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1 About Business

Assets money that a company owns Vermögen

Due diligence investigation of a companys before investing Sorgfallspflicht

External growth increasing a company size by buying other businesses externes Wachstum

Gene cells that a person characteristic Gene

Homogenize make thinks same Homogen

Invoke explain an action, support an argument zitieren, berufen

Laid-back calm and relaxed entspannt

Open enrollment a university class which anybody can join offene Immatrikulation

Prestigious adverb admired and respected angesehen

Sorely very much leider,schwer,schlimm

Susceptible easily influenced or affected anfällig, empfindlich

Synergy the extra benefit that companies obtain Zusammenspiel

Take one’s eye off the ball idiom to pay less attention than usual

Takeover Übernahme

Turmoil a state of excitement or uncontrolled activity Wirbel

VOKABELN 7.2 Business Performance

Bid an offer to buy the shares in an company and take control of it

Expire when something expires

Float start to sell a company’s shares on the stock market

Flotation the sale of shares in an company for the first time

Patent a document that sops anyone other to do the same product

Prestigious highly respected, with a very good reputation

Rumour unofficial information that may or may not true

Wave a sudden increase in one type of activity

VOKABELN 7.4 Presentation & 8.4

Breakdown a more detailed analysis of information

Crucial extremely important

Deteriorate to become worse

Disposable income money that you have left to spend after you have paid your bills

Figure a number that shows the value or cost of something

Highlight to emphasise or underline part of something

Overload to put too much of something on something here

Implication a possible effect or result

Quit to leave a job or project

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