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Kapkas Univ. Ver. Fak, Derg 2002, 8(1): 91-97 OKSITOSIN VE FIZYOLOJiK ETKILERL Metehan UZUN* Nesrin SULU** Gelis Tarihi : 24.12.2001 Gret: Okstesin (OT), hipotalamusta supraoptik. ve paraventkuler gckdeklerde sentezlenen dokuz amino asitien kurulu peptit_yapit bir hormondur. Hormonun dogumda ve suton indirimesi olaylarinda roid gok iyi bilinrnektedir. Hipotalumusun disinda bie gok farkh merkezselsiirsistemi balgesinde ve omurilikte OT ve reseptrlerinin belrlenmesi, hhormoniun, zorlanim (stes), beslenme, cinsel ve annelik davranislan ile iligklendirilmesine neden olmustur. Son yilarda fayrica, OT in pankreas ve geker metabelizmasi, ureme fizyolojisi, dzelikie tims fizyoljisi olmak tzere hagisik {inmmtn) sistem ve kalp daar sistem izerine olan ctkileri de youn bir gekilde aragtirma konusw olmustut. Boylelikle hhormon gin yapilan klasik tanmlama deBigerek OT organizmada gok farklt amaclar dogroftusunda kullamlabiten bir molekil ve bir adrotransmiter olarak tanumlanmaya baslanmighr. ‘Anahtar sizeukler: Oksitosin, izyolojk eile, Oxytocin and Its Physiological Effects Summary: Oxytocin (OT) is a peptide hormone made up of nine amino acids and produced in supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei. RS role in parurtion and milk withdrawal is well known. Detection of OT and its receptor in Tfarious resions of the Central Nervous System and m, spnalis has led to find out its relationship sith stress, nutrition, Sexual and matemal behaviour, In recent years, its effect on immun system, reproductive physiolouy, eardivascular System, and_ particularly on pancreas and sugar metabolism and on physiology of thymvs have intensively been investigated. Thus the classical meaning ofthe hormone has changed and nowadays iti being defined as a molecule and ‘a neurotransmitter which has many function in the body. ‘Key words: Oxytocin, physiological effets iris Oksitosin (OT) organizmanin gok farkh amaglar dograltusunda kullanabildigi biyolojik molekillere iyi bir émektir. Klasik bir bilgi olarak OT, hipotalamusta supraoptik (SOP) ve paraventrikiller_ (PVN)

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