Geothermics 1997 26 5 577-88

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Geothermics,Vol. 26, No. 516, pp.

577-588, 1997
Pergamon 0 1997 CNR
Published by Elsevier Scimcc Ltd
Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved
0371_6so5/97 $17.00 + 0.00

PIk s03756505(97)ooo19-9




* Laboratorio de Paleomagnetismo y Geofisica Nuclear, Institute de Geofisica, Universidad

National Autdnoma de Mkxico, D. Coyoacrin 04510 D.F., MPxico
7 Departamento de Geotermia, Institute de Investigaciones Ekctricas,
Apartado Postal 47.5, Palmira, Cuernavaca. Morelos 62000, Mt!xico

(Received November 1994; accepted March 1991)

Abstract-The volcanic stratigraphy for the AhuachapLn-Chipilapa

geothermal field is defined on the basis of the magnetostratigraphic results on
156 oriented samples from 33 sites. The magnetostratigraphic sequence shows
that the major volcanism associated with the Concepcibn de Ataco caldera and
the Cuyanausul volcano took place during the middle Brunhes chron
(Quaternary). Pre-caldera activity of small centers such as Empalizada and
Apaneca in the southern sector of the field occurred during the early Brunhes
(0.77 &-0.07 Ma). Basaltic-andesitic activity associated with the Cuyanausul
volcano took place earlier, i.e. during the Matuyama chron, possibly around
1.3 fO.15 and 1.7 +0.3 Ma.The local igneous basement is composed of Late
Miocen*Pliocene andesites, ignimbrites and volcano-sedimentary deposits.
Normal polarities and a K-Ar date of 7.37 + 0.73 Ma indicate that the volcanic
activity in the study area extends beyond the Gauss chron. The polarity of some
of the units in the post-caldera sequence and in the Concepcibn de Ataco and
Cuyanausul sequences suggests that they may have recorded short polarity sub-
chrons. 0 1997 CNR. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.

Key work geophysics, magnetostratigraphy, geothermal field, volcanism,

Ahuachapan, Chipilapa, El Salvador.

The results of a magnetostratigraphic study of volcanic units from the Ahuachapbn-
Chipilapa geothermal field of southwestern El Salvador, about 90 km NW of the city of San
Salvador (Fig. l), are presented. The study area is in the active volcanic arc that runs parallel
to the Central Graben of the Salvadorean Depression. The Ahuachapbn-Chipilapa region
is at the southern edge of the graben, and is crossed by high volcanic ranges (Cordillera
Septentrional and Cordillera Volcinica Pleistodnica) of basaltic and andesitic composition
578 J. Urrutia Fucugauchi et al.

140 00’

130 00’ I I _________L_... -- I I
90000’ 89O 00 ’ 88000’ w
Fig. 1. Location of the study area in southwestern El Salvador. Numbers indicate paleomagnetic
sampling sites.

(Carr, 1984). The area has long been studied for its geothermal potential (Gonzalez Partida
et al., 1991).


At present the Ahuachapan-Chipilapa geothermal field is the largest one under

exploitation in El Salvador. The field is divided into two by the Chipilapa Uplift, but both
parts appear to have gone through a parallel magmatic evolution (Torres Rodriguez et al.,
1997). The Ahuachapan zone is located north of a large caldera system, whereas Chipilapa is
part of the large Cuyanausul stratovolcano complex.
In Ahuachapan the major events correspond to two intense fissure-controlled explosive
eruptions, with emission of late basalts and dome emplacement. On the other hand, in
Cuyanausul the main events correspond to large andesitic lava-flow emissions, eruptions of
late basalts and emplacement of domes, also with an apparent fissure control. Both systems
developed during the Quaternary, as indicated by geomorphologic, stratigraphic and
radiometric studies (Jonsson, 1970; Electroconsult, 1982; Gonzalez Partida et al., 1991,
1997; Gonzalez et al., 1993).
South of Ahuachapan and southwest of Cuyanausul is the large oval-shaped Conception
de Ataco caldera, a collapse structure some 5 km long and 3.5 km wide (Fig. 2). Thick
sequences of pyroclastic deposits are found within this structure and also cover the
surrounding areas. In the caldera the thickness of the volcanic sequence ranges from 300 to
over 700 m. It consists of basal surge deposits, 20-m thick fiamme ignimbrites, pyroclastic
flows and pumice and free-fall ash deposits. The composition of the pyroclastic deposits is
dacitic-rhyolitic and their volume approaches about 63 km3 (Gonzalez Partida et al., 1991,
Magnetostratigraphy of the Ahuachapan-Chipilapa Geothermal Field 579

Fig. 2. Simplified geologic map of the Ahuachapln-Chipilapa geothermal field, showing the location
of naleomagnetic sampling sites (open circles and numbers). Note that sites 12, 13 and 14, which are
located north of the main study area, are indicated in Fig. 1.

1997; Torres Rodriguez et al., 1992; Gonzalez et al., 1993). The age of the major explosive
event is between 0.28 + 0.1 and 0.77 f 0.07 Ma. The low value was obtained from whole-
rock K-Ar dating of a dome near Cerro Himalaya that cuts the pyroclastic sequence, and
the higher one from dating of pre-caldera basalts of the Empalizada volcano.
The rim of the Conception de Ataco caldera is well preserved to the west, south and
southeast. In the northern section, however, the rim is affected by faulting and a subsequent
smaller caldera collapse (Cerro Himalaya). This smaller caldera produced a conspicuous
pyroclastic unit known as the Cebra Tuffs because of its alternation of dark and cream/
white tephra layers. The thickness of this sequence is about 15-25 m and it crops out in a
limited area within the Conception de Ataco caldera.
Dates for the post-caldera late basalts of the Concepcibn de Ataco-Ahuachapin area and
for the basalts of Cerro El Oro, Las Ninfas and Laguna Verde volcanoes suggest that they
were active less than 100,000 years ago. The dates for the pre-caldera Apaneca-Empalizada
basalts and the Cuyanausul basaltic andesites are 0.77 f 0.07, 1.3 k 0.15 and 1.7 f 0.3 Ma,
respectively (Gonzalez et al., 1993; Gonzhlez Partida et al., 1997). The local basement
formed by the Tacuba andesites, Balsam0 Formation and the blue ignimbritic sequence has
been assigned to the Late Miocene-Pliocene (Jonsson, 1970; Electroconsult, 1982).

Core samples were obtained using a gasoline-powered portable drill with non-magnetic
580 J. Urrutia Fucugauchi et al.

drill bits. A total of 156 oriented samples were gathered from 33 sites distributed over a wide
area (Fig. 2). Between four and eight samples were collected per site and were oriented using
a magnetic compass. The sampling program was designed to cover the range of volcanic
activity in space and time as evenly as possible. Most sites are located in the sector between
the Conception de Ataco caldera and the Cuyanausul volcano (Fig. 2); some sites are south
of Apaneca and others south of Turin and Atiquizaya. Three of the sites are north of the
main study area (sites 12, 13 and 14; Fig. 1).
The direction and intensity of the natural remanent magnetization (NRM) were
measured with a Mospin spinner magnetometer connected to an IBM portable computer.
Vectorial composition and stability were investigated with stepwise alternating field (AF)
demagnetization up to maximum fields of 100 mT, using a Schonstedt instrument.
Examples of orthogonal demagnetization diagrams (Zijderveld, 1967) are given in Fig. 3.
The majority of samples are characterized by a simple behavior upon demagnetization,
with univectorial magnetizations, or with a low coercivity component generally removed
below peak AF inductions of 20-40 mT. The remaining remanence component is

-0.2 - w UP
0.2 -

0.3 -

0.1 - 0
0.5 DOWN E +
0.6 I / :/
-1 -0.8-0.8-0.a-0.2 0 0.2 0.4 Il.6
0.8 1 -I -0.8 -0.6 -0.1 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.8 0.8 I

* X-Y + x-z - X-Y + x-z


SAMPLE16 - 3 SAMPLE 32 - 4B
-0.2 -0.2
-41 - -0.1

0.3 - 0.4

-1 -0.8 -0.8 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.1 r&6 0.8 , -1 -0.0 -0.8 -0,r -0.2 0 0.2 0.1 0.8 0.0 ,

* X-Y + x-z * X-Y + x-z


Fig. 3. Examples of orthogonal plots for alternating field demagnetized samples from the
Ahuachapan-Chipilapa area. The intensities on both axes have been normalized to the NRM
(Natural Remanent Magnetization) values, which are also given to allow conversion, if needed. The
dots indicate the horizontal component and the crosses the vertical component. The numbers indicate
some of the AF demagnetizing fields applied (in mT).
Magnetostratigraphy of the Ahuachapan-Chipilapa Geothermal Field 581

‘0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 60 90 100
- S6-3B - Se-IA --c S16-3 + SIB-2A

-S20-2B + N-IA -8 S32-48

Fig. 4. Examples of normalized intensity (dimensionless) diagrams for some samples illustrating
different coercivity spectra. Numbers refer to site and sample identifications.

considered the characteristic magnetization (ChNRM), which is stable upon additional

demagnetization. Median destructive fields (AF fields needed to reduce 50% of the initial
NRM intensity) vary from 10 to 40 mT (Fig. 4). In most samples less than lO-15% of the
NRM intensity remains after demagnetization to 80 mT, but some samples show a higher
coercivity fraction’. Main magnetic carriers likely correspond to members of the
titanomagnetite series and oxidation minerals. Magnetite and hematite were identified by
mineralogical observations.
The ChNRM directions for most sites present north or northwestward declinations and
downward inclinations. A few sites show northeast declinations and downward or upward
inclinations. In one site the directions show southward declinations and upward
inclinations. Site-mean directions are calculated by vector averaging, and the angular
dispersion (rc) is characterized by Fisher (1953) statistics. Corresponding virtual
geomagnetic pole (VGP) positions are calculated for each site, assuming a dipolar
configuration (Tarling, 1983).
Site-mean results are summarized in Table 1. VGP latitudes are used to divide the data,
according to polarity. Normal polarity (N) corresponds to VGP latitudes between 45 and
90”N and reverse polarity (R) to VGP latitudes between 45 and 90”s. The rest are referred to
as intermediate in polarity (I). Twenty-three sites present normal, two reverse and eight
intermediate polarities. Site-mean ChNRM directions are plotted in Fig. 5 for each volcanic
cycle: pre-caldera, caldera and post-caldera cycles. The magnetic polarities and K-Ar dates
can be used to define a magnetostratigraphic sequence for the area using as reference the
geomagnetic polarity time-scale (Tarling, 1983; Harland et al., 1990; Baksi, 1993). In this
study, we used the time-scale developed by Baksi (1993) which is based on Ar/Ar plateau
ages for calibration of selected reversals. That is, the Brunhes normal chron extends from
the present to 0.78 Ma, the Matuyama reverse chron between 0.78 and 2.64 Ma, and the
Gauss normal chron from 2.64 to 3.61 Ma.
Considering that the igneous units that were studied are young and that the

‘Coercivity fraction is the fraction of magnetization in a rock that remains after the
demagnetization process.
582 J. Urrutia Fucugauchi et al.

Table 1. Summary of magnetostratigraphic data for the Ahuachapin-Chipilapa geothermal area

Site Unit ein Dee Inc K PLat PLong Polarity

Sl B-Af 415 177.3 - 62.0 64 11.5 60.6s 86.2E R

s2 B-Af 616 94.1 -31.1 4 38.8 7.8s 15.7E I*
s3 B-Af 415 36.2 27.5 27 19.9 54.9N 354.6E N
s4 D 515 357.0 37.5 459 3.6 82.4N 248.7E N
s5 B-Af 516 345.7 30.1 45 11.5 76.ON 182.4E N
S6 D 515 356.4 15.4 18 18.6 83.ON 111.9E N
S7 Bpe 414 316.6 34.0 6 56.8 48.2N 192.8E N*
S8 D 414 323.6 37.0 84 10.1 54.7N 196.4E N
s9 D 414 19.9 40.9 81 10.3 68.9N 321.5E N
SlO PP 414 349.9 30.9 120 8.4 79.9N 197.4E N
Sll Boro 415 287.5 43.2 24 19.4 21.5N 202.2E I
s12 Pp distal 515 348.9 23.3 239 5.0 79.ON 172.4E N
s13 Pp distal 515 343.4 26.7 83 8.4 73.9N 183.OE N
s14 Pp distal 414 345.8 23.1 187 6.7 76.ON 174.2E N
s15 B-Af 415 35.2 -49.7 53 12.7 34.lN 53.4E I
S16 B-Af 515 8.2 7.1 29 14.6 76.9N 51.4E N
s17 B-Af 616 345.5 37.2 59 8.8 74.6N 208.7E N
S18 B-Af 416 48.0 23.2 33 16.2 43.3N 356.6E I
s19 Cl 616 3.8 3.0 43 10.3 77.ON 73.lE N
s20 Cl 416 334.9 33.9 177 6.9 65.5N 185.6E N
s21 Boro 416 357.6 37.6 22 20.2 82.5N 252.9E N
s22 D 616 307.4 24.6 17 16.6 38.9N 176.7E I
S23 Bps 414 288.8 36.4 28 17.6 22.lN 196.8E I
S24 Bef 616 352.5 18.4 44 10.3 81.4N 149.8E N
S25 Bef 416 296.3 - 14.6 10 30.8 23.3N 165.7E 1*
S26 PP 516 167.5 60.8 4 42.1 33.1s 281.4E I*
S27 Bpe 616 344.1 18.1 105 6.6 73.8N 165.4E N
S28 Bcy 616 358.8 27.8 14 18.3 88.5N 217.1E N
S29 Bcy 416 194.0 - 16.7 8 34.5 75.3s 200.lE R*
s30 B-Af 316 326.3 25.8 86 13.4 57.3N 183.8E N
s31 B-Af 517 346.8 30.9 34 16.0 77.ON 185.2E N
S32 D 616 332.9 39.3 108 6.5 63.ON 202.2E N
s33 D 416 337.6 30.5 207 6.4 68.2N 189.8E N

e/n: samples measured/samples initially collected; Dee, Inc: Declination and Inclination of
ChNRM; K, ~(9~:Fisher (1953) statistical parameters; PLat, Plong: latitude and longitude of VGP;
magnetic polarity: N normal, I intermediate, R reverse.
*Sites with high angular dispersion (K < 10) that are affected by hydrothermal alteration.

magnetizations are stable upon demagnetization and are mainly carried by

titanomagnetites, the within-site angular dispersions appear too high (Table 1). Effects of
the outcrop magnetization on orientation may explain the relatively high dispersions
observed in some sites. Several other potential problems for historic lava flows have been
examined elsewhere (e.g. Doe11 and Cox, 1963; Urrutia Fucugauchi, 1994). The within-site
angular dispersion does not permit use of the mean directions for detailed secular variation
studies (e.g. Holcombe et al., 1986).
Eight sites present high precisions (i.e. low angular dispersions), with K values greater
than 100. Twenty sites show K values between 14 and 100. The following discussion is mainly
based on these 28 sites. We emphasize that the interpretation is based on the polarity data
Magnetostratigraphy of the Ahuachapan-Chipilapa Geothermal Field 583
Pre-caldera Caldera


I 800
I 800

Fig, 5. Site-mean directions for volcanic units of the AhuachapzkChipilapa area. Solid symbols:
downward inclinations; open symbols: upward inclinations. The overall mean direction for the normal
polarity sites of each volcanic cycle is indicated by the 0 (“rhomb inside the circle”).

only and not on the individual directions. For the purpose of this study, the polarity data are
well defined.
Five sites with K values lower than or equal to 10 (indicated by asterisks in Table 1) have
not been considered for the magnetostratigraphic interpretation. It should be noticed,
however, that this group includes sites with intermediate and reverse polarities, and without
emphasizing this aspect, their possible implications are briefly mentioned below.

The predominant normal magnetic polarity supports our initial assumptions-based on
the geologic reconnaissance surveys-that the volcanic activity in the Ahuachapin-
Chipilapa area took place during the Brunhes chron. The distribution of the magnetic
polarity results throughout the geologic column is given in Table 1. In Fig. 6 the available
data are summarized into a combined volcanic-stratigraphic column for the area. This
584 J. Urrutia Fucugauchi et al.

Fine-grainsd pumice
Coarse-grained pumice

Fiamme ignimbrilsr (block glass)

Las Chinamos luffs Colder pyroclorHci)

Fig. 6. Composite magnetostratigraphy column for the Ahuachapan-Chipilapa geothermal field. The
interpretation is based on the magnetic polarity data, K-Ar dates and geologic studies (see text).

stratigraphy is obtained by integrating the magnetostratigraphic results with the available

geological and radiometric K-Ar data.
In five sites (2,7,25,26 and 29) remanent directions showed a high dispersion, apparently
related to strong local hydrothermal alteration (samples 7 and 29), or block rotations
(samples 2,25 and 26). Because of their high dispersion these samples will not be discussed
further and are not plotted in Fig. 5.
Magnetostratigraphy of the Ahuachapan-Chipilapa Geothermal Field 585
Pre-caldera units
The local igneous basement is formed by Late Miocene+Pliocene units represented by the
Sierra de Tacuba andesites and the Balsam0 Formation (Ba’). These units were not sampled
for paleomagnetic studies. A K-Ar date of 7.37kO.7 Ma (Gonzalez Partida et al., 1991,
1997; Gonzalez et al., 1993) suggests that volcanic activity may have extended over a long
period. The agglomerates, tuffs and pyroclastics that fill the Central Graben have been
assigned to the Miocene-Pliocene (Electroconsult, 1982).
Other units from pre-caldera activity are the basaltic andesites from Cuyanausul (Bcy,
sites 28 and 29). Samples from site 28 present normal polarity. The K-Ar dates place these
basaltic andesite units within the Matuyama chron (Fig. 6). Assuming this is a correct
interpretation, then the normal polarity of site 28 suggests that these rocks may be
associated with the Olduvai normal sub-chron, which extends from about 1.78 to 2.02 Ma
(Baksi, 1993). In contrast, the magnetic inclination of site 29 is negative and its declination is
to the south, indicating a reverse polarity. These rocks may correspond to the early activity
of Cuyanausul; they have been dated at 1.3 + 0.15 and 1.7 + 0.3 Ma (Gonzalez Partida et al.,
1997). If this is the case, the volcanic activity may be assigned to the Matuyama chron.
Another pre-caldera unit was sampled at site 23. This is an olivine basalt from Apaneca
porphyritic basalts (Bpa) (Fig. 2) and presents intermediate polarity directions (Table 1). A
K-Ar date for these basalts gives 0.77 + 0.07 Ma, which is close to the Brunhes/Matuyama
boundary (i.e. 0.78 Ma). The intermediate polarity with positive inclinations and westerly
rotated declinations suggest that the basalts may be assigned to the early Brunhes chron
(Fig. 6). They correspond to basal Ahuachapin pre-caldera activity.

Caldera units
The next units that were studied correspond to the main sequences of the Conception de
Ataco caldera system. The volcanic activity of Conception de Ataco caldera occurred
during the Brunhes chron (Fig. 6). The corresponding volcanic sequences show thicknesses
of 700 m in places. The estimated volume for the units is around 63 km’ (Gonzalez Partida
et al., 1991,1997; Gonzalez et al., 1993). Sampling of these units was carried out north of the
field (sites 12,13 and 14; Fig. l), close to the small town of Conception de Ataco (site 26; Fig.
2) and near to the Juayua village (site 10). The magnetic polarity of sites 10, 12, 13 and 14 is
normal with minimum angular dispersion (Fig. 5). Site 26 shows large angular dispersion,
with a steep inclination of normal polarity. No K-Ar ages are available for these rocks, but
their stratigraphic position between the Apaneca porphyritic basalts (0.77 + 0.07 Ma) and
the Himalaya dome (0.28 + 0.1 Ma) may be assigned to this interval, and to the Normal
Bruhnes polarity chron. The Himalaya dome cuts the main explosive sequence of the

Post-caldera units
The next unit in Fig. 6 is the 15-20-m thick sequence of pumice with conspicuous banded
coloured layers named the Cebra Tuffs (PC). The distribution of this unit is limited to a small
area in the Conception de Ataco caldera and it could not be sampled for this paleomagnetic
Post-caldera lavas were sampled on three sectors: (a) Cerro El Oro volcano (Boro unit,
sites 11 and 21); (b) fluidal andesitic basalts (B-Af) from Las Ninfas and Laguna Verde

2Abbreviations used as in Gonzalez Partida et al. (1997).

586 J. Urrutia Fucugauchi et al.
volcanoes (sites 1,515, 16 and 17); and (c) fluidal andesitic basalts (B-At) from Cuyanausul
volcano (sites 2,3,18,30 and 3 1). Site 18 is located on the Cerro San L&aro, a dome formed
by an igneous intrusion that did not reach the surface but deformed the overlying lavas.
Magnetic polarity is dominantly normal, indicating a young age, within the Brunhes chron
(Fig. 6). Site 18 shows intermediate polarity with moderate angular dispersion, possibly due
to the dome deforming effect. Site 11 also shows intermediate polarity. Two sites present
discordant results: site 1, in the northern sector west of Chipilapa, shows reverse polarity
(Table I), and site 15, located in the Ahuachapan geothermal exploitation area, shows
negative inclination (Fig. 2). Both values are unrealistic and it is possible that they have been
obtained from rotated samples.For the post-caldera dome units (D), the sites can be divided
geographically into three groups: (a) sites 4, 6, 8 and 9 in the northern sector of the
Conception de Ataco caldera; (b) site 22 close to the Cerro El Oro; and (c) sites 32 and 33 on
the Cuyanausul volcano (Fig. 2). Sites 4,6,8,9,32 and 33 show normal polarities; site 22 is
intermediate (Table 1 and Fig. 5). The dispersion observed in some sites is due to
hydrothermal alteration.
The most recent activity in the area is represented by hydrothermal alteration (Ah) and
debris from phreatic explosions (Bet) from the Hoyo de Cuajuste, Las Ninfas (site 24) and
Laguna Verde volcanoes (site 25) (Fig. 2). The Coatepeque pumice is also a young deposit,
but it was not suitable for paleomagnetic sampling. The youngest lava units sampled come
from Voldn El Aguila (site 19) and Volcbn Las Ranas (site 20). All these sites, with the
exception of 25, present normal polarity and are considered to be younger than 0.1 Ma. The
rocks correspond to the Conception de Ataco post-caldera volcanism and are assigned to
the Brunhes chron (Fig. 6).
The observation of intermediate polarities (sites 2,15,18 and 25) and reverse polarity (site
29) in the Conception de Ataco post-caldera units requires further investigation. They may
be related to short Brunhes sub-chrons. Alternatively they could be older, particularly the
unit with reverse polarity, and may correspond to the Matuyama chron. Similar
considerations are applicable to the reverse and intermediate polarity sites in units related
to post-caldera volcanism, i.e. fluidal andesites (site 1) and domes (sites 9 and 22). The
samples at site 1 were obtained from a lava flow of the B-Af unit (post-caldera volcanism).
The reverse polarity for this site is due to the rotation of lava blocks.

Magnetic polarity results (Table 1) have been used to construct a magnetostratigraphic
interpretation for the volcanic units in the AhuachapPn-Chipilapa area (Fig. 6). Major
volcanic activity related to the Ahuachapan-Concepcion de Ataco caldera system and the
Cuyanausul volcano took place during the middle Brunhes chron. Pre-caldera activity in
small centers such as Empalizada and Apaneca in the southern sector corresponds to the
early Brunhes (0.77 + 0.07 Ma). Basaltic-andesitic activity associated with the Cuyanausul
volcano occurred during the Matuyama reverse chron, possibly around 1.3 f 0.15 and
1.7 + 0.3 Ma. The local basement in the area is formed of Late Miocene-Pliocene andesites,
ignimbrites and volcano-sedimentary graben-type deposits. Normal polarity and a K-Ar
date of 7.37 + 0.73 Ma suggest that activity extended into the Gauss chron.
The observation of reverse polarity for one unit and intermediate polarity for five units
within the young post-caldera sequence, and of reverse polarity for one unit and
intermediate polarity for two units in the main Conception de Ataco and Cuyanausul
Magnetostratigraphyof the Ahuachapan-ChipilapaGeothermalField 587
sequences, suggests that they may record short Brunhes polarity sub-chrons and stresses the
need for further magnetostratigraphic studies. The alternative interpretation is that the
reverse polarity units may correspond to earlier pre-caldera activity occurring within the
Matuyama reverse chron.
The widespread hydrothermal alteration in the Ahuachapin-Chipilapa geothermal field
made radiometric dating (using the K-Ar method) of these volcanic units difficult. Further
studies, including fission track and Ar-Ar dating and additional paleomagnetic sampling,
have been proposed in order to refine the volcanic stratigraphy of this geothermal area.

Acknowledgements-The authors gratefully acknowledge the useful and critical comments provided
by Drs Duane Champion, Jelle de Boer and Marcel0 Lippmann.

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