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The Effect of Longitudinal Heat Conduction on

G. D. B A H N K E
Periodic-Flow Heat Exchanger Performance
Lieutenant, Chilean Navy,
A numerical finite-difference method of calculating the effectiveness for the periodic-flow
Graduate Student,
Mechanical Engineering, type heat exchanger accounting for the effect of longitudinal heal conduction in the
U. S. Naval Postgraduate School, direction of fluid flow is presented. The method considers th-e metal stream in crossflow
Monterey, Calif. with each of the gas streams as two separate but dependent heat exchangers. To ac-
commodate the large number of divisions necessary for accuracy and extrapolation to
C. P. HOWARD zero element area, use was made of a general purpose digital computer. The valves of
Associate Professor of
the effectiveness thus obtained are good to four significant figures while those values for
Mechanical Engineering, the conduction effect are good to three significant figures. The exchanger effectiveness
U. S. Naval Postgraduate School, and conduction effect have been evaluated over the following range of dimensionless
Monterey, Calif. parameters.

l.o > Cmiu/Cm„ z 0.90

1.0 ^ Cr/Cm-m ^ CO
1.0 NTU0 ^ 100
1.0 Z (hA)* > 0.25
1.0 > -4s* ^ 0.25
0.01 sc X ^ 0.32

Introduction fluid flow, as would be found in heat exchangers constructed with

continuous flow channels such as tubes, plate-fin, and finned sur-
IN THE analysis of the performance of periodic-flow faces. The introduction of this finite thermal conductivity re-
heat exchangers, the differential equations and boundary condi- quires that the cross-sectional area of the material through which
tions which result when considering the most general case are heat conduction can occur also be introduced as a variable. Thus
sufficiently complex to preclude a general analytic solution. Thus it is found that the effectiveness of the heat exchanger is a func-
the results of work which are found in the literature [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]1 tion of six dimensionless parameters rather than the usual four.
can be classified by certain simplifying assumptions. The two To cover the entire range of possible application for these six
most general categories are transient and steady-state behavior. parameters would require a rather large volume of tables or
Transient behavior, of course, concerns the response of the heat curves; therefore, the results presented here have been condensed
exchanger when any of the regular periodic conditions associated to cover the range of interest which would be encountered in gas-
with steady-state operation are changed. Subdivisions of these turbine regenerator applications. However, the method pre-
two categories can then be classified as special cases. sented is not restricted in range of the parameters.
This paper is concerned with the special case of steady-state Of the more recent material found in the literature, two of these
operation of the periodic-flow heat exchanger in which the thermal provide the bounds of the present work. Lambertson [6] covers
conductivity of the exchanger material is finite in the direction of the special case of zero thermal conductivity with finite rotor
speed or "blow time," while Hahnemann [7] covers the special
1 Numbers in brackets designate References at end of paper. case of finite thermal conductivity with infinite rotor speed or
Contributed by the Gas Turbine Power Division and presented at "zero blow time." Hahnemann's work, which was done in
the Aviation and Space, Hydraulic, and Gas Turbine Conference and England in 1948, remained classified until late 1955 and still does
ProductsShow, Los Angeles, Calif., March 3 - 7 , 1 9 6 3 , of THE AMERICAN
not seem to be generally available, hence, his resulting analytical
A S M E Headquarters, December 4, 1962. Paper No. 6 3 — A H G T - 1 6 . solution is given.

A = heat-transfer area on side ing to subscript, Btu/hr, cording to subscript
designated by subscript, deg F T = temperature of matrix, deg
sq ft c = specific heat of fluid (con- F
Asz = solid area available for stant pressure) or matrix Txd.j) = subscripted matrix tem-
longitudinal heat con- material depending on perature on the side of
duction on the side of subscript, Btu/lb, deg F Cmai, deg F
Cmax, sq ft h = unit conductance for ther- T„<f,o) = subscripted matrix tem-
/I s„ = solid area available for mal convective heat perature on the side of
longitudinal heat con- transfer, Btu/hr, deg F, Cmra, deg F
duction on the side of sq ft t = temperature of fluid, deg F
sq ft k = unit thermal conductiv- txd.jt = subscripted fluid tempera-
ity, Btu/hr, sq ft, deg ture on the side of CID0,,
,4 s = total solid area available F/ft deg F
for longitudinal heat L = total length of the matrix t„(/,„) = subscripted fluid tempera-
conduction, sq ft in the direction of fluid ture on the side of Cmm,
C = heat capacity rate {We) of flow, ft deg F
fluid or matrix accord- N = number of subdivisions ac- (Continued on next page)

Journal of Engineering for Power APRIL 1964 / 105

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Method (^)j A rn _ [i , i
JTJ7 Z i J av g — jy Ul(i,j) — ii(i+l,j)l (11)
The idealizations and boundary conditions assumed in the
derivation of the governing differential equations for the periodic- where ATV-g represents the mean temperature difference between
flow heat exchanger are as follows: the fluid and the matrix element. For a small enough element the
(а) The thermal conductivity of the heat exchanger matrix is arithmetic mean temperature difference may be assumed valid, so
zero in the direction of "metal flow," finite in the direction of that
fluid flow, and infinite in the third direction which is normal to
both the fluid and metal flow. A'/'ave = — Ui<(.|) + /*<i+l. /)] — — \'l'z«.i) + Tz(i,j+1)].
(б) Thermal properties of the two fluids and the matrix ma-
terial are constant with temperature and time. The fluid and matrix temperatures are subscripted to indicate the
(c) No mixing of the fluids occurs either as a result of direct average temperatures across the inlet and outlet of the element
leakage or carry over. for simple unmixed crossflow.
(d) The convective heat-transfer coefficients and thus the con- Considering the energy balance for an element, the energy
vective conductances between the fluids and the matrix are con- transferred to the element by convection plus energy transferred
stant with flow length. to and from the element by conduction must equal the energy
(e) The fluids pass in counterflow directions. stored in the element:
( / ) Entering fluid temperatures are uniform over the flow inlet
cross sections and constant with time.
(g) There is no convective heat exchange at the fluid entering
or exit cross sections.
(/i) Regular periodic conditions are established for all matrix
elements; i.e., steady-state operation.
Fig. 1 is a representation of such an axial flow and radial flow
type rotary regenerator. A typical element from each fluid side
is shown in the schematic representation of Fig. 2. At this point
it is possible to take several different approaches to the solution
of the problem. One approach is to derive the partial differential TYFLCAL. ELEMEN

equations by using the rate equations in conjunction with an

energy balance as was done by Hahnemann. With the further
assumption of infinite rotor speed, Hahnemann was able to find ILLUSTRATIVE MATRIX ARRANGEMENT FOR AXIAL FLO*

a closed form analytical solution. Another approach, and the

one which will be used here, was proposed by Dusinberre [8].
With this method a numerical analysis technique is applied
directly by subdividing the rotor into a finite number of elements
and writing the energy balance relations using the rate equations.
Repeated use of these finite difference equations in some orderly
iterative scheme eventually results in a particular solution. As
the number of elements chosen increases, the closer a solution will
approach that for the differential equations. This was the
method used by Lambertson but with the assumption that the
thermal conductivity of the rotor material in the direction of
fluid flow was zero.
If the elements are considered to be fixed in space, then each
element can be regarded as a crossflow heat exchanger with a gas TYPICAL ELEMENT

stream and a metal stream. For an element on the side of Cmax,

the heat-transfer rate by convection is equal to the rate of change ILLUSTRATIVE MATRIX ARRANGEMENT FOR RADIAL FLO*

in enthalpy of the fluid across the element, Fig. 1

W = mass flow rate of fluid Dimensionless Parameters fer units on side desig-
(lb/hr) or matrix (lb, E = heat exchanger effective- nated by subscript
rev/hr), according to ness, ratio of actual to the
subscript NTU NTU
thermodynamically maxi- ° = " [ t t W ] =
Ci, Ci, . mum possible heat-trans- overall number of trans-
Di, D 2 ,. fer rate fer units
= const, dimensionless
Ei, E?,. E, no conduction .As* = ^Isn/Asj = conduction area
Fi, Ft, . AE — E, conduction ratio
E E, no conduction
Subscripts X„ = — conduction pa-
= conduction effect t'miniJ
avg = average min/Cmax = capacity rate ratio of fluid rameter on side of Cmin
i = inlet streams
X, = kAsx
——— = conduction pa-
min = minimum magnitude Cr/Cmin = capacity rate ratio of matrix tv mnT Lj
max = maximum magnitude to minimum fluid capacity rameter on side of Cmax
n = side of Cm;„ rate kAs
X =
o = outlet, or overall in the case of (hA)* = (hA)J(hA), = conduc- CmiuE
NTUo tance ratio total conduction parame-
X = side of Cmax NTU = (hA)/C = number of trans- ter

106 / APRIL 1964 Transactions of the A S M E

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Solving for the outlet fluid temperature for elements on the side of
N, Cmin from equation (7) gives

AsxNr '"(/+1.0) = Fil„V,0) + Fi[T„(/,g) + T„(/,g+l)] (12)

+ " [ ( J ' x t f - l • ;') + ?'x(i-l.J+lO — (.Tx(i.j) + T'ld'.j+l))]
which holds for all elements on the side of C m i „ .
As^V,. There are then eight finite difference equations (3), (4), (5), (6),
" 2 L N T H ' . H * ) — I+I.FL + J X ( I + I , / + D ) ]
(9), (10), (11), and (12) with sixteen dimensionless coefficients.

Q Besides the four usual dimensionless parameters needed for the

= (Tx(i.j+i) — T xi i,j)) (2) case of no conduction in the direction of fluid flow,

Cmin/Cmax = capacity rate ratio of fluid streams

B y using equations (1) and (2) the outlet fluid and metal tem-
Cr/Cmio = capacity rate ratio of rotor matrix to minimum
peratures for an element on the side of C'max ma}' be solved for in
terms of the remaining temperatures and the results expressed in
equations with dimensionless coefficients. (/iA)* = conductance ratio
Since the longitudinal heat conduction is zero at the ends, the
NTUo = NTU. = overall number of trans-
energy balance equation is modified from equation (2) for ele- " [l + (hA)*]
ments of the first and last row. Three expressions for the matrix fer units,
outlet temperature are thus obtained:
two additional dimensionless groupings are necessary in these co-
First r o w elements efficients to take the conduction into account. One of these
TX(t.j+1) = D dxti.i) — D-jTx{i,j) + De[Tx^,j) + ?':c(2,;+i)] (3) groupings will be the ratio of the solid cross-sectional area available
for conduction on the side of Cmm to the solid cross-sectional area
Middle row elements available for conduction on the side of C m a l ,

Tx(i.j+\) = Dilxii.j) — DiTxU.j) As* = As„/Asx, conduction area ratio.

+ DATzii-i.j) + TW-i.z+i) + T z(i+ i,,') + Tx(i+i,y+i)] (4) The second dimensionless group will be a conduction parameter
Last r o w elements
which can be defined as

jfxCA'r.y+l) = Dstx(.Xr,j) — DiTx(Kr,j) kAsx

Xx = = conduction parameter on side of C max>
+ Ds[Tx{Nr-l.i) + 2'j (l v,_i,/ + i)] (5) Cma^L

Bj r solving for the fluid outlet temperature on the side of C'max in kAs.
X n — ——~r = conduction parameter on side of Cm
terms of the matrix outlet temperature, from equation (1) only CmiuL
one expression is obtained which will hold for all elements on the
side of CnmK,

lx(i+i,j) = Ditx{i,j> + D„[T,<i.» + jPxd'.j'+i)] (6) kAs

X = total conduction parameter,
C/minL K " + a7*] =
Similarly, for an element on the side of Cm-m the rate equation is
with As the total solid area available for conduction
- ATave = -Jj— [<»</+!.S> — in</.S>] (7)
NnNr /Is = Asx + As,,.

with This later form offers the advantage that for a given value of the
conduction parameter, the resulting heat exchanger effectiveness
A'Z'ovg — 0 [{T nUl0 ) + T„(/,a+1))] — — [<„(/,„) + <„</+!,0)]. will not be greatly affected b y small changes in As*. The expres-
sions for the dimensionless coefficients in terms of the dimension-
less parameters are given in the Appendix and their derivation
Energy balance:
can be obtained from reference [9].
Cmii From the schematic representation shown in Fig. 2, it should be
As,,iVr WN.
— (7'iif/_i,S) + r„ ( / _i,„ + I ) )] — A; [(2',|</+1,(|) + T„lf+l,g+l))

— (Tn(f.o) + 5r»(/.,+i))] — [{T,i(/.») — 2'„(/,„ + i);] (8)

By the same method the three expressions for the outlet matrix
temperatures may be obtained by using equations (7) and (8).

First r o w elements
'/\i(A'r,0+l) = Fetn(Nr.u) ~ FjTn^'r,a) + [(A'r-1,o) + T„Wr-l,g+l) ]
WSk T,

Ml T«i-
T« tn !.«">
Middle row elements
- 1
i ° u
Tn(f.o+1) = fV„(/lrt — FlT„(f,g) tt
+ Fz[TnU_i,g) - f TnV-l.g+l) + JVz+l.j) + 0+1)] (10) V>1
Last r o w elements

jf"(i.o+i) = Fdn(i.e) ~ FnT„{\,g) + + Tntj.j+i)] (11) Fig. 2 Schematic representation of a periodic-flow heat exchanger

Journal of Engineering for Power APRIL 1964 / 107

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noted that the left edge of the regenerator is physically the same the same magnitude error required for the reversal conditions.
as the right edge and, therefore, the matrix inlet temperatures for The effectiveness of a heat exchanger is defined as the ratio of
elements of the first column on the side of Cma* are the same as the amount of energy transferred to the maximum thermody-
the outlet temperatures for corresponding elements of the last namically possible,
column on the side of Cmin. Expressed mathematically,
Cmax(^zi (^no tni)
E = = [L OVr+l.ff) Jnvg.
= T„(/.ffn+U) / = + 1 Cmiu(txi - tni) ' (<ii - tni)

where i can take the values of 1, 2, 3, . . . N,. This is referred to The values of the effectiveness thus found by this method are
as the reversal condition. good to five significant figures. However, this would only apply
For simplicity of calculation, a temperature scale can be used for the case of a certain number of subdivisions. If the number
for which the fluid entrance temperature is zero on the side of of subdivisions is increased and the calculations are repeated, a
Cm\n and unit}' on the side of CmBx, different value of the effectiveness is obtained. A plot of effective-
ness versus element area will reveal a linear relationship as the
tnn.o) = 0 g = 1, 2, 3, . . . Nn element area approaches zero [6, 9]. Thus to arrive at the given
ixci./) = 1.0 j = 1, 2, 3, . . . Nx tabulated values, the solutions were first generated for N r = N x
= N„ = 12, recomputed for Nr = Nx = Nn = 16 and finally
From the finite difference equations it is seen that in order to extrapolated to zero element area. This method reduced the
solve for the matrix outlet temperature for a particular element, accuracy of the extrapolated effectiveness to four significant
it is necessary to know the matrix temperature of the next ele- figures.
ment. An estimate of these temperatures can be made by deter- To best illustrate the influence of conduction on heat exchanger
mining the temperature distribution for the assumption of zero performance, the "conduction effect" is defined as the ratio of the
conduction in the direction of fluid flow since the next element difference between the effectiveness with no conduction and with
temperatures are not needed (i.e., the coefficients D3, Ds, F3, and conduction to the no conduction effectiveness,
Ft are zero for no conduction). For the calculation procedure
then, a matrix temperature distribution is assumed on the left AE E, no conduction E, conduction
edge and the problem is solved for the no conduction case to ob- =
IT E, no conduction
tain the initial estimate of matrix temperatures for the problem
with conduction. This also provides the no conduction effective- and correlated with the conduction parameter X. The values of
ness necessary for comparison purposes. Now with this initial the conduction effect thus obtained are then good to three sig-
estimate of all element temperatures, the calculations are made for nificant figures.
the conduction case beginning with the first element, first column To accommodate the large number of calculations required
on the side of Cm„ and working down the column. When the use was made of a general purpose digital computer, and the
first column of elements is completed, the second is calculated limits on accuracy were dictated by computer time available for
and so on until the outlet temperatures of all elements on the calculation rather than by the method employed. With the
side of Cmax are determined. In practice it was found that con- current availability of digital computers, such a method as pre-
vergence was more rapid if two passes per column were made be- sented here could be considered as a closed form solution and in-
fore proceeding to the next one. The reason for this, as men- troduced as a subroutine in a general analysis of gas-turbine power
tioned previously is that the equations for the outlet tempera- plant behavior.
tures contain the matrix temperatures of the next element. At the
seal, represented by the double line in Fig. 2,
- x(i,ATx+l) = T„(/.i) Before explaining the results shown in Figs. 3, 4, and 5 and
Tables 1, 2, and 3, it is best to review the influence of the various
since the matrix outlet temperatures for elements of the last parameters on the periodic-flow heat exchanger effectiveness for
column on the side of are physically the same as the inlet the case of no conduction in the direction of fluid flow.
temperatures of the corresponding elements on the side of Cm,„. For fixed values of Cmm/Cmm Cr/Cmin, and (hA)*t the effective-
The same calculation procedure is then applied to the side of Cmi„. ness will increase with increasing NTU 0 and will asymptotically
If the temperature distribution assumed on the left or starting approach unity.
edge were correct it would then be duplicated on the right or For fixed values of Cmin/Cmax, NTU 0 , and (hA)*, the effective-
finishing edge (i.e., the reversal condition would be fulfilled). If, ness will increase with increasing Cr/Cm in and will asymptotically
however, this is not the case, the resulting temperatures on the approach some value determined b}' Cmm/Cmand NTU 0 which
right side are now used as starting values on the left side and the is less than unity; such that at C r /C min infinite,
calculations repeated. After each pass (i.e., the complete calcula-
tion of a temperature distribution) an energy balance is made;
1 - exp
and before a solution is accepted for a particular set of parameters, [ ( C I - O H
the heat balance error together with the reversal condition has to E =
.. Cmin
be fulfilled to a specified accuracy. The heat balance error was 1 - exp I NTU„J
determined from the difference in enthalpy change for the fluid ^max |
on the side of C m a l to Cm-,„ compared to the enthalpy change on and if C m i n /C mol is unity, the expression becomes
the side of Cmai)
E _ NTUo
Cnmxitxi txo) Cmin(lno tni) I + NTU„"
Cmax(^ii tx o)
For fixed values of Cr/Crain, NTUo and (hA)*, the effectiveness
Cmin will increase with decreasing Cmift/Cmm. The percent change is
Cmax largest in the lower NTU 0 region and increases with larger
l -
l - UxWr+1, j) ]avg values of C,/Cmm.
For fixed values of Cml„/Cm„, Cr/Cmia, and NTU 0 , the effec-
For the results presented here this error was established at tiveness will generally decrease with decreasing values of (hA)*,
0.0004 percent for a maximum absolute value. It was found that however, for large values of NTU 0 and Cmin/C„mx near unity the
the heat balance error criterion was far more stringent than for reverse occurs. At small values of NTU 0 regardless of

108 / A P R I L 1964 Transactions of the A S M E

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.004 5 8 . 0 2 3 4 5 B J 2 3 4 2 3:4

Fig. 3 Fig. 5

The effectiveness will decrease asymptotically to some value

compatible with the values of the other parameters. However, for
a design or operational point of view, this limiting value is not as
important as determining the deviation from the ideal or no
conduction effectiveness which could be expected for changing
values of the characteristic parameters. Figs. 3, 4, and 5 offer a
qualitative picture of this deviation in the form of the conduction
effect plotted versus the conduction parameter for various com-
binations of the other parameters. Tables 1, 2, and 3 provide
quantitative values for the conduction effect over a slightly
wider range of the parameters and also provide the means for
interpolation to cover specific cases.
One of the more interesting effects occurs for a constant value
of the conduction parameter and increasing NTUo. ^Tule an
increase in NTU0 increases the effectiveness, the increase for the
conduction case is less than for the no conduction case and,
therefore, the conduction effect will increase. This behavior will
continue until the no conduction effectiveness approaches unity
and then the conduction effect will decrease with a further in-
crease in NTUo (see Fig. 5).
It was found 'that the conduction area ratio As* had only a
small influence in the range of 0.25 to 1.0. Also the influence of
As* was negligible when varied ± 3 0 percent with respect to
{liA)*. Hence the values which were computed and given here
were obtained with As* = (7iA)*.
Lastly it is seen that when Cr/Cmm reaches a value of 10, the re-
sults are practically the same for C,/Cmin infinite. Thus for
Fig. 4 values of Cr/Cmi„ ^ 10, the Hahnemann analytical solution can
be used (see Appendix).
A final observation on these results shows the prediction of
the effect will be to reduce the effectiveness. In all cases the London [6] that the conduction effect would vary directly as the
effect is largest for small values of Cr/Cmm. For (liA)* in the conduction parameter,
range of 0.25 to 1.0, the effect is small regardless of the values of
the other parameters.
The foregoing effects occur whether conduction is present or
not. The addition of conduction simply superimposes its effect
on the heat exchanger with the others.
For all other parameters held constant, an increase in the con- provides a very good engineering approximation for NTUo > 10
duction parameter X will produce a decrease in the effectiveness. and X < 0.1.

Journal of Engineering for Power APRIL 19 6 4 / 109

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1 CM
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110/A PRIL 1 964 Transactions of the A S M E

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Journal of Engineering for Power APRIL 1 964 / 111

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mcMCMoro—roincD«oocM<o© , cMr-cocuin
m o O J » - » m o m CD ro m h-m ^ ^ UT—r^-vcoininajiri I N - O H - O co O CM M R « - O RO J F «O R - O - O oo F - *
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X< II zK
CD I 1 3
M ro ^ if)<31- CO O O CM Jt O CO O O OO O
— — — — CM^-OOOOO tIZ ——CMrf-OCOO

112 / APRIL 1964 Transactions of the A S M E

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y i/lNtooo —m^in-of-coh-

jf N- co o—to in -o st O CD COO -~CM»Oro ^ -O CD CO O O « - » - • -

st'O aatDOOOOO

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to| 3
X H- r - c M t o ^ i n o o o o
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Journal of Engineering for Power APRIL 19 6 4 / 113

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— oro'cmco-a-—in CMCD®->O—INROIN-
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•O R - R^ R - •O o c% ro a *o r- N-O •O cj cm ro jt >0 -O <3 m

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cMfo^t ^mminin^ cv ^ a in m m ^ ro CM ro * a m m m jr ro


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—CM^tO L L
< 1
-J 1

114 / APRIL 1964 Transactions of the AS M E

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sto P - R - OD o CM ro in jj-or-oocoo—— — J O M U C D O O O O j-ostoajooooa

- I

CM RO * st st in in 1/1 st CM ro st st in in st ro

— C M CM CM ro ro Jt in «-CM C
M CM ro ro ro eg — CMCMCMCMCMCMCM— — CM CM CM CM CM CM — —
-i |

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: j»- — CMro^rmoooo


00 O — St IM o O u»CO
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mo—cM-»r-o—ro •<3 o CM ro st R - CU O O OotMro-yor-p-f- •oo CMWI * m >o-om

ro in P - oo co o CM st o Tor-cocoo- •»«or-cooooooo .^or^cocooooco

C M R O * -3" St O P - C O O
CM'O * a in in o o in CMro st * * mmin* cMro*


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CD | 3 CD I 3 I • I I I • •• •
X I H- —CMroj»inoooo
< I Z —CM^O
—J I

Journal of Engineering for Power APRIL 19 6 4 / 115

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Summary and Conclusions2 C l = JiSiiE. N X U o
i +
1 1 1 L = NTU„[l + (/U)*] —
Cmax (7iA)*J 2iVr| 1
The numerical method presented is completely general for the
problem of steady-state performance of the periodic-flow heat Cmin Cr N. Cr N,l
c2 E, =
exchanger with finite thermal conductivity in the direction of Cra Cmin N r Cmin Nr
fluid flow. The ranges of the governing parameters which have
been covered are Cm l N r
As* A'r
Ci =
Cmax 1 -4s* 2 E s = X 1 + As* 2
1.0 ^ Cmin/Cmax ^ 0 . 9
C, = Ci + (1 + Ci)(C 2 + 2 C 3 ) E, = Ei + (1 +El)(E1 + 2E3)

1.0 ^ C r / C m i n < CO c6 = Cl + (1 + C,)(C 2 + C,) Ei = El + (1 + Ei)(E2 + E3)

- - § 2 Ex
1.0 sC NTUo $ 100 Fi =

1.0 ^ (hA)* > 0.25 Cl + (1 + C,)(2C 3 - C2) Ei + (1 + E>)(2E3 - Ei)

Z>2 = F2 =
c< Et
1.0 ^ 4 b * J: 0.25
(1 + Ci)C3 (1 + EJE*
Di = F, =
c, Et
0 . 0 1 ^ X $ 0.32
1 - Cl 1 - ffi
A = F< =
which is the range of interest for gas-turbine regenerator applica- 1 + Cl 1 + Ei
tion. The method itself is not restricted in range.
The values of the effectiveness reported are good to four sig- Cl Et
A = F„ =
nificant figures while those for the conduction effect are good to Ex
1 + c, 1 +
three significant figures. This reliability was obtained by extrapo-
lation of the results for a finite number of subdivisions to an 2E\
infinite number of elements. I)e -
It was found that the effects of (hA)* and As* on the heat ex-
changer effectiveness were sufficiently small that the results Ci + (1 + Ci)(C 3 - C2) Ex + (1 4- Ei)(E, - E2)
could be presented graphically over a wide range of conditions •D; = F-, =
to provide a rapid means of observing the influence of thermal
conduction. (1 + Ci)C3 (1 + Ei)E3
De =
It was also found that for values of Cr/Cmm ^ 10, the analytical E5
solution of Hahnemann for Cr/Cmm = can be used, thus an
upper bound on this finite difference method has been established.
the Hahnemann solution for Cr/Cmm infinite [7].
In the Nomenclature of this paper, the variables used by

References Hahnemann can be expressed as

1 H. Hausen, "Accomplished Calculations of Heat Exchange in 1

Regenerators," MAP Reports and Translations No. 312, November (hA)*'
1, 1946.
2 B. H. Schultz, "Regenerators With Longitudinal Heat Conduc-
Wi Cmin)
tion," I M E - A S M E General Discussion on Heat Transfer, London,
England, 1951, pp. 440-443.
3 W. M. Kays and A. L. London, Compact Heat Exchangers, Wo Cmaxj
The National Press, 1955.
4 H. H. Sogin and K. Hassan, " A Design Manual for Regenera- A.- = [1 + (M)*]NTU0
tive Heat Exchangers of the Rotary Type," W A D C Technical Report
5 J. E. Coppage and A. L. London, " T h e Periodic Flow Re- and = v [1 + (/iA)*]NTU0.
generator," TRANS. ASME, vol. 75, 1953, pp. 779-7S7.
6 T. J. Lambertson, "Performance Factors of a Periodic Flow
Heat Exchanger," TRANS. ASME, vol. 80, 1958, pp. 586-592. The following abbreviations are then defined
7 H. W. Hahnemann, "Approximate Calculation of Thermal
Ratios in Heat Exchangers Including Heat Conduction in Direction
5j = A . . ( f , - x )
of Flow," National Gas Turbine Establishment Memorandum No.
' \ Ifo /
M36, 1948.

5 1 <^1
= - [ $ < (
8 G. M. Dusinberre, Heat-Transfer Calculations by Finite
Differences, International Textbook Company, 1961. \(<r + 1) +
9 G. D. Bahnke, "Effect of Longitudinal Heat Conduction on Wo J
Rotary Regenerators," MS thesis, U.S. Naval Postgraduate School,
Monterey, Calif., 1962. RV
0 - IF„,

2 6 27
The following is a list of the dimensionless coefficients for the
finite difference equations (3), (4), (5), (6), (9), (10), (11), and (12)
V _ A
in terms of the governing variables:
9 3

2 The opinions and assertions of this paper are not to be construed

as official or reflecting the official views of the United States or
Chilean Navy Departments.
cos" 1
116 / APRIL 1964 Transactions of the A S M E

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2 v_ /-P cos -'" - -5.
3 3

- 2 v_ /P- cos ( -<P + -1T) - -


T3 _/- cos
= -2 vp ( -'" - -1T) - -5.
::I 3 3
The effectiveness is then computed as

E = I - P (I +u
:J {r.S(I
+ u) [
en - e"

+ ( -;:;-
T2 ) 2
( ell - en) + -;:;-
T3 )( 2
(en - e rt ) ]

+ -ucI>,
7•• 2 (
u 2 -W·'
- 1) [ crt - eTi + ,', (era - en )

'where tbe quantity

P = (1 - en)(e r • - eTl) + -T. (1 - ert)(e Ti - en)


+ -T. (1 - crJ)(e rt - crt) + 1 {T.

-- 3 [e rt - era
~a TVi UAiWi
1 +u W.

+ 7." (
T! ) 2
(era - en) + -;:;-( 1'3 ) 2
(e Ti - crt) ]

+ ( -T.T3 ) 2
(en - ert)eTl ] - -T.
UW i
2 [
ert - eTi + -T.
(e Ti - en)

ur. 2 -

+ -T.r3 (en - ert ) + --W.- [ er1(c rt - e")


+ -~
(crJ - en)e rt + -~
(en - ert)erJ ]} .

Journal 01 Engineering lor Power APRIL 1964 / 117

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