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so if this ball became really small like the size of an atom we don't we no longer have

continuous energy values we're only allowed to exchange energy in individual packets
called photons and the energy of this individual packet is just H which is Planck's
constant times the frequency of the photon F and it turns out that this is a general
formula for the energy of multiple or and any any particle really in quantum mechanics
so the energy of a particle is described this way energy of particle and another postulate
of quantum mechanics is that balls or any any kind of object really aren't described by a
single position so in classical mechanics I'd have say this ball and it's gotten so it's got
certain chord it's X naught y naught Z naught and quantum mechanics that ball cannot
have a specific place it doesn't the the ball itself is sort of smeared out in space we can't
say with certainty where the ball is and that's described by the uncertainty principle or
that the Delta momentum Delta X is less than or equal to Planck's constant divided by
two pi and that means that the position of ball in the in a single coordinate is related to
the momentum and we can't say with certainty if we know what the ball's momentum is
within a certain certainty we cannot say what the position is within so if we have Delta X
less than or equal to H over 2 pi and H over 2 pi is often called h-bar and that's actually
the notation that I'm going to use so X has to be less than or equal to H bar divided by
Delta P so if you know the energy with a certain certainty you cannot know the particles
position in time and this is these are just postulates of quantum mechanics they are true
as far as we know and they're also really complicated and really the the consequences
are really far-reaching and we're only going to scratch the surface here so if you're
interested I recommend you take a course on quantum mechanics if you is if that's not
already part of your curriculum the third postulate of quantum mechanics is that
particles are waves or particles are not particles but they're described by waves they
evolve in time as if they were waves like water waves we know sort of propagate
outward from a source so if you drop a pebble into a pond for example waves will
radiate outward and you'll have you can get interference between waves and wave
waves of all sorts of phenomena that we don't typically think of as being associated with
particles but debroglie showed that particles do in fact have a wavelength which is
described by the equation lambda or the wavelength of the particle is equal to Planck's
constant divided by the particles momentum and so these are the three basic postulates
of quantum mechanics and some consequences are the ones that we're going to have
to worry about are that electrons must be described by what's called a wave function
and the wave function is often abbreviated with this Greek letter Sai and so electrons
don't have a certain position they don't really act like particles they act more like waves
often and we can't say with certainty where the electrons position is we can say well the
the only thing we can say actually is that the probability density of the electron or the
probability that it's found at any given location is just proportional to the magnitude of
the wave function squared and this is typically what physicists deal with when they want
to make predictions about so if you're a pure ball for example and you're moving with
some velocity V then you can have any energy one-half MV squared doesn't matter it
doesn't matter what V is we could be 9.04 meters per second it could be 9.000 eight
meters per second it could be 500 or 150 we can take any continuous value but in
quantum mechanics when things get really really really tiny so in this video I'm going to
be talking about the basic postulates of quantum mechanics and I'm going to do a short
review of differential equations that will let us solve quantum mechanical systems in the
next video
so if this ball became really small like the size of an atom we don't we no longer have
continuous energy values we're only allowed to exchange energy in individual packets
called photons and the energy of this individual packet is just H which is Planck's
constant times the frequency of the photon F and it turns out that this is a general
formula for the energy of multiple or and any any particle really in quantum mechanics
so the energy of a particle is described this way energy of particle and another postulate
of quantum mechanics is that balls or any any kind of object really aren't described by a
single position so in classical mechanics I'd have say this ball and it's gotten so it's got
certain chord it's X naught y naught Z naught and quantum mechanics that ball cannot
have a specific place it doesn't the the ball itself is sort of smeared out in space we can't
say with certainty where the ball is and that's described by the uncertainty principle or
that the Delta momentum Delta X is less than or equal to Planck's constant divided by
two pi and that means that the position of ball in the in a single coordinate is related to
the momentum and we can't say with certainty if we know what the ball's momentum is
within a certain certainty we cannot say what the position is within so if we have Delta X
less than or equal to H over 2 pi and H over 2 pi is often called h-bar and that's actually
the notation that I'm going to use so X has to be less than or equal to H bar divided by
Delta P so if you know the energy with a certain certainty you cannot know the particles
position in time and this is these are just postulates of quantum mechanics they are true
as far as we know and they're also really complicated and really the the consequences
are really far-reaching and we're only going to scratch the surface here so if you're
interested I recommend you take a course on quantum mechanics if you is if that's not
already part of your curriculum the third postulate of quantum mechanics is that
particles are waves or particles are not particles but they're described by waves they
evolve in time as if they were waves like water waves we know sort of propagate
outward from a source so if you drop a pebble into a pond for example waves will
radiate outward and you'll have you can get interference between waves and wave
waves of all sorts of phenomena that we don't typically think of as being associated with
particles but debroglie showed that particles do in fact have a wavelength which is
described by the equation lambda or the wavelength of the particle is equal to Planck's
constant divided by the particles momentum and so these are the three basic postulates
of quantum mechanics and some consequences are the ones that we're going to have
to worry about are that electrons must be described by what's called a wave function
and the wave function is often abbreviated with this Greek letter Sai and so electrons
don't have a certain position they don't really act like particles they act more like waves
often and we can't say with certainty where the electrons position is we can say well the
the only thing we can say actually is that the probability density of the electron or the
probability that it's found at any given location is just proportional to the magnitude of
the wave function squared and this is typically what physicists deal with when they want
to make predictions about so if you're a pure ball for example and you're moving with
some velocity V then you can have any energy one-half MV squared doesn't matter it
doesn't matter what V is we could be 9 04 meters per second it could be 9

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