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Choose the

correct answer

1\ Six dolphins…………..

a\ Made a lot of noise b\ a bit shark c\ protected tariq

2\ Tariq was ……….

a\ on holiday b\ working in Egypt c\ bad swimmer

3\ Tariq was rescued by………

a\ two children b\ sea c\ boat

4\What did the shark to the tariq?

a\ Play with him b\ kill him c\ bit his arm

5\Tariq zaid thought perhaps his airbed……… had bit

a\ A piece of steel b\ a piece of plastic c] a piece of wood

6\ Who herd tariq zaid screams?

a\ The man of the an ambulanc b\ hismother c\ jamal el alawi

7\Tariq zaid a tourist from……..

a\ Libya b\ American c\ Egypt

8\Every year, around …….. smokers in the united kingdom die from their habit.

a\ 120.000 b\ 141.000 c\ 114.000

9\ In the united kingdom, about…….. people die everyday from smoking

a\ 30000 b\ 3000 c\ 300

10\20% of Britain s ……… year old are regular smokers

a\ 15 b\ 20 \ 10

11\The britsh government spends around …….. $million a year on anti smoking education

a\ 3 million b\ 30 million c\ 33 million

12\When do most people start smoking?

a\ when they are teenagers b\ when they are old c\ when they are adults

13\ what does Latifa , Mustafa s mother suffer from?......

a\ cancer b\ diabetes c\ fat

14\ Why was the Mustafa s mother priud of him?.......

a\ nice and handsome b\ calm and intelligent c\ killer

15\ We use…….. to say its important not to do something

a\ mustn’t b\ must c\ have to

16\ We use ……….and……. to say its necessary to do something

a\ mustn’t , should,might b\ don’t have to, needn’t c\ must , have to , need to

17\ When you get in the car you ……… put on your seat belt

a\ must , have to , need to b\ mustn’t c\ don’t have to

18\ There is a petrol in the car so you …….. go petrol station

a\have to b\ must c\ don’t have to , needn’t

19\Branches ………

a\ join b\ install c\ parts

20\ Become a member of …….

a\ join b\ supervise c\ civilian

21\ Install means…….

a\ delete b\ throw away c\ put in

22\ Make sure it keeps working…...

a\officer b\ maintain c\ revise

23\ Some in a higher position…….

a\worker b\ officer c\ employee

24\ Be in a charge of……….

a\ supervise b\ install c\ join

25\ When you leave the military, your training can help you to find a………. job

a\ criminal b\ uselees c\ civilian

26\ The abriviation of frequentl is ………

a\ frequil b\ freq c\ freqt

27\ In the military ypu can take a test to become an…….

a\ office b\ officer c\official

28\ You must be 18 years old to…….military

a\ join b\ come c\ belong

29\ The abbreviation of appointment……

a\ appt b\ app c\ ap

30\ Can you give me an orange soda?......

a\ make an offer b\ give advice c\ a polite request

31\ Experience………. a\ ex b\ exp c\ exper

32\ Driving lic is the abbreviation of……….

a\ driving licence b\ driving iesson c\ driving lice

33\ The opposite of trust is………

a\ intrust b\ distrust c\ untrusrt

34\We make the opposite of obey by adding…… the front of it

a\ un b\ in c\ dis

35\We use …… to talk about some thong un real situation

a\ first b\ second c\ zero

36\ She would pass the exam if she,,,,,,,, harder

a\ study b\ studied c\ studies

37\ If I……. a lot of money, I would travel around the world

a\ have b\ had c\ has

38 I …… pass the exam if I study hard

a\ will b\ would c\ would have

39\ If you……. The window , it will be cold here

a\ opens b\ open c\ opened

40\ If he ……. Hard , he will pass the exam

a\ studies b\ study c\ studied

41\ The verb in the main clause is in the ………. Tense in zero conditional

a\ present b\ past c\ future

42\ The verb in the main clause is in the………. Tense in the second conditional

a\ past b\ present future

43\ The verb in the main clause is in the……… tense in the third conditional

a\ past b\ present c\ future

44\ If+ past simple , would + infinitive

a\ second conditional b\ first conditional c\ third conditional

45\ If + present simple , will + infinitive

a\ second conditional b\ first conditional c\ third conditional

46\ The opposite of like is ……………

a\ dislike b\ unlike c\inlike

47\ If + past perfect , would + have+ past participle .

a\ second conditional b\ third conditional c\ first conditional

48\ I wish I…….. more carefully. Then I wouldn’t have crashed the car

Tru or False ;

1\ Mustafa father s was suffering from diabetes.

True False

2\ Mustafa told the emergence operator that his mother sick and need a doctor.

True False

3\ Mustafa found his mother conscious in her room.

True False

4\ Police departments don’t use radar guns anymore.

True False

5\ Radar guns can only calculate the speed of the car moving towards them.

True False

6\ Some radar detector makes abeeping noise if it senses a radar being used in the area.

True False

7\Some people think radar guns don’t work well.

True False

8\ Police must be trained how to use radar guns correctly.

True False

9\ Radar detector are legal everywhere.

True False

10\ A person who steel money from your pocket is an inspector.

True False

11\ A person who saw or heard something at the time of a crime is a witness.

True False

12\Get information about crimes means investigate.

True False

13\ We used to for past habits which now finished.

True False

14\ I used to liked travelling, but I don’t like it any more.

True False

15\ The form of zero conditional is. If +present simple , past simple.

True False

16\ The if clause in second conditional must be in the past simple form.

True False

17\ A conditional sentences has three parts .

True False

18\ There are three main conditional structure in English.

True False

19\ A plumber s duty is to fix and install pipes for water.

True False

20\ A hotel manager is some one who responsible for running a mall.

True False

21\ A person who gives advice to people about law is a secretary.

True False

22\ Some one who flies a plane is a flight attendant .

True False

23\ We cant begin the conditional sentences with the main clause.

True False

24\ If we had known about the problem yesterday, we could have solved it last night.

True False

Date: 30-010-2023

Invoice NO: 0067/2023

‫فاتورة عرض‬
‫السادة فندق برنيتشي‪.‬‬
‫نظرا لما يمتاز به مبناكم من واجه زجاجية كبيرة ورائعة ‪ ،‬و اذ تمتاز غرف الفندق‬
‫بإطاللة بانورامية مميزة وموقع ممتاز وللحفاظ عليها يحتاج الى نظافة دورية لكي‬
‫يستمتع النزالء بها‪.‬‬
‫تستخدم جميع الشركات رافعات لنظافة واجهات المباني العالية ومن عيوبها تكلفة‬
‫مرتفعة وأيضا واالهم خصوصية النزالء‪.‬‬
‫عليه نتقدم لكم بفاتورة عرض سنوي لنظافة الواجهة بالكامل حيث تملك الشركة‬
‫أجهزة نظافة حديثة مصممة خصيصا لهذا الغرض بدون الحاجة الى رافعات وبتكلفة‬
‫ووقت اقل‪.‬‬
‫القيمة الشهرية‬ ‫الخدمات‬
‫‪1600.00‬د‪.‬ل‬ ‫نظافة الواجهة الزجاجية بالكامل كل‪ 30 - 40‬يوم‪.‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬

‫كما يوجد خدمات إضافية من تخطيط موقف السيارات ونظافته حيث نمتلك معدات‬
‫جلي ألزاله الزيوت واالتربة من االسفلت والخرسانات المطبوعة امام المباني ‪.‬‬


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