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Work in Progress Grab your favorite pdf reader and put the pdf in two page mode. Choose your own scaling tables for treasure and encounters, this little primer will just help with the exploration of a cavern. Goblins? This primer comes from a light TTRPG that I am in the process of making. It will contain all the tables needed for encounters, missions that lead you into the cavern, vices, stress, and things to do in the city. If you are using this to procedurally generate your own caverns in your own game at home, replace the goblins with “your party” when reading this. If you're interested in the full game give me a follow on instagram @DruidicHabit for updates. Take what you want! (Except the art) Everything here is modular, for example, my game is centered around a subterranean river, but yours doesnt have to be. just ignore that first part and enter the cavern. I use a danger clock because I think it adds tension, but you dont have to! Since | am exploring from a city I use HFaC (Hexes From a City), but you may use the amount of hexes from your entrance. Learning Through Play I learn best when I just jump in and try out a system and I suggest you do the same, even the explanation will be structured around a group of goblins entering the caverns. Hexploring @) ' In this system hexes are not measured in distance, LO, but rather they are measured in time. When traveling on the river towards the intended river hex, each hex represents 6 hours. When you reach the river hex that you intend to start your journey on you “zoom in” to that hex. Within the hex will be many subhexes (12 hexes across) each representing 30 minutes. Draw a line representing the river corresponding to how it looks on the main map. 3 The goblins have chosen to go to L6, though they could have gone a hex further, using the rivers bend 7 to give them a shorter overland () journey. Knowing that supplies are limited, they hope that the less y x time spent on river will be a safer |” WFQ ; bet. There are many tunnels along | \ ej OH... : : \, v the river so you can pick any hex zs f to start, these goblins have chosen to go 12 hexes up river and mark off 6 hours. yo Had they been smart enough to leave at 4 a.m. it would still be 10 a.m. however they slept in and it is now 4 p.m. The goblins begin to tie up their boat as the player(s) mark a segment of the danger clock. The Danger Clock apetinaai Mark one segment of the Danger Clock 5 3 i; for every 6 hours of the journey. The inside © 6h 0 clock is used to keep time until the next 6 26 | oo? hour mark. Independently every 6 hours | place a tally next to the time markers to Coren umes help remember the date and hour. When io ° the danger clock fills, choose something 2 ate ho dangerous to happen or roll an encounter! o ° ‘ Procedural Caverns The goblins tie up their boat behind the cover of a few well placed stalagmites. Nervously they pull out their small lantern, add oil, and light it using the tinderbox. They extinguish the large lamp tied to the boat and quietly crawl into the darkness. As the goblins leave the subterranean river and move into the caverns the stakes are raised, every corner turned could spell their demise. The first hex away from the river is always a straight hex, make sure to mark 30 minutes passing on the clock as you pass through. The rest of the cavern will be determined by rolling 2d6. The first d6 will determine if there is more than one passageway and the second will determine the direction of the passageway(s). It is important to note that whenever a tunnel doesn’t go straight it leads to a room and we roll on the Room Tables (next page). We still roll 2d6 for the exits. Eee ae 9) een) 1-3 | Split Left 1 | Split 1 | Turn Left 4-6 | Split Right 2-5 | One Passage 2-5 | Straight or k= 6 | Split 6 Turn Right 1's_| Y-split 6's_| 3-way split £xample of Cavern Generation For the next hex, they roll a 4 and 2 going straight ahead advancing the clock 30 mins. Then they roll a 3,4 (straight) and a 6,3 (split left). They choose to continue straight on the split. As luck would have it, they roll a 2,6 (one passage turning right). They roll a 1,2 here indicating the tunnel splits to the left. Since they took a turn in the last hex they roll on the room table. They roll a 4 and a 9 and add one to the rolls because they are 1 hex from a city (HFaC). This gives them the keywords Damp and Cavern totalling 30% encounter probability and 35% treasure probability. They roll a 77 for encounter, so they are safe there, and roll an 8 for treasure! Since this isn’t the hex with the rumor, it wont be the treasure we are looking for, but treasure is treasure! Using the Room Tables As stated before the room tables on the next page will have a couple things that you dont necessarily need, and I haven't yet created, such as the Flora table. The main point is to take the Room Modifier and add it to the Room Type, for flavor reasons, and to add up the Encounter and Treasure probability. Take those numbers and roll 1d100 for each, if you get the number or under you find an Encounter/Treasure. CUE iC ec aCe 1-3 Pristine | Encounter Probability: -100%, Treasure Probability: -100% 4 | Tranquil | Encounter Probability: -100%, Treasure Probability -20% 5 Damp Encounter Probability: +10%, Treasure Probability: +5% 6 Wet Encounter Probability: +15%, Treasure Probability: +15% Encounter Probability: +30%, Treasure Probability: +40% 7 | Glistening | If you hada light source when entering this room, -20% to Sneak +20% to Percieve 8 Dank Encounter Probability: +25%, Treasure Probability: +20% Roll on the Flora table. +5% to Sneak -10% to Percieve. Encounter Probability: -30%, Treasure Probability: -30% 9 Twisting It takes double the time to move through the area. You may re-roll for treasure everytime you pass through 10 | Mineral Rich | Ecounter Probability: +30%, Treasure Probability: -10% Roll on the Vein table 11 | shadowy | Encounter Probability: +50%, Treasure Probability: +20% If the creature you are sneaking past has eyes, +20% to Sneak 12 | Mysterious | Encounter Probability: +25%, Treasure Probability: +35% i Crystal | Encounter Probability: +20%, Treasure Probability: +20% . Lined Roll on the Vein table and add +1 to the result Encounter Probability: +35%, Treasure Probability: +15% 14 Lush Roll on the Flora table ane p - 480%, T Py 7 +409 15 | Perilous _ | Ecounter Probability: +80%, Treasure Probability: +40% ‘Add 1 to any encounter roll Encounter Probability: +90%, Treasure Probability: +90% 16+ | Uncharted | Roll on Flora table. Roll on Vein table. Add 2 to any encounter roll OUR eC ee acetic 1-3 | Sanctuary | Encounter Probability: -30%, Treasure Probability: -100% 4 Alcove Encounter Probability: +20%, Treasure Probability: +60% Encounter Probability: +30%, Treasure Probability: +50% Any encounter is ina 15 ft wide tunnel. Roll on the Vein table. 5 Mine Fungal _| Encounter Probability: +35%, Treasure Probability: +15% Grove Roll on the Flora table twice Encounter Probability: +15%, Treasure Probability: +0% Disregard any exits from this room besides the entrance 7 Cave-In. Encounter Probability: +15%, Treasure Probability: +40% 8 Pits There is a 1d6x10 foot wide bottomless pit mid hex, between you and the encounter/treasure/egress Encounter Probability: +10%, Treasure Probability: +25% 9 Out t “tPOSt | Roll on Sentient Beings table, adding +1, there are 2410 here 10 Cavern Encounter Probability: +20%, Treasure Probability: +30% Encounter Probability: +40%, Treasure Probability: +35% Any encounter will be on the Amphibian table. Go fishing! cr Lagoon 12 Tunnels Encounter Probability: -30%, Treasure Probability: -15% 13 Domain Encounter Probability: +60%, Treasure Probability: +30% Encounter: Roll on the Boss table. If you are in a rumor hex the 14 Hoard item is here, otherwise roll on the Treasure table twice Encounter Probability: +80%, Treasure Probability: +80% 15 Labyrinth | One successful Wisdom check at -20% needed to leave this hex, otherwise roll for an encounter again Encounter Probability: +100%, Treasure Probability: +80%. 16+ Lair On a encounter add two to your roll, and double the amount of creatures rolled Only 3 hours have passed so far so they decide to move towards the hex above. They roll 6,6 on the next sub hex so the path splits 3 ways, they choose to play it safe going straight forward into the destination hex, K6. The players print out another sub hex sheet and continue their journey to find the copper vein! Crawl Spaces While we were lucky with this small journey to K6, there will be times where these procedural caverns will not take you where you need to go, however do not fear. You can spend and hour in any sub hex to search for a crawl space going the direction you wish by rolling a wisdom check. These crawl spaces are drawn as single lines on the map and take double the amount of time to move through (1 hr per sub hex witha lantern or 2 hrs with no light). If your path hits a subhex that has already been drawn in, that last part of the path is a crawlspace that you missed! Crawl spaces are still rolled with 2d6 like the rest of the passageways, and they end when they take a turn and enter a room subhex. DANGER Oo oO Oo O° ° 6 hrs ° O° Oo O° O° O O 4.5 hrs 15hrs 0 O O° O° O° O 3 hrs O° O° oO ° ° Oo yam: 1oam: 4pm: opm: Days: Second 06 (Split) ET e le eee (a 1-3 | Split Left 1 Split 1 Turn Left 4-6 | Split Right 2-5 | One Passage 2-5 | Straight or 6 | Split 6 | Turn Right I's_| Y-split 6's_| 3-way split Record Your Stuff! An important part of journeying into the unknown is finding your way back. There is a separate page on that you can download, giving you a subhex to print out. Write down the encounters and rooms that you find on that page, so you know what you are dealing with on the way back. That's All Folks I appreciate you taking the time to read through this little primer, if you end up using it please let me know! Also if you have you have suggestions or feedback send me an email at or DM me on instagram @DruidicHabit. I just took a few hours to throw together what I had already written up so if it feels confusing or you find a typo, let me know and I will try and fix it for future users. Hungry Artist While I’m certainly not starving, I am hungry for oppurtunity, if you like my art style hit me up!

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