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1. When we meet somebody at 5 PM, we greet him ….

a. Good morning b. Good afternoon c. Good evening d. Good night
2. Sugeng : Tomorrow is Sunday. ….
Irfan : That’s a good idea.
a. What do you want to do? c. What are you going to do?
b. Where do you’d like to go? d. Why don’t we go to the museum?
3. Luna meets Hedrick in Mira’s birthday party. Luna is wearing a nice dress.
Hedrick : Luna, you look so beautiful. Your dress is very nice.
Luna : Thanks. My mother made it for me. I like it too.
What does the underlined statement express?
a. Complimenting b. Agreement c. Congratulation d. Disagreement
Read the following text to answer question 4 – 7.
I have a best friend. His name is Arkan. Arkan is my classmate. He is tall and a bit fat. He has curly hair. He is wearing a pair of
glasses. His hobby is reading and playing Play Station. When we have spare time, we always play PS together. We usually play it in
the afternoon from three to four. Arkan is the same age as I am. He is thirteen years old. Most of my friends like Arkan because he is a
nice boy. He is polite and helpful.
4. What does Arkan look like?
a. He is fat and wearing a pair of glasses. c. He is tall and thin.
b. He is short with curly hair. d. He is fat and short.
5. When does the writer usually play Play Station?
a. In the afternoon from 2 to 4. c. In his spare time.
b. After reading books. d. After studying.
6. How old is the writer?
a. 11 years old. b. 12 Years old. c. 13 years old. d. 14 years old.
7. Which statement is TRUE according to the text?
a. Arkan is a polite boy. c. The writer does not like playing Play Station.
b. The writer wears glasses. d. Arkan always play Play Station in the evening.
8. Nadia : Do you know the paper I put here? Nadia : Yes, it is very important for me. ….
Mona : No, do you need that? Mona : Ok, let’s find it.
a. May I help you to find it? c. May I find the paper?
b. Can you help me to find it? d. Can I find the paper?
9. ‘How often do you go to the movie a month?’ ‘....’
a. Rp 2.500,00 b. Only 3 kms c. Only once d. Always at night
10. X : Where is your father’s accupation, Anto? X : Where does he work?
Y : He is a …. Y : He works at the ship.
a. driver b. sailor c. dentist d. teacher
11. Someone can exercise regularly if he ….
a. is not well b. is not sick c. doesn’t like it d. doesn’t do it
12. Siti Nurbaya is the …. of the novel.
a. title b. book c. magazine d. newspaper
Read the following tet to answer question 13 – 16.
Carla : Do you know that Helen will continue her study Rico : Oh, how lucky she is.
to America? Carla : Yes, she is clever and lucky girl.
Rico : No, I haven’t heard that. Are you sure? Rico : I do want to study abroad.
Carla : She got the scholarship and she may be there Carla : So do I. Ok. Let’s live our dream.
for three years. Rico : Right. Keep our spirit to study.
13. Who will go to America?
a. Carla b. Rico c. Helen d. Carla and Rico
14. What does the underlined sentence indicate?
a. Sympathy b. Opinion c. Agreement d. Surprise
15. Which of the following statement that is not true?
a. Carla and Rico are talking about Helen. c. Helen is going abroad for working.
b. Carla and Rico have a dream to study abroad. d. Helen is a smart and a lucky student.
16. “Right. Keep our spirit to study.” (last sentence). The underline word is to express ….
a. Asking an opinion b. Offering help c. Agreeing something d. Giving permission
17. What language is usually used for playing scrabble?
a. English b. Arabic c. Spain d. French
18. Reading magazines, newspaper, and books can …. our experience.
a. wide b. large c. rich d. enrich
19. Rearrange the following word ! Look at – my teeth – the dentist – will – carefully.
a. The dentist look at my teeth will carefully. c. The dentist will look at my teeth carefully.
b. My teeth will look at carefully the dentist. d. Carefully the dentist look at will any teeth.
20. Mother is drinking her …. . It’s made of milk.
a. coffee b. tea c. yogurt d. lemonade
21. The child is …. the chickens.
a. feeding b. planting c. cleaning d. watering
22. “Mira was born on May 15th 1982.” How old is Mira now in 2014?
a. 31 years old b. 32 years old c. 33 years old d. 34 years old
23. ‘Do you have many friends here?’ ‘No, I have only ….’
a few b. a lot of c. a little d. many
24. ‘Can you speak English?’ ‘Yes, but ….’
a. many b. a lot of c. a little d. several
25. ‘What does you see over there?’ ‘I see …. sheep’
a. only a little b. a lot of c. much d. an amount
26. I didn’t drink a cup of coffee. I …. a cup of tea.
a. drink b. drank c. drunk d. drinking
27. They arrived here at four o’clock. The underlined word means ….
a. went b. started c. came d. took
28. John has ten pencils, Bob has fifteen pencils and Peter has thirteen pencils. Bob has …. pencils than Peter.
a. many b. much c. more d. less
29. I have stayed in Bandung for a week. The synonym of the underlined word is ….
a. lived b. accepted c. started d. arrived
30. Susi Susanti is the best badminton player in the world. As Indonesians, we should be …. of her.
a. proud b. honest c. like d. cheerful
For questions 31 to 33, choose the suitable word to complete the text below.
Rino has a parrot named Coly. It has .... (31) feathers. They are yellow, blue and red. Coly is very noisy ... (32) always
imitates the human voice. It has curved bill. It also has feet with to toes pointing forward and two backward. The feet help it to ....
(33) on the branche and hold food.
31. a. Ugly b. Nice c. Colourful d. Beautiful
32. a. It b. Its c. They d. Their
33. a. Fly b. Take c. Grip d. Bring
Read the text to answer questions 34 to 37.
Last week my parents, sister, brother and I went to the zoo. We went there for recreation. We left at 6.00 a.m. and arrived
there at 8.00 a.m. It is about a hundred kilometers to go to the zoo from my house.
There were a lot of people watching a giant snake. The snake was there for about a week. It was 9 meters long. I thought it
was the biggest snake I had ever seen. After going around and watching various animals, we went home. On the way home, we
stopped at the Borobudur temple for half an hour.
34. Which is the most suitable title for the text above?
a. Going to the Zoo b. Having Recreation c. Going to Borobudur d. Watching a Giant
35. How many people were looking at the giant snake?
a. Several b. Some c. A few d. Many
36. How many persons did the writer go to the zoo with?
a. Two b. Three c. Four d. Five
37. The underlined word in paragraph 2 has the same meaning as ....
a. different b. similar c. wild d. mean
For questions 38 to 40 choose the best words to complete the passage.
The coach of the Indonesia basketball team calls a time-out and instructs his players to change their strategy. He ... (38)
Jody to keep the ball as long as possible. Jody is good at dribbling the ball. His skill in controlling the ball is ... (39) but he is not
quite good shooting. Togar is beter at shooting and he is also the fastest player in the team. His only ... (40) is that he is very
thin and not very strong.
38. a. knows b. tells c. thinks d. leaves
39. a. prevenlive b. imperfect c. doubtfull d. excellent
40. a. appearance b. weakness c. strength d. ability

KELAS : VII, VIII, (pilih salah satu)
Nama dan Alamat Sekolah :
Beri tanda X pada jawaban yang paling benar.

No. No. No. No.

1. A B C D 11. A B C D 21. A B C D 31. A B C D
2. A B C D 12. A B C D 22. A B C D 32. A B C D
3. A B C D 13. A B C D 23. A B C D 33. A B C D
4. A B C D 14. A B C D 24. A B C D 34. A B C D
5. A B C D 15. A B C D 25. A B C D 35. A B C D
6. A B C D 16. A B C D 26. A B C D 36. A B C D
7. A B C D 17. A B C D 27. A B C D 37. A B C D
8. A B C D 18. A B C D 28. A B C D 38. A B C D
9. A B C D 19. A B C D 29. A B C D 39. A B C D
10. A B C D 20. A B C D 30. A B C D 40. A B C D

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