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Josia Valmond,

Hampton Roads Transit ,

Human Resources Manager,

3400 Victoria Blvd,

Hampton VA 23661.

April 26, 2022

Axis at PTC

Hampton VA,

Barbera Riley,
To whom it may concern,

I am writing this letter to confirm that Barbera Riley has been employed with Hampton Roads Transit
since April 10, 2021 and is a reliable and trustworthy employee for this company.

Currently, Barbera annual salary is $23,310.00 for the last six months.

The company expects her to continue making this amount in commissions over the next six months
and she is also working mandatory overtime the company expects her to make this much and more
over the next six months.

Please reach out to me with any further questions about Barbera employment at (352) 363-1818 or



Josia Valmond.
Human Resources Manager

Hampton Roads Transit

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