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阿卡索新经典综合英语3 (上)
Acadsoc New Classic English 3 (A)

U5L21 Daniel Mendoza

(1) Pre-reading
(2) During-reading

(3) Post-reading

Learning Content:
Answer some questions about the details of the passage.
Discuss three questions about the topic of the passage.

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A. Recall 2mins

In fact, Mendoza soon became so successful that Humphries turned against him. The
two men quarreled bitterly and it was clear that the argument could only be settled by a
fight. A match was held at Stilton where both men fought for an hour. The public bet a
great deal of money on Mendoza, but he was defeated. Mendoza met Humphries in the
ring on a later occasion and he lost for a second time. It was not until his third match in
1790 that he finally beat Humphries and became Champion of England. Meanwhile, he
founded a highly successful Academy and even Lord Byron became one of his pupils. He
earned enormous sums of money and was paid as much as 100 pounds for a single
appearance. Despite this, he was so extravagant that he was always in debt. After he
was defeated by a boxer called Gentleman Jackson, he was quickly forgotten. He was
sent to prison for failing to pay his debts and died in poverty in 1836.

Listen and read through the text again. No need for any explanations. 1
B. Retell 8mins Follow the questions below and write a brief account of
Mendoza’s career from the time he quarreled with Humphries.

1. What was the only way to settle their

1. ______________________________________
argument? 2. ______________________________________
3. ______________________________________
2. How long was their first fight?
4. ______________________________________
3. What was the result of the first fight? 5. ______________________________________
4. How many times did they fight altogether? ______________________________________
6. ______________________________________
5. What was the final result? 7. ______________________________________
6. What did he do after that? ______________________________________
8. ______________________________________
7. Did he become rich? Why? ______________________________________
8. Was he always the winner of boxing fights? ______________________________________

Let S answer the questions on the left. Click to check the suggested answers one by one. 2
B. Retell Key:

1. What was the only way to settle their

1. ______________________________________
The argument could only be settled by a fight.
argument? 2. ______________________________________
Their first fight lasted for an hour.
3. ______________________________________
Mendoza was defeated.
2. How long was their first fight?
4. They
had fought for three times.
3. What was the result of the first fight? 5. ______________________________________
Mendoza beat Humphries and became Champion
of England.
4. How many times did they fight altogether?
He founded an Academy and earned a lot.
6. ______________________________________
5. What was the final result? He didn’t. Because he was so extravagant that he
7. ______________________________________
6. What did he do after that? was always in debt.
8. ______________________________________
He wasn’t. After he was defeated by a boxer
7. Did he become rich? Why? ______________________________________
called Gentleman Jackson, he was quickly
8. Was he always the winner of boxing fights? ______________________________________

Let S answer the questions on the left. Click to check the suggested answers one by one. 3
C. Discussion 4mins
Read through the supporting ideas, and talk as much as possible.

What sports do you like to play or watch? Why?

• running
• badminton
• tennis
• skateboarding
• swimming
• skiing

C. Discussion 4mins
Read through the supporting materials, and talk as much as possible.

Talk about a national sport or game in your country.

Public Square Dance:

It's not hard to find a group of people, usually retired women, dancing
in unison in public areas. This happens mostly in city squares, parks
and neighborhood open places. Hence, the name: Square Dance
(Guang Chang Wu). This type of physical activity is enjoyed by millions
as there is very little skill required to get started. The simple and
natural movements make it a popular exercise that anyone can take
part in and enjoy.

C. Discussion 4mins
Read through the supporting ideas, and talk as much as possible.

What are the benefits of playing a sport?

• weight management
• improving blood circulation/immunity
• positive attitudes
• goal setting
• teamwork and discipline
• …

D. Review 3mins

Talk with your teacher:

✓ What do you remember about the three lessons?
✓ How do you like them?

Unit 5 Lesson 21 Daniel Mendoza

(1) Pre-reading (2) During-reading (3) Post-reading

9 words & 6 key notes A passage Retell & Discussion

• swiftly • some key sentences • recall and retell
• be in debt • passage details • express your own ideas
• … • … • …
• … • … • …

阿卡索新经典综合英语3 (上)
Acadsoc New Classic English 3 (A)

See you next time!


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