sierra Madre Orien- is completely obliterated by the increase related to the presence
tal. The presence of high-density rocks can be inferred under the of local high-density intrusive rocks. The most important of these
Acoculco Caldera by the distortion of the smooth trend of the grav- (relative) gravity highs has a circular shape and is located near the

Fig. 3. Relevant drilling data from exploratory well EAC-1. Qz, quartz; CT, calcite; Py, pyrite; B, biotite; EP, epidote; HM, hematite; ACM, all clay minerals; CH, chlorite; I, illite;
SM, smectite; K, kaolinite.
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Fig. 4. Residual Bouguer gravity anomaly for the Tulancingo–Acoculco area (reference density: 2.4 g/cm3 ) calculated using second-degree polynomial fitting (contours in
mGal). The location of the gravity profile given in Fig. 12 is also shown.

town of Atotonilco (Fig. 4). Density measurements made on rock with a magnetic susceptibility of 9.39 × 10−3 S.I. This high-density
samples from outcrops and cores from exploration well EAC-1 (see and high-susceptibility anomaly may represent a vent associated
below), and 2D modeling (Talwani et al., 1959), suggest that this with post Tulancingo–Acoculco Caldera mafic magmatism.
anomaly is associated with buried high-density rocks whose top A second magnetic anomaly occurs near the El Rincón geother-
is at ≥1000 m depth. These rocks may represent an intrusion that mal manifestations (Fig. 5), and coincides with the vent of the
was not reached by EAC-1 and may be connected to the andesite Piedras Encimadas Ignimbrite located on the ring structure. These
dikes intersected by the well. The Apan–Piedras Encimadas Linea- two highs are vents that could be part of the NE-trending system
ment coincides with a series of aligned local high-gravity anomalies of volcanic centers emplaced along the Apan–Piedras Encimadas
shown in Fig. 4. In the Tecocomulco area, Campos-Enríquez et al. Lineament.
(2003) interpreted a local anomaly associated with this trend as a Electrical resistivities are sensitive to the presence of hot saline
structural block bounded by a NE-striking normal fault. waters and argillic hydrothermally altered rocks. A 5000-km2
Ground surface elevations vary from 2300 m above sea level (m Schlumberger survey consisting of 61 vertical electric soundings
asl) in the surrounding plateau to 2700 m asl in the study area. An (VES) was conducted as part of the exploration program. The sur-
aeromagnetic survey was flown at 3500 m asl. The total magnetic vey had a density of 2 VES/km2 (Palma, 1987, 1995). A 1D layer
field data reduced to the pole (Baranov, 1957; Ervin, 1976) show interpretation and a smoothed 1D Occam’s inversion of the data
a regional pattern similar to that of the residual gravity; that is, a show the electrical structure down to an average depth of 400 m
regional NW–SE-trending magnetic low parallel to the Sierra Madre (Vedanti et al., 2005). This limited penetration is due to the pres-
Oriental (Fig. 5). We suggest that the low-gravity and low-magnetic ence of near-surface conductive rocks that cover all but a small
susceptibility corridor represents a NW–SE-trending tectonic region of high resistivity in the NW portion of the surveyed area
depression related to the Tulancingo–Tlaxco fault system (Fig. 4) (Fig. 6).
that is filled with low-density sedimentary and volcanic rocks. The low-resistivity anomaly near the Los Azufres bubbling pond
The Acoculco Caldera coincides with a subcircular magnetic (Figs. 2 and 6) is related to the presence of argillic alteration
high. The source of this anomaly was modeled as an intrusive body observed at the surface, and down to 530 m depth in well EAC-
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Fig. 5. Total magnetic field reduced to the pole for the Acoculco area. Contours in nT. Constant flying height: 3500 m asl. The location of the magnetic profile given in Fig. 12
is also shown.

1. Apparent resistivities of less than 10  m are found north of DC approach is more adequate to define the characteristics of the
Cruz Colorada (Fig. 6) and extend toward the west, and include the shallower rock formations, while the MT data are better to describe
southern border of the Acoculco Caldera rim. High resistivities were those of the deeper and probably older rocks.
observed near Pueblo Nuevo (Fig. 6).
A 2200-km2 MT survey consisting of 63 soundings was per- 4. Surface thermal manifestations
formed to study the electrical structure of the Acoculco geothermal
system at greater depth (Departamento de Exploración, 2000). Data At the Acoculco Caldera there are no active hot springs, only cold
were interpreted using a Bostick inversion of the TE mode (Bostick, springs, broad regions of diffuse CO2 and H2 S discharge (Polak et al.,
1986) that allowed mapping of subsurface resistivities at depths 1982), and low permeability argillically altered areas. Temperatures
exceeding 1000 m. The results indicate that the geothermal area is measured at these locations are in the 14–20 ◦ C range, which are
located in a zone of relatively high resistivity, with values above slightly higher than the expected mean temperature of 12 ◦ C for
100  m in the vicinity of the Los Azufres pond (well EAC-1; Fig. 7). an elevation of 2860 m asl. However, these surface features do not
We consider that this is caused by the silica deposition identified give any indications of the high temperatures measured in EAC-1
in EAC-1 cores and cuttings, or by the presence of a horst in the at relative shallow depths.
granitic basement inside the inner Caldera border. The main regions of “anomalous surface activity” are at Los
As with the gravity and magnetic data, the resistivity con- Azufres and Alcaparrosa (Fig. 2), where there are extensive areas
tours display a general NW–SE orientation consistent with that of of argillic alteration, some active cold gas vents and a few intermit-
the dominant geologic structures (i.e. the Tulancingo–Tlaxco fault tent springs with water temperatures close to ambient. Frequently,
system); some minor local NE–SW trends may be related to the and due to the accumulation of toxic gases, dead animals are found
NE-striking Apan–Piedras Encimadas Lineament. by the gas emission areas (Castillo-Hernández, 1986; De la Cruz
Setting aside differences in the resistivities inferred from DC and and Castillo-Hernández, 1986), as well as dead (“burnt”) vegeta-
MT studies because the two methodologies are based on dissimi- tion. Because of the presence of the relatively impermeable surface
lar (i.e. galvanic versus electromagnetic) phenomena, the DC study clay layer, rainwater may accumulate in shallow ponds. When these
at Acoculco has a more ‘local’ coverage than the MT exploration, overlie active gas vents, active bubbling occurs and the ponded
which a smaller density of soundings over the area. Therefore, the water becomes acidic.
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Fig. 6. Apparent resistivity distribution (Schlumberger soundings) with AB/2 = 750 m in the Acoculco Caldera area. Contours in  m. Darker areas indicate lower electric

Other anomalous features can be observed East and SE of the while mentioning is Cuadro de Fierro (Fig. 2), where gas vents are
town of Acoculco (at a location called Las Minas) where strong no longer active, but rust-colored Fe oxides coat the ground surface.
argillic alteration of the dacitic lavas and pyroclastic deposits has Around the Los Azufres pond the smell of hydrogen sulfide
produced commercial quantities of kaolin. Another place worth- indicates the presence of active gas vents. Similar discharges,

Fig. 7. Apparent resistivity distribution in the Acoculco Caldera based on the magnetotelluric (MT) method at 5 s (corresponding to 1200–1500 m depth). Contours in  m.
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referred to as “kaipohans”, have occurred in Philippine geothermal

fields (Bogie et al., 1987; López-Hernández and Castillo-Hernández,
1997). When well EAC-1 was drilled in this area, many of the work-
ers became disoriented or had trouble breathing because of the
release of borehole gases.
Thermal springs with moderate temperatures are found periph-
eral to the volcanic complex. Hot springs at Los Baños de
Chignahuapan and the Quetzalapa (Fig. 2) have temperatures of
49 ◦ C and 30 ◦ C, respectively. Thermal (30 ◦ C) springs also occur at
Jicolapa and El Rincón, 15 km northeast of the Los Azufres pond,
near the Piedras Encimadas volcanic center (Fig. 2). The flow rates
at Chignahuapan and Jicolapa are very high (>20 l/s). These springs
are possibly related to a large network of underground caves and
dissolution channels carved in the Sierra Madre Oriental limestones
that underlie the study area.
The present hot springs at Los Baños de Chignahuapan (Fig. 2)
are about 2 km SE of several levels of terraces consisting of fossil
hydrothermal travertine deposits, indicating that the focus of the
thermal activity has shifted toward the southeast.

4.1. Fluid geochemistry

Three types of waters can be distinguished in the Tulancingo–

Acoculco area (Fig. 8a). The first is an acid-SO4 water formed by
the dissolution of gases (H2 S) into pools of standing water. This
water type occurs within the Acoculco Caldera at Alcaparrosa and
Los Azufres. The second is a calcium-bicarbonate water discharged
by the Chignahuapan and Quetzalapa hot springs located outside
the Tulancingo–Acoculco Caldera Complex (Fig. 2) The third type
is a sodium-bicarbonate water (Table 1) from some springs to the
north, on the periphery of the Caldera Complex, and two pools at
Los Azufres and Agua Salada; the latter is located 4.2 km NNE of
Calcite saturation indices (calculated based on discharge tem-
peratures) for the Quetzalapa, Chignahuapan and Jicolapa spring
waters are 0.61, 1.14 and 0.70, respectively, indicating that they are
saturated with respect to that mineral. This may reflect the effects
of deep circulation through the underlying carbonate rocks, as
calcium-bicarbonate waters are normally associated with ground-
water systems flowing through limestones (Ellis, 1959; Henley and Fig. 8. Chemical composition of surface water samples of Acoculco Caldera (a) Cl,
Ellis, 1983). SO4 , and HCO3 , (b) Na, K, Mg. Full equilibrium line and region of immature waters
are from Giggenbach (1988). See Table 1 for more details.
Because of the anomalously high content of chloride (118 mg/l)
and boron (3.2 mg/l) in the waters of the Chignahuapan hot spring
– when compared to those of surrounding springs – and the pres-
ence of ancient system faults (Tulancingo–Tlaxco) connecting both isotopic enrichment, which most likely reflects evaporation in the
zones, this hot spring is interpreted as being the farthest SE dis- shallow pond.
charge of the hydrothermal system. Its waters could be a mixture No representative downhole fluid samples were collected in
of deep geothermal fluids and shallow groundwaters. EAC-1 because of the low permeability of the rock column cut by
The Na–K–Mg ternary plots (Fig. 8b) developed by Giggenbach the well.
(1988) indicate that the thermal waters of the Tulancingo–Acoculco
area are immature, having not reached chemical equilibrium with 4.2. Gas composition
the host rocks. Since geothermometric results based on the com-
positions of immature waters do not provide useful reservoir Analysis of cold gas samples show that CO2 is the most abun-
temperature data (Tello-Hinojosa, 1986), they are not presented dant gas dissolved in the thermal waters, ranging from 930.6 to
here. 986.1 mmol/mol, followed by H2 S (see Table 2). Helium and CH4
Trace elements in the spring waters (As3+ , Hg2+ , Cu2+ , Cd2+ , Fe2+ , occur in relatively high amounts, while H2 is only present in small
Pb and Mn2+ ) were analyzed to determine the effects of nat-
2+ concentrations. The elevated CH4 content could result from bacte-
ural thermal water discharges on the chemistry of local shallow rial decomposition of bituminous material in the calcareous rocks
groundwaters (Quinto et al., 1995). Values exceeding maximum found at the base of the volcanic sequence.
environmentally allowable standards were only reported at Los The origin of the gases can be deduced from their relative N2 ,
Azufres and Alcaparrosa. These elevated concentrations were due He and Ar contents (Fig. 10). Alcaparrosa gases plots near the He
in part to the acidic character of the waters and the dissolution of apex suggesting a crustal source, which is corroborated by a molar
the country rocks. He/Ar ratio of 0.006–3.27 that is larger than the atmospheric value
The ıD and ı18 O contents in the waters fall along the meteoric of 5.7 × 10−4 (Mazor, 1977). Gases in the El Rincón, Jicolapa and
water line (Fig. 9), regardless of their chemical character or loca- Quetzalapa waters fall on the crustal-meteoric line, suggesting that
tion. The sample from Los Azufres is the only one that presents any the crustal gases are diluted by air-saturated groundwater. Data
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A. López-Hernández et al. / Geothermics 38 (2009) 279–293 287

Table 1
Chemical composition of water samples from the Tulancingo–Acoculco area and the Philippines (all components given in mg/kg).

Location Sample Height Sampling date Temperature pH Na K Ca Mg B Cl Li SO4 SiO2 HCO3 Reported
(m asl) (◦ C) by

Quetzalapaa Q 1968 18/06/1986 12 6.9 157.1 10.5 193.2 47.8 0.74 23.5 0.149 nd 53.6 1479 b

El Rincón 7a R 2463 19/06/1986 32 6.6 12.8 12.7 143.4 9.58 0.09 9.8 0.1 40 67.2 514 b

Cuadro Fierro 9a F 2839 20/06/1986 23 4.3 42.3 13.6 144.6 87.2 1.48 13.7 0.1 1245 32.5 nd b

Alcaparrosa 17a A 2849 24/06/1986 15 2.4 13.7 9.5 36.4 9.2 12.6 13.7 0.1 1271 63.8 nd b

Los Azufres 21a Z 2850 25/06/1986 25 6.4 123.8 28.4 99.8 29.8 167 37.2 0.1 297 31.3 nd b

Los Azufres 22a S 2850 25/06/1986 25 6.8 17.7 30.1 64.4 15.8 36.6 19.6 0.1 211 36.8 47.5 b

Chignahuapan 33a G 2213 02/07/1986 49 7.3 95.4 14.4 173.2 30.5 3.2 118 0.372 39 24.3 831 b

Jicolapa 34a J 2210 03/07/1986 32 6.9 31.4 15.9 229.8 17.1 1.2 17.6 0.1 nd 66.9 924 b

Kaipohan 5c K 08/08/1980 23 1.94 5.64 4.14 17 5.6 nd 12.1 nd 1280 92.2 nil d

Kaipohan 3c P 10/01/1982 Cold 2.71 7.74 4.6 6.77 5.71 0.19 15.6 nd 854 89 d

nd: not detected.

Tello-Hinojosa (1994).
Ruaya (1980), quoted in Bogie et al. (1987).

Fig. 10. Relative Ar, N2 and He content of gas samples at Acoculco area. See
Tables 1 and 2 for more details.
Fig. 9. Oxygen-18 and deuterium contents in hot spring waters of the Acoculco area.
See Table 1 for more details.

According Polak et al. (1982), the high 3 He/4 He ratio (R/Rair = 6.3)
from the Los Azufres bubbling pond plot near the Ar apex prob- measured in the gas emissions from the Los Azufres pond sug-
ably due to errors incurred during sampling. One should note that gests a high geothermal potential for this zone. On the other hand,
the gases from New Zealand’s kaipohans (Bogie et al., 1987) have a Tello-Hinojosa (1986), following Ellis (1957), propose that the high
greater magmatic contribution. N2 /Ar ratio (=238) measured in the Alcaparrosa pond, which is

Table 2
Chemical composition of gas samples from cold and hot springs from the Tulancingo–Acoculco area and New Zealand (all components given in molar % of non-condensable

Location Sample Date CO2 H2 S NH3 He H2 Ar O2 N2 CH4 Reported by

Quetzalapaa Q 18/06/1986 986.1 3.08 0.481 0.004 0.0003 0.104 0.699 5.016 4.53 b

El Rincona R 19/07/1986 930.6 2.36 0.665 0.175 0.0004 1.576 2.779 61.46 0.38 b

Alcaparrosa 17a A 24/06/1986 942.4 22.33 0.038 0.135 0.0017 0.041 nd 9.77 25.31 b

Los Azufres 21a S 25/06/1986 966.3 29.46 0.305 nd 0.0009 0.6 nd 3.78 0.166 b

Jicolapaa J 03/07/1986 984.7 9.12 0.455 0.01 0.001 0.149 0.344 5.06 0.131 b

Poolc L 23/05/1981 86.3 0.29 0.0008 0.00028 0.00024 0.00078 0.00081 1.27 12.1 d

Waitotarac W 29/06/1977 71 0.2 nd 0.0018 0.0018 0.00091 nd 1.09 6.12 e

nd: not detected.

Tello-Hinojosa (1994) mmol/mol.
New Zealand.
Sheppard (1986), quoted in Bogie et al. (1987) mol% of total NCG.
Giggenbach and Lyon (1977), quoted in Bogie et al. (1987).
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288 A. López-Hernández et al. / Geothermics 38 (2009) 279–293

much higher than the one expected for shallow air-saturated water and the fact that the well did not flow on its own, was interpreted
(N2 /Ar = 38), indicates that the high N2 content in this sample has as an indication that EAC-1 had been drilled through a column of
a deep origin. low-permeability rocks.
The data shown in Fig. 3 indicate that the most permeable zone
5. Exploratory drilling in EAC-1 is located in the upper 400 m of the well.

The decision of drilling an exploratory geothermal well at

6. Hydrothermal alteration
Tulancingo–Acoculco was made based on interpretation of field
data, i.e., emission of magmatic gases, outcropping of young vol-
Alteration minerals were identified based on thin sections of
canic rocks associated with the Caldera Complex, presence of
EAC-1 core and drill cutting samples, the latter collected at 10-
extensive zones of hydrothermal alteration, and low subsurface
m intervals. X-ray diffraction analyses were used to determine
electric resistivities. The existence of high temperatures at depth
the mineralogy of the clay fraction in samples taken every 100 m
was considered to be a real possibility.
between 100 and 1800 m depth; these were analyzed after being
The vertical well EAC-1, sited close to the Los Azufres pond and
first saturated with ethylene glycol and then dried at room temper-
numerous gas vents (Fig. 2), was drilled by CFE to a total depth of
ature (IIE, 1995).
2000 m in 1994. The main objective of the well was to determine if
Samples of the upper 800 m of the well display the most intense
high temperatures and permeabilities existed at depth.
hydrothermal alteration (from 40% to 100%), being particularly
Three major lithologic units were penetrated by EAC-1 (Fig. 3).
strong between 0–200 m and 350–500 m depth. In contrast, the
The uppermost consists of 790 m Pliocene-to-Quaternary volcanic
alteration of the skarn and granite is relatively weak, being about
rocks that are related to the evolution of the Tulancingo–Acoculco
10% (Fig. 3).
Caldera Complex. They include, from bottom to top, the Las Minas
The main hydrothermal minerals in the EAC-1 samples are
Rhyodacite and the Alcholoya Ignimbrite (related to the Tulancingo
quartz, calcite, pyrite, clays (illite, smectite, kaolinite), zeolites (stil-
Caldera), and the Cruz Colorada Dacite and the Acoculco Ignimbrite
bite), and iron oxides (hematite), which are distributed throughout
(associated with the Acoculco Caldera). The two deepest units are
the lithologic column. Wollastonite, garnet, diopside and epidote,
intensively silicified, which has destroyed the original rock textures.
as well as copper sulfides, occur in the skarn.
Both of these deep units are interpreted to represent the fill of the
Based on hydrothermal mineral assemblages four zones have
Tulancingo Caldera.
been identified. The two shallowest mineral zones are interpreted
In well EAC-1 the Pliocene-to-Quaternary volcanics overlie an
to have formed during the evolution of the Tulancingo and Acoculco
870-m thick column of metamorphic rocks (the intermediate unit)
Calderas, and the deepest during granite intrusion and skarn forma-
that is composed mainly of skarns that present two thin zones of
tion. In order of increasing depth, these zones are:
marble. This sequence consists of folded Cretaceous sediments of
the Sierra Madre Oriental locally metamorphosed by a hornblende
granite, the third and deepest unit penetrated by the well. This (A) A shallow (<200 m depth) zone of acid-altered rocks contain-
granite was encountered from 1660 m to total depth (2000 m). This ing kaolinite + pyrite + calcite; the carbonate may be associated
intrusive may be correlated with a regional episode of Mid-Miocene with a different hydrothermal pulse,
granitic intrusions (Yáñez-García, 1980). However, since we have (B) An intermediate (165–780 m depth) zone of argillic-altered
not dated the granite because of the alteration of the collected sam- rocks containing smectite + illite + quartz + calcite, which is typ-
ples, we cannot be sure of its age. Therefore it could be related to a ical of neutral pH waters,
more recent igneous event. (C) A deep (780–1660 m depth) high-temperature mineral assem-
No evidence of faulting was observed at the contact between the blage in the skarn consisting of wollastonite + garnet + diopside
granite and the metamorphic rocks, suggesting that the emplace- (Lentz, 1998), and
ment of the granite resulted in contact metamorphism and the (D) A retrograde assemblage within the skarn consisting of
formation of skarns and marbles. Underlying the Cretaceous for- quartz + epidote + calcite + chlorite + pyrite, copper sulfides
mation, the Jurassic sequence is inferred and could correspond (chalcopyrite, pyrrotite, idaite). In other hydrothermal sys-
to the regional basement; Morales and Garduño-Monroy (1984) tems, the deposition of sulfide minerals is a late-stage feature
described such stratigraphic relationship in an area north of the of skarn deposits (Meinert, 1992).
Tulancingo–Acoculco Caldera Complex.
Aplite dikes cut the skarn but not the overlying volcanics. Conse- Secondary silica minerals are present throughout the well, being
quently, these dikes are interpreted as late-stage intrusions related most abundant at depths of 100–130, 240–800 and 1300–1610 m.
to the emplacement of the granite. Younger basaltic–andesite dikes Amorphous silica is found in the Acoculco Ignimbrite and intense
intrude the sedimentary sequence and the base of the overlay- silicification is observed in the Alcholoya Ignimbrite and the Las
ing volcanic section. In this case, the dikes may be related to the Minas Rhyodacite. Much of this silica may be derived from the alter-
basaltic–andesitic lava flows, exposed elsewhere, that correspond ation of the rock groundmass. In the skarn there are veins filled
to the most recent volcanic event in the study area. with quartz + pyrite + calcite. Narrow veins in the granite are filled
During drilling there were few circulation losses, all of them less by quartz.
than 10 m3 /h. However, at shallow (70 m) depth, EAC-1 encoun- Calcite appears mainly in the upper 800 m of the column
tered a permeable zone within the Acoculco Ignimbrite that (Fig. 3), within the volcanic sequence, replacing plagioclase and
discharged a large quantity of gas (Gama et al., 1995). A series of filling veins. The maximum abundance of hydrothermal calcite is
four temperature and pressure logs were run at different depths. observed in the top 550 m, gradually diminishes with depth; it is not
Excluding the shallow permeable zone, the temperature profiles are found below 1500 m. Calcite is rare in the skarn, occurring locally
linear, indicative of a conductive thermal regime. The average gra- as vein filling.
dient was about 11 ◦ C/100 m, approximately three times the normal Pyrite is the most prevalent sulfide alteration; it generally occurs
gradient in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt (Ziagos et al., 1985). with quartz and calcite. It is most abundant between 20 and
The last temperature log, taken 288 h after drilling had stopped, 240 m depth, reaching a maximum of 25% of total alteration; below
shows a high constant gradient of 13.8 ◦ C/100 m and a maximum 240 m it is less abundant. In the granite, pyrite occurs disseminated
temperature of 307 ◦ C at bottom hole (Fig. 3). The temperature data throughout the rock and as a vug filling.
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A. López-Hernández et al. / Geothermics 38 (2009) 279–293 289

At shallow depths stilbite is found sporadically in the Acoculco In Zone II (700 and 1200 m depth) the inclusion data show a pos-
Ignimbrite replacing volcanic glass. Chlorite is a minor secondary itive temperature gradient with a few variations that could be the
mineral appearing between 400 m depth and bottomhole (Fig. 3). result of weak vertical convection in the surrounding rock forma-
Chlorite, illite, pyrite, biotite and hematite were the secondary min- tions. Homogenization temperatures increase to a maximum value
erals identified in the granite; all in trace amounts. of 282 ± 6 ◦ C at 1200 m depth.
Adularia, a mineral frequently associated with permeable zones In Zone III (the deepest) there is a sudden decrease in homoge-
and boiling fluids (Browne and Ellis, 1970), occurs only within an nization temperatures, which vary from 223 ± 13 ◦ C at 1400 m to
aplite dike near the contact between the carbonate rocks and the 252 ± 9 ◦ C at 1600 m depth. All these inclusions are related to a
granite. Its absence is consistent with the inferred low permeabili- metamorphic event as indicated by their high salinities (see next
ties of the rocks penetrated by EAC-1. section). At greater depths, their homogenization temperatures
Epidote is a common alteration mineral in geothermal sys- again increase, reaching 284 ± 10 ◦ C at 1700 m depth and their salin-
tems where temperatures exceed 240 ◦ C (Reyes, 1990). However, ities diminish (see next section). These inclusions are associated
at Acoculco, despite measured temperatures above 300 ◦ C, epidote with a more recent hydrothermal event. In Zone III the effects of
is very scarce. It only appears as disseminated grains in the altered the two main hydrothermal events are superimposed.
Hematite was recognized in all samples. It is more abundant 7.2. Fluid inclusion salinities and gas contents
between 100 and 800 m depth, reaching 2% of total alteration; the
percentage increased at the contact between the Acoculco Ign- The relationship between ice-melting temperature (Tmi) and Th
imbrite and the Cruz Colorada Dacite (at 140 m depth). is shown in Fig. 11. Based on Tmi differences (Table 3), two groups
Chalcopyrite, related with the formation of marbles, appears in of fluid inclusions can be distinguished. Group 1, characterized by
two thin (20 m) intervals at 1210 and 1450 m depth. Pyrrotite was high-salinity inclusion fluids (and lower Tmi values), occurs within
identified between 1450 and 1690 m in the skarn and disappeared the skarn (between 1400 and 1600 m depth; crosses in Fig. 11).
at the contact with the granitic intrusion. Rare idaite, associated The lower salinity Group 2 fluid inclusions are found in both the
with pyrrotite, is found at 1460 and 1600 m depth. metamorphic and volcanic rocks intersected by the well.
The ice-melting temperatures of Group 1 inclusions range from
6.1. Clay minerals −12◦ ◦ C to −15.8 ◦ C. Based on Bodnar (1993) these values cor-
respond to salinities between 16 and 19.3 wt% NaCl equivalent
Clay minerals, replacing volcanic glass and K-feldspars, are (Table 3). Such high salinities are typical of magmatic systems and
found throughout the well. However, the highest concentration is skarn deposits (Einaudi et al., 1981; Roedder, 1984; Meinert, 1992).
found in the volcanic sequence (i.e. above 800 m depth). In the vol- In contrast, the inclusions in Group 2 have low salinities that are
canic rocks, clay minerals reach abundances of up to 52% with an typical of active geothermal systems (e.g. Ahuachapán in El Sal-
average value of 17%. Below 800 m depth, their abundance drops to vador and Los Azufres in Mexico) (González-Partida et al., 1997,
1–2% (Fig. 3). 2000, 2005).
Kaolinite and pyrite are common at shallow depths (<200 m; Group 2 inclusions display two types of melting behavior after
Fig. 3), suggesting the interaction of geothermal gases with shal- being frozen. Samples taken in the upper 200 m of well EAC-1, yield
low groundwaters. In deeper parts of some geothermal systems, at
temperatures of about 230 ◦ C, illite is the common clay alteration
mineral (Reyes, 1990); however, in EAC-1 it is observed throughout
the well, even at the shallowest depths where present-day temper-
atures are much lower. Smectite also occurs along the entire well

7. Fluid inclusions studies

Microthermometric measurements were done on drill cuttings,

and on calcite and quartz veins in core samples of well EAC-1.
At room temperature most of fluid inclusions consisted of liq-
uid + vapor, with the liquid phase predominating. The size of the
studied inclusions was in the 10–20 ␮m range; Table 3 summarizes
the results of the fluid inclusion studies.
The relationships among homogenization temperature (Th),
depth, lithology, mud circulation losses, alteration percentage, sec-
ondary mineralogy and measured temperature are shown in Fig. 3.

7.1. Homogenization temperatures (Th)

The geologic column cut by well EAC-1 can be divided into three
zones (Fig. 3) on the basis of the average homogenization temper-
atures obtained for fluid inclusions in drill cuttings and cores.
Zone I (100–700 m depth) is characterized by a tempera-
ture increase from 131 ± 10 ◦ C at 100 m depth to a maximum of
178 ± 9 ◦ C at about 400 m, followed by a decrease to 155 ± 3 ◦ C. This
behavior reflects the existence of a subsurface zone where volatile
gases were trapped; this is confirmed by the measured positive
Fig. 11. Homogenization temperature vs. ice melting temperature for fluid inclu-
(>0 ◦ C) melting temperatures indicating the presence of CO2 in the sions in quartz and calcite crystals from EAC-1 samples from volcanic and
fluid inclusions. metamorphic rocks.
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290 A. López-Hernández et al. / Geothermics 38 (2009) 279–293

Table 3
Fluid inclusion microthermometric measurements on drill cuttings and core samples from well EAC-1.

Depth (m) Well EAC-1 (Host) Th range (◦ C) Th average (◦ C) (n) Tmi range (◦ C) Tmi average (◦ C) (n) Salinity (wt% NaCl)

100 Ca 103–131 113 (20) +2.6 to +5.6 +3.6 (20) N.C.

200 Ca 141–152 145 (25) +1.8 to +2.1 +1.9 (25) N.C.
400 Ca 166–199 178 (40) −1.4 to −0.5 −0.72 (30) 1.25
710 Ca 153–166 155 (15) −0.7 to −0.7 −0.7 (15) 1.23
803 Ca 139–258 201 (35) −0.1 to −0.1 −0.1 (29) 0.18
1100 Ca 214–217 215 (28) −0.1 to −0.1 −0.1 (20) 0.18
1200 Ca 278–297 282 (45) −0.5 to −0.5 −0.5 (35) 0.88
1400 Ca Skarn 205–250 223 (20) −12 to −12 −12 (15) 15.96
1500 Ca Skarn 216–236 226 (35) −13 to −13 −13 (22) 16.89
1600 Ca Skarn 240–268 252 (49) −15.8 to −7 −12.7 (30) 16.62
1700 Qz 272–303 284 (35) −0.2 to −0.2 −0.2 (28) 0.35

Ca, calcite; Qz, quartz; Tmi, ice-melting temperature; Th, homogenization temperature; n, number of samples; N.C., not calculated; Salinity was calculated for Tmi using
Bodnar (1993) equation.

positive dissociation temperatures ranging from +1.8 ◦ C to +5.6 ◦ C, peratures (>300 ◦ C) measured in well EAC-1, and the presence of
suggesting the formation of CO2 clathrates upon freezing and the hot (49 ◦ C) springs at Chignahuapan, located about 19 km from the
trapping of fluids rich in CO2 . Fluid inclusions from 200 to 800 m Los Azufres cold-gas emission zone, suggest that there is a hidden
depth give Tmi values of −0.1 ◦ C to −1.4 ◦ C, corresponding to salini- active hydrothermal system in the study area (Fig. 12).
ties of 0.2–1.3 wt% NaCl equivalent. A similar, but narrower, range of The presence of calcite and of the kaolinite–pyrite assemblage
Tmi values characterizes the fluid inclusions occurring between 800 at the same depth could be evidence of two different hydrothermal
and 1200 m depth. These inclusions yielded ice-melting tempera- pulses, similar to what was reported in geothermal systems of the
tures of −0.1 ◦ C to −0.5 ◦ C corresponding to salinities of 0.2–0.9 wt% Philippines (Reyes, 1990). This hypothesis, however, would have to
NaCl equivalent. At 1700 m depth fluid inclusions record conditions be confirmed by data collected from future wells.
similar to those measured at 1200 m depth (i.e. Th = 284 ± 10 ◦ C; The intense hydrothermal alteration (and mineral deposition)
Tmi = −0.2 ◦ C or 0.4 wt% NaCl equivalent). observed in EAC-1 samples indicates the presence of a very low-
In summary, fluid inclusion data suggest that two hydrothermal permeability caprock that prevents the ascent of high-temperature
events have occurred at Tulancingo–Acoculco. One was character- fluids to the surface. Only exsolved residual gases (CO2 and H2 S)
ized by high salinity fluids and was related to the formation of the from the deep reservoir can flow up through very low permeability
skarns, while the second, a younger and superimposed event, had fractures in the caprock. As these gases cool during their ascent (by
fluids of lower salinity and was associated with the evolution of the thermal and mass transfer to the surrounding rocks), they are cold
Tulancingo–Acoculco Caldera Complex. when discharged at the surface.
The present low permeability of the rocks encountered by EAC-1
8. Discussion and concluding remarks is due to:

The intersection of two regional fault systems, one striking NW (a) The inherent low permeability of skarns and granites, which
and the other NE, created an intensely fractured zone in the study may have limited the development of the hydrothermal system
area providing a pathway for ascending magmas; their eruption led from the very beginning,
to the formation of the Tulancingo Caldera, and later, of the Acoculco (b) The partial sealing of the NW- and NE-striking regional faults
Caldera (López-Hernández and Castillo-Hernández, 1997). Eventu- that may channel the ascent of magmatic and hydrothermal
ally this resulted in the development of the Tulancingo–Acoculco fluids because of the deposition of hydrothermal minerals,
Caldera Complex and its associated geothermal systems. A simi- (c) The intense secondary mineral deposition in the pyroclastic
lar explanation has been proposed for the origin of the geothermal deposits created a very effective caprock, and
fields at Los Humeros and La Primavera, Mexico (Garduño-Monroy (d) The lack of recent significant tectonic and magmatic activity
and López-Hernández, 1987). that has precluded fault reactivation.
The Caldera Complex is located in a NW–SE-trending tectonic
depression now filled with volcanic and sedimentary deposits.
Inside this feature an elliptical low-gravity zone was observed in the The hydrology of the Tulancingo–Acoculco geothermal system
Tulancingo–Acoculco area indicating the presence of low-density has not been studied yet, and more exploratory drillholes are
Caldera fill and felsic rocks. needed; however a first hypothesis suggests that below the caprock,
Inside the Caldera Complex the gravity and magnetic suscep- the geothermal fluids ascend through fractures associated with the
tibility highs are associated with the most recent post-Caldera old NW–SE and NE–SW faults and mix with shallow groundwa-
magmatism. The evidence of this igneous episode includes the ters of meteoric origin. The mixed fluids move laterally towards the
mafic dikes encountered in the well EAC-1, the cinder cones and southeast through fractures in the limestones to finally discharge,
associated basaltic–andesitic lava flows found along the Caldera highly diluted, at Los Baños de Chignahuapan, 19 km SE of Acoculco.
ring structure, and the low volcanoes and scoria cones of the same Based on the high hot-spring flow rates the permeability of the
composition observed around the Caldera complex (Fig. 2). limestones in these areas must be high. The presence of boron and
The hydrothermal system at Tulancingo–Acoculco, associated the concentration of chloride above the normal content of meteoric
with the evolution of the two superimposed Caldera structures, is waters in that area (Table 1) are consistent with this interpretation
located in the central part of the younger Acoculco Caldera. The and confirm the mixing of shallow groundwaters with geothermal
lack of thermal springs inside the volcanic complex and the pres- fluids. Other evidence is the presence of terraces, consisting of fossil
ence of extensive areas of argillic alteration (some of them fossil) hydrothermal travertine deposits, at a location between the alter-
seem to indicate that the hydrothermal system is not very active ation zone at Acoculco and the Chignahuapan springs, indicating
at the present time. However, surface gas emissions, the high tem- that the thermal activity has shifted toward the southeast.
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A. López-Hernández et al. / Geothermics 38 (2009) 279–293 291

Fig. 12. Schematic geologic model of the Tulancingo–Acoculco Caldera Complex and its geothermal system developed on the basis of geologic, gravity (first-order residual of
the Bouguer anomaly), and magnetic (total field reduced to the pole) data. Location of the cross-section is given in Fig. 2.

Rainfall is high in the Tulancingo–Acoculco area. At high ele- recent volcanism might be occurring in the study area; but this is
vations the average annual precipitation is around 1000 mm and only a hypothesis based on the age of the youngest volcanic rocks.
about 600 mm in the surrounding plains. Therefore, mass recharge According to numerical studies of convective cooling intrusions
of the system through faulted and fractured zones should be sig- (Garcia-Estrada et al., 2002), high (about 300 ◦ C) temperatures in
nificant. The high flow rates of the Los Baños de Chignahuapan and hydrothermal systems can only exist if the magmatic heat source is
Quetzalapa springs indicate large permeabilities in the limestones less than a few hundred thousand years old (around 0.3 Ma for typ-
and high mass recharge. ical size rhyolitic intrusions at 4 km depth). Because the emission
Taken together, the results of the geologic and geophysical stud- of silicic volcanic products at Tulancingo–Acoculco ended about
ies suggest that three volcanic episodes have taken place in the 0.8 ± 0.1 Ma ago, the present-day high temperatures measured in
study area. That is, the volcanic activity associated with Tulancingo the EAC-1 well cannot be related to the magmatic activity of the
Caldera (3.0–2.7 Ma), the emplacement of volcanic products of the Caldera-forming events. Therefore, these temperatures must be
Acoculco Caldera (1.7–0.24 Ma) and, finally, the monogenetic vol- associated with the area’s youngest (0.24 ± 0.04 Ma) basaltic mag-
canism of the Tezontepec–Apan volcanic field and the intrusion of matic episode, which led to the emplacement of dikes and the
genetically related dikes (1.8–0.2 Ma). formation of the scoria cones on the Acoculco Caldera rim. We inter-
The thermal history of the Tulancingo–Acoculco area, inter- pret that this latest igneous event provided the heat to drive the
preted from fluid inclusions and the analysis of secondary minerals, hypothesized third hydrothermal pulse.
suggests that there were at least two major hydrothermal episodes. The very low permeability of the rock column penetrated by
The oldest and more saline event is related to the intrusion of gran- well EAC-1, the result of the intense hydrothermal alteration of the
ites and the formation of skarns. We consider that it is associated volcanics and the inherent low permeability of metamorphic and
with a regional episode of Mid-Miocene granitic intrusions (Yáñez- intrusive rocks, suggests that most of the studied fluid inclusions
García, 1980). The second and less saline hydrothermal episode were produced by old hydrothermal systems and consequently are
is associated with the evolution of the Tulancingo and Acoculco not representative of the present-day high temperatures measured
Caldera Complex. A third thermal event associated with the most in the well. As the low permeability precludes the possibility that
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292 A. López-Hernández et al. / Geothermics 38 (2009) 279–293

high temperatures are produced by the ascent of geothermal fluids, Bogie, I., Lawless, J.V., Pornuevo, J.B., 1987. Kaipohan: an apparently nonthermal man-
they must reflect a purely conductive heat transfer phenomenon. ifestation of hydrothermal systems in Philippines. Journal of Volcanology and
Geothermal Research 31, 281–292.
This would require the presence of a close heat source (i.e. cooling Bostick Jr., F.X., 1986. Electromagnetic array profiling (EMAP). Expanded abstract EM
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Acknowledgements Ferriz, H., Mahood, G.A., 1987. Strong compositional zonation in a silicic mag-
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The first author acknowledges the Gerencia de Proyectos Gama, V.R., Martínez, E.I., Cedillo, R.F, 1995. Informe geológico del pozo EAC-1. CFE-
Geotermoeléctricos of CFE, particularly Dr. Gerardo Hiriart, former GPG internal report RG/HU/02/95, 26 p.
García-Estrada, G.H., 1995. Comentarios sobre el modelo gravimétrico en Acoculco,
manager at the time the fieldwork was conducted, for the financial Puebla. CFE-GPG internal report GF-AC-009/95, 10 p.
and logistical support provided. She is grateful to Daniel Castillo and García-Estrada, G.H., 2000. Gravimetría y magnetometría regional del proyecto
Julio C. Viggiano for their comments during the performance of the Acoculco, Puebla. CFE-GPG internal report DEX-ACO19/2000, 57 p.
Garcia-Estrada, G.H., López-Hernández, A., Prol, L.R.M., 2002. Conductive thermal
work. Support was also obtained from the Universidad Nacional modeling to estimate the age of the heat source at the Los Azufres field, Mexico.
Autónoma de México, PAPIIT grant IN-115302. The authors express Geothermal Resources Council Transactions 26, 22–25.
their gratitude to Mark Coolbaugh, Patrick Dobson, Sabodh Garg, García-Palomo, A., Macías, J.L., Tolson, G., Valdez, G., Mora, J.C., 2002. Volcanic stratig-
raphy and geologic evolution of the Apan region, east-central sector of the
Giovanni Gianelli, Marcelo Lippmann and Joseph Moore for their
Trans-Mexican volcanic Belt. Geofísica Internacional 41, 133–150.
careful reviews, helpful comments, and suggestions that greatly Garduño-Monroy, V.H., López-Hernández, A., 1987. Fracturamiento en campos
improved the manuscript. geotérmicos. Geotermia Revista Mexicana de Geoenergía 2, 277–296.
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