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[67] The Wanderings of Odis Or

Western Freedom Island. In one of the orc coastal villages, you met an
inconsolable orc named Pen Or. For ten years now, she has been waiting for
the return of her husband, an orc named Odis Or. The forlorn orc persuaded
you to search for her husband, or at least discover his fate.
- You will find Pen, the wife of Odis Or, in her house called Tent.
[67.1] Find Odis Or.
- You are to find the husband of Pen; he's in the cave called Manhole on
the adventure map and is called the Retreat of Odis Or on the overhead map.
[67.2] Tell Odis Or's wife what has befallen him.
- Apparently Odis doesn't want to go home; he asks you to tell his wife
that he is dead or something.
- When you return to Pen Or in the Tent, you have 2 choices; lie and say
he is dead; or tell the truth (bottom choice).
[67.3] Persuade Odis Or to return to his wife.
- You get this log entry if you tell the truth.
- Odis is flabbergasted that his wife is waiting for him and he scoots
right home.
[67.4] Return to Pen Or for your reward.
- If you lie to Pen Or instead of telling the truth, you get a second
chance at telling her Odis is still alive; if you decide to stick with the
lie that he is dead then you get the following...
[67.5] Tell Odis Or that he cannot return home.
- Odis is happy to not have to go home and he gives you a reward (I got
xp, runes and some boots).

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Merlassar. You have to meet with the King of the Elves to let him know about
the terrible things that have been perpetrated on the island. For a long
time now, the king has remained locked in his castle, but there is a custom
according to which he is obliged to receive anyone who has collected a
minimum of three Eltranvirs, thereby proving that they not only represent
their own interest but the interests of all the residents of the island.
Eltranvirs can be obtained from the inhabitants of the island, in return for
the fulfillment of their tasks. To collect them, you must first ask first
(sic - delete this first) the swordsman, Kael-Shot, to open the way to the
royal castle.
- This quest is started after you have done several things for Albertil
the Druid. When you finish his quest for the [56] Spirit of the Forest of
Merlassar, he will give you a medallion called an Eltranvir. You need to
find three of these to get an audience with the King.
[58.1] Get 3 Eltranvirs (1 of 3 obtained).
- You got one from Albertil so you need to get 2 more. (You may get your
first Eltranvir from a different quest).
- Edwin at the tavern has one; if you helped him with his lighthouse
quest, he will give it to you with no fuss.
- Checking with Kael-Shot in Castle Tiriit, he says his was lost (but you
were told they could not be lost). Something is afoot here.
- One medallion is in the possession of Drinren the pirate king; when you
complete his quest, he will give it to you.
[58.2] Ask Kael-Shot for a royal audience.
- When you complete the Brutus quest for Drinren, you don't get the
promised gold, but you do get the 3rd medallion you need.
- Once you have 3 medallions, go back to Kael-Shot at Castle Tiriit.
[58.3] Reach the king in his castle and obtain an audience.
- After getting permission from Kael-Shot, attempt to go see the king in
Castle Merlassar.
- You are prompted whether or not you really want to enter the castle;
once inside the doors will be locked.
[58.4] Find a way out of the castle.
- There isn't anything to find on the first level except some enemies to
fight on the balconies.
- At the far end of the 1st level, you will encounter King Rinolyar, who
is now a ghost; he says he died at the hands of his lover Gvenvinn of the
Mages Tower.
- He talks and talks and talks, but eventually, when you swear to avenge
him, he tells you of the secret passage on the 2nd level; this starts [59]
The King's Dying Words.

[59] The King's Dying Words

Merlassar. The King of the Elves has been killed, and his last wish was to
see his murderer punished. You must find and stop the Battle Mage Gvenvinn,
who is attempting to create a Book of Death on Merlassar. The book, and most
likely Gvenvinn as well, can be found in the caves beneath the castle.
- You get this quest after you gain access to the King of Merlassar and
agree to do his quest - to find and stop his ex-lover Gvenvinn. She is here
in the castle so go find her. And stop her.
[59.1] Find and stop Gvenvinn.
- Go back to the magic stairs on the first level and take the left hand
one (left side as you face where the King is sitting).
- Go to the library of the 2nd level and pull the unusual flare (wall
sconce) (it's brighter than the others) which opens the wall and exposes a
- You'll now be in a small dungeon with some enemies to fight.
- The passage straight ahead leads to the exit.
- Taking the right hand passage will bring you to Gvenvinn guarding the
Book of Death. She wants to talk at first, but then . . .
[59.2] Destroy the Book of Death
- After Gvenvinn has bit the dust, walk up to the book and interact with
it; put it to death too.
- This won't be a battle, you just need to touch the book, and presto!
[59.3] Tell Kael- Shot what has happened.
- The exit from the Dungeon is down another passage.
- Go back to him and tell him the happy news; once you're done speaking to
him the quest is completed. And you can quietly retire to some rest home in
the Bahamas - no wait, there's more to do in this adventure . . .
- And. . . you can become the Blademaster!
- If you go back into Castle Merlasser, the king's ghost is gone and there
is nothing left of him but his moldy old bones sitting on the throne. Also,
the Mage's Tower where Gvenvinn was is no longer accessible

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