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Knacks de Força Épica second form this power takes is more

Knockback Attack selective and deliberate. As with the fi

The Scion is able to perform an attack rst form, the Scion strikes the ground
that infl icts no damage whatsoever but and sends a shock wave along the
sends his enemies fl ying back. On a surface out to a distance equal to his
successful attack, the Scion can choose Epic Strength in yards. This time,
for the attack to infl ict damage and though, his player makes a standard
knockback normally (see Scion: Hero, Dexterity based attack roll and targets a
p. 198), or he can choose for the attack single opponent. If that opponent’s
to infl ict no harm but to impose one Dodge DV isn’t high enough to get him
yard of knockback per threshold success out of the way of the attack, the Scion’s
above the defender’s DV instead. player then makes a Strength roll,
(Doing so costs one Willpower point.) modified by his Epic Strength but not
Hardness can still cancel out this effect modified by his extra successes on the
if it is greater than the attack’s raw attack roll. The damage this attack
damage. inflicts is bashing, but it has one other
effect that renders the victim almost
Shock Wave helpless for a moment afterward. Any
The Scion is so strong that he can direct successes on the Strength roll that
his incredible power through the ground exceed the victim’s soak not only inflict
or floor to affect enemies at range. damage but also hurl the victim straight
Doing so takes two separate forms. up in the air (one yard per unsoaked
First, the character can stomp or strike success). The victim’s rise and fall takes
the ground with his fists or a weapon, six ticks, during which his DVs are
which sends a shock wave outward considered to be halved. He can make
from him along the ground across an ranged attacks at a -5 penalty, but he
area with a radius equal to his Epic can’t move or jump or do much of
Strength in yards. Striking the ground anything until he lands again. In fact, if
thus to send out the shock wave requires the Scion’s attack sends him high
a Strength roll, which receives the enough in the air, the victim might take
benefit of his Epic Strength. Potential damage from crashing back down from
victims—friend and foe alike—compare so great a height. Using either form of
their Dodge DV to the results of this this Knack requires the expenditure of
roll. If their DV overcomes the Scion’s one Legend point.
successes, they manage to jump and let
the shock wave pass beneath them. If Making It Look Easy
their DV isn’t high enough, they When a character performs a feat of
immediately suffer knockdown as well strength, doing so takes every bit of
as an amount of bashing damage equal effort the character can muster. He
to however many of the Scion’s doesn’t just lift a blue whale by the tail
successes their DV couldn’t cancel out. and hammer throw it back into the
(If his allies know the Scion is about to ocean between bites of scone. He grunts
use this Knack—if his using it is part of and strains and struggles until he gets
a coordinated assault, for instance— enough momentum behind the whale
they can jump out of the way for it to leave the ground, and when he
preemptively without having to rely on lets it go, it’s with a resounding shout of
their DVs.) This attack inflicts no strain and a near collapse of relief as it
damage on the floor or the ground the sails out over the water. The name of
Scion strikes. All the energy is this Knack, however, speaks for itself.
expended into the shock wave. The Any action the character can perform as
a feat of strength, he can perform as if footage doesn’t reveal how the Scion
it’s no effort at all. He can lift the escaped her bonds. She just did.
heaviest weights with one hand while
using his other hand to cover a yawn. Ricochet Symphony
He can throw a spear into orbit with a If someone is trying to hit a target with
flick of his finger. He can scoop the a thrown object, the best thing for the
beached whale up in one hand and send target to do is get down behind cover or
it skipping like a stone out into the deep tuck in behind a shield. If the person
water where it can move freely (if trying to hit the target is a Scion with
dizzily) once again. Since such feats of this Knack, however, not even such
strength are so easy, the character can measures guarantee total safety. Before
execute multiple actions while he lets loose, the Scion refl exively
performing feats of strength. takes in the contours of the
surroundings (as the player spends a
Knacks de Destreza Épica point of Legend). He then throws his
Escape Artist item in a seemingly random direction
The Scion can somehow slip out of the that nonetheless sends it ringing and
tightest bonds, the most cunning snares bouncing off nearby surfaces to
and even her opponents’ very fi ngers. completely circumvent the target’s
Whether she’s tied up and left to stew in cover or shield, thus negating its DV
her own juices or she’s wrapped in a bonus. The Scion’s throw can
clinch with a snarling berserker, she incorporate a number of ricochets equal
rarely remains bound for long. When to his Epic Dexterity dots, and each
someone attacks her character with a ricochet negates a point of DV modifi er
successful clinch, the Scion’s player not that comes from cover or a shield. If the
only adds her Epic Dexterity automatic Scion is trying to not only hit the target
successes to her contested (Dexterity + but also disarm him or otherwise show
Brawl) to escape, but she also adds an off (more so), each ricochet can
additional automatic success for every mitigate the penalty for doing so as well
dot of Epic Dexterity her character has. if he has ricochets left over. The general
Should the Scion victim’s player rule here is that one ricochet takes away
succeed on this resistance roll, the Scion one point of penalty on the throw’s roll
slips free of her opponent’s grasping due to cover, a shield, showing off or
limbs and well out of his reach. Also, attempting to disarm the target. When
should a character be physically the thrown item fi nally hits the target, it
restrained—tied up, handcuffed, does so at its full force, regardless of
strapped down, whatever—she can slip how many times it bounced off walls, fl
her bonds with a divine grace that is oors, light fi xtures, other enemies’
nothing short of baffl ing. The player helmets or what have you. This Knack
need only spend a point of Legend, and works only with thrown objects, and it
her character’s handcuffs come undone, is not to be combined with the effects of
her straightjacket’s buckles come loose, Trick Shooter.
or her ropes slough off like a snake’s
dried-out skin. The Scion can’t escape And the Crowd Goes Wild
thus in view of witnesses, however, By the luck of the divine genetic draw,
unless said witnesses are members of the character is superbly suited to
her own heroic Band or are Fatebound athletic pursuits. She excels at any sport
to her. Remote witnesses watching via she plays, even if she’s never so much
camera transmission don’t hinder the as heard of it before. Running, jumping,
effect, but even close scrutiny of such climbing, swimming… any athletic
pursuit is second nature to her. As a Photographic Penmanship
result, any dice the character has in With the expenditure of a point of
Athletics are considered to be automatic Legend and a point of Willpower, the
successes when the player rolls a dice character can draw, paint or otherwise
pool that includes Athletics. Bonus dice create a two-dimensional image with
granted by an Arete (see Scion: Hero, the clarity of a high-end digital camera.
p. 149) are also counted as successes Anything he has seen and can remember
automatically if the player spends a clearly enough, he can reproduce on a
point of Legend when her character page exactly as it looks in his mind’s
performs the action. Values that derive eye. The base expenditure allows the
from a character’s Athletics rating (such character to create an image (or part of
as Dodge DV or the feats of strength one) that is one yard square. Expanding
total) are not affected by this Knack, nor the image beyond those dimensions
are any Boon activation rolls that might costs one additional Legend point per
call for Athletics. square yard. The character need not add
additional square yards to an image as
Perfect Partner consecutive actions if he runs low on
The character with this Knack is (or out of) Legend points. As long as he
extremely good at modifying her continues his work in an adjacent
movements—be they gross or subtle— square-yard space, he can pick up where
to coordinate perfectly with other he left off for only a single Legend
people. This Knack comes in handy in point. As a side effect of having this
the ballroom, the bedroom, even the Knack, the character becomes a master
thick of battle. The first two forger of signatures and works of art.
applications might not come up as often
in play, but they shouldn’t be Roll With It
discounted out of hand. The dance The character’s body is so lithe and
performance of two characters with this supple or so unnaturally malleable that
Knack would put the best work of Fred she can bend like the greenest reed and
Astair and Ginger Rogers to shame. The rarely ever break. In Step Six of attack
sexual prowess of a character with this resolution (see Scion: Hero, p. 194),
Knack would be legendary all on its the player can spend one point of
own. The third application of this Legend and add a value equal to her
Knack makes coordinating assaults (see dots in Epic Dexterity to any soak value
Scion: Hero, p. 190) that much easier. she has that is above zero. That way,
Using it, a character can attach herself even if she can’t get entirely out of the
to any coordinated assault she sees fit, way of an attack, she can dissipate some
without the player of the person of the force behind the blow and
coordinating the assault having to mitigate some of the damage.
include the character in the dice roll to
do so. If the character with this Knack
wants to coordinate her attack with only Knacks de Vigor Épico
one other person, neither of them even Body Armor
has to make a roll to do so. As long as The Scion’s body is so tough that, even
they act at the same time and attack the unarmed, he can parry close-combat
same target, they are coordinated by attacks that would inflict lethal damage.
default. If a berserker hopped up on Jotunblut or
a thrall full of eitr tries to split the
Scion’s skull with a fire axe, the Scion
can take the blow on his forearm and
knock it aside without serious injury. no longer physically or visibly ages.
(That assumes the character’s Parry DV Her hair doesn’t turn gray or thin out,
is sufficient to cancel out the attack her skin doesn’t wrinkle, she doesn’t get
roll’s successes, of course.) While that liver spots, nothing sags due to gravity.
benefit remains in effect all the time, the Until the character becomes a God, she
Scion can also engage a temporary one looks like she looked at that mortal age.
that offers even more protection. With (Taking this Knack after the character
the expenditure of a Legend point, a becomes a God would, admittedly, be a
measure of the Scion’s ichor wells up little silly.).
from within and coats the Scion’s body.
This coating hardens into a gleaming, Knacks de Carisma Épico
metallic armor that’s no thicker than a Pied Piper
hair’s breadth. This armor has a bashing The character exudes such charm and
and lethal soak equal to the character’s élan that people just want to be around
Legend, and it inflicts a mobility him. When the character engages this
penalty of only -1. The ichor coating is Knack, the player need only spend a
thin enough to fi t comfortably beneath point of Willpower and a point of
one’s clothing, so it adds its protective Legend. Thereafter, and until the next
value to that of any other armor the sunrise, any mortal who looks in the
character might already be wearing. character’s direction feels compelled to
Natural armor from this Knack lasts for be in his company. People fl ock around
only one scene and disintegrates at the him like the paparazzi on Oscar night,
scene’s end. desperate to be near him and get his
attention, and they’ll follow him from
Skin–Shedding locale to locale for as long as he keeps
Not only is this Knack a life-saving leading them. Mortals can resist this
power, but it can also be an effective (if compulsion, but doing so requires a
surreal) means of escape. If an enemy’s successful (Willpower + Integrity +
attack against the Scion inflicts enough Legend) roll with a diffi culty equal to
damage to cause knockback, the Scion the Scion’s Legend. Successful
may spend a point of Legend and a resistance breaks the spell for the rest of
point of Willpower to reflexively negate its duration; a failure means the
all damage from the attack. The attack character cannot try to break away again
still inflicts its knockback, though, for another hour. The demigod character
seemingly knocking the Scion can have as many lingering groupies
completely out of his skin. The empty and hangers on as his Epic Charisma
husk collapses at the attacker’s feet, dots normally grant him bonus
disintegrating over three ticks. The successes on Charisma rolls. Scions use
Scion who was apparently knocked out this Knack not only to gather up fellow
of his skin lands perfectly unharmed revelers for long, roving parties, but
however far away the knockback threw also to surround themselves with
him, retaining all of his clothing and unwitting human shields. For as long as
possessions and radiating a golden the Knack lasts, the compelled mortals
sheen until the shed skin disintegrates. will not abandon the Scion unless he
The Scion can use this Knack only once chooses to end the effect early.
per scene.
Boys Will Be Boys
Extended Youth This Knack, alternatively known as
At the physical age at which the Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, is a
character takes on this Knack, her body character’s trusty Get Out of Jail Free
card. When the character gets into and takes the fi rst small step toward
trouble with some angry witness or achieving that end. The effect can take
authority figure—be it the police, a no more than a scene to accomplish, and
mortal parent, one’s long-suffering it can be no more than a personal,
spouse, etc.—he need only shrug temporal gain for himself.
haplessly, grin foolishly or do likewise. For Example: A Scion of Ogoun is at a
(His player also spends a point of bar having a drink when up pulls the
Legend.) At that, the offended party motorcycle of the Scion of Sobek from
decides that whatever the character did whom he stole an expensive and
wasn’t really that bad. The character powerful Birthright. The Scion of
gets a slap on the wrist, a stern warning Ogoun needs a distraction so he can
or no punishment at all, depending on slip out the back before the Scion of
when he chooses to use it. This Knack Sobek notices him and turns him into
doesn’t work on anyone with a higher mincemeat. After a quick glance
Legend rating, though. Also, if the around, the Scion of Ogoun motions to
character wants to use it against the bartender and orders a drink for a
someone with an equal Legend rating, pretty girl across the room. He also
his player must roll (Charisma + pays off his tab. As the waitress takes
Presence + Legend) against a roll of the the drink over, a sour-faced middle-
potential victim’s (Willpower + aged man exits the restroom and walks
Integrity + Legend). back toward the table where his
shrewish wife is waiting. The waitress
Hapless Cool hands the drink to the pretty girl and
The character spends a Legend point, points back toward the Scion of Ogoun,
and for the rest of the scene, she’s just but the middle-aged man just happens
cool. Nobody can explain it; there’s just to be in the way. The pretty girl waves
something about either what she did or and smiles her thanks, and the middle-
the way she did it that made her look aged man smiles back in distracted
cool. Okay, sure, the salt she threw over confusion as the Scion of Ogoun tips the
her shoulder hit Papa Legba’s dog in the girl a wink. It’s at this point that the
eyes, but the comedic timing was just so Scion of Sobek enters and notices the
perfect. Yeah, granted, she laughed so Scion of Ogoun putting on his jacket. As
hard when Hel asked if she wanted any the Scion of Sobek comes toward the
half-and-half in her coffee that Scion of Ogoun’s seat, the middle-aged
scrambled eggs came out her nose, but man meets his shrewish wife heading
she owned it. No matter what a toward him. Having misinterpreted the
character with this Knack active does, pretty girl’s wave of thanks to the Scion
says or allows to happen that makes a of Ogoun, she demands to know why her
fool out of herself, anyone who sees her husband bought a strange girl a drink.
thinks she’s cool anyway. She throws her own drink in his face,
sending him tripping over his own feet
and stumbling backward toward the
Knacks de Manipulação Épica Scion of Sobek. That Scion stops and
Advantageous Circumstances catches the middle-aged guy before the
With this Knack, a Scion turns a group poor fellow can crack his head against
of people into his own Rube Goldberg the corner of a nearby table. Yet when
machine. Taking only a moment to the Scion looks back up to fi nd his prey
glance around the room at what the again, the Scion of Ogoun is nowhere to
people around him are doing, the Scion be seen.
decides what result he wants to achieve
Knowing Glance maintains its level of exposure for a
Knowing that someone is keeping a number of days equal to the Scion’s
damning secret can be quite an effective Legend before being proven false. A
tool in getting him to do what you want. true fact remains at that level of
With this Knack, however, that coverage for the same amount of time.
knowledge is not only a tool, but a Sucessos Efeito
powerful weapon. When the Scion is 1 Some nut-job’s blog
aware that another character is keeping 5 Local ’zine and newspaper
a dangerous secret—whether he has coverage
uncovered it through investigation or 15 Major metropolitan
has discovered its presence through the newspaper coverage
Stench of Guilt Knack (see Scion: 20 Local TV news coverage
Hero, p. 132)—he need only make eye 30 Several popular websites
contact with the guilty party. As the and blogs
Scion’s player spends a point of 35 National newspaper and
Legend, the character with the secret magazine coverage
suddenly realizes that someone else 45 National cable TV news
knows, and he loses all of his unspent coverage
Willpower points from his pool. The 50 Worldwide news media
Scion can affect the same character thus
only once per day, and the Knack has Secondhand Persuasion
no effect if the victim is not actually With this Knack, a character spends a
hiding the secret the Scion thinks he is. point of Legend and becomes able to
use her Epic Manipulation through the
Rumor Mill typed or written word. She must
The demigod Scion can play make a specifically address her attempted
lyre of the media, lending credence and persuasion through a Manipulation
giving unexpected life to the wildest of based roll to a single person—whether
rumors. He need only come up with a it’s in an e-mail, a registered letter or
seed rumor and cast it adrift in just a piece of graffiti with the victim’s
conversation with someone (even a name attached—and the person resists
stranger) and watch it bloom in the with the standard (Willpower +
fertile fi elds of the public imagination. Integrity + Legend) roll. The written
In order to make his rumor catch on, the communication gets only one chance to
Scion’s player need only spend a point supernaturally influence its victim, and
of Legend and make an instant the victim gets only one chance to
(Manipulation + Politics) roll. The resist, regardless of how many times the
number of successes this roll victim might read the missive thereafter.
accumulates determines the height of
public attention to which the rumor will Knacks de Aparência Épica
rise before it is either accepted as true Blinding Visage
(if it is true) or proven to be poppycock Mortal beauty or ugliness can take one’s
(if it’s something the Scion made up). breath away, but divine beauty or
For a rumor or a fact to make its way ugliness can do so much more. When a
from the Scion’s lips to its highest level Scion grows angry at a mortal—such as
of exposure takes one month minus a a tabloid photographer who just won’t
number of days equal to the Scion’s leave him alone—his player can spend
(Manipulation + Epic Manipulation + a point of Legend and sear his visage
Legend) total— with a minimum of one into the mortal’s retinas. Doing so
hour. Once it gets there, a false rumor blinds and disorients the mortal for the
remainder of the scene. If the Scion’s Perfect Actor
Epic Appearance represents beauty, the The Scion can put on an emotional
victim meanders aimlessly, dazzled by display so convincing that anyone who
the character’s divine radiance. If the can see him clearly enough, and in
Epic Appearance represents ugliness, person, to read his emotion feels that
the victim staggers around in a blind same emotion just as strongly as the
panic unable to get the awful visage out Scion seems to. That emotional state
of his head. Rules for dealing with lasts for the rest of the scene. When the
blindness appear on page 186 of Scion: effect wears off, the affected victims are
Hero. unable to explain what came over them,
and are likely embarrassed by letting
My Eyes Are Up Here their feelings run away with them like
As Scions build up ever more dots of that. Activating this Knack costs one
Epic Appearance, they grow ever more Willpower, and it works whether the
unearthly. As such, whether they’re Scion is beautiful or awful.
beautiful or quite the opposite, it
becomes increasingly diffi cult to deal Doin’ Fine
with mortal humans on their level. The No matter what happens to hurt a
Scion’s Epic Appearance can’t help but character with this Knack, he always
get in the way. This Knack, however, looks like he’s in the prime of health.
mitigates that factor. When the Scion’s Bullets disappear into his body;
player spends a point of Willpower to cleaving through his flesh with a blade
activate it for the scene, any mortals or claw has as much outward effect as
who see the character completely ignore attacking a pool of water. Even the
his Appearance score (both Epic and hardest blunt impacts clothing that
mundane). Witnesses might vaguely looks and feels like any sort of armor,
remember that a beautiful Scion was but armor created thus offers no soak
kind of pretty or that a disgustingly ugly benefits. No Mobility Penalty or Fatigue
Scion was dirty and a little scary, but value either, though, so that’s nice. A
that’s it. They won’t recognize the character can take off an article of
Scion again later unless the Scion uses clothing she has created with this
this Knack in their presence again, and Knack, and pieces can be torn in
they won’t be able to describe the Scion combat, but once a piece leaves contact
in great detail to anyone else. They with either the character’s body or the
might get height, hair color, skin tone, rest of the outfit, it disintegrates.
build and style of dress right, but details
beyond those generalities prove elusive. Knacks de Percepção Épica
Scions themselves are immune to this Broad–Spectrum Reception
effect, as they are more than capable of This Knack not only magnifies a
dealing with the extremes that Epic demigod’s mortal senses, but steps
Appearance represents. This Knack beyond them altogether. His eyes can
lasts for the scene, though the Scion can now perceive waves in the infrared and
choose to turn off the effect before then. ultraviolet ends of the electromagnetic
Also, while he’s using this Knack to spectrum. He can see magnetic fields,
deal with a mortal, he cannot use any hear electricity humming within
other Epic Appearance Knacks against insulated wires and detect ultrasonic
him. Nor can he apply his Epic vibrations. He can smell the free
Appearance to rolls pertaining to electrons of a radioactive substance. He
dealing with that mortal at all until he can even feel television and radio
lifts the effect. waves, though he can’t quite translate
them into discrete pictures or sounds. his line of sight, the Scion can not only
The only catch is that the Scion must be see him but also recognize him and
actively searching for each sensation— count the notches on his rifl e stock. If
the default assumption is that his senses he’s wandering in the woods and the
are those of a regular mortal. Attuning wind brings him the distant scent of
his brain for this higher awareness and someone’s camp fire, he can not only
overlaying it on his mortal smell it but tell what kind of wood
consciousness costs one point of they’re burning, what brand of
Legend for the scene, but he can switch marshmallows they’re roasting and how
between the various sensations freely long it’s been since they’ve had a good
during that time. bath.

Spatial Attunement Parallel Attention

The Scion is so aware of his The more sensations a character can
surroundings that his other senses experience, the easier it is to be
(primarily those of hearing and smell) overwhelmed by them. If he doesn’t
compensate for his eyes in identifying learn to focus his mind on one sound,
nearby objects outside his line of sight. one image, one sensation to the
The Scion could recognize the person exclusion of all others, he can all too
sneaking up on him by that person’s easily be carried away by the riot and
telltale scent and mark exactly how far cacophony all around him. With this
away that person is by the sound of his Knack, a character need never worry
passing. With one quick glance around about such a thing. He can divide his
the room, the Scion could mark in his attention equally between every source
mind exactly where every wall and of input to which he is exposed, to the
piece of furniture is within. Having detriment of none. He could absorb and
done so, he could then navigate the comprehend every conversation in a
room with his eyes closed, even room. He could watch and follow every
slipping through a milling crowd of television program on the bank of
people without bumping into anyone or monitors before him. By smell alone, he
anything. To a certain extent, the could point out every flower in a flower
character can perceive what’s going on shop with his eyes closed. With the
around him in a 360-degree arc. Also, preceding Knack, he could hear every
he suffers no penalties for fighting blind prayer addressed to him at the same
as long as he can hear or smell his time. With the second application of
opponents. Clairvoyance, he could instantly judge
the results of a chili cook-off from
Telescopic Senses across the room. Regardless of how
A Scion’s Epic Perception allows him many things he can sense
to hear, see and smell things from much simultaneously, however, he can still do
farther away than mortal senses do. only one thing at a time unless he has
With this Knack, the Scion can not only the Multitasking Knack (from Scion:
perceive these sensations, but perceive Demigod, p. 65). Also, using this
them as if they were happening right in Knack for a scene costs three Legend
front of him. If he’s within the range at points
which the sound of someone’s voice can
travel, he can not only hear that voice, Sense Fatebond
but follow its conversation as clearly as When people who are bound by Fate
if he were participating. If a sniper is move around, the threads that connect
crouched high up on a ridgeline within them vibrate. The closer they are to one
another, the higher the frequency of that new language. For instance, say a Scion
vibration grows and the more noticeable with this Knack whose native language
it is. Most people and Gods instinctively is English has picked up French at Orly
ignore this sensation, but a character Airport in Paris and would like to leave
with this Knack can choose not to tune a thank-you note for a bartender who
it out. When he’s in the presence of a gave him helpful information. That
Fated character whose role has been Scion might write, “Maresee Maresee du
activated by proximity to someone to mah-vay zayday,” to express his thanks,
whom that Fated person is bound, he when what he really means is, “Merci
gets a tingle up the base of his neck. If de m’avez aidé.” Likewise, reading the
he spends one Legend point, he tunes new language can be diffi cult if that
that sensation in, which reveals which language uses characters that don’t
character is the Fated one and to whom appear in an alphabet with which he is
she is bound, if the object of the bond is already familiar.
also nearby. This Knack doesn’t reveal
the nature of the bond—such as what
Fatebound Role a character might play Multitasking
—only its presence. The Scion can carry on as many
separate primarily mental activities as
Knacks de Inteligência Épica he has dots of Legend simultaneously
Cipher and with his full attention. A Scion with
The Scion’s brain is his own personal Legend 6 could play a game of chess
Enigma machine. He can break any against a recognized master while also
encryption and decode any message playing go against a ninth-dan
created by someone without Epic professional, translating a James Joyce
Intelligence, without the need for a roll. novel into a different language,
He can also design a onetime code for a reprogramming his computer, planning
specifi c recipient that cannot be broken a raid against the titanspawn entrenched
by anyone without Epic Intelligence in the historic ruins across town and
(regardless of how smart such a person itemizing his various businesses’ tax
is or what decryption equipment he deductions for the year. The character
might have on hand). Only a fellow never suffers distraction penalties for
Scion with Epic Intelligence can even mental actions, nor are his separate
attempt to break the code—calling for simultaneous mental actions penalized
opposed (Intelligence + Academics) as per the multiple action rules (see
rolls. The person for whom the coded Scion: Hero, p. 179).
message is intended can automatically
read the message as clearly as if it were Wireless Interface
written in his native language. If the Scion devotes his total attention to
doing so, he can mentally interface with
Language Mastery an active computer without so much as
The Scion can understand any language touching it. He need only be able to see
that is spoken to him. Once he’s heard a the computer, though not necessarily the
few sentences, he can then speak that monitor, in order to communicate with
language back as if he grew up among it. (Also, the computer must be turned
native speakers. Writing the language is on. Anybody can talk to a computer that
a bit trickier, as he can only transliterate isn’t on. Same thing happens too.) The
his written words in the alphabet of his degree to which the Scion can program
native language until someone teaches the computer or access its fi les is the
him the alphabet and punctuation of the same whether he’s sitting at a keyboard
in front of a monitor or just staring at its were also being caught by an
CPU, though, so it behooves him to at unexpected attack. The Scion himself
least know his way around an interface. might not realize he’s taken the attack
Mentally interfacing with a computer’s action until the ambusher’s attack has
programming absorbs the Scion’s already hurt him.
attention, imposing a -2 distraction
penalty on him unless he also has the Eternal Vigilance
Multitasking Knack. Similar to the Environmental
Awareness Knack (see p. 64), a Scion
Blockade of Reason with this Knack is never taken by
Charmers and hucksters and blowhards surprise by unexpected attacks. He joins
can get their way with even the Gods battle as soon as the attack occurs, and
themselves, as the Gods can be tricked he applies his full DV to his own
and led astray almost as easily as defense. It doesn’t matter whether the
mortals can. Characters with Epic attackers use supernatural means of
Intelligence and this Knack, however, concealment or not. They simply cannot
can block out even the most charming catch him off guard. Unfortunately, this
words with a simple application of Knack doesn’t help the Scion’s
reason. When some other character uses comrades. The Scion reacts as the
a supernatural persuasion effort— surprise occurs, but he does so
including the addition of bonus dice practically subconsciously and not in
from an Epic Attribute—that calls for a time to warn anyone else. What’s more,
mental resistance roll of (Willpower + this Knack works even if the Scion is
Integrity + Legend), the character with asleep, though to a lesser extent. If the
this Knack can apply her bonus Scion is sleeping and someone tries to
successes from her Epic Intelligence to spring an unexpected attack, the player
that roll. Doing so costs her one Legend rolls the Scion’s full dice pool to notice
point per resistance roll. the attack as he would if the character
were awake (awake and didn’t have this
Speed Reader Knack, that is). If the roll succeeds, the
The character can read and comprehend character wakes just in time to react to
with perfect clarity an entire block of the attack, though still not in time to
text—such as two facing pages of an warn anyone else.
open book—in the amount of time it
takes her to blink. She need only be able Instant Assessment
to see the entire block clearly enough to With a quick glance, and the
focus her eyes on any given word in it. expenditure of one Legend point, the
Scion can size up a foe with whom he
Knacks de Raciocínio Épico intends to join battle. This assessment
Cobra Reflexes comes across in terms of how the foe’s
The character is so quick on the draw combat abilities compare to the Scion’s
that even a surprise attacker is not safe own. He gets a sense of whether the foe
from him. If someone attacks him from has more or fewer dots of Physical
surprise but the character’s player fails Attributes (Epic and otherwise) than he
to get enough successes on the (Wits + does. The same goes for their relative
Awareness) roll to notice the attack number of dots in Brawl,
coming, the Scion may still attack his Marksmanship, Melee and Thrown, as
attacker back at the same time. This well as their relative Join Battle dice
counterattack is so lightning quick that pools and their soak totals. Also, if
it catches the attacker off guard as if he some power or special quality renders
the foe especially vulnerable or Opening Salvo
completely invulnerable to something to The character’s tongue is sharp; with it
which the Scion has ready access, the she can wound a foe to the quick. When
Scion gets a sense of that as well. What the character says something witty (or
the Scion decides to do with this just catty) to a person and that remark is
information is up to him. This designed to trip him up or humiliate
information occurs reflexively to the him, the victim loses one Willpower
Scion who uses the Knack, and he may point. Inflicting this sting with such a
assess as many foes automatically as he venomous put-down (even if it’s
spends points of Legend. actually just a tired Yo-Momma joke
the player came up with on the spur of
Monkey in the Middle the moment) costs the user one Legend
When multiple attackers gang up on a point. The only caveat to this Knack is
single opponent, their combined efforts that the player must actually come up
can disconcert and intimidate even the with the gibe in question. It doesn’t
best trained martial artist. A character have to be good; she just has to say
with this Knack, however, keeps his something.
cool despite how high the odds might be
stacked against him. As a result, he Psychic Profiler
suffers no coordinated attack penalty or Within seconds, the character with this
onslaught penalty in combat when Knack can size up a character with a
multiple attackers try to rush him all at lesser Legend rating than his own. Just
once. by looking at the person, he can tell her
weight, height, age, sex (if it’s unclear
Jack of All Trades to casual inspection) and whether she
If a character has no aptitude for a has a divine heritage or not. With just a
particular Ability (i.e., no dots in it), he few lines of conversation, he can also
cannot apply any bonus successes from tell the subject’s Nature, calling and
his Epic Attributes to rolls that use that primary Virtue (if any). Finally, if the
Ability. He simply doesn’t understand subject is Fatebound to someone and is
enough about what he’s doing to apply acting out a Fatebound Role, he can
his full talent. With this Knack, figure out what that role is. He might
however, the character gets a feel for not know to whom it applies, but he can
any activity remarkably quickly. As probably figure it out from context if he
such, he can apply some of his watches the person long enough.
appropriate Epic Attribute bonus to the
appropriate roll, despite the fact that he
has no dots in the relevant Ability. In
such a circumstance, a player can
enhance a roll with this Knack and add
a number of bonus successes from his
character’s Epic Attribute equal to the
number of dots he has in the Epic
Attribute. Enhancing a roll with this
Knack’s benefit costs two Legend

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