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Marine Chemistry 42 (1993) 237-251 237

Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam

Monosaccharide composition of particulate hydrolysable sugar

fraction in surface microlayers from brackish and marine waters

Anne-Marie Compiano a, Jean-Claude Romano a, Frederic Garabetian a, Pierre Laborde b and

Isabelle de la Giraudirre a
aCentre d'Oc~anologie de Marseille, Station Marine d'Endoume, Rue Batterie des Lions, 13007 Marseille, France
bLaboratorie de Biologie Marine, Av. des Facult~s, 33405 Talence, Cedex, France
(Received 26 November 1991; revision accepted 24 August 1992)


Compiano, A.-M., Romano, J.-C., Garabetian, F., Laborde, P. and de la Giraudirre, I., 1993. Monosaccharide composition of
particulate hydrolysable sugar fraction in surface microlayers from brackish and marine waters. Mar. Chem., 42: 237-251.

Twenty-nine sea-surface microlayer samples, associated with their related bulk water, were collected in coastal waters of the
northwestern Mediterranean Sea, and examined for the concentration and composition of their particulate sugar fraction. The
monosaccharide content was assayed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and fluorescence detection after
dansylhydrazine precolumn derivatization. Samples were collected in both marine areas influenced by fresh water. As compared
with bulk waters, accumulation of particulate organic matter in the surface microlayer was higher in marine than in brackish
waters (about three-fold higher for particulate organic carbon (POC) and ten-fold higher for sugars). However, in brackish bulk
waters, the concentrations of organic compounds (POC, particulate organic nitrogen (PON), chlorophyll a and sugars) were
higher than in marine bulk waters. In all the samples the sugar content appeared to be directly linked to POC. All the surface
microlayers were enriched in bacteria but phytoplanktonic pigments were less represented in microlayers than in other
particulate organic fractions. In brackish waters, chlorophyll a concentrations were correlated with the percentage of mono-
saccharide carbon in POC, but the microbiomass could explain only a small part (5-10%) of the sugar concentrations recorded
in surface microlayers. In all cases, glucose was the major monosaccharide form. In brackish waters, no change was noted in
monosaccharide composition of the sugar fraction in surface microlayers as compared with their related bulk waters. In marine
samples, a slight but significant depletion of glucose was recorded in the microlayers, and three forms (mannose, arabinose and
rhamnose) exhibited higher percentages ( + 4%, + 4% and + 15%, respectively) in marine sea-surface microlayers. During mild
acid hydrolysis of the particulate organic matter, the release of the 'Dubois-reactive compounds' was faster in marine microlayer
samples than in related bulk waters, and the relative concentration of glucose increased with time of hydrolysis in the two types
of water. When hydrolysis was not complete, a compound which eluted at the beginning of the chromatogram and remained
at a constant level throughout the hydrolysis, was detected.

INTRODUCTION surface of the sea during fine weather periods

(Ewing, 1950; Lafond and Lafond, 1972) and are
Surface microlayers are characterized not sites of modification of some physical properties
only by enhancement of organic matter loadings, of surface water by organic matter accumulation
as compared with bulk waters, but also by (Garrett et al., 1974).
changes in composition. Accumulation processes Several studies have previously been carried
are particularly enhanced inside slicks, the out on a microlayer lipid fraction which was
smooth blue-grey stripes which appear on the suspected of having a major surfactant influence
(Daumas et al., 1976; Marty et al., 1979; Barbier
Correspondence to: A.-M. Compiano, Centre d'Ocranologie de
Marseille, Station Marine d'Endoume, Rue Batterie des Lions, et al., 1981). Other studies (Williams et al., 1986)
13007 Marseille, France. have shown that other compounds such as

0304-4203/93/$06.00 © 1993 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved


proteins or carbohydrates (Henrichs and related bulk waters were sampled at 0.5 m depth
Williams, 1985) may have a strong influence on by pumping with acid-cleaned silicone tubing.
the surface-active properties of sea-surface Sample collection was carried out in various
microlayer samples (Baier, 1970; Baier et al., coastal areas (Fig. 1), mainly on the French
1974) and may account for enrichment of Mediterranean coast, either at marine sites or in
organic matter in surface films (for reviews, see coastal areas under the influence of continental
Garrett (1972) and Sieburth (1983)). These films water inflows (marked by arrows in the maps):
are also the site of photochemical reactions, five samples (H) were collected on the French
(Wangersky, 1976), and of accumulation of Atlantic coast, in a small temperate lagoon with
bacteria and the consequent biodegradation high primary production rates (Collos et al.,
based on particulate organic matter (Harvey and 1988) and natural surface films. The dates and
Young, 1980; Mimura et al., 1988). times of sampling, wind speeds and bulk water
The monosaccharide composition of marine temperatures are given below in Table 2, for each
suspended particulate organic matter has been sample. Samples are here treated together, to
studied (Mopper et al., 1980; Sakugawa and compare the composition of marine and
Handa, 1983, 1985), but it is rather difficult to brackish water microlayers.
compare data because of the unreliability of the
available analytical techniques when applied to Total sugar fraction analysis
seawater samples. In seawater, the amounts of
suspended particulate matter are generally low; Measure~ments were performed on particles
consequently, isolation and purification steps are collected by filtration on precombusted (for 5 h
usually necessary before the assaying pro- at 550°C) Whatman (Hillsboro, OR, USA) GF/
cedures, with consequent losses and changes in F filters and treated by the phenol-sulphuric acid
material (Dawson and Mopper, 1978). Recent method of Dubois et al. (1956), according to the
availability of sugar-specific fluorochroms procedure of Gerchakov and Hatcher (1972),
(Avigad, 1977) and developments in high-perfor- and measured with a spectrophotometer at
mance liquid chromatography (HPLC) (Mopper 485 nm. For calibration a glucose solution was
and Johnson, 1983), have facilitated monosacch- used as the standard. On the basis of 11 of filtered
aride separation and detection at low concentra- seawater, the limit of detection was less than
tion levels. Using this technique, we have 2/~gl -l and precision was about 15% of the
examined the monosaccharide composition of measured values.
the hydrolysable polysaccharide fraction of the
particulate organic matter accumulated in Kinetics of acid hydrolysis
surface films formed in marine or brackish water
areas and compared them with the related bulk We have studied the release of the Dubois-
water samples. In parallel, we have studied, in reactive compounds and monosaccharide com-
some samples, the degradability of the whole position during mild acid .hydrolysis on five
sugar fraction by means of acid hydrolysis microlayer and related bulk water samples col-
kinetics. lected in a marine coastal area. For each sample,
six subsamples of particulate matter were col-
MATERIALS AND METHODS lected as above. One was treated as a whole by
the Dubois colorimetric method. Five were
Sample collection hydrolysed at 100°C by 5 ml of 0.5 M HESO 4. At
10, 20, 40, 60 and 150rain, the hydrolysis was
All the microlayer samples were collected stopped by immersion in ice, followed by cen-
using Harvey's skimmer (Harvey, 1966), and the trifugation to remove the filter. Part of the super-

N 5q E 47°N.
Hl to H51

A B- Atlantic


1~: continental water]

inflows ]


Mediterranean Sea

~ ; "*'-
, .



Fig. 1. Map of sampling locations.

natant was measured as above and part was D,7634); Avigad, 1977) and was used at 5% w/v.
assayed by HPLC. Depending on the carbohydrate concentrations
of the samples, hydrolysed volumes in the
H P L C measurements reactions varied from 20 to 200 pl, but the water/
DNS ratio was kept constant by the addition of
The particulate matter, collected on filters as a sufficient volume of bidistilled water to obtain
above, was treated with 5 ml of 1.86 N H 2SO4 at a final reaction volume of 640#1. Both the hyd-
100°C for 4h (Mopper, 1977). As reported by rolysis extracts from acid kinetics experiments
Mopper et al. (1980), stability was good under and the completely hydrolysed water samples
these conditions. After centrifugation, the super- were treated in the same way. Separation was
natant (neutralized to pH 4.0) was subjected to carried out on a Beckman (Berkeley, CA, USA)
HPLC, using the method of Mopper and Ultrasphere CIs-ODS column (5 pm,
Johnson (1983), by precolumn fluorochrom 250mm x 4.4mm). Eluant A was 0.08 M acetic
derivatization at 65°C for 20min; the fluoro- acid (pH 4.0), eluant B was acetonitrile and the
chrom reagent was dansylhydrazine (DNS flow rate was 1.2mlmin -~ . The gradient used
(Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO, USA, ref. was: 22-30% B for 14min, 30-70% B for 2min,

isocratic at 70% B for 3 min, and 70-30% B for TABLE 1

3min. The following monosaccharides were Release of sugar compounds during hydrolysis kinetics, at
detected: galactose (Gal), glucose (Glc), various times (T: 10, 20, 40, 60 and 150 min) in microlayer
(MIC) and bulk water (BW) samples
mannose (Man), xylose (Xyl), arabinose (Ara),
ribose (Rib), fucose (Fuc) and rhamnose (Rhm). /'10 T20 T4o r~0 L_~o
Slight changes in elution gradient or in
Dubo& assays
the pH of eluant A were sometimes necessary to A MIC 11 11 14 15 17
achieve optimum xylose/arabinose separation or BW 11 11 15 16 18
when monosaccharide concentrations were low H P L C assays
B MIC 5 38 73 76 100
relative to that of DNS (see Compiano and
BW 16 25 64 73 100
Romano, 1988). Fructose, which reacts poorly C MIC nd 27 32 33 37
with DNS (Avigad, 1977; Mopper and Johnson, BW nd 21 19 32 43
1983), often coelutes with arabinose; its response D MIC 41 42 22 23 33
BW 20 17 20 25 24
factor was normalized to 1/27 with arabinose. Its
concentrations were always low and it is not A: Percentages of sugar released at each time (T) of hydrolysis,
considered here. On a basis of 11 of filtered in reference to the total sugar weight directly assayed by the
Dubois method on a subsample.
seawater, the detection limit varied from B: Percentages of the HPLC-assayed monosaccharide sum re-
5.5nmoll -~ for rhamnose to 30nmoll -~ for covered at each time of hydrolysis related to the assayed sum at
glucose, and reproductibility varied from 1% for the end of hydrolysis (150min).
C: Glucose recovery at each time of hydrolysis, related to the
glucose to 6% for arabinose.
HPLC-assayed monosaccharide sum; nd: not detected.
The following HPLC apparatus was used: two D: Relative size (in arbitrary fluorescence units; afn) of the
Altex (Berkeley, CA, USA) pumps (model 110A) 'polysaccharide' peak to total compounds resolved by HPLC
monitored by an Altex gradient programmer
(model 420), a Rheodyne (Berkeley, CA, USA) France) analyser. Salinity was measured with a
injection valve fitted with a 100/~1 loop, and a Beckman salinometer. Bacterial counts were
Schoeffel (Westwood, USA) fluorescence carried out by epifluorescence microscopy,
detector (model 97). The fluorescent signal of the according to Hobbie et al. (1977), with DAPI
derivatized monosaccharides was read with an (4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole), a DNA-
excitation wavelength of 370 nm and a 540 nm binding fluorochrom, as reagent (Porter and
cut-off secondary filter for emission. Feig, 1980). To compare percentage values or
HPLC measurements of chlorophyll a con- poorly normalized data distributions, the non-
centrations were carried out with the same equip- parametric Mann-Whitney test (Siegel, 1956)
ment, on G F / F filters, by extraction with 5 ml of was used.
90% acetone in water, according to the method RESULTS
of Mantoura and Llewellyn (1983), as modified
by de la Giraudi6re et al. (1989), using fluores- Kinetics of hydrolysis
cence detection with a wavelength of 430 nm for
excitation and a 580nm cut-off filter for First we compared the behaviour of the sugar
emission. fraction during mild hydrolysis, in five marine
samples of surface microlayers and their corres-
Other seawater analyses ponding bulk waters, followed by phenol-sul-
phuric acid colorimetric reaction (Dubois et al.,
Particulate organic carbon (POC) and par- 1956) and HPLC assays. The results are pre-
ticulate organic nitrogen (PON) analyses were sented in Table 1.
conducted on precombusted Whatman GF/C The percentage of the Dubois-reactive
filters using a Perkin-Elmer (Bois-Colombes, compounds released during mild hydrolysis,

related to the total particulate sugar fraction, roughly stable in bulk water samples, and in
directly assayed by the Dubois method, varies microlayers there is a slight decrease between T40
from 11 (Tin) to 18% (T150). There is no signifi- and T60. The rate of hydrolysis remained
cant difference on hydrolysis between microlayer constant; we have supposed that large polymers
and bulk water samples. were first broken into smaller units (the peak),
If the summed amounts of HPLC-assayed then, during the course of hydrolysis, the latter
monosaccharides are considered, the percentages were split into their monosaccharide com-
of released monosaccharides increase regularly ponents as if they were continuously released and
during the hydrolysis procedure. They increase consumed during the hydrolysis.
more quickly in microlayer samples than in bulk
waters. For the first bulk water hydrolysis period Natural samples
the accuracy of the HPLC assays is close to the
detection threshold as a consequence of the low Table 2 shows sampling conditions and hyd-
released monosaccharide concentration levels. rological data for the collected surface micro-
When sugar concentrations are low (in bulk layer and bulk water samples. Most of the
water samples and at the beginning of the hyd- samples exhibit organic matter enrichment in the
rolysis process), glucose is generally the best- surface microlayers as compared with the bulk
resolved monosaccharide form in the chromato- waters. On the other hand, some of them (HI,
grams, and it is possible to follow its progression H2, B1 and B3), collected in brackish waters,
as a fraction of the total detected amount of show a slight depletion in the concentrations
monosaccharides. During the first 60-150 min of recorded in the microlayer. If the whole set of
hydrolysis, glucose is not the major form samples is considered, average enrichments of
released: it ranges from 20 to 27% at T20min,but microlayers POC and PON are recorded (enrich-
its peak is sometimes difficult to distinguish ment factors (EF values) are respectively 3.6 and
during the first 20 min of hydrolysis. 3.0), with parallel accumulation of bacteria. The
During the chromatographic assays of the mean enrichment factor for the monosaccharide
hydrolysis kinetic samples, at the beginning of sum is weaker (1.5). The two C/N ratio values
the chromatograms a large and well-resolved are similar at the two sampling depths, but a
peak appeared (retention time 7 min), which was wider range of variation is recorded in the bulk
never present when the particulate sugar fraction water samples (10.6 ___ 14.6) as compared with
was completely hydrolysed by 1.86 N H2SO 4. A the microlayers. Statistically, no enrichment of
mild hydrolysis was conducted on cellulose using pigments occurred in microlayers, as indicated
0.5N H2SO 4. After 15min of hydrolysis, the by the mean chlorophyll a concentrations, which
hydrolysate was treated and assayed by HPLC. are similar in the microlayer (6.30 #g 1-1 ) and the
On the chromatogram we have detected only the bulk water samples (6.20 /~g1- 1). As will be
presence of this peak and glucose. On the basis of shown below, this is the consequence of marked
this 'rough' calibration, and considering its differences in the pigment content of marine and
relative retention time in a C,8-ODS column brackish waters.
under our chromatographic conditions, we have Assuming a carbon/monosaccharide weight
estimated that this peak involved small poly- ratio of 0.4, the percentage of glucidic carbon in
saccharides, which were not yet hydrolysed. Its POC appeared to be slightly lower in the
trend during the mild hydrolysis is presented in microlayers (9.8% +__ 7.2; n = 21) than in the
Table 1, with concentrations expressed in 'arbi- related bulk waters (12.7% ___ 9.1; n = 21);
trary fluorescent units' (afu); it appears to be however, this difference is not significant at the
markedly different from that of the other P0.05 level.
fractions. Its relative concentration remains The distribution of the total monosaccharide
242 A.-M. C O M P I A N O ET A L

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c'q "~

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P A R T I C U L A T E H Y D R O L Y S A B L E S U G A R F R A C T I O N IN S U R F A C E M I C R O L A Y E R S 243





.o -~

value, which may be considered as the threshold

~i l -- ii1~ &3I i illlllJl between brackish and marine waters in Mediter-

Particulate organic matter and total sugar

~4"~ 0.5 t,O/ fraction in brackish and marine samples
~72t- o //
"~ ! ~ Imi~,-otoye~s:,I After grouping of the samples, the dispersion
'-" V - - ~
-, °
i ............
o I
f of salinity data is weak for the marine samples
0i ~ - ," , ~ L
0 5 10 15 P.O,O.(mg/I) set, but remains high for the brackish water set.
This is the consequence of the varying distance of
Fig. 2. Relationship between POC and the weight of mono- the sampling locations into the dilution plume of
saccharide in surface microlayer and bulk water samples.
The relationship is linear, and is highly significant at the
continental waters.
P0.00~ level. - - - - - , MS --- f ( P O C ) ; - - - , POC = f ( M S ) . In microlayers collected in brackish water
areas (salinity less than 36%0o), particulate
weight fraction is well correlated with POC organic matter accumulation is less than in the
values, with the exception of two samples col- marine samples group (salinity greater than
lected in the brackish waters of a pond. These 36%o). This is shown by the respective EF values
exhibit parallel increases of all per-liter mono- (Table 3): 3.1 and 10.2 for POC values in the
saccharide concentrations (as compared with brackish water and marine samples, respectively,
other samples) in the two sampling layers; and 0.96 (no enrichment) and 11.1 for the mono-
however, this increase was coupled with a saccharide sum.
depletion in the microlayer as compared with the On the other hand, the brackish waters (both
bulk waters (EF < 1) and the presence of a surface microlayers and bulk waters) are richer
phytoplanktonic bloom, as attested by the high in POC than the marine waters. The percentage
chlorophyll a concentrations recorded. The best of the monosaccharide fraction (Table 3) in POC
fit of the relationship is a power form, and is has its highest value (33%) in brackish bulk
significant at the P0.00~ level (monosaccharide waters and its lowest value (18.6%) in marine
sum (MS) --- 0.85 × POC°82; r = 0.818; bulk waters. If surface microlayers are con-
n = 42) when all the samples are considered. sidered alone, this difference remains between
However, power and linear forms are equivalent brackish and marine samples: the monosacch-
and significant at the P0.00~ levels when the two aride percentages were 25.8 % for the former and
above-mentioned samples are discarded (Fig. 2): 20.9% for the latter. If all the brackish water
MS = (0.26 × POC) - 3359; r = 0.818; n = samples are considered, the percentage of mono-
36. From this relationship, the sugar weight in saccharide in POC is well correlated in a linear
POC may vary from 20 to 30% of the POC. fashion with the chlorophyll a concentrations
The recorded range of salinity variations is (r = 0.832; n = 41; P < 0.001). Conversely, in
wide (Table 2). Standard deviation values are marine waters (S > 36%o), this relationship was
12.3 and 12.2, respectively, for all surface not significant at the Po.o5 level.
microlayer and bulk water samples. This is the When microlayer samples alone are compared
consequence of the various environmental situa- with regard to their salinity classification (Table
tions examined here. Half the samples were col- 3), no differences were recorded, in terms of the
lected in coastal areas under the influence of general characterization of their particulate
continental water inflows. Consequently, we organic matter content. Differences in con-
have studied the samples after collecting them centrations appear not to be significant, at the
into two groups, above and below a 36%o salinity P0.05 level, in microlayers collected in brackish

C o m p a r i s o n s o f brackish (S < 369/00) a n d m a r i n e water (S > 36960) samples f r o m surface m i c r o l a y e r ( M I C ) a n d bulk water (BW)

Monosaccharide Chl.a Bacterial S(%o) POC PON C/N MS/POC

s u m (#g1-1) (#gl - I ) count (pgl - I ) (pgl i)
(logl0cell I l)

S < 369/00
MIC Mean 1709 8.5 9.68 20.65 9903 866 10.3 25.8
SD 2519 15.0 0.35 11.25 11700 835 5.4 18.5
n 19 13 9 19 19 18 18 19
BW Mean 1772 11.7 9.54 19.19 3162 315 12.2 33.4
SD 3524 17.0 0.32 10.32 3802 304 16.5 25.7
n 16 10 7 16 16 16 16 16
EF Mean 0.96 0.73 1.01 3.1 2.7
P(Ho) ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns

S > 36%o
MIC Mean 1225 1.8 9.85 37.78 5100 439 9.8 20.9
SD 1186 2.1 0.40 0.28 3635 176 0.3 7.8
n 9 6 6 9 9 3 3 9
BW Mean 110 1.0 9.01 37.88 502 131 5.7 18.6
SD 105 1.5 0.21 0.19 287 37 1.4 7.7
n 12 10 8 12 12 5 5 12
EF 11.1 1.9 1.I 10.2 3.4
P(Ho) 0.001 ns 0.001 ns 0.01 ns ns ns

C o m p a r i s o n s o f s a m e s a m p l i n g levels b e t w e e n salinity g r o u p s
MIC 'U' 85 16 19 0 81 21 17 77
P(Ho) ns ns ns 0.001 ns ns ns ns
BW 'U' 29 8 6 0 22 35 15 17
P(Ho) < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 <0.01 ns ns ns

ns, no significant difference.

water as compared with those from marine areas. recommended by Cowie and Hedges (1984b), the
On the other hand, bulk water samples differ relative concentrations of glucose are referred to
greatly (Table 3) in the two types of environ- the total monosaccharide sum, and those of the
ment. The brackish bulk waters are richer than other forms are referred to the total sum minus
the corresponding marine waters in sugars, the glucose concentration. In samples with
chlorophyll a arid bacteria, but not in POC and salinity values below 36%0, the composition of
PON, perhaps as a consequence of the wide the monosaccharide fraction shows no signifi-
dispersion recorded for these parameters in the cant difference between the two sampling layers.
brackish bulk water group. However, in marine waters, half the monosacch-
aride percentages are significantly different when
Monosaccharide composition surface microlayers and underlying waters are
compared: glucose and rhamnose are higher in
Within the two salinity groups, glucose is bulk waters, and mannose and arabinose are
always the main monosaccharide form in micro- lower, as compared with their percentages in the
layers and bulk waters. However, its percentage corresponding microlayers.
(Table 4) is generally higher in bulk waters than For samples with salinity value below 36%0,
in the microlayer samples. The high glucose the order of relative concentrations of the
levels mask the evolution of minor forms. As measured monosaccharides, is Glu > Gal >


Comparisons of brackish (S < 36%0) and marine (S > 36%0) water samples

Glc Gal Man Ara Xyl Rib Fuc Rhm

S < 36%0
MIC Mean 46.6 27.9 18.0 5.9 14.3 8.0 11.8 16.5
SD 12.0 5.9 4.9 4.4 3.7 4.9 5.5 4.9
n 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19
BW Mean 51.9 28.1 15.5 4.6 15.9 6.6 14.4 17.8
SD 17.1 7.2 3.9 3.6 3.8 2.7 3.9 6.2
n 16 16 16 16 16 16 15 16
EF Mean 0.7 1.5 2.2 1.7 2.0 1.8 1.5 2.0
P(Ho) as ns ns as ns ns ns ns

S > 36%o
MIC Mean 48.0 22.2 25.3 10.2 14.8 6.7 5.7 15.7
SD 7.0 5.2 3.3 3.4 5.7 3.4 2.8 4.0
n 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 9
BW Mean 55.3 18.2 21.5 6.6 14.3 7.5 4.8 31.0
SD 10.3 9.4 4.6 2.3 6.7 6.7 4.4 18.5
n 12 12 12 12 12 12 9 11
EF Mean 8.5 25.8 18.4 19.5 16.0 16.0 41.4 5.2
P(Ho) 0.05 ns 0.05 0.01 ns ns ns 0.05

Comparisons of same sampling levels between salinity groups

MIC ~U' 66 42 20 43 82 76 17.5 73
P(Ho) ns < 0.05 < 0.001 ns ns ns < 0.05 ns
BW 'U' 71 42 26 68 95 88 4 53
P(Ho) ns < 0.05 < 0.01 ns ns ns < 0.001 ns

Percentages of monosaccharides are related to the total monosaccharide sum for glucose or to the total minus glucose for the other
P(Ho), probability of risk of rejection of null hypothesis (identity of the medians), given by the 'U'-test; the difference is significant for
P(Ho) < 0.05.

Man > Rhm > Xyl > Fuc > Rib > Ara for binose, galactose becomes less abundant, in
the surface microlayer and Glu > Gal > Rhm > favour of mannose and rhamnose, in marine
Man > Xyl > Fuc > Rib > Ara for the bulk bulk waters.
waters, and for the two marine samples the order To test the influence of bulk water particulate
is Glu > Man > Gal > Rhm > Xyl > Ara > matter composition upon the dynamics of
Rib > Fuc for the microlayers and Glu > accumulation processes, we have compared
Rhm > Man > Gal > Xyl > Rib > Ara > (Table 4) the compositions of sugar fractions,
Fuc for the underlying waters. sampling layer by sampling layer, between
For the brackish water sample group, the brackish and marine waters. The mean percen-
order of mean relative concentrations does not tage values of galactose, mannose and fucose
exhibit great changes between microlayer and are found to be significantly different, by
bulk water samples: the best represented mono- the Mann-Whitney U-test, both in microlayers
saccharides are glucose and galactose and the and in bulk water samples (at the 0.05, 0.001 and
least represented are ribose and arabinose. Some 0.001 P levels in microlayer samples and at
permutations (at the 2-3 % level) are at the limit the 0.01, 0.001 and 0.001 P levels in bulk
of significance. Changes in order are more water samples, respectively), when values on
marked for the marine sample set; although the both sides of the 36%0 salinity threshold are
least represented are still ribose, fucose and ara- compared.

DISCUSSION Hedges, 1984b). Cellulosic compounds from

terrestrial higher plants (support tissues) have
The surface microlayers sampled differ from been proposed as a possible source of relative
their underlying bulk waters, not only as a site of glucose enrichment (the main monomeric form)
organic matter accumulation, but also in the in marine sediments (Degens and Mopper, 1975;
changes that occur in the composition of organic Delmas, 1983; Cowie and Hedges, 1984a). For
fraction. This is demonstrated here for the sugar this reason, glucose concentrations have been
fraction of particulate matter. compared with concentrations of other minor
In brackish waters (S < 36%o), surface films forms (Ittekkot et al., 1982), or, more particu-
exist, as shown by the EF values. However, larly, those of galactose (Cowie and Hedges,
accumulation of organic compounds in micro- 1984a,b), ribose (Degens and Mopper, 1975) or
layers is lower than in marine environments, and fucose (Delmas, 1983). In our water samples, the
changes in the composition of particulate percentages of glucose in the monosaccharide
organic matter of the microlayer as compared content of particulate matter are slightly lower in
with that of bulk waters are low or even statistic- continentally influenced samples than in marine
ally insignificant. More significant changes were samples. We note only a trend of decreasing
recorded in surface microlayers collected in relative glucose concentration between the
marine waters (S > 36%0). The fact that surface surface microlayer and the bulk water in the two
films are, partly, formed by accumulation of types of environment. However, if data disper-
organic matter from bulk waters (Dietz and sion is taken into account, there appears to be no
Lafond, 1950; Sieburth, 1983) provides a significant statistical difference, although we
possible explanation for this difference between must consider that changes in composition may
marine and brackish microlayer water samples. also result from exchange processes between the
The higher particulate matter loading previously particulate and the dissolved pools of organic
prevailing in brackish bulk waters could mask material; the latter is an important fraction
the relative enrichment of organic matter in the which was not examined here.
corresponding surface films. This result was Nevertheless, other differences appear in mon-
previously reported (Williams et al., 1986); the osaccharide composition of the particulate hyd-
higher the initial concentration in bulk waters, rolysable sugar fraction when brackish and
the lower the recorded EF in surface microlayers. marine samples are compared. Enhancement of
The high EF values for organic compounds galactose and fucose percentages relative to total
recorded in marine waters could be also the monosaccharides, and a decrease in relative
consequence of an enhancement, in marine mannose concentrations, are recorded in
areas of the intensity of hydrodynamic processes brackish water samples as compared with marine
(convection cells or Langmuir circulation), samples, in both microlayer and bulk water
which are considered to be of primary impor- samples. The occurrence of surface film forma-
tance in surface film formation (Langmuir, tion by accumulation processes does not signifi-
1938; Dietz and Lafond, 1950; Sutcliffe et al., cantly modify the differences previously
1963). recorded in monosaccharide composition
Our bulk water samples collected in areas between brackish and marine bulk waters.
under the influence of continental water inflows Changes in the composition of the particulate
have higher organic matter contents than our sugar fraction related to the (continental or
marine samples. They are also enriched in marine) origin of the organic matter appear to be
chlorophyll a and particulate carbohydrates. predominant compared with the modifications in
Continental water inflows into the sea contain monosaccharide composition that result from a
terrestrial detrital organic matter (Cowie and possible chemical selection in the accumulation
248 A.-M. C O M P I A N O ET AL.

processes of the organic matter in sea surface to microlayer samples, does not significantly
microlayers. change the contribution of phytoplanktonic
The relative galactose and fucose enhance- carbon to POC. Thus we may suppose that, in
ments recorded in low-salinity samples may microlayers, a large part of the measured par-
perhaps be explained by the origin of the sus- ticulate sugars is not associated with phyto-
pended particulate matter. Galactose is present planktonic biomass.
in terrestrial higher-plant pectins (Aspinall, On the other hand, in marine samples (either
1970). Fucose is reported to be present at higher in microlayers or bulk waters), where
concentrations in freshwater diatoms than in chlorophyll a contents are lower than in low-
brackish water species (Hecky et al., 1973), but it salinity samples, no significant relationship exists
is generally found in sediments at lower levels between chlorophyll a and the sum of mon-
(less than 2%) (Cowie and Hedges, 1984b) than osaccharide concentrations.
occurred in our samples. In marine samples, high EF values for organic
On the other hand, galactose is also one of the matter in microlayers as compared with bulk
major components of diatom cell walls (Percival, waters are associated with significant changes in
1968; Hecky et al. 1973; Haug and Myklestad, monosaccharide composition. Decrease of the
1976), which are abundant in all types of water mean glucose relative concentrations in micro-
samples. layers, in relation to a greater speed of hydro-
As shown by chlorophyll a concentrations, lysis, could be evidence for the occurrence of
and some phytoplankton cell counts (de la degradation and consumption of organic matter
Giraudi6re et al., 1989), fresh water and brackish by bacteria. Bacterial populations are currently
water samples contain not only higher-plant reported to be enhanced in surface films
detritus but also phytoplankton cells. In these compared with levels in bulk waters (for reviews,
waters, monosaccharide concentrations in POC see Sieburth (1983) and Romano (1989)). In
seem to be the direct consequence of the high marine microlayers, bacterial activity is also gen-
phytoplankton biomass, as indicated by the close erally enhanced (Williams et al., 1986), with high
relationship between MS/POC ratios and oxygen consumption (Mimura et al., 1988) and
chlorophyll a values. The weight of carbohy- CO2 production (Garabetian, 1991). Moreover,
drates to phytoplanktonic carbon may vary, de- after breakage of polymers, glucose should be
pending on species and environmental con- preferentially consumed as a substrate, with a
ditions, from 10 to 30% (Percival, 1968). This higher assimilation rate than xylose or arabinose
range of MS/POC ratio was confirmed by sugar (Garabetian et al., 1993), and/or bound, as a
HPLC analysis of 22 phytoplankton cultures monomer, to humic matter, for instance.
(Compiano, 1990). An estimation of the phyto- As mannose plays a role either as a reserve or
planktonic carbon from concentration of as a component of cellular walls of various
chlorophyll a is rather difficult if the ecological species of bacteria, the mannose enrichment in
conditions prevailing in microlayers are con- microlayers could be related to the recorded cor-
sidered (de Souza-Lima and Romano, 1983). responding enhancement in bacterial numbers.
However, assuming an average phytoplankton However, mannose is also a constituent of gym-
carbon equivalent (Cp = [Chl.a] x 60), the nosperm hemicellulose (Cowie and Hedges,
phytoplankton carbon contribution to POC 1984a), and the levels of bacterial carbon, based
could represent only a few per cent in microlayer on counts, cannot alone explain mannose enrich-
samples (5% and 2% in brackish and marine ment between bulk water (ll/~g1-1) and
waters, respectively) and 22% and 11% for the microlayer samples (161/~g l- ~). Mannose
two groups o f bulk water samples, respectively. microlayer enrichment may also be the con-
A different choice of equivalence value, applied sequence of phytoplankton cell degradation.

Handa and Yanagi (1969) have reported that in biological origin. The presence of this 'complex'
three diatom species, mannose is the main con- organic fraction, and the difficulty, at present, of
stituent of the residual sugar fraction remaining accurately measuring the monosaccharide com-
after water extraction. The presence of dead position of the dissolved sugar fraction, may
phytoplankton cells in surface microlayers is have a substantial influence upon the car-
shown by microscopy observations (de Souza- bohydrate budget of sea surface microlayers.
Lima, 1985) or enrichment in chlorophyll
degradation products (de la Giraudi6re et al., CONCLUSION
One of the most interesting points is the Carbohydrates are currently reported as one
recorded enrichment of arabinose in marine of the types of organic compounds that accu-
surface microlayers. Arabinose was considered mulate in surface microlayers. They can play a
by Handa and Yanagi (1969) to be a constituent role in some physical properties of surface films
of the marine residual sugar fraction, and its (Garrett, 1972; Baier et al., 1974; Wangersky,
concentrations have been reported to increase in 1976), and also as a trophic resource for bacterial
waters after a phytoplankton bloom (Ittekkot et growth (Sieburth, 1983). However, at present
al., 1982). Moreover, arabinose is considered in determinations of the sugar fraction composition
its monomeric form as a complexing reagent for of particulate matter of the sea surface micro-
metals (Cowie and Hedges, 1984a), which are layer are rare in the literature. Recent improve-
well known to accumulate in surface microlayers ments in HPLC determination of monosacch-
(Hoffman et al., 1974). We may consider that arides by fluorochrom derivatization will help in
arabinose enrichment may result from phyto- a more extensive screening of surface microlayer
plankton cell degradation, as shown by the composition. Surface microlayers are usually
reported increase of degrading pigments in considered as a whole. The results presented here
microlayers (de la Giraudi6re et al., 1989). For a provide evidence for differences in sugar enrich-
batch of 20 samples, the percentages of arabi- ment of surface films between brackish and
nose are directly linked to the pheophorbid/ marine waters. However, we cannot determine
chlorophyll a ratios at the P0.05level (Spearman's whether these differences result from the com-
test, r5 = 0.408). Arabinose could then be chem- position of the initial bulk waters or from dif-
ically stabilized in particles by metal complexa- ferences in accumulation processes for the two
tion processes. Moreover, during a hydrolysis environments considered. As was previously
kinetic experiment carried out on one marine reported for the water column (Handa and
microlayer sample, more than 75% of the arabi- Yanagi, 1969; Delmas, 1983; Sakugawa and
nose content of the sugar fraction was released Handa, 1983), carbohydrates may provide geo-
during the first 20min; arabinose would thus chemical information on microlayer properties,
appear to be engaged in more labile molecular not only from the study of monosaccharide com-
structures than most of the other monosacch- position but also from the knowledge of their
arides. polymerization state. Unfortunately for their
In this study, it must be borne in mind that the examination, sugars are highly reactive
assayed particulate hydrolysable carbohydrate compounds and microlayer samples exhibit
fraction represents only a part of the whole rapid changes after collection (Laborde et al.,
microlayer sugar fraction. As was previously 1986). The coupling of HPLC analytical pro-
reported (Jullien et al., 1982; Williams et al., cedures with kinetics of hydrolysis may reduce
1986; Garabetian et al., 1993), in surface the number of steps and the time between sample
microlayers, POC values are much higher than collection and treatment, and help to minimize
the sum of lipid, protein and sugar carbon of the risk of possible modifications. At present,
250 A.-M. C O M P I A N O ET AL.

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